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D459-09 Standard Terminology Relating To Soaps and Other Detergents

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Designation: D459 − 09

Standard Terminology Relating to

Soaps and Other Detergents1,2
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D459; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope active ingredient of a synthetic detergent—the organic

1.1 This terminology covers soaps and other detergents. surface-active material present in the detergent.

2. Referenced Documents active oxygen—in cleaning compounds, the oxidizing power

3 of oxygen present as peroxide or other active oxygen-
2.1 ASTM Standards: containing moieties in solution expressed as oxygen (equiva-
D460 Test Methods for Sampling and Chemical Analysis of lent weight 8.00).
Soaps and Soap Products
D820 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Soaps Con- alkaline detergent—under detergent, see inorganic alkaline
taining Synthetic Detergents detergent.
D2330 Test Method for Methylene Blue Active Substances alkyl benzene sulfonate (in the context of soaps and
(Withdrawn 2011)4 detergents)—the detergent produced by sulfonating deter-
D2667 Test Method for Biodegradability of Alkylbenzene gent alkylate; any surface-active substance having the mo-
Sulfonates (Withdrawn 2013)4 lecular structure of a benzene sulfonic acid having as a ring
D2960 Guide for Controlled Laundering Test Using Natu- substituent(s) an alkyl group(s) sufficiently large to confer
rally Soiled Fabrics and Household Appliances (With- detergent properties.
drawn 2013)4
D4265 Guide for Evaluating Stain Removal Performance in ampholytic surfactant or amphoteric surfactant—see surface-
Home Laundering active agent.
D5548 Guide for Evaluating Color Transfer or Color Loss of anhydrous soap—under soap, see anhydrous soap.
Dyed Fabrics in Laundering (Not Suitable for Detergent or anionic detergent—under detergent, see anionic detergent.
Washing Machine Rankings) artificially soiled cloth (sometimes called “standard soiled
cloth”)—cloth soiled with one or more materials and used to
3. Terms and Definitions evaluate the effectiveness of detergents or washing equip-
ABS—an abbreviation for alkyl benzene sulfonate. Although ment.
strictly speaking this might apply to any such compound, available chlorine in cleaning compounds—the oxidizing
present practice is to use it for those containing branched power of chlorine present as hypochlorite or other oxidizing
chains. (See LAS). chlorine moieties in solution, expressed as chlorine of
acid-wash color—the color developed in the separated acid equivalent weight 35.45, and as determined by thiosulfate
when a sample of detergent alkylate is agitated with sulfuric titration.
acid under the conditions prescribed by the method. bathroom soil—the soil composed of water insoluble, or
practically insoluble, materials or a mixture of these
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D12 on Soaps
and Other Detergents and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D12.32 on
materials, present on typical bathroom surfaces other than
Nomenclature and Definitions. those of floors and toilets. A major component of this soil is
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2009. Published November 2009. Originally the insoluble precipitate, commonly referred to as “soap
approved in 1937. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as D459-08a. DOI: scum,” that is deposited when soap is used in hard water.
A “Handbook of Industry Terms” is available from the Soap and Detergent blended soap—under soap, see blended soap.
Association, 475 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10016. This is an essentially
nontechnical list of definitions of interest to the soap and detergent industry. It is brightener—see fluorescent whitening agents (FWA).
referenced here for information purposes only. brightening agent—see fluorescent whitening agents (FWA).
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
buffer action—the resistance of a solution to change in pH.
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
builder—a material added to a soap or synthetic detergent
the ASTM website.
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on formulation that enhances or maintains the cleaning effi-
www.astm.org. ciency of the surfactant, principally by inactivating water

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D459 − 09
hardness either by sequestration, precipitation, or ion ex- detergent. The term usually refers to an alkyl benzene in
change. Other functions, depending on the performance which the alkyl radical is a mixture of straight-chain and
capability of the builder compound used, include supplying isomeric branched-chain groups, averaging 10 or more
alkalinity, buffering to maintain alkalinity at effective clean- carbon atoms.
ing levels, helping to keep removed soil in suspension, and
diphase metal cleaner—a composition which produces two
emulsifying oily soils.
phases in the cleaning tank, namely, a solvent layer and an
built soap—under soap, see built soap. aqueous layer, which cleans by solvent action and emulsifi-
cationic detergent—under detergent, see cationic detergent. cation.
chelating agent—a sequestering or complexing agent that, in
dispersing agent—a material that increases the stability of a
aqueous solution, renders a metallic ion inactive through the
suspension of particles in a liquid medium.
formation of an inner ring structure with the ion.
dry cleaning—under cleaning, see dry cleaning.
cleaning—a process of removing undesirable matter.
dry-cleaning detergent—under detergent, see dry-cleaning
dry cleaning—cleaning fabrics in a substantially nonaqueous detergent.
liquid medium. EDTA—a term used to designate the compound ethylene
wet cleaning—a term used in the dry cleaning industry to diamine tetraacetic acid having the structural formula:
denote cleaning in an aqueous medium. HOOC—CH2 CH2COOH
\ /
complexing agent—see sequestering agent. NC2H4N
detergency—the removal of soil, using a detergent. / \
detergent—a composition that removes soil.
or any of its salts that may be specified, used as a
anionic detergent—a detergent that produces negatively sequestering agent.
charged colloidal ions in solution.
emulsifying agent—a material that increases the stability of a
cationic detergent—a detergent that produces positively dispersion of one liquid in another.
charged colloidal ions in solution.
emulsion—a suspension of fine particles or globules of one or
dry-cleaning detergent (charge-type)—a dry-cleaning deter-
more liquids in another liquid.
gent used at a given percentage by volume that can pass
through a diatomaceous earth-coated filter in the dry-cleaning emulsion cleaner—a composition which forms an emulsion
system without change in composition. capable of dissolving or suspending soil.
dry-cleaning detergent (dry-cleaning aid)—a detergent that fabric—a fibrous material containing natural or synthetic
when added to a dry-cleaning solvent increases cleaning fibers, or both, in yarn form, interlaced in various configu-
effectiveness. rations (woven, knitted, or nonwovens).
dry-cleaning detergent (non-charge type)—any dry-cleaning
detergent that is not of the charge type. fabric softener—a laundry auxiliary product or laundry deter-
gent ingredient whose primary function is to give fabrics a
inorganic alkaline detergent—a water-soluble inorganic al- soft feel, smooth surface, or reduce static electricity, or a
kali or alkaline salt having detergent properties, but containing combination thereof.
no soap or synthetics.
nonionic detergent—a detergent that produces electrically fatty alcohol sulfate—the product obtained by treating a
neutral-colloidal particles in solution. one-chain fatty alcohol with a sulfonating agent, the major
constituent being the half sulfuric acid ester of the fatty
synthetic detergent—a detergent produced by chemical syn- alcohol or a salt thereof.
thesis and comprising an organic composition other than soap.
fatty matter, free—the sum of the free rosin acids and free
detergent—a formulated cleaning composition, generally con- fatty acids plus the unsaponified and unsaponifiable fatty
taining one or more surfactant(s) as the essential compo- matter.
nent(s). However, under detergent, see inorganic alkaline
detergent. Imprecisely, the terms detergent and surfactant fatty matter, total—fatty and rosin acids plus unsaponified
have been used interchangeably. and unsaponifiable fatty matter. This fatty matter is usually
dry-cleaning detergent—a formulated composition added to isolated from an acidic 50/50 volume percent solution of
the solvent bath in dry-cleaning operations to improve clean- ethanol and water by extraction with petroleum ether, as per
ing. Test Method D460 and Test Methods D820.
inorganic alkaline detergent—a formulated cleaning compo- fatty matter, unsaponifiable—fatty matter (other than acids)
sition containing water-soluble alkali or alkaline salts, but that contain no saponifiable esters, such as fatty alcohols,
generally no surfactants. and mineral oil.
detergent alkylate—a mixture of alkylated aromatic hydro- fatty matter, unsaponified—fatty matter containing saponifi-
carbons which when sulfonated yields an alkyl aryl sulfonate able esters, such as fatty oils, glycerides, and lanolin.

D459 − 09
filler—a material added to soap or other detergent that does not conditions in a designated formulation system relative to that
improve its attractiveness or its effectiveness under the obtained with the same FWA under identical conditions in a
conditions of use. different formulation.
fluorescent whitening agents (FWA)—(optical bleach, fluo- FWA levelness—the uniformity of distribution of FWA on
rescent brightener) complex, organic molecules that adhere substrate when applied by a specified method.
to fabrics as though they were dyes. Ultraviolet (UV) energy
FWA rate of exhaust index—the time required for an FWA
is absorbed, converted, and emitted as visible blue light to
bath of specified composition to be half-depleted by exhaus-
enhance fabric appearance and maintain whiteness or bright-
tion onto a particular substrate under specified conditions.
FWA stability (in solution)—degree of resistance of FWA in
foam—a mass of bubbles formed on liquids by agitation.
solution under specified exposure condition to specific bath
foaming agent—a material that increases the stability of a additives.
suspension of gas bubbles in a liquid medium.
FWA substrate selectivity ratio—the fluorescence emission
FWA buildup—the course of change in fluorescence emission intensity exhibited by a substrate, relative to that obtained on
intensity or fluorescence shade or both, using specified a reference substrate, after treating these in a specified mixed
exhaust procedure: load, using a given FWA, a designated formulation system,
(1) for a specified number of successive applications of and specified conditions.
FWA, or
high efficiency (HE)—used in reference to appliances and
(2) by varying the FWA concentration in a series of
allied products that use different technologies to reduce
single applications.
water and energy use for laundering processes; because there
FWA exhaust efficiency—a measure of FWA substantivity as is less water to heat, this results in reduced energy usage.
expressed by:
high efficiency (HE) detergent—a stain and soil-removing
(1) exhaust coefficient (E.C.)—the ratio of FWA concen-
composition specifically formulated to be low-sudsing for
tration taken up by unprewhitened substrate, (wt of FWA
use with HE front- and top-loading washer technologies.
(s)/wt of substrate) to that concentration of FWA remaining DISCUSSION—HE washers use considerably less water and energy
in the bath, (wt of FWA (b)/wt of bath) under specified than traditional deep-fill washers in the laundering process.
application conditions.
high efficiency (HE) front-loading washers—two basic types
wt FWA ~ s ! /wt substrate
E.C. 5 which both utilize technologies that allow for low water
wt FWA ~ b ! /wt bath
usage during the wash and rinse cycle.
(2) percent exhaust (%E)—the ratio of FWA on the sub- DISCUSSION—
strate (wt FWA (s)) obtained under specified conditions to (1) A machine that tumbles fabrics back and forth through
the total FWA introduced in the original bath (wt FWA (o)). the water or steam, or both, using detergent and additives to
remove stains and soils, as the tub rotates clockwise and then
FWA fastness (on substrate)—degree of change in fluores- counterclockwise.
cence emission intensity or fluorescence shade or both, when (2) A machine that spins the tub and fabrics while spraying
a substrate containing FWA is exposed for a specific length water and dispersing detergent and additives through fabrics to
of time to any specified natural or artificial environment. remove soils.
FWA fluorescence emission intensity—the difference be- This technology uses considerably less water and energy
tween the Z (CIE standard observer) tri-stimulus value of a than traditional deep-fill washers in the laundering process.
sample treated with FWA and that of the untreated sample
under standardized illumination conditions (D65) and view- high efficiency (HE) top-loading washer—a machine that
ing conditions (CIE approved geometry) for any specified uses spinning, rotating, and/or wobbling wheels, plates or
substrate and specimen presentation techniques. disks to achieve mechanical laundering action. These ma-
chines typically have either no center post or a smaller-sized
FWA fluorescence shade—(1) the perceived direction of the center post instead of a traditional agitator. This technology
shift in hue caused by the addition of an FWA to any uses considerably less water and energy than traditional
specified near-white substrate (psychological definition), or deep-fill washers in the laundering process.
(2) the wave length at which an extension of the line
connecting the points on a CIE diagram corresponding to the high efficiency (HE) washer—either a vertically oriented (top
chromaticity coordinates (measured under standardized illu- loader) or horizontally oriented (front loader) machine used
mination conditions (D65) (CIE approved geometry)) of the for laundry which uses different mechanical methods than
untreated substrate to those of the treated substrate intersects conventional agitator washers to launder fabrics. HE wash-
the spectrum locus (psychophysical definition). ers use considerably less water and energy than traditional
deep-fill washers in the laundering process. HE washers are
FWA formulation-dependent fluorescence emission inten- labeled by the appliance industry and may be recognized by
sity ratio—the fluorescence emission intensity obtained the U.S. DOE and U.S. EPA as Energy Star™ rated
with a given FWA on a specified substrate under specified machines.

D459 − 09
home laundering—the process of cleaning and restoring optical bleach—see fluorescent whitening agents (FWA).
textile materials to a serviceable condition using the washing optical whitening agent—see fluorescent whitening agents
and drying equipment commonly found in the home. (FWA).
hydrophilic (literally, water-loving)—a descriptive term ap- penetrating agent—a material that increases the penetration
plied to the group or radical of a surfactant molecule that of a liquid medium into a porous material.
makes or tends to make it soluble in water. percent active FWA—the absolute concentration of specified
hydrophobic (literally, water-averting)—a descriptive term FWA in (1) raw materials, or (2) finished product, expressed
applied to the moiety of a surfactant molecule that makes it, in terms of specific structure or generic name, when known.
or tends to make it, insoluble in water. precision—the degree of agreement of repeated measurements
hydrotropy—the increase in solubility of a substance which is of the same property, expressed in terms of dispersion of test
only slightly soluble in an aqueous system by the addition of results about the arithmetical mean result obtained by
a third substance. This third substance is called a “hydro- repetitive testing of a homogeneous sample under specified
trope” or “hydrotropic agent.” conditions. The precision of a method is expressed quanti-
tatively as the standard deviation computed from the results
inorganic alkaline detergent—under detergent, see inorganic of a series of controlled determinations.
alkaline detergent.
interfacial tension—the force existing in a liquid-liquid phase preferred white surface(s)—the particular surface which
interface that tends to diminish the area of the interface. This under specified viewing conditions is considered whitest by
force, which is analogous to the surface tension of liquid- a statistically significant majority of representative observers
vapor interfaces, acts at each point on the interface in the in a series of paired comparisons performed at a specified
plane tangent at that point. time and geographical locale (psychological definition).
LAS—an abbreviation for alkyl benzene sulfonate in which the rinse, v or n—a process or treatment in an aqueous solution for
alkyl radical is a straight chain. the purpose of removing extraneous matter. (See Guide
lather—a foam or froth when a detergent is agitated in water
or other liquid. rosin acids—acids derived from rosin (colophony) consisting
mainly of isomers of abietic acid (C20H30O2) with small
laundering—a process intended to remove soils or stains, or
amounts of hydroabietic acids (C20H32O2 and C20H28O2).
both, by washing in an aqueous detergent solution, that
normally includes subsequent rinsing, extracting, and dry- saponification—alkaline hydrolysis of esters to produce the
ing. (See Guide D5548.) component soaps and alcohols.
laundry additive—a separately added product that contributes SCAS—see semicontinuous activated sludge, SCAS.
to the effectiveness of laundering or provides a specialized scouring—a wet process of cleaning by chemical or mechani-
function, or both. (See Guide D5548.) cal means, or both.
methylene blue active substances (MBAS)—compounds that semicontinuous activated sludge, SCAS—a term used to
react with methylene blue, a cationic dye, causing it to designate a test procedure described in Test Method D2667
transfer from an aqueous solution to an immiscible organic that is used to confirm determinations of the degree of
liquid upon equilibration under conditions such as those biodegradability of alkylbenzene sulfonates.
described in Test Method D2330. The reactive compounds
are principally surfactants of the sulfonate type (RSO3)−Na+, sequestering agent—any compound that, in aqueous solution,
the sulfate ester type (ROSO3)−Na+, and sulfated nonionics combines with a metallic ion to form a water-soluble
(REnOSO3)−Na+. Soaps are not included among the surfac- combination in which the ion is substantially inactive.
tants reactive to MBAS.
soap—the product formed by the saponification or neutraliza-
neutral fat—the unsaponified and unsaponifiable matter that tion of fats, oils, waxes, rosins, or their acids with organic or
becomes included along with fatty acids in a diethyl ether inorganic bases.
extract of samples under analysis for soap content, as DISCUSSION—Various descriptive adjectives are applied to the name
described in 25.2 of Test Method D460. soap to indicate certain characteristics, as follows:
(1) Method of manufacture, for example, boiled soap, cold-process
neutral soap—under soap, see neutral soap. soap.
neutral white surface—a highly reflecting surface whose (2) Physical form, for example, bar soap, chip soap, liquid soap,
diffuse reflectance makes it a colorimetric match of a powdered soap.
nonselective reflecting white surface under specified view- (3) A special property, for example, floating soap, low-titer soap,
milled soap, soft soap.
ing conditions. (psychophysical definition).
(4) A particular ingredient, for example, grit soap, tar soap.
nonionic detergent—under detergent, see nonionic detergent. (5) A particular application, for example, automobile soap, dry-
nonselectivity reflecting white surface—a surface that exhib- cleaning soap, saltwater soap.
its equal, diffuse and high reflectance at all wavelengths in anhydrous soap—soap, free of water and all other concomi-
the visible region [380 to 700 nm.] (physical definition). tants.

D459 − 09
DISCUSSION—The word “anhydrous” usually means free of water, but containing vessel, etc.) and thus create foam, dislodge soil, disperse
in the soap industry it has the additional meaning stated. solids, emulsify oils, and cause water to wet surfaces.
blended soap (for example, blended palm oil soap)—a soap ampholytic or amphoteric (zwitterionic) surfactant—a
in which more than half but not all of the fatty acid stock is chemical compound capable of producing either (or both)
from the source stated. positively or negatively charged surface active ions in an
built soap—a mixture of soap and one or more builders aqueous solution. The charge carried on the ampholyticsurface
containing not less than 50 % of anhydrous soap. active ions depends upon the pH of the solution but that on
amphoteric (zwitterionic) surfactants does not.
neutral soap— an essentially unbuilt soap substantially free
from uncombined alkali or fatty matter. anionic surfactant—a chemical compound that produces
negatively charged surface active ions in solution.
soap powder— a mixture in powdered form of soap and one
or more alkaline detergents, but composed principally of the cationic surfactant—a chemical compound that produces
latter. positively charged surface active ions in solution.
straight soap (for example, straight palm oil soap)—a soap nonionic surfactant—a chemical compound that produces
in which the fatty acid stock is solely from the source stated. uncharged surface active particles in solution.
superfatted soap—a toilet soap containing any one or more surface tension—the force existing in a liquid-vapor phase
of the following: unsaponified oils, fats (triglycerides), fatty interface that tends to diminish the area of the interface. This
acids, lanolin and its derivatives, fatty esters or alcohols, and force acts at each point on the interface in the plane tangent
similar agents. See fatty matter, free. at that point.
soil (in reference to detergency)—matter out of place. surfactant—a contraction of the term surface-active agent.
soil-redeposition—deposition of removed soil on a surface syndet—a contraction of the term synthetic detergent. Now
during a cleaning process. used to characterize personal washing bars containing sur-
factants in combination with soap.
soiled cloth— see artificially soiled cloth.
stain—a local deposit of soil or visible discoloration on a synthetic detergent—a detergent containing surfactants other
substrate. than soap. Historically, the term differentiated the first
detergents from the earlier soap-based detergents.
straight soap—under soap, see straight soap.
substrate—the soiled surface that is being cleaned. synthetic detergent—under detergent, see synthetic detergent.
titer (pronounced tē’ter) (of fatty acids)—the maximum
suds—a foam or lather generated on or in a detergent solution.
temperature achieved during the solidification of fatty acids,
sulfated oil—a newer term signifying the same type of which have been cooled below the melting point by a
material as sulfonated oil. standardized procedure.
sulfation—the introduction into an organic molecule of the top loader—a vertically oriented agitation machine which is
sulfuric ester group (or its salts) —O—SO3H, where the used for home laundry.
sulfur is linked through an oxygen atom to the parent
molecule. unsaponifiable matter—see fatty matter, unsaponifiable.
unsaponified matter—see fatty matter, unsaponified.
sulfonated oil—a water dispersible or soluble surface active wash, v or n—a cleaning process carried out in an aqueous
material obtained by treating an unsaturated or hydroxylated medium.
fatty oil, acid, or ester with an agent capable of sulfating or
sulfonating it at least partially. washable (as applied to a garment)—a term applied to a
garment that will be restored to wearability (Discussion 1)
sulfonation—the introduction into an organic molecule of the by laundering according to an acceptable (Discussion 2)
sulfonic acid group (or its salts) —SO3H where the sulfur procedure in the absence of irreparable damage.
atom is joined to a carbon atom of the parent molecule. DISCUSSION—Wearability includes consideration of size (stretch or
shrinkage), appearance (color, freedom from stain or dinginess, or both,
sulfuric anhydride (organically combined)—that portion of etc.), and odor (some synthetics have been found to retain perspiration
sulfur, calculated as sulfur trioxide, bound through oxygen to odors, etc). Wearability also includes considerations of utilization; thus
carbon in an organic sulfate, or bound directly to carbon in a pair of overalls used by a painter cannot be judged by the same
an organic sulfonate. criteria as a frilly blouse.

superfatted soaps—under soap, see superfatted soap. DISCUSSION—Acceptability procedure refers to the requirement that
the instructions given by the detergent manufacturer and the garment
surface-active agent—(surfactant) an organic compound that manufacturer and the appliance manufacturer shall be followed within
reduces the surface tension of a liquid, or the interfacial reasonable limits, taking due note of local water hardness, etc.
tension between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid.
It can also modify the properties of the liquid to which it is water hardness—a term used to describe a quality of water
added, generally water. arising from the presence of dissolved mineral salts, usually
DISCUSSION—Surface-active agent molecules strongly concentrate at calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) and sometimes iron and
surfaces (the surface of the medium, fabric, soil, at the walls of the manganese. The degree of hardness is calculated in grains of

D459 − 09
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per gallon (gpg) or parts per
million (ppm), sometimes expressed as milligrams per litre A
Calculated from data in “Public Water Supplies of the 100 Largest Cities in the
(mgL). One grain per gpg of CaCO3 equals 17.1 ppm or United States, 1962.”5
See discussions in Test Method D2960, Guide D4265, and Guide D5548.
mgL. The calcium/magnesium ratio of the hardness minerals
is also expressed as calcium carbonate. Water essentially free water-break—failure of water to maintain a continuous film
of calcium and magnesium is described as soft; if appre- on metallic, vitreous, or similar surfaces on withdrawing
ciable amounts of both minerals are present, it is called hard. from clean water.
In the United States the categories of hardness, as defined by
the U.S. Geological Survey,5 and the Ca/Mg ratio, are: wet cleaning— under cleaning, see wet cleaning.
Very wetting agent—a material that increases the spreading of a
Hard Hard
Grains per gallon 0.0–3.5 3.6–7.0 7.1–10.5 10.6+
liquid medium on a surface.
Parts per million 0.0–60 61–120 121–180 over 180
or milligrams whiteness-retention—comparative whiteness of original and
per litre cleaned fabric.
Ca/Mg ratioA 4:1 3:1 2:1

Durfor, C. N., and Becker, E., “Public Water Supplies of the 100 Largest Cities
in the United States, 1962,” U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply, Paper 1812,
Washington, DC 1964.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
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