"Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:13-
Consider. In what areas of your personal life today are you being
challenged to stand firm in your faith in Christ? In what areas is the
church of Christ being challenged today to stand firm in our faith in
Christ and the word of God?
The Apostle Paul concludes his letter to the Corinthian church
with a concise and sharp series of exhortations. The first four
exhortations in 1 Corinthians 16:13 - be alert (be watchful), stand
firm in the faith, act like men (be courageous), and be strong - are
like "pistol shots" or shouted military commands (Ref. 1). In
contrast, the last exhortation in 1 Corinthians 16:14 - "Let all that
you do be done in love" - is more gentle.
Paul loved the church at Corinth, and he spent much time teaching
them (Acts 18:1, 5, 11). Even though Paul loved them and had taught
them about Christ, he was concerned that they were
"self-seeker/makasarili haan nga maki paset kadagiti na-Diosan nga
ar-aramid" undisciplined, and incapacitated. Paul includes these
sharp and emotional exhortations at the end of his letter to help them
preserve their souls and to stand firm against the enemies of truth.
Be On the Alert
The word for be on the alert means literally, stay awake, and
figuratively, be vigilant, responsible, and watchful (Ref. 2). Paul's
exhortation to the Corinthian church (to be alert, watchful) applies
equally to us as believers in Christ today. Paul urged the
Corinthian church to guard constantly against evils such as
dissension, erroneous doctrine, false teaching, and temptations,
"lest the enemies of truth and of holiness should steal upon them and
surprise them" (Ref. 3). "They were to watch with the same vigilance
that is required of a sentinel who guards a camp, lest an enemy
should suddenly come upon them, and surprise the camp when the
army was locked in sleep" (Ref. 3).