Metals 09 00055
Metals 09 00055
Metals 09 00055
Experimental Investigation of Solidification in the
Cast Mold with a Consumable Cooler
Introduced Inside
Ran Niu 1 , Baokuan Li 1, *, Zhongqiu Liu 1 , Lifu Bu 1 , Xianglong Li 1 , Xiao Yang 2 and
Fumitaka Tsukihashi 2
1 School of Metallurgy, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China; [email protected] (R.N.);
[email protected] (Z.L.); [email protected] (L.B.); [email protected] (X.L.)
2 Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwanoha 5-1-5, Kashiwa 2778561, Japan;
[email protected] (X.Y.); [email protected] (F.T.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-24-83672216
Received: 6 December 2018; Accepted: 7 January 2019; Published: 9 January 2019
Abstract: The microstructure is of great significance for the stability and mechanical performance
of the cast slab. Recently, an innovative technology of feeding a consumable cooler into the mold
has been proposed to improve the internal quality of castings. But the mechanism is not clear. In the
present work, a water-cooled transparent laboratory equipment was set up and solidification of
NH4 Cl-70%H2 O solution was studied to observe the in-situ growth and sedimentation of crystals.
The experiments were conducted with and without adding a consumable cooler. Morphology
variation of the solidification structure was visualized and temperature distribution during the
process was recorded. Results show that introduction of the consumable cooler significantly reduces
the temperature of the central zone. Melting of the consumable cooler can supply a large quantity of
equiaxed crystals, which prevent the growth of columnar dendrites and thereby promote columnar
to equiaxed transition (CET). Moreover, the enhanced convection shows an effect of grain refinement.
1. Introduction
Quality and reliability of the castings are heavily dependent on the crystal structure and their
homogeneity. Internal central segregation and porosity are common defects in the continuous casting
(CC) slab and these defects affect the internal quality of the final rolled plate. Reducing the defects is
essential for achieving satisfactory properties in the products [1]. Many methods including the low
superheat pouring technique [2], the Electromagnetic Stirring (EMS) [3] and the ultrasonic vibration [4]
have been implemented to reduce the defects. All these methods tend to improve the homogeneity
and the amount of equiaxed crystals in the cast slab [5]. Nevertheless, the efficiency of these techniques
is limited by different reasons, such as submerged entry nozzle (SEN) clogging, the size and shape of
the slab [6], etc. Generally, the slab quality can be improved by generating a large amount of equiaxed
grains and promoting a columnar to equiaxed transition (CET). Recently, an innovative method of
feeding a consumable steel strip to the mold has been proposed by the Azovstal’ Metallurgical Combine
in Ukraine and the Kawasaki Steel Corporation in Japan, which can alleviate the central segregation
and porosity defects of CC slab [7–10]. For the new technology, a thin consumable strip is continuously
fed into the CC mold through a strip “feeder” at a desired feeding speed. The melt superheat in the
central zone of the mold is decreased by the phase change decalescence of the cold strip. Melting of
the cold strip can promote the formation of equiaxed grains while hindering the growth of columnar
dendrites. A new pattern of solidification proceeding simultaneously at the outside and inside of
the slab eliminates the centerline segregation and improves the internal consistency. However, the
mechanism underlying the improvement of internal defects by this technology is not clear because of
the opaque mold as well as the harsh casting environment.
In 1965, Jackson tested several transparent compounds showing a similar pattern to metals
during solidification [11]. From then on, NH4 Cl-H2 O solution has been widely adopted for
experimental studies of the fluid motions associated with crystallization and solidification processes.
Christenson et al. [12] studied the solidification of NH4 Cl-H2 O solution in a rectangular cavity with
varying initial concentrations and cooling conditions. Tatsuo et al. [13] studied the detailed information
of double-diffusive convection during solidification by performing the experiment of solidification
of NH4 Cl-H2 O solution in a rectangular chamber with lateral cooling. Beckermann and Wang [14]
experimentally studied the flow field during equiaxed dendritic solidification of NH4 Cl-H2 O solution.
Shigeo et al. [15] used a potassium permanganate dye to trace fluid motion within the sidewall mushy
region during a two sides chilling solidification. Kharicha et al. [16] used the PIV technique to study
the flow pattern and the equiaxed crystal motion during an equiaxed/columnar solidification process.
Zhong et al. [17] investigated the effect of crystal rain produced from the free surface on columnar to
equiaxed transition. Nevertheless, investigation of the solidification process with a consumable cooler
is still absent.
In the present work, solidification process of NH4 Cl-H2 O solution in a cavity cooled from two
sidewalls was experimentally investigated. The columnar dendrites growth from two cooling sidewalls
and the equiaxed crystals motion were studied. The influences of the crystals generated from the solid
consumable cooler on the solid structure and the occurrence of the CET were investigated. Related
mechanisms are herein discussed.
2. Experimental Procedure
A solution of NH4 Cl-70%H2 O was used in the transparent experimental study of solidification
and crystallization. The thermophysical properties of NH4 Cl-70%H2 O solution is shown in Table 1.
The experiments were performed in a cavity made of acrylic with two 1-mm-thick cooper plates as two
side vertical walls. Two cooling water tanks were set immediately adjacent to the two side walls. Three
thermocouples with diameter 5 mm were positioned in the Y-Z median plane of the cavity at positions
2.5 mm (T3), 12.5 mm (T2) and 22.5 mm (T1) relative to the left cooling plate and were directly in
contact with the NH4 Cl-H2 O solution. The schematic diagram of the experiment set up is shown in
Figure 1. During the solidification process, the two sidewalls of the cavity were rendered towards
cooling by pumping the cold water into the tank at a given rate. The cooling water was supplied by a
thermostat water bath with a mixture of ice and water. The top, front, back and bottom walls of the
cavity were well insulated, leaving a slit for the light sheet and cooler adding in the top plate. A double
cavity Nd-YAG laser was used as the light source. A camera monitoring system was also set up to
visualize the crystallization process from the front plate. The output data of the thermocouples were
displayed on a computer. The schematic diagram of the experimental system is shown in Figure 2.
Property Value
(kg/m3 )
Density of the liquid phase, ρf 1078
Density of the solid ammonium chloride, ρs (kg/m3 ) 1527.4
Dynamic viscosity of the liquid phase, µf (N s/m2 ) 0.0013
Thermal conductivity of the liquid phase, kf (W/m K) 0.468
Thermal conductivity of the solid phase, kfs (W/m K) 2.7
Specific heat of the liquid phase, cf (J/kg K) 3249
Specific heat of the solid phase, cs (J/kg K) 1827
Thermal expansion coefficient, βT (1/K) 3.832 × 10−4
Latent heat of fusion at TE , ∆h (J/kg) 3.138 × 105
Eutectic temperature, TE (K) 259.2
Liquidus temperature, TL (K) 310.2
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Metals 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 14
Figure schematicdiagram
Figure 2. The schematic diagram of the experimental system.
Details aboutthe theexperimental
experimental procedure
procedure are
are as
as follows.
follows. TheThe solution
solution of of NH
Cl-H22OOwas washeated
to85 Details
85°C.◦ C.After about
Aftercomplete the experimental
melting,the procedure
solutionwas are as
waspoured follows.
pouredinto The solution
intoaacavity of
cavitypreheated NH
preheated to 4Cl-H2O
to 85 ◦ was
85 °CCto heated
to aa
70 85 °C.
mm-deep After complete
bath. Later, melting,
cooling the
water solution
was was
pumped poured
to the into
tanks atocavity
the to 85
solidification.°C to
At make
every a
70 mm-deep bath. Later, cooling water was pumped to the tanks to trigger the solidification. At every
70 mm-deep
100 ss interval, bath. Later, cooling water was pumped to the tanks to trigger the solidification. At every
100 interval,thethe insulation
insulationof the
of front
the plate
front was
plateremoved to photograph
was removed the progressthe
to photograph of solidification.
progress of
100 s interval,
Solidification with the insulation
a consumable of the front plate was removed to photograph the progress of
solidification. Solidification with cooler was also investigated.
a consumable cooler was also By the time the solidification
investigated. By the time started,
a laboratory consumable Solidification with a consumable
cooler wasconsumable
immersed into cooler
the was was
solution also investigated.
bath center withsolutionBy the
an immersed time the
solidification started, a laboratory cooler immersed into the bath center
of 30 mm. The started,
consumable a laboratory
cooler wasconsumable
prepared bycooler
cooling wastheimmersed
NH Cl-H into
O the solution
solution in a bath center
cuboid shape
with an immersed length of 30 mm. The consumable cooler was prepared 4 2 by cooling the NH4Cl-H 2O
mold an
in immersed
a freezer. length
Three of 30
coolers mm.
with The consumable
different sizes cooler
(cross was
3 × 10 by
mm cooling
2 , 5 × 10themmNH2 4Cl-H2O
and 7 ×
solution in a cuboid shape mold in a freezer. Three coolers with different sizes (cross section: 3 × 10
10 mm in a cuboid
2 ) were prepared shapeto mold in a freezer.
investigate the Threeof
influence coolers
cooling with different
efficiency on sizes
the (cross section:
solidification 3 × 10
mm ,2 5 × 10 mm 2and 7 × 10 mm )2 were prepared to investigate the influence of cooling efficiency on
2 2 2
The , 5 × 10 mm and 7 × 10experiments mm ) were prepared to investigate the from
of cooling efficiency on
the solidification measuring
process. The temperature were conducted
measuring separately
experiments were theconducted separately experiments
to solidification
that there process.
was noThe temperature
interference withmeasuring
the morphologyexperiments were conducted
of the solidification separately from
Metals 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 14
the observation experiments to ensure that there was no interference with the morphology of the
solidification front.
Metals 2019, 9, 55 4 of 11
Metals 2019, 9, 55 5 of 11
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Solidification
Solidification morphology
morphology in
in the
the melt
melt at
at selected
selected times.
Figure 4. The
The schematic
schematic diagram
diagram of
of the
the development
development of of various
various microscopic
structural zonesin
zones inaacast
mold (a)initial
stage; (b)
(b) mediate
mediate stage;
stage; (c)
(c) final
final stage.
stage; (b) mediate stage; (c) final stage.
To investigatethe
investigate themotion
the motionof
motion ofthe
of thefree
the freecrystals,
free crystals,which
crystals, whichfurther
which furtherpromote
further promotethe
promote theCET,
the CET,an
CET, anisolated
an isolatedNH
isolated NH444Cl
crystal was
crystal was traced.
was traced. With
traced. With the
With the progress
the progress of
progress ofof solidification,
solidification, natural
solidification, natural convection
natural convection within
convection within the
within thethe section
section around
section around
around a
aa plume
plume waswas was
induced induced
by theby
induced by the thermo-solutal
the buoyancy. buoyancy.
Thus, an upward
buoyancy. Thus, an
Thus, an
flow upward
within the
upward flow
flow within the
within the
liquid is formed liquid
which is formed
spews manywhich spews
dendrite many
into fragments
the bulk
interdendritic liquid is formed which spews many dendrite fragments into the bulk liquid [19]. Some liquidinto the
[19]. bulk
Some liquid
of the [19]. Some
of the
of the fragments
when they dissolved
met thewhen
dissolved when
melt at they
they met thethe melt
a temperature
met melt at aa temperature
at temperature
the liquidus. above above
The otherthe fragments
the liquidus. The
liquidus. The other
as the sources survived
of the as
equiaxedthe sources
grains of
when the
they equiaxed
reached grains
the liquid
fragments survived as the sources of the equiaxed grains when they reached the liquid at when
at a they
temperaturereached belowthe liquid
the at aa
The equiaxed below
grains the liquidus.
rejected from The
the equiaxed
sidewalls grains
began rejected
to grow from
temperature below the liquidus. The equiaxed grains rejected from the sidewalls began to grow until the
they sidewalls
reached abegan
size to
when grow until
they reached
they reached
dominated overaa size
size when
when gravity
forces, dominated
gravity they started over other forces,
to other
over sink. forces,of
Some then they
then started
started to sink.
to Someto
Some ofthe
of the
bottom of crystals
the cavity.settled
During to the
the bottom
settling, ofa the cavity.
coalescence During
could the
equiaxed crystals settled to the bottom of the cavity. During the settling, a coalescence could havesettling,
occurred a coalescence
between the could
two have
occurred between
betweenthey thethe two
two small
collided, small
which crystals after
crystals they
havethey collided,
collided, which
settling. could
could The have promoted
have promoted the settling.
the settling.
The coalescence
crystals during between
sinking is two
shown crystals
in during
Figure 5. sinking
These is
settled shown
The coalescence between two crystals during sinking is shown in Figure 5. These settled crystals in Figure
formed 5.
a These
sediment settled
bed. crystals
formedwere aa sediment
some bed. There
bed. There
crystals also
also thatwere
were some equiaxed
some equiaxed crystals that
the convectional
crystals that followed
flow followed
and interactedthe convectional
the convectional
with columnar flow
and interacted
and interacted
dendrites with columnar
front with
where columnar
they were dendrites
dendrites front where they
As shown
front where they
in were6,captured.
were captured.
the position As shown
As shown in
variation in of
Figure 6, the
the traced
Figure 6, the
crystal has variation
been of
marked the traced
with a crystal
circle. Whenhas been
the marked
captured with
crystals a circle.
as well
position variation of the traced crystal has been marked with a circle. When the captured crystals as When
as the the captured
sediment bed crystals
increased as
to the as the
height sediment
corresponding bed increased
to the to the
location, height
the corresponding
growth of the to
well as the sediment bed increased to the height corresponding to the location, the growth of the the location,
dendrite the
front growth
was of
blocked the
there dendrite front
[20]. dendrite
columnar Afterwards, front thewas
wasCET blocked
blocked there [20].
there [20]. Afterwards,
Afterwards, the the CET
CET occured.
Figure 5. The
5. The coalescence
The coalescence between
coalescence betweentwo
between twocrystals
two crystalsduring
crystals duringsinking.
during sinking.
Metals 2019, 9, 55 6 of 11
Metals 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 14
Figure6.6. Illustration
Figure Illustrationof
of the
the process
process of
of aa downward
downward moving
side wall.
side wall.
Figure 7. Solidification evolution in the cavity with a consumable cooler introduced inside.
Figure 7. Solidification evolution in the cavity with aa consumable
consumable cooler
cooler introduced
introduced inside.
Figure 9. Themeasured
9. The measuredtemperature
at at different
different horizontal
horizontal positions
positions (a) (a) position
position T3; T3;
(b) position T2; (c) position
position T2; (c) position T1. T1.
In the
the experiments
experiments with
with aa cooler,
cooler, in
in the
the initial
initial stage,
stage, the
the temperature
temperature atat position
position T1
T1 dropped
quickly due to the solid cooler. At the same time, the temperature at position T2 decreased
quickly due to the solid cooler. At the same time, the temperature at position T2 decreased because of
of the cooling diffusion. The region near the cavity center was cooler than other locations. This
Metals 2019, 9, 55 9 of 11
Metals 2018, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 14
the cooling
situation is diffusion.
different fromThe region near the
the reference cavity
case center was
of cooling fromcooler
externalthan to other
Under This situation
the combined
is different
cooling effect offrom the reference case of cooling from external to internal.
internal cold source and external cooling, the overall heat dissipation rate Under the combined cooling
of the
cavityofwas thesignificantly
internal coldaccelerated.
source andAs external
a result, cooling, the overall
the decrease of theheat dissipationatrate
temperatures of the T2
positions cavity
was significantly accelerated. As a result, the decrease of the temperatures
T3 was accelerated. In addition, the cooling effect of the cooler increases with the cooler thickness. A at positions T2 and T3 was
thicker cooler Inled
a lowerthe cooling effect
temperature. of the
It can be seencooler thatincreases
for T2, itwith
takes the140cooler
s lessthickness.
for the 7 mm A thicker
to drop ledtoa25 lower temperature.
degrees comparedIt with can bethe seen
3 mm thatcooler.
for T2,The it takes
final140 s less for the
temperature in 7the
mm cooler
cavity to drop
center for
to 25 degrees compared with the 3 mm cooler. The final
the 7 mm cooler is also seven degrees lower than that for the 3 mm one. Studies show thattemperature in the cavity center for the 7 mm
cooling is rate
also will
seven degreesthe
promote lower than that
formation offor
3 mm one. thusStudies
the amount show of that the larger
refined cooling
equiaxed rate
in thepromote the formation
mold increases with the of finer grains,
increase thus the
of cooler amount
thickness of refined equiaxed grains in the mold
The with the increase
temperature of cooler
gradients thickness
among the three [22,23].points with and without the cooler are plotted in
Figure The 10.temperature
The temperature gradients gradientamong the three
is defined as thepoints with and difference
temperature without the coolerby
divided aretheplotted
distance in
Figure 10. The temperature gradient is defined as the temperature
between the two thermocouples, as T1-T2 and T2-T3 (°C/cm). In all cases, variation of the temperature difference divided by the distance
gradientsthe cantwobethermocouples,
divided into three as T1-T2
periods: andfirst
T2-T3 (◦ C/cm).then
increasing, In alldecreasing
cases, variation of the increasing
and finally temperature to
a stabilized canvalue.
be divided
In the into
initial three periods:
stage, first increasing,
the temperature gradient thenincreased
decreasing and because
firstly finally increasing
the initial
to a stabilized
period is dominated value. by Incooling
the initial stage, theLater,
conduction. temperature
with thegradientprogressincreased firstly because
of solidification in the solid- the
liquid period
interface is dominated
and under the by cooling
effect ofconduction.
latent heat release Later, with and thethe double-diffusive
progress of solidification convection, in thethe
temperatureinterface gradientand under
drops. the effect
Finally, the of latent heat release
temperature gradient and the double-diffusive
magnitude returns to aconvection,
valuetemperature gradient drops.
after the solid-liquid interfaceFinally, the temperature
has passed through that gradient
With a cooler,returnsthe totemperature
a stabilized
gradientafter the solid-liquid
between T1 and T2 interface has passed
turned negative, butthrough
the absolutethat location.
magnitude Withofathe cooler, the temperature
difference increased.
gradient between T1 and T2 turned negative, but the absolute
The temperature gradient between T2 and T3 decreased as temperature at T2 dropped faster magnitude of the difference increased.
The temperature
the effect gradient
of enhanced between
cooling. It is T2 and T3that
observed decreased
while the as temperature
wall temperature at T2 dropped
reached afasterlowerunderlimit,
the effect of enhanced
temperature gradientcooling.
between It isT2
and T3 that while the
decreased wall temperature
gradually in the later reached a lower limit,
stage of solidification.
It istemperature
observed in gradient between
the reference T2 and that
experiment T3 decreased
the CET occurs gradually afterinthethesolid-liquid
later stage of solidification.
interface moved
It is observed
over T2, whereincolumnar
the reference experiment
and equiaxed that the
crystals CET occurs
co-exist. The CET after the solid-liquid
occurs in the presence interface moved
of a relatively
over T2, where columnar
low temperature gradientand (aboutequiaxed
2.8 °C).crystals
With aco-exist.
cooler, the TheCETCEToccurs
occursafter in the thepresence of a relatively
solid-liquid interface
low temperature gradient (about 2.8 ◦ C). With a cooler, the CET occurs after the solid-liquid interface
developed over the T3 (between T3 and T2). The achieved temperature gradient (as high as 6.2 °C)
developed ◦ C)
during the over the T3 (between
CET period is much larger T3 and thanT2).that Theof achieved
the reference temperature
experiment. gradient (as high that
This indicates as 6.2 while
under the the solution
CET period at aishigh
much larger thangradient,
temperature that of the reference
when a large experiment.
number of This indicates
nucleation that while
is introduced
into the thebulksolution at a high
solution, temperature
the triggered gradient,
equiaxed crystalwhen raina large number
can also of nucleation
promote the CET issignificantly.
Withthe thebulk solution,
increase the triggered
of cooler thickness, equiaxed crystal raingradient
the temperature can also increased
promote the CETearly
in the significantly.
stages, whichWith
the increase of cooler thickness, the temperature gradient increased
depresses the growing rate of crystal [24,25]. As such, a thicker cooler will promote the refinement of in the early stages, which depresses
the growing
crystals. rate of crystal [24,25]. As such, a thicker cooler will promote the refinement of the crystals.
4. Conclusions
Metals 2019, 9, 55 10 of 11
4. Conclusions
Experiments were conducted to study the solidification of NH4 Cl-70%H2 O solution in a cavity
with two cooled side walls. The effect of adding a consumable cooler with different thickness into the
cavity was studied. The morphology variation of the crystals and the temperature distribution during
the process were recorded. The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) The solidification process can be divided into three periods: pure columnar dendrites growth,
equiaxed crystal rain occurrence, equiaxed crystal block the columnar growth to a steady state.
(2) Introduction of the consumable cooler can significantly reduce the temperature of the central
zone of mold. Melting of the consumable cooler can supply large quantity of equiaxed grains
and refine the crystal size. The introduced equiaxed crystals can block the growth of columnar
dendrites, thereby promoting the CET.
(3) In the reference experiment without a cooler, CET occurs when the temperature gradient
decreased to 2.8 ◦ C. In the experiment with a consumable cooler included, the CET occurs
even if the temperature gradient is as high as 6.2 ◦ C.
(4) The consumable cooler with a larger thickness can introduce more equiaxed crystals with smaller
sizes. Thus, the solidification rate and the compactness of the solidified structure increased.
Author Contributions: R.N. and B.L. designed the experiments; R.N., Z.L. and L.B. analyzed the results; X.L., X.Y.
and F.T. assisted in data analysis and revised manuscript.
Funding: The authors’ gratitude goes to National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574068 and 51604070)
and Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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