IJHMT Endwall Roughed Revised
IJHMT Endwall Roughed Revised
IJHMT Endwall Roughed Revised
RANS Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes HTEI Heat Transfer Efficiency Index
HV Horseshoe Vortices SST Shear Stress Transport
to become fully developed around the fourth row, and
after that, the heat transfer coefficient stops rising at an
asymptotic value.
The world is in the throes of technological Heat transfer characteristics of the channel are
development, even though the coronavirus has undoubtedly determined by the interaction between the
threatened the aeronautical industry, which is flow and pin-fins. Kirkil and Constantinescu [14],
explosively growing like a storm. With the increasing Choi et al. [15], and Sircar et al. [16] studied the
demand for a gas turbine with high thermal efficiency, Horseshoe Vortex (HV) pattern around a cylindrical
a tremendous number of material-related challenges pin mounted on a plate. They observed random
are weighing on the scientists since the working behavior of primary and secondary necklace vortices
environment of turbine blades is exceptionally harsh and local vortices at the junction of the endwalls and
when the temperature rises to 2000K. In that context, pin-fins. The vortex shedding behind pin-fins is further
effective cooling methods are in urgent demand to investigated by Schekman and Kim [17], Mon and
avoid material failure and, in the meantime, increase Gross [18], and Sahin et al. [19]. It is believed that the
material longevity. A safe and effective cooling interaction between these vortices represents the
operation is achieved by actively cooling the blade by reactions of the main flow characteristics induced by
pumping air inside the serpentine cascades. In the pin-fin arrays. The same results are published by
operations, an important area that requires special Apsilidis et al. [20], Otto et al. [21], and Won et al.
investigation is the trailing edge domain. Pin-fin [22] found that the wake closure length decreases. The
arrays are common tangles promoting mechanical horseshoe vortices slowly decay, which is caused by
support and maintaining high heat transfer capacity in the occurrence of mixing and the dissipation of the
this domain. It is conventionally acknowledged that shear layer becomes quicker when expanding the
structures like pin-fins equipped in the cooling passage Reynolds number.
increase the wetted flow area and strengthen the
When studying the pin-fins on the heat transfer
turbulence, thus augmenting the convective heat
capacity of the channel, one major characteristic that is
transfer capability. Studies on the heat transfer
the core to develop for many researchers is pin-fin
properties of channels with modified tangles by AP-
cross-section geometry. By altering the pin-fin cross-
Lab [1-3] have shown significant advantages in
section, the turbulence-related mechanism of the pin-
improving channels with tangles such as ribs and pin-
fin changes relatively [23]. Numerous studies of pin-
fins in increasing the heat transfer of the cooling
fin shapes tried to find the optimum cross-sectional
channel in the turbine blade.
shape, such as circular, cubic [24], diamond [25],
Studies of pin-fin arrays in cooling channels elliptical [26], and fan-shaped [27-28]. The achieved
appear early in the 1980s with the investigations of results can be summarized that angular shape pin-fins
Metzger et al. [4, 5] and VanFossen [6]. They come with higher heat transfer capability, but it goes
concluded that the coefficient of heat transfer of pin- with huge pressure loss. On the other hand, pin-fins
fins is significantly higher than that of the endwalls or have an aerodynamic shape accompanied by a low
the smooth channel. Sparrow et al. [7] and Siw et al. friction factor, and hence, it is promising to improve
[8] compared the heat transfer characteristics of overall HTEI. For engendering the low pressure drop
staggered and in-line pin-fin arrays and concluded that of the pin-fin arrays and simultaneously increasing the
the staggered pin-fin arrays induce higher heat transfer contact area of the pin-fin with the flow, some
capacity but also a more potent friction factor. researchers increase the streamwise length of the pin-
However, with the rotating conditions applied, the heat fin, resulting in various cross-section types [29-31].
transfer coefficients on both leading and trailing Some results include prolonging the pin-fin in the
surfaces are higher than the stationary conditions [9]. streamwise direction can result in a 46% lower friction
Lau et al. [10] observed that the height-to-diameter factor and 22% higher Nusselt number. The NACA
ratio of normal pin-fins installed in a turbine trailing and teardrop pin-fins show the highest HTEI, with
edge section was between 0.5 and 4. Various studies approximately 21% higher compared to the circular
[11-13] found that the first few rows record a gradual pin-fin case.
increase in heat transfer coefficient for both in-line and
Another factor worth studying is the streamwise
staggered pin-fin arrays. As the flow advances into the
and spanwise spacing of the pin-fin arrays. Changing
arrays, turbulence is amplified progressively due to the
these distances can lead to the reform in the influence
congestion of the arrays, speeding up the flow, causing
of each pin-fin on its neighbors and the pin-fin on the
more flow separation and associated horseshoe
side walls. Matsumoto et al. [32] and Jeng and Tzeng
vortices. Hence, the increase in turbulence intensity
[33] investigated the adjustment of pin-fin positioning
produces higher heat transfer capacity around the
(staggered and in-line) and the pin-fin spanwise and
middle rows. Nevertheless, these circumstances seem
streamwise-to-diameter ratio (Sx/D and Sy/D). The changes the turbulent flow structure remarkably and
overall outcomes showed that when changing the thus intensifies the surface heat transfer.
arrangement of the pin-fin arrays, the staggered
All the studies above focused on investigating the
disposition generally produces higher heat transfer and
geometry and configuration of pin-fins to perceive the
friction factor penalty due to the flow obstructing
mechanism of the flow and vortices and to maximize
characteristics. Moreover, when varying the distance
the HTEI of the channel. However, according to other
between the pin-fins, heat transfer of the region
articles, which studied the vortices around tangles [49-
downstream of the pin-fin and the flow are affected,
55], the primary heat transfer intensification zones of
resulting in different behavior of the wake and, thus,
the channel were found to be located upstream and
different heat transfer characteristics. Reducing the
around the turbulator. Furthermore, Chyu and
pin-fin spacings can restrict the function of vortex
Goldstein [56] studied mass transfer in the channel
shedding and increase the heat transfer of the channel
with circular pin-fins. The results show that the
location with the highest heat transfer coefficient is
Another crucial factor that attains much attention around the pin-fins due to HV. Moon and Kim [27]
from researchers worldwide is the pin-fin height, investigated the influence and optimization of fan-
generally known as the height-to-diameter ratio (H/D). shaped pin-fins on the heat transfer capacity of the
Typically, short pin-fins produce better heat transfer channel. The results show that the wake area behind
than long pin-fin arrays [35]. Ostanek and Thole [36] the pin-fin is the lowest Nusselt number region. The
discovered that H/D has a minor effect on the gradient fan profile helps to shrink this area compared to the
normal to the wall through the central part of the duct, circular pin fin, thereby increasing the overall heat
while reducing S/D can limit vortex generation in the transfer capacity of the channel. Uzol and Camci [57]
first row. It is found that the ratio H/D of the short pin- observed and measured the wake flow domain using
fin is a crucial factor affecting the heat transfer particle image velocimetry (PIV) inside wake regions
induced by the arrays [37-38]. Brigham and for elliptic and circular pin-fin arrays. The results
VanFossen [39] discovered that with low H/D (H/D < show that the loss inside the wake of the circular pin is
2), the heat transfer capability varies only with the caused by the large low-momentum wake region,
Reynolds number of the channel. For longer pin-fins, which is formed due to the separation of the flow
the Nusselt number depends on both the H/D ratio and through the fin pin. Thus, using an elliptical pin-fin
Re. Lengthwise direction geometry of the pin-fin is creates a smaller low-momentum wake region,
also considered. Some of the published articles include resulting in lower pressure loss. However, questions
the investigation of pin-fins with endwalls fillets [40], remained about the effect of the endwalls, which can
pin-fin with gaps [41-42], and detached pin-fins [43- be used to develop and conserve the vortices around
45]. One unique finding is that both the heat transfer the pin-fins, on the heat transfer capacity of the
performance and the friction factor decrease when channel. These vortices, which are typically the key
enlarging the size of the gaps with detached pin-fins factors influencing the heat transfer capacity of the
and pin-fins with gaps due to the diminishing flow channel, have not been appropriately investigated so
resistance. However, the dominating of the decreasing far. The present work numerically investigates the
pressure loss than the diminish of heat transfer results development and the preservation of vortices of the
in a higher heat transfer efficiency index (HTEI) of the channel with two types of endwall-turbulator systems:
channel. the extruded endwall and the recessed endwall. The
heat transfer characteristics, i.e., Nusselt number,
The investigations of boundary conditions are also
friction factor, and HTEI, are compared with those of
performed in the recent literature. The primary
the flat endwall type.
condition that affects the heat transfer capacity of the
channel is heat load (the ratio of wall temperature over NUMERICAL ANALYSIS
bulk temperature). In general, the heat load
investigated in the numerical pin-fins channel is low. Description of Geometry
However, the heat load of turbine cooling in real life The computational domain was constructed based
can be quite high. Shih et al. [46] noted that the heat on the experimental model of Bai et al. [58], as shown
load inside turbine cooling channels could be up to in Fig. 1. The testing sample of Bai et al. [58] consists
2.2. They also show that the Nusselt number depends of four channels: the development channel, the ribbed
strongly on the Tw/Tb. They concluded that the heat channel, the heated channel, and the output channel,
load near unity must be corrected or scaled before where five rows of staggered pin-fins are attached to
being applied to turbine cooling design. Lee et al. [47, the heated channel. The original domains of Bai et al.
48] used Large-eddy simulations to study the turbulent [58] included a section with ribs (ribbed channel)
flow of channels with heat loads of 1.01, 2.0, and 4.0. which they used to examine the effect of uniform and
They found that channel with high heat load creates rib-turbulated flow on the heat transfer of the channel
wall jets next to the heated surfaces. This phenomenon with pin-fins. However, the replicated model in this
work does not contain ribs. Hence, the ribbed channel upper and lower walls. The protrusions and
of them is considered a plain heated channel in the indentations here have a referenced height of h =
work for the sake of consistency. The height and width 1mm, i.e., 5% of the height of the channel. L f1 and Lr1
of the channel are W = 80mm and H = 20mm, values are 5mm, Lf2 and Lr2 values are taken by default
respectively. The cross-section of the computed as 8mm. The detailed geometric parameter sets of both
domain is a rectangle with the aspect ratio AR = W/H cases are represented in Tab. 1. These values are the
= 80/20 = 4. The upper and lower walls correspond to reference values of the work, after which they will be
z = 0 and z = H, and the remaining two side walls are varied to investigate the heat transfer characteristics of
located at y = -W/2 and y = W/2, respectively. The the channel.
equivalent diameter of the channel, D h = 2HW/(H+W),
is 32 mm. The direction of the flow corresponds to the
direction of the x-axis.
The distance from the inlet of the channel to the
ribbed channel is Ld = 100mm. This enlarged part of
the channel is called the development channel, which
is aimed to stabilize the entrance flow and attain a
fully-developed flow. The plain heated channel and (a) Recessed endwalls (b) Extruded endwalls
heated channel lengths are L p = 300mm and L =
100mm, respectively. The distance from the outlet of
the heated channel to the outlet of the whole channel is
Lo = 200mm. This channel is an output channel that is TABLE 1. GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF
meant to lessen backflow productively. The total ROUGHED ENDWALLS
length of the calculated domain is L t = 700mm. For the
pin-fins, each pin-fin is positioned with the neighbors Parameter h/H Lf1/R Lr1/R Lf2/R Lr2/R
with the spaces, Sx/D = 2 and Sy/D = 2, and the pin-fin Reference
0.05 1.25 1.25 2 2
itself has a diameter of 8mm. All the above parameters Value
will remain unchanged throughout the calculation
Data reduction
processes. Fig. 1 describes a conventional graphical
representation of the geometric scheme of the channel The Reynolds number (Re) of the channel is
with recessed endwalls. defined as:
In this paper, extruded endwalls and recessed
endwalls models of heated endwalls are presented to
ρu D h
enlarge the vortex zones around the pin-fins. The μ
geometric examples of both models are described with (1)
a directed view at the Oy direction of the channel in
where u is the inlet velocity of the channel; ρ is
Fig. 2. The red points in Fig. 2 are fixed points that
remain unchanged in the x coordinate when varying the air density; Dh and μ are the channel hydraulic
the parameters of the modified endwalls. The extruded diameter and dynamic viscosity of the coolant,
and recessed domains are located in the odd rows of respectively.
the pin-fin arrays, symmetrically about the base of the
pin-fins with a directed view at the Oy direction. The
protrusions and indentations are arranged in both the
The local heat transfer coefficient (h) of the and heat transfer in the channel with pin-fins using the
heated surfaces is determined by: commercial software Ansys CFX® 19.1 [61]. CFX
uses the finite volume method based on the finite
q element method with a High-Resolution Scheme for
T w −T b discretizing the Advection Term. The SST turbulence
(2) model is used in the validation processes, and the
simulations with the k-ω turbulence model are
where q is the heat flux of the heated wall, T w is manipulated throughout the work. The convergence
wall temperature, and Tb is the bulk temperature of the condition is set so that the root-mean-square values of
fluid. Tb is interpolated based on x location along the the continuity, momentum, energy and turbulent
kinetic energy equations are less than 10 -6. In addition,
streamwise direction according to the formula of Bai
the heat flux at the heated wall surfaces, the
et al. [59] temperature variations of the gas at the inlet and outlet
The local Nusselt number (Nu) is used to surfaces, and the mass flow at the outlet are also set as
monitoring parameters to check for convergence.
represent the local heat transfer capacity, which can be
written as: This work uses the structured grid divided in
ANSYS-ICEM® software. The elements adjacent to
h Dh the wall and the pin-fins are specified with a height of
Nu= 1ⅹ10-6(m) to satisfy a y+ value less than 1 for the entire
Reynolds number range to fit the criteria of the
turbulence model. The structural grid shown in Fig. 3
where λ is the thermal conductivity of coolant is created using hexahedral elements; the O-grid is
fluid. placed around the pin-fins to increase the mesh quality
and capture the circular contour of the pin-fins. The
According to the correlation formula of Dittus- test grid will be used for Reynolds 36000, and the
Boelter [60], the Nusselt number (Nu 0) for fully number of grids will vary from 1.9 million to 5.6
developed turbulent flow in a smooth channel of a million elements.
rectangular cross-section is defined as: Boundary conditions are established according to
the experimental and simulation conditions of Bai et
0.8 0.4
Nu0=0.023 . ℜ Pr al. [58]. The results of simulations will be compared
(4) with their experimental and simulation results. Almost
all surfaces surrounding the channel are non-slip walls.
The friction factor, which represents the pressure The upper and lower heated walls at the rib and pin-fin
loss of the channel, is defined as: locations are assigned a temperature of 298.15K, and
the remaining wall areas are adiabatic walls. The
∆ P Dh reference pressure of the calculation domain is 1 atm,
2 ρ∆Lu
2 and the reference temperature is 287K. The velocity at
(5) the inlet is calculated with a Reynolds number
between 7400 and 36000. The turbulent intensity at
The friction factor obtained for fully developed the inlet is 5%, and the inlet flow temperature is
flow in a smooth channel [60] is expressed as: 318.15K. The working fluid is set as incompressible
dry air with constant properties. The specified static
f 0=0.316 ℜ pressure at the outlet is 0 Pa. The channel is treated as
(6) non-rotating since the non-rotating condition is
relevant to the internal cooling passages in stator
The heat transfer efficiency index (η) is defined vanes. These suppositions are allowable since the heat
as: load is quite small, and the channel is relatively short,
which depicts the pressure drop as small.
( )( )
1 /3
Nu f
η= /
Nu0 f o
Numerical analysis
In the present study, the governing differential
equations, including continuity, Reynolds-averaged
Navier-Stokes (RANS), and energy equations, are
solved numerically to study the flow characteristics
Grid independence test and validation of 21500
numerical results
The effect of mesh refinement on the convergence
The distribution of the dimensionless wall of the properties of the channel is shown in Fig. 6a and
distance y+ on the heated wall surfaces is shown in 6b. The pressure and wall heat flux at y=D/2 along the
Fig. 4, with Re = 36000. The area-averaged value of y+ heated channel is evaluated with three different
on these walls is 0.07, and the variation of y+ on all the meshes. Be noted that the actual heat flux will be
walls is entirely assured to be lower than 1, which negative since the wall temperature is lower than the
satisfies the criteria of k-ω and SST turbulence inlet flow temperature. Therefore, for simplicity and
models. This also means that the y+ value is satisfied consistency, the heat flux here is taken as the absolute
for all other Reynolds numbers since the value y+ is value. Mesh 1 is selected with a mesh count of 1.9
proportional to the velocity at the entrance, which is million. Mesh 2 is the chosen mesh for the work, 3.3
proportional to the Reynolds number. Moreover, a grid million, and the most refined mesh (mesh 3) is 5.6
independence test was executed using the SST k-ω million. It can be observed that the line of mesh 2 and
model at Re = 21500. The mesh counts in this process mesh 3 is nearly coincident. The maximum relative
range from 1.9 to 5.6 million. The effect of the mesh error between the two meshes was found to be less
number on the averaged Nusselt number of all heated than 0.5%. Furthermore, the zoomed images and the
surfaces is indicated in Fig. 5. The findings specified extracted data show that the results are in an
that when the mesh number is greater than 3.3 million, asymptotic range of convergence. Hence, the
the value of averaged Nusselt number varied only trustworthiness of the selected mesh is reasonably
marginally by 0.09%. To strike the balance between validated.
computational resources and precision in analysis, the
numerical grid parameters of 3.3 million elements are
selected for all numerical simulations presented in this
results are shown in Tab. 2. It is discovered that the
increase in Reynolds number comes proportionally
with the rise of averaged Nusselt number for all cases.
As for the k-ω model's averaged Nu evaluated on the
heated walls are 18.4% and 4.1% lower than the
experimental data with Re = 7400 and 14000,
respectively. With Re = 21500, 29000, and 36000, the
numerical results are sequentially 3.4%, 5.1%, and
9.1% higher than the experimental results,
respectively. This is caused partly by the uncertainty of
2% in the experimental method for the Nusselt
number. As for the SST k-ω model, there are lower
deviations with Re = 7400 and 14000 but higher with
the other Reynolds numbers. However, the Reynolds
numbers above 21500 are recommended as they are
the typical working condition of an aero-engine blade
cooling passage [30]. Hence, the k-ω model is used in
this work with the accepted maximum deviation of
approximately 18% and the deviation of Reynolds
numbers in the credible range being less than 10%,
which is acceptable for the prediction of heat transfer
when considering the simplification of the numerical
processes and error of the experimental method.
Fig. 7 demonstrates the comparison of numerical
(a) Variation of Pressure results obtained by the k-ω model in the present study,
the numerical results of Bai et al. [58], and two
experimental data from Bai et al. [58] and Chang et al.
[62], which Bai and his partners have used to validate
their experimental and numerical methods. The
visualization shows that the results from the present
study are in better agreement with both the
experimental data than the results from Bai et al. [58]
themselves. Hence, the reliability of the numerical
method has been rationally authenticated.
Nu of SST k-ω
Exp. data Nu Error Nu Error
7,400 86.9 71.5 -17.7% 70.9 -18.4%
14,000 106.7 104.1 -2.4% -4.1%
21,500 130.8 140.3 7.3% 3.4%
29,000 158.5 172.6 8.9% 5.1%
36,000 178.9 201.5 12.6% 9.1%
endwalls, the big increase in Nu combined with a FIGURE 10. COMPARISON OF THE FLAT
slight decrease in f makes a huge increase in η. The ENDWALL CASE WITH ROUGHED ENDWALLS
overall escalations in η are precisely 37.80%, 36.91%, CASES
37.36%, 36.31%, and 36.14% for Re = 7400, 14000,
Fig. 11a, Fig. 11b, and Fig. 11c show Nusselt
21500, 29000, and 36000, correspondingly.
number distributions on the pin-fins heated endwalls
with flat endwalls, extruded endwalls, and recessed
endwalls cases at Re = 21500, correspondingly. The
HV in front of the pin-fins in all the cases is seen
clearly, which are considerably larger with the
modified endwalls than the flat endwalls. This is
explained in Fig. 12, which compares the vortex
distributions of all cases. The indentations increase the
amount of interaction between the flow and heated
endwalls upstream of each pin-fin and also increase
the velocity of the flow behind it (Fig. 12b, Fig. 12c).
Be noted that the extruded endwalls case has two
indentations, and the recessed endwalls case has three
indentations. This behavior increases heat transfer and
creates momentum for the flow to develop further
backward. This further increases the heat transfer in
(a) Nusselt number the back rows of pin-fin arrays, evidenced by the
enlargement of the HV of the row with indentation, as
shown in rows 2, 4 of Fig. 11b and rows 3, 5 of Fig.
11c. The detailed change of Nusselt number by rows is
demonstrated in Fig. 13a. The maximum deviation of
Nusselt number of the recessed and flat endwall cases
is in row 5, with 53.6% higher than that of the
recessed endwall case. This is because, in row 5, the
flow is highly turbulated and developed, which yields
a higher heat transfer capacity. Moreover, the
minimum deviation of 5.9% is recorded in row 4,
when the operation of jet-like beams dominates the
HV effects. In addition, when differentiating Fig. 11a
and Fig. 11c, the HV, after passing through the pin-fins
are on the brink of fainting. After that, the HV are
preserved by the upward endwalls, making the Omega
shapes of high heat transfer regions. This contributes
(b) friction factor to the increase of Nusselt number for roughed
By observing Fig. 11b, the HV of the extruded
endwalls is further developed in both flow directions
and to the sides of the pin-fins in rows 2 and 4. This is
related to the accelerated flow when passing the
concave in row 1 increases turbulent kinetic energy
and passively enlarges the HV of the pin-fin row 2.
This phenomenon is repeated with rows 3 and 4. The
detailed results of Nusselt number variation by rows of
extruded endwall can be observed more profoundly in
Fig. 13a. The maximum and minimum deviations are
recorded in row 1 and row 4, with 0.2% and 40.7%
higher of the extruded endwall, respectively. In
addition, it is found that the wake vortices which
reduced the heat transfer capacity of the channel with
flat endwalls are significantly reduced in all pin-fins
(c) Heat transfer efficiency index with the roughed endwalls. It is discovered that the
local vortices behind the pin-fins in Fig. 11a, where
they are seen at ease, disappeared compared to Fig.
11b and Fig. 11c. This is because the horseshoe
vortices, after passing through the pin-fins, continue to
be accelerated on account of the narrowing geometry
of the endwalls (Fig. 12b and Fig. 12c). This effect of
the roughed endwalls limits the development of local
vortices behind each pin-fin. It reduces turbulence in
the middle downstream of the pin-fins to reduce the
loss of airflow to develop to the following rows.
Moreover, the flow behind each pin-fin is
reattached more effectively due to the presence of the
indentation. With the narrowing geometry of the
endwalls, the accelerated reattachments are more
likely to establish the jet-like effects behind each pin-
fin, which are seen in Fig. 11b and Fig. 11c. These jet-
like beams are seen more clearly in Fig. 11c, where
they dominate the HV of the following row with high
momentum. In Fig. 11b, the jet-like effect is
overwhelmed by the huge HV in rows 2 and 4, and
then it does not appear in these rows. Meanwhile, it
can be seen in row 3. Quite the opposite, these jet-like
beams dominated the whole row 5, where the HV
domains were barely noticed.
not as high as in the first few rows. Similarly, the
extruded endwall induces a lower pressure drop of
75.2% lower than the flat endwall in row 4. The
minimum deviation occurs in row 1 with 31.1% higher
than that of the extruded endwall case.
with the referenced value of 0.05. The results for flat FIGURE 14. VARIATIONS OF NUSSELT
endwalls with a height ratio of 0 are added to compare NUMBER, FRICTION FACTOR, AND HEAT
When investigating the effect of the height ratio HEIGHT OF EXTRUDED ENDWALLS AT RE =
of extruded endwalls on the channel heat transfer 29000
capacity, it is discovered that both the Nusselt number
By observing the velocity field of the channel in
and η increase when extending the height ratio from 0
Fig. 15a, it is found that the case with elevated
to 0.13. After that, these characteristics come to an
protrusion shows a higher velocity at the locations of
asymptotic value after the peak numbers are reached.
row 2 and row 4 and near the other rows. These
Furthermore, the friction factor enlarges further with
phenomena increase the heat transfer capacity of all
increasing the height ratio. It exceeds a massive
rows in the channel by increasing the Nusselt number
number of 2.79 at Re = 29000 and h/H = 0.25, far
and enlarging the regions of high Nu of the endwalls
higher than that of the referenced case and the circular
(Fig. 15b) compared to the reference case. But also,
pin-fins case, which is 0.52 at the same Reynolds
the uniformity of the flow is changed, and the flow is
number. This huge number is canceled out by the high
distorted by the deep converging and diverging
Nusselt number and produces higher η than the
geometry of the channel. This phenomenon leads the
circular case. The peak point happens at h/H = 0.13
flow to converge near the endwalls and increases the
and Re = 29000. The peak Nusselt number and η are
heat transfer in these regions. On the other hand, the
approximately 82.2% and 41.5% higher than the
narrowing channel yields a higher pressure loss and
circular pin-fins case. The peak heat transfer
hence a higher friction factor of the channel.
performances hit 35.5%, 38.2%, 40.0%, 41.5%, and
40.6% higher than the η of the flat endwalls cases at
Re = 7400, 14000, 21500, 29000, and 36000,
respectively. The detailed results for Nu, f, and η are
shown in Fig. 14a and Fig. 14b.
relative ratio when dividing f of the flat endwalls over
the f at h/H = 0.25 reduces with the increase Re, which
is, as expected, caused by the fully-developed flow of
the cooling channel.
Overall, the rapidly increasing Nusselt number
accompanies the changing of f, which generates an
expeditious enlargement of η with h/H < 0.13.
Moreover, the η continues to rise after that and until it
reaches the peak point of the Nusselt number at h/H =
0.21. The peak η reach 73.8%, 76%, 77.7%%, 74.2%,
and 73.3% higher than those of the flat endwalls cases
at Re = 7400, 14000, 21500, 29000, and 36000,
h/H=0.05 h/H=0.13
heat transfer enhancements at the back of the pin-fins
with deep indentations when the flows are accelerated,
resulting in better flow reattachment than in the
reference case. This results in a significant increase in
heat transfer at the rear of the pin-fins. This is more
easily observed in Fig. 17b, where the regions of poor
heat transfer behind the pin-fins for h/H = 21% almost
disappear, and the HV regions in front of the pin-fins
are also enhanced. Furthermore, the accelerated flows
passing through the indentation also increase the heat
transfer of the pin-fins in the rows without the
indentation, as observed by the expansion of the heat
transfer regions and the higher Nusselt numbers in
rows 2 and 4.
h/H=0.05 h/H=0.21
Comparing Fig. 18a further with the streamlines h/H=0.05 h/H=0.21
of the Re = 7400 case in Fig. 17a, it is discovered that
the flow in the channel is considerably more
perturbed, especially when the height of the (b) Nusselt number contours
indentation is increased to h/H = 0.21. Furthermore,
from these two figures, after row 1, the flow velocity FIGURE 18. VELOCITY FIELD AND NU
tends to be more significant in the upper half of the CONTOURS OVER HEATED WALL AT HEIGHT
channel. There are more vortices near the lower heated RATIOS OF 0.05 AND 0.21 AT RE = 21500
wall, so the flow velocity is also smaller. However, the Effect of the parameters of inclination of extruded
following rows show the opposite, with higher flow endwalls on heat transfer of the channel
velocities in the lower half of the channel. This does
not appear with Reynolds number 7400 in Fig. 17a. In this and below subsections, the four parameters
This is because vortices have grown a lot when the of inclination of the roughed endwalls are studied,
indentation is deep, and the Reynolds number is large including Lf1/R, Lr1/R, Lf2/R, and Lr2/R. The detailed
enough, causing the flow to become overly turbulent parameters set are listed in Table 3.
and no longer symmetric. TABLE 3. LIMITS OF TESTED GEOMETRIC
Minimum Maximum
Parameter Step
Value Value
Lf1/R 1.25 2 0.25
Lr1/R 1.25 2 0.25
Lf2/R 1.25 2 0.25
h/H=0.05 Lr2/R 1.25 2 0.25
The variations of Nu and η with the ratio Lf1/R are
shown in Fig. 19a and Fig. 20a for extruded endwalls.
It is discovered that the ratio of 2 gives the highest Nu
and η. Overall, when increasing L f1/R from 1.25 to 2,
the Nusselt number and heat transfer efficiency index
increase. Moreover, the increase step becomes larger
when expanding the convex from normal protrusion to
vertical extrude. It is also found that at Lf1/R = 2, the
h/H=0.21 three cases with Re = 21500, 29000, and 36000 have η
of about 31% to 32% higher than that of the flat
endwalls. However, with Re = 7400 and 14000, the
(a) Streamlines and velocity contours heat transfer performances are 24% and 28% higher
than that of the flat endwalls, respectively. The peak η
is noted at Re = 21500 and L f1/R = 2. The comparison
of streamlines and Nusselt numbers on the heated wall
between the two cases with L f1/R = 1.25 and 2 are
described in Fig. 21a and Fig. 21b. It is found that the
increase in heat transfer capacity of the case with L f1/R
= 2 is mainly because it has a larger area for the HV to
develop in the odd rows. This is because the vertical
protrusions in front of the pin-fins induce more
turbulence and heat transfer capacity (Fig. 21a).
Hence, even though the high heat transfer areas in the
even rows are reduced slightly, the heat transfer
capacity of the odd rows overwhelmed it to increase
the heat transfer capacity of the channel.
Moreover, changing the other three ratios give
different heat transfer capacity results. Firstly, with the
ratio Lr1/R, the highest Nusselt number and HTEI are
recorded at Lr1/R = 1.75. This case has the highest
Nusselt number but a relatively low friction factor
compared to the other cases (Fig. 19b and Fig. 20b).
The peak η is 23.6% higher than that of the flat
endwalls. Secondly, the variations of Nu and η with
the ratio Lf2/R are shown in Fig. 19c and Fig. 20c. It is
observed that when increasing the ratio L f2/R, the Nu
and η decrease for all Reynolds numbers. Hence, the
highest Nu and η are noted at Lf2/R = 1.25 and Re =
21500, which are 36.0% and 23.8% higher than that of
the flat endwalls case. It is found that the ratio of L f2/R
= 1.25 induces more secondary flow in the channel
near the heated wall, which is similar to the effect of
the ribs on cooling serpentine. Lastly, with the ratio
Lr2/R, the results of Nu and η are shown in Fig. 19d
and Fig. 20d. The statistics show that the highest Nu
and η belong to the case of Lr2/R = 1.5. These are
30.0% and 19.2% higher than that of the flat endwalls
case at Re = 21500, respectively. It is discovered that
this case has a positive impact on flow by increasing
the flow velocity for the development of flow while (c) Nusselt number with changing Lf2/R
decreasing the emergence of local vortices at the foot
of the extrusion. Hence, this case has a lower friction
factor than the other cases.
(b) Nusselt number with changing Lr1/R (a) HTEI with changing Lf1/R
to be steep, the downfold of the indentation generates efficiency peaked at Re = 21500 and Lr2/R = 1.25 by
huge local vortices in this region. These local vortices 46.8% higher than that of the flat endwalls.
act like the wake flow behind the pin-fins, stay in the
location indefinitely and inhibit the development of
the HV around pin-fins. Heat transfer efficiency
reaches 45.6% higher than flat endwalls at Reynolds
number 21500 and Lf1/R = 1.75.
When examining Fig. 24a and Fig. 24b, it is found
that the high heat transfer areas in front of the pin-fins
in row 1 and near the sidewalls of Lf1/R = 1.75 are
slightly enlarged than Lf1/R = 2. Although the flow
pattern of the two cases is identical, the local vortices
with Lf1/R = 2 decrease the heat transfer capacity of
the channel and limit the development of the flow to
the rear rows. Besides, with increasing the parameter
of Lr1/R, the changes in Nusselt number and HTEI are
shown in Fig. 22b and Fig. 23b. Overall, the cases of
Lr1/R=2 give both the highest Nusselt number and heat
transfer efficiency for the whole Reynolds number (a) Nusselt number with changing Lf1/R
range. This is also explained as the area containing the
vortices around the pin-fin, especially at the rear, is
enlarged to help increase the high heat transfer
regions. In addition, the vertical concave region at the
back of the pin-fins also creates good heat transfer in
these regions because the local vortices help create
turbulence in these areas and help develop turbulence
in the following rows.
In general, both Nusselt number and heat transfer
efficiency increase with the L r1/R ratio. Nusselt
number also increases with Reynolds number. In
addition, the increase in heat transfer efficiency
peaked at Re = 29000 and Lr1/R = 2, with 48.3%
higher than that of the flat endwalls case. With the
parameter Lf2/R, the variations of Nu and η are
described in Fig. 22c and Fig. 23c. At L f2/R =1.25, the
(b) Nusselt number with changing Lr1/R
highest Nusselt number and the highest heat transfer
efficiency are found. This is because this case creates a
depression that contains a lot of local vortices near the
pin-fins, which help disturb the flow and increase heat
transfer. However, this depression is very close to the
pin-fins, reducing the heat transfer areas compared to
the cases when changing the Lf1/R parameter. As a
result, the highest gain at Re = 21500 and L f2/R = 1.25
is 42.9% higher than that of the flat endwalls. This
growth is 45.6% of the Lf1/R parameter.
In general, the change with increasing L r2/R
parameter is identical to that of increasing L f2/R
number (Fig. 22d and Fig. 23d). The case with L r2/R =
1.25 has the highest Nusselt number and heat transfer
coefficient. This is explained as the fully vertical
concave area at the back also creates good heat
transfer zones due to the local vortex around the pin- (c) Nusselt number with changing Lf2/R
fins, in a similar way to the parameter L r1/R. However,
both the efficiency and the Nusselt number of the Lr2/R
parameter are smaller than that of the L r1/R parameter
also because the good heat transfer areas are restricted
closer to the pin-fins. The increase in heat transfer
(c) HTEI with changing Lf2/R
(d) Nusselt number with changing Lr2/R
(b) HTEI with changing Lr1/R (a) Streamlines and velocity contours
case, the highest η happens when the flow velocity is
boosted highest. However, the vertical indentation
creates the local vortices far from the pin-fins, which
reduces the overall heat transfer capacity and
moderates the HV to develop. With changing the Lr1/R
parameter, the vertical indentation opens up the high
heat transfer region behind each pin-fin. It helps create
more turbulence in this region and enlarge the space
for the flow to develop. The two cases of L f2/R and
Lr2/R of 1.25 induce the highest η by producing more
turbulence around the pin-fins. On the other hand, the
high heat transfer regions around them are restricted
Lf1/R=1.75 Lf1/R=2 by the limited space that these regions bring about.
With the extruded endwalls cases, the peak η records
at Lf1/R = 2, Lr1/R = 1.75, Lf2/R = 1.25, and Lr2/R =
(b) Nusselt number contours 1.5. And, with the recessed endwalls cases, the peak η
FIGURE 24. VELOCITY FIELD AND NU is at Lf1/R = 1.75, Lr1/R = 2, Lf2/R = 1.25, and Lr2/R =
OF 1.75 AND 2 AT RE = 21500 Based on the present investigation results, the
CONCLUSION subsequent work is aimed to optimize the roughed
endwalls using some optimization techniques to
This paper studies the heat transfer characteristics maximize the HTEI of the rectangular channel.
of flat endwalls, extruded endwalls, and recessed ACKNOWLEDGMENT
endwalls in cooling channels with pin-fin arrays
numerically. The investigations are executed using This study is funded by Hanoi University of
RANS equations with the k-ω turbulence model in a Science and Technology (HUST) under grant number
Reynolds number range from 7400 to 36000. Besides, T2021-PC-039, and the cooperation research between
the height parameter and parameters of inclination of HUST and Viettel Aerospace Institute (VTX).
the protrusions and indentations in a channel with
roughed endwalls are also examined. The results show REFERENCES
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