The Art of Exceptional Living Jim Rohn
The Art of Exceptional Living Jim Rohn
The Art of Exceptional Living Jim Rohn
● The greatest value in life is not what you get; the greatest value in life is what you become.
● Learn to work harder on yourself, than you do on the job.
● If you work hard on the job, you make a living. Work hard on yourself, you make a fortune.
What changed?
● Good fortune: met a unique and successful man named Earl Schoaff. Worked for him for 5 years
working for him in his businesses
● Benefit of his philosophy. How to be wealthy. How to be happy. Earl was his mentor.
Key learnings
Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion. . . ponder it. If it makes you wonder? Its
valuable. Make sure you action is the result of your evaluation. Inspiration into HIGH ACTION. Glowing
sense of freedom and lifestyle.
Key concepts
· Fundamentals: basics that build the foundations for accomplishment, productivity, success and
lifestyle. No new fundamentals. Success doesn’t have any mysteries. Success is a natural result of the
consistent application of the practical fundamentals. Do ordinary things extraordinarily well. If you wish
for the good life: there are always about a ½ dozen things that make 80% of the difference.
· Wealth: provoke that wide variety of mental images. That is where incentive is born. That is where the
dreams are. Life unique, life abundant. What does it mean? Millionaire. Freedom. Opportunity. Added
dignity. Expanded lifestyle.
· Happiness: joy of discovery, and joy of knowing. Color, sound of life. Living well. Designing it.
Harmony. Ideas. Elusive by nature. But JOY. . .
· Discipline: magic word. positive word. The bridge between thought and accomplishment. . . inspiration
and value achievement. . . If I will, I can. Start the process. Only affirm what you are truly prepared to do.
New beginning. He really went off here. All you have to lose is your quasi shitty past. Fly with the eagles.
· Success: progress AND achievement. Turn away to turn TOWARD something. Respond YES to the
invitation of chance. Of all things, what do YOU want for your life?
Your personal philosophy is the “set of the sail” meaning how you trim your sails given the wind
of life
● Blame is insidious, easy, and self-defeating
● What is your seed, soil, sunshine, rain?
● How do you deal with all of life’s stuff and turn it into equity.
● Strengthen your philosophy
○ Your whole life will take on a whole new meaning once you change your personal
● Set a better sail
Philosophy: ask yourself, “Is my outlook about circumstances or about your philosophy?”
● Blaming circumstances is what you would expect.
● This is what a typical human would do.
Failure: a few errors in judgment repeated every day. Think negative habit; accumulated disaster.
Behind on your promises . . .
● Are there errors in my current judgement?
Success: a few simple disciplines practiced every day. Think bigger on the habit front.
Pre-philosophy (first 6 years): Jim Rohn had pennies in his pocket and is behind on his promises.
Post-philosophy (next 6 years): Jim Rohn is a millionaire by 31.
It’s about ideas. Information. It is because we lack ideas that we forego success. . .
Bible quote: “in order to find, you must search.” Go looking. Go searching.
You can be sincere, work hard all your life and still wake up broke and embarrassed.
Book: How to read a book, by Mortimer Moradler – The Best Book to ever write a book.
Book: Lessons of History by Durant (also: story of philosophy) – don’t just read the easy stuff.
Topics of interest:
● accounting, law, economics (we get paid for bringing value to the marketplace)
The first first book Jim Rohn ever wrote: Seasons of Life. He then tells a story about the best sermon
he’s ever heard and he was the only in the congregation taking notes.
On self worth
● We don’t get paid for time, we get paid for value.
● Key question: is it possible to become twice as valuable and make twice as much money in the
same time? Three times?
● Want to make top income? Study the $52MM that the Disney CEO makes
The secret: Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job.
4 Major Life Lessons (don’t major in minor things) - are you spending major time on minor
1. Learn how to handle the winters. They come with regularity. It isn’t going to change. Some are
short, some are long. The winter of discontent. Economic winters, social winters, disappointment.
Learn how to handle difficulty. It comes after opportunity. You can get 1) stronger, 2) wiser, and
3) better. “Don’t wish it was easier. Wish you were better?”
2. Learn how to take advantage of the spring. Spring follows winter. Is it reliable? Well, 6,000
years is pretty reliable. Expansion follows recession. You can count on it. “Take advantage” are
the operative words. You must DO something during the day. Read every book you can get your
hands on to take advantage of the spring. Get busy on your Springs. Life is brief even at the
longest. “She lived her life like a candle in the wind”. Don’t let the season pass, pass, pass.
3. Learn how to nourish and protect your crops all summer. Once planted, the weeds will take it
unless you prevent it. Major skill: preventing the intruder from taking the good. “All good will be
attacked” (don’t know why, but it's true). “All values must be defended.” Family, business,
marriage. . . all values must be d
4. Learn how to reap in the fall without complaint. Take full responsibility for what happens =
highest form of human maturity. Success, no apologies. Failures, no complaint. The problem is
inside, not outside. Success isn’t something we pursue, it's something you BECOME. What
“happens” occurs to everybody. It’s not what happens, it's what you do about it.
Murphy’s Laws: if something can go wrong, it will. Jim has lost millions. Jim had $3MM and lost $2MM.
What are you going to do starting today that is going to make a difference in how your life turns out? No
change? Your life will be the same. What will happen? It’ll be like the last 5 years.
What is the “new excitement”? Discipline. Get excited about your ability to make yourself do the
necessary things to get a desired result.
What could you do starting today? Answer: no telling. What are you becoming? Habits of mind,
attitude, behavior are a dominant part of what we are becoming. New habits will come when we change.
Start with changing small parts. Forming one of two small habits. This is where the good life comes from.
Personal change.
Change = 10% inspiration + 90% perspiration. New habits. New activities. Work towards your affirmation.
If you can’t defend your virtues and philosophy, you will fall prey to philosophies that are not in your best
The 5 Abilities
1. Absorb. Soak it up. Pay attention. Be like a sponge. Don’t miss the words, the color, the
scenario. Most people are trying to just get THROUGH the day. Get FROM the day. Commit
yourself to learning. Wherever you are, be there. Take pictures of your mind, your heart, your
soul. Casualness leads to casualties.
2. Respond. Let life touch you. Let sad things make you sad, and happy things make you happy.
Let the emotions affect you. Our emotions need to be educated as much as our intellect. Let life
in. Let it touch you. Did you miss the ending of Dr. Zhivago? “How did you come to be lost?” “My
father let go of my hand.” “Your real father would never had let go of your hand.”
3. Reflect. Go back over, study it again. Read the text one more time. Go back over your day. . .
“run the tapes again”. Take a few minutes to reflect on the day: who’d you meet, how did you
feel? Each day is part of the mosaic of your life. Make it serve you, don’t miss it. End of day. End
of week. Capture that week. Schedule half a day at the end of the month to go back over what
you saw, how you lived. Schedule a weekend at the end of the year t o encode the year.
Remember the highs. The lows. Lock that day, week, month, year in. Work 9 years and take the
10th year to reflect, i.e. biblical sabbatical. What do you have now that you didn’t have at the
beginning at the 9 years. Solitude is important. Jim uses a motor home with a motorcycle on the
back. Takes the jeep trails. Alone. Shut the door and wonder. Let things move into your
consciousness. Why reflect? Make your past serve your future.
4. Act. Take action. When the idea is hot and the emotion is strong. . . act. Otherwise, law of
diminishing intent. If intent isn’t translated into action, it dwindles and becomes cold. ACTION.
Otherwise the wisdom is wasted. Discipline is the capturing of emotion and translating it into
action. Every let down affects the rest of your performance. One of the greatest temptation is
easing up a bit. In the slightest way, neglect starts an infection and diminishes self-respect and
self-value. Antidote: start a discipline. You have a wisdom of the world available to you. 3% have
a library card. Say goodbye to the 97%. Affirmation without discipline is called DELUSION.
Discipline. Make rest a necessity not an objective. The objective of life is to act, not to rest.
5. Share. Pass things along. Found a book, got me inspired. Pass it along! If you share with 10
different people you get to hear it 10 times. Everybody wins when somebody shares. Share you
knowledge. “Your words touch my life.” Your sharing is like seeds that will sprout and influence
people. Sharing helps you, it helps the receiver, it makes you bigger than you are. If you’re full of
good ideas, pour it out. Share it. More will be poured in. Our capacity is unlimited. You expand
your capacity by sharing. Why is capacity? To expand our consciousness. Be bigger. Think more,
ponder more, more wisdom.
Goal to become financially independent: the ability to live from the income of your own personal
resources. It’s powerful. It’s a worthy ambition.
Book to read: The Richest Man in Babylon. It is an “appetizer” for the
What you do with what you have is more important than what we have. What you do with what you get, is
more important than what we get. It is a reflection of our philosophy. It is an indication. It speaks, tells,
shows. Everything is symptomatic of something—something right, or something wrong. What you are
doing with your money says something about you. Take a look.
“If you had a better plan, you’d have more money.” It’s the plan. It’s not what you allocate, its HOW you
Mrs. Fields invented a new chocolate chip cookie and was a millionaire by the time she was 30.
Find something. Leave it better. Create value, and bring it to the marketplace.
Never underestimate the power of influence. The influence of those around us is so powerful. Peer
pressure is a particularly insidious.
If you’re around people who don’t read many books, there’s a good chance you won’t read any books.
Behavior is mostly influenced by ideas. Ideas are mostly influenced by education. Education is
mostly influenced by the people with whom we associate.
Don’t join an easy crowd. Ask the right questions. The latest ideas you’ve discovered. Your enterprise,
your philosophy, your discipline. Go where the demands and expectations are high. And the spotlight is
on you to grow and to become more than what you currently are.
Daily changes, some so very slight, added up to weighty sums over 1, 3 and 5 years?
It was key to hear the ideas repeated, along with a sense of accountability. Progress.
When Jim Rohn showed Mr. Shoaff his goal list Mr Shoaff asked:
● Is this your list?
● How about your health goals?
● How about your investment goals?
● Family goals?
● Travel goals?
● Gifts & sharing?
● Want to meet?
● What would you like to become?
● What skills do you want to develop?
● Did you ever want to write a book?
● Be a person of power, influence and culture?
● How about education for children?
● Make some new friends?
● Parachute out of an airplane?
● Need a cabin in the mountains?
● What do you want to prove? What mark do you want to make?
This was a mind-expanding conversation for Jim Rohn. It’s just not about the answers. It's the questions
from the right people with the awareness & skill to ask them.
Here’s a project you might consider: chose 2-3 people for whom you have great respect. What
questions would THEY ASK of people to help someone make the best choice that would lead to a happy
& successful life?
● You’d be surprised by the variability across the 3 people
● You might get enough homework to get busy on for the next few years
Learning how to set goals was one of the fastest ways Jim Rohn improved his life. Mr. Schoffe asked Jim
if he could see his current of goals. “Is your list out in the car?” If you don’t have any goals, I could guess
your bank balance within a few hundred dollars.
Chapter 10: Set goals and Design the Next 10 Years of Your Life
“The sooner you exert the discipline, the sooner you will be enjoying the results.”
15-minute Exercise: What do I want within the next 1-10 years? List 50 things. These are long range
goals. Questions to get you started:
● What do you want to do?
● What do you want to see?
● What do I want to be/have/go/share?
● Label the goals 1, 3, 5, 10 years to bucket the goals
Reference: some of the Apollo astronauts, after returning from the moon, exhibited feelings of deep
sadness and anguish. Why? They didn’t have a next goal. After the moon, what could come next? Don’t
languish too long at the table of success. Later astronauts made sure they had major projects. Wrap up
one goal, start right on the next one. Get hungry.
3 Goal Categories:
1. Economic: income, profits, productivity
Once complete, pick out the 4 most important for each category:
● 1 years goals
● 3 year goals
● 5 year goals
● 10 year goals
● These 16 goals will give you plenty of work for now.
Introductory guidance:
● “Don’t just learn how to earn, learn how to live.”
● Lifestyle = learning how to live
● Great challenge of life: being happy with what you have, while in pursuit of what you want
● Random side story about over-tipping the shoe-shine boy. Why? For an extra quarter you won’t
believe the great feeling you have from the decision of generosity. Were it otherwise and you
don’t tip well, that will stay with you all day.
● Story about father buying concert tickets for daughter: “Same money, different father.”
● It’s not the amount that counts, but the decision to live with lifestyle
● “More money will only make you more of what you are”
● “It’s not the amount, it's the imagination.”
Jim tells a story about: going to Carmel with the wife. Stops at a gas station. Boy comes bouncing out
to help them. Not only does he address the need (fill the tank), but he also checks the tires, washes the
windows, and exudes a positive attitude, graciousness even, and shares that he’s grateful he gets to
enjoy work and meet people like Jim Rohn. . . and later provides a recommendation on ice cream. Jim
goes to Baskin Robbins and brings the boy back a milkshake (a first). No one has ever given him a
milkshake. . .“That’s probably true.”
● Learning: It's not the amount that counts, it's the STYLE.
● Related: for $2 he also bought his wife a flower to carry while she shops. Live your life in style.
Learn to help people with their lives, not just their jobs.
● Touch people with a book
● Touch people with a poem
● Touch people with some words. . .
If you work on your gifts, they will make room for you.
Closing Remarks
Ask for God’s help. This is not a religious program, but we’re all a little unique. We could use his
help. Story about the gardener who improved the rock garden, but were it not for the sunshine
and rain, we would have no garden at all.
Final words:
Activity, exercise, effort.
Go to work.
Set your goals.
Seek financial independence.
Go to work today on the fundamentals.
Final Words: