Queastion Bank MOM 22 26
Queastion Bank MOM 22 26
Queastion Bank MOM 22 26
Question Bank
1. Define the following: (i) Elasticity (ii) ductility (iii) Toughness (iv Hardness (v) Stiffness (v) Resilience
2. the tensile test was conducted on a mild steel steel bar. The following data was obtained from the test.
Diameter of the steel bar = 16 mm; Gauge length of the bar = 80 mm; load at proportionality limit = 72
kN; Extension at a load of 60 kN= 0.115 mm; Load at failure = 80 kN; Final Gauge length of bar 104 mm;
Diameter of the rod at failure = 12 mm. Determine: (i) Young's modulus (ii) Proportionality limit. (iii)
True breaking stress (iv) Percentage elongation.
3. Derive a relation between modulus of elasticity and bulk modulus.
4. A bar uniformly tapers from diameter 20 mm at one end to diameter 10 mm at the other end over an
axial length 300 mm. This is subjected to an axial compressive load of 7.5 kN. If E = 100 kN/mm2,
determine the maximum and minimum axial stresses in bar and the total change in length of the bar.
5. Determine the stress in each section of the bar shown in the following figure when subjected to an axial
tensile load of 20 kN. The central section is of square cross-section; the other portions are of circular
section. What will be the total extension of the bar? For the bar material E = 210000N/mm2.
6. A brass bar, having cross-sectional area of 1000 mm2 , is subjected to axial forces as shown in Fig. Find
the total elongation of the bar, Take E = 1.05 x 105 N/mm2
7. An axial pull of 35000 N is acting on a bar consisting of three lengths as shown in Fig.1.6 (b). If the
Young's modulus = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2 , determine. (i) Stresses in each section and (ii) total extension of
the bar
8. Draw SFD and BMD for given figure
10. Define Shear Force and Bending Moment with sign convention.
11. A cantilever beam of length 2m carries the point loads as shown in figure. Draw shear force and bending
moment diagram for cantilever beam.
12. Draw Shear Force Diagram and Bending Moment Diagram for a simply supported beam of length 9m
and carrying a uniformly distributed load of a 10kN/m for a distance of 6m as shown in figure
13. Explain relationship between load intensity, shear force and bending moment
14. A cantilever of length 4m carries a gradually varying load, 0 at free end to 2kN/m at the fixed end. Draw
SFD and BMD for cantilever.
15. In figure shows a rolled steel beam of an unsymmetrical I- section. If the maximum bending stress in the
beam section is not to exceed 40MPa. Find the bending moment in the beam can resist.
21. A rectangular beam of width 200 mm and depth 300 mm is simply supported over a span of 5 m. Find
the safe uniformly distributed load that the beam can carry per metre length if the allowable bending
stress in the beam is 100 N/mm2.
22. A Hallow Circular Shaft of 6m length and inner and outer diameters of 75mm and 100mm is subjected
to a torque of 10k N-m. if G= 80GPA, determine the maximum shear stress produced and the total angle
of twist.
23. A steel shaft 5 m long, having a diameter of 50 mm, is to transmit power at a rotational speed of 600
rev/min. If the maximum shear stress is limited to 60MN/m2. Determine the following.
(i) The maximum power that can be transmitted.
(ii) The corresponding angle of twist.
Assume the modulus of rigidity for steel is 80 GN/m2.
24. A shaft must transmit 20 kW of power at 300 rev/min. The shear stress must not exceed 150 MPa.
Calculate a suitable diameter.
25. Determine the diameter of the solid shaft which will transmit 500KW at 350rpm. The angle of twist must
not exceed one degree per meter length and the maximum torsional shear stress is to be limited to 70
N/mm2. Take Rigidity modulus G= 80 kN/mm2.
26. State the assumptions made in pure torsion theory and derive torsional equations
27. The allowable shear stress in brass is 80 N/mm2 and in steel is 100N/mm2. Find the maximum torque can
be applied in the stepped shaft shown in figure. Find also the total rotation of free end with respect to the
fixed end. Take Gb=40KN/mm2 and Gs=80KN/mm2.
28. A Hollow propeller shaft of a steam turbine is to transmit 3750kW at 240rpm. If the internal diameter is
0.8 times the external diameter and if the maximum shear stress developed is to be limited to 160N/mm2.
Determine the diameter of the shaft.
29. Derive an expression for strain energy due to shear stresses
30. Write a note on Maximum principal stress theory.
31. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment of 40 kN-m and a torque of 10 kN-m. Design the
diameter of the shaft according to, (i) Maximum principal stress theory. (ii) Maximum shear stress
theory. Take μ = 0.25, stress at elastic limit = 200 N/mm² and factory of safety = 2.
32. Explain 1st and 2nd Castigliano’s Theorem
33. Derive an expression for strain energy due to bending
34. Explain Maximum shear stress theory
35. Derive an expression for strain energy due to torsion.
36. Define: Principle plane, principle stresses and maximum shear stress
37. Derive principle stresses and max shear stresses in 2D state of stress in inclined plane.
38. The state of stress at a point just before failure of an element is shown in the figure. Represent this state
of stress in terms of its principal stresses
39. Explain construction of Mohr's Circle for Plane Stress
40. The State of stress at a point in a strained material is as shown in figure. Calculate
i. The direction of the principal planes
ii. The magnitude of principal stresses
iii. The magnitude of the max shear stress and its direction.
42. The state of stress at a point just before failure of an element is shown in the figure. Represent this state
of stress in terms of its principal stresses.