Distributed Finite-Time Event-Triggered Frequency and Voltage Control of AC Microgrids
Distributed Finite-Time Event-Triggered Frequency and Voltage Control of AC Microgrids
Distributed Finite-Time Event-Triggered Frequency and Voltage Control of AC Microgrids
Abstract—This paper proposes a finite-time event-triggered sec- in grid-tied mode [1]. Traditionally, a centralized controller
ondary frequency and voltage control for islanded AC microgrids collects information from every DG in the secondary control
(MGs) in a distributed fashion. The proposed control strategy can layer, containing risk of being a single point of failure. As
effectively perform frequency restoration and voltage regulations,
while sharing the active and reactive power among the distributed opposed to the centralized control, the distributed controllers
generators (DGs) based on their power ratings. The finite-time need to interchange information only with their neighboring
control enables a system to reach consensus in a finite period of time controllers. Such distributed secondary control architecture can
enhanced from the asymptotic convergence. The event-triggered increase the MG system reliability and scalability, as well as im-
communication is utilized to reduce the communication burden proving the computational efficiency [3]–[6]. The decentralized
among the DG controllers by transmitting data among DGs if
an event-triggering condition is satisfied. The performance of the secondary control of AC microgrids has been proposed in [7].
proposed finite-time event-triggered frequency control is verified Even though the decentralized secondary control obviates the
utilizing a hardware-in-the-loop experimental testbed which sim- requirement for a communication network, it still relies on the
ulates an AC MG in Opal-RT. primary control level and it is not effective for some secondary
Index Terms—Distributed control, event-triggered control, control applications like regulating the voltage of a critical
finite-time control, islanded AC microgrid, multi-agent systems, remote bus.
primary control, secondary control. The distributed secondary control scheme has been further
advanced by adopting the various control techniques. The finite-
I. INTRODUCTION time control strategy enables a system to converge to the steady
state in a finite amount of time, enhanced from the asymptotic
ICROGRIDS (MGs) as critical components of modern
M power systems play a significant role in increasing the
reliability and resilience while facilitating the integration of
convergence time [8]–[10]. With finite-time control, the micro-
grid’s voltage and frequency will be converged faster to their
nominal values and experience much less transients. Both of
sustainable energy resources. The operation of MGs in both grid-
these features are very important for the microgrid critical loads.
tied and islanded modes is the key factor to enhance the power
According to [11], voltage and frequency transients can result
grid resilience during extreme events like natural disasters. As
in machinery malfunction as well as microgrid’s equipment and
a critical component to obtain reliable and stable operations in
components damage and failure over time. The frameworks
both modes, the hierarchically structured MG control system
for the frequency/voltage restoration and active/reactive power
has been surveyed in the literature [1], [2]. The hierarchical
sharing of an islanded AC MG using the finite-time control
control system is composed of the primary, secondary, and
method have been introduced in the literature [12]–[14]. The
tertiary control layers [1], [2]. The primary control is locally
frameworks introduced in [12]–[15] validates the effectiveness
deployed by the distributed generators (DGs) to stabilize the sys-
of finite-time secondary control in MG system, as well as
tem frequency/voltage and to satisfy the power sharing among
presenting its robustness against the disturbances such as load
DGs after the MG is disconnected from the upstream power
network. The secondary control restores the frequency/voltage
Even though the distributed finite-time control techniques
deviations caused by the primary control. The tertiary control
improve the frequency restoration speed of MGs, the DG local
regulates the power flow between the main grid and the MG
controllers continuously transfer their local information to other
Manuscript received January 22, 2021; revised May 11, 2021 and July 8, DGs which incurs unnecessary burden on the communication
2021; accepted August 22, 2021. Date of publication September 8, 2021; date system. Recently, the event-triggered communication has been
of current version April 19, 2022. This work was supported by the National applied to the multi-agent systems (MAS) [16]–[18] to tackle
Science Foundation EPSCoR Program under Grant #OIA-1757207. Paper no.
TPWRS-00120-2021. (Corresponding author: Jeewon Choi.) this challenge. As apposed to the periodic communication be-
Jeewon Choi is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of tween the agents in a conventional MAS, the event-triggered
New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). method activates the communication only if an event-triggering
Seyed Iman Habibi and Ali Bidram are with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 condition is satisfied, which in turn leads to the communica-
USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). tion burden reduction. The event-triggered control has been
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at applied to the conventional MG distributed control systems in
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3110263 order to decrease the communication network traffic among
0885-8950 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
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Fig. 2. Schematic of the proposed distributed FETC secondary frequency and voltage control.
It should be noted that once the DGs’ active/reactive powers sat- 0. The neighbors of node i are defined by a set of nodes that have
isfy (5)–(6), the angular frequencies ωi and voltage magnitudes a link to vi and can be written as Ni = {vj |(vj , vi ) ∈ E}. The in-
vo,magi , are settled into the values that are smaller than the nom- degree matrix of a graph is defined by D = diag{di } ∈ RN ×N
inal values. To restore MG’s frequency and voltage back to the where di = N j=1 aij . The graph Laplacian matrix is calculated
nominal values, the secondary frequency and voltage controls by L = D − A [36].
adjust ωni and vni of each DG in (1) and (2), respectively. This In [34], the following control input is proposed in order to
process will be discussed in Section III. achieve the finite-time consensus without continuous communi-
cation among agents
ui (t) = c1 Kzi (t) + c2 Ksig(R(zi (t) + ei (t)))p (8)
One of the objectives of an islanded MG control in the
secondary level is to synchronize the angular frequencies of where sig(x)p = sgn(x)|x|p with 0 < p ≤ 0.5, and sgn(·) is
DGs, ωi ’s, to the nominal angular frequency of the system, the signum function. c1 and c2 are positive real numbers, R ∈
ωref . At the same time, it needs to allocate DGs’ active powers Rn×n is a positive-definite matrix, and K = −B R ∈ Rm×n .
based on their ratings according to (5). The schematic of the The estimate error ei (t) and the local tracking error zi (t) for ith
FETC-based secondary frequency control proposed is illustrated agent are defined as
in Fig. 2. The secondary controller calculates the primary control i
input using its local and neighbors’ information. The secondary ei (t) = xi (t) − eA(t−tk ) xi (tik ) (9)
controllers share information via communication graph, when j
aij (eA(t−tk ) xi (tik ) − eA(t−tk ) xj (tjk ))
the event-triggering condition is satisfied. The details of the zi (t) = (10)
secondary frequency controller using the FETC strategy are j∈Ni
elaborated as follows.
where tik is the latest communication triggered time of ith agent
determined when the event-triggering condition fi (t) ≥ 0 is
A. FETC Problem for a General Linear MAS
met. To obtain the finite-time consensus, the following event-
Using input-output feedback linearization, the nonlinear dy- triggering function is proposed in [34]
namics of DGs are transformed to identical linear dynamics.
This process has been explained in details in [35]. Based on the fi (t, ei (t), zi (t), ϕi (t)) = α ei (t)2 + β ei (t)2p
dependence of DGs’ operating frequency and terminal voltage
+ γ zi (t)2p − χε1i |ϕi (t)|2ψ
magnitude on the active and reactive power droop reference val-
ues, feedback linearization leads to a first-order linear tracking
synchronization problem for a MAS [4]. Consider a MAS of ϕ̇i (t) = −ε2i sig(ϕi (t))ψ (12)
which ith agent’s dynamics is given by
where αei (t)2 + βei (t)2p + γzi (t)2p is the error term
ẋi (t) = Axi (t) + Bui (t). (7) and χε1i |ϕi (t)|2ψ is the event-triggering threshold. The trig-
gering condition fi (t) ≥ 0 indicates that the communication
where xi (t) ∈ Rn is the state variable vector, ui (t) ∈ Rm is
is triggered when the error term exceeds the threshold, i.e.,
the system input vector, A ∈ Rn×n is the state matrix and B ∈
agent i broadcasts its updated state xi (tik ) to its neighbors.
Rn×m is the input matrix. DGs can communicate with each
Unlike the asymptotic triggering thresholds introduced in the
other through a communication network which can be modeled
literature [16]–[23], [26], note that the threshold ϕi (t) developed
by a graph G = (V, E), where V = {v1 , . . . , vN } is a set of N
by (12) is a positive real number that monotonically decreases to
vertices or nodes, and E ⊂ V × V is a set of links. The weights
zero in finite time [34]. The term ei (t)2p also helps obtaining
aij of the edges (vj , vi ) form an adjacency matrix A = aij ∈ the finite-time consensus [34]. α, β, and γ are positive real
RN ×N of graph G. If (vj , vi ) ∈ E, then aij > 0, otherwise aij = numbers greater than certain criteria, ε2i > ε1i > 0, χ > 0, and
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0 < ψ ≤ p. The FETC strategy introduced can be summarized B. FETC Problem for a Secondary Frequency Control of MG
as Lemma 1.
Differentiating the droop characteristic in (1) yields
Lemma 1 ([34]): For the MAS given in (7), assume
(A, B) is controllable and the communication graph G is ω̇ni (t) = ω̇i (t) + mP i Ṗi (t). (13)
strongly connected. With the control law (8) and the event-
Define the auxiliary frequency and active power control inputs
triggering function (11), the system can reach consensus in
uωi and uP i , respectively, as
finite-time for all initial conditions if the following condition
is satisfied: ( θc11 + θc22 )λmax (RBB R) + θ23 < −λmax (Ξ ⊗ ω̇i (t) = uωi (t) (14)
S) where θ1 , θ2 , , θ3 > 0.
The detailed definitions of the parameters are given in the mP i Ṗi (t) = uP i (t). (15)
following sequence. Note that λi (·) denotes the ith largest From (13), the control input ωni can be written as
eigenvalue of (·).
1) Solve XA + AX − 2BB < 0 to get a solution X > 0. ωni = (uωi + uP i )dt. (16)
Then, R = X −1 .
2) Select c1 > a(L) that satisfies S = RA + A R − Remark 1: Note that (14)–(15) and (26)–(27) are the subcases
2c1 a(L)RBB R < 0 while leading to the best of (7) where A = 0, B = 1, and n = 1.
asymptotic consensus. The general algebraic connectivity Remark 2: Considering Remark 1, the system already satis-
a(L) can be found in Definition 2. Select c2 > 0 fies XA + AX − 2BB < 0. An arbitrary solution of X = 1
that satisfies S̃ = RA + A R − c2 RBB R < 0, and that is X > 0 is chosen, and in turn, a positive-definite matrix
0 < p ≤ 0.5 that performs a desired finite-time consensus. of R = X −1 = 1 can be determined. Then, K = −B R = −1
3) Select θ1 , θ 2 , , θ3 > 0 that satisfies ( θc11 + can be decided accordingly.
c2 θ3
θ2 )λmax (RBB R) + 2 < −λmax (Ξ ⊗ S) with Ξ 1) Active Power Sharing: Utilizing (8) and considering Re-
defined in Lemma 2. mark 2, the auxiliary active power control input in (15) is defined
4) Select as
α > c1 θ1 λmax (L Ξ2 L ⊗ RBB R) uP i (t) = −cP 1 zP i (t) − cP 2 sig(zP i (t) + eP i (t))pP . (17)
+ IN ⊗RA−L⊗R(A+c 2θ4
1 BK)
The estimate error eP i (t) and the local regulating error zP i (t)
β > c̄2p (N n)1−p ((L − IN ) ⊗ R2p + 2p L ⊗
for the active power sharing are defined as
R2p ) − ρ λmax (S̃)(L − IN ) ⊗ R2p
γ > 22p c̄(N n)1−p R2p eP i (t) = mP i Pi (t) − mP i P̂i (t) (18)
c̄ = c2 θ2 λmax (M Ξ2 M ⊗ RBB R)
+ λmax (LL ⊗R(A+c2θ 1 BK)(A+c1 BK) R)
+ θ24 zP i (t) = aij (mP i P̂i (t) − mP j P̂j (t)) (19)
+ A R + RA > 0
where θ4 > 0, > 0, 0 < ρ < 1, and M = IN − 1N ξ. where P̂i (t) = Pi (tik ), t ∈ [tik , tik+1 ). The event-triggering time
Note that Ξ and ξ are defined in Lemma 2. tik for agent i is generated when the event-triggering condition
Lemma 2 ([37]): Consider a strongly connected graph fP i (t) ≥ 0 is satisfied. The event-triggering function fP i (t) is
G with Laplacian matrix L. The general algebraic con- defined by
nectivity of G is defined by a(L) = minx ξ,x=0 xx Ξx L̂x
fP i (t, eP i , zP i , ϕP i ) = αP eP i 2 + βP eP i 2pP
where L̂ = (ΞL + L Ξ)/2, Ξ = diag(ξ1 , ξ2 , . . . , ξN ), ξ =
[ξ1 , ξ2 , . . . , ξN ] , ξ L = 0, and i=1 ξi = 1. Note that the
+ γP zP i 2pP − χP εP 1i |ϕP i |2ψP
general algebraic connectivity of an undirected graph is a(L) = (20)
λ2 (L).
Lemma 3 ([34]): If the graph is strongly connected, and the ϕ̇P i (t) = −εP 2i sig(ϕP i (t))ψP . (21)
system (A, B) is controllable, there exist matrices U ∈ C N ×N , The finite-time convergence of the active power sharing using
(N −1)×N
W ∈C , and Y ∈ C N ×(N −1)
such that U LU =
(17) and (20) is achieved according to Lemma 1.
0N −1 ξ
JL = , U −1 = , and U = 1N Y , 2) Frequency Restoration: Similar to the active power shar-
0N −1 Δ W ing, the auxiliary frequency control input (14) is formulated as
where JL is the Jordan canonical form of L and Δ ∈
uωi (t) = −cω1 zωi (t) − cω2 sig(zωi (t) + eωi (t))pω . (22)
C (N −1)×(N −1) is a diagonal matrix.
Lemma 4 ([38]): Consider a continuous nonlinear system The estimate error eωi (t) and the local tracking error zωi (t) for
ẋ = f (x) with f (0) = 0. Suppose there exists a continuously frequency control are respectively defined as
differentiable function V (x) and real numbers a > 0, 0 < b < 1
that satisfy the following conditions: 1) V (x) is positive-definite; eωi (t) = ωi (t) − ω̂i (t) (23)
2) V̇ (x) ≤ −a(V (x))b . Then, the settling time can be upper
bounded as follows: T (x0 ) ≤ a(1−b) 1
V (x0 )1−b . zωi (t) = aij (ω̂i (t) − ω̂j (t)) + gi (ω̂i (t) − ωref ) (24)
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where ω̂i (t) = ωi (tik ), t ∈ [tik , tik+1 ). Note from (24) that the 2) Voltage Restoration: Equivalent to the frequency control,
frequency control is a leader-follower problem. In the leader- the auxiliary voltage control input can be written as
follower problem, the pinning gain gi is greater than zero only
uvi (t) = −cv1 zvi (t) − cv2 sig(zvi (t) + evi (t))pv . (34)
if the corresponding ith DG has a direct edge to the leader node,
i.e., DG i receives the reference value ωref . gi equals to zero The estimate error evi (t) and the local tracking error zvi (t) for
otherwise. According to Remark 3, the event-triggering time the voltage control are defined as
for agent i is also determined when fP i (t) ≥ 0. According to
evi (t) = vo,magi (t) − v̂o,magi (t) (35)
Lemma 1, using (20) and (22), the frequency synchronization
can be reached in finite time for any initial conditions as long as
zvi (t) = aij (v̂o,magi (t) − v̂o,magj (t))
the condition in Lemma 1 is satisfied.
Remark 3: The frequency and voltage control has faster + gi (v̂o,magi (t) − vref ). (36)
dynamics than the power sharing controls, that is, the stabi-
lization time holds TcP ≈ 10Tcω and TcQ ≈ 10Tcv ; therefore the If the voltage of a critical bus of microgrid is desired to be
frequency/voltage reaches the steady state faster than the ac- synchronized to the nominal voltage, the reference voltage in
tive/reactive power. Generally, the controllers share one common the auxiliary voltage input can be chosen as
communication network, therefore using two separate triggering
vref = kp (vnom − vcrit ) + ki (vnom − vcrit ) (37)
conditions in a different timescale is likely to incur excessive
communication [26]. where vcrit is the critical bus voltage, ki and kp are PI control
gains. According to Lemma 1 and Remark 3, the reactive power
C. FETC Problem for a Secondary Voltage Control of MG sharing and the voltage restoration can be achieved in finite
amount of time using (32) and (33).
Similar to the frequency control, differentiate the reactive
power droop characteristic (2) to obtain the following:
D. Finite-Time Stability
v̇ni (t) = v̇o,magi (t) + nQi Q̇i (t). (25)
The secondary control problem of an islanded AC MG con-
Define the auxiliary voltage and reactive power control inputs, sists of four MAS regulation/tracking problems, namely fre-
uvi and uQi , as follows: quency restoration, active power sharing, voltage restoration,
∗ and reactive power sharing. Since these problems are similarly
v̇o,magi (t) = uvi (t) (26)
structured, herein, the finite-time stability of active power shar-
nQi Q̇i (t) = uQi (t). (27) ing problem is discussed on behalf of secondary control prob-
lems without loss of generality. Denote mP i Pi (t) = Pmi (t) for
By combining (25)–(27), the secondary voltage control input simplicity. The active power sharing problem can be expressed
vni can be defined as as the following matrix form by combining (15), (17)–(19):
vni = (uvi + uQi )dt. (28) Ṗm (t) = − cP 1 L(Pm (t) − eP (t))
− cP 2 sig(L(Pm (t) − eP (t)) + eP (t))pP (38)
1) Reactive Power Sharing: Utilizing (8) and considering
Remark 2, the auxiliary reactive power control input uQi can where Pm (t) = [Pm1 (t), . . . , PmN (t)] and eP (t) =
be written as [eP 1 (t), . . . , eP N (t)] . Define a disagreement vector
uQi (t) = −cQ1 zQi (t) − cQ2 sig(zQi (t) + eQi (t))pQ . (29) ϑP (t) = (IN − 1N ξ )Pm (t), then its derivative can be
written as
The estimate error eQi(t) and the local tracking error zQi (t) for
the reactive power sharing can be defined as ϑ̇P (t) = − cP 1 L(ϑ(t) − eP (t))
eQi (t) = nQi Qi (t) − nQi Q̂i (t) (30) − cP 2 M sig(L(ϑ(t) − eP (t)) + IN eP (t))pP (39)
where M = IN − 1N ξ . Note that M L = L since ξ L = 0.
zQi (t) = aij (nQi Q̂i (t) − nQj Q̂j (t)). (31) Then, finite-time convergence of the active power sharing prob-
lem in terms of the disagreement vector is investigated over
Considering Remark 3, the reactive power and voltage mea- microscopic and macroscopic time periods, i.e., convergence
surements can be updated using the event-triggering condition between two events where there is no event triggered in between,
in terms of reactive powers. Utilizing (8) and (12), the event- and convergence over the entire time period [34].
triggering condition fQi (t) can be formulated as Finite-time convergence between events [34]: First, Lyapunov
stability during the communication intervals is discussed. For
fQi (t, eQi , zQi , ϕQi ) = αQ eQi 2 + βQ eQi 2pQ further simplicity, the time term t and subscript P are omitted.
+ γQ zQi 2pQ − χQ εQ1i |ϕQi |2ψQ Select the following Lyapunov function candidate
(32) V = V1 + V2 + V3 (40)
ϕ̇Qi (t) = −εQ2i sig(ϕQi (t))ψQ . (33) V1 = ϑ Ξϑ (41)
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λmax (c21 LL ) θ4
V2 = |qi |p+1 (42) where c̄ = c2 θ2 λmax (M Ξ2 M ) + + and
1+p 2θ2 2
2p 2p p 2p
i=1 0 < ρ < 1 [34]. Using Lϑ = z + Le ≤ 2 z +
χ 2p L2p e2p , the upper bounds for the third term elements
V3 = |ϕi |1+ψ (43) in (47) are found as follows [34]:
c̄(sig(q)p ) sig(q)p ≤ c̄2p N 1−p (Lϑ2p + Le − e2p )
where q = L(ϑ − e) + e = [q1 , . . . , qN ] [34]. The derivative
of V1 and its upper bound is found as ≤ c̄22p N 1−p z2p + c̄2p N 1−p ×
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From (52), ζ1 is found to be zero. Using the fact that ζ1 = may discourage V converging to zero. The value of V2 can be
0, ϑ (L L)ϑ ≥ λmin (U U )λmin (Δ Δ)ζ2 ζ2 and ϑ Ξϑ ≤ bounded as
λmax (U ΞU )ζ2 ζ2 , the first, second, and third term in (51) can
be respectively bounded as follows [34]:
V2 (tik ) = Lϑ(tik ) − (L − IN )e(tik )p+1
ρ λmax (S̃) Lϑ2p 1+p
p p+1 p+1
λmin (U U )λmin (Δ Δ) ≤ α∗ Lϑ(tik ) + β ∗ e(tik ) (59)
≤ ρ λmax (Q̃) V1p
λmax (U ΞU )
p+1 p+1
α∗ Lϑ(t̄ik ) + β ∗ e(t̄ik )
= γ V3 . (55)
p+1 p+1 p+1
Note that α , β , γ < 0. Combining (53)–(55), the inequality ≤ α∗ 2 2 z(t̄ik ) + γ ∗ e(t̄ik ) (60)
(51) can be rewritten as
2p 2ψ
V̇ ≤ α V1p+1 + β V2p+1 + γ V3p+1 that V can converge to zero in finite time. In other words,
the active power sharing problem can reach consensus in finite
2p 2p 2p
< max(α , β , γ )(V1p+1 + β V2p+1 + γ V2p+1 ) time utilizing the control protocol (29) and the event-triggering
condition (20)–(21).
< max(α , β , γ )(V1 + V2 + V3 ) p+1
= max(α , β , γ )V p+1 (57)
E. Zeno Behavior Discussion
Applying Lemma 4, V will reach zero in finite-time
Due to the mechanism of event-triggered control, that is,
1− p+1 the communication is triggered when an error term exceeds
V (0)
tf ≤ 2p . (58) the triggering threshold, it is possible that the communication
−max(α , β , γ )(1 − p+1 )
is unlimitedly triggered during a short period of time even if
Now consider a case where V > 1. Based on (56), there exists the error term is small but the threshold is even smaller. The
a positive scalar r such that V̇ ≤ −r. Then, V converges to 1 in aforementioned phenomenon is known as Zeno behavior, and is
finite time [34]. Once it reaches 1, it becomes the case where expected to be analyzed when solving an event-triggered control
0 < V ≤ 1. problem. To prove that Zeno behavior is excluded from the
Finite-time convergence over entire time period [34]: Now, system, the minimum interevent interval needs to be bounded
stability over the entire time period that includes the impact of by a nonzero positive value.
event triggering will be discussed. Note that V1 and V3 are not The Zeno behavior of the proposed FETC strategy is investi-
affected by the communication triggered [34]. V2 is going to gated for two conditions, i.e., when Tc < Tϕ and when Tc ≥ Tϕ ,
have a jump in its value since ei is reset to zero at its trigger where Tc denotes the time when the finite-time consensus is
time t = tik . If the jump in V2 results in the increase of V2 , it reached, and Tϕ is the time when ϕi (t) is converged to zero [34].
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+ c2 sig(zP i + eP i )p ) (t − tik )
= (c1 zP i + c2 Φ)(t − tik ) (62)
where Φ is the upper bound of sig(zP i (t) + eP i (t)) ; Φ can be
bounded because zP i and eP i converge to zero at consensus [34].
Define the upper bound of zP i as , then c1 zP i + c2 Φ ≤
c1 + c2 Φ, and let ς = c1 + c2 Φ. Consider (20) and (62),
and let Te be the solution of
ας 2 (Te )2 + βς 2p (Te )2p + γ2p = χε1i |ϕi |2ψ (63)
2 2p 2p 2ψ
where ας , βς , and γ are less than χ 1i |ϕi | [34]. Then,
when an event is triggered, the interevent time interval Te =
tik+1 − tik must be greater than or equal to Te . The solution of
(63) satisfies Te > 0 if ϕi = 0 [34]. Then it can be obtained that
Te ≥ Te > 0 when the threshold does not converge to zero [34].
The above analysis indicates that Zeno behavior is excluded
while ϕi (t) = 0. Therefore for Tc < Tϕ , Zeno behavior is ex-
cluded for the entire time since the consensus is achieved before
ϕi (t) goes to zero.
Zeno behavior when Tc ≥ Tϕ : For this case, Zeno behavior this end, a strategy is proposed to effectively reset the triggering
is excluded for t < Tϕ and t > Tc . Overall, Zeno behavior threshold upon the occurrence of disturbances. In the proposed
is excluded for t ∈ [0, min{Tc , Tϕ }] ∪ [Tc , ∞] for the FETC strategy, the triggering threshold only resets if the error term in
strategy introduced [34]. In fact, the exclusion of Zeno behavior (11) has been less than a certain value for a specific amount of
can be achieved by setting a proper initial value and parameters time before it crosses that value again.
for the threshold such that Tc < Tϕ .
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Fig. 5. The FETC voltage control and reactive power sharing during MG
islanding event in Case A.1: (a) critical bus voltage; (b) reactive power ratios
nQi Qi .
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Fig. 10. The FETC voltage control and reactive power sharing under load
Fig. 11. The FETC frequency control and active power sharing during DG 3
changes in Case A.2: (a) critical bus voltage; (b) reactive power ratios nQi Qi .
connection and disconnection in Case A.3: (a) DG frequencies; (b) active power
ratios mP i Pi .
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Fig. 14. The FETC frequency control and active power sharing under com- Fig. 16. The FETC frequency control and active power sharing under com-
munication link failures in Case A.4: (a) DG frequencies; (b) active power ratios munication delays plotted for DG 4 in Case A.5: (a) frequency of DG 4; (b)
mP i P i . active power ratio mP i Pi of DG 4.
Fig. 15. The FETC voltage control and reactive power sharing under commu- Fig. 17. The FETC voltage control and reactive power sharing under commu-
nication link failures in Case A.4: (a) critical bus voltage; (b) reactive power nication delays plotted for DG 4 in Case A.5: (a) critical bus voltage; (b) reactive
ratios nQi Qi . power ratio nQi Qi of DG 4.
fulfilling the frequency/voltage restorations as well as obtaining the proposed controller is still capable of fulfilling the secondary
the active/reactive power sharing. frequency/voltage and active/reactive power sharing goals.
5) Case A.5. Operation Under Communication Delays: In
this test case, the performance of the proposed controller under
the presence of communication delays is evaluated. The system B. Case B: HIL Verification for Islanded MG With 4 DGs
responses at the event of islanding under the delay of 10 ms The 4 DG MG test system model in Fig. 3 that is verified in
and 100 ms are given in Figs. 16 and 17. Such delays are Case A, is tested in the HIL platform in Case B. The control
selected as the communication delays are known to be in range parameters selected for this test case is tabulated in Table III.
of milliseconds to tens of milliseconds [39], [40]. As shown in The HIL platform is implemented as illustrated in Fig. 18.
the figures, the increase in delays result in larger oscillations in Opal-RT is used for a real-time simulator, and MG test system
system response, leading to a slower convergence rate. However, model in Fig. 3 is simulated in Opal-RT with the time step size
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Fig. 19. The FETC frequency control and active power sharing during MG
islanding event in Case B.1: (a) DG frequencies; (b) active power ratios mP i Pi .
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Fig. 21. The FETC frequency control and active power sharing under load
changes in Case B.2: (a) DG frequencies; (b) active power ratios mP i Pi . Fig. 22. The FETC voltage control and reactive power sharing under load
changes in Case B.2: (a) critical bus voltage; (b) reactive power ratios nQi Qi .
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This paper proposes a FETC control strategy for the secondary
frequency and voltage regulation of the distributed MGs. The
proposed strategy controls MG frequency and voltage while
sharing the active and reactive power among the DGs based on
their ratings. The proposed FETC control provides the system
consensus in finite-time as well as reducing the communication
energy compared to the continuous communication controller.
TABLE V The model simulation results using 4 DG MG test system,
suggest the efficacy of the proposed controller, supporting with
various test cases: response at an islanding event, load changes,
plug-and-play, communication link failures, and communication
delays. The HIL simulation results further strengthen the effec-
tiveness of the proposed strategy with two case studies: islanding
event and load changes. The scalability of the proposed con-
troller is also verified through the simulation in a 20 DG test MG
system. The future research directions will include investigating
the cyber security of FETC secondary control of microgrids and
creating attack resilient FETC control techniques.
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