Historical Background On The Evolution of The Philippine Policing System
Historical Background On The Evolution of The Philippine Policing System
Historical Background On The Evolution of The Philippine Policing System
1. Early Time
Members of the police force during Spanish time are under the Governor
The Police organization during the Spanish period are:
a. Cuadrillos
b. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
c. Guardia Civil
d. Guardia Civil Beterana
Basic Functions:
They act as messenger.
To guard dark and unsafe places.
To make patrol.
To guard the municipal buildings and halls.
Prison Guard.
3. American Regime
The Spanish Government ceded the Philippines to the United States in
December 10, 1898.
The Schurman Commission offered to Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on May 4,
1899 a plan of self-government. One important point is the self-policing system
in the Philippines.
It was on January 21, 1901 when the Department of Public Instruction
was created. This department became the basis of the United States in creating
the Western Police District (WPD) to police Manila.
On July 31, 1901 and by virtue of Act No.183, the Western Police District
was created which is famously known as the Manila Police Department and
eventually called as the Manila’s Finest. The 1st Chief of Police for WPD was
Capt. George Eastman Currey. The Police Force was placed under the direct
supervision of the Governor.
Another important event that transpired on August 01, 1901 was the
creation of the Philippine Constabulary, which was considered as the 1 st Insular
Police Force in the country.
On the other hand, the Revised Administrative Code of the Philippines was
approved on March 20, 1917. Section 2275, Title IX, Book III of the Code
provides for the creation of Policemen in any City or Municipality thru the
approval of the Provincial Governor if a town is infested with:
1. Outlaws;
2. Lawbreakers; and
3. Suspicious looking characters.
For this purpose, services of Military Force are not allowed.
4. Japanese Invasion
As a result of World War II, on January 2, 1942 the Japanese Imperial
Force captured Manila and WPD was re-named Metropolitan Constabulary under
the Japanese Military Police (KEMPETAI) which eventually supplanted all types of
Police Forces.
5. Re-occupation by the Americans
True to his words ―I shall return,‖ Gen. Douglas Mc Arthur returned to the
Philippines on February 7, 1945. Shortly after liberation, all police forces were again
reconstituted including WPD and placed under the leadership of Col. Marcus Ellis Jones.
1. R.A. No. 541 - This Law was created to improve the Police Service and
Administration, it is also known as the Police Pension Law, but later said law
was proved to be defective that contributed more problems and conflict in the
policing system
2. R.A. No. 4864 - This Law was passed on September 8, 1966 and is
otherwise known as the Police Act of 1966. It was passed and approved by
Congress with the end in view of professionalizing the police service which
serves as the code of all local police departments in the country, some of its
pertinent provisions reads:
―Sec. 2. Purpose – It is hereby declared to be the policy and purpose
of this Act to achieve and attain a high degree of efficiency with the end in
view that peace and order may be maintained more effectively and the laws
enforced with more impartiality. It is also the object of this Act to place the
local police service on a professional level.‖
One of the most significant provisions of RA 4864 is Section 7 which
specifically define the duties of peace officers expressly provide that:
―Sec. 7. Duties of Peace officers – All members of the police agency
shall be PEACE OFFICERS. It shall be their duty to preserve peace and order;
prevent the commission of crimes; protect life, liberty and property; and
arrest all violators of laws and ordinances within their jurisdiction. They shall
exercise the general powers to make arrest, searches and seizures IN
ACCORDANCE WITH LAW. They shall detain an arrested person only within
the period prescribed by law.
By virtue of this provisions, the local police agencies were expressly
granted the authority in law as PEACE OFFICERS so lawfully exercise
general police powers limited within their respective jurisdiction.
Some of the features of this law are:
The Local Police is still under local executives but the salaries are subsidized by
the Government,
It created the Police Commission (Now NAPOLCOM)
It provided standard qualification and training for the service.
On the 13th day of June 1974, PD No, 482 was issued, the principal
purpose of which (―purportedly‖) is to bolster the entire police agencies in the
country (2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs, pd no. 482). as distinguished from pd 421,
pd 482 specifically lodged to the Philippine Constabulary the powers of direct
control, direction & supervision over the provincial integrated police forces (1st
sentence, sec. 4, supra.). Several presidential decrees were subsequently issued
complementing, modifying and/or amending other existing PDs.
Section 6, Art. XVI of the 1987 Constitution provides ―The State shall
establish and maintain one Police force, which shall be national in scope and
civilian in character, to be administered and controlled by a National Police
The authority of local executives over the police units in their
Jurisdiction shall be provided by law‖.
The above-constitutional provision explicitly calls for one police force,
which shall be National in scope and civilian in character.
The phrase ―national in scope‖ means a police force that could
effectively function throughout the nation or in any part of the country. In
short, any member of the organization can be assigned and reassigned
elsewhere in the Philippines.
In response to public clamor against several abuses allegedly
committed by the Police Force as experienced during Martial Law Regime—
and such violations were attributed to the ―Militaristic‖ character of the
organization—the constitution in like manner mandates that the Police Force
to be created shall be civilian in character.
The wisdom of this provision is now laid to rest all the issues
particularly on the dual structural components of the previous Police
organization. By this, the public expects that this police force described by
the constitution would perform its tasks more on civilian approach such as
respect for human rights and humane system of identifying and arresting
offenders be adhered in accordance with civilized and civilianized orientation.
It is clear that the power to administer and control the PNP is lodged
to the National Police Commission. The authority of the local executives over
members of the PNP such as the power to employ, deploy and select the
chief of the PNP in their respective area of responsibility is now provided
under R.A. No. 6975, and amendatory laws.
Notably and probably, R.A. No. 8551 is more rigid and serious then
what other laws provide on the Educational Qualifications of members of
the organization. The law now provides Collegiate Degree qualification,
which must be obtained from a duly recognized institution of learning.
c. RA 9708
This is the latest law on Philippine Policing, it is known as ―Police
Education and Promotion Act of 2009‖.
Sec 30 (1), of RA 6975 as amended by RA 8551 is further amended by
RA. No. 9708, as follows:
1. Provides for the continuing education program to be provided by
NAPOLCOM in coordination with the PNP, CSC, CHED and the CHR thru
distance education or in-service training.
2. Continuing education program include Law Enforcement, Criminal
Investigation, Human Rights or other similar programs