Macroeconomic Variables and Government Bond Yields Listed On The Nairobi Securities Exchange
Macroeconomic Variables and Government Bond Yields Listed On The Nairobi Securities Exchange
Macroeconomic Variables and Government Bond Yields Listed On The Nairobi Securities Exchange
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The main objective of the study was to other macroeconomic factors, like unemployment rates
determine the relationship between macroeconomic and government expenditures, impact government bond
variables and government bond yields listed on the yields.
Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The specific
objectives were to investigate the impact of the inflation Keywords:- Government Bond Yields, Inflation Rate,
rate, economic growth rate, foreign direct investment Economic Growth Rate, Exchange Rate, Foreign Direct
(FDI), and exchange rate on government bond yields Investment, Cointegration, Vector Error Correction Model,
listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE). The Stationarity.
study adopted a quantitative research design and utilized
secondary data on nineteen,15-year Kenyan government I. INTRODUCTION
bonds listed on the NSE from the 1st quarter of 2007 to
the 1st quarter of 2023, that is a sixteen-year period. The A bond is a loan where the issuer is required to repay
analysis focused on yearly yield variations over the the capital at maturity and compensate the buyer with one or
maturity period of the bonds using data obtained from more future cash flows (Chorafas, 2005). They are
the Central Bank of Kenya, Kenya National Bureau of responsible for repaying lenders or investors the money
Statistics and World Bank. The Vector Error Correction borrowed plus interest over a predetermined period
Model technique was employed to identify the long and (Choudhry, 2006). These cash flow(s) may have a
short run relationships between the macroeconomic predetermined schedule and magnitude or depend on some
factors and government bond yields in EViews. economic variable whose value is typically known a priori.
Diagnostic tests included the Augmented Dickey Fuller Government bonds are types of bonds issued by the federal
test and Johansen Cointegration Tests; to test for or national governments of countries to raise funds while
stationarity and long run relationship between variables rewarding the issuer with annual interest rates over the
respectively. Lag selection was carried out and an maturity period (Ślusarczyk et al., 2020). According to
optimal lag of 1 was selected based on the Akaike McKay and Peters (2019), bond yield refers to interest
information criterion (AIC) and Schwarz information generated from bond investments over the maturity
criterion. VECM was found to be the most suitable period(s).
model since all the time series data of the variables was
found to be stationary upon first difference and there Developing economies in Africa and throughout the
was presence of at least one cointegrating equation. The world are grappling with mounting budget deficits, rising
study established government bond yields were interest rates, and rising inflation rates. As a result, bond
significantly affected by Foreign Direct Investment, issuance remains a crucial part of Kenya's and other
Exchange Rate, and Inflation Rate on the long-term developing countries' deficit finance strategies. For any
while on the short-term the government bond yields investment, investors usually look at the level of returns for
were only affected by the inflation rate. The study also a given risk premium, in this case, investors who buy
established a positive relationship with inflation rates government bonds need to understand government bond
both in the long and short run. The FDI and Exchange yields and potential macroeconomic factors that might
Rate exhibited a positive significant impact on the long significantly affect the bond yield. This forms the
run only. Economic growth did not exhibit any long run foundation of this research.
and short run relationships at five percent significance
level. The research proposed that it is crucial to Macroeconomic variables aid investors by providing a
prioritize government bonds when developing both convenient method of obtaining more information about the
monetary and fiscal policies within the nation. stock market activity as well as determining how businesses
Additionally, it suggested that the government should perform (Syed Jamaludin et al., 2018). The effectiveness of
initiate an extensive awareness campaign regarding the security market is greatly influenced by macroeconomic
government bonds and their associated advantages as a factors. A research study conducted by Adiwibowo and
strategy to boost bond yields. The primary constraint of Sihombing (2020) on the macroeconomic factors affecting
the research was its focus on specific macroeconomic Indonesian government bonds yields revealed that a variety
variables and bonds. To address this, the study suggested of factors affect the yield on government bonds, including
the need for additional empirical investigations into how currency rates, bid-ask gaps, central bank (CB) rates,
In summary, the ADF test outcomes underscore that all these variables were non-stationary at their initial levels, irrespective
of trend inclusion. However, they become stationary when differenced once, with or without a trend. This provides condition
provides a clear need for the implementation of the Vector Error Correction Model.
Cointegration Test
In summary, at a 5% significance level, both the Trace and Max-Eigenvalue tests indicated the existence of one cointegrating
equation among the series. This implies that the variables were not moving independently in the long run, but rather, they have a
stable, long-term relationship. The presence of Cointegration and the stationarity of the time series data upon first difference
necessitated the study to adopt a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).
The derived equation becomes: in FDI are statistically significant and impact the dependent
variable in the long run at a 95% confidence level.
BOND_YIELDt-1= -3.519003 - 0.101605 *
ECONOMIC_GROWTH_RATEt-1 + 0.611780 * The coefficient of 0.179496 showed a positive
FOREIGN_DIRECT_INVESTMENT_INFLOWS_USD t-1 + association between the lagged inflation rate and bond yield
0.179496 * INFLATION_RATEt-1 + 0.035587 * in the long term. With a t-statistic of approximately -
USD_EXCHANGE_RATEt-1 2.36526, changes in the inflation rate are statistically
significant and are likely to affect the dependent variable in
The coefficient of -0.101605 signifies a negative the long run at a 95% confidence level. The coefficient of
relationship between lagged economic growth and bond 0.035587 signifies a positive relationship between the
yield in the long term. However, with a t-statistic of lagged US dollar exchange rate and bond yield over the long
approximately 0.84091, this relationship is not statistically term. The t-statistic for this coefficient, approximately -
significant at the 95% confidence level. The coefficient of 2.17480, exceeds the 1.96 threshold, indicating that changes
0.611780 demonstrates a positive connection between in the exchange rate are statistically significant and are
lagged FDI inflows and bond yield over an extended period. expected to have a notable impact on the dependent variable
The t-statistic for this coefficient, which is approximately - in the long run at a 95% confidence level.
2.20402, exceeds the 1.96 threshold, indicating that changes
Short Run Relationships