Family Group Presentation

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Family is characterized as two or more individuals living within the same family, sharing a common enthusiastic bond, and performing certain
interrelated social errands (Allender & Spradley, 2008), but it is additionally a source of passionate back, consolation, warmth, sustaining, security, and
security. It is made up of a male and a female who are molded to be one, working together to form a great climate among the family individuals. Nearly
all families, in any case of sort, take part in comparative exercises (Cherlin, 2008).

The family is an imperative environment for wellbeing advancement. Modern health-promoting family models can serve as platforms for forming
wellbeing behaviors and as instructive and health-promoting devices (Michaelson, V., Pilato, K. A., & Davison, C. M., 2021). A key movement in public
health work is communicating information to patients in arrange to assist them make informed health decisions. It is hoped that raising awareness will
impact people's behavior in order for them to require control of their wellbeing. This role is exemplified by direction patients on how to require their
endorsed pharmaceutical or sharing data around the benefits of a solid way of life (The Philippine National Regulatory Board of Nursing, 2012).

Their client, Mrs. Nelia Sandugo is a 43 year old woman with 7 children altogether from her former husband and live-in partner. She was married
at 19 years old with her former husband and stayed long for 20 years until she decided to end it due to her husband being abusive. They had 5 children
namely Jake, 23 years old, Paul, 22 years old, Mike, 20 years old, John, 19 years old, and Enrique, 13 years old. She is currently in a live-in situation with
Mr. Jessy San Pedro, 35 years old and is 8 years younger than her. They are now together for 3 years and they have 2 children namely Tod, a 1 year old
infant and Lemuel, a 2 month old infant from her recent pregnancy. They live together with their 2 infants at the house of her partners mother. Her 5
children from her former husband stayed with their dad.

Mr. Jessy works as a laborer who earns a minimum of 350 per day. He would leave every 6 in the morning to go to work in Gilangi and would
return home by 5 in the afternoon. Mrs. Nelia and Mr. Jessy are not married since Nelia's marriage to her first husband was not legally terminated as
they were legally married though a civil-type wedding. She said that she does not have a plan to terminate the marriage since it is very expensive to do
so. She and her now live-in partner met in Balaybalay when she was working. They were teased with their co-workers and resulted for them to fall in
ove with each other that led them to be together.
Conducting case studies allows nursing students to improve and apply all the concepts they have learned. It is a tool to determine the health
status of the family through critical assessment and examination. As a result, health-related problems are identified, providing student nurses with
guidance on how to take action to provide holistic care.

The following nursing theories are applicable in their client family:

Florence Nightingale Theory Of Nursing

Upon assessment of Sandugo family case, many things are out of line according to the theory of nursing by Florence Nightingale. It's necessary to
look at everything from a holistic perspective. Psychosocial, environmental, and medicinal interventions would all fall within this category. While
providing care, keep in mind Florence Nightingale's objective of nursing: “assist the patient to regain “vital powers” by meeting their needs, which in
the end puts the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon.” (Smith & Parker, 2015). Nightingale believed that nurses contribute to restoring
health in a direct and indirect way by the management of patient’s environment (Smith & Parker, 2015).
Nightingale stated in her nursing notes that nursing "is an act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery" that it
involves the nurse's initiative to configure environmental settings appropriate for the gradual restoration of the patient's health, and that external
factors associated with the patient's surroundings affect life or biologic and physiologic processes, and his development.
Environmental factors affecting health
· Pure fresh air- "to keep the air he breathes as pure as the external air without chilling him/her."
· Pure water- "well water of a very impure kind is used for domestic purposes. And when epidemic disease shows itself, persons using such water
are almost sure to suffer."
· Effective drainage- "all the while the sewer maybe nothing but a laboratory from which epidemic disease and ill health is being installed into the
· Cleanliness- "the greater part of nursing consists in preserving cleanliness."
· Light (especially direct sunlight)- "the usefulness of light in treating disease is very important."

Any deficiency in one or more of these factors could lead to impaired functioning of life processes or diminished health status. The factors posed
great significance during Nightingale's time, when health institutions had poor sanitation, and health workers had little education and training and were
frequently incompetent and unreliable in attending to the needs of the patients. Also emphasized in her environmental theory is the provision of a
quiet or noise-free and warm environment, attending to patient's dietary needs by assessment, documentation of time of food intake, and evaluating
its effects on the patient.
As the assessment begins for Sandigan family, there are many things that need to be addressed. It is essential to educate the patient on how to
take an active role in her own healing. The effectiveness of the interventions is determined on the patient's desire to cooperate. Florence Nightingale
discussed the importance of home health as being closely related to the presence of pure air, pure water, efficient drainage, and cleanliness. Providing
education to the family about what to expect will relieve the stress of the unknown. It is necessary to readdress taught information as reinforcement
will provide an increase in confidence. The nurse can do health teaching with the family the importance of having a proper drainage system such as:
Prevention of possible breeding sites of vectors.

Dorothea Orem Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

The second part of the theory, self-care deficit, specifies when nursing is needed. According to Orem, nursing is required when an adult is
incapable or limited in the provision of continuous, effective self-care. For example, Self-care deficit arises when a patient has difficulty with activities of
daily living (ADL) such as:
● Inability to maintain proper hygiene
● Inability to dress oneself
● Inability to feed oneself
● Mobility issues
● Problems with using the toilet
When nurses find that patients are showing signs of self-care deficit, they look for ways to help them while allowing for individual autonomy.
Inability to perform an activity, that a person had been previously able to do often leads to anxiety, frustration and depression which require nursing

Nola J. Pender Health Promotion Model

The Health Promotion Model was designed to be a “complementary counterpart to models of health protection.” It develops to incorporate
behaviors for improving health and applies across the life span. Its purpose is to help nurses know and understand the major determinants of health
behaviors as a foundation for behavioral counseling to promote well-being and healthy lifestyles.
Pender’s health promotion model defines health as “a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.” Health promotion is directed at
increasing a client’s level of well-being. It describes the multi-dimensional nature of persons as they interact within the environment to pursue health.
The model focuses on the following three areas:
 individual characteristics and experiences,
 behavior-specific cognitions and affect,
 and behavioral outcomes.

Community health care setting is the best avenue in promoting health and preventing illnesses. Using Pender’s Health Promotion Model,
community programs may be focused on activities that can improve people’s well-being. Health promotion and disease prevention can more easily be
carried out in the community than programs that aim to cure disease conditions.
Prioritization of the Family Health Problems

1. Unvaccinated family members as health threat 3.7

2. Smoking as health threat 3.1
3. Inappropriate Home responsibilities as stress points 2.9
4. Open Drainage as health threat 2.7
5. Possible Dog bite as health threat 2.7
6. Shared toilet facility as health threat 2.2
7. House made of light materials: fire hazard as health threat 2.2
8. Unwed couple as stress points 2.1
9. Extended family as stress points 2.1
10.House on slope: fall hazard as health threat 1.4
11.Marital age gap as stress point 1.1
Unvaccinated family members as health threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because it is very
 Health deficit 3 important during
 Health Threat 2* this pandemic to get
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 vaccinated to
crisis prevent viral
Modifiability of the Condition of 2 The problem is
the Problem 2 partially modifiable
 Easily Modifiable 1* 2 upon the
 Partially Modifiable 0 consideration of:
 Not Modifiable A. The family
can go to the
health to
appoint for
B. The family is
open to being
Preventive Potential 1 The problem has a
 High 3 0.6 low preventive
 Moderate 2* potential as
 Low 1 reflected on the
reason that the
family does not
have management
on this problem
since their
awareness of the
problem is not
Salience 1 0.5 The family knows
 A condition needing 2 that this is a
immediate attention problem but
 A condition not needing 1* perceives to have
immediate attention Total= 3.7 no immediate
 Not perceived as a 0 action.
condition needing change

Family Tasks:

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to:
A. Failure to comprehend the magnitude of the problem.
B. Misconceptions or erroneous about proposed courses of action.
Cues Health Problems Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Contact Required
The patient Unvaccinated Inability to make After nursing After nursing Discuss the risk factor of
verbalizes family members actions with respect intervention intervention family aging gap of the couple. Human
“mahadlok as health threat to taking family will be will be able to Resources:
mangud mi mag appropriate health able to appoint appoint vaccine at Discuss the planning of the
pavaccine actions due to vaccine at the the Valencia City good and strong relationship
maam” misconceptions of Valencia City Bukidnon Identify with the couple and -Time and effort
the problem Bukidnon Gymnasium for the family members the both student and
Gymnasium for vaccination healthy relationship the client.
Knowledge and
skill of the
student nurse
Smoking as health threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because it can cause
 Health deficit 3 complications and
 Health Threat 2* more serious
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 diseases.

Modifiability of the Condition of 2 Problem is partially

the Problem 2* modifiable because
 Easily Modifiable 1 1 the family are aware
 Partially Modifiable 0 of the problem but
 Not Modifiable his husband is
having a hard time
dealing with his
vices that became
his habits.
Preventive Potential 1 The problem has
 High 3 1 moderate
 Moderate 2* preventive potential
 Low 1 because it can be
prevented through
giving out
regarding what
smoking does to the
body. At the same
time, minimizing the
intake, exercising
and engage to
activities can be
Salience 1 0.5 The client perceives
 A condition needing 2 it as a problem that
immediate attention Total= 3.1 needs immediate
 A condition not needing 1* action.
immediate attention
 Not perceived as a 0
condition needing change

Family Tasks:

Inability to recognize the problem due to:

A. Lack of adequate knowledge.

B. Attitude/Philosophy in life, which hinders recognition/acceptance of the problem.

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to:

A. Low Salience of the problem.

B. Lack of knowledge as to alternative courses of action.
Cues Health Problems Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Contact Required
The client Smoking as Inability to After nursing After nursing Discuss the negative effects
verbalizes, “Naga Health Threat recognize the intervention: interventions, the of excessive smoking to the Human
panigarilyo pod presence of a client will be able body. Resources:
siya tapos problem due to The client will to:
makahurot siyag inadequate recognize Encourage the client to
isa ka-kaha.” knowledge and frequent Recognize the minimize and refrain from -Time and effort
attitude in life smoking of effects of too much cigarette smoking. both student and
which hinders cigarette as a frequent smoking the client.
recognition and problem and and its threat to Make client aware of the
acceptance of a decide on health possible outcome of his Knowledge and
problem. appropriate Improve his continuous smoking and its skill of the
health actions to attitude towards effects to the whole family. student nurse
Inability to make correct them. maintaining a
decisions with healthier life style Encourage other ways to
respect to taking Gradually relieve stress and recreational
appropriate health minimize smoking activities.
actions due to low habits
salience of the
Inappropriate Home responsibilities as stress points

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because it is very
 Health deficit 3 important during
 Health Threat 2* this pandemic to get
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 vaccinated to
crisis prevent viral
Modifiability of the Condition of 2 The problem is
the Problem 2 partially modifiable
 Easily Modifiable 1* 1 upon the
 Partially Modifiable 0 consideration of:
 Not Modifiable C. The family
can go to the
health to
appoint for
D. The family is
open to being
Preventive Potential 1 The problem has a
 High 3 0.6 low preventive
 Moderate 2* potential as
 Low 1 reflected on the
reason that the
family does not
have management
on this problem
since their
awareness of the
problem is not
Salience 1 0.5 The family knows
 A condition needing 2 that this is a
immediate attention problem but
 A condition not needing 1* perceives to have
immediate attention Total= 2.7 no immediate
 Not perceived as a 0 action.
condition needing change

Family Tasks:

Inability to recognize the presence of a problem due to inadequate knowledge and attitude in life which hinders recognition and acceptance of a

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to low salience of the problem.
Cues Health Problems Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Contact Required
“Si mama ang tig Inappropriate Inability to make After nursing After phone call Discuss the importance of the
lutosabalayakoy home decision with intervention, the conference of roles and responsibilities Human
tig responsibility as respect to taking family nursing Resources:
bantaysamgabata stress point appropriate health will decide on intervention, the Explain the effects of
” as verbally action due to: appropriate family will unorganized roles and
claimed. Feeling of action(s) to verbalize responsibilities. -Time and effort
confusion, prevent conflict understanding of both student and
helplessness, and / to the household the Explore with the family to the client.
or resignation members actual condition know their capacities.
brought about by that exists Knowledge and
perceive within the family skill of the
magnitude/severity student nurse
of the situation or
problem i.e.,
failure to break
down problems
into manageable
units of attack.
Open Drainage as health threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because improper
 Health deficit 3 drainage system
 Health Threat 2* leads to stagnation
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 of dirty water,
crisis which contributes
to increase levels of
pests and vermin
that spreads
Modifiability of the Condition of 2 Resources are
the Problem 2 available and it is
 Easily Modifiable 1* 1 partially modifiable
 Partially Modifiable 0 because we could
 Not Modifiable teach them the
importance of
having a clean

Preventive Potential 1 Further infections

 High 3 0.6 can be prevented
 Moderate 2* moderately.
 Low 1
Salience 1 0.5 The family does
 A condition needing 2 recognize this as a
immediate attention problem but for
 A condition not needing 1* them they have
immediate attention Total= 2.7 more important
 Not perceived as a 0 matter to solve.
condition needing change

Family Tasks:

Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to:

A. Inadequate family resources, specifically constraints/ limited financial resources

B. Failure to see benefits (especially long-term ones) of investments of home and environment improvement.
C. Lack of skills in carrying out measures to improve home environment.
Cues Health Problems Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Contact Required
Subjective: Poor home Inability to make After 2 hours of After 2 hours of Identify with the family the Material
sanitation decisions with nursing nursing risks of open drainage. resources:
specifically open respect to taking interventions, demonstrations, -Visual aids, pen,
“Walay tubo na drainage as appropriate the family will be the family will be Identify the diseases and marker.
awasanan pero health threat. health action due able to choose able to: health problems caused by -Phone
naa mi canal to: and show open drainage. Human
tapos diretso ra a. Inaccessibility suitable actions 1. Identify resources:
mhulog ang tubig of appropriate to eradicate, the risks Explore with the family the -Time and effort
didto” as stated resources for care rather than just of open resources to correct open of the student
by the specifically cost decrease, the drainage. drainage to closed drainage. nurses to render
respondent. constraints or problem and 2. Identify proper hygienic
economic. enhance the Discuss with family the steps care and practices
“Wala mi kwarta b. Lack of environmental diseases to have a closed drainage to the family.
ika repair knowledge as to sanitation. and health system. - Cooperation of
ma’am” as alternative problems the family
verbalized by the courses of action caused by Allow family to verbalize 1st members
client. open to them. open step to take to address especially the
drainage. implementation. mother.
3. Apply the resources:
resources -Money for the
used to nurse’s phone
correct load to contact
open the family.
to closed
4. Verbalize
the steps
to have a
Possible Dog Bite as health threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because there is a
 Health deficit 3 risk that they will be
 Health Threat 2* bitten by the dog
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 which can acquire
crisis virus, specifically
Modifiability of the Condition of 2 Problem is partially
the Problem modifiable because
 Easily Modifiable 2* 1 if adequate
 Partially Modifiable 1 knowledge is given
 Not Modifiable 0 by health personnel,
it can educate
family to be aware
of the existing
problem which will
turn to immediate
Preventive Potential 1 The family can bring
 High 3 0.6 their unvaccinated
 Moderate 2* pets to the nearest
 Low 1 veterinary centers
Salience 1 0.5 The family does not
 A condition needing 2 recognize this as a
immediate attention Total= 2.7 problem.
 A condition not needing 1*
immediate attention
 Not perceived as a 0
condition needing change

Family Tasks:

Inability to provide a home environment conducive to maintenance and personal development due to lack of inadequate knowledge of importance of
hygiene and sanitation.

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health due to failure to comprehend the nature of the problem.

Cues Health Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Problems Contact Required
“Gnadulaan ug Possible Dog Bite Inability to The family will At the end of the Inform the family that anti- rabies -To provide the
gnalingkuran ang as Health Threat provide a home be safe from phone call vaccine for dogs are free in the family’s Human
ulo sa iro sa environment possible dog conference: veterinary centers. knowledge about Resources:
akong conducive to bite rabies The family will services offered
kamagulangan” maintenance and knowledgeable of Educate the family that rabies is in the veterinary
personal safety needs of an infectious viral disease that centers. -Time and effort
“Nasa kusina development due having may affect the brain and the spinal both student and
permi amoang to lack of unvaccinated cord. the client.
iro” inadequate dog. -To educate the
As verbally knowledge of The dog would be To protect the family from family that rabies Knowledge and
claimed” importance of kept on a leash. acquiring rabies. is an infectious skill of the
hygiene and viral disease that student nurse
sanitation. may affect the
brain and the
Inability to make spinal cord.
decisions with
respect to taking -To prevent dog
appropriate bites to the
health due to toddler
failure to
comprehend the
nature of the

Shared toilet facility as health threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because sharing
 Health deficit 3 toilet could possibly
 Health Threat 2* get bacteria or
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 infectious diseases.

Modifiability of the Condition 2 Problem is partially

of the Problem 2 modifiable because
 Easily Modifiable 1* 1 if adequate
 Partially Modifiable 0 knowledge is given,
Not Modifiable it can lead the
family to be aware
of the existing

Preventive Potential 1 If adequate

 High 3 0.6 knowledge is given,
 Moderate 2* it could prevent
 Low 1 them to get infected
by infectious
Salience 1 0 The family does not
 A condition needing 2 recognize this as a
Total= 2.2 problem.
immediate attention
 A condition not needing
immediate attention 0*
 Not perceived as a
condition needing change
Family Tasks:

Inability to recognize the presence of the problem or condition due to low salience of the problem.

Cues Health Problems Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Contact Required
The patient Shared Toilet as Inability to recognize After nursing The family will be Establish rapport to gain family’s
verbalizes Health Threat the presence of the interventions, the able to: trust and cooperation. Human resources:
problem or condition family would be Identify the Time and effort of
”Sa kadaghan due to low salience of able to decide on importance of doing Assess the family’s willingness to both group and
namo maam, mag the problem. proper and preventive measures participate in solving the family.
share rajud mi sa appropriate regarding spreading problem.
usa ka C.R” actions to prevent of communicable Knowledge and
the occurrence of diseases. Discuss with the family about skills of the group.
communicable their present problem.
diseases Recognize the Willingness to
specifically presence of the Assess the family’s level of cooperate and
waterborne problem. comprehending the problem. understanding of
infections. the family.
Know the Discuss with the family hygienic
importance of measure that can be taken.
hygienic measures
Explain the importance of
having a clean toilet to increase
the awareness on the benefits
of having a good toilet facility.

Provide health teachings

regarding the disease that can
be acquired due to poor toilet
facility to be aware of the
danger that may occur if
necessary, actions would not be

House made of light materials: Fire Hazard as Health Threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification
Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat
 Wellness state 3 because they do not
 Health deficit 3 recognize the
 Health Threat 2* problem as
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6 something that can
crisis cause harm.

Modifiability of the Condition of 2 Problem is partially

the Problem 2 modifiable because
 Easily Modifiable 1* 1.0 it depends upon the
 Partially Modifiable 0 action of the family
 Not Modifiable when adequate
knowledge is given.

Preventive Potential 1 Problem is

 High 3 0.6 moderately
 Moderate 2* preventive when
 Low 1 the family cooks
carefully and when
the family do not
burn anything
beside the house.
Salience 1 0 The family does not
 A condition needing 2 view this as a
immediate attention problem.
 A condition not needing 1
immediate attention Total= 2.2
 Not perceived as a 0*
condition needing change

Family Task:

Inability to recognize the presence of the problem due to lack of knowledge

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to:

A. Failure to comprehend the magnitude of the problem

B. Low salience of the problem
C. Conflicting opinions among family members regarding action to make

Cues Health Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Problems Contact Required
Subjective House made Inability to After the The family will be able to:
of Light recognize the nursing Explain what fire hazard is.
>as verbalized Materials: problem due to lack interventions, Define what fire hazard is
by the client: Fire Hazard as of knowledge. the family will all about. Discuss with the family the
Health Threa be able to presence of fire hazards inside
“Among salog Inability to make decide on Recognize the presence of their home.
kay kawayan decisions with proper and the existing problem.
dayon among respect to taking appropriate Explain the importance and
dingding kay appropriate health actions to Know the importance and benefits of eliminating fire
amakan.” actions due to: prevent the benefits of eliminating fire hazards:
occurrence of hazards present inside the
“Sa sulod mi Failure to fire. house. Prevent the occurrence of
sa balay comprehend the unwanted fires.
galuto. Ga magnitude of the Identify ways/methods to
haling mi problem eliminate fire hazards. List ways/methods to eliminate
magluto.” Low salience of the fire hazards within the family's
problem Show understanding by available resources
Conflicting opinions putting into actions the
among family interventions given.
members regarding Avoid placing fire inducing
action to make. materials near cooking area and
areas with electric sockets.

Unwed couple as stress point.

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification
Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a stress point
 Wellness state 3 because the couple
 Health deficit 3 are living in
 Health Threat 2 together with
 Stress point/foreseeable 1* 0.3 children for three
crisis years but are not
Modifiability of the Condition of 2 It is partially
the Problem 2 modifiable because
 Easily Modifiable 1* 2.0 of the family’s
 Partially Modifiable 0 capacity to provide
 Not Modifiable the financial.

Preventive Potential 1 It is low preventive

 High 3 0.3 for it needs long
 Moderate 2 process because the
 Low 1* client is still married
to her first husband
Salience 1 0.5 The family
 A condition needing 2 recognizes the
immediate attention problem but does
 A condition not needing 1* not perceive of
immediate attention Total= 2.1 immediate action.
 Not perceived as a 0
condition needing change

Family Task:

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to: Inadequate family resources specifically family constraints
Cues Health Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Problems Contact Required
Inability to make After the conversation via Discuss the important of marriage
The client Unwed couple decision with respect After Nursing phone call the client most be through spirituality
verbally speak as stress point to taking appropriate Intervention, the able to
“dili pami kasal health action due to couple may Assess the couple plan about their
sa second failure to understand their Verbalized her understanding marriage
husband nko comprehend the situation in of the discussion through
sir” nature/magnitude of spiritual learning spiritual learning. Asses financial capacity and discuss
the and able to come the benefits of civil marriage.
problem/condition up with their Able to verbalize their partial
decision in term plan of marriage.
Inability to decide of marriage
which action to take
from among a list of

Inability to provide
home environment
conducive to health
maintenance and
development due to
maintenance and
development due to
inadequate family
resources specifically
financial constraints
Extended Family as Health Threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 The client is living
 Wellness state 3 with her mother in
 Health deficit 3 one house with her
 Health Threat 2 two children.
 Stress point/foreseeable 1* 0.3

Modifiability of the Condition of 2 It is partially

the Problem 2 modifiable due to
 Easily Modifiable 1* 2.0 financial and lack of
 Partially Modifiable 0 resources.
 Not Modifiable

Preventive Potential 1 It has low

 High 3 0.3 preventive potential
 Moderate 2 because it takes a
 Low 1* long process for
family to be
independent to
provide themselves
a home.
Salience 1 0.5 The client is aware
 A condition needing 2 of the condition but
immediate attention not perceives it as
 A condition not needing 1* to not leave their
immediate attention Total= 2.1 family.
 Not perceived as a 0
condition needing change

Family Task:

Inability to provide home environment conducive to health maintenance and personal development due to: Inadequate family resources and limited
financial resources
Cues Health Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Problems Contact Required
The client Extended Inability to After the At the end of Discussed with the family the
verbalizes that Family as Stress provide home nursing intervention, risk factor of extended family
“ sa akong point/ environment intervention, the family: Discussed to the family the
pamilya naki foreseeable conducive to the family will Be more importance of family
puyo rami crisis health be able to knowledgeable members responsibility
saako ugangan maintenance decide on about the
ug naa pod ang and personal appropriate financial Identify with the family about
mga igsoon development action(s) to constrains possible consequences and
saakong bana due to maintain Know the ability complication that they may
nagpuyo” inadequate conducive to meet the affect their strained marital
family health physical and relationship.
resources and maintenance, psychological
limited financial and to needs of the Discuss to the family member
resources adequate members of the the effect of improper
competencies family’s pre- budgeting of financial
in relating to occupation with resources
each other for the conditions
mutual growth
Home on slope: Fall Hazard as a Health Threat

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is a health threat because their house is prone to
 Wellness state 3 landslides.
 Health deficit 3
 Health Threat 2*
 Stress point/foreseeable 1 0.6

Modifiability of the Condition of 2 It cannot be modified since they already live in that area.
the Problem 2
 Easily Modifiable 1 0
 Partially Modifiable 0*
 Not Modifiable

Preventive Potential 1 The chance of preventive potential is low since they

 High 3 0.3 cannot migrate to another area at the time.
 Moderate 2
 Low 1*
Salience 1 0.5 It does not need immediate attention because they did not
 A condition needing 2 perceive this as a problem.
immediate attention
 A condition not needing 1*
immediate attention Total= 1.4
 Not perceived as a 0
condition needing change

Family Task:

Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions due to low salience of the problem.
Cues Health Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Problems Contact Required
“Among balay House on Inability to provide The family will After nursing
mam slope: fall a home be having a intervention, Discuss with the family the
nakatukod na hazard as environment knowledge the family will: disadvantages of House on
daan kilid sa health threat conducive to about the ideas Be aware that slope or the possible
pampang” as health in house on their house is structural damage
verbally maintenance and slope prone to
claimed personal landslide. Explain to the family having a
development due safe house to prevent
to: Will choose a accidents
A. Inadequate way on how to
family resources deal with their Demonstrate with a video
specifically: own solution clip with the family
constraints/limited Assess the
financial family
resources. capabilities in
knowing the
-Limited physical problems about
resources-e.i. lack their house on
of space to slope
construct facility.

Inability to make
decisions with
respect to taking
appropriate health
actions due to low
salience of the
Marital Age Gap as Stress Point

Criteria Score Weight Computation Justification

Nature of condition or problem 1 It is categorized as a
 Wellness state 3 stress point or
 Health deficit 3 foreseeable crisis.
 Health Threat 2 The wife is older by
 Stress point/foreseeable 1* 0.3 the husband by
crisis eight years level of
maturity is not the
Modifiability of the Condition of 2 It is not modifiable
the Problem 2 since we can’t
 Easily Modifiable 1 0 change their age
 Partially Modifiable 0* and that they are
 Not Modifiable already in a live in

Preventive Potential 1 To prevent the

 High 3 0.3 problem is low since
 Moderate 2 they are live-in with
 Low 1* two infants already.
You can’t change an
Salience 1 0.5 They are aware of
 A condition needing 2 their situation but
immediate attention don’t see it as a
 A condition not needing 1* problem
immediate attention Total= 1.1
 Not perceived as a 0
condition needing change

Family Task:

Inability to recognize the presence of the condition or problem due to low salience of the problem.
Cues Health Family Nursing Goals Objectives Intervention/Methods/Family Rationale Resources Evaluation
Problems Problems Contact Required
The client Maternal age Inability to After the At the end of Discuss the risk factor of
verbalizes that gap as stress recognize the nursing nursing aging gap of the couple.
Ma’am gaga is point presence of intervention, intervention,
43 years of the condition the couple will the couple can Discuss the planning of the
age and her or problem know; knowledgeable good and strong relationship.
husband is 35 due to low Building a the about the
years of age. salience of the health effective Identify with the couple and
They have 8 problem relationship building health the family members the
years gap of for them to relationship healthy relationship.
their know their especially with
relationship. personal their family

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