A Framework For Web GIS Development A Re
A Framework For Web GIS Development A Re
A Framework For Web GIS Development A Re
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 16, June 2019
consist editing and data access layers, which are the According to [15], the Waterfall model is the most commonly
map layers that users work with to edit features, used methodology, it is a linearly sequential model where the
perform queries, and select features for input to completion of each step is imperative to commencement of
analysis. the next, and the requirements for your application have to be
very clear before commencing the development. In summary,
3) Query results; applications make a query request to the steps involved in Waterfall methodology includes
the server and return a set of records as results to planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and
said query. These include a set of individual maintenance. This method is very clear on requirements
features or attribute records. Users can display and before development commences. In Waterfall, each phase
work with these results as map graphics in their web completes before the next, and it requires minimal resources,
GIS applications. and thorough documentation [12]. They also found out that
4) Result layers; are derived from analytic models. this methodology is faulty because problems from one phase
is transferable to the next.
Most GIS applications and users work with operational
information (sometimes multiple operational layers) on top of The V-Shaped model (validation and verification) is an
their base map [12], this provides the geographic context, extension of the Waterfall model. In the V-Shaped model,
other times, the operational layer displayed underneath other steps bent upwards after the implementation and coding
layers that help provide locational context. For example, when phase, to form the typical V shape. The major advantage of
you classify and display ZIP or postal code areas by this model over the Waterfall model is that it verifies each
demographic information, you often overlay these results with step before progressing, reducing the transfer of error. The
transportation lines and place-names to provide locational testing happens in tandem with development. A big challenge
context. Operational layers are often dynamic. They mostly in this model is that, it is rigid and less flexible to change, and
work within a focused range of map scales and resolutions. it disregards risk analysis activities [14].
Some Web GIS applications provide tools that perform Prototyping is all activities that entails the initial stages of
processes beyond mapping. creating a software application; it is an incomplete version of
Every application is as good as its geospatial data software/application. It visualizes the main features and
management framework. It is comprised of a geodatabase components of the software and provide a deeper
(one or more), a collection of shape files, various tabular understanding of the application to be developed. Prototyping
databases and spreadsheets, CAD files, design files, imagery significantly reduces the number of unforeseen problems in
and HTML web pages. the future of the application development process. This
category has two models; throwaway prototyping and
Client Middle Server evolutionary prototyping. While evolutionary prototyping
Ware gradually evolves into the final system through iterative
incorporation of user feedback, the throwaway prototype does
Web Web
not evolve; or rather integrate into the final product [9].
Browser Spatial Request Server Spiral Development Model (SDM) merges elements of design
and prototyping-in-stages. Development following this SDLC
WWW begins with a few requirements; it then goes through each
development phase for those requirements. This will comprise
HTML, Image,
the first iteration. Based on this initial iteration, subsequent
iterations add more functionality and seal loopholes. This
increment in functionality takes place in “spirals” until the
end of the development process [10]. According to [10] the
SDM combines features of prototyping and Waterfall models.
It is most favorable for large, expensive, and complicated
projects as it mitigates risk and involves developers
GIS GIS throughout the process. It is however very costly and time
Software Database consuming and requires special skills to evaluate risks and
The iterative model filled loopholes in Waterfall model. The
system allows for repeated cycles (iterative), in smaller
portions each time (incremental), this allows software
Figure 1: Standard Web GIS Architecture [12] developers to take advantage of knowledge from development
of the earlier versions of the applications. More often than not
2.2 Software Development Methodologies SDM consists of several mini Waterfalls or mini V-Shaped
Several software development models and methodologies model [10].
exist for the development of web applications, case in point,
web GIS applications. Models and methodologies describe the Agile is an English word with a meaning, “to move quickly or
whole cycle of development stages including, achievement of progress rapidly.” Naturally, Agile development is a model
functionality, release and maintenance. Some of these models based on the iterative and incremental development model,
are; the Waterfall Model, V-Shaped Model, Prototyping where a skilled adaptive team responds to frequently changing
Model, Spiral Method (SDM), Iterative & Incremental requirements. This model ascertains rapid progress from start
Method, RAD (Rapid Application Development) model and to finish. Its main advantage is its ability to respond to the
Agile development. changing requirements and the reduced time to delivery. This
model is however very inefficient and difficult to employ for
large projects [11].
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 16, June 2019
In their study, The RAD (Rapid Application Development) the use of its camera, GPS and file system. As several
model based on prototyping and iterative development with Mozambican areas faced constant network limitations at the
no specific planning involved. It employs minimal planning time, the development also considered the offline usability of
instead of rapid prototyping as in Agile development. RAD the resulting application; this warranted the use of a tile
gathers customer requirements via workshops or focus groups, caching method in addition to the Web Map Service (WMS).
early testing of the prototypes by the customer using iterative To achieve this, researchers employed an adaptation of the
concept, reuse of the existing prototypes (components), prototyping and Agile SDLC methodology. According to [6]
continuous integration and rapid delivery [2]. the methodology does not capture all trivial requirements;
hence, contingencies are unavoidable. This methodology is
2.3 Previous Development Methodologies also faster, however it is very tedious for the developers [6].
Web-GIS systems exhibit the characteristics of both GIS and
the web. Developers are thus at liberty to employ any of these A research on Web-GIS applicability was conducted [5]. They
models in their development process based on the criteria carried out a research on the applicability of a web-GIS
aforementioned [16]. enabled soil information system in agricultural land use
planning in the United Arab Emirates. The development of
A design process of Web-GIS was tested by [1] for Iran this system followed a classic procedural SDLC. This
during the development of a rudimentary road information methodology is systematic; from this, we can infer that a
system. Their development cycle took eight major activities Waterfall model can develop the system. Their study
starting with the requirement analysis and ending with on- explained that this methodology increased the probability of
going use and maintenance of the Web GIS system. They completing the project within the prescribed time, whilst
followed the procedural Waterfall SDLC model. The steps maintaining the quality of the system by the technological
involved in the Waterfall model employed for the Iranian road standards of the time.
information system included, determination of system
requirements, conceptual design, hardware and software 3. METHODOLOGY
survey, database design and construction, acquisition of GIS This study adopted the most appropriate method for
hardware and software, web GIS system integration, prioritizing elements of Web-GIS usability as depicted by [8].
application development, and finally, web GIS use and The creative process from [8] demands that problem analysis
maintenance. According to [1] the Waterfall model wins task comes first, and it involves reviewing existing literature
when it comes to its simplicity, however it has the looking for information that could enhance understanding of
shortcomings of not being practical for large projects as it the methods that can prioritize elements of the usability of
takes too long and places no emphasis on critical matters such Web-GIS. Relevancy of the topic formed an important criteria
as, testing and user involvement during the development used for analyzing all the articles and peer reviewed papers.
process. RAD-based methodology for GIS development Five key papers were of core interest in this paper, and
focused on the interoperability of the application with web evaluated as depicted in Table1.
database applications, and varied innovations such as, a
georeferenced abstraction, using SQL column data types to 4. FINDINGS
specify the user interface without warranting the need for a This section summarizes evaluation for different
script [2]. It followed the principles of code minimization, and methodologies used in the web-GIS projects aforementioned.
shares authentication of existing web applications, and the
Table 1: Evaluation Methodologies
ease of use of graphic editing functionalities. Nonetheless, the
approach is a very broad approach to web-GIS development. Project Yea Scope Complexit Methodolog
In addition, the order of precedence in which to apply the [Reference r y y
framework is not clearly defined [2]. ]
A web GIS Application for visualization and analysis of [1] 2002 Small Not Waterfall
health in a community for out of hospital cardiac arrest complex
patterns in the United States [3]. The Agile development
methodology was used as a development process; the five [2] 2010 Mediu Moderately RAD
stages of application development set forth in the model were m complex
identification and assessment of client and users’ needs, [3] 2013 Mediu Complex Agile
goal/task analysis, initial prototype design, evaluations and m
refining of prototypes and final stage application, and project
implementation and maintenance. Iterations solved the [4] 2014 Wide Complex Prototyping
usability problems associated with interactive web mapping and Agile
such us; poor design of user interface, misinterpretation of
published maps, and poor visualization of search results. All [5] 2014 Small Not Waterfall
feedback integrated into the design of the application in the complex
next iteration. The project sought to achieve both ‘usability’
and ‘usefulness’ in web map design [3]. Table1 depicts who did the project, the year of project, scope
A cost effective mobile mapping solution for collection of in terms of de-limits, complexity-in terms of the technology
spatial data using open - source technologies dubbed m-Sport used, and the methodology employed. A comparison between
GIS was developed [4]. This web-GIS application is currently the aforementioned methodologies and the criteria indicated
in use by the Mozambican government to manage all of its by virtue of mean that the Waterfall methodology ranks high
sports resources. The resulting solution utilized web and followed by RAD and Agile in equal measure as depicted in
mobile technologies. Some of the technologies and APIs used Figure2.
include Sencha Touch and Apache Cordova. The application
was designed to run on Android mobile phones; employing
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 16, June 2019
Table 2: Comparing Waterfall, RAD, and Agile complex and wide projects such as that by [4] and [3] was the
Agile methodology.
Each methodology has its own strengths and weaknesses thus
Criteria Waterfall RAD Agile the selection of any of one for a particular development
exercise is done based on the purpose of the project; its scope,
time constraint, budget and availability of skilled labor, as
Rules elaborated by [16]. It comprised of the following:
Coverage 1) Rules: Selected methodology should provide clear
formal guideline to cover all the tasks and
deliverables of the projects.
Inter-stage 2) Coverage: Methodology should cover the entire
communication development processes.
Teachable 3) Design: Methodology should separate the physical
Design for and logical design.
change 4) Inter-stage communication: Work in each stage
Simplicity and passed to the next subsequent stage.
pragmatism 5) Teachable: Knowledge of technique easily shared.
Participation 6) Designing for change: Design should allow for
modification at a later stage.
Table 3: Descriptive Table Generated from Table2 7) Simplicity and pragmatism: Methodology should be
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std easy to use.
Deviation 8) Participation: Encourages involvement of users and
Waterfall 5 1.00 8.00 4.6000 3.04959 stakeholders.
RAD 5 1.00 8.00 4.0000 2.91548 6. CONCLUSION
Agile 6 1.00 8.00 4.0000 2.60768 With advancements in software and hardware, as well as the
growth of the internet, GIS has begun to adapt to the same as
Valid 5 well. Devices have become smaller, lighter and powerful, and
N(Listwise) can be used on the go. As such, all GIS development activities
should take place in a manner that lives up to the growth of
technology and the ever growing needs and demands of GIS
users. GIS applications need to be deployable, scalable and
Waterfall, RAD and Agile accessible, particularly Web-GIS which should be able
9 integrate remote content with that available locally. This is
best achieved by employing Agile development in the
development of web GIS. Even though Waterfall ranks high
7 in-terms of adoption, Agile methodology stands proposed to
6 be the most efficient development methodology for web GIS
5 applications. This is because Agile development ensures easy
4 collaboration, comprehensive design and testing, flexibility to
3 change as the solution evolves and timely delivery. The Agile
2 also has its fair share of shortcomings. Particularly for large
projects: it is intensive and highly demanding on developer
and is unpredictable to some extent, and as of the
0 quantification of effort taken to complete the project, this
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. could not measure accurately at the start of the project.
Waterfall RAD Agile Valid N (listwise) [1] A. A. Alesheikh, H. Helali and H. A. Behroz, "Web GIS:
Technologies and its Applications," in Symposium on
Geospatial Theory, Processing and Applications, Ottawa,
Figure 2: Graphical Representation of Waterfall, RAD,
and Agile Evaluation
[2] R. Cavaco, R. Sequeira, M. Araújo and M. Calejo,
5. DISCUSSION "Rapid GIS Development: a model-based approach
Table1 indicates that the methodologies previously used for focused on interoperability," in 13th AGILE
web-GIS development projects does not reveal any bias International Conference on Geographic Information
towards a particular methodology with regards to the Science, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010.
time/year it was developed. Two groups of researchers; [1]
and [5], they both used the Waterfall methodology despite [3] H. Semple, H. Quin and C. Sasson, "Development of a
being-carried out 13 years part; each project selected a Web GIS Application for Visualizing and Analyzing
suitable methodology based on its scope, technical and Community Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patterns,"
temporal requirements. The common denominator between Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 2013.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 178 – No. 16, June 2019
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