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ANALYZE (p.5-6)
1. The competencies of teachers are one of the demands of the society from them about
what they look like, possess, and act in the classroom and outside school as well. PPSTs
get exposed to the view of abilities and personalities of one teacher also TEDx videos
add-on explanations on it and realize that it should be practiced. The competencies talked
about are a great teacher listens to students; a great teacher sings; a great teacher eats
apples; a great teacher is a chill; a great teacher notices when students struggle and so on
and so forth. We think these competencies are too simple and everyone could do that and
in deeper understanding, we realize this simple thing can build relationships and
foundation between students and teachers. The great teacher competencies to possess is
teacher listens to his/her students, the way how she/he understand over the experiencing
of the students.

2. As long as we can derive about the teacher competencies and apply them in our daily
living as a teacher it can be infinite therefore, I could say no. Continue to possess, be a
role model, be a great teacher as well can impact the learner's development and positive

3. Competencies influence teachers to act. This is the steering wheel to feel up the
relationship of teachers to his/her students. Yes, it can affect students' performance,
his/her behavior and will help him/her to achieve his/her fullest potential because he/she
feels everything he/she expected of a competent teacher or great teacher either. This
competency is good but this is not enough. Every teacher has methods, standards, and
procedures to be followed to have a great impact. Create effective objectives to attain
good learning outcomes. Assessment and evaluation are basically useful to apply in
teaching are able to gather data about what learners know and can do. From the question,
my answer is not and not enough.

4. For a teacher to be great, professional competencies are most important to a teacher, it

reflects the teacher's whole personality, it also plays important part for a teacher how
she/he is holistically developed to facilitate the learning process effectively. The
competencies of a teacher give an impact on developing the skills of the students, to
attain the outcomes as well.

5. I can say that my teacher in high school because they give their best to facilitate our
learning and development. A teacher that has the foundation to build strong education and
manipulates his profession to influence the learners is an ideal teacher, a perfect example
or role model is a great teacher to remember the most.

1. I am aiming to be holistically developed as a teacher in the future because I know it can
give strength for me to perform and plays an important role in facilitating learning to my
students. How they can say I am a great teacher if I do not actually perform well? How
can I tell myself I am a great teacher? I already have personal traits and I am grateful, one
of those is listening in a situation in which someone has experience difficulties in life,
needs a shoulder to cry on, to listen, a person is not judgmental instead a person can
understand them. I am a teacher who always observed where my students struggle to help
themselves to perform gradually towards great. The competencies of a great teacher are a
moral obligation, it should be practiced, all is necessary to possess, not possess. I
believed people always have competencies, it just needs addend and improvements.

2. I am calculated to be the person who listens to my future students. I just considered

myself as a great person, the teacher rather because I have an important thing of a teacher
to possess; yea it is a great one but for me, you don't have to work out just to be great to
see the people how are you being devoted, instead be brag the way you fulfilled your
duties as a great teacher, you can deserve complement of yourself if anything and
changes are proved throughout the sacrifices to influence your learners and can tell you
raised them in the fullest potential.

3. As a future teacher, I should strive to attain competencies to be the best teacher. Teachers
want to leave an imprint of himself/ herself and I want too as well. I realized that I have
tricky overcoming the situation being an introvert, I am a friendly person and loves
talking with other people in small group and typically not comfortable in a group of
people, I am not good at socialization as well as my peers are not in there, my friends are
not beside me and I felt alone in the area. For me, I need to develop more when it comes
to socialization to acquire knowledge and skills from others and apply it on a daily basis.
I know I can collaborate, contribute and participate unless the shy has no place for me to
play the role and this I have to change.

4. For me, the teacher I remembered most is an ideal teacher, a role model, an influential
and manipulate his/her professions to change learner9s life, a teacher will sketch
inspiration in heart and minds. A teacher is being devoted to sharing anything he/she can
share for further learning. My minds never forget being how they are, who I am today
doing my best that makes me motivated to be like they are just because of themselves.


1. OBSERVE: In assisting my resource teacher, I observed that personal traits such as
stress management, patience and professional competencies like use alternative
methods of teaching and understanding strengths and weaknesses of the learners
were least not displayed and as a result, students where the class was not actively
participating in class discussions which can hurt students' learning and motivation.

2. REFLECT: The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned
in # 1) may be caused by intuitive problem or personal complexity.

3. PLAN: I would like to address this problem (mentioned in # 2) by conducting action

research on.

4. ACT:
a) The main objective of my action research is to identify factors affecting negatively
in the teaching profession. To create and find an effective solution to various
problems. To perceive a powerful sense of professionalism.
b) My specific research questions are: What negative factors affect teachers'
c) To answer my specific research questions, I'll do research and explain the negative
factors affect teachers' professionalism and identifying negative factors affects
teachers' professionalism.

WORK ON MY ARTIFACTS (p.9) Attach your reflection here:

Being a teacher is not an easy job, you should always consider the feelings, capability, health,
and skills of your students. As part of this subject, I should keep in my mind that there is a
framework that the teacher should follow and the qualities and competencies that the teacher
should have.
Building a relationship with students is by far the most important thing a teacher can do. Without
a solid foundation and relationships built on trust and respect, no quality learning will happen.
This episode focuses on the personal qualities of a teacher and professional competencies which
are very important to a teacher. It is the teacher’s responsibility to teach their students not only
academics but also good values and lifelong lessons which they can apply in the future wherever
they are. They should mold their students in order to be an as good person as they are and be a
productive citizen in the country.
A great teacher is not only measured by how knowledgeable he is on the subject and executing
the lesson plan, but a great teacher is competent, competent in a way that he has good personal
qualities and exercises professional competencies. Through this episode, it enables me to assess
myself of how ready I am in the field of teaching. I found out that there are still different areas
that I really need to learn and develop in order to be a great teacher.
TEACHING) PARTICIPATE AND ASSIST (p.12) Inventory of Sample Action Research
Conducted by Teachers

List of Completed Action Research Titles Author/Authors

From Stress to Success: Exploring How
Filipino Students Cope with Remote Learning Erwin E. Rotas
amid COVID-19 Pandemic Michael B. Cahapay
Improvement of Grade 8 Low Performing
Students in Mathematics through ICT Elisa L. Baguio
From Stress to Success: Pupil9s Struggle and
their Coping Mechanism in the Modular Germany DJ Tejano Lapinig
Distance Learning
Increasing the Awareness in Global Warming
of Grade 5 Pupils of Anas Elementary School Ryan C. Sulivas
Through the Use of “Present engage build
infographic Utilization Technique”
Virtual Learning Through PhET Interactive
Simulation: A Proactive Approach in Joel D. Potane
Improving Students9 Academic Achievement
in Science

1. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 1 Coping with Remote Learning amid COVID-
19 Pandemic.
2. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 2 8 Low Performing Students in Mathematics.
3. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 3 Pupil’s Struggle in the Modular Distance
4. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 4 Less Awareness of Global Warming of Grade 5
Pupils of Anas Elementary School.
5. Identified problem to be solved in title no. 5 Low Academic Achievements in Science.

Titles of the Action Research: Exploring A Teaching Approach That Would Enhance the
Academic Achievement of Students in Science Using Phet Interactive Simulations
From the title, this study aimed to explore a teaching approach that would enhance the
academic achievement of students in science. An offline mode virtual learning environment
through PhET interactive simulations was employed in the randomly selected pilot DepEd
Computerization Program (DCP) recipient rural & urban schools in the Division of
Cagayan de Oro City for SY 2016-2017.

I think the author the authors use such nature of method involving both qualitative and
quantitative analysis to know if it would help students improve their learnings through
virtual classes.

REFLECT (p. 15) Based on reading you made and the previous activities that you have
action research can help me understand what is happening in my classroom and identify ways to
improve teaching and learning which is the significance of action research.

action research enables the teacher not only to practice but also to improve the situation under
which the practice is done. It is very vital in ensuring social change. The teacher is, therefore,
able to be empowered professionally as they made to understand the workplace well.


Some of the problematic situations that we can notice now in the classes is the students
having problems with the resources to use in studying the given curriculum.
First, the teachers should be understanding that not all students are privileged enough to
have the resources needed for today9s learning environments and second is to really
improve the system of virtual classes.
having good communication, teaching the students not only the curriculum itself but also
time management due to many subjects9 s giving activities at ones, and innovation in the
system on how it should be implemented that would help some students with lucking
resources cope up.

WORK ON MY ARTIFACTS (p.17) Your artifact will be an Abstract of a completed action

Title: Level of Readiness of Grade 7 Students on Online Distance Learning Modality: Basis for
Action Planning
Author: Jeanette Q. Alvarez
Head Teacher III Jacobo Z. Gonzales
Memorial National High School
In order to help the teachers in providing quality basic education and appropriate technical
assistance, the researcher assessed Grade 7 students9 readiness on Online Distance Learning
(ODL) modality in terms of availability of ICT equipment, level of proficiency/competence of
student-respondents in using the different Software and platform, level of competency of student-
respondents9 family member/s and friends/neighbor/s in using the different computer software
and online and internet applications and communication platforms. For this study, the researcher
used descriptive quantitative research design to describe students9 selfassessment on their
readiness on Online Distance Learning (ODL). A survey questionnaire using google form were
used for the student-respondents. This research instrument was adopted from the assessment tool
provided by the Department of Education (DepEd) as stipulated in DepEd Memorandum No. 119
s. 2020 entitled
NOTICE (p.23)
What concepts have been emphasized in the task and infographics? Give at least four.
1. The main problems in the classroom that is needed to solve.
2. The models that you will be using.
3. The procedures and steps.
4. Elements in the cycle.
Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?
They have the same cycle and elements like the McNiff and Whitehead models and Nelson
Model, it has common elements like Title and Author(s), observe, reflect, plan and act. The said
elements are also the same as the DepEd model but the DepEd Model elements are more specific
and the information needed is more emphasis rather than the two Models.
What have you understood about the concept of Action Research and how will these be utilized
in your practice?
Action research develops reflection practices based on the interpretations made by participants.
Knowledge is created through action and application. Action research can be based on problem-
solving, if the solution to the problem results in the improvement of practice. The reflective
knowledge is uniquely developed based on the action and implementation of an educator9s
pedagogy in the classroom. Action research offers a way to formalize the knowledge generated
by educators so that it can be utilized and disseminated throughout the teaching profession.

REFLECT (p.25)

As a future teacher, is conducting an action research worth doing? Yes, conducting action
research as a future teacher is very worth doing.
Why? Because it will help to enhance my reflective teaching process as I enhance
awareness. It is important for the teacher to have a good learning environment and most of
all it will develop one’s personal and professional capability.
How can AR be useful for every classroom teacher? Action Research creates an opportunity
for teachers to help students grasp abstract concepts. By using the interaction and
experimentation that Action Research technologies offer, the teacher can enhance
classroom experiences, teach new skills, inspire student minds, and get students excited
about exploring new academic interests.


a. What are the competencies that the teacher always uses? Is it effective even up to this
b. Poor performance of the students in Mathematics Subject
c. What are the strengths and weaknesses of that specific competency?

a. Reflecting on what part of the subject needs to focus more?

b. What are the skills that need to work on?
c. What are the steps in determining the problems?

I plan for my solution to problem B (Poor Performance of the Students in Mathematics

Subject) because I remember when I was in high school, a lot of students are saying that
they hate to compute and to solve math problems than any other subjects and I am one of
them, so it comes in my mind to do research regarding that issue.
I am hoping that during my teaching Internship, I will finish my Action Research and
provide answers and solutions regarding that problem.

Level of Readiness of Grade 7 Students on Online Distance Learning
Basis for Action Planning
Head Teacher III
Jacobo Z. Gonzales
Memorial National High School

Link: https://www.depedbinan.com/media/research/SDO-RES_001.433_A4731_2021.pdf
In order to help the teachers in providing quality basic education and appropriate technical
assistance, the researcher assessed Grade 7 students9 readiness on Online Distance Learning
(ODL) modality in terms of availability of ICT equipment, level of proficiency/competence of
student-respondents in using the different Software and platform, level of competency of
studentrespondents9 family member/s and friends/neighbor/s in using the different computer
software and online and internet applications and communication platforms. For this study, the
researcher used descriptive quantitative research design to describe students9 self-assessment on
their readiness on Online Distance Learning (ODL). A survey questionnaire using google form
were used for the student-respondents. This research instrument was adopted from the
assessment tool provided by the Department of Education (DepEd) as stipulated in DepEd
Memorandum No. 119 s. 2020 entitled
The global outbreak of the highly contagious new coronavirus known as COVID-19 creates
challenges to various sectors of society. Basic education is among the sectors heavily affected. In
response to this challenge, the Department of Education (DepEd) developed Basic Education
Learning Continuity Pan (BELCP) in order to provide clear directions and learning delivery
strategy. Schools must find ways for learning to continue amidst the threat and uncertainties
brought about by COVID-19, while ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of all learners,
teachers, and personnel.
Based on DepEd Order No. 12 s, 2020 entitled Adoption of the Basic Education Learning
Continuity Plan for School Year 2020- 2021 in Light of the COVID19 Public Health Emergency
dated June 19, 2020, the BE-LCP emphasizes that learning opportunities to students may be
provided through blended distance modalities, until any prohibition by the Department of Health
(DOH), the Interagency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases in the
Philippines (IATF), or the President for face-to-face learning in schools is lifted. Distance
learning will be a key modality of learning delivery in the incoming school year.
This study focused on Online Distance Learning Modality. Based on these concepts, the
researcher believes that identifying the level of readiness of the students will be timely and
beneficial in order to continuously provide quality basic education. Specifically, it focused on
availability of ICT equipment, level of proficiency/competence of student respondents in using
different Software and platform, level of competency of student-respondents9 family member/s
and friends/neighbor/s in using the different computer software and online and internet
applications and communication platforms.
According to Ouma, G. Awuor, F., and Kyambo, B. (2013), as e-learning becomes useful to
learning institutions worldwide, an assessment of e-learning readiness is essential for the
successful implementation of e-learning as a platform for learning. Success in e-learning can be
achieved by understanding the level of readiness of e-learning environments.
The researcher believes that this study will enhance the teaching and learning process,
specifically instruction. The information created by the research can thus assist the educational
leaders in optimizing their policies, thereby helping to provide appropriate technical assistance.
Teachers will be more enlightened on the technical assistance for and needs of the students. It
will also improve their skills because it offers teachers effective ways to reach different types of
learners and assess student understanding through multiple means.
The researcher gathered information from sixty (60) out of one hundred ninety-five (195) Grade
7 students enrolled in online distance learning modality at Jacob Z. Gonzales Memorial National
High School, Bian City, Laguna. The researcher used simple random sampling technique in
identifying the student respondents for this study, the researcher used descriptive quantitative
research design to describe students9 self-assessment on their readiness on Online Distance
Learning. Descriptive-survey research includes studies that provide simple information about the
frequency or amount of something.
A survey questionnaire using google form was used for the student-respondents. This research
instrument was adopted from the assessment tool provided by the Department of Education
(DepEd) as stipulated in DepEd Memorandum No. 119; s. Descriptive statistics was used. The
frequency count and percentage were used to describe the demographic profile of the student-
respondents in terms of sex, family monthly income, highest educational attainment, and the
level of student9s readiness on online distance learning.
Descriptive statistics was used. The frequency count and percentage were used to describe the
demographic profile of the student-respondents in terms of sex, family monthly income, highest
educational attainment, and the level of student9s readiness on online distance learning. The
researcher assessed the student9s readiness in availability of ICT using the scale none, personally
owned, and owned by a member of the family. The students assessed and evaluated their ICT
knowledge/skills using the scale Not Knowledgeable (I have no idea about the program/s),
Beginning (I have knowledge about the computer program but I only use them when somebody
guides me), and Proficient (I use these programs with ease and efficiency without the need for
technical help). The level of competency of student-respondents9 family member/s and
friends/neighbor/s in using the different computer software and online and internet applications
and communication platforms were assessed by answering Yes or No.

Based on the result, forty-two (42) out of 60 which is 70% of student-respondents are female
while 18 out of 60 students which is 30% are male. Twenty-one (21) out of 60 which is 35% of
student-respondents has P5,001-P15,000 Family Monthly Income; and 6 (10%) out of 60
student-respondents has P35,001 and above Family Monthly Income.
The data show that 15 (25%) out of 60 of the parents /guardians of the student-respondents are
high school graduate; and only 3 (5%) parent/guardian is elementary undergraduate, elementary
graduate and college graduate, respectively. Based on the assessment of student9s readiness in
availability of ICT Equipment, 30 (50%) out of 60 student-respondents have no available
desktop computer/netbook/ tablet, 21 (35%) personally owned desktop computer/ netbook/
tablet, and 12 (15%) have desktop computer/ netbook owned by a member of the family.
Thirty-nine (39) out of 60 student-respondents or 65% personally owned smart phones, 12
(20%) have no smart phones, and 9 (15%) have smart phone owned by a member of the family.
Twenty-one (21) 35% have no internet connection/router, 21 (35%) personally owned internet,
and 18 (30%) have internet connection / router owned by a member of the family.
The data shows that 27 (45%) out of 60 student-respondents are knowledgeable in MS Word
while 15 (15%) are proficient; 12 (45%) are knowledgeable in MS Excel while 9 (15%) are
proficient; 27 (45%) are knowledgeable in MS Power point while 15 (25%) are proficient; 36
(60%) are knowledgeable in Adobe while 6 (10%) are proficient; 42 (70%) are knowledgeable in
Movie Maker while 9 (15%) are beginner and proficient; 36 (60%) are knowledgeable in
Microsoft Teams while none (0) is proficient; 48 (60%) are beginner in Zoom while none (0) is
proficient ; 39 (65%) are knowledgeable in Hangouts while none (0) is proficient ; 39 (65%) are
knowledgeable in Quiz Maker while 3 (5%) is proficient ; and 33 (55%) are beginner in Google
Meet while 3 (10%) is proficient.
Thirty (30) out of 60 which is 50% of family members are competent in using computer software
applications while 30 (50%) not competent; and 42 (70%) out of 60 family member/s of student-
respondents are competent in using different online and internet applications and communication
platforms while 12 (30%) are not competent.
The result shows that 45 (75%) out of 60 friend/s, neighbor/s of the student-respondents are
competent in Using Computer software Applications while 15 (25%) are not competent; and 45
(75%) out of 60 friend/s, neighbor/s of the student-respondents are competent in using different
online and internet applications and communication platforms while 15 (25%) are not competent.

From the formulated findings, the researcher arrived in the following conclusions: The student-
respondents are not yet ready on online distance learning in terms of availability of ICT
equipment and internet accessibility.
The students9 decision to adopt eLearning is not contingent upon how familiar they are with
related technology because majority of them are not knowledgeable in MS Word, MS Excel, MS
Power point, Adobe, Movie Maker, Microsoft Teams, Hangouts, Quiz Maker and majority are
beginner in Zoom and Google Meet. Based on the results, parents/ guardians can provide
technical assistance and support because majority of them are competent in using computer
software and in using different online and internet applications and communication platforms.
Friends and neighbors of the student-respondents can also provide technical assistance and
support in online learning because majority of them are competent in Using Computer software
Applications and in using different online and internet applications and communication platforms
in light of the conclusions made based on the findings of the study and in the context of
delivering high-quality online distance learning, the researcher recommends the following:
The school should consider the availability of the students9 devices and internet access because
it significantly influences students’ readiness on the conduct of online teaching and learning
modality. There is a need to recommend other form of learning modality to those students who
have no appropriate gadgets and internet connection for online learning. The school should
provide proper training among students in using different computer programs, software
applications, platforms and internet application. The school should provide technical support in
terms of gadgets and internet to have easy access and conduct proper orientation among parents
and guardians to continuously support the students9 online distance learning. The
school/teachers need/s to establish partnership and collaboration in the community which
includes friends, neighbor and local officials to ensure learning continuity.

The researcher wishes to express her deepest thanks and gratitude to the following persons for
their invaluable contributions which led to the completion of this research: Mr. Oliver P.
Caliwag, Principal of Jacob Z. Gonzales Memorial National High School for giving her an
opportunity to conduct this action research in this school; Mr. Joel J. Valenzuela, Education
Program Supervisor (Araling Panlipunan) of Division of BiÒan City, for providing her technical
assistance, guidance, and encouragement to do this research; Mrs. Leonora M. Ogania, for
exerting efforts and for sharing her expertise in this field; Mr. Edward Manuel Planning and
Research Officer, SDO BiÒan City for constructive comments and suggestions for the
improvement of this study; Grade 7 students, parents, and teachers of Jacobo Z. Gonzales
Memorial National High School who have been very accommodating and helpful throughout the
course of this action research; Mrs. Jermaine B. Alatiit, chief adviser of Grade 7, who willingly
supported the researcher throughout the conduct of the study. Mr. Ronel V. Alvarez, the loving
and supportive husband of the researcher for the love, care, support, and motivation; and lastly,
the Almighty God, the source of knowledge, strength, and wisdom.

• Ouma, G., Awuor, F., and Kyambo, B., (2013) E-learning Readiness in Public Schools in
Kenya, European Journal of Open, Distance Learning, ISSN 1027- 5207
• Department of Education (2020). DepEd Order No. 12 s, 2020, Adoption of the Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the COVID19 Public
Health Emergency.
• Department of Education, (2020). DepEd Memorandum No. 119, S. 2020. Conduct of School
Readiness Assessment on Online Learning.


1. Financial - some of the students are forced to work because they don9t have the financials to
support their studies
2. Bullying – is one of the problematic situations in school which is why some of the students
who are bullied are
afraid to show their potential and capability.
3. Absenteeism - is one of the factors that are why the level of understanding of the student is
4. Wi-Fi - as of now, we are experiencing online class and the problem of some of the students is
the limited internet
connection that causes poor performance of the students.
5. Lack - to be specific, lack of Family support is also affecting the confidence of one9s student
to boost their biggest

Suppose you choose letter A. Conduct a Tutorial. So, you have identified the SOLUTION
that matches the PROBLEM
which is Difficulty in Comprehension.
Explain If the students are having difficulty comprehending the lessons, conducting a tutorial
will help them. The tutorial
helps the students to focus more on a specific lesson as they received individualized attention
that they cannot receive
during regular class discussions. The tutorial also helps students who are shy to ask questions
during discussions because
it allows them to ask the teacher one-on-one.

Can you also choose letter B: Show video lesson as a SOLUTION for the same
Explain Showing video lessons helps the students to comprehend the lessons because it captures
their attention. Videos
also provide a more engaging sensory experience than just using print materials like modules or
books. Learners will
understand and remember the lesson if they can see and hear the concepts being taught.
What about letter C as a SOLUTION to the same PROBLEM? Why? Making learning tasks
can improve comprehension
because it allows the students to review their vocabulary. Learning tasks such as activities,
quizzes, group reports, and so
on motivates students to study and understand the lesson.
What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one
solution to the problem? ✔
Explain. In every problem that we encounter, there is a possibility that we come up with more
than one solution as long
as we are creative and innovative. Thinking innovatively and creatively will make us better
problem-solvers. It will help us
to challenge our own assumptions, be mentally sharp, and discover new solutions. The more
solutions we identified, the
better for us as a teacher and action researchers.

• Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem? Miss Fely9s problem was about the difficulty of
half of her learners to
classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates even though she has been repeating the
same science lesson
for almost two weeks.
• Can you find solution to solve her problem? Yes. Give your two suggestions.
a. I suggest that Miss Fely should change her strategy in teaching the lesson. She has to think
of other
strategies that the students can enjoy and easily understand the knowledge she has been trying
to teach.
b. Miss Fely should use interesting learning materials and activities to capture the attention of
the students.
• What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? For me, suggestion number two is the best
option that can solve
Miss Fely’s problem.
How? Miss Fely’s students are in fourth grade, and it is difficult to capture their attention.
There will be times that
they would not listen to the teacher because they are preoccupied with other things. Miss Fely
can use engaging
learning materials such as animal pictures, drawings, and coloring papers to engage students in
the discussion.
She can also show videos because students who are watching and listening are more likely to
remember the
lesson. Fun activities, such as group games, will also help because students will collaborate
with their classmates
while enjoying themselves.
Are they matched with the problem? Yes, the solution is matched with the problem. The
difficulty of grade four
learners in classifying animals into vertebrates and invertebrates can be solved by using
engaging learning
materials and fun activities. The students will surely listen to the discussion with Miss Fely.
• Can you identify the most probable teaching-leaning problem/s in the class of Sir
a. One probable teaching-learning problem in their class Sir Ryan is the lack of school
facilities, equipment,
and school supplies since the school place is in a disadvantaged urban community.
b. b. Another possible teaching-learning issue is that students are deprived of basic needs such
as food and
clothing, which affects their academic performance. There might be instances that students
school without first eating at home, and as a result, they are unable to listen to and participate
fully in
the lesson. Sir Ryan will be affected as well because the students will not comprehend his
• Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
Hunger can greatly affect the students9 learning abilities. It will make them less equipped to
reach their full
potential to learn and develop their talents. That is why I proposed that Sir Ryan start a feeding
program for the
students that are from poor families. It will help Sir Ryan and the school to reduce hunger and
malnutrition among
the students. If the students are healthy, the students will improve their cognitive and academic
performance. In
addition, the school can also ask other people to donate clothes and school supplies that will
motivate the
students to attend school every day.

REFLECT (p.33)

Part of the teacher’s job is to find out each student’s background, needs and things they think
will affect their development. I think it would be better for a class to run smoothly if the teacher
does a background check from the
beginning to find out the needs of each student, also have assessments, pre and post-test to see
the ability of students, to learn the learning strategies that the teacher will use and learn the
things they don’t already know that need to be mastered.


Using any one example of problems in this activity, answer the AR prompts that follow:


What problematic situation prevails in the classroom?

It is hard for the students to focus on their studies because of financial problems and it affects
their learning.


What changes do you want to achieve?

I want my class to be more productive and eager to learn more and explore learnings.


What strategies will you use to improve the situation?

Maybe create some activities that the students can also learn, reflect and explore in a way that
they need to be creative but do not need expensive materials.


What would be the title of your Action Research should you conduct the study?

Implement the action research strategy. Set PTA meeting and discuss the problems, ask them
their opinions and their suggestions.

Title of Action Research:

Learning Modalities: A Tool or A Hindrance to Learners’ Academic Performance in English
Teacher III
Biñan Elementary School

The spread of the virus has alarmed not only China but the entire world. It resulted to a great
economic loss and massive
educational crisis to the entire learning system. In response to these challenges brought by
COVID-19, the Department of Education
Title of Action Research:
Learning Modalities: A Tool or A Hindrance to Learners’ Academic Performance in English
Teacher III
Biñan Elementary School

The spread of the virus has alarmed not only China but the entire world. It resulted to a great
economic loss and massive educational crisis to the entire learning system. In response to
these challenges brought by COVID-19, the Department of Education developed Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan. However, though the school had carefully determined its
best fit learning modality for its learners, the implementation of learner9s learning modality
can still be a great contributing factor to either a hindrance or tool in achieving quality learning
outcomes. This study explored on the significant difference between the face to face and
blended learning modality in terms of selected grade 6 learners9 experiences and academic
An exploratory sequential mixed methods research design was utilized. In the first stage of the
study, the data was collected through an open- ended research interview protocol through
google forms then, their responses were downloaded and extracted from the file for
presentation, interpretation, and data analysis. Further exploration was done in the second
stage through quantitative data collection and analysis particularly on the learners’ academic
performance in English with the use of appropriate statistical tools or instruments for an
intervention and to specify variables that need to go into a follow-up.
Results showed that grade 6 learners exhibited better academic performance in learning their
lessons in English through blended learning modality than face to-face learning modality.
Moreover, learners can perform well in their English subject regardless of what type of
learning modality be used in the class to facilitate teaching-learning process. But blended
learning modality is the appropriate learning modality be used by the grade 6 learners in
learning their lessons in English during the first quarter with the given current situation in our
educational system. Furthermore, learners’ experiences in learning English through Blended
learning modality are indeed not easy yet fun and exciting in the new normal.


1. Bulletin Board Display To assist my mentor in setting up a conducive learning environment,

I will help him/her by giving necessary suggestions, related ideas about the different subjects,
and extending him/her innovations which is relevant to the 21st century. I will assist my mentor
also through doing creative research and poster which is necessary to have a conducive learning
environment. Because I know bulletin board can be <another teacher= that reflects new lessons
and it conveys learners to understand new materials, reinforce new words and concepts, and
challenge students to participate
in new ways.

2. Small Group Discussion In order to assist my mentor in doing this small group discussion, I
will ask permission from him/her to lead and initiate this activity. I will prepare all the related
topics and materials that are needed. I will provide also sufficient time and space for them enable
to gather their thoughts and contribute to discussions. It will help the students to use their time
wisely and it can make them also become productive.

3. Checking class attendance in virtual classroom (i.e., google meet or zoom)

Before the class or meeting starts, I will ask the permission of my mentor for preparing and
checking the class attendance. By initiating this, it will help him/her ease his/her work.
Learning Environment 1:
• What you have notice of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme
does it convey?
When I went to ____________School last _______, 2021, I noticed that the bulletin board
contain the list of names for
second-quarter awardees with honors. It is well painted and every edge of the paper was cut
carefully. The title is written
in bold letters and it is clear. The teacher used vivid colors to enable the children to get
attracted and it can be seen even
at a far distance. It conveys directly to the students that telling them in mind and in their heart
that they need to become
persistent in doing academic work every time they see it. It will help them to become inspired
and continue to study hard
so that someday their name will appear on the bulletin board.
• What makes it attractive to the learners? It makes the learners attracted by using vivid
colors, it was written in bold
letters, and it can be seen even from a far distance. For me, it is attractive because it motivates
the children by means of
education and entertainment.
• Does it help in the learning process? How? Yes, because listing their names on the bulletin
board as an awardee is an
indication that the teacher does his/her work to monitor their performance by giving their
grades on that specific quarter.
By doing that, the teacher will know if the students perform his/her best. It will determine also
the specific needs and
interests of the students and also it will enable them to improve the teaching-learning process
for both of them.

Learning Environment 2:
• If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is
most likely the learning space of the students? In their home, especially during this
pandemic. Home is the best and safe place for the students to learn. Parents are responsible for
the learning of his/her children and they are the ones who get the module in school.
• Can you describe? Learning from home is fun and exciting yet meaningful. Through the
help of their parent-children can learn new skills and knowledge while taking other steps in
their careers. But, the learning environment especially our home needs to be right. It refers to
the physical space, our home must be well-lit, comfortable, clean, and warm. It needs to be
quiet so that the learners would not distract and also it must meet the needs of the children.
• How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning? As a
teacher, I can help them by conducting a meeting, and there I will give advice about having a
conducive learning environment. I will visit their home also to determine if the students have a
conducive learning environment. As a teacher, I will not get tired of reminding
them to prioritize the needs of their children to learn. In addition, I will ask the help of the
local government regarding that specific matter, so that they can have any materials or gadgets
available at their side and it will enable them to experience a meaningful teaching-learning
process even in their home.

ANALYZE (p.40)

Explain your choice: Why? I will choose learning environment 1 which shows the learners are
in the room or classroom. Because in the classroom the learners can experience raising their
queries at the moment. It enables the learners to experience small group discussions, different
school activities, and spending time with their peers. I can’t imagine that this pandemic
paralyzed the whole system of face-to-face education. I missed those days; I hope and pray that it
will end as soon as possible. Learning inside the classroom is fun and meaningful, children can
experience the true nature of the teaching-learning process. In the classroom, they can experience
different feelings towards one another through social interaction. For me, online education can’t
replace the face-to-face education and itis the best place for children to achieve their full

Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that

a. Face-to-face learning is much better than online learning because it will enable the children to
become hands-on in the different activities while interacting with one another with their peers.
b. As a teacher, I have a great role in providing the best space for the children to feel and
experience a conducive learning environment.
c. If the pandemic continues, I need to be prepared as a teacher for any possibilities that may
happen for example delivering modules in their home and also making their space a conducive
learning environment.


What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
The probable problem when it comes to online learning are the following:
a. Accessibility of time and place
b. Students Attendance
c. Variety of Learning Styles
d. Technology Issues
e. Power Interruption

The probable problem when it comes to face-to-face learning are the following:
a. There is no flexible learning
b. Time of travel from home to school
c. Lack of learning resources
d. Financial allowances
e. Peer destruction


What solutions can I think of to solve the problem?

The solution that I thought of to solve those problems is first, as a teacher I need to interact with
the students by visiting them in their homes and asking them how they are and how can I help
them. Second, as a teacher, I need to have a plan A and plan B to enable me to cater to all the
needs and interests of the students when it comes to learning. Third, I need to talk to the parents
so that I will know their status and situation. Fourth, I need to be creative and practice the
attitude of being mindful. Fifth, I need to walk an extra mile enable to fully understand the
profession that I’m in. Lastly, I need to be flexible in all things that I should do because the
future of the learners relies on my hands.


As a teacher, as I was mentioned earlier, I should be prepared for any possibilities that
mayhappen. I need to exert my effort and willingness to accomplish and help the children in their
needs. Teacher plays a big role in solving that problem. And here are the specifications that I can
do is first, I need to seek the help and advice of the principal before I take the necessary action.
Second, I will conduct a meeting with the parents to know their current situation. Third, I will
seek the help of the local leaders for intervention and assistance. Fourth, as a teacher, I will
prepare all the necessary learning materials and I will adjust all my teaching abilities based on
their needs and situation so that I can cater to all of them. Those solutions are intended for the
two-learning environment.

“My Conducive Learning Environment”

By: _____________________________________

Today, diverse hypotheses for the learning environment exist. Some believe that students learn
through their natural or biological composition, independent of external influences. They
believe that your environment has no effect on you. At the same time, some feel that
learn based on the situation in which they find themselves. This type of individual recognizes
that learning occurs as a result of events or the environment. This is demonstrated by the
of a learned habit of doing something and the acceptance of novel ideas and methods of doing

As a student, the online learning approach requires a stress-free conducive environment,

although some the learners like me consider it a privilege. Because not all students can afford
kind of environment which the Philippine educational system requires the student to have
amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A favorable environment has a beneficial effect on a learner
because it can determine how and what the individual is learning. A positive environment is
described as a
place or scenario that is favorable. One would associate with a learning environment that
begins within. Students must be self-motivated and are self-motivated.

At the conclusion of this essay, I can state that my conducive learning environment is not
ideal, but it is manageable. However, a lack of a conducive learning environment can impair a
student’s capacity to learn as a result of the contingencies around their online learning area.
Many pupils have developed into shut-down learners in the modern-day, hence increasing the
rate of educational awareness failure. Students must wish for, want, and seek the benefits of
literacy in order to recognize and create the ideal conducive learning environment. In
conclusion, diverse
environments can be beneficial or distracting for learners. The cultural upbringing of a current
student has an effect on both the student’s access to relevant resources and the learning style
he or she offers. They may be motivated by a teacher-centered learning environment, and the
may or may not currently hold an active job in the area. Families that are invested in their
children’s education play an equal role in the learning process as an educator. The classroom
design, whether traditional or online, is a critical component of creating a conducive


As a student-teacher of this new curriculum, I think I can apply different types of teaching
strategies that can really help and assist in a face-to-face learning environment. I think that I can
also include technology as my way to my student more active in the class and it helps to make
my students reflect and explore learning.

Classroom Environment Before Classroom Environment Now

They have only a green board in front of the We have now TV monitor and projectors.
Before, students should be in the classroom to Now, we can attend a virtual class via Google
learn. meet or
Zoom app.
There is a board inside the room and you have We are now using Power point presentation.
paste manila paper when you9re reporting.
There are a lot of chairs inside the classroom No matter how many students are in the class,
because it doesn’t matter because they can
there are a lot of students. accommodate all using virtual
If you have to search for something, you have If you have to search for something, you have
to go to to open the available computer inside your
the library. classroom.

What do you think brought the changes in the face-to-face leaning environment now?
I think the reason why there are changes in the face-to-face learning environment is that we are
now incorporating
technology into the classroom and it provides effective learning environments. It affects the
setup of chairs and tables,
there are spaces that need to reserve and many more.

From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?

I think the changes that I can do is the set-up of the whole classroom, I will make my classroom
more creative with the
help of technologies available. I think that I should focus on the things that eliminate distractions
from the classroom that
can help the development of the students.

REFLECT (p.46)

Yes definitely, I think that if the classroom is conducive, it lessens the distractions inside the
classroom, the learning will continuously absorb by the students and they will learn how to
reflect and explore on the learning they got.


What common problem have I noticed in a face-to-face learning environment?

The common problem I have noticed in a face-to-face learning environment is the distractions

Can I translate this problem into a question?

Yes, I can translate this problem into a question, “How to decrease destructions in the


How would I solve the problem?

I’ll think of possible solutions like ice breakers, classroom rules, and other tricks to get their


What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
The best way that I can do this is to create classroom rules, dos and don’ts, I will try to think
about building ice breakers to get their attention every time needed, figuring out when should I
do, what am I going to do then share it with the whole class to motivate them to focus on what
they are doing inside

Will it improve my teaching? Yes How? Yes, of course, it will test my flexibility and creative
thinking skills and it will really contribute to myself to improve my teaching ability.

Title: The Face-to-Face Learning Environment

Describe the physical environment: The physical environment of the school reflects the
importance of safe, clean, and comfortable surroundings in creating a positive school climate
in which students can learn.
It assesses the level of maintenance, ambient noise, lighting, indoor air quality, and/or thermal
comfort of the school’s physical structure, as well as its location within the community.

Describe the psychological environment: Teachers communicate within the psychological

environmentthrough their attitudes, feelings of excitement, values, and principles. Most
students enter the educational
process expecting to be encouraged and assisted in their learning. The psychological
environment in the classroom sets the stage for the expression of ideas, opinions, and attitudes,
the asking of questions, and
the investigation of concerns. Essentially, the quality of relationships among students as well
as between students, teachers, other school personnel, and school leadership.

Describe the social environment: Positive social environments promote acceptance,

kindness, forgiveness, and opportunities to make mistakes without consequences. These gentle
learning environments can be incredibly important for diverse students.


As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if students know
how to use technology and gadgets properly. The support and guidance of the parents or family
are going a big part of the student’s safety. Assess the safety risks of any online platforms or
tools used with students. Make policies and procedures clear and accessible to all staff. Talk with
students – keep them updated. Keep parents/guardians and the community informed. Update
your online safety skills. Teachers should keep written notes and other evidence such as
screenshots if they have any concerns when interacting with students online or at any other time.
I think that teaching in a virtual learning environment is difficult to handle because teachers
cannot monitor students’ behavior. Not all students and teachers have the capability to access the
internet and provide gadgets in an online class. A lot of things must consider the money, internet,
electric supply, and the student’s ability to cope with the lesson.



Identify the problems brought about by the on-line learning environment.

The main problem with online learning is the lack of internet connection, electricity, and money.


How would you solve this problem?

I think to solve this problem the government should increase the budget for education and
upgrade the connections.
Create innovative learning modalities that students can access online despite having a pandemic.


What initial plan do you intend to do to solve this problem?

Ask for help from the parents, students, co-teachers, department, community, and importantly
the government.

Name of Website Topics/Title of Content

or Instructional
1. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED489533.pdf The Effects of Distance
Education on K–12
Student Outcomes: A
2. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1271239.pdf Distance Education
Students9 Cognitive
Flexibility Levels and
Distance Education
3. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1201959.pdf Distance Education
Students9 Cognitive
Flexibility Levels and
Distance Education
4. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1301247.pdf Developing Measures for
Effectiveness of Distance
Education as
Regards Sustainability:
The Mixed Method
5. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1271797.pdf Examining Students9
Confidence to Learn
Online, Self-Regulation
Skills and
Perceptions of
Satisfaction and
of Online Classes
6. https://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/winter234/monroe234.html Reflections, Challenges,
and Strategies for
Online Academic
Instruction: A Faculty
Perspective on the Rapid
Transition from
Face-to-face to Online
Instruction During
the COVID-19 Crisis
7. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1309762.pdf Effects of the Online
Environment Designed
with Instruction
Activities Model on
Achievements, Attitudes,
and Retention
of Learning
8. xploring the Effects of
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/ Online Learning
10.1080/10494820.2018.1522651 Behaviors on Short-Term
and Long-Term
Learning Outcomes in
Flipped Classrooms
9. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1318607.pdf Reading Comprehension
Skills: The Effect
of Online Flipped
Classroom Learning and
Student Engagement
During The COVID-
19 Pandemic
10. he Effects of Computer-
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/ Mediated
10.1080/03634523.2016.1221511 Communication Anxiety
on Student
Perceptions of Instructor
Perceived Learning, and
Quiz Performance


• Some of the students are not listening and not communicating.

• Some of the students might disagree because they have different opinions.
• Some students are struggling to follow rules.

NOTICE (p.61)

After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you
noticed by answering the
following questions:
• How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedures in the classroom/ remote
learning? I felt like it is going to be worth it and very helpful, I am happy and excited also to use
it for my future students.
• How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures? I feel like
they become more focused
during class.

• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
procedures? I consulted my teacher
friend and she said that it is okay, there are some points that need a few revisions and she thinks
that it is very helpful.
• Was there a change in the classroom environment/ teaching-learning process after
you have implemented your
classroom routines and procedures? No, this is the same rule that was used by the other
teachers. In my perspective, it
is both effective and helpful.

• What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and
procedures? I consulted my teacher
friend and she said that is okay, there are some points that need a few revisions and she thinks
that it is very helpful.


1. What factors/ conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and
Maybe the factors are: idea from the traditional classroom routines, observed by the other
teacher, routines that the
teachers often use, and effectiveness of the routines.
2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your
classroom routines?
The classroom becomes cleaner and more conducive to the learning environment. The students
become more responsible
for cleaning the whole classroom.

3. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

Yes, these rules, lessen the distractions and we became more comfortable inside the classroom.

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
I noticed the importance of classroom routines in every classroom in the world. I feel like, I have
to create also effective
classroom rules to have an effective learning environment. With proper use of classroom rules,
we can mold the future of
every student and we can have a great space for the students who want to learn.

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