Alter Nador
Alter Nador
Alter Nador
Until electrical system compo- • Medium amps: Some multiple of low amp
NOTICE nent temperatures stabilize, value. This rate will cause battery tempera-
these conditions may be observed during cold start ture to rise over 4 to 8 hours.
voltage tests. • High amps: High amp rates over short time
• Maintenance battery: (2 to 3 hours) can severely overheat battery
— Immediately after engine start, system and cause thermal runaway.
volts are lower than regulator setpoint
with medium amps. • Charge voltage: Voltage delivered to battery
— 3-5 minutes into charge cycle, higher when alternator and regulator are properly
system volts and reduced amps. operating. Regulator setpoint and charge
— 5-10 minutes into charge cycle, system voltage are the same value. Charge voltage
volts are at, or nearly at, regulator and amp rates vary for each battery, based on
setpoint, and amps are reduced to a battery technology, size and state of charge.
minimum. • Battery voltage: Steady-state voltage of
• Low maintenance battery: battery/open circuit. Value relates directly to
— Same as above with slightly longer state of charge.
recharge times. • B+ voltage: Battery positive voltage – not a
• Maintenance-free battery: specific value.
— Immediately after engine start, system • Surface charge: Higher-than-normal terminal
volts are lower than regulator setpoint voltage present on the battery when it comes
with low amps. off a charger or after extended time in opera-
— 15-30 minutes into charge cycle, still tion. Surface charge must be removed to
low volts and low amps. determine true battery voltage.
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Section 1: Wiring C. E. Niehoff & Co.
R Terminal
D+ Terminal
B+ Terminal
B Ground Bolt
R Terminal
D+ Terminal
B+ Terminal
B Ground Bolt
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C. E. Niehoff & Co.
BRUSHLESS ALTERNATORS Section 2: Basic Troubleshooting
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Section 3: Advanced Troubleshooting C. E. Niehoff & Co.
è Chart 1 – No Output – Test for Residual Magnetism
Go to Chart 2.
Momentarily (1 sec.) jumper D+ terminal on regulator to B+
terminal on alternator. Touch shaft with steel tool to detect
any magnetism. Is shaft magnetized?
Yes No
Operate alternator. Does voltage output exist? Go to Chart 2.
Yes No
System operating normally. Go to Chart 2.
Unplug alternator-to-regulator harness. Plug Special Tool A10-129 into harness plug.
Clip red lead to B+ terminal on alternator. Touch black lead to ground on alternator case.
Spark will occur. Touch steel tool to shaft to detect any magnetism. Is shaft magnetized?
Yes No
Disconnect Tool. Go to Chart 3. Disconnect Tool. Alternator is defective.
Check for battery voltage across Pins A and E on plug end of harness. Does voltage exist?
Yes No
Alternator is defective.
Disconnect battery cable to B+ terminal on alternator. Connect red
lead of DMM to Pin B on plug end of harness. Connect black lead to PIN CONNECTIONS
B+ terminal on alternator. Does continuity exist? Pin A B
Pin B Field +
Yes No Pin C Field
Pin D AC
Alternator G Pin E B+
G G Figure 3
Regulator is defective. Alternator is defective. Alternator-to-Regulator
Harness Plug
If you have questions about your alternator or any of these test procedures, or if you need to locate a Factory Authorized Service Distributor, please contact us at: