Numerical Investigation On Rock-Breaking Mechanism and Cutting Temperature of Compound Percussive Drilling With A Single PDC Cutter
Numerical Investigation On Rock-Breaking Mechanism and Cutting Temperature of Compound Percussive Drilling With A Single PDC Cutter
Numerical Investigation On Rock-Breaking Mechanism and Cutting Temperature of Compound Percussive Drilling With A Single PDC Cutter
DOI: 10.1002/ese3.990
Wei Wang1 | Gonghui Liu1,2 | Jun Li1,3 | Chunqing Zha2 | Wei Lian3 |
Reyu Gao1
College of Petroleum Engineering, China
University of Petroleum, Beijing, China
Beijing University of Technology, Compound percussive drilling technology is a new method to improve the rock-
Beijing, China breaking efficiency in deep hard formation. In order to study the rock-breaking
Faculty of Petroleum, China University mechanism of compound impact drilling, the thermal-structure coupling simu-
of Petroleum, Karamay, China
lation of the dynamic rock-breaking process with a single PDC cutter was inves-
Correspondence tigated by using ABAQUS software. The influence of impact parameters on the
Gonghui Liu, College of Petroleum rock-breaking performance and cutting temperature was analyzed. The results
Engineering, China University of
Petroleum, Beijing, China.
proved that the compound impact load changes the rock failure mode and im-
Email: [email protected] proves the rock-breaking efficiency. Compared with steady load cutting, the rock
broken volume under compound impact increased by 7.5%, and the mechanical
Funding information
CNPC-China University of Petroleum specific energy (MSE) decreased by 12.3%. As the axial impact load amplitude in-
(Beijing) strategic cooperation project, creases, the MSE increases gradually. With an increase in torsional impact load
Grant/Award Number: ZLZX2020-01;
amplitude and impact frequency, the MSE decreases first and then increases, and
Youth Program of National Natural
Science Foundation of China, Grant/ the optimal torsional static load ratio is 0.3, and the optimal impact frequency is
Award Number: 51804013; NSFC Basic 30 Hz. In addition, the cutting temperature of the compound percussive drill-
Research Program on Deep Petroleum
ing is higher than that of the steady load cutting, and it increases with the im-
Resource Accumulation and Key
Engineering Technologies, Grant/Award pact load amplitude and decreases with the frequency. For the three impact load
Number: U19B6003 waveforms—sine, triangle, and square in this paper, the rock-breaking efficiency
under the condition of sine waveform is the largest when the dynamic ampli-
tude of the pulse force is fixed, and the cutting temperature under the condition
of square waveform is the highest. Finally, based on the analysis of the rock-
breaking mechanism, a novel compound percussive drilling tool was designed
and tested in the field.
compound percussive drilling, cutting temperature, MSE, PDC cutter, rock-breaking
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. Energy Science & Engineering published by Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2364 | Energy Sci Eng. 2021;9:2364–2379.
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2366 WANG et al.
Then, the sensitivity analysis of impact parameters was shown in Figure 1. The percussive hammer moves back
carried out, and the effects of dynamic load amplitude, and forth under the action of the high-pressure drilling
impact frequency, and waveform on the rock-breaking mud, impacts the anvil, and exerts periodic compound
performance and cutting temperature were analyzed. percussive load on the bit. The PDC bit is subjected to con-
Finally, the parameters of the compound impact drilling tinuous WOB, TOB, and periodic axial-torsional coupled
tool were optimized, and the structure diagram of the impact loads, breaking the bottom hole rock.5
impact drilling tool was designed. As shown in Figures 1C and 2, the cutter suffers the
axial force Fy exerted by WOB, the horizontal force Fx ex-
erted by TOB, and the periodic axial impact force Fa, the
2 | A NA LY T IC MODE L torsional impact force Ft exerted by the compound percus-
sive drilling tool. In addition, the cutter also suffers rock
2.1 | Model assumption reaction force Nf, Nb and friction force Sf, Sb in the front
and bottom surface, respectively, and θ is rake angle.
The working process of the PDC bit is essentially a As shown in Figure 2, the force balance equation of
process of cutting the rock from the bottom hole by a single cutter during the rock-breaking process of com-
the cutters, and the rock-breaking analysis of a single pound percussive drilling can be expressed as follows:
cutter is the basis of PDC bit performance research. A
single cutter-rock interaction analysis model was estab- FA + Fa = Nb + Nf sin𝛼 + Sf cos𝛼
lished according to the working process of the PDC bit FT + Ft = Sb + Nf cos𝛼 − Sf sin𝛼
under compound impact load. In order to reduce the
calculation complexity, the following assumptions are If μ is the friction coefficient between the cutter-rock
conducted: (a) The materials of cutter and rock are ho- interface,
mogeneous, and the wear and passivation of the cutter
are ignored; (b) ignore the heat transfer between drill- Sf Sb
𝜇= = (2)
ing fluid and PDC cutter; (c) the thermal and mechani- Nf Nb
cal properties of the PDC bit and rock materials do not
change with temperature. Solving for Nf and Sf, we get,
( ) ( )
FT + F t − 𝜇 FA + F a
2.2 | Mechanical model Nf = (
( 1 − 𝜇 )cos𝛼 2−(2𝜇sin𝛼 ) (3)
𝜇 FT + Ft − 𝜇 FA + Fa
During the compound percussive drilling process, the Sf = ( )
percussive tool is directly installed above the PDC bit, as 1 − 𝜇 2 cos𝛼 − 2𝜇sin𝛼
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WANG et al. 2367
𝜇Nf vf
Qf = (5)
lf w
It can be known from formula (3) that the normal force where ξ is the distribution coefficient of heat.
exerted on the rock in front of the cutter increases with The thermal response function of the cutter can be ex-
the growth of the horizontal load and decreases with the pressed as,
axial load.
Tc − T 0
f = (7)
2.3 | Thermomechanical model
Combining Equations (4)-(7), the average temperature
The thermomechanical model of a single cutter in the rock- of single cutter is as follows:
breaking process is shown in Figure 3. The heat distribu-
tion is determined by the structure of the single cutter and (1 − 𝜉) 𝜇Nf vf f
Tc = T 0 + (8)
rock-breaking mode. The generated heat area includes (a) lf w
the deformation heat generated by plastic deformation of
rock in area I; (b) the friction heat generated by the friction where T0 is the initial temperature. ξ is the distribution co-
between the cutter surface and rock, distributed in area II efficient between cutter and rock. vf is the relative sliding
in front of the cutter and area III below the cutter. In the speed of cutter and the cuttings. vc is the horizontal cutting
steady load cutting process, the heat is mainly distributed in speed. lf is the length of the friction contact surface in front
area I and area II while the heat in area III is limited, which of cutter. lw is the length of the friction contact surface at
is similar to the heat distribution in the working process bottom of cutter. w is the width of the cutter.
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2368 WANG et al.
Formula (8) shows that the temperature of the cutter Y, and Z directions. The cutter was set as a rigid body due to
increases with the growth of the normal force Nf and the the hardness of the PDC cutter is much higher than the rock.
relative sliding speed vf. Moreover, the distribution coeffi- A reference point with two translational degrees of freedom
cient of the heat α, the thermal response function f, and was defined, and then, a kinematic coupling constraint was
the friction coefficient μ between cutter and rock will also defined with the reference point, and the controlled surface
affect the cutter temperature. was the side surface of the cutter, as shown in Figure 4B.
The Y direction load was applied on the reference point to
simulate the WOB and axial impact load. Similarly, the cut-
3 | NU M E R ICAL M ODE L ting speed was set in the X direction to simulate the torque
and torsional impact load on the bit. A surface-to-surface
3.1 | Establishing of cutter-rock contact was adopted between the cutter and rock surface,
interaction model and the friction coefficient was set to 0.5. Besides, the initial
ambient temperature of the model was set to 25°C.
According to the hypothesis of the model, the single cutter- In the steady load cutting simulation, the axial static
rock interaction model is shown in Figure 4. The cutter was load exerts on the cutter is 100 N, and the horizontal cut-
consisting of a polycrystalline diamond (PCD) layer on a ting speed is fixed at 800 mm/s. In the simulation of per-
cemented carbide (WC-Co) substrate. The diameter of the cussive rock breaking, the additional axial dynamic load
cutter was 10 mm, the width of the PCD layer was set to is set as periodic impact force, and the extratorsional dy-
1 mm, the width of cemented carbide was set to 4 mm, and namic load is set as periodic impact velocity. We define ka
the rake angle was 15°. The geometric dimensioning of the as the ratio of axial impact load amplitude to axial static
rock model was 200 mm × 20 mm, as shown in Figure 4A. load and kt as the horizontal impact speed amplitude to
To minimize the amount of calculation, the thickness of horizontal cutting speed.
the model was set to 0.1 mm. Both the rock and the cut-
ter were meshed by the 8-node hexahedral linear reduced
integral element (C3D8RT). To better simulate the dy- 3.3 | Constitutive model and
namic rock-breaking process, the element size should be failure criterion
designed to approximate the actual particle size of the rock.
Considering the accuracy and complexity of the calcula- In the simulation, the correctness of rock constitutive
tion, the mesh on the top of the rock model was refined to model will directly affect the accuracy of the results.
ensure better simulation results, and the encrypted mesh Several material models, which could be used to repre-
size was set to 0.2 mm,26,29 as shown in Figure 4B. sent the damage evolution of rock under impact load,
were contained in the widely used commercial soft-
ware ABAQUS. A large number of previous studies
3.2 | Boundary and load have shown that the plastic damage constitutive model
based on Drucker-Prager criterion was suitable for de-
During the simulation, the nodes on the bottom and side scribe the constitutive relationship of rock elements
surfaces of the rock model were fully constrained in the X, and simulate the dynamic rock-breaking process.30,31
F I G U R E 4 Single cutter-rock
interaction model
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WANG et al. 2369
Density Elastic modulus Poisson's Thermal conductivity Specific heat coefficient
Material kg/m3 GPa ratio W/(m ℃) J/(kg ℃) ℃−1
PCD 3510 890 0.07 543.0 790 2.5 × 10-6
WC-Co 15000 579 0.22 100.0 230 5.2 × 10-6
Rock 2700 27.8 0.19 3.5 800 52.0 × 10-6
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2370 WANG et al.
(ka = kt = 0.3). In the simulation of impact rock-breaking
Simulation modes, the impact frequency was set to 30 Hz, the impact
100 duration was set to 0.1 ms, and the impact load loading
curve was set to a sine curve, as shown in Figure 8.
80 MSE was usually used to evaluate the rock-breaking
Stress (MPa)
obvious shear failure. The results indicate that simulation
results are in good agreement with laboratory test results, 0.0
which verifies the capability of the model to simulate rock 1.0 Square wave
fracture and stress-strain behavior.
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WANG et al. 2371
3.6%, and 1.7%, respectively. The results showed that the impact load. Besides, the size of cuttings produced during
average cutting force of the cutter decreases after apply- steady load cutting, axial impact, torsional impact, and
ing impact load and that of the compound impact mode compound impact cutting process gradually increased.
is the smallest. Therefore, compared with the steady load There are apparent large chunk-like cuttings in torsional
cutting and the other rock-breaking modes, the compound impact and compound impact cutting rock- breaking
impact load can effectively improve the stress state of the modes. This can be explained as follows. First, the axial
PDC cutter, which is conducive to reducing the bit wear
and prolonging the service life. 50 110
Figure 10 shows that under the steady load cutting, Broken volume
axial impact, torsional impact, and compound impact 105
rock-breaking modes, the broken volume increases while
creased by 7.5%, while the MSE decreased by 12.3%. The 95
simulation results show that the rock-breaking efficiency 35
of the compound impact mode is the highest, which is ben- 90
eficial to enhance the drilling efficiency and ROP.
As shown in Figure 11A-D, the cutting path below 85
the cutter is relatively smooth in the rock-breaking pro-
cess of steady load cutting and torsional impact modes. 25
Steady load Axial impact Torsional impact Compound impact
However, noticeable crushing pits can be observed on the
cutting path in the axial impact and compound impact F I G U R E 1 0 Broken volume and MSE under different rock-
rock-breaking modes, mainly caused by repeated axial breaking modes
500 500
Cutting force (N)
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
-100 -100
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Time (s) Time (s)
(C) 700 (D) 700
Torsional impact Compound impact
600 Average cutting force 600 Average cutting force
500 500
Cutting force (N)
400 400
300 300
200 200
100 100
0 0
-100 -100
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Time (s) Time (s)
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2372 WANG et al.
impact increases the penetration depth of the cutter, and the establishment stage of stable cutting, in which the
the failure mode of rock changes from plastic failure to cutter temperature increases slowly over time; stage III
brittle failure. Second, the torsional impact makes the rock is a stable cutting stage, at which time the cutter tem-
in front of the cutter more prone to brittle shear failure, perature appears to fluctuate relatively smoothly and
resulting in large rock cuttings. Moreover, it is noteworthy periodically.
that MSE shows the opposite trend with the size of the Moreover, the peak temperature of the cutter is dif-
cuttings, decreasing with the size. This is due to the reduc- ferent in the stable stage under different rock-breaking
tion of energy loss with the increase of cuttings size when modes. The peak temperatures of the cutter are 65.69°C,
breaking equal volume rock.35 68.72°C, 68.13°C, and 69.07°C under steady load cutting,
axial impact, torsional impact, and compound impact
rock-breaking modes, respectively. It can be found that
4.2 | Cutting temperature the cutter temperature in impact rock-breaking modes is
higher than that of steady load cutting. The reasons why
Figure 12 shows the temperature changes curves of the the cutter temperature increases under impact load are
cutter under different rock-breaking modes. It can be as follows: (a) Axial impact increases the instantaneous
seen from the figure that the temperature change under depth of cut, increasing the friction contact area, and in-
different rock-breaking modes is similar. The tempera- tensifying the friction between the cutter and the rock. (b)
ture change processes consist of three stages: Stage I is Torsional impact increases the normal force and the slip-
the initial contact stage between cutter and rock, during ping speed between the cutter and the rock, increasing the
which the cutter temperature rises rapidly; stage II is heat generated by the friction.
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WANG et al. 2373
75 75
(A) Steady load (B) Axial impact
65 65
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
55 55
45 45
35 35
25 25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Time (s) Time (s)
75 75
(C) Torsional impact (D) Compound impact
65 65
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
55 55
45 45
35 35
25 25
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
Time (s) Time (s)
F I G U R E 1 3 Temperature change
during rock-breaking process under
compound impact
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2374 WANG et al.
lated and began to deform, and the energy in the rock is
44.5 90
released gradually, as shown in Figure 13A,B. Then, the
cuttings are separated from the rock body due to the crack
propagates to the free surface. The contact area between
the cutter and the rock is reduced, and the heat gener- 43.5
ated is reduced. At the same time, the dissipation of the
cuttings will also take away part of the energy, resulting 43.0 80
in the temperature reduction of the cutter, as shown in 0.1 0.2 0.3
0.4 0.5
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WANG et al. 2375
presents the effect of the torsional impact load amplitude 4.3.3 | Effect of impact frequency
on the cutter temperature.
Figure 16 shows that the higher the dynamic torsional With the increase of the impact frequency, the input en-
load, the larger the rock broken volume, while the MSE ergy per unit time exerts on the bit increases accordingly.
decreases first and then increases. The results indicate that In this section, other impact parameters were fixed, and
increasing the torsional impact load amplitude is helpful the impact frequency was set to 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 30 Hz,
to rock fragmentation. And the MSE reaches the mini- 40 Hz, and 50 Hz, respectively. The effects of frequency on
mum value at 0.3, which suggests that the rock-breaking rock-breaking performance and cutting temperature were
efficiency is relatively high at this torsional load ampli- analyzed, as shown in Figures 18 and 19.
tude. As shown in Figure 17, the cutter temperature in- Figure 18 shows that the rock broken volume increases
creases linearly with the ratio of torsional dynamic load to with the increases in impact frequency, which indicates
static load. The reason is that with the increase of the tor- that increasing the impact frequency is helpful to rock
sional impact load amplitude, the instantaneous normal fragmentation. However, the MSE first decreases and then
force and sliding speed of the cutter increase gradually, increases with the frequency, suggesting that the impact
increasing the heat generated by friction and the cutter frequency has an optimal range under compound impact.
temperature. This is consistent with the conclusions of The rock-breaking efficiency is higher when the impact
Zhang et al.3 frequency is 30 Hz. As illustrated in Figure 19, as the
45.5 95 45.5 95
Broken volume (mm3)
45.0 90 45.0 90
44.5 85 44.5 85
44.0 80 44.0 80
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 10 20 30 40 50
kt Frequency (Hz)
F I G U R E 1 6 Broken volume and MSE at different torsional F I G U R E 1 8 Broken volume and MSE at different compound
impact load amplitudes impact frequencies
80 80
75 75
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
65 65
60 60
55 55
50 50
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 10 20 30 40 50
kt Frequency (Hz)
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2376 WANG et al.
Temperature (°C)
the friction heat transferred to the cutter.
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WANG et al. 2377
(A) (B)
6000 1200
3 m/s 25 rad/s
5 m/s 50 rad/s
5000 7 m/s 1000 75 rad/s
4000 800
Axial Force (N)
Torque (N·m)
3000 600
2000 400
1000 200
0 0
0.00000 0.00003 0.00006 0.00009 0.00012 0.00015 0.00000 0.00001 0.00002 0.00003 0.00004 0.00005
Time (s) Time (s)
FIGURE 23 (A) Dynamic load by axial impact; (B) Dynamic load by torsional impact
30 4
Besides, the test results also verified the rationality of the Frequency
Pressure drop
tool structure and provided a theoretical basis for the fol- 25
low-up field application. 3
The field experiment of compound percussive drill-
Pressure drop (MPa)
Frequency (Hz)
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2378 WANG et al.
failure of the PDC bit and prolong its service life. The field cutting temperature rises with the dynamic load ampli-
test results further verify the simulation results. tude, and it decreases with an increase in impact fre-
quency. The cutting temperature under the condition
of square waveform is the highest when the dynamic
6 | CO NC LU SION S amplitude of the pulse force is fixed.
4. A novel compound percussive drilling tool was de-
In order to better understand the rock-breaking mecha- signed based on the analysis of the rock-breaking
nism of compound percussion drilling, a finite element mechanism under compound impact load. The axial
analysis of the rock-breaking process and cutting tem- hammer could generate a square wave, while the
perature with a single cutter under compound impact was torsional hammer could generate a sine wave. The
conducted. The cutting force, MSE, and rock failure mode field experiment results show that the tool can ef-
under different rock-breaking modes were analyzed. The fectively improve the rock-breaking efficiency of the
effects of the dynamic load amplitude, impact frequency, PDC bit.
and waveforms on the rock-breaking performance and
cutting temperature of compound percussive drilling were ACKNOWLEDGMENT
studied. The following conclusions were obtained: The authors would like to thank the NSFC Basic Research
Program on Deep Petroleum Resource Accumulation and
1. Among the steady load cutting, axial impact, torsional Key Engineering Technologies (U19B6003), the Youth
impact, and compound impact rock-breaking modes, Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China
the rock broken volume is the largest under com- (51804013), and the CNPC-China University of Petroleum
pound impact load, while the average cutting force (Beijing) strategic cooperation project (ZLZX2020-01) for
and MSE are the smallest. Compared with steady load supporting this work and for permission to publish this
cutting, the rock broken volume under compound im- paper.
pact increased by 7.5%, and MSE decreased by 12.3%,
which is expected to increase the ROP and prolong ORCID
the services life of PDC bit in hard rock drilling. Wei Wang
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