Excerpt 001
Excerpt 001
Excerpt 001
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J.T Wilmink
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Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine:
Conventional Radiology, Computed 2
Tomography; Magnetic Resonance Imaging
suspected fractures, malalignment, and congenital spi- Lumbar myelography (syn. radiculography, cau-
nal defects. Abnormal spinal curves can be assessed in dography). In this examination an iodinated radiologic
scoliosis and the anatomy of individual vertebrae can contrast fluid is injected into the dural sac so that the
be defined, although superimposition of anatomical cerebrospinal fluid is opacified, outlining the dural sac,
structures is a problem. Spondylolysis and spondylolis- the dural root sleeves and their contents (Bates and
thesis are well demonstrated. Spinal metastases can be Ruggieri 1991). Structures of interest are the conus
detected on plain X-ray films, but only in a late stage, medullaris of the spinal cord, whose tip is located
when cortical bony structures of the vertebrae are approximately at the L1–2 level, and the nerve roots
affected, or the vertebra is deformed or collapsed. forming the cauda equina which originate from the
Manifestations of spondylodiscitis are also detected conus medullaris and traverse the lumbar dural sac in
relatively late. craniocaudal direction. These nerve roots exit the dural
At present, plain film spinal imaging is still ordered sac by way of a dural root sleeve which accompanies
frequently in patients presenting with low back pain and the emerging dorsal and ventral root fibres over a vari-
neck pain, but the diagnostic value of the examination able distance (see Chap. 3). Lumbar disc herniations
in the evaluation of such complaints is low. Contrast which are located in the central, paracentral and subar-
resolution in conventional X-ray images is limited: only ticular regions of the spinal canal (see Chap. 4) can
four tissue densities, namely bone, water, fat, and air, produce impressions upon the dural sac and displace-
can be distinguished and soft tissue pathology such as a ment of the intradural nerve roots, as well as cut-off of
disc herniation cannot be visualised. On the other hand, contrast filling of the root sleeve (Fig. 2.1). Sometimes
so-called degenerative features such as disc space nar- also swelling of the nerve root proximal to the site of
rowing, spondylosis, and spondylarthrosis can be dem- compression is seen. The myelographic image of the
onstrated in asymptomatic as well as symptomatic nerve root ends when it leaves the contrast-filled suba-
individuals (Fullenlove and Williams 1957). rachnoid space. Thus, lateral disc herniations com-
The diagnostic yield of plain film studies in low pressing the dorsal root ganglion or nerve ramus inside
back pain is very limited unless so-called red flags or outside the intervertebral foramen, and which are
(indicators for specific disease conditions such as neo- reported to occur in around 10% of cases, (Abdullah
plasm, disc herniation or infectious disease) are pres- et al. 1988), will frequently be missed by myelography
ent (Staiger et al. 1999). As mentioned above, however, (Jackson and Glah 1987).
the sensitivity for early detection of specific pathology Contrast myelography is not a very invasive proce-
by plain films is low, and in such cases alternative tech- dure, but it is not completely innocuous (Bates and
niques with higher sensitivity, such as CT or MRI, are Ruggieri 1991; Wilmink et al. 1984), Even in experi-
preferable. enced hands, a lumbar puncture followed by injection
A plain film examination of the lumbar spine usu- of contrast fluid may be difficult and painful, especially
ally consists of a lateral and a postero-anterior view. when the dural sac is constricted or collapsed and the
Oblique views are sometimes performed of the isth- nerve roots are crowded together by a large herniation
mus region in case of spondylolysis, but these substan- or by narrowing of the spinal canal at the puncture site.
tially increase the X-ray dose to the patient, and are not The iodised oils which were initially employed for
always necessary. Studies of the spine in flexion myelography frequently gave rise to adhesive arach-
(kyphosis) and extension or retroflexion (lordosis) can noiditis resulting in crippling back complaints. The
be used in the assessment of post-traumatic or degen- water-soluble contrast media which were later intro-
erative instability. duced produced better images of the root sleeves but
the first generation of these agents possessed a high
osmolality and neurotoxicity and could also cause
adhesive arachnoiditis (Skalpe 1978). Modern low-
2.2.1 Contrast Studies: osmolality contrast media do not share these severe side
The following conventional X-ray studies featuring con- Nowadays, the most common indication to perform
trast injection are presently still performed in the lum- contrast myelography is when MRI is contraindicated
bosacral spine: or not available, and when CT does not provide an
2.2 Conventional X-ray Studies 11
Fig. 2.1 Lumbar myelogram (radiculogram, caudogram). Right Fig. 2.2 Lateral projection of L5-S1 discogram. Note opacifica-
oblique projection centred on the L4 vertebra, with a water- tion at site of nucleus pulposus, leakage of contrast medium to
soluble radiologic contrast medium outlining the dural sac, extruded disc (arrow)
intradural nerve roots and root sleeves. Note ventrolateral filling
defect at L4–5 disc level, mainly caused by swelling of distal
intradural L5 root (arrow), with non-filling of L5 root sleeve. disc. The purpose of this is twofold. Firstly the increase
Medial displacement of intradural S1 root without compression, in intradiscal pressure caused by the injection may
normal filling of S1 root sleeve (arrowheads)
reproduce or exacerbate the patient’s pain complaints,
thus confirming that the disc in question is the source of
adequate image of the dural sac and of possible intra- the pain. Secondly, X-ray images can show penetration
dural pathology. In these cases the conventional myel- of the contrast medium into fissures and defects in the
ographic study will almost invariably be followed by annulus fibrosus, and sometimes also into herniated disc
CT myelography (see below). material (Fig. 2.2). Disc herniations and nerve root
Myelography can be employed to produce images of compression are diagnosed more accurately by MRI
the dural sac and the cauda equina in the upright pos- and CT however.
ture, or in lumbar flexion and extension (Penning and Discography is a controversial diagnostic proce-
Wilmink 1981). dure, with outspoken proponents as well as antago-
Discography. This examination technique is employed nists. The examination can be tedious and unpleasant
primarily to localise painful intervertebral discs respon- for the patient, especially when muliple disc levels are
sible for lumbago or low back pain, and not to diagnose studied. Discography is used to localise painful discs,
lumbosacral nerve root compression causing sciatica. but there are reservations because false-positive pain
A water-soluble iodinated radiologic contrast medium responses can occur, even when care is taken to apply
is injected into the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral a low injection pressure (Carragee et al. 2006), and
12 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
subjective pain responses at discography should be normal and abnormal soft tissue features without the
interpreted with special caution in patients with chronic necessity of contrast injection into the dural sac
pain, social stressors and psychological disturbances (Fig. 2.4). Visualisation of intradural details by uncon-
(Carragee and Hannibal 2004). Annular tears or fis- trasted CT is limited; the spinal cord can sometimes be
sures can be demonstrated by discography, but MRI seen faintly, and intradural nerve roots not at all.
has shown these to occur in asymptomatic individuals CT and myelography are complementary techniques:
as well as in low back pain sufferers with painful discs the first is more suitable for assessing the cause of radic-
(Stadnik et al. 1998). ular complaints, herniated disc, spinal stenosis etc., while
Two other contrast examinations, peridurography the second is better for imaging the effect, the com-
and epidural venography are no longer performed. pressed intradural nerve root (Wilmink 1989). Techniques
These techniques relied on opacification of the epidu- which combine both these features are CT myelography
ral space itself, or the veins in this space respectively, and MRI with MR myelography (see below).
by contrast injection, either directly into the spinal CT can also be combined with discography to pro-
canal via the sacral hiatus (Luyendijk and van duce CT discographic images, thus improving the sen-
Voorthuisen 1966) or into the paraspinal and interver- sitivity with which small annular tears can be detected.
tebral veins via catheterisation of the iliac veins The sensitivity of CT for bony vertebral pathology
(Wilmink et al. 1978). The diagnostic principle of such as metastasis and fracture is better than that of
these methods was to demonstrate disc herniations by plain films.
their compressive effect on the epidural structures, and A significant development has been the introduc-
thus provide an alternative to lumbar myelography. tion of multi-slice spiral CT scanning with multi-planar
The contrast opacification was too irregular and unreli- reformatting. This technique permits rapid scanning of
able however, and with the advent of newer imaging a large tissue volume by a thin continuous spiral or
techniques these methods were relegated to obscurity. helical section, and this has proven to be of special
value, for instance, in case of spinal trauma where sub-
tle fractures and dislocations, especially in the poste-
rior spinal elements, can be detected with an ease and
2.3 X-Ray Computed Tomography accuracy unrivalled by any other imaging method.
CT can provide an acceptable diagnostic alternative
Computed tomography CT (Hounsfield 1973) revolu- to MRI in many cases with disc herniation or spinal
tionised medical imaging by its introduction in the stenosis (Figs. 2.3, 2.4). Soft tissue resolution by CT,
1970s. Three innovations were combined: however, is less than when MRI is employed, and some
disc herniations can be overlooked (see Sect. 2.4).
• Acquisition of sectional (tomographic) images by
Anatomical detail is also less in reformatted sagittal
the use of an X-ray tube rotating around the patient.
CT images when compared to direct sagittal MRI cuts;
This made it possible to study spinal anatomic rela-
in addition bone marrow pathology annular fissures
tionships in the axial plane which could not previ-
and other subtle changes cannot be detected by CT.
ously be visualised. A much better insight was
Intraspinal details usually are less well-depicted by CT
obtained in the morphology and classification of,
at the level of the vertebral pedicles and lamina, where
for instance, spinal stenosis (see Chap. 4).
the dural sac is entirely surrounded by a ring of bony
• Detection of smaller differences in X-ray attenua-
structures (see Chap. 3), where there is little epidural
tion (tissue density) by using more sensitive scintil-
fat to outline the dural sac and migrated disc fragments
lation detectors instead of an X-ray film, thus,
may be missed. At the disc level the structures border-
greatly improving soft tissue contrast resolution.
ing the spinal canal are ligamentous and less dense,
• Image reconstruction by a computer algorithm per-
and there is usually more intraspinal fat present to act
mitting selection of window and level settings
as a natural contrast agent.
appropriate for viewing bony or soft tissue struc-
CT has for many years formed the mainstay of diag-
tures as required.
nostic imaging in patients with radicular pain and related
The improved contrast resolution of CT made it pos- conditions, despite the drawback that compression of
sible to image disc herniations and other intraspinal the intradural nerve root could not be visualised directly.
2.3 X-Ray Computed Tomography 13
c d
Fig. 2.3 Spiral CT study with multiplanar reformat. Patient level of posterior disc (b), L5 endplate (c), and L5 lateral recess
with L4–5 disc herniation (a) mid-sagittal reformat showing (d) show extrusion migrating laterally towards right L5 root in
extrusion migrating below disc level (arrow), axial 2 mm cuts at lateral recess (arrow). Left L5 root normally outlined by fat
Indirect evidence of compression of the intradural root the dural sac at disc level, as well as displacement by the
in non-myelographic CT images can be derived from herniation and disappearance of the epidural fat adja-
features such as flattening of the ventrolateral angle of cent to the dural sac (Wilmink 1989).
14 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
In order to limit the radiation dose, only the lower
three lumbar disc levels are routinely scanned in sus-
pected lumbar disc herniation and this involves a risk
of missing a herniation which is situated at a higher
lumbar level (see also Chap. 3).
CT slices can either be acquired in separate sets with
the CT gantry angulated parallel to each disc, or as a
continuous or overlapping series of parallel slices. The
advantage of the first method is that there is less distor-
tion of sagittal dimensions of the spinal canal, but the
disadvantage is that portions of the spinal canal between Fig. 2.5 Slice positioning and angulation in spinal CT. When
the slice sets may be skipped, and migrated disc frag- slice sets are angulated parallel to each disc (a), there is fre-
ments in this region easily overlooked (Fig. 2.5). quently a “blind spot” at mid-vertebral level (asterisk) which is
not imaged but which may contain a migrated disc fragment.
Slice thickness in non-spiral lumbar CT is usually When slices are acquired in true axial plane without craniocau-
3–5 mm, with thinner 2 or 1 mm slices preferred when dal angulation (b) dimensions of the spinal canal are distorted:
spiral CT scanning with multi-planar reformatting is to bony sagittal diameter measured as 16.9 mm in true axial plane
be performed. The spiral datasets are acquired without compared to 15.6 mm in plane parallel to L4–5 disc
gantry angulation.
possible to clearly discern the spinal cord and individual
nerve roots within the dural sac, which is not possible
on non-contrasted CT images. These structures are pre-
2.3.1 CT Myelography sented in the axial plane, which is not possible on con-
ventional myelograms. The conventional myelographic
This technique which was first reported by Di Chiro and image of the nerve root ends after its departure from the
Schellinger (1976) is a useful adjunct to conventional dural root sleeve, whereas with CT myelography the
myelography as well as to non-contrast CT. The pres- root can first be followed through the CSF compartment
ence of an intrathecal contrast medium makes it where it is outlined by the contrast medium in the
2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 15
a b
c d
Fig. 2.7 CT compared to MRI. CT and MRI of same large L4–5 also well-depicted in sagittal T1-(c) and T2-weighted images (d).
disc extrusion. Axial 5 mm CT section (a) shows apparently nor- Note that in retrospect remnant of collapsed dural sac is very
mal L4–5 disc. Axial T1-weighted 4.5 mm MRI section (b) shows faintly visible on CT section
large extrusion almost completely collapsing dural sac (arrow),
2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 17
b c
Fig. 2.8 T1-weighted axial MR image (a) in patient with loca- details such as facets on the one hand, as well as soft tissue struc-
lised narrowing of spinal canal at L4–5 showing almost com- tures such as annulus fibrosus (arrow) and flaval ligament
plete CSF block on sagittal images (b, c) best seen on (arrowhead ) on the other
T2-weighted image (c). Note that axial cut clearly shows bony
18 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
sometimes deformation of the spinal canal by degen- the sacral canal and in the intervertebral foramina has the
erative anterolisthesis. highest signal intensity in T1-W images of the spine, and
Subtle changes in shape and composition of the spi- T1-weighting is popularly said to produce a “fat image”.
nal cord can be demonstrated by MRI, and intradural In such images fat acts as a natural contrast medium, and
nerve roots can be seen without the necessity for con- structures bordered by fat are clearly outlined: dorsal and
trast injection into the dural sac (MR myelography, see caudal borders of the lumbar dural end-sac, foraminal
below). MR images can be acquired in any plane desired, borders and intraforaminal contents such as dorsal root
and are superior to reformatted sagittal or coronal CT ganglia, as well as laterally migrated disc extrusions.
images of the spine, especially for showing soft tissues. Due to the low signal intensity of CSF on T1-W
The largest single indication for spinal MR imaging images, the intradural nerve roots can only be faintly dis-
is presently in degenerative spinal disease, usually per- tinguished. The spinal cord can be seen, but not as well
formed to diagnose a possible disc herniation. as in T2-W images. The lack of contrast between the
A number of options for lumbar spinal MR imaging posterior disc surface and the anterior border of the dural
will now be discussed. It will be clear that there are sac, both dark, sometimes makes it difficult to discern
many methods to produce good-quality diagnostic spi- disc herniations in this location on T1-weighted images.
nal images (Ruggieri 1999), and the selection depends In the lumbar spine T1-W images are usually
upon the characteristics of the MRI system employed acquired by a so-called spin-echo (SE) or fast spin-echo
and personal preferences of the radiological user and (FSE) sequence.
clinical end-user. An example of a typical set of imag-
ing sequences for use in lumbar degenerative disc dis-
ease is given in Fig. 2.9.
2.4.2 T2-Weighted (T2-W) and
The discussion of the various techniques set out
below is not intended to be exhaustive, and reflects the T2*-Weighted (T2*-W) Images
personal experience of this author. For more detailed
information regarding technical aspects of MR imag- The bright signal intensity of water (CSF, nucleus pul-
ing and the various acquisition sequences mentioned posus) predominates in images with T2-weighting,
below, the reader is referred to specialised texts deal- and these are sometimes known as “water images”
ing with these subjects. A review of recent develop- (Fig. 2.9b). For this reason intradural features such as
ments in spinal MR imaging sequences is given by spinal cord and cauda equina are best seen with this
Vertinsky et al. (2007). technique, as are disc herniations impinging upon the
CSF-filled dural sac or the root sleeve.
T2-W lumbar spinal images are at present generally
acquired with a 2D fast spin-echo, syn. turbo spin-echo
2.4.1 T1-Weighted (T1-W) Images (FSE, TSE) sequence. Conventional spin-echo (CSE)
sequences are no longer routinely used because of the
In these images the CSF-filled dural sac is darker than lengthy scanning times necessary to produce sufficient
the disc and vertebrae (Fig. 2.9a). Normal adult bone T2-weighting with this technique. CSE and FSE do not
marrow has a light grey shade, with somewhat brighter produce identical T2-weighted images; in a CSE
signal intensity than that of the intervertebral disc. The sequence epidural fat and bone marrow fat have low
fat seen in the epidural pockets dorsal to the dural sac, in signal intensity, while FSE produces a much higher fat
Fig. 2.9 Images from normal lumbar spinal MRI examination at surrounding CSF (white arrow), also of dorsal root ganglion in
1.5 T. (a) Mid-sagittal 4 mm T1-weighted spin-echo image show- foramen by surrounding fat (white arrowhead). Borders of dural
ing bright signal from epidural and subcutaneous fat, dark CSF sac (small black arrows) are less well-defined, however (d).
signal. (b) Mid-sagittal 4 mm T2-weighted fast spin-echo image Right and left oblique MR myelographic images presenting 3D
showing bright fluid signal from CSF and nucleus pulposus, also projections of dural sac acquired with single-shot, single-slice
from epidural and subcutaneous fat. Note better depiction of pos- technique (see below). Note good depiction of intradural nerve
terior disc contour compared to (a). (c) Axial 4 mm T2-weighted roots and root sleeves. Vertebral structures not imaged due to
fast spin-echo image at L4–5 produced with 3D DRIVE tech- heavy T2 weighting
nique. Note good depiction of intradural cauda equina fibres by
2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 19
a b
c d
20 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
signal. In FSE T2-weighted images epidural and CSE image, may be almost invisible on T2-weighted
foraminal fat may be almost iso-intense to CSF (Fig FSE images because the normal fatty bone marrow is
2.9b, c). This has the advantage that extradural disc now iso-intense to the lesions. Application of fat-sup-
fragments in the intervertebral foramen are well-out- pression can be useful here (see below).
lined by bright fat; almost as well as in T1-W images. An FSE T2-W 3D driven equilibrium technique
One could say that FSE T2-W images provide “water (DRIVE) presently used in our department for axial
contrast” as well as “fat contrast”. The disadvantage of spinal imaging employs a desaturating pulse after
this is that the CSF-filled dural sac can be difficult to acquisition of the spin-echo, in order to null residual
distinguish from the surrounding epidural fat, as both magnetisation and so reduce the repetition time. In this
are now bright (Fig. 2.9c).This can create a problem way heavy T2 weighting can be produced in a rapid
when assessing, for instance, abnormal increase in epi- acquisition (Fig. 2.9c).
dural fat (lipomatosis) on T2-W FSE images (see An alternative option for producing “water images”
Chap. 4). In addition, bone marrow lesions with high is by the use of a T2*-weighted gradient-echo (GRE)
water content, such as in certain degenerative changes, sequence which also produces a high water signal.
metastases or osteomyelitis, which classically appear This technique is sometimes used for axial spinal
hyperintense to normal bone marrow in a T2-weighted imaging, most frequently in the cervical region.
a1 a2 a3
b1 b2 b3
Fig. 2.10 Comparative axial images acquired by T1 SE, T2 foramina. Outline of dural sac less well shown, however. T2*-
DRIVE, and T2*BFFE techniques respectively. (a1–3) Case weighted BFFE image (a3) produced with gradient-echo sequence
with conjoint left L5 and S1 root sleeves. T1-weighted image shows good depiction of dural sac, root sleeve and intradural
(a1) shows no intradural detail due to low CSF signal. Dural sac, nerve roots, but foraminal structures are less well shown. Spurious
root sleeves and foraminal details well-depicted due to high fat image of L3–4 disc protrusion (arrowheads) shown in T1-weighted
signal. T2-weighted DRIVE image (a2) produced by FSE sequence image (b1), not shown in T2-weighted DRIVE image (b2) and
giving high CSF signal as well as high fat signal shows good depic- T2*-weighted BFFE image (b3). Spinal nerve (arrow) well seen
tion of intradural nerve roots as well as dorsal root ganglia in outlined by fat in (b1) and (b2), not in (b3)
2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 21
Figure 2.10 shows a comparison of imaging features of cannot be used in T1-W post-gadolinium MR imaging
three techniques for axial lumbar spinal imaging: because the bright gadolinium signal is suppressed by
T1-W fast spin-echo, T2-W DRIVE and T2*-W bal- this technique together with the fat signal.
anced fast-field echo (BFFE). We have found the sec-
ond option the most useful.
2.4.5 MR Myelography:
a b
c d
Fig. 2.11 Imaging of annular rupture by proton density com- foramen with similar weighting (c, d) show ruptured annulus,
pared to T1-weighting. Midsagittal T1-(a) and proton density- more clearly in proton density weighted image (d) (arrow). Note
weighted images (b) show extruded disc material behind intact small fragment of annulus displaced upwards into foramen (long
L4–5 posterior longitudinal ligament. Lateral sagittal cuts through arrow)
2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 23
a b
Fig. 2.12 Fat suppression in degenerative bone marrow changes. marrow above L4 endplate indicating Modic type 1 degenerative
T1-weighted image (a) shows area of signal loss due to increase changes; also suppression of fat signal from area below L5 end-
in bone marrow water content above L4 endplate (arrow); area plate indicating Modic type 2 fatty degenerative changes here.
of increased bone marrow fat signal below L5 endplate (thin Decrease in bone marrow fat signal combined with increase in
arrow). T2-weighted fast spin-echo image (b) shows areas with water signal is seen in Modic type I changes but also in for
increased fat as well as water content now hyperintense. STIR instance metastasis or spondylitis. Follow-up in this case
fat-suppressed image (c) confirms high water signal in bone revealed no progression over time
24 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
Fig. 2.14 MR myelography. Two sections (a, b) selected from a image of virtual dural sac (c); acquisition time 6 min. 30s. Better
4-mm overcontiguous multi-shot, multi-slice oblique T2-weighted detail of intradural roots in individual sections (a) and (b), but better
FSE MR myelographic acquisition, fused by MIP to produce a 3D appreciation of entire dural sac and all root sleeves in (c) (arrows)
2.4 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) 25
a b
26 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
a b
Fig. 2.15 MR myelography. Single-shot, single-slice MR myel- individual (b), acquisition time 6 min. 30 s. Note much poorer
ographic images in normal spinal canal (a), acquisition time signal-to-noise ratio in single-shot image
1.5 s, compared to multi-shot, multi-slice MIP image in same
a b
Fig. 2.16 MR myelography. Single-shot, single-slice multi- (b), acquisition time 6 min. 30s. Note comparable image quality
excitation MR myelographic image (a), acquisition time 32 s despite much more rapid acquisition in (a)
compared to multi-shot, multi-slice image in same individual
2.4.6 Imaging Planes rupture in the outer annulus fibrosus and extends cra-
nial and/or caudal to the vertebral endplates bordering
As a general rule, in sectional imaging, anatomic sur- the disc space (see Chap. 4 and Fig. 4.3). The distinc-
faces or structures are best imaged in a plane which tion between diffuse disc bulging and broad-based her-
lies perpendicular to the surface of interest, and least niation is often difficult to make in the sagittal plane,
well in a plane parallel to this surface. Thus, vertebral and the lateral recesses and the root sleeves are not well
endplates are best seen in sagittal and coronal sections, imaged. The foraminal borders on the other hand are
and not well in the axial plane because of partial vol- best defined in sagittal images, as is cranial migration
ume effects. The inner pedicular borders are best seen of extruded material in the foramen with compression
in axial and coronal sections, and not well in sagittal of the dorsal root ganglion against the pedicle (see
cuts. Fig. 4.5). The mid-sagittal diameter of the spinal canal
Sagittal: Images in this plane are best for demon- is better assessed in the sagittal plane than on axial
strating disc herniations and distinguishing between images, as are spinal deformities such as anterolisthe-
“contained” protrusions (whose maximum height does sis and retrolisthesis. Isthmic fractures in spondyloly-
not exceed the height of the parent disc) and extrusions, sis may be detected, as well as increase or decrease in
in which the displaced disc material passes through a sagittal diameter of the spinal canal which is associated
28 2 Imaging Techniques for the Lumbar Spine
group while more patients were operated (10 in the Jackson RP, Glah JJ (1987) Foraminal and extraforaminal lumbar
MRI group versus four in the radiography group). disc herniation: diagnosis and treatment. Spine 12: 577–585
Jarvik JG, Hollingworth W, Martin B et al (2003) Rapid mag-
Costs of rapid MRI were about half those of a conven- netic resonance imaging vs radiographs for patients with
tional MRI study (Gray et al. 2003). low back pain: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 289:
Jinkins JR, Dworkin JS, Damadian RV (2005) Upright, weight-
bearing, dynamic-kinetic MRI of the spine: initial results.
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