Organic Farming Cert - Rusitu
Organic Farming Cert - Rusitu
Organic Farming Cert - Rusitu
Before After
“As ZimTrade, we are already working with The farmers were also implementing organic agri-food products in 2020,
rural smallholder farmers on garlic, ginger good agronomic practices to maintain compared to the 2.85 million tons
and turmeric production, which is expect- their fruit. imported in 2019.
ed to improve horticultural exports once ZimTrade undertook a wide range of According to the trade map, the EU
they start supplying regional and interna- capacity building initiatives which were consumes 42 percent of the world’s
tional markets. meant to train and educate farmers on the pineapples. Trade map shows that the EU
“The objective is to ensure that all organic certification process. consumed US$1.1 billion worth of pineap-
districts are exporting something, riding Since 2018 ZimTrade, the national trade ples in 2020. Netherlands was the biggest
on natural resources they are endowed development promotion organization, importer and imported 235,863 tons of
with,” said Majuru. worked with smallholder famers in Rusitu pineapples worth US$1.9 million
Valley on their organic pineapple project
How the journey started which has become a reality.
Furthermore, according to the European
The certification programme for Rusitu Union Agricultural market brief, in terms
ZimTrade, together with its partner of market destinations, the largest volume
Valley smallholder pineapple farmers
organisations assisted the smallholder of organic products still enters the EU
started in February 2018 when ZimTrade
farmers in various forms which ranged through the Netherlands, with 31 percent
facilitated a consultation between the
from funding, provision of protective of imports.
farmers and Netherlands-based PUM
clothing, technical assistance and training, Already, Netherlands is the largest
organic produce expert Coen ter Berg.
market linkages and infrastructure importer of Zimbabwean horticultural
Ter Berg, who has forty years organic
development. produce, which should make it easy for
farming experience, was impressed with
the potential in Ndiyadzo and advised on Global trade in organic produce local producers to use existing channels to
best practice methods to achieve organic According to the 2020 Organic Industry increase exports of organic produce.
certification. Survey released by the Organic Trade Netherlands is also the world’s largest
After the February visit, ZimTrade Association, the United States of America re-exporter of horticultural produce and
reengaged the smallholder farmers in (USA) is the largest market for organic local producers of organic produce can
June 2018 to pursue organic certification foods. use the country to supply the rest of
for their pineapples. Other top global markets for organic Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
During the early years in the programme, foods are Germany, France, China, Italy, Following Netherlands on imports of
the ZimTrade team observed that the Canada, Netherlands. Switzerland, UK, organic products in 2020 were Germany,
pineapple crop that was grown under Sweden, and Spain. Belgium, and France, each taking 18
organic agriculture methods showed Data released by the European percent, 11 percent, and 10 percent,
strong vegetative growth and was in good Commission recently shows that the respectively
health. European Union bloc imported 2.79
million tons of
August 2021
Eagles Nest
to air on
However, ZimTrade does notaccept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information supplied, nor does it guarantee the status
or reliability of any third party included in the Newsletter.Similarly opinions expressed by third parties in abstracts and/or interviews
are not necessarily shared by ZimTrade. For more information about ZimTrade and its activities log on to
Trading Post July 2021
Arts and Crafts sector a hidden gem during the COVID 19 pandemic
ARTS AND CRAFTS sector in Zimbabwe Despite the arts and crafts being catego- The products offered by Zimbabwe
has a rich cultural heritage, which is rised as non-essential service provider include among others basket weaving,
known around the world for its unique under the Covid 19 restrictions, perfor- wood carvings, metal sculpting, music
products. mance has been exceptional with a 72 and performing arts.
In the international markets, some of percent increase over the period January - Exports destinations for these products
these products have been gaining May 2020 to 2021. include South Africa, Europe and America.
traction as evidenced by the growth in Figure 1 shows that the performance Improved performance comes on the
exports during this Covid pandemic reached a peak of US$1 million in Febru- backdrop of trade promotional activities
period. ary 2021 and thereafter cumulative carried out by ZimTrade.
Export performance over the first five marginal declines over the period to These included engagement meeting
months of 2021 revealed that the arts and US$0.7 million in May 2021. held between ZimTrade and sculptors in
crafts sector is a hidden gem which needs When compared with the same period February 2020, inward buyer mission
support from all the stakeholders. in 2020, exports reached a peak of US$0.7 done 13-20 March 2020, among other
During the period January – May 2021, the million in February before declining to activities. The products offered by Zimba-
arts and crafts sector exports earnings US$56 thousand in May. bwe include among others basket weav-
amounted to US$3.74 million with compa- Evidently, the performance over the two ing, wood carvings, metal sculpting, music
rable period January – May 2020 generat- periods was mainly driven by collection and performing arts.
ing US$2.17 million. and collector`s pieces. Exports destinations for these products
Thus, the arts and crafts sector represent include South Africa, Europe and America.
an untapped opportunity with potential Improved performance comes on the
to contribute more to exports growth. backdrop of trade promotional activities
carried out by ZimTrade.
These included engagement meeting
held between ZimTrade and sculptors in
February 2020, inward buyer mission
done 13-20 March 2020, among other
Various efforts and initiatives have been
done at national level to ensure that arts
and crafts contribute to the economy.
The country launched in 2020 and 2019
respectively the Cultural and Creative
Industries Strategy (2020 to 2030) and
National Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy.
Given that the national strategy is in place
combined with ZimTrade efforts,
undoubtedly result in synergistic benefits
accruing to the country.
” Disclaimer: ZimTrade strives to compile reliable, research-based information that is passed on to our readers in good faith.
However, ZimTrade does notaccept any responsibility for the accuracy of the information supplied, nor does it guarantee the status
or reliability of any third party included in the Newsletter.Similarly opinions expressed by third parties in abstracts and/or interviews
4 are not necessarily shared by ZimTrade. For more information about ZimTrade and its activities log on to
8 Essentials to Consider When Designing Food Packaging for Exports
CONSIDER the local supermarket and the
number of products that are available in
every aisle of the store.
1. Creating a brand identity :
One of the pivotal fundamentals of food
packaging is creating packaging that close-
When choosing a food packaging design,
designers must make sure that form,
beauty, but above all, function are accom-
The sheer volume of choice is overwhelm- ly aligns with the values of the business or plished as to not lose money if the product
ing right? creating a package that bolsters your brand arrives at the store damaged.
It makes it paramount that manufactur- identity. Many health food products illustrate this
ers must do whatever it takes to stand out For example, high-end foods like expen- idea of combining form, function, and
from the crowd. sive chocolates tend to be packaged in beauty.
Nowadays, food packaging design is one of lavish boxes featuring images that exude Beverage bottles are fortified enough to
the critical elements that makes or breaks luxury, whether the boxes containers have a transport the drink to any grocery store
success. satin veneer or are wrapped in fancy (function), and more significantly, they sit
Although traditional marketing, social ribbons. comfortably among other products on the
media campaigns, and digital marketing This packaging is designed to convey to shelf (form).
efforts will certainly help the visibility cause, its target market (those who love luxury) Because of this design, the product is
if the product is not packaged in a way that that they too have the same values. probably one of the more appealing ones
is appealing to the target market, it will Brand identity is about conveying your on the shelf, and one that customers would
struggle to succeed with any type of values to consumers to connect to them in a be willing to pay a little more to enjoy.
marketing campaign. way that makes them want to invest in your Think about it.
An appealing food packaging design will product, whether you are selling fancy You have a few seconds to snatch the
help you positively and memorably place chocolates, organic fruit juice or canned customers’ attention away from other
your product in the mind of the consumer. fruit in light syrup. products.
It will build culture around your products In developing a brand identity for your In those few seconds, you must grab their
and evoke feelings and emotions in your product, you should always aim to analyse attention, and clearly and concisely tell the
customer and best of all can help you the company and your market, establish key consumer the contents of the bottle.
increase sales. goals, identify customers, and create a Information related to nutritional
When customers are standing in front of personality for the product. contents must be readily seen and ALWAYS
the refrigerator in a grocery store, they are This process will require you to take keep in mind that you are competing with
faced with a plethora of choices. inventory of your business and then devel- other products advertising similar or better
Purchasing decisions like this one are made op reasonable goals and objectives that advantages.
quickly and almost instinctively. include finding your consumer market. By applying the elements of architecture,
The consumer’s eye will be drawn to the However, after much of the grunt work is you have created a product that at least
product whose packaging design is most finished, you get to have fun and talk up appeals to consumer taste.
appealing to them and tells them that that your brand by creating its personality 3. Marry the Packaging with the
product will solve their problem. through creative marketing campaigns and
Your food packaging design needs to lure
contents :
them in through the imagery, colours, fonts,
2. Use elements of architecture : This consideration may seem kind of simple
and information you present to them. The architecture of the packaging design in the context of this discussion, but yes, the
With so much of your potential success should fall in line with the three simple actual food contents are a big factor in
relying on the food packaging design you principles: Form, Function and Beauty. determining the food packaging materials.
select, let’s look at 8 fundamental things It’s important to remember that the Foods that have more preservatives and a
that every food producer must consider package’s function is to protect the longer shelf life might give you more
when designing appealing food packaging contents, keep its form in relation to the size flexibility than foods that spoil quickly and
for your products to ensure they fly off the and shape of the product, and the beauty in need to be refrigerated and packaged in
shelves and into the international market. terms of how aesthetically pleasing it is to plastic sealed packaging or aluminium.
However, safety concerns are not the only
The contents should match up with the
food packaging design you choose.
Crisps do not come in containers that hold
crackers or other types of cookies because,
for one, they would get smashed, and you
would not see mahewu contained in a
pop-top soda can because mahewu is not
carbonated nor does it contain ingredients
that need to be contained in aluminium.
Food product designers must create
packaging that is appealing, and while it
might seem difficult, many have created
packaging that is original and engages the
4. Simplicity is Key :
Depending on the food product, designers For manufacturers, making sure that your 8. Talk up the product’s benefits :
might want to adhere to graphics that make food packaging can be used in several ways One of the best ways to catch the attention
the consumer associate it with food that is accomplishes two major goals: (i) It must of consumers is to talk up the product’s
natural. allow you more chances to cater to the benefits on the packaging by mentioning
As opposed to using busy designs that various tastes in your target population. (ii) some of the product’s health advantages.
contain a lot of images or have many differ- Your packaging should allow customers to Today’s consumers are very aware of the
ent colours, some products are good at instantly recognize your product so that in types of ingredients in the products being
conveying this idea by relying on no more the long run, you save money on having to sold to them, and products that clearly and
than three colours and a simple script to re-invent a design for products that might concisely explain the contents quickly are
make this point to the consumer. be packaged differently. more likely to be chosen than others.
Often these products use a simple Whether the product contains a particu-
6. Be creative to avoid printing and
background (black, white or another neutral lar vitamin or lacks a dangerous ingredient,
colour) with very few graphics and script to production costs :
the words on the package just as much as
convey this idea. A major consideration, central to any food the package itself in many ways can be
The food product might contain a variety packaging design, is the cost. eye-catching, especially with today’s
of ingredients, but its packaging design says Common sense dictates that the cost to health-conscious, nutrition savvy public.
otherwise. print and produce the package should not For example, numerous products have
By reducing the amount of colour, designs, be more than the product itself. product descriptions that advertise their
and script on the package, consumers have Manufacturers on a budget might find products as not containing trans fats, or
a clear understanding of what is contained themselves in constant conflict in trying to even better yet, “gluten free”.
in the product. present an aesthetically appealing product
Going forward
There is no script advertising the product to the public inexpensively.
However, with the variety of materials ZimTrade has realised the importance of
is low in calories or low in preservatives, but
today, along with modern ingenuity, manu- packaging when entering the export
the consumer can get this same message by
facturers have come up with creative ways market, hence its ZimPackaging portal
looking at the design and flipping the prod-
to print and produce packages in which is a partnership between EU,
uct over to see its nutritional label to see if
expensively. COMESA, Federation of Master printers and
the design matches the content.
Tea biscuits come in a variety of flavours ZimTrade.
5. Create packaging for design including plain and chocolate coated. It is an online information centre that
versatility : Instead of packaging them in a bag or fancy offers packaging solutions and knowledge
Making sure your design can be used in package, manufacturers simply stacked sharing for the good of producers who
several ways is also a very important consid- them and packaged them in a plastic-pa- have packaging requirements.
eration. pery material that can be easily sealed after Check out the portal on
Often, food manufacturers create designs being opened. These products appeal to or email
for packaging that contain standard sizes of millions both nationally and internationally [email protected].
products containing more than one serving, because of this simplicity. .
for example, a box of crackers. 7. Play with patterns and colour :
The design is appropriate for a box of
While keeping it simple is always good in
terms of cost, don’t be afraid to use patterns
However, sometimes manufacturers will
and bright colours.
produce single servings or pair the product
Creating brand loyalty comes after
with other food pairings. For this reason, the
consumers become familiar with the brand.
design, including the logo, must fit comfort-
One way to attract customers to your brand
ably in several different types of packaging.
is to play around with colour and various
Although the crop requires attention
especially at nursing and transplanting, it is
easy to grow compared to high demanding
produce like blueberries and flowers.
Both varieties perform well in deep and
well-drained loamy soils.
Considering the good soils and climate
conditions in the country, local farmers can
concentrate on organic farming, which will
make it easy for them to earn a premium
price on the domestic market.
In fact, FAO advises to use compost as
fertilisers for the crop.
The expected yield, according to FAO, is Zim-DRC Business Forum to be held on the sidelines of ZITF
12-18 tonnes/hectare in the first year, 20-25
tonnes/hectare in the second year, and ZIMTRADE is organising a Zimbabwe-DRC sustainable trade between the two coun-
10-12 tonnes/hectare in the third year. Business Forum, which will be held along- tries.
With good plant management and good side the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, The event will be followed by B2B meet-
agricultural practices, farmers can surpass which is scheduled for 21-23 September ings and company visits to prospective
these harvest targets. 2021. suppliers of goods and services to the DRC.
From transplanting dates, most passion The objective of this Mission is to create Potential buyers from Lubumbashi who will
fruit varieties will start bearing in 7-8 business linkages between exporters in take part in the event have since been
months after transplanting, whilst harvest- Zimbabwe and buyers in Democratic identified and they are expected to meet
ing starts between 12-13 months after Republic of Congo (RC). and discuss their requirements with local
transplanting. . The ZIM – DRC Business forum will bring exporters who are looking to expand into
Consolidation, way to go together policy makers, investors, business DRC.
To unlock market access for smallholder enterprises and business support
farmers, there is need for them to come organisations to discuss ways to develop
together as common groups and find best
models that will turn their numbers into
sustainable businesses.
Here, farmers will reduce transaction and
overhead costs by purchasing inputs
together, reducing the cost of transport per
farmer and accessing discounts through
bulk purchasing.
Once organised, they can also make use
of Best Models Farms established by
ZimTrade – the national trade development
and promotion agency – and its partners to
onboard smallholder farmers.
Currently, there are three operational
Best Model Farmers in Midlands, Mashona-
land West, and Mashonaland East and
these can offer much needed support to
farmers who want to venture into passion
fruit export business.
There is also need to address some key
challenges impeding aggregation.
For example, TradeCom II findings
highlighted that the major challenges
impeding aggregation for export market of
the various products is issues of