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Immunometabolism of T Cells and NK Cells: Metabolic Control of Effector and Regulatory Function

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Inflammation Research (2018) 67:813–828

https://doi.org/10.1007/s00011-018-1174-3 Inflammation Research


Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control

of effector and regulatory function
Sophie M. Poznanski1 · Nicole G. Barra2 · Ali A. Ashkar1 · Jonathan D. Schertzer2

Received: 12 February 2018 / Revised: 24 July 2018 / Accepted: 26 July 2018 / Published online: 31 July 2018
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018

Metabolic flux can dictate cell fate, including immune cell effector and regulatory function. The metabolic regulation of
cell function is well characterized with respect to effector, memory, and regulatory T cells. This knowledge may allow for
manipulation of T cell metabolic pathways that set the stage for more effective T cell therapy. Natural Killer (NK) and
T-lymphocytes have complementary roles in the defense against pathogens. However, studies of NK cell metabolism are
only beginning to emerge and there is comparatively little knowledge on the metabolic regulation of NK-cell activation
and effector function. Given their common lymphoid lineage, effector functions and cellular memory potential our current
knowledge on T cell metabolism could inform investigation of metabolic reprogramming in NK cells. In this review, we
compare the current knowledge of metabolic regulation in T cell and NK cell development, activation, effector and memory
function. Commonalties in glucose transport, hypoxia-inducible factors and mTOR highlight metabolic control points in both
cells types. Contrasting the glycolytic and oxidative nodes of metabolic regulation in T cells versus NK cells may provide
insight into the contribution of specific immune responses to disease and promote the development of immunotherapeutic
approaches targeting both innate and adaptive immune responses.

Keywords Cell metabolism · Oxidative · Glycolysis · Aerobic · Glucose · Fat · Lymphocyte

Introduction broad range of danger signals [1]. NK cell function is influ-

enced by chemical messengers (including cytokines) and
NK cells and T cells participate in innate through signal integration from activating and inhibitory
and adaptive immunity cell-surface receptors [1, 2]. Upon activation, NK cells can
induce cell death directly in target cells by receptor-mediated
Natural Killer (NK) and T lymphocytes are components in interactions and/or by the release of cytotoxic granules [1].
the body’s defense against infections, autoimmunity, and NK cells further augment the innate response and initiate
cancer. As part of innate immunity, NK cells respond to a adaptive immunity through direct interactions and by releas-
ing pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interferon gamma
(IFN-γ) [1, 2]. Similar to T cells, NK cells can develop
Responsible Editor: John Di Battista. memory, leading to enhanced secondary responses upon re-
stimulation [3]. As a critical component of adaptive immu-
Sophie M. Poznanski, Nicole G. Barra contributed equally to this
manuscript. nity, T cells mount antigen-specific responses through T cell
receptor (TCR) recognition combined with co-stimulation
* Jonathan D. Schertzer by other inflammatory signals [4]. While the activation
[email protected] process differs, NK cells and T cells share similarities with
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, respect to effector functions. Both cell types can robustly
McMaster Immunology Research Centre, McMaster proliferate when stimulated, exert cytotoxicity against target
University, Hamilton, ON, Canada cells, and produce IFN-γ [5]. The purpose of this review is
Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, to highlight the current knowledge of similarities and differ-
Faculty of Health Sciences, Farncombe Family Digestive ences in T cell versus NK cells regarding the role of cellular
Health Research Institute, McMaster University, HSC 4H19, metabolism linked to effector and regulatory function. These
1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8N 3Z5, Canada

814 S. M. Poznanski et al.

two cell populations share characteristics relevant to immu- and retain basal functionality, longevity, and readiness to
notherapy and diseases such as autoimmunity. respond in the interim of inflammation. A shift in these
There is a reciprocal relationship between NK and T cells, diverse functional states requires plasticity of energetic
which should be considered when immunotherapies aim to metabolism. Therefore, it is not surprising that immune cells
augment NK and T cell effector functions to boost immune in different functional states adopt distinct metabolic signa-
defenses against disease. Targeting mechanisms to enhance tures. Further, it has become clear that cell metabolism can
NK cell-mediated innate responses can improve T cell dictate immune cell function.
functions during infection [6]. Conversely, boosting T cell
activity can support NK cell effector responses [7]. There NK and T cell metabolism
are also analogous subsets of NK and T cells regarding cell
function, which are relevant to autoimmune diseases. For Metabolic flux of different substrates can regulate T cell
example, different T cell subsets can promote or mitigate function and characterizes different subsets including effec-
aspects of autoimmunity. Generally, Th17 effector cells pro- tor, memory, and Treg cells. However, less is known about
mote autoimmunity while regulatory T (Treg) cells suppress how specific metabolic pathways influence NK cell func-
these responses [8–13]. Similarly, NK cells have a dual role tion. There is some evidence that the metabolic requirements
in autoimmune disease, where aberrant NK cell activation for activation and effector function in NK cells demonstrate
promoting pathogenesis, while regulatory NK subsets main- parallels with the immunometabolism of T cells. Given the
tain tolerance [14, 15]. The knowledge of T cell metabolism similarities between these cells including a common lym-
outweighs (but may inform) how metabolism may influence phoid lineage, shared effector functions, and ability to form
NK cell function. memory populations, it is logical that the state of knowledge
in T cell metabolism could inform on comparative knowl-
Immunometabolism edge gaps and new areas of research in NK cell metabolism.
Much of the evidence reviewed on cellular development,
Cellular metabolism encompasses both the catabolic and activation, effector function, memory, and immune suppres-
anabolic pathways to generate and use adenosine triphos- sion is based on cell biology assessment and mouse models
phate (ATP) molecules, respectively. Features of these meta- to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms. Nev-
bolic pathways have been reviewed elsewhere in detail [16]. ertheless, identifying common metabolic pathways between
It is commonly reported that glucose is the principle fuel NK and T cells would identify metabolic nodes that could be
source used by immune cells [16]. Circulating glucose can exploited to alter both innate and adaptive immunity.
directly fuel tissue metabolism through the tricarboxylic acid
(TCA) cycle or anaerobic glycolysis, but this can also occur
indirectly via circulating lactate [17]. Glucose can be catabo- Cell development
lized to pyruvate through glycolysis, which rapidly gener-
ates ATP and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) Metabolic changes during T cell development
molecules. Pyruvate is then converted to lactate (anaerobic
glycolysis) or acetyl-CoA, which is oxidized in the mito- In the thymus, T cell development begins with progenitor
chondria by the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle (aerobic cells committed to the T cell lineage that becomes CD4/8
glycolysis), fueling oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). double negative (DN) thymocytes. DN thymocytes undergo
The catabolism of other biomolecules, such as glutamine rearrangement of the TCR gene forming a pre-TCR via beta
via glutaminolysis and fatty acids via fatty acid oxidation selection (Fig. 1, outlined in black) [18]. DN thymocyte pro-
(FAO), can also fuel the TCA cycle and OXPHOS. The TCA liferation coincides with increased glycolytic flux, increased
cycle is a series of oxidation steps which generate redox expression of the glucose transporter, Glut1 and activation of
reagents NADH and flavin adenine dinucleotide (­ FADH2) PI3K-AKT signal transduction [18, 19]. Subsequently, DN
that provide electrons for OXPHOS. OXPHOS is a series of thymocytes transition to double positive (DP) thymocytes
redox reactions that generates a proton gradient across the [18, 19], undergo maturation, coinciding with a decrease
inner mitochondrial membrane resulting in ATP production. in the rate of cellular proliferation. DP thymocytes become
Depending on the metabolic needs of the cell, intermedi- increasingly metabolically quiescent, as genes involved in
ates in the TCA cycle can participate in anabolic pathways lipid biosynthesis, oxidative–reductive reactions, and carbo-
including fatty acid (FAS) and amino acid synthesis. hydrate metabolism are down-regulated [20]. This more qui-
Immune cells adopt a range of functional profiles depend- escent metabolic state continues as DP thymocytes mature
ing on the environment. Both NK cells and T cells rapidly to single positive (SP) naïve T cells which exit the thymus.
mount an effector response to inflammatory signals, cur- Naïve T cells rely primarily on FAO and OXPHOS to effi-
tail their response when the inflammatory signal is cleared, ciently sustain basal energetic needs (Fig. 1) [21–24].

Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function 815

Progenitor DN DP SP
Glut1 FAO
Glycolysis OXPHOS
PI(3)K Akt
Glycolysis GAPDH

Lactate LDHA
Acetyl CoA
Proliferaon Acetyl CoA
ATP Citrate
FADH2 TCA Anabolic pathways
NAD+ α-ketoglutarate

Fig. 1  Metabolic regulation during T cell development and effector ATP production via OXPHOS and providing substrates for anabolic
functions. Following beta selection, double negative (DN) thymo- pathways. Elevated rates of glycolysis are critical for T cell IFN-γ
cytes undergo a proliferative phase, during which Notch signaling via production as enzymes and intermediates of the glycolytic pathway
the PI(3)K-Akt pathway increases Glut1 expression and glycolysis play critical roles in the regulation of IFN-γ production. The glyco-
rates to support proliferation and transition to double positive (DP) lytic enzyme glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
thymocytes. As DP thymocytes mature, proliferation rates decrease, inhibits translation of IFN-γ mRNA by binding to the 3′UTR region
and they become more metabolically quiescent. This state is char- of IFN-γ mRNA. Increased rates of glycolysis diverts GAPDH away
acterized by a reduction in Glut1 expression and glycolysis and a from IFN-γ mRNA binding for use in the glycolytic pathway, thus
greater reliance on fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and oxidative phos- facilitating IFN-γ translation. LDHA promotes IFN-γ transcription by
phorylation (OXPHOS) during the transition to single positive (SP) facilitating mitochondrial export of citrate and subsequent conversion
T cells. Resting, SP naïve T cells primarily use FAO for energy gen- to acetyl-CoA which promotes IFN-γ transcription through histone
eration via OXPHOS. Metabolic regulation of T cell effector function acetylation. The glycolytic intermediate phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)
involves enhanced glycolysis, and conversion of pyruvate to lactate is up-regulates IFN-γ transcription by sustaining elevated levels of cyto-
mediated by mTOR and interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4). mTOR solic ­Ca2+ through inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum ­Ca2+ uptake.
up-regulates HIF1α and Myc which in turn promote glycolysis and Cytosolic ­Ca2+ induces nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT)
expression of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA). mTOR signaling signaling which promotes IFN-γ transcription. IFN-γ production is,
through Myc also up-regulates expression of the glutamine trans- however, independent of oxidative phosphorylation. Red indicates
porter CD98 and consequent glutamine uptake and glutaminolysis. down-regulated pathways; green indicates up-regulated pathways.
Both glucose and glutamine oxidation through the tricarboxylic acid (Color figure online)
(TCA) cycle are essential for T effector cell proliferation by fueling

There is good evidence for the requirement of glucose glucose transport, not all aspects of anaerobic glycoly-
metabolism in the early stages of T cell proliferation and sis appear strictly required for thymocyte development,
development, particularly via glucose transport through since deficiency of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA), the
Glut1. For example, using ­L ckCreGlut1 fl/fl mice, Glut1 enzyme which converts pyruvate to lactate, did not affect
deficient DN thymocytes have reduced DP thymocytes the frequency of DN, DP, mature CD4 SP or CD8 SP T
and lower levels of mature CD4 SP T cells [13]. Glut1 cells [21]. It should be carefully considered that glucose
deficiency appears not to alter later stages of T cell devel- can also be used in aerobic metabolism via pyruvate entry
opment, since DN thymocytes in the initial development into the TCA cycle. Altogether, these studies demonstrate
stages (stages DN 1–3) are unchanged in mice that lack that cellular glucose transport is required for normal T cell
Glut1, but there is a trend for reduced DN thymocytes in development in mice. Proliferation stages of T cell devel-
the 4th developmental stage [13]. As DN3 and DN4 thy- opment coincide with increased rates of glycolysis, but
mocytes have the highest expression of Glut1 and undergo not necessarily strictly involving or requiring all aspects
extensive proliferation, this suggests Glut1 is required to of anaerobic glycolysis.
support this proliferative phase [13]. Despite a role for

816 S. M. Poznanski et al.

Metabolic changes during NK‑cell development cell growth signals to cellular metabolism by promoting
cell proliferation, anabolic responses, and anaerobic glyco-
Murine NK-cell maturation state is defined by the expres- lysis [27]. Activation of mTOR signaling is progressively
sion of the cell-surface markers CD11b and CD27. Imma- down-regulated as NK cells mature, consistent with reduced
ture ­CD11bloCD27hi NK cells transition to an intermediate glucose uptake during maturation [26]. Mice with an NK
­CD11bhiCD27hi stage, and then CD27 declines resulting in cell-specific mTOR deletion (NK-mTOR−/−) have com-
the expression pattern of ­CD11bhiCD27lo in the mature NK- promised NK cell development due to impaired transition
cell subset (Fig. 2, outlined in black) [25]. As immature NK from immature to intermediate subsets. Consequently, NK-
proceed down the maturation process, cells progressively mTOR−/− mice have lower mature NK cells in peripheral
rely less on glycolysis and cellular glucose uptake. It is organs [26]. The involvement of mTOR in NK cell matu-
important to consider that immature NK cells have increased ration, together with changes in metabolism during matu-
cell size and granularity when comparing coincident changes ration, indicates one way that cell metabolism is linked to
in cell metabolism and maturity status. Nevertheless, imma- development. However, a comprehensive, functional assess-
ture NK cells have increased glucose transporter and nutrient ment of metabolic pathways during NK cell maturation has
receptor expression compared to mature NK cells [26]. Fur- not been reported.
thermore, transcript analysis also has shown that pathways
associated with cell growth were down-regulated in mature Comparison of NK cell and T cell metabolism
cells, whilst FAO and aerobic metabolism metabolic path- during development
ways are up-regulated as NK cell mature (Fig. 2, outlined
in black) [26]. Many parallels exist between the metabolic signatures of
The metabolic regulator mTOR is a key node integrating developing lymphocytes. Both immature NK and T cells
cell NK metabolism and development. mTOR can integrate have higher reliance on glucose metabolism compared to

CD11bloCD27hi CD11bhiCD27lo
Glucose uptake
CD71, CD98
ATP IL-2, IL-15, IL-2/IL-12
mTOR Poly(I:C)
Pyruvate Receptor smulaon

Acetyl CoA Lactate

FADH2 TCA Anabolic pathways

Fig. 2  Metabolic regulation during NK-cell development, activation, ulates glycolysis through numerous mechanisms including increased
and effector function. NK cells develop in the bone marrow from Glut1 and hexokinase 2 expression, and supports anoxic glycolysis
­CD11bloCD27hi immature precursors to C ­ D11bhiCD27hi intermedi- through up-regulation of LDHA. Conversely, IL-15/IL-12 stimula-
ates and finally ­CD11bhiCD27lo mature NK cells. As NK cells mature tion up-regulates glycolysis in an mTOR-independent mechanism.
mTOR expression, glucose uptake, and nutrient receptor expression Overall, up-regulation of glycolysis and/or oxidative phosphorylation
decrease while expression of genes involved in FAO and OXPHOS (OXPHOS) is critical for activation-induced NK cell IFNy production
increase. The metabolic regulation of NK cell effector functions such and degranulation via most activation methods; however, IL-18/IL-
as IFNy production depends on the method of NK cell activation. 12-induced NK cell effector functions are independent of glycolysis
Activation of NK cells via IL-2, IL-15, IL-2/IL-12, Poly(I:C), or acti- and OXPHOS. Red indicates down-regulated pathways; green indi-
vation receptor-mediated stimulation activates mTOR which up-reg- cates up-regulated pathways. (Color figure online)

Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function 817

their mature counterparts, which likely supports more rapid [11]. To demonstrate that lipid synthesis is critical in effec-
cell proliferation. Both cell types become metabolically qui- tor cell differentiation, one group showed that inhibiting
escent as they acquire a mature phenotype, relying mainly on the FAS rate-limiting enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase 1
FAO and OXPHOS to support a change in energetic needs. (ACC1), impaired Th17 differentiation in both murine and
There is evidence that glucose transport via Glut1 expres- human T cells [11]. Furthermore, T cell-specific ACC1-
sion is critical for T cell development. There is evidence that knockout mice were protected against Th17-mediated
mTOR can regulate NK cell development, but the direct role autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Thus, upon activation,
of glycolysis and Glut1 in regulating NK cell development T effector cells increase overall metabolic activity, with
requires further clarification. enhanced glucose and glutamine catabolism to rapidly
generate energy and feed anabolic pathways.
Numerous studies have highlighted key metabolic
Cell activation regulators of T cell activation-induced metabolic repro-
gramming (Fig. 1, intracellular). Up-regulating Glut1 and
Metabolic regulation of T cell activation (T effector glucose uptake is an important hallmark of T effector cell
cells) differentiation. One study demonstrated that Glut1 defi-
ciency in both murine and human T cells impaired anaero-
While mature naïve cells are skewed towards a more met- bic glycolysis and glycolytic capacity upon activation [13].
abolically quiescent status, T cells can undergo profound Unlike naïve T cells, Glut1 expression promotes T effec-
metabolic reprogramming upon activation to support prolif- tor survival. Another study showed Glut1 expression and
eration and effector functions (Fig. 1, intracellular). Effector glycolysis enhanced T effector cell differentiation, since
T cells have augmented glycolysis and OXPHOS, indicat- aged Glut1 transgenic mice had enriched CD4 T effector
ing greater cellular metabolism than naïve T cells. During cell subsets [29]. Furthermore, they demonstrated that T
this overall increase in cellular metabolism, effector T cells effector cell differentiation in vitro was impaired in the
have a greater reliance on aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis absence of glucose.
at the relative expense of energy derived from OXPHOS As a key regulator of glycolysis, mTOR plays a criti-
upon activation [21–24]. The importance of extracellular cal role in T effector cell metabolism. mTOR activity is
glucose transport and subsequent utilization is evident in up-regulated upon T cell activation and exerts numer-
Glut1-deficient mature T cells which have reduced pro- ous functions to promote glycolysis. mTOR up-regulates
liferation upon activation [13]. However, T effector cells hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF1α), which stimu-
are not entirely dependent on glucose to fuel ATP produc- lates glycolysis, resulting in Th17 differentiation (Fig. 1,
tion. In vitro experiments culturing murine CD4 T cells in highlighted in green on left) [31]. mTOR also activates
galactose instead of glucose, which limits glycolysis, only the transcription factor Myc which promotes glycolysis,
partially reduced proliferation. These results indicate that glutamine oxidation, and CD98 expression (Fig. 1, high-
other compounds contribute to OXPHOS-derived ATP to lighted in green bottom right) [23]. In line with these roles,
support proliferation [22]. In addition, there is evidence that mTOR activation is critical for T effector cell differen-
T effector cells do not rely solely on glucose catabolism to tiation as treatment with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin
fuel aerobic glycolysis as substrates beyond glucose (and inhibited this process [29]. In addition to mTOR integra-
lipids) have been shown to fuel OXPHOS. One study dem- tion of cellular nutrient/energy status and even cellular
onstrated that murine effector T cells utilize glutamine to oxygen sensing by mTOR, transcription factors can influ-
maintain intracellular ATP levels in glucose-limiting condi- ence metabolic control of T cell activation. For example,
tions [28]. This increase in glutamine oxidation is facilitated interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) can act T effector
by increased expression of glutamine transporters such as cell glycolytic switch point. IRF4 knockout CD4 T cells
CD98, which is analogous to increased glucose use facili- have reduced glucose uptake, and impaired glycolysis
tated by increased Glut1 levels [13, 23, 29]. and OXPHOS upon activation [32]. IRF4 appears to be
Up-regulation of glucose and glutamine transport and an important immunometabolism relay that can help inte-
catabolism produces intermediates that can fuel anabolic grate the metabolic status of immune cells to activation
pathways involved in cell growth, proliferation, and effec- status (and effector function), but IRF4 also can propagate
tor functions. Effector T cells up-regulate numerous ana- immune responses into whole body and tissue metabolic
bolic pathways to help achieve theses cellular responses, outcomes such as lipid storage versus oxidation and insulin
including augmented fatty acid synthesis (FAS) [11, 23, sensitivity [33–35]. Altogether, these studies highlight the
30]. Increased glucose catabolism supplies short-chain critical role of metabolic reprogramming for T effector cell
carbon molecules that can be shunted through the TCA differentiation.
cycle and citrate pyruvate shuttle system, promoting FAS

818 S. M. Poznanski et al.

Metabolic regulation of T effector cell function required for proper CD4 T cell differentiation, and Th1 and
Th17 subsets may depend on mTOR signaling.
Cellular metabolic status also impacts T cell effector Augmented IFN-γ production is a critical effector func-
function (Fig. 1). T cell activation is characterized by a tion of activated T cells. Numerous studies have exam-
shift in relative energy reliance from OXPHOS to aerobic ined the roles of glycolytic enzymes and intermediates in
glycolysis [22]. Changes in the cellular metabolism upon regulating cytokine expression. A seminal study by Chang
activation of T effector cells are not entirely dependent et al. revealed that IFN-γ production is regulated by gly-
on glucose to fuel ATP production from aerobic glycoly- colysis, independent of cellular metabolism via OXPHOS.
sis. However, limiting supply or catabolism of either glu- Culturing T cells in galactose, which limits glycolysis,
cose or glutamine reduces proliferation of T effector cells impaired IFN-γ secretion while inhibiting OXPHOS did
in vitro and in vivo [23]. This suggests that both glucose not [22]. This study found that glycolysis regulated IFN-γ
and glutamine are essential for T effector cell growth and post-transcriptionally, since increased translation occurred
proliferation. In addition, the transcription factor Myc when cells were cultured in glucose rather than galactose.
supports glucose and glutamine catabolism upon cellular Furthermore, it was revealed that glycolysis controlled
activation. Genetic deletion of Myc impaired in vitro and IFN-γ production through the glycolytic enzyme glycer-
in vivo T cell proliferation, suggesting its role in driv- aldehyde-3 phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). GAPDH
ing catabolism and proliferation [23]. Up-regulation of inhibits IFN-γ translation by binding to the 3′UTR mRNA
anabolic pathways is also critical for supporting T effec- region. During glycolysis, GAPDH is diverted from IFN-γ
tor cell proliferation. Indeed, ACC1-knockout T cells mRNA binding, enabling its translation [22].
had impaired proliferation in vivo in response to antigen In addition, a GAPDH-independent mechanism of
stimulation, suggesting ACC provision of malonyl CoA IFN-γ regulation by anaerobic glycolysis has been uncov-
for FAS is required for CD8 T cell proliferation during ered [21]. LDHA regulates T cell IFN-γ production in a
an activating stimulus [30]. In addition to glucose flux, 3′UTR-independent mechanism. By sustaining high rates
amino acid metabolism is essential for T cell activation. of pyruvate conversion to lactate, the cell’s reliance on
In activated T cells, TCR:antigen engagement increases OXPHOS and TCA cycle for energy is reduced, facili-
the expression of amino acid SLC7 transporters and cel- tating mitochondrial export of citrate for conversion to
lular uptake of leucine and glutamine, where ERK/MAPK acetyl-CoA (Fig. 1, center). Cytosolic acetyl-CoA leads to
signaling has been implicated [36–38]. Inhibiting amino histone acetylation and consequently IFN-γ transcription.
acid uptake and subsequent metabolism can alter T cell An additional regulator of T cell IFN-γ production is the
function. For example, blocking l-leucine uptake in human glycolytic intermediate phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). PEP
primary T cells using the inhibitor JPH203 or siRNA- promotes effector T cell IFN-γ expression by inhibiting the
mediated reduction in SLC7a5 ex vivo reduced produc- endoplasmic reticulum calcium transporter SERCA [42].
tion of cytokines such as IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-17 [37]. Inhibition of SERCA sustained cytosolic calcium levels,
CD8 T cells deficient in SLC7a5 have impaired antigen promoting nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) sign-
responses and do not undergo proliferative expansion [38]. aling, resulting in IFN-γ transcription. Altogether, these
Glutamine deficiency also impairs secretion of cytokines studies reveal that enzyme and intermediates of glycoly-
such as IL-2, IFN-γ and also impairs T cell proliferation sis can control T cell IFN-γ production via multiple and
[36]. Ma et al. recently showed serine uptake is required redundant mechanisms.
for optimal CD4 and CD8 T cell expansion in vivo and Numerous TCR-independent methods of stimulation have
in vitro [39]. Altogether, these studies demonstrate that also been used implicate glycolysis as a critical regulator
amino acid uptake and utilization is required for optimal of T cell IFN-γ production, including IL-18/IL-12 cytokine
effector T cell proliferation and function. administration or IL-2/IL-36 stimulation of dual-costimu-
Amino acid metabolism also plays a role in Th1 and lated T-cells. However, the method of stimulation may deter-
Th17 cellular differentiation. Elevated levels of glutamine mine the relative importance of glycolysis in T cell effec-
and its metabolite alpha-ketoglutarate promote Th1 and tor function. One study described a glycolytic-independent
Th17 differentiation, where mTORC1 signaling has been mechanism for IFN-γ production following TLR2 stimula-
implicated [40]. Th1 and Th17 differentiation, but not Th2 tion of antigen-experienced CD8 T cells [43]. Interestingly,
or T-reg, is impaired in SLC1a5 and SLC7a5 deficient IFN-γ production was unaffected by glycolysis inhibition via
CD4 T cells, which transport glutamine and l-leucine, 2-deoxyglucose (2DG), but dependent on OXPHOS. More
respectively [38, 41]. Interestingly, T-reg differentiation information is required to understand how T cell metabo-
is promoted during glutamine deficiency [40]. There- lism influences effector function from diverse ligands and
fore, these results suggest that amino acid metabolism is how metabolic flux can influence effector functions beyond

Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function 819

Metabolic regulation of NK cell activation mTOR-independent mechanism following IL-12/IL-15 stim-

ulation [45]. One important consideration is the dose and
NK cell activation induces metabolic changes reminiscent duration of ligand exposure. For example, prolonged treat-
to T effector cells. Similar to T cells, NK cell activation ment with a high dose of IL-15 eliminated the reliance on
prompts cellular proliferation and effector functions, which changes in metabolic flux for NK-cell receptor stimulation
necessitate profound metabolic demands. As a result, acti- [46]. Thus, NK cell activation induces metabolic changes,
vated NK cells increase metabolic flux through both glyco- but their regulation may depend on how they are activated.
lysis and OXPHOS, with a proportionally increased reliance
on glycolysis relative to OXPHOS (Fig. 2) [26, 44, 45]. Ele- Metabolic regulation of NK cell effector functions
vated glycolysis upon activation is supported by enhanced
glucose uptake and Glut1 expression [44, 45]. The evidence Since metabolism underpins aspects of NK cell activation,
to date suggests that NK cell activation is fueled by glucose it is logical to elucidate whether these metabolic changes
as a substrate. However, the reliance on glucose flux through directly regulate NK cell effector functions. Similar to
aerobic and anaerobic fates may be different in NK cells T cells, activation induces NK cell proliferation, which
compared to T cells. For example, one study showed that requires profound bioenergetic demands. Thus, it is likely
glucose-derived OXPHOS was required for NK receptor- that an increase in energy production via glycolysis and
mediated activation and that inhibiting glycolysis via 2DG or OXPHOS, along with production of biomolecules through
OXPHOS reduced intracellular levels of ATP to comparable anabolic pathways sustain NK cell proliferation. There is
levels in NK cells [46]. This is contrasted by T cells, where still a dearth of information on metabolic control points of
glutamine oxidization supplements ATP levels in glucose- NK cell proliferation. Nevertheless, in support of this con-
deficient conditions [28]. Nevertheless, glucose catabolism cept, deletion of mTOR or inhibition of Srebp impairs NK
in NK cells feeds anabolic pathways similar to T cells. One cell proliferation [26, 47].
study shows that murine NK cells up-regulate genes involved NK cells are potent IFN-γ producers following activa-
in protein and lipid biosynthesis in response to IL-15 stimu- tion. There is evidence implicating mTOR, Srebp, and both
lation or mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection [26]. In glycolysis and OXPHOS in NK cell IFN-γ production fol-
addition, upon IL-2/IL-12 stimulation, 13C-glucose-tracing lowing stimulation (Fig. 2). For example, mTOR deletion in
demonstrated that NK cells up-regulate glucose-fueled FAS NK cells impaired IFN-γ secretion in response to Poly(I:C)
and amino acid synthesis [47]. An important future area of stimulation [26]. Blocking mTOR also prevented NK cell
research will be determining how different activating ligands IFN-γ production following Poly(I:C) and IL-2/IL-12 stim-
such as IL-15, IL-12/18 or IL-2/36 alter effector function in ulation [44]. Likewise, inhibition of Srebp impaired IL-2/
NK cells versus T cells. IL-12-induced IFN-γ production [47]. Blocking glycolysis
Two critical nodes have been shown to regulate NK using 2DG or galactose in culture also impaired NK cell
cell metabolic reprogramming upon activation. NK cell IFN-γ secretion upon IL-2/IL-12 stimulation [44]. Further-
up-regulation of both glycolysis and OXPHOS is regu- more, culturing NK cells in either glucose-free media or
lated by a Srebp-mediated transcriptional program that up- with 2DG inhibited cytokine production following activa-
regulates glucose metabolism through increased activity tion receptor stimulation [46]. Despite these similar nodes
of a citrate–malate shuttle [47]. In addition, mTOR regu- of immunometabolism, the evidence to date suggests that
lates NK cell metabolic reprogramming upon activation. NK cells have a differential reliance on OXPHOS compared
mTOR activity is up-regulated in both mouse and human to T cells. NK cells rely on OXPHOS for IFN-γ production
NK cells following various methods of stimulation, includ- following activation with IL-2, or IL-12/IL-15 stimulation
ing Poly(I:C), IL-15, IL-2/IL-12, and IL-2 [26, 44, 45, 48] [45, 46]. It is not yet clear if this is a cell intrinsic or ligand-
(Fig. 2, highlighted in green on right). Genetic or chemical derived difference in metabolic control of effector function
inhibition (via rapamycin) of mTOR impairs activation- compared to T cells.
induced increase in NK cell size, glucose uptake, and nutri- While mTOR, Srebp, glycolysis, and OXPHOS are criti-
ent uptake receptor expression [26, 44, 45]. Furthermore, cal for NK cell IFN-γ production following stimulation, the
mTOR activation in IL-15-stimulated NK cells correlated metabolic control of cytokine production depends on the
with increased expression of genes related to cell metabo- method of activation. Human NK cells produced IFN-γ inde-
lism [48]. Inhibiting mTOR also directly suppressed murine pendent of mTOR following in vitro IL-12/IL-15 activation,
NK cell activation-induced anaerobic glycolysis and the up- but was mTOR dependent following IL-2 stimulation [45].
regulation of rate-limiting glycolytic enzymes, hexokinase However, limiting glycolysis by culturing cells in galactose
2 and LDHA, and Glut1 following IL-2/IL-12 stimula- reduced IFN-γ expression in C ­ D56bright NK cells following
tion [44]. While mTOR is a critical regulator of glycoly- IL-12/IL-15 stimulation. This indicates an mTOR-independ-
sis, NK cells can up-regulate anaerobic glycolysis using an ent mechanism of glycolytic control in IFN-γ production

820 S. M. Poznanski et al.

[45]. One study reported that NK cells produced IFN-γ fol- Comparing the metabolic regulation of NK cell and T
lowing short term stimulation with IL-12/IL-18 independent cell activation and effector functions
of both OXPHOS and glycolysis [26, 46]. These findings
demonstrate that NK cells differ from T cells, which are Both T cells and NK cells require more energy upon activa-
dependent on glycolysis for IL-12/IL-18-induced IFN-γ tion and undergo fundamental metabolic reprogramming.
secretion [49]. However, both studies assessed short term Although there are different metabolic needs and responses
(1–6 h) IL-18/IL-12 NK cell stimulation and the metabolic induced by the plethora of potential activating ligands, one
requirements may change with extended (18–24 h) stimu- commonality appears to be use of glucose to fuel augmented
lation. Duration is important in determining the metabolic glycolysis and OXPHOS, including a relative shift toward
requirements for NK cell IFN-γ secretion. For example, glycolysis in both cell types upon activation (Tables 1, 2).
treatment with IL-15 for 72 h eliminated cellular reliance on This metabolic shift is likely in response to increased energy
glycolysis and OXPHOS for receptor-mediated IFN-γ pro- demands for ATP and anabolic responses within a short
duction [46]. While glycolytic intermediates and enzymes period of time. Similar anabolic pathways are up-regulated
are critical for T cell secretion, these findings indicate they by activated T cells and NK cells. However, while FAS is
are not necessarily involved in the NK cell IFN-γ response. critical for differentiation and proliferation of T effector
A multitude of activation, inhibitory, and cytokine recep- cells, it was surprisingly not required for NK cell growth
tors enable NK cells to integrate a range of non-specific and proliferation [47]. While many similar metabolic path-
inflammatory signals that regulate activation and IFN-γ ways are up-regulated upon T cell and NK cell activation,
production as an early innate response. Distinct molecular there appears to be cell intrinsic discrepancies in metabolic
mechanisms are responsible for IFN-γ secretion by NK cells, control points, particularly in response to diverse activat-
depending on the mechanism of activation [50]. Further- ing signals. mTOR up-regulates T cell glycolysis through
more, different combinations of activation signals synergize HIF1α and Myc activation, but it is not yet clear how mTOR
to induce enhanced NK cell IFN-γ production compared to a up-regulates glycolysis in NK cells and it is not known if
single activation signal [51]. The specific metabolic require- HIF1α and Myc are common nodes of metabolic control in
ments of NK cells to produce IFN-γ based on activation both NK and T cells.
method further demonstrates the complexity in examining Control of metabolic pathways and effector functions
mechanisms underlying this effector function. Nevertheless, in NK cells depends on the stimulation method and there
targeting conserved changes in energy flux may simplify are a multitude of ligands to consider. While mTOR pro-
strategies aimed at purposefully modifying NK cell effector motes NK cell glycolysis following numerous activation
function. methods, IL-12/IL-15 activation up-regulates glycolysis

Table 1  Summary of major Glucose Glutamine Exogenous FAs Endogenous References

metabolic fuels used by T cell FAs
and NK cell subsets
T effector ✔ ✔ [11, 13, 21–23,
28, 29, 31, 32,
49, 52]
T memory ✔ ✔ [53]
Treg ✔ [11]
Activated NK ✔ [26, 44–47]
Memory NK Poorly defined
Regulatory NK Poorly defined

Table 2  Summary of major Anaerobic OXPHOS FAS FAO PPP Glutaminolysis References
metabolic pathways in T cell glycolysis
and NK cell subsets
T effector ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ [11, 13, 21–23, 28–32, 54]
T memory ✔ ✔ ✔ [53–57]
T regulatory ✔ ✔ [11, 12, 29, 58, 59]
Activated NK ✔ ✔ ✔ [26, 44–47]
Memory NK Poorly defined
Regulatory NK Poorly defined

Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function 821

in an mTOR-independent mechanism. Since mTOR and metabolic pathways play a fundamental role in controlling
glycolysis can regulate NK and T cell IFN-γ production, both T cell and NK cell activation and effector functions.
the mechanism of action for this effector may be compa-
rable between both cell types. Glycolytic transcriptional
regulation of IFN-γ is mediated in T cells by LDHA. How- Memory
ever, whether this occurs in NK cells is unknown. The
role of GAPDH in post-translational regulation of IFN-γ Metabolic regulation of memory T cells
is well established in T cells, but is likely not imperative
for NK cells [21, 44]. Therefore, further research outlining During an inflammatory response, T effector cells are highly
mechanistically how mTOR and glycolysis regulate NK energetic to support their proliferation and effector func-
cell IFN-γ transcription is needed. tions. At the peak of an immune response, nutrient competi-
Similarities in T cell and NK cell metabolism upon tion and absence of stimulatory signals occur when resolu-
activation reflect comparable energetic requirements of tion of inflammation is initiated. During this time, the T cell
both cell types to support proliferation and effector func- population contracts and generates a memory subset [60]. A
tion. The variability in metabolic regulation of NK cell landmark study by Pearce et al. identified that the transition
IFN-γ production is likely attributed to the various stim- to memory T cells is metabolically regulated. A metabolic
uli to which NK cells respond when mounting an innate switch from anoxic glycolysis in T effector cells to FAO is
response. The evidence to date suggests that adaptive required to generate a memory population (Fig. 3) [55]. To
immune responses by T cells rely heavily on glycolysis to augment FAO, memory T cells increase the expression of
produce IFN-γ. Glycolytic intermediates and enzymes are the rate-limiting enzyme carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1
directly involved in controlling T cell IFN-γ production. (CPT1) [56]. CPT1 inhibition by etomoxir in memory cells
The metabolic mechanisms underpinning innate NK cell reduced rates of OXPHOS, suggesting FAO primarily drives
IFN-γ production are poorly characterized and appear to OXPHOS-derived ATP [56].
engage both glycolysis and OXPHOS, but this is likely With enhanced reliance on FAO to meet metabolic
dependent on the method of activation. Nevertheless, demands, memory T cells have increased mitochondrial
mass, copy numbers, and spare respiratory capacity (SRC)


Glut1 Triaclyglycerols
Lipolysis Lipid
Glycolysis Synthesis
TRAF6 Fay acids
Pyruvate Malonyl CoA

Acetyl CoA Acetyl CoA



Fig. 3  Regulation of memory T cell metabolism. Memory T cells pri- by up-regulating the FAO rate-limiting enzyme carnitine palmitoyl
marily use fatty acid oxidation (FAO) as their main energy source, transferase 1 (CPT1) and inducing mitochondrial biogenesis, both
which is up-regulated by tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated of which support the increased spare respiratory capacity (SRC) of
factor 6 (TRAF6) and IL-15. TRAF6 promotes memory T cell fatty memory T cells. Liberated fatty acids feed into the tricarboxylic acid
acid oxidation (FAO) through activation of adenosine monophos- (TCA) cycle to support oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Green
phate-activated kinase (AMPK) activation. IL-15 promotes FAO indicates up-regulated pathways. (Color figure online)

822 S. M. Poznanski et al.

[56]. These dynamic mitochondrial changes are associated [61], regulates memory T cell development by activat-
with the metabolic effects of the cytokine IL-15, which also ing adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase
promotes memory cell survival. Buck et al. showed that (AMPK). AMPK is an intracellular nutrient sensor that
effector T cells have punctate mitochondria, while memory can increase FAO [55]. Mice with TRAF6 deficient T-cells
T cells have fused mitochondria networks, which is associ- mount a robust primary T cell response, but had impaired
ated with improved OXPHOS efficiency [54]. These mito- memory generation. Increasing AMPK-mediated FAO
chondrial and metabolic differences in memory T-cells restored memory T cell generation in mice with TRAF6-
are mediated by enhanced expression of mitochondrial deficient T cells. AMPK and mTOR are both intracellular
dynamin-related protein (Drp)-1 and optic atrophy (Opa)-1 nutrient sensors, with opposing roles in metabolic regulation
fusion protein, respectively. Mitochondrial fission in effector [27]. AMPK up-regulates FAO and OXPHOS to efficiently
T cells results in reduced OXPHOS efficiency and reliance generate ATP during low nutrient conditions, while mTOR
on anoxic glycolysis, while fused mitochondria in memory promotes growth and proliferation through enhanced gly-
T cells improves OXPHOS efficiency [54]. colysis and anabolic pathways [27]. Interestingly, mTOR
Inhibiting FAO reduced SRC in both in vitro cytokine- may negatively regulate CD8 memory T cell development.
generated and in vivo virus-induced memory T cells, sug- Inhibiting mTOR augmented levels of antigen-specific CD8
gesting FAO augments SRC [56]. Furthermore, FAO and memory T cells, in mice following lymphocyte choriomen-
SRC promoted memory T cell survival both in vitro and ingitis infection, and in non-human primates vaccinated
in vivo [56]. This efficient energy-producing metabolic sig- with modified vaccinia virus [62]. IL-15 also provides a
nature is advantageous during the contraction phase, when metabolic node that is critical for memory T cell generation.
nutrients and inflammatory signals are limited [56]. There- IL-15 increased mitochondrial biogenesis and CPT1 expres-
fore, SRC enables memory cells to generate more ATP, sion, resulting in enhanced memory T cell FAO, SRC, and
increase mitochondrial membrane potential, and promote OXPHOS [56]. Thus, certain cytokines (IL-15) and drugs
survival upon re-stimulation compared to activated naïve T (metformin or rapamycin) can tip the balance of catabolic
cells [56]. Lastly, FAO and changes to mitochondrial dynam- and anabolic signals that regulate memory T-cells.
ics are critical for the development, longevity, and secondary
response of memory T cells. Metabolic regulation of memory NK cells
Memory T cells do not consume large amounts of exog-
enous lipids, indicating these fatty acids are not primar- While classically characterized as innate immune cells,
ily utilized for FAO. Culturing memory T cells in lipid- studies show that NK cells can develop memory, enabling
depleted media did not affect rates of FAO, OXPHOS, nor enhanced responsiveness upon re-stimulation. Memory NK
SRC [53], further suggesting endogenous fatty acids may cells are induced by infection (i.e., cytomegalovirus (CMV)
fuel FAO in these cells (Fig. 3). In addition, inhibiting FAS [63]), or by cytokine stimulation (i.e., IL-12/IL-15/IL-18
impaired memory T cell survival. In vitro experiments using [3]). Memory development has fundamental implications
C-labeled glucose revealed that glucose-derived carbon in the immune response to infections. More importantly,
from catabolic events is synthesized into fatty acids to fuel memory NK cells also have translational implications, as
FAO by memory T cells [53]. Furthermore, culturing mem- improved longevity and potent secondary response can be
ory T cells in low glucose conditions reduced OXPHOS exploited for NK cell immunotherapies to enhance persis-
and SRC [53]. Glutamine supplementation did not restore tence and function [64].
OXPHOS or SRC in low glucose conditions, indicating that There is a dearth of information that describes key meta-
glucose primarily fuels FAS in memory T cells [53]. bolic regulators involved in generating NK cell memory. The
Storage and release of fatty acids from triacylglycerols is evidence to date links defective mitochondria, autophagy
imperative for memory T cells. Inhibition of the triacylglyc- and key metabolic nodes in NK cell memory. It is thought
erol synthesis enzyme diacylglycerol acyltransferase reduced to engage protective mitophagy responses in a subset of cells
SRC [53]. Additionally, silencing the lysosomal acid lipase that become long-lived (i.e., memory). It has been shown
enzyme, which hydrolyzes lipids to fatty acids, impaired that activation of AMPK or inhibition of mTOR promotes
memory T cell development and survival [53]. Overall, mitophagy-dependent NK memory cells as NK cells transi-
these studies demonstrate that memory T cells utilize glu- tion from contraction to the memory phase [65]. It is not
cose transport and catabolism to fuel lipid synthesis and, in yet clear which metabolic pathways or intermediates are
turn, oxidize de novo synthesized lipids to fuel OXPHOS. involved, but given that AMPK and mTOR are key nodes
Several key regulators are involved in the metabolic of cell catabolism and anabolism, it is likely that glucose
reprogramming of memory T cells (Fig. 3). The adaptor and/or OXPHOS flux regulates NK cell memory formation
protein tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 through control of mitophagy. Since autophagy/mitophagy
(TRAF6), which inhibits antigen-specific T cell activation can regulate lipid metabolism in other cell types, FAO may

Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function 823

also be integral in memory development [66]. Since meta- Glucose

bolic pathways contribute to T cell memory, characterizing Glut1

metabolic pathways in NK cells transitioning to memory

cells and determining their role in regulating development FOXP3
and enhanced secondary response should be assessed. mTOR
Uncovering underlying metabolic mechanisms in NK cell
Glycolysis Exogenous FAs
memory would determine how memory is regulated and lead
to strategies improving persistence and activation potential AMPK
Fay acids
for vaccine or adoptive NK cell therapies.

Limiting inflammation CPT1 FOXP3

Acetyl CoA
Metabolic regulation of regulatory T cells
and regulatory NK cells

The role of regulatory T cells (Tregs) is to limit inflam-

Fig. 4  Regulation of regulatory T cell (Treg) metabolism and sup-
matory responses and maintain tolerance to self-antigens. pressive function. Regulatory T cells oxidize exogenous fatty acids
To support these functions, Tregs have opposing metabolic via fatty acid oxidation (FAO) and oxidative phosphorylation
needs from effector cells (Fig. 4). Treg generation is highly (OXPHOS) as a main source of energy. Numerous regulators of Treg
dependent on mitochondrial FAO, but hindered by enhanced suppressive function promote a Treg metabolic profile by inhibit-
ing glycolysis and promoting fatty acid oxidation (FAO). Adenosine
glycolysis. For example, inhibiting FAO impaired Treg dif- monophosphate-activated kinase (AMPK) promotes Treg differentia-
ferentiation, but not T effector cells [29]. Tregs also rely tion and FAO, while inhibiting mTOR. FOXP3 inhibits glycolysis by
more on OXPHOS and have greater mitochondrial mass and inhibiting mTOR activity, Glut1 expression, and expression of gly-
ROS production than T effector cells [58]. In contrast to T colytic enzymes, but promotes FAO by increasing expression of the
FAO rate-limiting enzyme carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT1).
effector cells, Treg differentiation is enhanced by restricting PTEN signaling supports Treg function by inhibiting mTOR signal-
glycolysis or its precursors such as using low glucose includ- ing and consequent glycolysis while stabilizing FOXP3 expression.
ing 2DG in cell culture [29, 31]. While Tregs and memory Similarly, PP2A promotes Treg function through inhibition of mTOR
cells both rely on FAO and increased mitochondrial mass, and glycolysis. Red indicates down-regulated pathways; green indi-
cates up-regulated pathways. (Color figure online)
Tregs primarily use exogenous fatty acids for FAO and have
low levels of FAS compared to memory subsets. In fact,
blocking FAS by inhibiting ACC1 favors Treg differentia- with reduced mTOR activity, glucose uptake, anaerobic
tion [11]. glycolysis, and promotes mitochondrial lipid oxidation and
Interestingly, Treg proliferation and its suppressive func- rate of oxygen consumption. In essence, FOXP3 is a node
tion have distinct metabolic needs [12]. In response to TLR in Treg development and function by tipping the metabolic
signals, Tregs up-regulate Glut1 expression and anaerobic balance toward FAO.
glycolysis to support proliferation and inhibit suppressive PTEN is an intracellular phosphatase that supports Treg
functions. In turn, suppressive Tregs utilize lipid oxidation function and confers protection from autoimmunity. Mice
coincident with reduced glycolysis. Together, these studies with a Treg-specific PTEN deletion have impaired function,
demonstrate a critical role for FAO and OXPHOS in Treg resulting in systemic autoimmunity and lymphoprolifera-
generation and suppressive function. tive disease [59]. PTEN supports suppressive function by
Numerous regulators of Treg function also modulate inhibiting mTOR signaling, stabilizing FOXP3 expression,
cell metabolism. AMPK plays an integral role in integrat- and promoting FAO. PTEN deficient Tregs have impaired
ing nutrient status and Treg metabolism by increasing FAO, mitochondrial function, characterized by reduced mitochon-
where AMPK activation promotes Treg differentiation both drial mass, and membrane potential (Fig. 4). Furthermore,
in vivo and in vitro (Fig. 4) [29]. Likewise, mTOR inhibi- ­PTEN−/− Tregs up-regulated glycolysis following TCR
tion promotes Treg differentiation [29], whereas its activa- stimulation. PP2A is another intracellular phosphatase that
tion through TLR signaling inhibits its suppressive function is important for Treg function by suppressing mTOR activity
[12]. The transcription factor FOXP3 is influenced by cell [68]. Treg-specific ­PP2A−/− cells have increased basal and
metabolism and is a master regulator of Treg development maximal anaerobic glycolytic rates comparable to WT cells,
and function [67]. FOXP3 transcriptional controls are linked mediated by mTOR.
to reduced expression of glycolytic enzymes and increased Very little is known about regulatory NK cells. Regula-
expression of FAO enzymes. FOXP3 activation coincides tory NK cells have a role in limiting autoimmune disease,

824 S. M. Poznanski et al.

whereas aberrant NK cell activation can contribute to its and OXPHOS, an effect that occurs via mTOR inhibition [79].
pathogenesis [14, 15] However, the underlying metabolic Taken together, these results suggest that TGF-β inhibits IL-
regulation of these distinct functional NK cell subsets and 15-induced NK cell effector functions through mTOR inhi-
whether metabolic manipulation of these NK cell subsets bition, demonstrating that metabolic pathways can mediate
can affect the course of autoimmune diseases, as it does in inhibitory NK cell signals.
T cells, are important unanswered questions.
Comparison of NK cell and T cell inhibition
Inhibitory signals alter T cell metabolism
Similar metabolic by-products, inhibitory signals, and intracel-
In addition to specialized regulatory cells, signals that help lular regulators known to promote Treg suppressive function
resolve T cell effector function counterbalance prolonged or or inhibit T effector functions also suppress NK cell effec-
excessive inflammation. Changes in cellular metabolic flux tor functions. For instance, lactic acid secreted by tumor cells
can integrate inhibitory T cell signals. For example, nutrient impaired both NK and T cell anti-tumor responses, including
availability (at the peak of T cell activation) may promote IFN-γ production, promoting tumor growth. Furthermore,
inflammatory resolution, where AMPK is activated in a low elevated levels of lactic acid inhibit intracellular ATP levels
glucose local environment [69]. in both cell types upon activation [80]. In addition, IDO and
Numerous inhibitory compounds alter T cell metabolism, PD1, which mediate inhibitory signals that coincide with
including indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an enzyme changes in metabolic flux in T cells function, also impair NK
involved in tryptophan catabolism [70, 71]. IDO inhibits T cell effector functions [81, 82]. However, the effects of IDO
cell Glut1 expression and glucose uptake [72]. Furthermore, and checkpoint inhibitor pathways on NK cell metabolism are
IDO down-regulated FAS enzymes ATP-citrate lyase and ill-defined. Similar to T cells, the intracellular phosphatase
ACC1, which are critical for T effector function [71]. Pro- PTEN negatively regulates NK cell cytotoxicity. Overexpres-
grammed death-1 (PD1) is a checkpoint receptor expressed sion of PTEN reduced murine and human NK cell cytotoxic-
by T cells that inhibits effector function, maintains tolerance, ity by suppressing the PI3K/AKT pathway, a known mTOR
and limits the inflammatory response [73]. The pathologi- activator. Inhibition of PTEN enhances NK cell cytotoxicity
cal up-regulation of PD1 occurs within a tumor or during against tumor targets [83, 84]. PP2A activity also affects NK
chronic viral infection, resulting in impaired T effector cell function. Promoting PP2A activation in NK cells sup-
functions [74, 75]. PD1 ligation promotes conversion of T pressed cytotoxicity, granzyme B expression, and IFN-γ pro-
cell metabolism from an anaerobic glycolytic state toward duction [85, 86]. Inhibiting PP2A increased NK cell cytotoxic-
a more oxidative state upon activation [76]. Additionally, ity of metastasis in a B16 melanoma model [87]. Since both
PD1 ligation inhibited glucose and glutamine uptake, and PTEN and PP2A enhanced T cell mitochondrial oxidation and
subsequent catabolism, while up-regulating lipolysis and mitigate anaerobic glycolysis to sustain Treg function, it is
FAO. Similarly cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen plausible that similar metabolic processes are engaged to alter
4 (CTLA4), another checkpoint receptor, also inhibits gly- NK cell cytotoxic function.
colytic metabolism, but without up-regulating FAO [76]. T effector cell inhibition or enhanced Treg suppressive
Therefore, inhibitory signals suppress T effector function by function is associated with a metabolic conversion from gly-
suppressing T cell glycolytic and anabolic pathways. colytic and anabolic pathways to lipid oxidation. NK cell inhi-
bition is regulated by inhibiting mTOR or activating AMPK,
Limiting NK cell effector functions indicating similar metabolic reprogramming in T cells may
regulate NK cell inhibition. While energy-sensing molecules
Metabolic flux can also inhibit NK cell function. The evidence inhibit NK cell function, it is not yet clear if distinct metabolic
to date supports a role for AMPK and mTOR pathways in lim- pathways are altered in response to specific inhibitory signals.
iting NK cell function. One study reported that AMPK activity Additionally, determining the metabolic state and regulation of
correlates with impaired function in senescent NK cells with NK cell subsets in immunosuppressive states, including senes-
high inhibitory receptor KLRG1 expression [77]. Not only do cence and tumor microenvironments is positioned to advance
­KLRG1bright NK cells have spontaneous AMPK activation, but cell-based therapeutic strategies.
KLRG1 ligation activates AMPK which negatively regulates
NK cell IFN-γ production, cytotoxicity, and proliferation [78].
Immunosuppressive cytokines, such as transforming growth
factor-beta (TGF-β) can inhibit NK cell function. Deletion and
TGF-β signaling reduced NK cell cytotoxicity and IFN-γ pro-
duction both in vitro and in vivo [79]. TGF-β signaling inhib-
ited IL-15-induced up-regulation of both anaerobic glycolysis

Immunometabolism of T cells and NK cells: metabolic control of effector and regulatory function 825

Endocrine and pharmacological modifiers rapamycin treatment was also shown in both murine and
of T and NK cell metabolism primate models virally infected with acute lymphocytic
choriomeningitis and vaccinia, respectively [62]. These
Endocrine factors such as insulin play a critical role in results demonstrate that mTOR is involved in determin-
glucose uptake and glucose flux in many cell types, includ- ing CD8 T cell fate, whereby rapamycin treatment favors
ing, lymphocytes [88]. The metabolic consequences of a memory phenotype.
insulin are facilitated by the insulin receptor-dependent Few studies have examined the effects of rapamycin on NK
signaling and glucose transporters [89]. Induction of the cell function. Splenic NK cells treated with rapamycin sig-
insulin signaling cascade in activated T cells occurs fol- nificantly decreased IFN-γ production, glucose uptake, and
lowing CD28 signaling upon antigen presentation, lead- inhibited IL-2/IL-12-mediated up-regulation of granzyme B
ing to PI3K-dependent Akt phosphorylation, up-regulation expression [44]. Similarly, rapamycin treated human NK cells
of GLUT1 and subsequent increase in glucose uptake, had decreased glucose uptake and IFN-γ production, along
glycolysis and lactate production [24]. Using an induc- with impaired CD98 expression, which is a subunit of the neu-
ible insulin receptor-knockdown and adoptive transfer tral amino acid transporter LAT-1 [45]. Rapamycin-induced
approach, Fischer et al. demonstrated that silencing the mTOR inhibition has also been shown to inhibit NK cell pro-
insulin receptor reduced glucose transport, glycolysis, liferation, degranulation, and cytotoxicity [79]. Overall, these
migration, and IFN-γ expression, and enhanced apoptosis studies demonstrate that rapamycin treatment may not only
in activated CD4 T cells [88]. Insulin receptor deficiency affect NK cell metabolism by inhibiting glucose uptake and
also reduced proliferation rates in both activated CD4 and possibly affect amino acid transport but can impair NK cell
CD8 T lymphocytes when compared to controls. In CD8 cytotoxic function.
T-cells, knockdown of the insulin receptor also reduced Metformin is commonly prescribed during prediabetes and
cytotoxic alloantigen responses. Furthermore, insulin type 2 diabetics since can alter lipid and glucose metabolism
receptor deficiency did not impair thymocyte development, and acts as an insulin sensitizer by reducing hepatic glucose
nor Treg number and suppressive capacity [88]. Therefore, production and promoting glucose uptake in skeletal muscle
insulin does not equally affect all T cell subsets. Overall, [93]. The insulin-sensitizing effects of metformin are linked
these findings suggest that the insulin signaling cascade to AMP-activated protein kinase-acetyl-CoA carboxylase-
contributes to effector T cell glucose flux. Similar to effec- mediated changes in lipid metabolism and the balance between
tor T cells, NK cells express the insulin receptor, but little lipogenesis and FAO in metabolic tissues such as the liver [94,
is known regarding its role in NK cell physiology [90]. 95]. Since AMPK activation and increased FAO also promote
Further work is needed to determine whether NK and T Treg differentiation, it is not surprising that metformin treat-
cells share physiological commonalities regarding the role ment of naïve T cells impairs Th17 differentiation [96]. In a
of insulin. murine model of asthma, in vivo treatment with metformin
Rapamycin and metformin are two compounds that have decreased Glut1 expression and increased the number and
profound metabolic effects and can influence immune cell percentage of Tregs [29]. Similarly, mice treated with met-
metabolism. Rapamycin was discovered as an antifungal formin had significant improvements in clinical severity and
metabolite with immunosuppressive and anti-proliferative mortality during acute graft versus host disease, which was
effects in mammalian cells and is a well-known inhibitor associated with metformin-mediated reductions in Th1/Th17
of mTOR [91]. In CD8 T cells, inhibiting mTOR with and increased Th2 and Treg populations [96]. In vitro experi-
rapamycin transcriptionally regulates T cell fate by pro- ments also showed that Th17 cells treated with metformin can
moting memory cell formation [92]. Enhanced mTOR skew towards characteristics of Treg cells, demonstrating its
kinase activity with IL-12 treatment and antigen stimu- therapeutic potential in modulating CD4 T cell differentiation
lation in naïve CD8 T cells induced the expression of relevant to autoimmune diseases. The effects of metformin
the transcription factor T-bet, which leads to short-lived treatment on NK cell metabolism and function is currently
effector cell formation. Conversely, inhibiting mTOR with unknown. Therefore, further work is needed to determine if
rapamycin treatment dampened T-bet expression, while metformin alters NK cell function and whether these effects
enhancing eomesodermin expression, a transcription fac- are mediated through changes in cellular metabolism.
tor known to promote memory cell precursors. Rapamycin
has historically been considered an immunosuppressive
drug, but its immunostimulatory effects on memory CD8 Conclusion
cells were revealed upon adoptive transfer of rapamycin
treated CD8 T cells, which had enhanced antigen-recall T cells and NK cells share common metabolic nodes that
responses [62]. Enhanced memory cell formation due to influence cell development, activation, effector, memory and
regulatory function. Coaxing changes in cell metabolism

826 S. M. Poznanski et al.

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