FPG 750
FPG 750
FPG 750
Manufacturer .......................................................................... Honeywell Aerospace
Model ................................................................................................... TFE731-5BR
Static thrust per Engine (installed) .............................................................. 4,660 lb.
Automatic Performance Reserve (APR) ........................................................ Standard
Overall Length .......................................................................................... 51 ft. 2 in.
Overall Height .......................................................................................... 18 ft. 1 in.
Wing Span ............................................................................................ 51 ft. 4.5 in.
Wing Area ................................................................................................ 374 sq. ft.
Cabin Length (cockpit divider to pressure bulkhead) .................................. 21 ft. 4 in.
Cabin Height .............................................................................................. 5 ft. 9 in.
Cabin Width ............................................................................................... 6 ft. 0.in.
Floor Width ................................................................................................ 4 ft. 4 in.
Cabin Volume (approx.) ............................................................................ 604 cu. ft.
Crew Seats............................................................................................................. 2
Passenger Seats (typical)......................................................................................... 8
Baggage Volume ..................................................................................... 79.3 cu. ft.
Maximum Ramp Weight ........................................................................... 27,120 lb.
Maximum Take-off Weight ........................................................................ 27,000 lb.
Maximum Landing Weight ........................................................................ 23,350 lb.
Maximum Zero fuel Weight....................................................................... 18,450 lb.
Basic Operating Weight * ......................................................................... 16,250 lb.
Maximum Payload ...................................................................................... 2,200 lb.
Maximum Fuel Capacity Weight .................................................................. 8,500 lb.
Payload with Full Fuel................................................................................. 2,200 lb.
* Hawker 750 BOW includes 2 crew, unusable fuel, oil, standard interior, and typical customer options.
Sea Level, ISA, 23,350 lb (MLW) ................................................................. 2,650 ft.
@ Typical Landing Weight (19,000 lb.) ........................................................ 2,280 ft.
Initial Climb @ MTOW .............................................................................. 39,000 ft.
Maximum Certified Ceiling ....................................................................... 41,000 ft.
Engine-out Service Ceiling ........................................................................ 18,800 ft.
This section depicts the Hawker 750’s Takeoff Field Lengths required for two flap
settings: Flaps 15° and Flaps 0°. All performance assumes FAR Part 25 standards and
a hard-surfaced, level, dry runway. Anti-ice and bleed air systems are also assumed to
be off.
A 0° flap setting is normally used when engine-out climb limitations become the
limiting factor. Takeoff distances are longer than when using Flaps 15°, however,
should there be sufficient runway, the Flaps 0° setting will allow a significantly hotter
departure temperature for a given weight or a significantly heavier take-off weight for
a given temperature, especially at high airport elevations.
A 15° flap setting is normally used when operating at lower altitudes and
temperatures, where engine-out limitations are not limiting.
For other conditions and/or actual flight planning, please consult the Hawker 750 FAA
Approved Airplane Flight Manual.
The following speeds are those for a departure from a sea level airfield on a Standard
Day (15°C/59°F). Assumptions are no wind, zero runway slope, anti-skid on and anti-
ice off.
Take-off 0° Flap Setting 15° Flap Setting
Weight Decision Rotate Safety Decision Rotate Safety
(lb.) (V1) (VR) (V2) (V1) (VR) (V2)
27,000 124 134 142 118 128 138
26,000 121 132 140 115 125 136
25,000 117 128 138 113 121 133
24,000 113 125 135 113 118 131
23,000 113 122 133 112 115 128
22,000 113 119 131 112 113 126
21,000 112 118 130 112 112 126
20,000 112 117 130 112 112 127
19,000 112 117 130 112 112 127
18,000 112 116 130 111 111 127
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt./Brake 7987 8491 8713 9093 9007 9401 9989 9085 9266 9348
Energy Limits
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt./Brake 8397 8150 8707 8956 8455 9266 9618 10369 9991 10085
Energy Limits
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 7321 8466 8192 8831 9040 9438 9386 9829 10589 11167
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 6490 6915 7381 7839 8746 8967 9352 9996 8697 10698
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 5915 6183 6458 6761 7264 7420 8469 9314 9980 10188
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 5358 5607 5854 6130 6423 6732 7082 7630 8017 9080
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 4856 5068 5286 5521 5783 6056 6376 6708 7070 7463
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 4382 4571 4765 4972 5199 5433 5711 5996 6325 6679
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 3974 4136 4304 4474 4677 4872 5114 5363 5634 5949
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 3746 3810 3909 4101 4237 4416 4620 4829 5058 5318
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 5806 5875 6037 6127 6264 6349 6537 6516 6556 6556
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 5621 5688 5844 5921 6102 6158 6258 6360 6433 6545
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 5351 5476 5620 5693 5857 5942 6101 6196 6317 6261
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 5160 5282 5410 5549 5629 5788 5889 5962 6071 6183
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 4964 5059 5186 5308 5453 5528 5696 5793 5875 6054
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 4733 4913 5102 5221 5340 5407 5571 5657 5756 5908
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 4359 4524 4694 4873 5071 5271 5427 5504 5671 5779
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 3990 4151 4299 4458 4633 4819 5028 5244 5481 5653
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 3783 3890 4005 4110 4249 4394 4582 4777 4991 5215
Take-off Distance
at Climb Wt. 3696 3776 3867 3941 4034 4117 4267 4371 4566 4744
The following tables depict the Hawker 750’s climb performance. These charts show the
time (in minutes), the amount of fuel consumed (in pounds), and the distance flown (in
nautical miles) at various takeoff weights and from sea level to altitudes up to 41,000 ft.
Climb data assumes ISA conditions and no wind. Normal climb speed is 250 KIAS up to
28,000 ft and 0.70 IMN above to a 200 ft/min ceiling.
Pressure Take-off Weight (lb.)
Altitude (ft.) 27,000 26,000 25,000 24,000 23,000 22,000 21,000 20,000
5,000 Time - min 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
Fuel (lb.) 194 186 178 170 162 155 147 140
Dist - nm 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4
10,000 Time - min 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
Fuel (lb.) 285 273 261 249 237 226 215 203
Dist - nm 12 11 11 10 9 9 9 8
15,000 Time - min 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4
Fuel (lb.) 375 359 343 327 312 296 281 267
Dist - nm 19 18 17 16 16 15 14 13
20,000 Time - min 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6
Fuel (lb.) 472 451 431 411 391 371 352 333
Dist - nm 29 28 26 25 24 23 21 20
25,000 Time - min 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7
Fuel (lb.) 581 554 528 503 478 453 429 406
Dist - nm 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29
27,000 Time - min 11 11 10 10 9 9 8 8
Fuel (lb.) 629 600 571 544 516 489 463 438
Dist - nm 50 47 45 43 40 38 36 34
The following tables present cruise performance in ISA conditions for the Hawker 750.
The fuel flow shown is total fuel for both engines.
• High Speed Cruise is limited by VMO/MMO or available cruise thrust
• Intermediate Speed Cruise assumes 280 KIAS/M0.75
• Long Range Cruise assumes 230/220 KIAS/M0.70
Cruise Aircraft Weight (lb.)
Altitude (ft.) 27,000 26,000 24,000 22,000 20,000 18,000
KTAS 296 296 296 296 296 296
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 2005 1989 1955 1923 1896 1873
KTAS 322 322 384 384 384 384
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 1921 1905 2472 2455 2439 2425
KTAS 342 342 402 402 402 402
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 1873 1856 2374 2356 2342 2328
KTAS 353 353 411 411 411 411
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 1851 1834 2315 2297 2283 2269
KTAS 364 364 420 420 420 420
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 1827 1810 2262 2243 2229 2214
KTAS 375 375 429 429 429 429
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 1802 1785 2215 2196 2180 2166
KTAS 387 387 438 438 438 438
Fuel Flow (lb/hr) 1776 1760 2178 2160 2142 2129
The Hawker 750 normal descent profile assumes a speed of 0.76 IMN down to 29,000
ft, continuing at 285 KIAS down to 10,000 ft. Below 10,000 ft. speed is limited to 250
KIAS. Rate of descent is limited to 1,000 ft./min. above 37,000 ft. ISA conditions.
Weight @ 18,000 lb. @ 22,000 lb. @ 26,000 lb.
Altitude Time Fuel Dist Time Fuel Dist Time Fuel Dist
(ft.) (min) (lb.) (nm) (min) (lb.) (nm) (min) (lb.) (nm)
41,000 17.5 178 98 19 196 109 -- -- --
39,000 15.5 146 84 17 162 94 18.5 176 102
37,000 13.5 112 69 15 126 80 16.5 138 88
35,000 13 107 66 14.5 122 76 16 133 84
33,000 12.5 104 63 14 117 72 15.5 128 80
31,000 12 101 60 13.5 114 69 15 124 76
29,000 11.5 97 57 13 109 65 14 119 71
27,000 11 93 53 12.5 104 61 13.5 114 67
25,000 10.5 88 49 12 99 56 13 108 62
20,000 9 78 41 10 87 46 11 94 50
15,000 8 66 32 8.5 73 36 9 79 39
10,000 6 52 23 6.5 56 25 7 59 27
5,000 4 34 13 4 36 14 4 37 14
The following table depicts the Hawker 750 FAR Part 25 landing distance
requirements. It assumes a dry, hard-surfaced, level runway. For FAR Part 135 and FAR
Part 121 operations, multiply these figures by 1.67 to obtain Part 135 (60%) factored
landing distances or 1.25 to obtain Part 91(K) (80%) factored landing distances.
The landing distances shown are from a point 50 ft above the runway surface to the
point at which the airplane can come to a full stop under the specified conditions.
Landing Approach Field Elevation (ft.)
Weight Speed
(lb.) (KIAS) S.L 2000 4000 6000 8000
17,000 108 2095 2190 2290 2405 2525
18,000 111 2200 2290 2385 2500 2640
19,000 114 2280 2380 2485 2620 2750
20,000 117 2365 2470 2585 2715 2850
21,000 120 2450 2565 2680 2825 2965
22,000 123 2530 2655 2775 2925 3075
23,350 127 2650 2780 2900 3055 3210
The following table depicts the Maximum Allowable Landing Weight based on either
Approach Climb Gradient (Flaps 15°) or by Maximum Brake Energy capacity, whichever
is more restrictive.
Ambient Temperature Field Elevation (ft.)
°C °F 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
0 32 23,350 23,350 23,350 23,350 23,350
10 50 23,350 23,350 23,350 23,350 22,950
15 59 23,350 23,350 23,350 23,200 22,750
20 68 23,350 23,350 23,350 23,000 22,580
25 77 23,350 23,350 23,350 22,800 22,350
30 86 23,350 23,350 22,700 21,800 21,000
35 95 23,200 22,300 21,400 20,600 --
The following tables show the cruise altitudes, sector time and fuel used for various
sector distances. These tables assume Standard (ISA) day conditions, no wind and 80 lb
of fuel for start-up, taxi-out and takeoff.
Fuel burn includes Climb (250 KIAS transitioning to 0.70 Mach), then High Speed,
Intermediate or Long Range Cruise segment and Descent (0.76 Indicated Mach
transitioning to 285 KIAS and then to 250 KIAS) to sea level.
A typically equipped aircraft basic operating weight (BOW) is assumed (which includes
two crew) with four passengers (800 lb payload). Fuel reserves assume the NBAA IFR
Fuel reserve profile. Fuel reserves are not included in the fuel burn figures.
Altitude 15,000 21,000 25,000 29,000 31,000
Time Fuel Time Fuel Time Fuel Time Fuel Time Fuel
hr:min lb. hr:min lb. hr:min lb. hr:min lb. hr:min lb.
100 0:21 713 0:21 670 0:22 658 -- -- -- --
200 0:36 1299 0:35 1181 0:36 1139 0:35 1160 0:35 1138
300 -- -- 0:49 1695 0:49 1622 0:48 1675 0:48 1618
400 -- -- 1:03 2211 1:03 2104 1:01 2191 1:01 2109
500 -- -- -- -- 1:16 2588 1:14 2710 1:14 2602
600 -- -- -- -- 1:29 3074 1:27 3232 1:28 3098
700 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1:40 3753 1:41 3590
800 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1:53 4276 1:54 4084
900 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2:07 4581
1000 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2:20 5080
1100 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2:33 5580
1200 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 2:47 6083
1300 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3:00 6583
1400 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3:13 7085
Payload (lb)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
NBAA IFR Range (nm)
250 KIAS / 0.63 Mach Climb
Long Range Cruise (M0.70)
0.70 Mach / 270 KIAS Descent
80 lb. of fuel for startup & taxi-out
NBAA IFR fuel reserves
Specifications and performance are subject to change without notice. Contact Hawker Beechcraft Corporation for details. 892-35195
© 2010 Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. All rights reserved. Hawker and Beechcraft are trademarks of Hawker Beechcraft Corporation. July 2010