013G5002 Brochure
013G5002 Brochure
013G5002 Brochure
Application: RA 2000 Thermostatic Radiator Valves regulate systems. Operators and valves are packaged
the flow of hot water or low pressure steam separately to allow an installer to select a
through free-standing radiators, baseboards, suitable combination for each application.
or convectors in hot water and two-pipe steam
Standard Valve Mounted Standard Valve Mounted • Standard valve mounted operators are
Dial and Sensor Dial with Remote Sensor equipped with a “snap-action” mechanism
that allows for easy installation and removal
without the use of tools. Optional anti-theft
protection clips are available.
Straight FPT x MPT Angle FPT x MPT • Sturdy EPDM rubber valve disc provides a
Union Tailpiece Union Tailpiece positive seal against the valve seat at
differential pressures of up to 15 PSI in hot
water heating systems, while 15psig for low
pressure steam systems.
Design and Function: The RA 2000 thermostatic operator consists in the bellows closing the valve. The balanced
of a saturated vapor charged bellows and a pressures between the adjustment spring and
setting dial. The dial is set to the position equal the bellows ensure a smooth and modulating
to the desired temperature. When the ambient operation of the valve. Danfoss RA 2000 are
temperature lowers, the pressure from the manufactured to the highest quality standards
bellows will reduce, allowing the valve to open. in an ISO 9001 factory.
A rise of temperature increases the pressure
No. Description:
Typical Installation Configuration = Operator Type + Valve Type
Separate remote
Baseboards/Convectors mounted dial and Straight,
The hot water or low- sensor. The remote Angle,
pressure steam fin-tube dial mounts on the Side-
baseboard or convector wall or enclosure Mount
= +
arrangement requires (max. 6’ away). The Angle or
the dial and sensor to be sensor is mounted Double
mounted separately, away beneath the radiation Solder
from the valve. or on a draft free wall Union
6’away from the dial.
Important! Valve mounted dial and sensor operators heat radiating upwards from the valve resulting
should be installed horizontally. in the premature closing of the valve.
If mounted vertically, the operators will sense
RA 2000 Operators
Ordering Information: Operator Code No. Description Sensor Capillary
* Includes sockets for use on RAV, KOVM and VMT valve bodies.
RA 2000 Valves
Valve Code No. Size Valve Type Cv* Connections (inlet x outlet)
Valve Connection
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 H1 H2
Type Type
1/2” NPT 2-5/8” 3-3/4” 1-57/64” 3-3/4”
3/4” NPT 2-29/32” 4-3/16” 2-1/16” 3-15/16”
1” NPT 3-17/32” 4-31/32 2-1/16” 3-15/16”
1-1/4” NPT 4-1/4” 5-29/32” 2-9/64” 4-1/64”
1/2” NPT 1-3/16” 2-9/32” 1-1/64” 1-57/64” 3-3/4”
3/4” NPT 1-11/32” 2-5/8” 1-9/64” 2-1/16” 3-15/16”
1” NPT 1-9/16” 3” 1-11/32” 2-1/16” 3-15/16”
1-1/4” NPT 1-3/4” 3-3/8” 1-9/16” 2-1/16” 3-15/16”
1/2” NPT 1-1/8” 2-1/4” 1-1/64” 2-3/8” 4-1/4”
Side 3/4” NPT 1-11/32” 2-5/8” 1-9/64” 2-7/16” 4-5/16”
Mount 1” NPT 1-9/16” 3” 1-11/32” 2-3/8” 4-1/4”
1-1/4” NPT 1-3/4” 3-3/8” 1-9/16” 2-3/8” 4-1/4”
Double 1/2” 2-5/8” 3-15/16” 1-57/64” 3-3/4”
Solder 3/4” 2-15/16” 4-5/8” 2-1/16” 3-15/16”
Design load: 28MBH
Pipe Size: 3/4”
P-deviation ≤ 4°F
RA Socket 1
For RA 2000
Wall Mount
Code No. Description Position No.
013G5068 013G8591 Socket Body for RA 2000 1
013G8568 013G5503 Bellows Holder (set of 2 pcs) 2
RA Socket 1
For RA 2000
Wall Mount 2
Code No. Description Position No.
013G5068 013G8593 Socket Body for RAV, VMT and KOVM 1
013G8568 013G5503 Bellows Holder (set of 2 pcs) 2
Warning: Brass products such as Danfoss thermostatic Neglecting the above restrictions may in some
radiator valves should not be installed in hy- circumstances cause damage to the brass in the
dronic or steam heating systems that are being valve allowing the heating fluid to escape, pos-
treated with medias that contain, or that during sibly scalding any bystanders.
the process of treatment could develop, agents
aggressive to brass. In concentrations larger Note: To avoid internal damage and void the
than shown, agents such as Ammonia (0.2mg/l), warranty, mineral oils must not come in contact
Mercury (0.01mg/l), Oxygen (0.01mg/l), Carbon with EPDM valve components.
Dioxide (0.05mg/l), or Chloride (20mg/l) must
be avoided. Further the pH-value of the me-
dium in contact with the brass products should
not exceed 9.5.
Typical Specifications: The thermostatic radiator valve assembly orientation. The thermostatic operator shall
shall be a two part assembly consisting of the be available in either a valve or wall mounted
brass valve body and thermostatic operator. dial operator. The valve mounted dial shall be a
The brass valve body shall have a packing vapor charged operator and installed via snap-
gland assembly capable of replacement while action mechanism or Allen key. Assembly shall
the system is in operation. The valve shall be conform to ASHREA / ANSI standard 102-1983.
available in a straight, angle, or side mount
Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in printed materials and reserves the right to alter its products without notice.
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