Transes Historical Antecedents
Transes Historical Antecedents
Transes Historical Antecedents
After the Agricultural Revolution, scientific knowledge Voyages and the Invention of the compass - two
and technological advancements led to the rise of most important were the development of ships that
civilizations. can withstand long.
Technology was taught in universities; many artists
CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY also became scientists such as Leonardo Da Vinci
- which was dominated by the Greek and Roman Renaissance - is a cultural movement that is based on
civilization. Specifically, it started with the Ionian humanism, a system of thought that gives more
School of Philosophy. importance to humans than supernatural powers.
*The most notable Greek Philosophers of this period *In the latter part of Renaissance, the Scientific
are Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. Revolution emerged.
Socrates (470-399 BC) - known for his method of *It started at the same time as the foundation of
inquiry called elenchus (Question and Answer). England’s Royal Society which paved the way for a
Plato (427-347 BC) - student of Socrates. more organized scientific community.
He always emphasized the concept of proof and *Sir Isaac Newton and Benjamin Franklin are two
insisted on having concrete and clear hypothesis in notable members of the society.
understanding nature. Nicolaus Copernicus - a astronomers, became the
Aristotle (384-322 BC) - student of Plato. center controversy due to his heliocentric view of the
He is also known for his deductive method of Universe. This marked so-called Copernican
scientific inquiry. Revolution which was a shift from the geocentric view
City of Alexandria - became a center of scientific of the universe.
knowledge in Egypt. Microscope - paved the way for the understanding of
Edwin Smith Papyrus - one of the first important microorganisms and the many types of diseases
scientific text from Africa. associated with them.
Great Wall - the greatest construction achievement of * Zacharias Janssen - who invented the microscope
China at the time. *Galileo Galilei - the leading of the Scientific
MIDDLE AGES Revolution
- the development of science technology declined. -He introduced experimentation using the scientific
Rise of Christianity in Europe - also considered a method.
factor in the decline of science. *Fe Del Mundo - she invented the medical incubator
The Deadly Plague- ravaged Europe and Christians felt
the need to further their knowledge in medicine in Another period is emerged starting from the
order to develop a cure. publication of Carolus Linnaeus works on biological
*From Europe, the center of science and technology classification.
shifted to China and nearby areas. - This period is also known as the Enlightment, which
*In India, mathematics, medicine and astronomy emphasized logic and reasoning.
were well-advanced. Sir Isaac Newton - leading figure of the Enlightenment
*The Science of Islamic Civilization was also -His work is principia, established the foundation of
developed. modern-day physics.
Science was reviewed in Europe by Emperor Steam engine - most revolutionary
Charlemagne. *James Watt - he invented steam engine
- the steam engine made many industrial processes
MODERN AGE possible; it is also part of the Industrial Revolution.
-the Age of Discovery and Exploration started.
*One specific controversial theory was the Theory of
Evolution proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred
*In Germany, laboratories were dedicated to the -The Philippines became a predominantly agricultural
development of weapons in preparation for the World country.
-Due to the entry of foreign technology and
*Plastics were invented in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Led investments, some sectors such as the sugarcane and
to the development of new appliances, materials, and tobacco industry, were modernized.
products. University of the Philippines and the Philippine
Normal College - secularized public schools.
*The structure of the DNA was discovered in 1953 by
James Watson and Francis Crick with the aid from -In 1905, the Bureau of Science was established. It
studies of other scientists such as Rosalind Franklin. was the main research facility in the country until
World War 1.
In 140’s, the development of the pesticide
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), as well as the -In 1906, the Philippines Journal of Science was
invention of fertilizers, hybrid seeds and farm established to report scientific findings and
equipment, led to a new agricultural revolution. observations.
-However, when it was found that DDT has negative
effects on biodiversity and health, the movement of -In 1903, the Philippine Legislature passed an Act
environmentalism emerged as society’s response. establishing the National Research Council of the
-The development of computers, internet, software, Philippines.
and other digital technologies paved the way for the
Digital Revolution or Information Age. -During the Commonwealth, more industries were
established with government support.
-They used simple stone and metal tools. Later they -After the War, scientific and technological
developed potteries, ceramics, weavings, and other development was revived.
-By 1000 AD, Filipinos have developed good -In 1947, the Bureau of Science was replaced by the
shipbuilding technology. Institute of Science.
-By 16th century, Spaniards observed that some - In 1952, the Science Foundation of the Philippines
Filipino communities know artillery. They have many was established to promote science among Filipinos.
good weapons such as bows, spears, swords.
-In 1957, a study was done to determine the sudden
-Agricultural practices such as rice, farming, livestock decline of science and technology in the Philippines.
raising, and fishing was also existing.
University of Sto. Tomas - The beginning of modern CONCLUSION/SUMMARY
science and technology in the Philippines was brought The development of science and technology was
by the Spaniards. bome out of the needs of society. For instance, the
Anacleto Del Rosario, Leon Ma. Guerrero and development of machines was driven by society’s
Trinidad Pardo De Travera - Filipinos who became desire to make things easier and faster.
scientists went to Europe for training and study. On the other hand, science technology also influenced
*As the Spanish regime ended, only two science the society. Today, in the age of information
professions were relatively more developed - technology, new habits, lifestyles, and activities such
medicine and pharmacy. as social networking has developed.