Nutrición y Dietética Texto 1, Ingles I, Flexible 2023

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Good nutrition and hydration are patterns live longer and have a lower risk
important at any age, but this is of many chronic diseases such as heart
especially true for the older generation. disease and diabetes. Good nutrition may
Maintaining a healthy diet and staying even prevent colds and infections.
properly hydrated can help you increase
your energy levels, control your weight Although the exact cause of Parkinson’s
and may even prevent certain health is unknown, it is currently believed that
problems such as heart disease, high Parkinson’s is the result of genetic and
blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and environmental factors.

Understanding what a well-balanced diet THE SIGNS OF

looks like is vital for staying healthy
throughout all of life. Here you can learn
more about the importance of nutrition
and hydration including tips on how you Nutrient deficiencies and malnutrition
can maintain a healthy diet as you get can lead to a variety of health concerns.
older. If you suspect malnutrition in an older
relative, watch for these signs:

WHY IS NUTRITION  Unexplained fatigue

IMPORTANT?  Getting sick often
 Bruised or dry, cracked skin
What we eat plays a large role in how we  Wounds that are slow to heal
feel, regardless of our age. Our bodies  Ridged or spoon-shaped nails
rely on the proteins, carbohydrates and
healthy fats in food for fuel and energy  Trouble chewing or swallowing
throughout the day. For our bodies to  Loss of appetite
thrive, these nutrients must be replaced  Weight loss
daily. It is also important to ensure
 Muscle weakness
you’re getting enough macronutrients
such as vitamins and minerals.

Most of us know that proper nutrition

and diet can help maintain a healthy
weight, but there are many other benefits
as well. People with healthy eating

WHAT DOES A WELL- whole-grain bread, cereals, lentils,
beans, peas, whole vegetables, and
BALANCED DIET LOOK fruit can provide dietary fibre.
 Potassium. Having enough
potassium in your diet may help
The NHS provides an excellent Eatwell prevent high blood pressure, kidney
Guide which explains how much of what stones and osteoporosis. Sources of
we eat should come from each food potassium include beans,
group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet. vegetables, fruits, and fat-free or
low-fat dairy products.
The Eatwell Guide divides the foods we  Omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have
eat and drink into 5 main food groups. shown that omega-3 fatty acids can
Look over the guide and try to choose a lower heart disease risk factors like
variety of different foods from each of high blood pressure and
the groups throughout the day. This will triglycerides. Good sources of
help you get the wide range of nutrients omega-3 fatty acids are vegetable
your body needs to stay healthy. oils, seeds, nuts, avocados, and fish.

If you’re looking for more guidance, the

NHS also offers plenty of tips and advice WHY IS HYDRATION
on proper nutrition and hydration, IMPORTANT?
including how to eat a balanced diet.
The human body is made up of over 60%
Older adults need to ensure they are water and every cell, organ and tissue in
including the following in their diets: your body relies on water to survive.

 Calcium and vitamin D. Adults over Drinking enough water each day is
70 need more calcium and vitamin D important for many reasons: it can help
than they did in their younger years. regulate your body temperature, prevent
Choose a variety of calcium-rich infections, keep your joints well
foods and beverages and aim to eat lubricated and ensure important organs
three servings of low-fat or fat-free like your brain and heart are functioning
dairy products every day. Sources of properly. Being adequately hydrated can
vitamin D include fatty fish, such as even boost your mood and improve your
salmon, eggs and fortified foods and sleep quality.
 Vitamin B12. Some adults over 50 People 65 years and older are at
have problems absorbing vitamin increased risk of heat-related illnesses,
B12, which can lead to nutrient such as dehydration. This is because as
deficiencies. Fortified cereal, lean we age our bodies lose more fluids than
meat and fish and seafood are good normal through sweat. An ageing body
sources of vitamin B12. Your GP or won’t automatically adjust this rate of
nutritionist may also recommend a sweat loss to prevent dehydration as it
B12 supplement. does when we are younger.
 Dietary fibre. Constipation is a
common problem amongst older
Conventional wisdom tells us that we
adults and eating plenty of fibre can
should consume 8 glasses of water a day
help you stay regular. Foods such as
or about 2 litres, but this number is

dependent on your age, body size, older adult remember when it is time
activity levels and other environmental to have a meal or drink a glass of
factors. Consider discussing your water.1
hydration with your GP to determine
your requirements.



 Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and

vegetables. Try and include a variety
of different colours and types each
 Eat plenty of whole grains. At least
half of the cereals, breads, crackers
and pasta you eat throughout the day
should be made from whole grains.
 Choose lean meats. Lean meats are
lower in calories while still
providing heart-healthy protein and
 Try other protein sources. Try
replacing your usual meats with
other protein sources such as fish,
eggs, beans or tofu.
 Season with herbs and spices. This
can help you add flavour to your
meals without relying on salt.
 Choose low-fat or fat-free milk.
They will provide the calcium and
vitamin D your bones need without
excessive fat or calories.
 Make meals for social events. Visit
your loved one at meal times or
encourage them to join programs
and community events where they
can dine with others.
 Keep water easily accessible. Try
keeping a water bottle or jug near
your favourite seat.
 Set up a series of alerts or reminders
on digital devices. This can help an


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