2016 Feb MIP Update Myanmar IP Laws
2016 Feb MIP Update Myanmar IP Laws
2016 Feb MIP Update Myanmar IP Laws
MYANMAR application. The term of a registered in- Protection of Industrial Property, nor is
dustrial design is five years from the ap- it a signatory to the Berne Convention
Update on Myanmar’s plication date, and it can be renewed for for the Protection of Literary and Artistic
IP laws two additional terms of five years each. Works. It has, however, signed the TRIPs
Tilleke & Gibbins The duration of a registered industrial de- Agreement under the WTO and is there-
Bangkok sign is 15 years. fore obligated to implement adequate IP
Importantly, this law empowers the
Union Supreme Court to establish an IP Under the draft copyright law, protection
office and IP courts to hear IP cases. In will cover works created by nationals of
Yuwadee Thean-ngarm and Shalini Ghosh addition, it will repeal The Burma Patents other member states that adhere to
and Designs (Emergency Provisions) treaties or conventions that relate to
yanmar’s general election, Act, 1946. copyright. The protection will principally
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