Lesson 6-The First Deacons
Lesson 6-The First Deacons
Lesson 6-The First Deacons
Lesson 6
The First Deacons - Acts 6
AIM: to teach my pupils what the Bible has to say about the office of deacon.
POINT OF CONTACT: See how many of our deacons the class members can name. You might even want to
pass out paper and see who can win, giving a little prize to the one who names the most.
INTRODUCTION: One of the best ways to learn the book of Acts is to learn particular titles for each chapter of
that book. For example, Acts 1 should be “The Ascension;” Acts 2, “Pentecost;” Acts 3, “The Healing of the
Lame Man;” Acts 4, “The First Persecution;” Acts 5, “Ananias and Sapphira;” Acts 6, “The First Deacons.”
III. THE TYPE OF DEACONS CHOSEN BY THE EARLY CHURCH. It is interesting that in the same
chapter where the deacons are chosen, we find the story of one of the deacons.
1. Stephen was the deacon aforementioned. Read about Stephen in Acts 6:5, 8-15. Acts 7 tells us that
he was preaching. hence, we find that Bible deacons preached. The same was true with Philip in
Acts 8:5. Deacons were ready to preach at any opportunity. A person doesn’t have to be called to
be a pastor to preach the Gospel, and deacons certainly should be ready to preach at any time the
opportunity presents itself.
2. Philip was also a deacon, (Acts 6:5) and a wonderful story is told about his being a personal soul
winner in Acts 8:26-40. Every deacon should be a personal soul winner. The example is given by
3. The first martyr in the Book of Acts was a deacon; hence, deacons should be willing to give their
lives for Jesus Christ.
IV. THE RESULT OF THE ELECTION OF DEACONS. (Acts 6:7) It is interesting that the election of
these men increased the number of believers, and revival was evident. The right kind of deacon will help
the church to grow and reach more people for Jesus Christ.