Photosynthesis and Respiration Lab GHS
Photosynthesis and Respiration Lab GHS
Photosynthesis and Respiration Lab GHS
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are great examples of energy-transforming systems, sunlight, what happens to the
other 98–99% of energy?
and they define the two ways in which organisms derive the energy they need to survive.
Autotrophs (also called primary producers) capture free energy from the environment,
including energy from sunlight (photosynthesis) or chemical sources (chemosynthesis). They
transform this energy into other forms that can be used by themselves and other organisms
within their environment. Some examples of autotrophs include plants, algae, and some Photosynthesis and
chemosynthesis are two forms of
bacteria. Heterotrophs (consumers), on the other hand, obtain free energy from carbon
autotrophy. Provide an example
compounds produced by other organisms, including other heterotrophs and autotrophs.
of a chemosynthetic organism.
Within the web of life, autotrophs provide the food needed by all heterotrophs to grow,
survive, and reproduce.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are also the source of the stuff we use, such as
shampoo, plastic water bottles, clothes, and even medications. The materials for these items
are derived from petroleum, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons formed by the compression
of ancient fossilized organisms on the ocean bed. These ancient organisms were autotrophs Exercises
and heterotrophs that depended on photosynthesis to convert atmospheric CO2 to energy Collaborate and use outside
and organic matter. The process of converting CO2 to organic matter, then organic matter resources to answer the
to petroleum (hydrocarbons) can be viewed as energy storage and CO2 capture from the following questions:
atmosphere. What is happening to the captured CO2 when we convert petroleum to energy In photosynthesis, water (H2O)
and the things we use in our daily lives? is the ultimate electron donor,
and it is split to yield O2 . Provide
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Are Interdependent Pathways an example of an electron donor
That Are Central to Life used in chemosynthesis. What
In one way or another, all life on Earth depends on photosynthesis and cellular respiration. is the byproduct of its electron
Photosynthesis is the only biological process that can capture energy from sunlight and donation?
convert it into chemical compounds that all organisms — from bacteria to humans — use to
power metabolism, growth, and reproduction. Cellular respiration, in turn, is the process all
organisms require to derive energy from the products of photosynthesis (for example, sugars)
they consume. The carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis can be used to drive multiple
different metabolic processes, including cellular respiration. Cellular respiration uses the free
energy from sugar, for example, to produce a variety of metabolites and to phosphorylate ADP
into ATP to fuel other processes.
CO2 + H2O Sugars
Cellular Respiration:
C6H12O6 (sugar) + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + 36 ATP (energy) 2
coal, petroleum, etc.) is derived from solar energy that was trapped and stored during
photosynthesis long ago in the geological past. Today the global rate of energy capture
through photosynthesis is approximately three times the rate of power consumption by
humans. Photosynthesis occurs as two separate but coordinated sets of reactions: Exercises
Collaborate and use outside
• The Hill reaction, in which the energy from sunlight is captured and converted to
resources to answer the
chemical energy and water (H2O) is split to form free oxygen (O2)
following question:
• The Calvin cycle, in which the ATP and NADH made in the Hill reaction are used
The carbon fixation reactions
to convert CO2 to sugar
are sometimes called the dark
reactions to distinguish them
In eukaryotes, these reactions take place in an organelle specialized to the task: the from the Hill reaction. Is this an
chloroplast. The structure of the chloroplast facilitates its function in photosynthesis. accurate name? In other words,
Stacked and folded inner membranes (thylakoids) contain the pigments (chlorophylls and do these reactions occur only in
carotenoids) and enzymes required for the Hill reaction; the folded and stacked structures the dark?
provide a large surface area for pigments and light harvesting. In prokaryotes, these reactions
occur in infoldings of the inner membrane. The carbon fixation reactions occur within the
stroma of the chloroplast (cytosol of prokaryotes).
Directly or indirectly, nearly all ecosystems on Earth are powered by photosynthesis. For
example, when a top predator, such as a coyote, preys on a rabbit, the coyote is at the end
of an energy path that originated with nuclear reactions on the surface of the sun to light to
photosynthesis to vegetation to the rabbits and, finally, to the coyote.
Hill net reaction: 2 H2O + 3 ADP + 3 Pi + 2 NADP+ + energy (light) —> 3 ATP + 2 NADPH + O2
The NADPH and ATP are energy molecules that are utilized in the Calvin cycle to make sugars; the oxygen that is generated fuels
respiration by aerobic organisms like us.
Light Chloroplast
The Hill CO2
reaction in Stroma
the thylakoid
membrane Thylakoid P+
membrane AD + Pi
produces O2, The Calvin
ATP, and cycle in the
NADPH. H2O Calvin
cycle stroma uses
O2 reaction
to make
O2 such as sugars.
The Calvin Cycle Is Powered by the Products of the Hill Reaction
The Calvin cycle (carbon-fixing) reactions of photosynthesis use the ATP and NADPH made during the Hill reaction to convert CO2
into sugars.
Calvin net reaction: 6 CO2 + 18 ATP + 12 NADPH —> C6H12O6 (glucose) + 12 NADP+ + 18 ADP + 18 Pi
The enzyme RuBisCO (Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase Oxygenase) catalyzes the CO2 fixation step of the Calvin cycle.
Highlighting its critical role in sustaining life, RuBisCO is the most abundant protein on Earth — ~20–50% of the protein in every
leaf is RuBisCO.
The sugar and other intermediates produced by photosynthesis are the branch points for a number of different metabolic
pathways, including those that synthesize fats, amino acids, and other critical building blocks of life. Glucose also serves as a vital
food source and as a primary entry point to glycolysis and cellular respiration.
Intermembrane Thylakoid Intermembrane space
space lumen (periplasm)
And as with photosynthesis, the reactions of glycolysis and cellular respiration are compartmentalized in eukaryotes: In eukaryotes,
glycolysis (the initial breakdown of sugar) occurs in the cytosol, and cellular respiration — which also involves an electron transport
chain and an ATP synthase — occurs within mitochondria.
In fact, as we sleep each night, we lose weight just from respiration. It is estimated that, for every gram of air we breathe in as we sleep,
we lose about 0.013 gram of carbon (in CO2) and 0.019 gram of water vapor. This can add up to a pound of weight loss overnight!
In the presence of oxygen, the stepwise combustion of glucose yields energy in the forms of ATP, NADH, and FADH2. Ultimately,
since the latter two can be converted to units of ATP, one molecule of glucose yields approximately 36 molecules of ATP!
Remember, ATP is used for many different processes, including muscle action, nerve impulses, and other metabolic processes . . .
a lot of them! 4
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Occur within the Same Cell
It is important to understand that, although only autotrophs perform photosynthesis, ThINQ!
ALL organisms (you, your teacher, the neighbor’s cat, and the tree at the end of the street)
perform glycolysis and cellular respiration. In fact, the reactions that break down glucose
in the presence of oxygen are universal. Even autotrophs, who produce their own food, Collaborate and use outside
use glycolysis and cellular respiration to break down the sugars they synthesize in order to resources to answer the
extract energy and metabolites along the way. Where photosynthesis is the capture and following question:
transformation of light energy to chemical energy (photosynthates), respiration is the burning In the absence of oxygen,
of those photosynthates for energy to grow and to do the work of living. Both plants and organisms may undergo
animals (including microorganisms) need oxygen for aerobic respiration. This is why overly wet anaerobic fermentation to
or saturated soils are detrimental to root growth and function, as well as to the decomposition extract chemical energy and
processes carried out by microorganisms in the soil. metabolic intermediates from
glucose. What are some of the
products of fermentation that
In autotrophs such as algae, these pathways occur within the same cells! In fact, if you
occur in nature?
could look inside one of the algal cells you will be using in the lab investigations, you’d
see a large central chloroplast as well as smaller mitochondria — all within the same cell.
Though photosynthesis and cellular respiration are connected through common intermediate
metabolites in the cytosol, elegant regulatory pathways and differences in resource availability
ensure the algal cells balance the rates of photosynthesis and cellular respiration as needed to
survive environmental changes.
The algae beads used in the following investigations allow you to observe both pathways
simultaneously. You will incubate the algae beads in a CO2 indicator solution that is sensitive to
changes in pH caused by gaseous CO2 dissolving in water to form carbonic acid:
When the CO2 levels are high, the CO2 indicator will turn yellow, and when CO2 levels
decrease, it turns purple.
The following table summarizes some of the hallmarks of photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
Terminal electron NADP+ to generate NADPH2 for CO2 fixation Oxygen (O2) to generate water (H2O)
Investigations #1 and 2: Scenedesmus obliquus and Examining
the Rates of Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Scenedesmus obliquus is a eukaryotic microalgae. In these investigations, you will observe its
physiology and monitor the overall rates of photosynthesis and cellular respiration under light and
dark conditions.
Pre-lab questions:
1. In your own words (or using chemical reactions), describe how photosynthesis and
cellular respiration are interdependent:
2. What type of organism would you need to use to be able to monitor both
photosynthesis and cellular respiration?
3. Why are the eukaryotic algal cells in the Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
lab a good choice?
4. Which process (photosynthesis, cellular respiration, or both) do the algae perform
when incubated in the light? In the dark?
5. Photosynthesis uses CO2 and cellular respiration produces CO2. We call the point
when the two processes are in balance— when there is no net production of
CO2— the compensation point. How might you limit one of the processes in order
to achieve a compensation point?
6. Examining the data below, how do you expect the rate of cellular respiration to
impact the rate of photosynthesis that you can measure in the light and the dark?
7. What would happen to life on Earth if the rates of photosynthesis and cellular
respiration in all phototrophs were equal?
Investigation #1: Algae Microscopy
In this exercise, you will depolymerize the algae bead to free the algae (Scenedesmus obliquus)
and observe the algae under a microscope.
The Scenedesmus genus is one of the most common unicellular freshwater algae. Though it
can exist in a single cell (unicell) stage, it is also often seen in coenobia of four to eight cells.
The coenobia you observe may have end cells with two long spines protruding from the outer
corners. Each cell contains a single, plate-like chloroplast. Scenedesmus is used as an
experimental system in research on pollution, photosynthesis, and biofuels. In another practical
application, Scenedesmus provides oxygen for the bacterial decomposition of organic matter in
sewage purification processes.
1. Gently invert the tube of debeaded algae to mix, and then use a fresh transfer pipet to
transfer 1 drop of dissolved algae bead solution to the center of a microscope slide.
2. Place a coverslip over the microscope slide.
3. Observe under a microscope, taking notes and making sketches.
Data Collection and Analysis
1. Draw some of the cells you see. Do you see coenobia? If so, how many cells do you
typically see per coenobium?
2. Do the S. obliquus vary in color? What does the intensity of the color tell you about the
3. Draw a diagram that represents the interdependence of photosynthesis and cellular
respiration within the algae cells. This diagram should include the connections between
the products and reactants for each process, the location/organelle in which each
process occurs, and a short description of what is occurring during photosynthesis and
cellular respiration.
1. Label one empty cuvette light, and the other cuvette dark. Label each cuvette so that it does
not obstruct light reaching the algae beads.
2. Label a transfer pipet algae and convert it into a scoop (see example) Use the algae transfer
pipet to transfer _____ algae beads into each of the light and dark tubes.
3. Label a new transfer pipet excess and use it to remove and discard the liquid that transferred
along with the beads.
4. Label a new transfer pipet wash and use it to add ____ml of distilled water to each of the
tubes. Let the algae beads incubate in the water for 5 min to allow indicator within the bead to
wash out.
5. Use the wash transfer pipet to remove the water from the tubes. Discard the water into the
waste container.
6. Label a new transfer pipet indicator and use it to transfer ____ ml of CO2 indicator to each
tube. Cap tubes tightly.
7. Wrap the tube labeled dark in aluminum foil. Place both the cuvettes labeled light and dark
on their sides 15–25 cm from the lamp. Ensure that the beads are distributed evenly throughout
the tube and the clear side of the tube faces the light.
8. Collect data starting at time = 0 min. Every 5 min, thoroughly mix the CO2 indicator in the
cuvettes and determine the color. This can be done by comparing the color of the CO2 indicator
in your cuvette to the provided Indicator Color Guide, or by reading the absorbance at 550 nm
(A550) in a spectrophotometer (make sure your teacher has zeroed the machine). Be quick
about taking this reading and immediately return the cuvettes to the experimental conditions.
9. If enough time remains after the last time point, switch the light and dark cuvettes. Place the
cuvette labeled light in the dark and the cuvette labeled dark in the light. Continue to record pH
or A550 every 5 min
Data Collection
1. Enter your data in a table
2. Make some general observations about your experimental setup (type of light bulb, light bulb
color, brightness of the light bulb, distance of your tubes from the light, temperature of the room,
location of your experimental setup relative to other light sources, etc.). It might be useful to
sketch your experimental setup. Why might these general observations be important?
Analysis of Results
The goal of this analysis is to determine the rates of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in
the light and in the dark.
1. Graph your results. Label the y-axis with pH or A 550 value intervals that are appropriate
to your data. Plot the color change versus time for both your light and dark samples on
the same graph, as below. Use a ruler to draw a best fit line for the linear region of your
light and dark datasets. Hint: use a different color to plot your light and dark results, or
use solid and dashed lines.
2. Calculate the slope. Mark two points along your light best fit line. Try to choose points
that are far apart but are still in the linear range of the graph. Do the same with the dark
best fit line. Are your slopes positive or negative for light and dark conditions? What does
this mean about the change in CO2
3. Under which condition did the CO2 indicator turn more alkaline? Why?
4. Under which condition did the solution start to change color more quickly (light or dark)?
(Hint: look at the absolute value of the slopes you calculated.)
5. How does cellular respiration impact the observed rate of photosynthesis? Is your
calculated rate of photosynthesis accurate? Why or why not?
6. Revisit your diagram of photosynthesis and cellular respiration from either Pre-Lab #3 or
Investigation #1. Revise your diagram to demonstrate how the experimental design of
your current investigation affects these processes. Indicate where the rates of these
processes may increase or decrease and describe why. Also indicate how the organism
will be affected if the conditions of your investigation were to continue.
7. Look up current ocean pH values. How do the current values compare to those from
previous years? Consider what you’ve just learned about algae and how the chemistry of
the indicator used in the experiments you just performed works. Hypothesize why oceans
are at their current pH. How is the pH of the ocean changing and why? How might this
affect the organisms that live in the ocean?
As with light intensity, the growth of plants is strongly correlated to the wavelengths of light
available to them. A number of developmental changes result from changes in light quality,
including flowering and senescence. In the laboratory or classroom, wavelengths of light
from tungsten or fluorescent bulbs are different from those of natural sunlight. As a result,
the rates of photosynthesis measured under artificial light sources will be different from those
observed under the sun.
Effects of Other Environmental Factors
Plants in your garden are sensitive to other environmental factors as well, including
water availability, soil conditions, nutrient availability, presence of pests and disease, and
temperatures. The ability of algae to perform photosynthesis and cellular respiration is
similarly sensitive to environmental factors, including substrate availability (CO2, O2, water)
and temperature. In the laboratory investigations that follow, you will design and conduct
experiments to test the effects of different conditions on photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
The following sections will help you ask a question about photosynthesis and cellular
respiration, formulate a hypothesis, develop an experiment to test this hypothesis, and predict
Revisit your diagram of photosynthesis and cellular respiration from Investigation #1. Revise
diagram to demonstrate how the experimental design of your current investigation affects these
processes. Indicate where the rates of these processes may increase or decrease and describe
why. Also indicate how the organism will be affected if the conditions of your investigation were
to continue. List any ideas you have for further refining your hypothesis and testing your
experimental design.
Revisit your diagram of photosynthesis and cellular respiration from Investigation #1. Revise
your diagram to demonstrate how the experimental design of your current investigation affects
these processes. Indicate where the rates of these processes may increase or decrease and
describe why. Also indicate how the organism will be affected if the conditions of your
investigation were to continue. List any ideas you have for further refining your hypothesis and
testing your experimental design.
Revisit your diagram of photosynthesis and cellular respiration from Investigation #1. Revise
your diagram to demonstrate how the experimental design of your current investigation affects
these processes. Indicate where the rates of these processes may increase or decrease and
describe why. Also indicate how the organism will be affected if the conditions of your
investigation were to continue. List any ideas you have for further refining your hypothesis and
testing your experimental design.
Revisit your diagram of photosynthesis and cellular respiration from Investigation #1. Revise
your diagram to demonstrate how the experimental design of your current investigation affects
these processes. Indicate where the rates of these processes may increase or decrease and
describe why. Also indicate how the organism will be affected if the conditions of your
investigation were to continue. List any ideas you have for further refining your hypothesis and
testing your experimental design.