LIN2203 Food Science CareerLinc Flyer
LIN2203 Food Science CareerLinc Flyer
LIN2203 Food Science CareerLinc Flyer
1 Lincoln University
What is
Food Science?
How to feed the world, protect the future
and live well are universal concerns
at the centre of Lincoln University’s
mission. Food plays a key role in each of
them. The production and availability of
regular food supplies is of paramount
importance to all humans. Specialisation
in food science gives students a solid
scientific grounding from which to
build a career addressing issues
around food: composition, nutrition,
production, processing, sustainability,
consumption, safety and supply.
The food science specialisation uses scientific
principles to examine food and food-related
manufacturing and processing practices. Students
learn the biological and chemical makeup of food
as well as about processes, such as social, political,
environmental and economic factors, that affect food
and its production, distribution and consumption.
The scientific underpinning of the degree ensures
that students are skilled in the utilisation of statistics
and biometrics in experimental design and data
analysis, and the ability to collect, synthesise
and critically review data across a wide range of
disciplines. Students graduate with a working
knowledge of the scientific, industry and personal
skills that professionals working in food science
careers need. The programme’s close industry ties
means that students can feel confident that their
qualification is relevant and will see them industry-
ready at graduation.
2 Lincoln University
Food science in New Zealand Skills and knowledge developed Skills and knowledge
and the world by studying food science valued in food science
New Zealand has a shortage of Employers value the rigorous scientific
scientists and technologists so career skills that Lincoln University graduates Rigorous scientific
prospects for food science graduates have. The skills and knowledge methodology practices
are good. Employment opportunities developed at Lincoln University are
Competence in technical and
are diverse; graduates may wish to relevant and practical, and are directly
food safety compliance
start in the lab, and from there the transferable to many workplaces.
possibilities are endless. The amount Guest speakers from industry, together Knowledge of experiment
and type of food related roles are only with problem-based active learning design, implementation
limited by imagination. From primary tasks, ensure students have a hands-on and analysis
production to laboratory research engagement with potential employers
to management, demand is high for from the beginning of their studies. Knowledge of food safety
qualified food scientists. Making the most of academic and standards and principles skills
industry connections while studying Ability to prioritise workload
Increasing food production in a is encouraged so that students are
way that is sustainable concerns well-placed to build on their skills and IT and report writing skills
policymakers worldwide, and to knowledge in their future place Analytical and critical thinking
achieve both aims seems incompatible. of work.
But as innovations occur in the name Innovative thinking
of achieving sustainable growth, Employers seek well-rounded,
Knowledge of laboratory
new roles and opportunities arise, engaged graduates with a strong
practices and procedures
particularly in food technology. In work ethic. As in any sector,
countries with developed economies, employers value those with a Relationship building
the nutritional content of food, and professional attitude. This includes and negotiation skills
its safe supply to meet consumers’ good communication (including the
Solution-focussed attitude
many and varied needs means that ability to communicate to groups, as
expansion is projected for roles in well as effective interpersonal and Numerical and
product innovation. written communication), honesty, quantitative skills
self-motivation, initiative, time
New Zealand’s reputation as an Knowledge of chemical and
management, and flexibility. The
exporter of high quality produce biological properties of food
importance of these basic skills cannot
means that roles are available be underestimated, even in voluntary Meticulous attention to detail
worldwide, wherever our products go, or internship roles, as future job
and where new markets are forecast. opportunities often arise from a good
The multinational groups driving reputation and a varied network
this expansion require not just food of contacts.
scientists, but those with interests
across all sectors that support food
production, distribution, storage
and sale.
3 Lincoln University
Where can food science Food science job titles
graduates find work?
Academic Lecturer/ Professor Scientist - Bacteriology
Places of employment for food science Microbiologist
Advisor Compliance
graduates include:
and Investigation Nutritionist
• Government departments or bodies Applications Technologist Production/Food Processing
(e.g., Ministry for Primary Industries Team Leader/Manager
(MPI), New Zealand Customs Service, Associate Research Technologist
New Zealand Food Safety Authority) Pharmaceutical Technician
Bioanalytical Officer
• Crown Research Institutes (e.g., Pharmaceutical Sales
National Institute of Water and Biochemist Representative
Atmospheric Research Ltd. (NIWA), Biosecurity Officer Plant and Food Researcher
Institute of Environmental Science
and Research (ESR), Scion, Landcare Brewer/ Distiller Postharvest Technologist
Research, AgResearch, GNS Science, Cereal Scientist Product Developer
Plant and Food Research)
• Local/ regional government Chemical Engineer Product Development Scientist/
(e.g., Auckland Council, Greater Specialist /Technologist
Dietician/Dietetics Specialist
Wellington Regional Council, Nelson Public Health Officer
City Council) Education/Outreach Officer
Quality Assurance Officer/
• Private consultancy, recruitment, Environmental Health Officer Assistant/ Manager/ Coordinator
research or services firms
(e.g., Scientific And Technical Flavour Chemist Quality Manager
Recruitment, Food Inc., Eurofins Quality Systems and
Food Biochemist
NZ Laboratory Services Ltd., Compliance Coordinator
AsureQuality, Cawthron Institute) Food Engineer
• Food processing, manufacturing or Quarantine Officer
Food Inspector
exporting companies (e.g., Talleys, Regulatory Affairs Officer
Synlait Milk, Heinz Wattie’s, Silver Food Labelling Technologist
Research and Development
Fern Farms, Tegel Foods, Turners
Food Product Developer Technologist
and Growers (T&G), Oceania Dairy,
Foodstuffs, ANZCO Foods, RJ’s Food Product Development Adviser Research Scientist/
Licorice, Silver Fern Farms, Griffins Food Safety and Quality Leader Associate/ Technologist
Foods, Kraft Heinz, Mars New
Zealand, Davis Food Ingredients, Food Safety Auditor/Evaluator/ Risk Manager
Goodman Fielder, Talleys Group, Officer Coordinator
Safety Inspector
Danone) Food Scientist
• Tech Industries (e.g. Callaghan Sales Representative/Executive
Food Technologist
Innovation, Lincoln Agritech, Intech Scientific Sales Representative
Instruments Ltd.) Food Toxicologist - Food and Wine
• Beverage or brewing companies Improvement Technologist
(e.g. Zealong Teas, Nestlé, Fonterra, Sensory Evaluation Expert
Monteith’s Brewing Company, DB Laboratory Technician
Sports Nutritionist
Breweries, Frucor Beverages, Lion Lecturer in Food Science
New Zealand) Technology Development Manager
• Tertiary Education Sector (e.g. Management Cadet/Trainee
Teaching Technician
Lincoln University) Manufacturing Technician in Food Science
• Analytical Testing Laboratories
Medical Laboratory Technical Officer
and Chemical companies (e.g. Hill
Laboratories, Eurofins, Ecolab, Ixom,
AsureQuality, Chemiplas)
• Regulatory Bodies (e.g. New Zealand
Food Safety Authority NZFSA, Food
Standards Australia New Zealand
4 Lincoln University
Pay rate indications: full time Job title Indicative pay
equivalent (FTE) $NZ per annum
Research Scientist (graduate) From 43,000
Most starting salaries for graduates Food Technologist 50,000 – 90,000+
of bachelor degrees fall between
40,000 - 55,000. Entry level jobs are Quarantine Inspector/ Officer 49,000 – 62,000
stepping stones to roles with increased Biosecurity Officer 40,000 – 70,000
responsibilities and remuneration. Your
Laboratory Technician 40,000 – 65,000
employability is enhanced by all of your
life experiences, be they employment Pharmaceutical Technician (starting salary) 43,000 – 47,500
related, or the transferable skills and Microbiologist (early career) 38,000 – 75,000
competencies gained from community
Microbiologist (late career) 76,000 – 130,000
involvement, volunteer work, or
previous work or study- all of which can Food Safety/ Quality Assurance Officer 35,000 – 65,000
grow competency, expand networks, Academic Lecturer/ Professor 74,000 – 120,000+
and demonstrate enthusiasm to future
Quality Controller 38,000 – 60,000
5 Lincoln University
Graduate profiles
Michelle Ash
Careers and Employment
Library, Teaching and Learning
E: [email protected]
P: +64 3 423 0331
LIN3220 FEB 2020
6 Lincoln University