Forced Inductions
Forced Inductions
Forced Inductions
Supercharging and
turbocharging tidbits
While this article may be a bit simplistic SUPERCHARGER BASICS
for those familiar with forced induction, Superchargers (blowers) are offered in
hopefully the information will be helpful three types, including the Roots type,
to those who are not as experienced with centrifugal and the screw type. The Roots
this approach. type is the least complex, functioning as
an air pump. Instead of compressing air
A naturally-aspirated engine uses inside the unit, pressurization takes place
available (ambient) air to enter the
in the manifold and combustion
engine, mix with fuel and ignite in the
chambers (referred to as external air
combustion chamber. A forced induction
compression). Centrifugal and screw type
system (supercharger or turbocharger)
superchargers compress air inside the
does just what the term implies…it forces
additional air into the combustion supercharger (internal compression),
chamber. When mixed with the pushing the compressed air into the
appropriate ratio of fuel, you create intake and combustion areas. A
higher cylinder pressure, referred to as centrifugal unit mechanically functions
boost, which makes more power. While much the same as a turbocharger, with an
we certainly don’t have the room here to internal impeller. Instead of being driven
delve into great detail, we’ll try to offer a by exhaust gas (as with a turbo), a
few informational tidbits that will centrifugal supercharger impeller is
hopefully help you to better understand driven mechanically by a drive belt. The
the basics. screw type supercharger features two
A twin-turbo
installation (during
fabrication). Note the
large intercooler.
When running a supercharger, it’s
generally recommended to run one heat
range colder than stock. According to
Kenne Bell Superchargers, a gap of
0.035” is common.
If you’re building an engine specifically
for forced induction, lowering the
The formula for calculating final CR induction boost levels (courtesy
compression ratio allows more boost with
is as follows: Silvolite/KB/United Engine & Machine).
the same octane. Note that the higher your final
Static compression ratio (CR) refers to (Boost divided by 14.7) + 1 X Static CR = compression ratio, the higher octane fuel
the compression ratio of your engine Final Compression Ratio (FCR) you’ll need to prevent detonation. Final
without forced induction. Final compression ratios above 12.4:1 are not
compression ratio (FCR) refers to the Shown above is a compression ratio recommended for use with premium
compression that you’ll have when full reference chart that explains how static pump gasoline. Want more FCR? Then
boost is applied. compression is affected by various forced prepare to pay for race fuel.
We recently
installed this Vortec
supercharger setup onto
a 5.0L Mustang. The installation
was relatively simple, and after some
minor re-arranging, underhood clearance
and fit was excellent.
expense, but would you rather spend a engine sounds downright nasty. He drives rebuild (assuming the block can be saved)
fraction of what the engine is worth for the car to a couple of local shows, smoke or a complete engine long-block
upgrading, or do nothing and experience the tires now and then, and everybody’s replacement, not to mention the down-
the “thrill” of watching your stock engine happy. Then, the little horns pop out of time of the car. All of this could have
hand-grenade, resulting in the expense his head and he nails the throttle on a been avoided with a simple upgrade of a
and hassle of replacing the entire long long stretch of country road, really
few key components. Suddenly, the catch-
block? hammering it through the gears and just
phrase “pay me now or pay me later”
Let’s play devil’s advocate to help plain winding it tight. All of a sudden, he
illustrate a worst-case scenario. Let’s say hears a big bang, coinciding with a severe starts to make sense. Remember: when a
that the customer purchased a new or total loss of power accompanied by a forced induction engine blows, it can
“crate” engine (or let’s say that he’s nasty bunch of vibrations. There’s an oil blow in a big way, since it’s still trying to
dealing with the bone-stock original trail behind him, there’s lots of smoke, pack in a much higher pressure to the
production engine). Now, for the sake of and he coasts to a dead stop, wondering cylinders.
argument, let’s assume that this engine what just happened. PLEASE NOTE: I’m certainly not
has a static compression ratio of 10:1 and Let’s cut to the chase. The car gets suggesting that the installation of any
is equipped with hyper pistons, powder- towed, the engine gets pulled and torn supercharger or turbocharger system will
metal connecting rods, stock production- down, and he’s horrified to find a nice big destroy an engine. That would be just
line rod bolts, a cast iron crankshaft and hole in the block, a loose/crooked crank plain dumb. The point that I’m trying to
powdered-metal or cast iron main caps. damper (busted crank snout), a couple of
make is to pay attention and consider the
Now, the vehicle owner decided to install broken rods, busted pistons, bent valves,
big picture…the existing engine’s
a supercharger that will add, say, 12 lbs gouged combustion chambers and maybe
of boost (which can create a compression a busted cam (not to mention a chunky- limitations and the potential need for a
ratio at around 18:1 at full boost). soup slurry of metal particles throughout few component upgrades. Again, it boils
The engine fires up, the “tuner” the oiling system). down to the existing engine components
adjusts fuel, spark and timing. Everything At this point, the engine’s long block and the level of power increase being
looks ultra-cool under the hood, and the is toast, and he’s looking at an expensive planned.
The turbocharger must be
FOR DURABILITY sized for the engine
• Pistons (switch to forged application. For the street,
cylinder heads typically
aluminum in place of may require smaller intake
hypereutectic) ports and larger exhaust
• Lower compression (where needed) ports. A Borg-Warner T76
to accommodate added amount of turbo is shown here.
• Specialty coatings (thermal barrier
and anti-friction)
• Moly-coated bearings (rods and
• Connecting rods (switch to forged
in place of cast iron or powdered-
metal cast)
• Connecting rod bolts (switching to
higher tensile strength aftermarket
bolts is always a good idea)
• Crankshaft (switch to forged in
place of cast)
• Double-keyed crank snout
• Steel/high performance crank
• Converting to a keyed
damper/pulley on an LS press-fit
pulley crank
• Cylinder head gaskets (switch to There’s no debate that a big ‘ol
MLS in place of composite) Roots type blower adds a macho
• Cylinder head studs (in place of muscle flavor to any engine bay.
• Main caps (billet steel in place of
cast iron or powdered metal)
• Main cap studs or bolts (using
higher tensile strength)
• Main cap girdle (depending on
• Valves (potential upgrade to
higher-quality stainless valves
and/or Inconel for exhaust valves) Here, a BOV
(blow-off valve)
• Higher-rate/more durable valve is fitted between
springs the turbo and
• Rocker arms (more durable intercooler
during a dyno
aftermarket full-rollers)
setup at Koffel’s
• Cooling system (make sure the Place in Huron,
existing cooling system is clean OH.
and functions properly; and
potential need for more efficient
water pump and radiator,
especially if using an intercooler)
SPECIALTY COATING Thermal barrier coatings (typically (depending on other factors) provide a
ENHANCEMENTS involving a ceramic formula) provide slight increase in power.
While some (primarily non-engine- what the term implies: a heat barrier. A few years ago, my race team ran
builders) may scoff at the usefulness of When applied to piston domes, this not two cars with identically-prepared engines
specialty engine coatings, there are only helps to protect the piston from in a 24-hour endurance race. Once engine
distinct advantages that various coatings excessive heat (generated via forced featured thermal barrier coatings and the
offer to improve either durability or induction, especially in turbo setups), but other engine did not. The coated-engine
performance, or both. this coating also helps to improve car generated 7 additional horsepower at
While a wide range of specialized horsepower. More specifically, it enhances the wheels (verified on a chassis dyno
coatings are available to suit a variety of combustion efficiency, since the heat that prior to the race). During the race, the
tasks, with regard to coatings that suit would otherwise be soaked into the
coated engine provided slightly faster lap
forced induction setups, here we’re piston and combustion chamber is now
times and used slightly less fuel.
focusing on the following coatings: better contained and aids in the more
Naturally, this isn’t a big factor for a
efficient burning of the fuel/air mixture.
• Thermal barrier coating for piston The same holds true for thermal barrier street engine, and my engines were
domes coating applied to the faces of the naturally aspirated, but my point is that
• Thermal barrier coating for combustion exhaust valves and inside the cylinder we benefited from the ceramic coatings.
chambers head exhaust ports. Instead of losing heat Anti-friction coatings (typically a
• Moly (anti-friction) coatings for piston (via soak), the combustion heat is moly-based formula) can be applied to a
skirts and bearings “contained” and scoots out instead of variety of surfaces, most specifically to
• Thermal barrier coatings for exhaust hanging around and soaking into the cam, rod and main bearings and piston
valve faces and exhaust ports pistons, valves and heads. Not only is this skirts. While this won’t provide
• Thermal barrier coatings for exhaust a heat-protective coating, but because of additional power, it’s a protective film
manifolds the thermal efficiency, it may also that helps reduce frictional losses and
extends component life, primarily during extending durability. If you’re interested TURBOCHARGERS
cold startups and during high-temp/high in enhancing these units, contact both the • AFI TURBO
stress environments (when you’re really forced induction maker and the coating
hammering it). specialists. They can advise you regarding • BANKS POWER
Again, I’m not claiming that you availability and benefits, and what
absolutely need these coatings. But, if coatings (if any) make the most sense for • BORG WARNER TURBO SYSTEMS
you’re building an engine specifically with your application.■
forced induction in mind, it certainly • EDELBROCK CORP.
won’t hurt, and just may extend
component life. Specialty coating services • FORCED PERFORMANCE
(such as Swain Tech Coatings, Polydyn,
Calico and others) can provide any of • GARRETT
these coatings to your existing parts, or
(due to popularity of these coatings) you • INNOVATIVE TURBO SYSTEMS
can simply purchase already-coated 805-526-5400
pistons and bearings. If you want • PRECISION TURBO
combustion chambers, exhaust valves and
exhaust ports coated, you will need to Mike Mavrigian has written thousands of technical
articles over the past 30 years for a variety of
have these services outsourced.
automotive publications. In addition, Mike has written
By the way, specialty coatings are also many books for HP Books. Contact him at Birchwood • TURBO ENGINEERING
available for supercharger and Automotive Group, Creston, OH. Call (330) 435-6347
turbocharger components, which may or e-mail: • TURBONETICS
provide added efficiency as well as Website: