NeurIPS 2022 Poisson Flow Generative Models Supplemental Conference
NeurIPS 2022 Poisson Flow Generative Models Supplemental Conference
NeurIPS 2022 Poisson Flow Generative Models Supplemental Conference
We propose a new “Poisson flow” generative model (PFGM) that maps a uniform
distribution on a high-dimensional hemisphere into any data distribution. We
interpret the data points as electrical charges on the z = 0 hyperplane in a space
augmented with an additional dimension z, generating a high-dimensional electric
field (the gradient of the solution to Poisson equation). We prove that if these
charges flow upward along electric field lines, their initial distribution in the
z = 0 plane transforms into a distribution on the hemisphere of radius r that
becomes uniform in the r → ∞ limit. To learn the bijective transformation,
we estimate the normalized field in the augmented space. For sampling, we
devise a backward ODE that is anchored by the physically meaningful additional
dimension: the samples hit the (unaugmented) data manifold when the z reaches
zero. Experimentally, PFGM achieves current state-of-the-art performance among
the normalizing flow models on CIFAR-10, with an Inception score of 9.68 and a
FID score of 2.35. It also performs on par with the state-of-the-art SDE approaches
while offering 10× to 20× acceleration on image generation tasks. Additionally,
PFGM appears more tolerant of estimation errors on a weaker network architecture
and robust to the step size in the Euler method. The code is available at https:
1 Introduction
Deep generative models are a prominent approach for data generation, and have been used to produce
high quality samples in image [1], text [2] and audio [35], as well as improve semi-supervised
learning [20], domain generalization [25] and imitation learning [15]. However, current deep
generative models also have limitations, such as unstable training objectives (GANs [1, 12, 17]) and
low sample quality (VAEs [21], normalizing flows [6]). New techniques [12, 24] are introduced
to stablize the training of CNN-based or ViT-based GAN models. Although recent advances on
diffusion [16] and scored-based models [33] achieve comparable sample quality to GAN’s without
adversarial training, these models have a slow stochastic sampling process. [33] proposes backward
ODE samplers (normalizing flow) that speed up the sampling process but these methods have not yet
performed on par with the SDE counterparts.
We present a new “Poisson flow” generative model (PFGM), exploiting a remarkable physics fact
that generalizes to N dimensions. As illustrated in Fig. 1(a), motion in a viscous fluid transforms
any planar charge distribution into a uniform angular distribution. Specifically, we interpret N -
dimensional data points x (images, say) as positive electric charges in the z = 0 plane of an
N + 1-dimensional space (see Fig. 1(a)) filled with a viscous liquid (say honey). A positive charge
with z > 0 will be repelled by the other charges and move in the direction of their repulsive force,
eventually crossing an imaginary hemisphere of radius r. We show that, remarkably, if the the original
charge distribution is let loose just above z = 0, this law of motion will cause a uniform distribution
for their hemisphere crossings in the r → ∞ limit.
Equal Contribution.
O z=0
Backward ODE
(a) (b)
Figure 1: (a) 3D Poisson field trajectories for a heart-shaped distribution (b) The evolvements of a
distribution (top) or an (augmented) sample (bottom) by the forward/backward ODEs pertained to
the Poisson field.
Our Poisson flow generative process reverses the forward process: we generate a uniform distribution
of negative charges on the hemisphere, then track their motion back to the z = 0 plane, where they
will be distributed as the data distribution. A Poisson flow can be viewed as a type of continuous
normalizing flows [4, 10, 33] in the sense that it continuously maps between an arbitrary distribution
and an easily sampled one: in the previous works an N -dimensional Gaussian and in PFGM a
uniform distribution on an N -dimensional hemisphere. In practice, we implement the Poisson flow
by solving a pair of forward/backward ordinary differential equations (ODEs) induced by the electric
field (Fig. 1(b)) given by the N -dimensional version of Coulomb’s law (the gradient of the solution
to the Poisson’s equation with the data as sources). We will interchangeably refer to this gradient as
the Poisson field, since electric fields normally refer to the special case N = 3.
The proposed generative model PFGM has a stable training objective and empirically outperforms
previously state-of-the-art continuous flow methods [30, 33]. As a different iterative method, PFGM
offers two advantages compared to score-based methods [32, 33]. First, the ODE process of PFGM
achieves faster sampling speeds than the SDE samplers in [33]. while retaining comparable perfor-
mance. Second, our backward ODE exhibits better generation performance than the reverse-time
ODEs of VE/VP/sub-VP SDEs [33], as well as greater stability on a weaker architecture NSCNv2 [32].
The rationale for robustness is that the time variables in these ODE baselines are strongly correlated
with the sample norms during training time, resulting in a less error-tolerant inference. In contrast,
the tie between the anchored variable and the sample norm in PFGM is much weaker.
Experimentally, we show that PFGM achieves current state-of-the-art performance on CIFAR-10
dataset in the normalizing flow family, with FID/Inception scores of 2.48/9.65 (w/ DDPM++ [33])
and 2.35/9.68 (w/ DDPM++ deep [33]). It performs competitively with current state-of-the-art SDE
samplers [33] and provides 10× to 20× speed up across datasets. Notably, the backward ODE in
PFGM is the only ODE-based sampler that can produce decent samples on its own on NCSNv2 [32],
while other ODE baselines fail without corrections. In addition, PFGM demonstrates the robustness to
the step size in the Euler method, with a varying number of function evaluations (NFE) ranging from
10 to 100. We further showcase the utility of the invertible forward/backward ODEs of the Poisson
field on likelihood evaluation and image manipulations, and its scalability to higher resolution images
on LSUN bedroom 256 × 256 dataset.
Poisson equation Let x ∈ RN and ρ(x) ∶ RN → R be a source function. We assume that the source
function has a compact support, ρ ∈ C 0 and N ≥ 3. The Poisson equation is
∇2 φ(x) = −ρ(x), (1)
where φ(x) ∶ RN → R is called the potential function, and ∇2 ≡ ∑N ∂
i=1 ∂x2 is the Laplacian operator.
It is usually helpful to define the gradient field E(x) = −∇φ(x) and rewrite the Poisson equation as
∇ ⋅ E = ρ, known in physics as Gauss’s law [11]. The Poisson equation is widely used in physics,
giving rise to Newton’s gravitational theory [9] and the electrostatic theory [11], when ρ(x) is
interpreted as mass density or electric charge density, respectively. E is the N -dimensional analog of
the electric field. The Poisson equation Eq. (1) (with zero boundary condition at infinity) admits a
unique simple integral solution 2 :
1 1
φ(x) = ∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy, G(x, y) = , (2)
(N − 2)SN −1 (1) ∣∣x − y∣∣N −2
where SN −1 (1) is a geometric constant representing the surface area of the unit (N − 1)-sphere 3 ,
and G(x, y) is the extension of Green’s function in N -dimensional space (details in Appendix A.3).
The negative gradient field of φ(x), referred as Poisson field of the source ρ, is
1 x−y
E(x) = −∇φ(x) = − ∫ ∇x G(x, y)ρ(y)dy, ∇x G(x, y) = − . (3)
SN −1 (1) ∣∣x − y∣∣N
Qualitatively, the Poisson field E(x) points away from sources, or equivalently −E(x) points towards
sources, as illustrated in Fig. 1. It is straightforward to check that when ρ(x) → δ(x − y), we get
φ(x) → G(x, y) and E(x) → −∇x G(x, y). This implies that G(x, y) and −∇x G(x, y) can be
interpreted as the potential function and the gradient field generated by a unit point source, e.g.,
a point charge, located at y. When ρ(x) takes general forms but has bounded support, simple
asymptotics exist for ∣∣x∣∣ ≫ ∣∣y∣∣. To the lowest order, E(x) = ∇x G(x, y)∣y=0 ∼ x/∣∣x∣∣N behaves as
if it were generated by a unit point source at y = 0. In physics, the power law decay is considered to
be long-range (compared to exponential decay) [11].
Particle dynamics in a Poisson field The Poisson field immediately defines a flow model, where the
probability distribution evolves according to the gradient flow ∂pt (x)/∂t = −∇ ⋅ (pt (x)E(x)). The
gradient flow is a special case of the Fokker-Planck equation [28], where the diffusion coefficient is
zero. Intuitively we can think of pt (x) as represented by a population of particles. The corresponding
(non-diffusion) case of the Itô process is the forward ODE dx dt
= E(x). We can interpret the
trajectories of the ODE as particles moving according to the Poisson field E(x), with initial states
drawn from p0 . The physical picture of the forward ODE is a charged particle under the influence of
electric fields in the overdamped limit (details in Appendix F).
The dynamics is also rescalable in the sense that the particle trajectory remains the same for dx
±f (x)E(x) for f (x) > 0, f (x) ∈ C 1 , because the time rescaling dt → f (x(t))dt recovers dx dt
±E(x). Note that the dynamics is stiff due to the power law factor in the denominator in Eq. (3),
posing computational challenges. Luckily the rescalablility allows us to rescale E(x) properly to get
new ODEs (formally defined later in Section 3.3) that are more amenable for sampling.
Generative Modeling via ODE Generative modeling can be done by transforming a base distribution
to a data distribution via mappings defined by ODEs. The ODE-based samplers allow for adaptive
sampling, exact likelihood evaluation and modeling of continuous-time dynamics [4, 33]. Previous
works broadly fall into two lines. [4, 3] introduce a continuous-time normalizing flow model that
can be trained with maximum likelihood by the instantaneous change-of-variables formula [4]. For
sampling, they directly integrate the learned invertiable mapping over time. Another work [33] unifies
the scored-based model [31, 32] and diffusion model [16] into a general diffusion process, and uses
the reverse-time ODE of the diffusion process for sampling. They show that the reverse-time ODE
produces high quality samples with improved architecture.
No augmentation (2D) Augmentation (3D) z
dΦout = dΩ/SN(1)
r→∞ S1
Gauss′s Law
dΩ dΦin = dΦout
dΦin = p(x)dA/2
N dim O S4
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Poisson field (black arrows) and particle trajectories (blue lines) of a 2D uniform disk
(red). Left (no augmentation, 2D): all particles collapse to the disk center. Right (augmentation, 3D):
particles hit different points on the disk. (b) Proof idea of Theorem 1. By Gauss’s Law, the outflow
flux dΦout equals the inflow flux dΦin . The factor of two in p(x)dA/2 is due to the symmetry of
Poisson fields in z < 0 and z > 0.
hemisphere (Green arrows in Fig. 2(b)) equals the inflow flux dΦin = p(x)dA/2 on supp(p̃(x̃)) (Red
arrows in Fig. 2(b)). dΦin = dΦout gives dΩ/dA = p(x)SN (1)/2 ∝ p(x). Together, by change-of-
variable, we conclude that the final distribution in the z = 0 hyperplane is p(x).
The theorem states that starting from an infinite hemisphere, one can recover the data distribution p̃
by following the inverse Poisson field −E(x̃). We defer the formal proof and technical assumptions
of the theorem to Appendix A. The property allows generative modeling by following the Poisson
flow of ∇2 φ(x̃) = −p̃(x̃).
Given a set of training data D = {xi }ni=1 i.i.d sampled from the data distribution p(x), we define the
empirical version of the Poisson field (Eq. (4)) as follows:
x̃ − x̃i
Ê(x̃) = c(x̃) ∑
i=1 ∣∣x̃ − x̃i ∣∣N +1
where the gradient field is calculated on n augmented datapoints {x̃i = (xi , 0)}ni=1 , and c(x̃) =
1/ ∑ni=1 ∣∣x̃−x̃1i ∣∣N +1 is the multiplier for numerical stability. We further normalize the field to re-
solve the variations in the magnitude of the norm ∥ √ Ê(x̃) ∥2 , and fit the neural network to the
more amenable negative normalized field v(x̃) = − N Ê(x̃)/∥ Ê(x̃) ∥2 . The Poisson field is
rescalable (cf. Section 2) and thus trajectories of its forward/backward ODEs are invariant under
normalization. We denote the√empirical field calculated on batch data B by ÊB and the negative
normalized field as vB (x̃) = − N ÊB (x̃)/∥ ÊB (x̃) ∥2 .
Similar to the scored-based models, we sample points inside the hemisphere by perturbing the
augmented training data. Given a training point x ∈ D, we add noise to its augmented version
{x̃i = (xi , 0)}ni=1 to construct the perturbed point (y, z):
y = x+ ∥ ϵx ∥ (1 + τ )m u, z = ∣ϵz ∣(1 + τ )m (5)
where ϵ = (ϵx , ϵz ) ∼ N (0, σ 2 IN +1×N +1 ), u ∼ U(SN −1 (1)) and m ∼ U[0, M ]. The upper limit M ,
standard deviation σ and τ are hyper-parameters. With fixed ϵ and u, the added noise increases
exponentially with m. The rationale behind the design is that points farther away from the data
support play a less important role in generative modeling, sharing a similar spirit with the choice of
noisy scales in score-based models [32, 33].
In practice, we sample the points by perturbing a mini-batch data B = {xi }i=1 in each iteration. We
uniformly sample the power m in [0, M ] for each datapoint. We select a large M (typically around
300) to ensure the perturbed points can reach a large enough hemisphere. We use a larger batch BL
for the estimation of normalized field since the empirical normalized field is biased, which empirically
gives better results. Denoting the set of perturbed points as {ỹi }i=1 , we train the neural network fθ
on these points to estimate the negative normalized field by minimizing the following loss:
1 ∣B∣
L(θ) = ∑ ∥ fθ (ỹi ) − vBL (ỹi ) ∥2
∣B∣ i=1
We summarize the training process in Algorithm 1. In practice, we add a small constant γ to the
denominator of the normalized field to overcome the numerical issue when ∃i, ∣∣x̃ − x̃i ∣∣ ≈ 0.
After estimating the normalized field v, we can sample from the data distribution by the backward
ODE dx̃ = v(x̃)dt. Nevertheless, the boundary condition of the above ODE is unclear: the starting
and terminal time t of the ODE are both unknown. To remedy the issue, we propose an equivalent
backward ODE in which x evolves with the augmented variable z:
dx dt
d(x, z) = ( dz, dz) = (v(x̃)x v(x̃)−1
z , 1)dz
dt dz
Algorithm 1 Learning the normalized Poisson Field
Input: Training iteration T , Initial model fθ , dataset D, constant γ, learning rate η.
for t = 1 . . . T do
Sample a large batch BL from D and subsample a batch of datapoints B = {xi }i=1 from BL
Simulate the ODE: {ỹi = perturb(xi ) }i=1
Calculate the normalized field by BL : vBL (ỹi ) = − N ÊBL (ỹi )/(∥ ÊBL (ỹi ) ∥2 +γ), ∀i
Calculate the loss: L(θ) = ∣B∣1
∑i=1 ∥ fθ (ỹi ) − vBL (ỹi ) ∥22
Update the model parameter: θ = θ − η∇L(θ)
end for
return fθ
Algorithm 2 perturb(x)
Sample the power m ∼ U[0, M ]
Sample the initial noise (ϵx , ϵz ) ∼ N (0, σ 2 I(N +1)×(N +1) )
Uniformly sample the vector from the unit ball u ∼ U(SN (1))
Construct training point y = x+ ∥ ϵx ∥ (1 + τ )m u, z = ∣ϵz ∣(1 + τ )m
return ỹ = (y, z)
where v(x̃)x , v(x̃)z are the corresponding components of x, z in vector v(x̃). In the new ODE, we
replace the time variable t with the physically meaningful variable z, permitting explicit starting
and terminal conditions: when z = 0, we arrive at the data distribution and we can freely choose
a large zmax as the starting point in the backward ODE. The backward ODE is compatible with
general-purpose ODE solvers, e.g., RK45 method [23] and forward Euler method. The popular
black-box ODE solvers, such as the one in Scipy library [37], typically use a common starting time
for the same batch of samples. Since the distribution on the z = zmax hyperplane is no longer uniform,
we derive the prior distribution by radially projecting uniform distribution on the hemisphere with
radius r = zmax to the z = zmax hyperplane:
N +1
2zmax 2zmax
pprior (x) = =
SN (zmax )(∥ x ∥22 +zmax
2 ) N2+1 SN (1)(∥ x ∥22 +zmax
2 ) N +1
where SN (r) is the surface area of N -sphere with radius r. The reason behind the radial projection
is that the Poisson field points in the radial direction at r → ∞. The new backward ODE also defines
a bijective transformation between pprior (x) on the infinite hyperplane (zmax → ∞) and the data
distribution p̃(x̃), analogous to Theorem 1. In order to sample from pprior (x), it is suffice to sample
−1 N +1
the norm (radius) from the distribution: pradius (∥ x ∥2 ) ∝ ∥ x ∥N 2 /(∥ x ∥22 +zmax
) 2 and then
uniformly sample its angle. We provide detailed derivations and practical sampling procedure in
Appendix A.4. We further achieve exponential decay on the z dimension by introducing a new
variable t′ :
[Backward ODE] d(x, z) = (v(x̃)x v(x̃)−1
z z, z)dt
The z component in the backward ODE, i.e., dz = zdt′ , can be solved by z = et . Since z reaches
zero as t′ → −∞, we instead choose a tiny positive number zmin as the terminal condition. The
corresponding starting/terminal time of the variable t′ are log zmax / log zmin respectively. Empirically,
this simple change of variable leads to 2× faster sampling with almost no harm to the sample quality. In
addition, we substitue the predicted v(x̃)z with a more accurate one when z is small (Appendix B.2.3).
We defer more details of the simulation of backward ODE to Appendix B.2.
Table 1: CIFAR-10 sample quality (FID, Inception) and number of function evaluation (NFE).
Invertible? Inception ↑ FID ↓ NFE ↓
PixelCNN [36] ✗ 4.60 65.9 1024
IGEBM [8] ✗ 6.02 40.6 60
ViTGAN [24] ✗ 9.30 6.66 1
StyleGAN2-ADA [17] ✗ 9.83 2.92 1
StyleGAN2-ADA (cond.) [17] ✗ 10.14 2.42 1
NCSN [31] ✗ 8.87 25.32 1001
NCSNv2 [32] ✗ 8.40 10.87 1161
DDPM [16] ✗ 9.46 3.17 1000
NCSN++ VE-SDE [33] ✗ 9.83 2.38 2000
NCSN++ deep VE-SDE [33] ✗ 9.89 2.20 2000
Glow [19] ✓ 3.92 48.9 1
DDIM, T=50 [30] ✓ - 4.67 50
DDIM, T=100 [30] ✓ - 4.16 100
NCSN++ VE-ODE [33] ✓ 9.34 5.29 194
NCSN++ deep VE-ODE [33] ✓ 9.17 7.66 194
DDPM++ backbone
VP-SDE [33] ✗ 9.58 2.55 1000
sub-VP-SDE [33] ✗ 9.56 2.61 1000
VP-ODE [33] ✓ 9.46 2.97 134
sub-VP-ODE [33] ✓ 9.30 3.16 146
PFGM (ours) ✓ 9.65 2.48 104
DDPM++ deep backbone
VP-SDE [33] ✗ 9.68 2.41 1000
sub-VP-SDE [33] ✗ 9.57 2.41 1000
VP-ODE [33] ✓ 9.47 2.86 134
sub-VP-ODE [33] ✓ 9.40 3.05 146
PFGM (ours) ✓ 9.68 2.35 110
higher generation quality. Meanwhile, unlike existing ODE baselines that heavily rely on corrector to
generate decent samples on weaker architectures, PFGM exhibits greater stability against error (Sec-
tion 4.2). Finally, we show that PFGM is robust to the step size in the Euler method (Section 4.3),
and its associated ODE allows for likelihood evaluation and image manipulation by editing the latent
space (Section 4.4).
Setup For image generation tasks, we consider the CIFAR-10 [22], CelebA 64 × 64 [38] and
LSUN bedroom 256 × 256 [39]. Following [32], we first center-crop the CelebA images and then
resize them to 64 × 64. We choose M = 291 (CIFAR-10 and CelebA)/356 (LSUN bedroom),
σ = 0.01 and τ = 0.03 for the perturbation Algorithm 2, and zmin = 1e − 3, zmax =
40 (CIFAR-10)/60 (CelebA 642 )/100 (LSUN bedroom) for the backward ODE. We further clip
the norms of initial samples into (0, 3000) for CIFAR-10, (0, 6000) for CelebA 642 and (0, 30000)
for LSUN bedroom. We adopt the DDPM++ and DDPM++ deep architectures [33] as our backbones.
We add the scalar z (resp. predicted direction on z) as input (resp. output) to accommodate the
additional dimension. We take the same set of hyper-parameters, such as batch size, learning rate and
training iterations from [33]. We provide more training details in Appendix B.1, and discuss how to
set these hyper-parameters for general datasets in B.1.1 and B.2.1.
Baselines We compare PFGM to modern autoregressive model [36], GAN [17, 24], normalizing
flow [19] and EBM [8]. We also compare with variants of score-based models such as DDIM [30]
and current state-of-the-art SDE/ODE methods [33]. We denote the methods that use forward-time
SDEs in [33] such as Variance Exploding (VE) SDE/Variance Preserving (VP) SDE/ sub-Variance
Preserving (sub-VP), and the corresponding backward SDE/ODE, as A-B, where A ∈ {VE, VP,
sub-VP} and B ∈ {SDE, ODE}. We follow the model selection protocol in [33], which selects the
checkpoint with the smallest FID score over the course of training every 50k iterations.
Figure 3: Uncurated samples on datasets of increasing resolution. From left to right: CIFAR-10
32 × 32, CelebA 64 × 64 and LSUN bedroom 256 × 256.
Numerical Solvers The backward ODE (Eq. (6)) is compatible with any general purpose ODE
solver. In our experiments, the default solver of ODEs is the black box solver in the Scipy library [37]
with the RK45 [7] method (RK45), unless otherwise specified. For VE/VP/subVP-SDEs, we
use the predictor-corrector (PC) sampler introduced in [33]. For VP/sub-VP-SDEs, we apply the
predictor-only sampler, because its performance is on par with the PC sampler while requiring half
Results For quantitative evaluation on CIFAR-10, we report the Inception [29] (higher is better)
and FID [13] scores (lower is better) in Table 1. We also include our preliminary experimental results
on a weaker architecture NCSNv2 [32] in Appendix D.2. We measure the inference speed by the
average NFE (number of function evaluation). We also explicitly indicate which methods belong to
the invertible flow family.
Our main findings are: (1) PFGM achieves the best Inception scores and FID scores among the
normalizing flow models. Specifically, PFGM obtains an Inception score of 9.68 and a FID score of
2.48 using the DDPM++ deep architecture. To our best knowledge, these are the highest FID and
Inception scores by flow models on CIFAR-10. (2) PFGM achieves a 10× ∼ 20× faster inference
speed than the SDE methods using the similar architectures, while retaining comparable sample
quality. As shown in Table 1, PFGM requires NFEs of 110 whereas the SDE methods typically use
1000 ∼ 2000 inference steps. PFGM outperforms all the baselines on DDPM++ in all metrics. In
addition, PFGM generally samples faster than other ODE baselines with the same RK45 solver. (3)
The backward ODE in PFGM is compatible with architectures with varying capacities. PFGM
consistently outperforms other ODE baselines on DDPM++ (Table 1) or NCSNv2 (Appendix D.2)
backbones. (4) PFGM shows scalability to higher resolution datasets. In Appendix D.1, we show
that PFGM are capable of scale-up to LSUN bedroom 256×256. In particular, PFGM has comparable
performance with VE-SDE with 15× fewer NFE.
In Fig. 3, we visualize the uncurated samples from PFGM on CIFAR-10, CelebA 64 × 64 and LSUN
bedroom 256 × 256. We provides more samples in Appendix E.
VE-ODE (Euler) PFGM (Euler) 200
Cleaner samples 1200 PFGM (Euler)
800 Noisier samples DDIM
Noisier samples w/ corrector 1000 150 20 VP-ODE (Euler)
600 l2 norm = (t) N
l2 norm
l2 norm
100 10
400 600
400 0
200 50
0 0 0
(t) z(t 0)
0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 0 2 4 6 8 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Norm-σ(t) in VE-ODE (b) Norm-z(t′ ) in PFGM (c) FID vs. NFE on CIFAR-10
Figure 5: (a) Norm-σ(t) relation during the backward sampling of VE-ODE (Euler). (b) Norm-z(t′ )
relation during the backward sampling of PFGM (Euler). The shaded areas mean the standard
deviation of norms. (c) Number of steps versus FID score.
more susceptible to estimation errors than PFGM. We hypothesize that the strong norm-σ correla-
tion seen during the training of score-based models causes the problem.
For score-based models, the l2 norms of perturbed training samples √ and the standard deviations σ(t)
of Gaussian noises have strong correlation, e.g., l2 norm ≈ σ(t) N for large σ(t) in VE [33]. In
contrast, as shown in Fig. 4, PFGM allocates high mass across a wide spectrum of the training sample
norms. During sampling, VE/VP-ODEs could break down when the trajectories of backward ODEs
deviate from the norm-σ(t) relation to which most training samples pertain. The weaker NCSNv2
backbone incurs larger errors and thus leads to their failure. The PFGM is more resistant to estimate
errors because of the greater range of training sample norms.
To further verify the hypothesis above, we split a batch of VE-ODE samples into cleaner and noisier
samples according to visual quality (Fig. 8(a)). In Fig. 5(a), we investigate the relation for cleaner and
noisier samples during the forward Euler simulation of VE-ODE when σ(t) < 15. We can see that
the trajectory of cleaner samples stays close to the norm-σ(t) relation (the red dash line), whereas
that of the noisier samples diverges from the relation. The Langevin dynamics corrector changes
the trajectory of noisier samples to align with the relation. Fig. 5(b) further shows that the anchored
variable z(t′ ) and the norms in the backward ODE of PFGM are not strongly correlated, giving rise
to the robustness against the imprecise estimation on NCSNv2. We defer more details to Appendix C.
In order to accelerate the inference speed of ODEs, we can increase the step size (decrease the NFEs)
in numerical solvers such as the forward Euler method. It also enables the trade-off between sample
quality and computational efficiency in real-world deployment. We study the effects of increasing
step size on PFGM, VP-ODE and DDIM [30] using the forward Euler method, with a varying NFE
ranging from 10 to 100.
In Fig. 5(c), we report the sample quality measured by FID scores on CIFAR-10. As expected, all the
methods have higher FID scores when decreasing the NFE. We observe that the sample quality of
PFGM degrades gracefully as we decrease the NFE. Our method shows significantly better robustness
to step sizes than the VP-ODE, especially when only taking a few Euler steps. In addition, PFGM
obtains better FID scores than DDIM on most NFEs except for 10 where PFGM is marginally worse.
This suggests that the PFGM is a promising method for accommodating instantaneous resource
availability, as high-quality samples can be generated in limited steps.
Similar to the family of discrete normalizing flows [6, 19, 14] and continuous probability flow [33],
the forward ODE in PFGM defines an invertible mapping between the data space and latent space
with a known prior. Formally, we define the invertible forward M mapping by integrating the
corresponding forward ODE d(x, z) = (v(x̃)x v(x̃)−1 ′
z z, z)dt of Eq. (6):
log zmax
x(log zmax ) = M(x(log zmin )) ≡ x(log zmin ) + ∫ v(x(t′ ))x v(x̃(t′ ))−1 ′ ′
z e dt
log zmin
where log zmin /log zmax are the starting/terminal time in the forward ODE. The forward mapping
transfers the data distribution to the prior distribution pprior on the z = zmax hyperplane (cf. Section 3.3):
pprior (x(log zmax )) = M(p(x(log zmin ))). The invertibility enables likelihood evaluation and creates
a meaningful latent space on the z = zmax hyperplane. In addition, we can adapt to the computational
constraints by adjusting the step size or the precision in numerical ODE solvers.
Likelihood evaluation We evaluate the data likelihood Table 2: Bits/dim on CIFAR-10
by the instantaneous change-of-variable formula [4, 33].
In Table 2, we report the bits/dim on the uniformly de- bits/dim ↓
quantized CIFAR-10 test set and compare with exist- RealNVP [6] 3.49
Glow [19] 3.35
ing baselines that use the same setup. We observe that Residual Flow [3] 3.28
PFGM achieves better likelihoods than discrete normaliz- Flow++ [14] 3.29
ing flow models, even without maximum likelihood train- DDPM (L) [16] ≤ 3.70*
ing. Among the continuous flow models, sub-VP-ODE DDPM++ backbone
shows the lowest bits/dim, although its sample quality is VP-ODE [33] 3.20
worse than VP-ODE and PFGM (Table 1). The explo- sub-VP-ODE [33] 3.02
ration of the seeming trade-off between likelihood and PFGM (ours) 3.19
sample quality is left for future works.
Latent representation Since the samples are uniquely identifiable by their latents via the invertible
mapping M, PFGM further supports image manipulation using its latent representation on the z =
zmax hyperplane. We include the results of image interpolation and the temperature scaling [6, 19, 33]
to Appendix D.4 and Appendix D.5. For interpolation, it shows that we can travel along the latent
space to obtain perceptually consistent interpolations between CelebA images.
5 Conclusion
We present a new deep generative model by solving the Poisson equation whose source term is
the data distribution. We estimate the normalized gradient field of the solution in an augmented
space with an additional dimension. For sampling, we devise a backward ODE that exponential
decays on the physically meaningful additional dimension. Empirically, our approach has currently
best performance over other normalizing flow baselines, and achieving 10× to 20× acceleration
over the stochastic methods. Our backward ODE shows greater stability against errors than popular
ODE-based methods, and enables efficient adaptive sampling. We further demonstrate the utilities
of the forward ODE on likelihood evaluation and image interpolation. Future directions include
improving the normalization of Poisson fields. More principled approaches can be used to get around
the divergent near-field behavior. For example, we may exploit renormalization, a useful tool in
physics, to make the Poisson field well-behaved in near fields.
We are grateful to Shangyuan Tong, Timur Garipov and Yang Song for helpful discussion. We would
like to thank Octavian Ganea and Wengong Jin for reviewing an early draft of this paper. YX and TJ
acknowledge support from MIT-DSTA Singapore collaboration, from NSF Expeditions grant (award
1918839) ”Understanding the World Through Code”, and from MIT-IBM Grand Challenge project.
ZL and MT would like to thank the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines (CBMM) for hospitality.
ZL and MT are supported by The Casey and Family Foundation, the Foundational Questions Institute,
the Rothberg Family Fund for Cognitive Science and IAIFI through NSF grant PHY-2019786.
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A Proofs
A.1 Formal Proof of Theorem 1
Before proceeding to Theorem 1, we show a technical lemma that guarantees the existence-uniqueness
of the solution to the Poisson equation, under some mild conditions.
Lemma 1. Given Ω = RN , N ≥ 3, assume that the source function ρ ∈ C 0 (Ω), and ρ has a compact
support. Then the the Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x) = −ρ(x) on Ω with zero boundary condition at
infinity (lim∥x∥2 →∞ φ(x) = 0) has a unique solution φ(x) ∈ C 2 (Ω) up to a constant.
Proof. For the existence of the solution, one can verify that the analytical construction us-
ing the extension of Green’s function in N ≥ 3 dimensional space (Lemma 4), i.e., φ(x) =
∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy, G(x, y) = (N −2)SN −1 (1) ∣∣x−y∣∣N −2 , is one possible solution to the Poisson equa-
1 1
tion ∇2 φ(x) = −ρ(x). Since ρ ∈ C 0 (Ω) and ∇2 φ(x) = −ρ(x), we conclude that φ(x) ∈ C 2 (Ω).
The proof idea of the uniqueness is similar to the uniqueness theorems in electrostatics. Suppose we
have two different solutions φ1 , φ2 ∈ C 2 which satisfy
∇2 φ1 (x) = −ρ(x), ∇2 φ2 (x) = −ρ(x). (7)
We define φ̃(x) ≡ φ2 (x) − φ1 (x). Subtracting the above two equations gives
∇2 φ̃(x) = 0, ∀x ∈ Ω. (8)
By the vector differential identity we have
φ̃(x)∇2 φ̃(x) = ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x)∇φ̃(x)) − ∇φ̃(x) ⋅ ∇φ̃(x), (9)
By the divergence theorem we have
∫ ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x)∇φ̃(x))d x =
φ̃(x)∇φ̃(x) ⋅ dN −1 S = 0, (10)
where dN −1 S denotes an N − 1 dimensional surface element at infinity, and the second equation
holds due to zero boundary condition at infinity. Combining Eq. (8)(9)(10), we have
∫ ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x)∇φ̃(x))d x = ∫ ∣∣∇φ̃(x)∣∣ d x = 0,
N 2 N
In our method section (Section 3.1), we augmented the original N -dimensional data with an extra
dimension. The new data distribution in the augmented space is p̃(x̃) = p(x)δ(z), where δ is the
Dirac delta function. The support of the data distribution is in the z = 0 hyperplane. In the following
lemma, we show the existence and uniqueness of the solution to ∇2 φ(x̃) = −p̃(x̃) outside the data
Lemma 2. Assume the support of the data distribution in the augmented space (supp(p̃(x̃))) is a
compact set on the z = 0 hyperplane, p(x) ∈ C 0 and N ≥ 3. The Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x̃) = −p̃(x̃)
with zero boundary condition at infinity (lim∥x∥2 →∞ φ(x̃) = 0) has a unique solution φ(x̃) ∈ C 2 for
x̃ ∈ RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃)), up to a constant.
Proof. Similar to the proof in Lemma 1, one can easily verify that the analytical construction using
Green’s method, i.e., φ(x̃) = ∫ G(x̃, ỹ)p̃(x̃)dỹ, G(x̃, ỹ) = (N −1)S
1 1
N (1) ∣∣x̃−ỹ∣∣
N −1 , is one possible
solution to the Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x̃) = −p̃(x̃). Since p̃(x̃) = 0 for x̃ ∈ RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃)) and
∇2 φ(x̃) = −p̃(x̃), we conclude that φ(x̃) ∈ C 2 (RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃))).
dΦout = dΩ/SN(1)
r→∞ S1
Gauss′s Law
dΩ dΦin = dΦout
dΦin = p(x)dA/2
N dim O S4

Figure 6: Proof idea of Theorem 2. By Gauss’s Law, the outflow flux dΦout equals the inflow flux
dΦin . The factor of two in p(x)dA/2 is due to the symmetry of Poisson fields in z < 0 and z > 0.
For the uniqueness, suppose we have two different solutions φ1 , φ2 ∈ C 2 (RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃))) which
∇2 φ1 (x̃) = −p̃(x̃), ∇2 φ2 (x̃) = −p̃(x̃). (12)
We define φ̃(x̃) ≡ φ2 (x̃) − φ1 (x̃). Subtracting the above two equations gives
∇2 φ̃(x̃) = 0, ∀x̃ ∈ RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃)). (13)
By the vector differential identity we have
φ̃(x̃)∇2 φ̃(x̃) = ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x̃)∇φ̃(x̃)) − ∇φ̃(x̃) ⋅ ∇φ̃(x̃), (14)
By the divergence theorem we have
∫ ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x̃)∇φ̃(x̃))dN +1 x̃ = φ̃(x̃)∇φ̃(x̃) ⋅ dN S = 0, (15)
RN +1
∂RN +1
where dN S denotes an N dimensional surface element at infinity, and the second equation holds due
to zero boundary condition at infinity. Combining Eq. (13)(14)(15), we have
∫ ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x̃)∇φ̃(x̃))dN +1 x̃ = ∫ ∇ ⋅ (φ̃(x̃)∇φ̃(x̃))dN +1 x̃
RN +1 RN +1 ∖supp(p̃(x̃))
=∫ ∣∣∇φ̃(x̃)∣∣2 dN +1 x̃ = 0,
RN +1 ∖supp(p̃(x̃))
The first equation holds because Lebesgue measure of supp(p̃(x̃)) is zero. Since ∣∣∇φ̃(x̃)∣∣2 is an
integral of a positive quantity, we must have ∇φ̃(x̃) = 0, or φ̃(x̃) = c, ∀x̃ ∈ RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃)).
This means φ1 and φ2 differ at most by a constant function, but a constant does not affect gradients,
so ∇φ1 (x̃) = ∇φ2 (x̃).
As illustrated in Fig. 6, there is a bijective mapping between the upper hemisphere of radius r and the
z = 0 plane, where each pair of corresponding points is connected by an electric field line. We will
now formally prove that, in the r → ∞ limit, this mapping transforms the arbitrary charge distribution
in the source plane (that generated the electric field) into a uniform distribution on the hemisphere.
Theorem 2. Suppose particles are sampled from a uniform distribution on the upper (z > 0) half
of the sphere of radius r and evolved by the backward ODE dx̃ dt
= −E(x̃) until they reach the z = 0
hyperplane, where the Poisson field E(x̃) is generated by the source p̃(x̃). In the r → ∞ limit, under
the conditions in Lemma 2, this process generates a particle distribution p̃(x̃), i.e., a distribution
p(x) in the z = 0 hyperplane.
Proof. By Lemma 2, we know that with zero boundary at infinity, the Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x̃) =
−p̃(x̃) has a unique solution φ(x̃) ∈ C 2 for x̃ ∈ RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃)). Hence E(x̃) = −∇φ(x̃) ∈ C 1 ,
guaranteeing the existence-uniqueness of the solution to the ODE dx̃dt
= −E(x̃) according to Theorem
2.8.1 in [27].
Consider the tube in Fig. 6 connecting an area on dA in the z = ϵ → 0+ hyperplane (S3 ) to a solid
angle dΩ on the hemisphere (S1 ), with S2 as its side. The tube is the space swept by dA following
electric field E, so by definition the electric field is parallel to the tangent space of the tube sides S2 .
The bottom of the tube S3 is located at z = ϵ → 0+ , a bit above the z = 0 plane, so the tube does not
enclose any charges. We note that the divergence of Poisson field is zero in RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃)):
∇ ⋅ E(x̃) = −∇2 φ(x̃) = p̃(x̃) = 0, ∀x̃ ∈ RN +1 ∖ supp(p̃(x̃))
Denote the volume and surface of the tube as V and B. According to divergence theorem, E(x̃) ⋅
dB = ∫V ∇ ⋅ E(x̃)dV = 0. Hence the net flux leaving the tube is zero:
ΦS1 + ΦS2 + ΦS3 = 0, ΦSi ≡ E(x̃) ⋅ dB (i = 1, 2, 3) (16)
There is no flux through the sides, i.e., ΦS2 = 0, since E(x̃) is orthogonal to the surface element
dB on the tube sides by definition. As a result, the flux ΦS3 entering from below must equal
the flux ΦS1 leaving the other end. Denote the l2 norm of the vector r as r. We first calculate
the influx ΦS3 . To do so, we study a Gaussian pillbox whose top, side and bottom are S3 , S4
and S5 . S3 and S5 are located at z = ϵ and z = −ϵ (ϵ → 0+ ). Denote the volume and surface
′ ′
v the pillbox′ as V and B . The
of pillbox contains charge p(x)dA, so according to Gauss’s law
E(x̃) ⋅ dB = ∫V ′ ∇ ⋅ E(x̃)dV ′ = ∫V ′ p̃(x̃)dV ′ = p(x)dA, i.e.,
Φ′S3 + Φ′S4 + Φ′S5 = p(x)dA, Φ′Si ≡ E(x̃) ⋅ dB′ (i = 3, 4, 5) (17)
The flux on the sides Φ′S4 ∝ ϵ → 0, and Φ′S3 = Φ′S5 due to mirror symmetry of z = 0. So
Φ′S3 = Φ′S5 = p(x)dA/2. Note on the S3 surface, the outflux of the pillbox is exactly the influx of the
tube, so we have:
ΦS3 = −Φ′S3 = −p(x)dA/2, (18)
inserting which and ΦS2 = 0 to Eq. (16) gives
ΦS1 = −ΦS3 = p(x)dA/2. (19)
On the other hand, in the far-field limit r → ∞, since supp(p(x)) is bounded, the data distribution
can be effectively seen as a point charge (see Appendix A.2). By Lemma 3, we have limr→∞ E(r) =
− limr→∞ ∇φ(r) = SN (1)r r
N +1 . The resulting outflux on the hemisphere is
We discuss the behaviors of the potential function in Poisson equation (Eq. (1)) under different
scenarios, utilizing the multipole expansion. Suppose we have a unit point charge q = 1 located at
x ∈ RN . We know that the potential function at another point y ∈ RN is φ(y − x) = 1/∣∣y − x∣∣N −2
(ignoring a constant factor). Now we assume that x is close to the origin such that we can Taylor
expand around x = 0:
1 N N
φ(y − x) = φ(y) − ∑ xα φα (y) + ∑ ∑ xα xβ φαβ (y) − ... (21)
α=1 2 α=1 β=1
∂φ(y − x) yα
φα (y) = ( ) = (N − 2)
∂xα x=0
∂ 2 φ(y − x) N yα yβ − ∣∣y∣∣2 δαβ
φαβ (y) = ( ) = (N − 2)
∂xα ∂xβ x=0 ∣∣y∣∣N +2
In the case where the source is a distribution p(x), the potential φ(y) can again be Taylor expanded:
φ(y) = qφ(y) + ∑ qα φα (y) + ∑ ∑ qαβ φαβ (y) − ... (23)
α=1 α=1 β=1
q = ∫ p(x)dx, qα = ∫ p(x)xα dx, qαβ = ∫ p(x)xα xβ dx, (24)
which are called monopole, dipole and quadrupole in physics, respectively. The gradient field
E(y) = ∇Φ(y) can be expanded in the same such that
E(y) = E(0) (y) + E(1) (y) + E(2) (y) + ... (25)
It is easy to check that ∣∣E(i) (y)∣∣ decays as 1/∣∣y∣∣N −2+i , which means higher-order corrections decay
faster than leading terms. So when ∣∣y∣∣ → ∞, only the monopole term ∣∣E(0) (y)∣∣ matters, which
behaves like a point source.
In a more realistic setup, we only have a large but finite ∣∣y∣∣, so the question is: under what condition
is the point source approximation valid? We examine φ(0) , φ(1) and φ(2) more carefully:
φ(0) =
∣∣y∣∣N −2
yα xα xT y
φ(1) = ∑ (N − 2) = (N − 2) (26)
α=1 ∣∣y∣∣N ∣∣y∣∣N
1 N N N yα yβ − ∣∣y∣∣2 δαβ N − 2 N (xT y)2 − ∣∣x∣∣2 ∣∣y∣∣2
φ(2) = ∑ ∑ (N − 2) x α x β =
2 α=1 β=1 ∣∣y∣∣N +1 2 ∣∣y∣∣N +2
Since φ(1) is an odd function of x, integrating φ(1) over x leads to zero (samples are normalized to
zero mean). In machine learning applications, N is usually a large number (although in physics N is
merely 3). If y is a random vector of length ∣∣y∣∣, then xT y ∼ ( √1N ± N1 )∣∣x∣∣∣∣y∣∣. So Eq. (26) can be
approximated as √
(0) 1 (2) N ∣∣x∣∣2
φ ∼ , φ ∼ (27)
∣∣y∣∣N −2 2 ∣∣y∣∣N
Requiring ∫ φ(0) p(x)dx ≫ ∫ φ(2) p(x)dx gives ∣∣y∣∣2 ≫ N Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2 . So the condition for the
point source approximation to be valid is:
κ= √ ≫1 (28)
N Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2
Based on this condition, we can partition space into three zones: (1) the far zone κ ≫ 1, where the
point source approximation is valid; (2) the intermediate zone κ ∼ O(1), where the gradient field
has moderate curvature; (3) the near zone κ ≪ 1, where the gradient field has high curvature. In
practice, the initial value ∣∣y∣∣ is greater than 1000 (hence κ ≫ 1) with high probability on CIFAR-10
and CelebA datasets, incidating that the initial samples lie in the far zone and gradually move toward
the near zone where ∣∣y∣∣ ≈ ∣∣x∣∣ (κ ≪ 1).
We summarize above observations in the following lemma in the ∣∣y∣∣ → ∞ limit:
Lemma 3. Assume the data distribution p(x) ∈ C 0 has a compact support in RN , then the solution
φ to the Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x) = −p(x) with zero boundary condition at infinity satisfies
lim∥x∥2 →∞ ∇φ(x) = − SN −1
1 x
(1) ∥x∥N
Proof. By Lemma 1, the gradient of the solution has the following form:
1 x−y
∇φ(x) = ∫ ∇x G(x, y)p(y)dy, ∇x G(x, y) = − .
SN −1 (1) ∣∣x − y∣∣N
Since p(x) has a bounded support, we assume max{∥ x ∥2 ∶ p(x) =/ 0} < B. On the other hand, we
1 x−y 1 x
lim ∇x G(x, y) = lim − = lim −
∥x∥2 →∞ ∥x∥2 →∞ SN −1 (1) ∣∣x − y∣∣N ∥x∥2 →∞ SN −1 (1) ∣∣x∣∣N
for ∀y such that ∥ y ∥2 < B. Hence,
In this section, we show that the function G(x, y) defined in Eq. (2) is the N -dimensional extension
of the Green’s function, φ(x) = ∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy solves the Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x) = −ρ(x).
Lemma 4. Assume the dimension N ≥ 3, and the source term satisfies ρ ∈ C 0 (Ω), ∫RN ρ2 (x)dx <
+∞, lim∥x∥2 →∞ ρ(x) = 0. The extension of Green’s function G(x, y) = (N −2)S1N −1 (1) ∣∣x−y∣∣
N −2
solves the Poisson equation ∇x G(x, y) = −δ(x − y). In addition, with zero boundary condition at
infinity (lim∥x∥2 →∞ φ(x) = 0), φ(x) = ∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy solves the Poisson equation ∇2 φ(x) =
Proof. It is convenient to denote r = x − y, r = ∣∣r∣∣ and notice ∂r/∂x = r/r. Firstly, we calculate
∇x G(x, y):
1 1
∇x G(x, y) = ∇x ( N −2 )
(N − 2)SN −1 (1) r
1 ∂ 1
= ( )∇x r (29)
(N − 2)SN −1 (1) ∂r rN −2
1 r
SN −1 (1) rN
Then we calculate ∇2x G(x, y):
∇2x G(x, y) ≡ ∇x ⋅ ∇x G(x, y)
1 r
=− ∇x ⋅ N
SN −1 (1) r
1 1 1
=− (∇x ( N ) ⋅ r + N ∇r ⋅ r)
SN −1 (1) r r (30)
1 N N
=− (− + )
SN −1 (1) rN rN
SN −1 (1)rN
which is 0 for r > 0, but undermined for r = 0. So we are left with proving
where Sϵ (y) denotes a ball centered at y with a radius ϵ → 0+ . With the divergence theorem, we have
∫ ∇2x G(x, y)dN x = ∇x G(x, y) ⋅ dN −1 B (32)
Sϵ (y)
∂Sϵ (y)
Next we show that φ(x) = ∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy solves ∇2 φ(x) = −ρ(x). Taking the Laplacian
operator of both sides gives:
∇2x φ(x) = ∇2x ∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy
In addition, we show that φ(x) is zero at infinity. Since ρ(x) ∈ C 0 and has compact support, we
know that ρ(x) is bounded, and let ∣ρ(x)∣ < B.
lim φ(x) = lim ∫ G(x, y)ρ(y)dy
∥x∥2 →∞ ∥x∥2 →∞
1 1
≤B lim ∫ dy
∥x∥2 →∞ supp(ρ) (N − 2)SN −1 (1) ∣∣x − y∣∣N −2
The last equality holds since supp(ρ) is a compact set.
θ dA3
zmax dA1
+ +
Proposition 1. The radial projection of U(SN (zmax )) on the hemisphere SN (zmax ) to the z = zmax
hyperplane is pprior (x) = SN (1)rN +1 .
Proof. We calculate the change-of-variable ratio by comparing two associate areas. As illustrated
in Fig. 7, an area dA1 on SN (zmax ) is projected to an area dA3 on the hyperplane in the (x, zmax )
direction, and we have
U(SN (zmax ))dA1 = pprior (x)dA3
We aim to calculate the ratio dA1 /dA3 below. We define the angle between (0, zmax ) and x̃ =
(x, zmax ) to be θ. We project√dA3 to the hyperplane orthogonal to x̃ to get dA2 = dA3 cosθ =
dA3 zmax /r where r ≡ ∣∣x̃∣∣2 = ∣∣x∣∣22 + zmax
2 . Since dA is parallel to dA and they lie in the same
1 2
cone from the origin O, we have dA2 /dA1 = (r/zmax )N . Combining all the results gives
+ dA1 + dA1 dA2 2 zmax N zmax 2zmax
pprior (x) = U(SN (zmax )) = U(SN (zmax )) = ( ) = .
dA3 dA2 dA3 SN (1)zmax N r r SN (1)rN +1
In order to sample from pprior (x), we first sample the norm (radius) R = ∣∣x∣∣2 from the distribution:
pradius (R) ∝ RN −1 pprior (x) (pprior is isotropic)
N −1 N +1
∝R /(∣∣x∣∣22 + zmax
) 2
= RN −1 /(R2 + zmax
N +1
) 2 (35)
and then uniformly sample its angle. Sampling from pprior encompasses three steps. We first sample a
real number r1 with parameters α = N2 , β = 12 , i.e.,
R1 ∼ Beta(α, β)
Next, we set R2 = R1
such that R2 is effectively sampled from the inverse beta distribution a(also
1−R1 √
known as beta prime distribution) with parameters α = N2 , β = 12 . Finally, we set R3 = zmax2 R . To
verify the pdf of R3 is pradius , note that the pdf of inverse beta distribution is
p(R2 ) ∝ R22 (1 + R2 )− 2 − 2
N 1
Next, by change-of-variable, the pdf of R3 = zmax
2 R is
−1 2R3
p(R3 ) ∝ R22 (1 + R2 )− 2 − 2 ∗ 2
N 1
R3 R22
(1 + R2 )
N +1
(R3 /zmax )N −1
2 ))
(1 + (R32 /zmax
N +1
R3N −1
(1 + (R32 /zmax
2 )) N +1
R3N −1
∝ ∝ pradius (R3 ) (By Eq. (35))
2 + R2 )
N +1
B Experimental Details
B.1 Training
In this section we include more details about the training of PFGM and other baselines. We show the
hyper-parameters settings for all the baselines (Appendix B.1.1). All the experiments are run on a
single NVIDIA A100 GPU.
where N is the data dimension and p(x) is the data distribution. By WLLN, we have ∣∣ϵx ∣∣ = N σ,
and recall that y = x+ ∥ ϵx ∥ √
(1 + τ )M u where ϵ = (ϵx , ϵz ) ∼ N (0, σ 2 IN +1×N +1 ), u ∼ U(SN (1)).
Together, we conclude ∣∣y∣∣ ≈ N σ(1 + τ )M . Substituting in Eq. (36), we have
Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2
1 Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2 1 ln 2√N σ2
M > log1+τ √ =
2 2 N σ2 2 ln 1 + τ
Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2
3 ln 2 N σ2
We empirically observe that setting M = 4
already gives good results, and the correspond-
ln 1+τ
ing ∣∣y∣∣ ≈ 3000. For example, on CIFAR-10 datasets, N = 3072, τ = 0.03, σ = 0.01, Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2 ≈
Ep(x) ∣∣x∣∣2
3 ln 2 N σ2
900, we have M = 4 ln 1+τ
≈ 291.
Since we are operating in the augmented space, we add minor modifications to the
DDPM++/DDPM++ deep architectures to accommodate the extra dimension. More specifically, we
replace the conditioning time variable in VP/sub-VP with the additional dimension z in PFGM as
the input to the positional embedding. We also need to add an extra scalar output representing the z
direction. To this end, we add an additional output channel to the final convolution layer and take
the global average pooling of this channel to obtain the scalar. For LSUN bedroom dataset, we both
experiments with the channel configurations suggested in NSCN++ [33] and DDPM [16].
VE/VP/sub-VP We use the same set of hyper-parameters and the NCSN++/DDPM++ (deep)
backbone and the continuous-time training objectives for forward SDEs in [33].
B.2 Sampling
We provide more details of PFGM and VE/VP sampling implementations in Appendix B.2.1. We
further discuss two techniques used in PFGM ODE sampler: change-of-variable formula (Ap-
pendix B.2.2) and the substitution of ground-truth Poisson field direction on z (Appendix B.2.3).
VE/VP/sub-VP For the PC sampler in VE, we follow [33] to set the reverse diffusion process as
the predictor and the Langevin dynamics (MCMC) as the corrector. For VP/sub-VP, we drop the
corrector in PC sampler since it only gives slightly better results [33].
The trajectories of the two ODEs above are the same when dt, dt′ → 0. We compare the NFE and
the sample quality of different ODEs in Table 4. We measure the NFE/FID of generating 50000
CIFAR-10 samples with the RK45 method in Scipy package [37]. The batch size is set to 1000. All
the numbers are produced on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU. We observe that the ODE with the anchor
variable t′ not only accelerates the vanilla by 2 times, but has almost no harm to the sample quality
measured by FID score.
Together, the z component in the empirical field is Ê(x̃)z = ∑ni=1 w(x̃, x̃i )(x̃ − x̃i )z = z. The
predicted normalized field (on x) is trained to approximate the normalized field (on x), i.e.,
√ √
fθ (x̃)x ≈ − N Ê(x̃)x /( ∥ Ê(x̃)x ∥22 +z 2 + γ)
√ √
≈ − N Ê(x̃)x /( ∥ Ê(x̃)x ∥22 + γ)
√ √ √
γ∥fθ (x̃)x ∥2 / N 2
is Ê(x̃)z /( ∥ Ê(x̃)x ∥22 +z 2 + γ) = z/( ( 1−∥f √ ) + z 2 + γ). In our experiments, we
θ (x̃)x ∥2 / N
√ √ √
γ∥fθ (x̃)x ∥2 / N 2
therefore replace the original prediction fθ (x̃)z with − N z/( ( 1−∥f √ ) + z 2 + γ) when
(x̃) ∥ / N
θ x 2
z < 5/1/0.1 during the backward ODE sampling for CIFAR-10/CelebA 642 /LSUN bedroom 2562 .
Table 5 reports the NFE and FID score w/o and w/ the above substitution. We observe that the usage
of ground-truth z direction in the near field accelerates the sampling speed.
B.3 Evaluation
We use FID [13] and Inception scores [29] to quantitatively measure the sample quality, and
NFE (number of evaluation steps) for the inference speed. FID (Fréchet Inception Distance) score is
the Fréchet distance between two multivariate Gaussians, whose means and covariances are estimated
from the 2048-dimensional activations of the Inception-v3 [34] network for real and generated samples
respectively. Inception score is the exponential mutual information between the predicted labels of the
Inception network and the images. We also report bits/dim for likelihood evaluation. It is computed
by dividing the negative log-likelihood by the data dimension, i.e., bits/dim = − log pprior (x)/N .
For CIFAR-10, we compute the Fréchet distance between 50000 samples and the pre-computed
statistics of CIFAR-10 dataset in [13]. For CelebA 64 × 64, we follow the setting in [32] where the
distance is computed between 10000 samples and the test set. For model selection, we follow [32]
and pick the checkpoint with smallest FID every 50k iterations on 10k samples for computing all the
Table 6: The FID scores in Fig. 5(c) of different methods and NFE.
Method / NFE 10 20 50 100
VP-ODE 192.36 72.25 38.18 19.73
DDIM 13.36 6.48 4.67 4.16
PFGM 14.98 6.46 3.48 2.89
from time t′i to time t′i+1 is (xi+1 , zi+1 ) = (xi , zi ) − (v(x̃i )x v(x̃i )−1 ′ ′
zi zi , zi )(ti+1 − ti ), and the new
t′ t′
update is (xi+1 , zi+1 ) = (xi , zi ) − (v(x̃i )x v(x̃i )−1
zi ∫t′i
z(t′ )dt′ , ∫t′ i+1 z(t′ )dt′ ). We empirically
observe that the new update scheme significantly improve the FID score.
(a) Samples from VE-ODE (Euler) (b) Samples from VE-ODE (Euler w/ correc-
Figure 8: (a) Samples from VE-ODE (Euler w/o corrector). We highlight the noisier images with red
boxes. The rest are cleaner images. (b) Samples from VE-ODE (Euler w/ corrector). We mark the
noisier samples after correction with green boxes.
The Gaussian kernels in score-based models are N (x, σ(t)2 ) (VE) and N ( 1 − σ(t)2 x, σ(t)2 ) (VP)
[33]. When σ(t) is large, the norms of perturbed samples are approximately N σ(t). The backward
ODE could break down if the trajectories diverge from the norm-σ(t) relation, as shown by the noisier
samples’ trajectories in Fig. 5(a). In contrast, the norm distributions of PFGM is approximately
−2 N
p(∥ x ∥) ∝ ∥ x ∥N 2 /(∥ x ∥22 +z 2 ) 2 when z is large (see deviation for pprior in Appendix A.4),
which have a wider span for high density region (see Fig. 4). The weak correlation between norm
and z makes PFGM more robust on the lighter NCSNv2 backbone.
D Extra Experiments
D.1 LSUN Bedroom 256 × 256
We report the FID scores and NFEs for LSUN bedroom dataset in Table 7. We adopt the code base of
[33] in our experiments. In [33], they experimented on the LSUN bedroom 256× 256 dataset only
on VE-SDE using a deeper NCSN++ backbone. In our DDPM++ architecture, we directly borrow
the configuration of channels from the NCSN++ architecture [33] in each residual block (PFGM w/
NCSN++ channel). We further change zmax to 100, as it empirically gives better sample quality.
We also evaluate the performance when using the configuration of channels in the DDPM [16]
architecture (PFGM w/ DDPM channel). We use the RK45 [7] solver in the Scipy library [37] for
PFGM sampling. We report the FID score using the evaluation protocol in [5].
Table 7 shows that PFGM has comparable performance with VE-SDE when using DDPM channel,
while achieving around 15× acceleration. We observe that PFGM achieves a better FID score
using the similar configuration in the DDPM model, and converges faster — 150k over the total
2.4M training iterations suggested in [33]. Remarkably, the VE-ODE baseline — the method most
comparable to ours — only produces noisy samples on this dataset. It suggests that PFGM is able
to scale up to high resolution images when using advanced architectures. We also compare with
the number reported in [16] using similar architecture. Note that DDPM requires 1000 NFE during
sampling, and doesn’t possess invertibility compared to flow models.
In this section, we demonstrate the image generation on CIFAR-10 and CelebA 64 × 64, using
NCSNv2 architecture [32], which is the predecessor of NCSN++ and DDPM++ [33] and has smaller
capacity. Since the VE/VP-ODE has poor performance (FID greater than 90), with the RK45 solver,
we also apply the forward Euler method (Euler) with fixed number of steps. We explicitly name the
sampler, with forward Euler method as predictor and Langevin dynamics as corrector, as Euler w/
corrector. For Euler w/ corrector in VE/VP-ODE, we use the probability flow ODE (reverse-time
ODE) as the predictor and the Langevin dynamics (MCMC) as the corrector. We borrow all the
hyper-parameters from [33] except for the signal-to-noise ratio. We empirically observe the new
configurations in Table 8 give better results on the NCSNv2 architecture.
To accommodate the extra dimension z on NCSNv2, we concatenate the image with an additional
constant channel with value z and thus the first convolution layer takes in four input channels. We also
add an additional output channel to the final convolution layer and take the global average pooling of
this channel to obtain the direction on z.
D.2.1 CIFAR-10
Table 9 reports the image quality measured by Inception/FID scores and the inference speed measured
by NFE on CIFAR-10, using a weaker architecture NCSNv2 [32]. We show that PFGM with the
RK45 solver has competitive FID/Inception scores with the Langevin dynamics, which was the best
model on the NCSNv2 architecture before, and requires 10× less NFE. In addition, PFGM performs
better than all the other ODE samplers. Our method is more tolerant of sampling error. Among the
compared ODEs, our backward ODE (Eq. (6)) is the only one that successfully generates high quality
samples while the VE/VP-ODE fail w/o the Langevin dynamics corrector. The backward ODE still
beats the baselines w/ corrector.
D.2.2 CelebA
In Table 10, we report the quality of images generated by models trained on CelebA 64 × 64, as
measured by the FID scores, and the sampling speed, as measured by NFE. We use this dataset as
our preliminary experiments hence we only apply NCSNv2 [32] for different baselines. As shown in
Table 10, PFGM achieves best FID scores than all the baselines on CelebA dataset, while accelerating
the inference speed around 20×. Remarkably, PFGM outperforms the Langevin dynamics and
reverse-time SDE samplers, which are usually considered better than their deterministic counterparts.
Remark: On the FID scores on CelebA 64 × 64 One interesting observation is that the samples
of PFGM (RK45) (Fig. 9(b)) contain more obvious artifacts than Langevin dynamics (Fig. 9(a)),
although PFGM has a lower FID score on the same architecture. We hypothesize that the diversity of
samples has larger effects on the FID scores than the artifacts. As shown in Fig. 9(a) and Fig. 9(b),
samples generated by PFGM have more diverse background colors and hair colors than samples of
Langevin dynamics. In addition, we evaluate the performance of PFGM on the DDPM++ architecture.
We show that the FID score can be further reduced to 3.68 using the more advanced DDPM++
architecture. By examining the generated samples of PFGM on DDPM++ (Fig. 13), we observe that
the samples are diverse and exhibit fewer artifacts than PFGM on NCSNv2. It suggests that by using
Table 9: CIFAR-10 sample quality (FID, Inception) and number of function evaluation (NFE). All
the methods below the NCSNv2 backbone separator use the NCSNv2 [32] network architecture as the
Inception ↑ FID ↓ NFE ↓
PixelCNN [36] 4.60 65.93 1024
IGEBM [8] 6.02 40.58 60
WGAN-GP [12] 7.86 ± .07 36.4 1
SNGAN [26] 8.22 ± .05 21.7 1
NCSN [31] 8.87 ± .12 25.32 1001
NCSNv2 backbone
Langevin dynamics [32] 8.40 ± .07 10.87 1161
VE-SDE [33] 8.23 ± .02 10.94 1000
VP-SDE [33] 6.85 ± .01 44.05 1000
VE-ODE (Euler w/ corrector) 8.05 ± .03 11.33 1000
VP-ODE (Euler w/ corrector) 7.33 ± .07 37.74 1000
PFGM (Euler) 8.00 ± .09 11.78 200
PFGM (RK45) 8.30 ± .05 11.22 118
a more powerful architecture like DDPM++, we can remove the artifacts while retaining the diversity
in PFGM.
Figure 9: Uncurated samples from Langevin dynamics [31] and PFGM (RK45), both using the
NCSNv2 architecture.
The main bottleneck of sampling time in each ODE step is the function evaluation of the neural
network. Hence, for different ODE equations using similar neural network architectures, their
inference times per ODE step are approximately the same.
We implement PFGM on the NCSNv2 [32], DDPM++ [33], and DDPM++ deep [33] architectures,
with sight modifications to account for the extra dimension z. In Table 11, we report the sampling
time per ODE step method with the DDPM++ backbone, as well as the total sampling time. We
measure the sampling time of generating a batch of 1000 images on CIFAR-10. We compare PFGM,
VP/sub-VP ODEs using the RK45 solver. As a reference, we also report the results of VP-SDE using
the predictor-corrector sampler [33]. All the numbers are produced on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU.
Table 10: FID/NFE on CelebA 64 × 64
NCSN [31] 26.89 1001
NCSNv2 backbone
Langevin dynamics [32] 10.23 2501
VE-SDE [33] 8.15 1000
VP-SDE [33] 34.52 1000
VE-ODE (Euler w/ corrector) 8.30 200
VP-ODE (Euler w/ corrector) 41.81 200
PFGM (Euler) 7.85 100
PFGM (RK45) 7.93 110
DDPM++ backbone
PFGM (RK45) 3.68 110
As expected, ODEs using similar architectures and the same solver have nearly the same wall-clock
time per ODE step. The table also shows that PFGM achieves the smallest total wall-clock sampling
The invertibility of the ODE in PFGM enables the interpolations between pairs of images. As shown
in Fig. 10, we adopt the spherical interpolations between the latent representations of the images in
the first and last column.
D.5 Temperature Scaling
To demonstrate more utilities of the meaningful latent space of PFGM, we include the experiments of
temperature scaling on CelebA 64 × 64 dataset. We linearly increase the norm of latent codes from
1000 to 6000 to get the samples in Fig. 11.
E Extended Examples
We provide extended samples from PFGM on CIFAR-10 (Fig. 12), CelebA 64 × 64 (Fig. 13) and
LSUN bedroom 256 × 256 (Fig. 14) datasets.
more physical tools: we can exploit renormalization to make the Poisson field well-behaved in near
fields. Another possibility is to replace a point charge with a quantum particle, whose position
uncertainty fills the empty space among nearest neighbor data samples and makes the data manifold
Figure 12: CIFAR-10 samples from PFGM (RK45)
Figure 13: CelebA 64 × 64 samples from PFGM (RK45, NCSNv2 architecture)
Figure 14: LSUN bedroom 256 × 256 samples from PFGM (RK45) using DDPM channel configura-