Survey Guidelines

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The QS Global Academic and Employer Surveys inform the academic and employer reputation metrics that
are used in the QS Rankings as an indicator.
For this purpose, QS invites academics and employers from across the globe to participate and share their
opinion through these surveys.

Each year, QS requires universities to invite academics and employers to participate in our reputation
surveys. The procedure of participation is outlined on our support website, here.

The consent email templates for sign-up invitations and for supplying contact information via nomination
lists can be found here.

1. Nomination List:

For a university to submit their nomination lists to QS, the following steps must be followed:
1.1. Download the nomination list template in CSV format from here.
1.2. After seeking consent from their contacts, the contact details must be filled in the template as per
the instructions given in
1.3. Nomination lists must then be saved in CSV UTF-8 format for safe uploading to Hub.
1.4. Log in to Hub by entering your login credentials at QS Hub 2.0 • Log In
1.5. Go to Institutions → Statistics → Nominations → Upload

1.6. Select Academic/Employer from the drop-down menu. You can download the template and
instructions for upload from the buttons as shown in the screenshot below.

1.7. Click on upload to browse to the file that must be uploaded as the nomination list. Check the box
for consent and then proceed to save your submission.
2. Instructions to fill Nomination List:

For each of the contacts filled in the nomination list, the columns are to be filled as per the following

2.1. Source
Source of a contact would be the institution that is submitting the nomination list to QS. The name
of your institution must be written in its official formats with no acronyms or abbreviations.

2.2. Title
This is the formal salutation the contact prefers to use with their name.

2.3. First and Last Name

The first and last name are to be entered in separate boxes in proper text format and with no
spaces at the end or beginning.

2.4. Job Title

For the function of uniformity, QS employs a list of designations for both academic and employers.
It is requested that you fill the contact’s designation within these roles. However, if a contact does
not fall under the given categories, feel free to use “others” and proceed to mention the role in
E.g., Others (xyz)

2.4.1. Academic Designations –

i. President/Vice-Chancellor
ii. Vice-President/Deputy Vice-Chancellor
iii. Senior Administrator
iv. Head of Department
v. Professor/Associate Professor
vi. Assistant Professor
vii. Senior Lecturer
viii. Lecturer
ix. Research Specialist
x. Administrator/Functional Manager
xi. Research Assistant
xii. Teaching Assistant
xiii. Admissions Officer
xiv. Librarian/Library Assistant
xv. Other

2.4.2. Employer Designations –

i. CEO/President/Managing Director
iii. Director/Partner/Vice President
iv. Senior Human Resources/Recruitment
v. Other Human Resources/Recruitment
vi. Manager/Executive
vii. Consultant/Advisor
viii. Coordinator/Officer
ix. Analyst/Specialist
x. Assistant/Administrator
xi. Other

2.5. Department / Industry

As the departments (academic) and their names vary from institution to institution, it is requested
that name of the department of any contact be mentioned in full form.

For employers, QS uses a set list of industries that most organizations fall under. Please find the list
i. Agriculture/Fishing/Forestry
ii. Construction/Real Estate
iii. Consulting/Professional Service
iv. Consumer Goods
v. Defence/Security/Rescue
vi. Education
vii. Engineering
viii. Entertainment/Leisure
ix. Finance/Banking
x. Government/Public Sector
xi. Health/Medical
xii. Hospitality/Travel/Tourism
xiii. HR/Recruitment/Training
xiv. Law
xv. Logistics/Transportation
xvi. Manufacturing
xvii. Media/Advertising
xviii. Metals/Mining
xix. Non-profit/Charity
xx. Oil & Gas
xxi. Pharma/Biotech
xxii. R&D/Science
xxiii. Renewable Energy
xxiv. Retail/Wholesale
xxv. Technology
xxvi. Telecoms
xxvii. Utilities
xxviii. Other

If your organization happens to fall into an industry that does not belong to the given list, please
use the “other” option and specify the industry in brackets ().

2.6. Institution / Company Name

Institution (for academics) and company name (for employers) is that of the contact person whose
details are being shared. Please make sure these are written in the same format as in an official

2.7. Location

QS uses a list of locations/territories to classify institutions. Therefore, it is imperative that the

contact details filled in specify the same regional distribution. Thus, it is requested that when filling
in the location, please refrain from using street, city, or state address under location. It is suggested
that a country or territory name is used.

Please check below for the list of locations that show on the QS Academic and Employer surveys,

Afghanistan Cyprus Kuwait Rwanda

Albania Czech Republic Kyrgyzstan Saint Barthelemy
Algeria Democratic Republic Laos Saint Kitts and Nevis
Andorra of the Congo Latvia Saint Lucia
Angola Denmark Lebanon Saint Vincent and the
Anguilla Djibouti Liberia Grenadines
Antarctica Dominica Libya Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda Dominican Republic Liechtenstein Saudi Arabia
Argentina Ecuador Lithuania Senegal
Armenia Egypt Luxembourg Serbia
Aruba El Salvador Macau SAR Sierra Leone
Australia Equatorial Guinea Macedonia Singapore
Austria Estonia Madagascar Slovakia
Azerbaijan Eswatini Malawi Slovenia
Bahamas Ethiopia Malaysia Somalia
Bahrain Fiji Maldives South Africa
Bangladesh Finland Malta South Korea
Barbados France Mauritius South Sudan
Belarus French Guiana Mayotte Spain
Belgium French Polynesia Mexico Sri Lanka
Belize Gabon Moldova Sudan
Benin Georgia Monaco Sweden
Bhutan Germany Mongolia Switzerland
Bolivia Ghana Montenegro Syria
Bosnia and Gibraltar Morocco Taiwan SAR
Herzegovina Greece Mozambique Tajikistan
Botswana Greenland Myanmar Tanzania
Brazil Grenada Namibia Thailand
British Indian Ocean Guatemala Nepal Timor - Leste
Territory Guernsey Netherlands Tonga
Brunei Darussalam Guinea Netherlands Antilles Trinidad and Tobago
Bulgaria Guyana New Zealand Tunisia
Burkina Faso Haiti Nicaragua Turkey
Burundi Honduras Niger Turkmenistan
Cambodia Hong Kong SAR Nigeria Turks and Caicos Islands
Cameroon Hungary North Korea Uganda
Canada Iceland Norway Ukraine
Cape Verde India Oman United Arab Emirates
Cayman Islands Indonesia Pakistan United Kingdom
Central African Iran Palestine (State of) United States
Republic Iraq Panama Uruguay
Chad Ireland Papua New Guinea Uzbekistan
Chile Israel Paraguay Venezuela
China Mainland Italy Peru Vietnam
Colombia Ivory Coast Philippines Virgin Islands [British]
Comoros Jamaica Poland Yemen
Costa Rica Japan Portugal Zambia
Crimea Jordan Puerto Rico Zimbabwe
Croatia Kazakhstan Qatar Other
Cuba Kenya Romania
Curaçao Kosovo Russia
2.8. Email

It is suggested that professional/official email addresses are submitted for both academics and
employers. Please note the following for submission of email address:

i. Try to not use generic or team email addresses such as [email protected],

[email protected], or [email protected].
ii. Please note that email field contains only one email per cell. In case there are 2 emails in
one cell, please duplicate the whole raw and enter the second (third etc.) email into the
appropriate cell.
iii. Please note that two or more people submitting the same email address will only receive
the survey invitation once. Thus, it is important to use distinct IDs.
iv. Please make sure that email cell does not contain the following characters: [ ] { } ( ) ; : , < > ‘
v. Please check that email addresses do not contain spaces before, after or in between the ID

2.9. Phone (Optional)

Submitting phone numbers of the academic or employer contact is optional and can be opted out
of in case of privacy concerns. However, please use the international code of the location when
sharing a phone number.

3. Survey Invitation:

QS sends out invitations for participation in the Academic and Employer reputation surveys from the month
of February to March. Each contact receives a maximum of three emails (one invitation and two reminders).
These emails are sent by [email protected]

Following steps can be taken to be certain that the emails are received in your inbox:
i. Add [email protected] to your safe sender or whitelist to ensure that the emails do not bounce
or get sent to your spam/junk folder.
ii. In case where the email address is connected to a central server, please ensure through your IT
support that the email ID has been whitelisted and does not get blocked by your organization.
iii. During the survey invitation time period (February-March), please check your spam/junk folder
on a weekly basis to ensure that the invitations have not been missed out.

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