Call of Cthulhu - The Creature Companion
Call of Cthulhu - The Creature Companion
Call of Cthulhu - The Creature Companion
A Core Game Book for Keepers
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Scott David,~Ahiolowski
with Lee Gibbons and friends
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The Creature
A Core Game Book for Keepers
Bom 1890
Died 1937
A Core Game Book for l(eepers
cover painting
Lee Gibbons
section illustrations
Paul Carrick
monster illustrations
Earl Geier, Rodell Sanford
Chaosium Inc.
The Creature Companion is published by Chaosium Inc.
Clear Credit The Creature Companion is copyright ©1994, 1996, 1998 by Chaosium Inc.; all
Scott David Aniolowski created stats for the children of rights reserved.
Abhoth, Aforgomon, the Aihais, the Ancien! Ones, Call of Cthulhu is the registered trademark of Chaosium Inc.
Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg, the brothers of Chaugnar Faugn,
Cthylla, Cynothoglys, the Dark Demon, the dwellers in Similarities between characters in The Creature Companion and persons living or
the depths, the Faceless God, the Feaster from Afar, the dead are strictly coincidental.
fosterlings of the Old Ones, Fthagghua, Ghroth,
All materiał conceming Shudde-M'ell and the Cthonians, and all other inventions of
Goatswood gnomes, the God of the Red Flux, the Green
Brian Lumley as portrayed in his works, specifically The Burrowers Benearh, are used
God, the children of the Green God, the spawn of with his kind permission. Scott David Aniolowski's "An Early Frost" ©1993 by Scott
Hastur, Hydra, Iod, the Keeper of the Moon-Lens, David Aniolowski; "I Dream of Wires" ©1995 by Scott David Aniolowski. Algemon
Kthanid, the inhabitants of L'gy'hx, Lloigor, Lrogg, Blackwood's 'The Wendigo" ©1973 by Dover Publications, Inc. Robert Bloch's 'The
Madam Yi, the Martense kin, M'bwa, the Million Dark Demon" and 'The Faceless God" ©1936 by Weird Tales; 'The Secret of Sebek"
Favoured Ones, the miri nigri, M'nagalah, the nioth- ©1993 by Robert Bloch. Joseph Payne Brennan's 'The Willow Platform" ©1973 by
korghai, Nug and Yeb, Orryx, Ossadagowah, Othuum, Stuart David Schiff for Whispers 1; 'The Feaster from Afar" © 1976 by Edward P.
Q'yth-az, Rlim Shaikorth, the denizens of S'glhuo, the Berglund. Ramsey Campbell's 'The Church in High Street" ©1962 by August Derleth;
shoggoth lords (based on Lynn Willis' Mr. Sil.iny), the 'The Horror from the Bridge", 'The Insects from Shaggai", 'The Moon-Lens", 'The
blessed of Shub-Niggurath, Shugoran, Tawil at'Umr, the Plain of Sound", 'The Render of the Veils'', and 'The Room in the Castle" ©1964 by
Tick Tock Man, Tru'nembra, the voonnis, the voors, Ramsey Campbell; "Cold Print" ©1969 by August Derleth; "Made in Goatswood"
Vorvadoss, Vulthoom, the wendigo, Ubb, Xada-Hgla, ©1973 by Ramsey Campbell; 'The Tugging" ©1976 by Edward P. Berglund; 'The Faces
the denizens ofYaddith, the inhabitants ofYekub, Yegg- at Pine Dunes" ©1980 by Arkham House Publishers; 'The Horror Under Warrendown"
ha, the children of Y'golonac, and Zoth Syra. ©1995 by Ramsey Campbell for Made in Goatswood. Lin Carter's "Out of the Ages"
©1975 by April R. Derleth and Walden W. Derleth; "Zoth-Ommog" ©1976 by Edward P.
Fred Behrendt contributed the travelers. Clifton
Berglund; "Strange Manuscript Found in the Vermont Woods" and 'The Secret in the
Ganyard designed stats for the adumbrali, B'moth,
Parchment" ©1988 by Cryptic Publications. Walter C. DeBill, Jr.'s "Where Yidhra
Sebek, and the spawn of the Green Abyss. J. Todd Walks" ©1976 by Edward P. Berglund. August Derleth's 'The Lair of the Star-Spawn"
Kingrea created stats for the children ofTsathoggua and ©1932 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co.; 'The Sandwin Compact" ©1953 by August
the xo tl'mi-go. Kevin A. Ross wrote up Bugg-Shash, Derleth; 'The Return of Hastur" ©1958 by August Derleth. Robert E. Howard's "People
Byatis, Gol-goroth, the larvae of the Other Gods, the of the Dark" ©1932 by The Clayton Magaiines, Inc.; 'The Thing on the Roof' ©1932
ny'ghan gril, the space eaters, the tomb-herd, the yuggs, by Popular Fiction Publishing Co.; 'The Black Stone" ©1987 by Alla Ray Kuykendall
and Zu-che-quon. Michael Szymanski did Yidhra. and Alla Ray Morris. Tina L. Jens' "In His Daughter's Darkling Womb" ©1997 by Scott
Other creatures and entities were culled from David Aniolowski for Singers of Strange Songs. T.E.D. Klein's "Black Man with a Horn"
Chaosium scenarios, and credit must be given to their and "Children of the Kingdom" ©1980 by T.E.D. Klein. Henry Kuttner's 'The Invaders",
creators. Marion Anderson and Phil Anderson created and 'The Bells of Horror" ©1939 by Henry Kuttner. Thomas Ligotti's 'The Prodigy of
the Dho-spawn (Fearful Passages). Scott David Dreams" ©1989 by Thomas Ligotti. Frank Belknap Long's ''The Space Eaters" ©1928
Aniolowski designed Juk-Shabb and the inhabitants of by Popular Fiction Publishing Co. H.P. Lovecraft's, A. Merritt's, Robert E. Howard's,
Yekub (Sacraments of Evi{), as well as the Wailing C.L. Moore's, and Frank Belknap Long's 'The Challenge From Beyond" ©1978 by Mare
Writher (Escape from lnnsmouth). Bill Barton wrote up A. Michaud. Robert A. W. Lowndes' 'The Abyss" ©1965 by Health Knowledge
the Martians and the Martian war maćhines (Cthulhu by Publications, lnc. Brian Lumley's "An Item of Supporting Evidence" ©1970 by August
Derleth; "Rising with Surtsey" ©1971 by August Derleth; ''The Fairground Horror''
Gaslight). Fred Behrendt created the desh (Adventures
©1976 by Edward P. Berglund; The Clock of Dreams ©1978 by Brian Lumley. Bertram
in Arkham Country). John Carnahan wrote spectra! Russell's 'The Scourge of B'Moth" © I 929 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co. Michael
hunters (Shadows of Yog-Sothoth). Larry DiTillio and Shea's "Fat Face" ©1987 by Michael Shea. Clark Ashton Smith's 'The Seven Geases"
Lynn Willis created stats for the Black Sphinx, the ©1934 by Popular Fiction Publishing Co.; "Vulthoom" ©1935 by Popular Fiction
Bloated Woman, and the Children of the Sphinx (Masks Publishing Co.; ''The Coming of the White Worm" ©1941 by Albing Publications; 'The
of Nyarlathotep). Geoff Gillan designed the Skinless Chain of Aforgomon" ©1988 by CASiana Literary Enterprises. C. Hall Thompson's 'The
One (Horror on the Orient Express). Sheldon Gillett cre- Spawn of the Green Abyss" ©1946 by Weird Tales. Donald Wandrei's 'The Tree-Men of
ated the lesser brothers of Chaugnar Faugn (Horror's M'bwa" ©1932 by Popular Fiction Publishing Company; 'The Fire Vampires" ©1933 by
Heart). Ed Gore created the rat people (Shadows ofYog- Popular Fiction Publishing Company. Colin Wilson's The Space Vampires ©1976 by
Sothoth). Steve Hatherly created the fractal creatures Colin Wilson. H.P. Lovecraft's works ©1963, 1964, 1965 by August Derleth. Works
and the fractal Yog-Sothoth (The Stars Are Right!). within are quoted for purposes of illustration.
Keith Berber wrote the Beast (Day ofthe Beast), Sons of
Cover painting: A deep one holds lnnsmouth in the palm of its hand.
Yog-Sothoth (Day of the Beast), and the unspeakable
©1998 Lee Gibbons; all rights reserved.
possessors (Cthulhu Now). Kevin W. Jacklin created
Vibur (Dark Designs). Doug Lyons created the hell- Section illustrations are by Paul Carrick. Individual monsters by Earl Geier and
plants (Terror from the Stars) and the thralls of Cthulhu Rodell Sanford. Except in this publication and related advertising, or unless otherwise
(Great Old Ones). Randy McCaU designed the crawling agreed to, artwork original to The Creature Companion remains the property of the indi-
ones (Shadows ofYog-Sothoth), as well as Arwassa and vidual artist, and is copyright by that artist under his or her separate copyright.
the proto-shoggoths (The Asylum and Other Tales). Kurt
The reproduction of materiał from within this book for the purposes of personal or
Miller created the spawn of Nyogtha (Fata/ Experi-
corporate profit, by photographic, optical, electronic, or other media or methods of stor-
ments). Sandy Petersen created the Messenger of the Old
age and retrieval, is prohibited.
Ones and the Worm that Walks (Shadows of Yog-
Sothoth). Kevin A. Ross designed the deep one hybrids Address questions and comments, as well as requests for free notices of new
(Tales of the Miskatonic Valley), the degenerate serpent Chaosium publications, by mail to Chaosium, Inc., 950-A 56th Street, Oakland CA
folk (Sacraments of Evil), and the Star Mother 94608-3129, U.S.A. Please do not phone in game questions; the quickest answer may not
(Kingsport). Mike Szymanski created the Chorazin be the best answer.
(Cthulhu Now). G.W. Thomas designed Gloon (Cthulhu
Now). Lynn Willis created Mr. Sil.iny (At Your Door). ISBN J-56882-133-6
Most of the Introduction originally appeared in Call Chaosium Publication 2375.
ofCthulhu, fifth edition. Lynn Willis revised that version.
Shannon Appel wrote the excerpts from the Journals Published in December, 1998.
of Sir Hansen Poplan.
Printed in Canada.
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................ 7 Travelers ............................... 47 Juk-Shabb ............................. 79
Pronunciations .................... 9 Tsathoggua, Children of ....... 48 Kthanid ................................. 79
Creatures of the Mythos .... 11 Ubb ....................................... 49 Lloigor .................................. 80
Creatures, by Type ............. 12 Unspeakable Possessors ....... 49 M'nagalah............................. 81
Abhoth, Children of .. ..... .. ... . 13 Voormis ................................ 50 Nug and Yeb ......................... 81
Adumbrali............................. 13 Voors ..................................... 51 Nyarlathotep ................... 65, 82
Aihais ................................... 14 Wendigo ................................ 51 Ahtu ................................... 82
Black Sphinx ........................ 15 Worm that Walks .................. 52 The Beast.. ......................... 83
Chaugnar Faugn, G. Bros....... 16 Xo Tl'mi-go.......................... 53 Bloated Woman ................. 83
Chaugnar Faugn, L. Bros....... 17 Yaddith, Denizens of ............ 53 Dark Demon ...................... 84
Crawling Ones ...................... 17 Yekub, lnhabitants of ........... 54 Faceless God ..................... 85
Cthulhu, Thralls of............... 18 Y' golonac, Children of ........ 55 Haunter of the Dark. .......... 85
Deep One Hybrids ................ 19 Yog-Sothoth, Sons of ........... 55 Lrogg ................................. 86
Desh ...................................... 20 Yuggs .................................... 56 Messenger of the Old Ones 86
Dwellers in the Depths ......... 21 Zoth Syra .............................. 57 Shugoran ............................ 87
Fosterlings of the Old Ones . 22 Zy'tl Q' ae ............................. 57 Skinless One ...................... 87
Fractal Creatures .................. 23 Deities of the Mythos.......... 59 Tick Tock Man .................. 88
Fthagghua ............................. 25 Deities, by Type ................. 60 Wailing Writher ................. 89
Goatswood Gnomes ............. 26 Ancient Ones ........................ 61 Orryx ..............................:..... 89
Green Abyss, Spawn of the„ 26 Arwassa ................................ 61 Ossadagowah ........................ 90
Green God, Children of the„ 27 Azathoth ......................... 62, 63 Other Gods, Larvae of the .... 91
Hastur, Spawn of .................. 27 Xada-Hgla ......................... 62 Othuum ................................. 91
Hell-Plants ............................ 28 The Greatest Gods ................ 63 Q'yth-az ................................ 92
Hyperboreans ....................... 29 Azathoth ............................. 63 Red Flux, God of the ............ 93
L' gy'hx, Inhabitants of.. ....... 29 Cthulhu .............................. 64 Rlim Shaikorth ..................... 94
Martense Kin ........................ 30 Color Plates .............. after 64 Saaitii .................................... 95
Martians ................................ 31 Nyarlathotep ...................... 65 Sebek .................................... 95
M'bwa .................................. 32 Shub-Niggurath ................. 66 Shub-Niggurath .............. 66, 96
Million Favoured Ones ........ 33 Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg ............. 67 Keeper of the Moon-Lens„ 96
Miri Nigri ............................. 33 Bugg-Shash .......................... 67 Star Mother........................... 97
Mr. Shiny .............................. 33 Byatis .................................... 68 Summanus ............................ 98
Nioth-Korghai ...................... 35 Cthulhu ................................. 69 Tru' nembra ........................... 99
Ny'ghan Grii ........................ 35 B'moth ............................... 69 Vibur ..................................... 99
Nyogtha, Spawn of............... 36 Chorazin ............................ 70 Vorvadoss .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. . 101
Rat People ............................ 37 Cthylla .................................. 71 Vulthoom ............................ 101
Seekers ................................. 38 Cynothoglys ......................... 72 Yegg-ha............................... 102
Serpent People, Degenerate . 38 Dho-Spawn ........................... 73 Yidhra ................................. 103
S 'glhuo, Denizens of............ 39 Ghroth................................... 73 Madam Yi ........................ 103
Shoggoth Lords .................... 40 Gloon .................................... 74 Yog-Sothoth ........................ 104
Shoggoths, Proto- ................. 41 Gol-Goroth ........................... 75 Aforgomon ...................... 104
Shub-Niggurath, Blessed of .. 42 Green God ............................ 75 Fractal Yog-Sothoth ......... 105
Shugoran, ChiIdren of .......... 43 Hastur ................................... 76 Tawil At'umr ................... 106
Space Eaters ......................... 43 Feaster from Afar .............. 76 Ythogtha ............................. 107
Spectra! Hunters ................... 44 King in Yellow .................. 77 Zu-Che-Quon ..................... 107
Sphinx, Children of .............. 45 Hydra .................................... 77 Index .................................. 109
Tomb-Herd ........................... 45 Jod ......................................... 78 Poplan 's Articles .............. 11O
•u • .
This volume is dedicated to Fred Behrendt and Gary Sumpter, two fellow explorers
of the Dark. Any casual observer seeing the three of us as we drove back from
NecronomiCon 3rd Edition last summer would surely have thought us insane!
"Right! Get my truncheon!"
Welcome to The Creature Companion. This volume col- and creations of so very many authors. And within this
lects together for the first time all the non-Dreamlands seemingly all-encompassing genre exist various camps
creatures from Ye Booke of Monstres I and 2, some crit- ranging from Lovecraftian purists to enthusiastic collec-
ters from the Call of Cthulhu rule book, some corrected tors and pasticheurs, each with his or her own ideas of
or revised entries, and a bunch of brand new additions. what is or is not true to the Cthulhu Mythos.
The new monsters for this edition come from a variety of I have tried to talce no sides in the writing of this series,
sources, including some rare and classic Mythos stories and have included hundreds of entries from dozens of
and popular Call of Cthulhu scenarios. Some of the rare authors. Do I personally like or agree with every creature
Mythos creations of Donald Wandrei are presented here and creation collected in this volume? Not especially. I
for the first time, as are some of the Mythos-fantasy crea- have simply tried to assemble the greatest diversity of
tures of Brian Lumley, among many others. monsters possible, from as many sources as I could. And
The notion that I carne away with after compiling this as I have said in the original Ye Booke ofMonstre volumes,
edition of The Creature Companion was the rich diverse- I urge the keeper to use or ignore the materiał herein as he
ness of the Cthulhu Mythos. The literary behemoth that or she sees wishes. Not every monster in this volume will
H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos has become is com- fit into every keeper's campaign or world-view. That's
posed of elements of horror, history, fantasy, sword & fine. These are options I am presenting here-that's all.
sorcery, hard-boiled adventure, high adventure, dark fan- But I think there is something here for every keeper and
tasy, science fiction, science fantasy, erotic, Gothic, every campaign, no matter what the setting, time period,
Traditional, Victorian, splatter punk, space opera, avant or particular slant. Here are lots of new ways to terrorize
garde, and any number of other sub-genres. lt is a strange and tormeot your investigators--enjoy!
(and not always user-friendly) amalgamation of the ideas - Scott Aniolowski
Monster Types; Wha t 1'hose Sta ts Mean
ntries in this book are alphabetical, usually by key or powerful. Others are members of no race, nor are they
word or phrase: thus you'll find the Denizens of gods or Great Old Ones. These beings, for lack of any bet-
S'glhuo entered under S, as S'glhuo, Denizens of ter classification, are designated as Unique Entities. Some
The exact forrns for entities occur in the deities and mon- Unique Entities are also listed as being a particular type of
sters boxes, at the start of each section. There the entries are creature-belonging to a certain Mythos race.
also classified according to one possible Mythos hierarchy. Unique Entities run the entire gamut of possibility, but
Servitor species may also be independent agents, or are often powerful, unusual beings that have the god-like
agent of other entities. ability of being dispelled upon reduction to zero hit points
or less, rather than death. Often mere damage cannot
destroy a Unique Entity.
Creature Classifications
Creatures of the Mythos are classified in one of four cate-
gories: Fabulous Creatures, Independent Races, Servitor
Deity Classifications
Races, and Unique Entities. Not all of these classifications Deities of the Mythos are classified in one of five cate-
are used in this book. gories: Elder Gods, Great Old Ones, Great Ones, Outer
Gods, and Avatars. Not all of these classifications are used
Fabulous creatures are enchanted or mystica! beings drawn
from legends and lore. Although they can be dangerous, as ELDERGODS
often fabulous creatures inspire awe and wonder in those The Elder Gods are a race of gods neutral to or possibly
who see them. Fabulous creatures are generally connected rivals of the Outer Gods. Though of vast and awesome
to the Cthulhu Mythos in no other way than through their power, the Elder Gods do not seem to be as dangerous to
existence in the Drearnlands, where they are almost exclu- humanity as the Outer Gods. Like them, the Elder Gods
sively found. Fabulous creatures may be manipulated by have little contact with humanity. Few Elder Gods are men-
the various races, beings, and gods of the Cthulhu Mythos, tioned; the god Nodens is most often mentioned by name.
but they seidom worship them. No Fabulous Creatures are
described in this book; see The Complete Dreamlands. GREAT OLD ONES
The Great Old Ones are not omnipotent, but nonetheless
INDEPENDENT RACES are godlike and terrible in human eyes. Humans are likely
Certain species are servitors to no particular god or Great to worship Great Old Ones, who are comparatively near at
Old One, although individuals may certainly worship such hand. Great Old Ones occasionally participate in human
beings. Certain species neither desire nor instigate any affairs or contact individual humans. The Great Old Ones
interaction with other races of the Mythos, while others appear to be immensely powerful alien beings with super-
may actively associate with or war against other species or natural-seeming abilities, but not to be gods of the potency
even gods and Great Old Ones. reported for the Outer Gods. Each Great Old One is inde-
pendent. Many seem imprisoned in some way.
Specific species are often associated with particular Great GREATONES
Old Ones, Great Ones, Outer Gods, or Elder Gods. These The Great Ones are the gods of Earth's Dreamlands. Do not
are servitor species. Frequently a god or Great Old One confuse them with the Great Old Ones. The Great Ones are
manifests accompanied by several such servitors. In sce- the weakest of all the deity types, and a wise mortal can
narios and stories these representatives have acted as surpass them in might. However, they are protected by the
guards, abductors, assassins, messengers, spies, and deliv- dread Outer Gods, so mortals properly revere and worship
ery boys, frightening investigators and bulking out con- them. The Great Ones are fairly benevolent toward
frontations. mankind and are so sirnilar to humans that they can actual-
ly breed with them. All Great Ones resemble human beings
UNIQUE ENTITIES and all share the same generał racial aspect: a stem and ter-
Certain individuals defy classification. Some are distinctive rible visage, with long narrow eyes, long-lobed ears, thin
members of a certain race-either particularly interesting noses, and pointed chins. Great Ones walk through the air
8 The Creature Companion
as easily as on the ground and they can travel between the IIlTPOINTS
dimensions at need, arriving swiftly at their chosen desti- Usually a monster must lose all hit points before death fol-
nations. No Great Ones are described in this book; see The lows. This is figured by averaging SIZ and CON (in the
Complete Dreamlands. case of unusual or special races, hit points may be figured
differently, such as by POW). Bigger or healthier monsters
OUTERGODS have more hit points.
The Outer Gods role the universe. All races and lesser Though they have hit points, gods and Great Old Ones
deities of the Mythos acknowledge the Outer Gods, and cannot be truły slain. When a deity or Great Old One is
many worship them. Except for Nyarlathotep, these gods reduced to zero hit points or less, the thing is dispelled-
have little to do with humanity. Humans who meddle with forced back to whence it carne. Mere physical darnage will
these entities suffer for it-usually by going mad or dying. not destroy any Great Old One, Outer God, Elder God, or
The Outer Gods are portrayed as true gods, and some seem Great One.
to personify some cosmic principle. Of those known, only
a few Outer Gods affect human affairs. When they do, they MOVE
often seek to break through cosmic walls or dimensions in If two numbers or more are separated by slashes, the trail-
order to wreak new destruction. ing number is the monster's Move in another medium
(water, air, etc.), as listed next to the statistic.
Avatars are variant manifestations of an Outer God, Great DAMAGE BONUS
Old One, Elder God, or Great One that possess the capaci- For individuals, the darnage bonus notations show the actu-
ty for independent action. Avatars are less powerful than al rolls to be added to damage results. Those for species are
the gods they represent, although many are more horrible to given as average rolls: for an individual of the species, cal-
witness. Avatars are usually limited to a specific size and culate the darnage bonus from its SIZ+STR. The notation
form. Nyarlathotep is most well known for its avatars, of +db indicates that the darnage bonus should be included in
which 999 are claimed; at least one (the Black Man) is the attack.
human-like in appearance. In this book, avatars are classi-
fied under the heading of the god they represent. WEAPONS
The weapons listed are usually natural weapons, as
Entry Format opposed to artifacts. Here the entity's characteristic attacks
and chances to hit are shown, plus damage done. Gods,
Where possible, each entry starts with a quote describing Great Ones, and Great Old Ones often get to attack at
the deity or monster. Certain creatures were created by a 100%-a I 00% attack never misses. Again, those values
designer for the Call of Cthulhu garne system, and were not given for species represent averages, while those for indi-
taken from literary sources; these entries often have atmos- viduals are the actual chances to hit. The entry +db stands
pheric quotes. If much is known about the entity, there may for plus damage bonus.
be additional description. If discussing an Outer God, Elder
God, Great One, or Great Old One, notice of any notable LOSS OF CHARACTERISTICS
cult comes next. The rest of the notes consider peculiarities If an entity drains points of characteristics from a iarget,
of habit or habitat. A deity may be discussed as it is only those points are lost permanently, unless the entry clearly
after it has been sumrnoned or otherwise encountered. Sub- states that the loss is temporary.
heads may break up lengthy and complex materiał. Entries
end with information on specific attacks, when appropriate. ARMOR
The relative length of entries has nothing to do with the The creature may have a hard shell, thick hide, be able to
importance of the entity or species within the Mythos, nor regenerate flesh, or be imrnune to certain sorts of attacks. If
with the likelihood of encounter. Certain species may have so, this will be explained in accompanying notes. Many
remarkable properties which demand considerable space to Great Old Ones, Great Ones, and gods regenerate hit
sumrnarize. points. Most can be dispelled if attacks lower their hit
points to zero or less. Subtract the amount for arrnor from
THE STATISTICS the hit points cost by a successful attack.
Mythos statistics include STR, CON, SIZ, INT, POW, and
DEX, but not usually APP, EDU, or SAN, since those qual- SPELLS
ities in such alien creatures are not meaningful. This entry notes the likelihood that an individual monster
Unintelligent beings also lack INT. or an average species member can cast spells or knows par-
Single beings such as deities are given precise statistics, ticular spells. Listed spells are intended to be those most
but species are given a dice-roll range: when a specific appropriate to the entity: a thrall of Cthulhu is more likely
monster is called for, the keeper should use those rolls as to cast Contact Cthulhu than Sumrnon/Bind Fire Vampires,
guides. Average scores for species are also given, and these for instance. Additional spells are always possible, and
can be transcribed when speed is necessary. always left to the keeper's discretion.
Introduction 9
The actual amount lost rnight increase if more than one "I have spent the eight years since scouring the globe
monster were seen, at the keeper's discretion, but the Sanity for other tomes relating to this elder cycle of mythology,
loss charged at one time should never exceed the maximum leading to my appointment here at Miskatonic.
possible loss that a single creature could cause. "Most of my learning is book based, but I have seen suf-
"To see" is appended as a way of saying "to witness", or ficient hints at the truth-the actions of half-mad cultists
"to experience", or "to encounter". The investigators are and the artifacts of long-dead worlds-to come and believe
affected whether or not they close their eyes. in the veracity of the entire Mythos cycle of mythology.
"I offer my journals here as a compilation of what I
The Journals of Sir Hansen Poplan have learned and as a gloss and testament to the secrets that
most scholars refuse to leam. They are also a waming,
Scattered throughout this book are excerpts from the jour- though I fear that I am the modern-day Cassandra, cursed
nals of Sir Hansen Poplan. These records are by a notable by the deities of the Mythos to know the truth but to never
scholar, knighted for acts of bravery during the Great War be believed by my peers."
and now a professor at Miskatonic University. Poplan's essays are speculative, and thus must be taken
In his own words: "My studies of the Mythos began with the proverbia! grain of salt, but stili their insights are
with certain investigations into the nature of the deity intriguing.
Cthulhu, the result of a spectacular shipping accident in the The essays in this book are excerpts, and not in their
Pacific in early 1925 related to the freighter Vigilant. My order of composition. They are portions thought appropri-
surprise was great when I learned that Cthulhu was at the ate to the main text and arranged accordingly.
center of a complex mythology which I find stili growing May you be protected from Mythos monstrosities! ■
before my eyes.
«IJ'lie9 were liere long 6efore tlie Ja6ufous epocft ofCtftulliu was
over, ani remember a{[ about sunl(g,n !f<:f:geft wlien it was a6ove
tlie Waters. 'Ifte!J've 6een insule tlie 'Eartli too ... 6{ue-utten
'lCn-yan, rea-utten 'Yotft, ana 6fact Bgfttt:ess !Jłkai."
Creatures, By Type
Independent Races Servitor Races (Cont.)
Adumbrali Fosterling of the Old Ones
Desh, Greater & Lesser Fractal Creatures
Green Abyss, Spawn of the Goatswood Gnomes
Hyperboreans Green God, Children of the
L'gy'hx, Inhabitants of Hastur, Spawn of
Martense Kin Hell-Plants
Martians Miri Nigri
Nioth-Korghai Nyogtha, Spawn of
Ny'ghan Gńi Seekers
Rat People Shoggoths, Proto-
Serpent People, Degenerate Shub-Niggurath, Blessed of
S'glhuo, Denizens of Shugoran, Children of
Shoggoth Lords Spectra! Hunters
Space Eaters Sphinx, Children of
Travelers Tomb-Herd
Voormis Tsathoggua, Children of
Voors Unspeakable Possessors
XoTJ'mi-go Wendigo
Yaddith, Denizens of Y'golonac, Children of
Yekub, lnhabitants of Yog-Sothoth, Sons of
Zy'tl Q'ae Yuggs
BHOTH, CHILDREN OF, Les.ser Servitor Race. greatly. For most statistics, the keeper must first make a ran-
A There were things like bodiless legs or arms that jlailed
in the slime, or heads that rolled, or jloundering bellies with
dom dice roll to see how many dice the statistic has. For
example, STR is listed as 1-4D10. So the keeper should first
fishes 'fins; and all manner of things malformed and mon- roll a D4 and then roll that many D 10.
strous, that grew in size as they departed from the neigh- The Outer God Abhoth is described in the Call of
borhood of Abhoth. And those that swam not swiftly ashore Cthulhu rules, page 160.
when they fell into the pool from Abhoth, were devoured by
CHILDREN OF ABHOTH, Spoor of an Outer God
mouths that gaped in the parent bulk.-Clark
char. rolls averages
Ashton Smith, 'The Seven Geases".
STR 1-4D10 10-18
CON 1-6D6 9-16
SIZ 1-3D10 10-12
INT IDl0 5-6
POW 1-6D6 9-16
DEX 1-3D6 6-8
Move 1-3D6-2 4-6
HP 10-14
Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6.
Weapons: Various D100%, as per mode of attack
Armor: none.
Spells: none.
Sanity Loss: varies from 0/ID2 Sanity points to 1/IDl0 Sanity
points to see very horrible children of Abhoth.
The children of
Abhoth are the various DUMBRALI, Lesser Independent Race. There were
creatures which the Outer God sloughs off from its great
fertile bulk. Unlike Shub-Niggurath's offspring, no two
A things in the abyss, he said in hoarse tones, great
shapes that were like blobs of utter blackness, yet which he
children of Abhoth are alike, yet unlike the brood of Ubbo- knew to be alive. From the central masses oftheir beings he
Sathla, the Abhoth-spawn are genera11y complex life forms. could see them shoot forth incredibly long, filamentine ten-
Some appear as unfinished bodies or singular body parts, tacles. They moved themselves forward and backward-
while others look like prehistorie creatures, mon- horizontally, but they could not move verti-
strous mutant things, queer humanoids, amorphous ADUMBRALI cally, it seemed. They were, he thought,
blobs, etc. Some children of Abhoth fly, some swim, nothing but living shadows".-RobertA.W.
some crawl, and some don't move at all. Abhoth Lowndes, 'The Abyss".
scoops up and reabsorbs some of its children. Those The adumbrali are a
that escape their sire's grasp wan- race of two-dimen-
der about in dank and lightless sional, shadow-like entities
subterranean lairs or that dwell in an abyssal dimension.
even venture up into They are only capable of moving
the world of men. in the horizontal piane (forward,
Abhoth's children backward, right, and left) and
are mostly simple-rninded cannot move vertically, even
creatures whicht act and react on in their own dimension.
impulse. A few of these creatures tend to the Some of them, however,
alien needs of their sire, but most sirnply wan- are capable of teleporta-
der away. Because every child of Abhoth is differ- tion and may use this to
ent, each has a different mode of attack. The keeper reorient themselves to a
should determine the specific form of attack for each child he new piane. A cruel and
or she creates. Characteristics for the Abhoth-spawn vary rnischievous race, the adum-
14 The Creature Companion
brali delight in toying with and hunting down their prey before ldlling them. The
From tbe Journals of eyes of an adumbrali victim are forever frozen open in a stare which seems to see
into another piane.
Sir Hansen Poplan White the adumbrali are usually confined to their own dimension, they have
means of hunting and acquiring victims from other worlds. Adumbrali can com-
MARS-I have wrltten else- bine individual efforts to create a "seeker" (see Seekers, page 38), an entity able
where of how unknowable even
our own solar system is,
to enter other dimensions and from there project the minds of chosen victims
explalning some of the truths back to the realms of the adumbrali.
conceming Saturn and Uranus. The adumbrali and their minions are described in an obscure Mythos tome
Now I come to Mars, our sister known as the Song of Yste.
in the sky, our brother at arms,
and will show that lt too Is alien ATTACKS: when they feed, the adumbrali extend tentacles of blackness to
to us. engulf their victims, draining them of all body fluids. Such an entity drains ID6
Scientlsts tell us that Mars Is STR and CON each time it successfully attaches filaments to a victim. Once a
the fourth planet from the sun
and appears to be the most like
victim's STR reaches zero, he or she is pennanently bed-ridden; once a victim's
our owo. lt has a less dense CON reaches O, he or she is dead. STR and CON drained by an adumbrali regen-
atmosphere, perhaps only as erates at a rate of 1 point per week of bed rest. A person ldlled by this vampiric
high as a quarter of the density alien is left totally dehydrated. Although there are no visible wounds on the
of our own. l t Is also colder, corpse, it is marked with disturbing geometrie patterns which have an eerie lumi-
wlth lts mean temperature esti- nescence, and which shift and move across its sldn.
mated at 48 degrees; tempera-
ture fluctuatlons are llkely much ADUMBRALI, Other-Dimensional Shadow Vampires
more extreme. Mars has two char. rolls averages
moons, Phobos and Deimos.
There are no bodies of
STR n/a n/a
water upon Mars, but the planet CON 4D6 14
does possess polar caps which SIZ 8D6 28
most sclentlsts belleve contaln
INT 3D6+3 13-14
water lee. Schlaparelli, Lowell,
and others have catalogued a POW 4D6 14
system of stralght and precise DEX 2D6+3 10
surface features on Mars whlch Move8 HP21
they call canals. Many believe
Av. Damage Bonus: N/A.
that these canals offer iniga-
tion, bringlng water from the Weapon: Filament 30%, damage ID6 STR and CON drain
lee caps to the rest of the plan- Annor: none, but due to their shadowy nature the adumbrali are immune to all mun-
et, and thls suggests life upon dane weapons. Only enchanted weapons and spells which affect POW or INT can harm
the planet. the adumbrali.
The tomes of the Mythos
Spells: all adumbrali know ID3 spells, typically those which affect the mind.
agree that there Is life on
Mars-two dlfferent species of Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see the adumbrali.
aliens- and so we see that as
we learn more about the uni-
verse we begin to stumble upon A IHAIS, Lesser Servitor Race. The .figure, nearly ten feet in height, was
taller by a full yard than the average Aihai, but presented thefamiliar con-
formation of massively bulging chest and bony, many-angled limbs. The head
the secrets of the Mythos.
The first of the Martian peo- was featured with high-flaring ears and pit-like nostrils AN A/HAI
ples are the Alhals. Accordlng to that narrowed and expanded visibly in the twilight. The
the Mythos tomes they are gen-
eyes were sunken in profound orbits, and were
eraliy a peaceful and peaceable
race, and, one day, when we wholly invisible, save for tiny reddish sparks ..,-,::: A.
reach out to the stars as so that appeared to bum suspended in the /;i:;1 .,._...,. ,
many races have before us, they sockets of a skull. According to
may be the best of neighbors. native customs, this bizarre per-
The Alhals appear to be sonage was altogether nude; but
descended from the Yorhls, an
older Martian species now large-
a kind of circlet around the
ly or totally extlnct. What may neck-a fiat wire of curiously beaten
have caused the downfall of the silver- indicated that he was the servant of same noble
origlnal Yorhls civllizatlon Is lord.-Clark Ashton Smith, "Vulthoom".
unknown. The Aihais are one of two intelligent, dominant
Contlnued on page 16. races indigenous to Mars. The Aihais are general-
,r.łiskatonic ~ University
ly a peaceful race content with culture and trade,
while their neighbors-the Martians-are a
warlike species bent on the invasion and con-
Creatures of the Mythos: Aihais - Black Sphinx 15
quest of other worlds. The two races coexist by in uneasy Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6.
truce and have very little to do with each other. Weapons: Fist 50%, damage ID3 + db
The Aihais presently dwell in hidden cities, but in the Disintegrator Gun 20%, damage 5D6 hit points, ID3 CON, and
future, when Earth has finally made contact with the inhab- ID6APP
itants of Mars, they will move to the surface and construct Armor: none.
great and beautiful cities. Spells: typically only a priest of Vulthoom will know spells.
Many, although certainly not all, Aihais are followers of Those spells might include Contact Vulthoom, Create Gate, and
the Great Old One Vulthoom. Vulthoom and its cult mem- 1D3 others of the keeper's choice.
bers dwell in an expansive complex far below the surface Sanity Loss: 0/108 Sanity points to see an Aihai.
of Mars where they live out an eternal cycle of sleep and LACK SPHINX, Unique Entity. lt was something
activity. The complex-Ravormos-is a cavernous place
of alien technology and Eden-like gardens populated by
B quite ponderous . .. something yellowish and hairy,
and endowed with a sort ofnervous motion. ft was as large,
strange and beautiful plants and animals unknown even on perhaps, as a good-sized hippopotamus, but very curiously
Mars. A potent drug is released into the cult complex dur- shaped. lt seemed to have no neck, but jive separate shag-
ing the long sleep phases. This gas puts Vulthoom's fol- gy heads springing in a row from a roughly cylindrical
lowers into states of deep sleep, almost like suspended ani- trunk; the first very small, the second good-sized, the third
mation. Vulthoom and its rninions sleep for one thousand and fourth equal and largest of all, and the fifth rather
years at a time. small, though not so small as the first. Out of these heads
Vulthoom fled to Mars from its home world aeons ago. darted curious rigid tentacles which seized ravenously on
On Mars, the Great Old One gathered loyal followers and the excessively great quantities of unmentionable food
armed them with advanced weapons so that they could wage placed before the aperture.-H.P. Lovecraft and
a great civil war against the ruling Aihais. Eventually, Harry Houdini, "Imprisoned with the
Vulthoom and its followers were defeated and fled to their Pharaohs".
underground complex where, after centuries of inactivi- The Black Sphinx is a
ty, they were remembered only in legends. Vulthoom's creature out of nightmare. A
arrival on Mars and attempted coup became part of huge and lumbering beast,
the Aihaian mythology, until the Great Old One's its eyeless faces are dotted
very existence became mere myth. In Aihaian with a number of snapping
lore, Vulthoom has become the devil and rnaws which constantly
Ravormos the name of the Martian heli. drool the blood and
But Vulthoom and its loyal subjects bones of its previous
dwell stili beneath the surface of victims. This creature
Mars, building their ether-ships one day is one of the million
to carry the Great Old One and its fol- favoured ones (for
lowers through the cosmos in search more info, see the
of new worlds to conquer. The Million Favoured
Earth is the Great Old One's first Ones, page 30)-
target for conquest. powerful creatures
ATTACKS: Aihais are generally peaceful, and entities connected with
although the Vulthoom sect is unquestionably loyal to their Nyarlathotep. The Black Sphinx dwells in a world of
alien god. The Great Old One has provided its followers blackness, in a void between the planes. Generally the
with an array of alien technology and weapons. Among the creature can enter into this world only when it is sum-
weapons is a disintegrator gun. This odd, funnel-shaped moned by Nyarlathotep's mad and faithful followers, or
device ernits a beam of concentrated atomie energy which when the Outer God sends it forth to spread madness and
is capable of melting metal and rock and instantly dissolv- destruction.
ing living matter. Wounds inflicted by this alien device do The Black Sphinx has an insatiable appetite and must be
not heal- hit points, CON, and APP lost are gone forever. provided with a great number of sacrificial victims with
which to glut its monstrous hunger. If such sacrifices are
AIHAIS, Martian Servants of Vulthoom not presented when the beast arrives, it devours all present,
char. rolls averages including those who have summoned it.
STR 5D6 17-18
CON 3D6+10 20-21 ATTACKS: in combat the Black Sphinx may scoop victims
into its drooling maws: everyone within 15 yards of the
SIZ 3D6+12
creature's paws is scooped into its mouths. Alternately, it
INT 206+8 15
may attack twice each round--once with each of its mas-
POW 3D6 10-11
sive forepaws.
DEX 3D6 10-11 If reduced to zero or fewer hit points the Black Sphinx
Move9 HP 21-22 is dispelled back to its nightmare dimension.
16 The Creature Companion
Av. Damage B.onus: +2D6. drains one hit point per round until the target is emptied of
Weapons: Grappie 40%, grapples first to hold immobile for blood and dies.
blood drain To escape the clutches of a lesser brother of Chaugnar
Blood Drain (after Grappie) 100%, darnage 106 CON eacb Faugn, the victim must Grappie free or die.
Armor: none; however only magie or enchanted weapons can
Elephantine Horrors
harrn a greater brother of Chaugnar Faugn.
char. rolls averages
Spells: all greater brothers of Chaugnar Faugn know at least
STR 3D6+6 16-17
lD 1Ospells.
CON 3D6+6 16-17
Sanity Loss: inert, a greater brothers of Chaugnar Faugn costs
0/1D4 Sanity points to see; animated and active, it costs SIZ 3D6+6 16-17
lD3/lD8 Sanity points. INT 2D6 7
POW 3D6 10-11
C Lesser Servitor Race. lts ropy arms descend to suck I
Dark nurtu re from the deeps I Of lava-pools within a cone
DEX 3D6 10-11
Move IO (cannot fly) HP 17
I That shines whilst Chaugnar sleeps.-Frank Belknap Av. Damage Bonus: + 106
Long, "When Chaugnar Wakes". Weapons: Bite 40%, darnage 103
These, like the greater brothers of Chaugnar Faugn, Blood Sucker 100% (after Grappie and Bite), damage 1 hit point
per round.
resemble their namesake. Of the two forms of brothers, the
Grappie 35%, darnage special
Jesser form is the smaller and weaker, though stili more
Crush 30%, damage 104 + db
powerful than any human.
Armor: 2 point wrinkly elephantine skin.
Lilce the Great Old
Spells: none.
One who wrought
Sanity Loss: 1/104 Sanity points to see a
them, the lesser
tesser brother of Chaugnar Faugn
form is squat,
elephantine, RAWLING ONES, Lesser Servi-
and plump
when well fed, pro-
C tor Race. The nether most cavems
are not for the fathoming of eyes that see; for
portioned lilce Gan- their marvels are strange and terrifi.c. Cursed
esha the Hindu ele- the ground where dead thoughts live new and
phant-god of wisdom. oddly bodied, and evil the mind that is held by no head.
The skin is lighter in Wisely did Ibn Schacabao say, that happy the town at
color, a wrinkled gray. night whose wizards are all ashes. For it is of old rumor
When summoned, each brother is that the soul of the devil-bought hastes not from his char-
gaunt and hungry after long slumbers in deep, unknowable nel clay, but fats and instructs the very worm that gnaws;
vaults within the Pyrenees. till out of corruption horrid life springs, and the dull scav-
Chaugnar Faugn and his brothers are psychically linked: engers of earth wax crafty to vex it and swell monstrous to
if the Great Old One is somehow harmed or affected, that plague it. Great holes secretly are digged where earth's
loss or incapacity also affects all the brothers in a sirnilar but pores ought to suffice, and things have leamt to walk that
lesser fashion. The reverse is not true. ought to crawl.-H.P. Lovecraft, "The
Lesser brothers are larger and stronger than most men, Festival".
but their claws only abrade and their small tusks are too A crawling one is composed of
short to stab. They may hug and crush victims, or use their thousands of worms and maggots.
long segmented snouts to suck blood from them and there- Each worm is indi-
by feed. Their large ears are keenly sensitive to sound. They vidually alive
can detect the breathing of prey at considerable distances. and constant-
The Great Old One Chaugnar Faugn is described in the
Call of Cthulhu rules, page 163.
AITACKS: a lesser brother has two important attacks. One
is a simple crush attack, which can stun or kil!. The other,
the draining of blood, involves a sequence of attacks, and is
how a brother feeds itself.
To drain blood, the thing must first successfully Grappie
the target to hold it stili. In the second round, it must prop-
erly Bite the target to create a useful flow of blood. In the
third round, it inserts its pliant segmented snout over the
wound left by the bite, and in that and succeeding rounds CRAWLING ONE
18 The Creature Companion
ly moves, though they generally hold the shape of a human body. Due to the soft
From the Journals of and resilient quality of the crawling ones' bodies, norma! weapons do minimum
Sir Hansen Poplan damage to the things. Bullets only do a single point of damage upon striking a
crawling one, except for shotgun pellets which do minimum damage for that type
of firearm.
A1LANl1S-I first read of the
Crawling ones cannot speak but can write messages. It is unnecessary for
lost land of Atlantis in Plato's
Timaeus, a decidedly non-
them to use spoken words in performing spells or when communicating with
Mythos tome I should be gulek their alien masters. Crawling Ones have been known to worship Cthulhu and
to note. lt told of an Island Ythogtha, and it is suspected that they hold some affinity to the Xothians.
greater in size than Asia Minor
that lay Just beyond the Pillars AITACKS: crawling ones must utilize weapons for attack and have no natura!
of Hercules. lt was sald to have form of attack.
been a vast klngdom sometlme
far back in the shrouded depths CRAWLING ONES, Wormy Tbings
of time. lt conquered all of the char. rolls averages
Medltenanean lands but for the STR 108+2 6-7
Greek city of Athens, then was
reclalmed by the sea.
CON 4D6 14
The truth of Atlantis ga1ns SIZ 2D6+6 13
some credence in other anclent INT 206+6 13
writings. ~ talk of '"sea POW 4D6+6 20
people• invadlng their lands.
DEX 2D6 7
Until at least the Middle Ages,
Atlantis was a fact to most peo- Move8 HP 13-14
ple, as true as the lsles of the Av. Damage Bonus: none.
Blest or the Fortunate Islands. Weapons: various per base chance, damage as per weapon type.
Lacklng evidence, modem scl-
entists have declded to place Annor: none; however due to the soft and resilient quality of the crawling ones' bodies
Atlantis in the category of myth. norma! weapons do minimum damage to the things. Bullets only do a single point of
lf they read the tomes of the damage upon a crawling one, except for shotgun pellets which do minimum
Mythos, they would be enlight- damage for that gauge of gun. Fire, magie, and enchanted weapons inflict norma! dam-
ened, for there the bistory of age to a crawling one.
Atlantis is written large. The SpeUs: all crawling ones know 1010 spells.
Book of the Oolden Oates tells Sanity Loss: 1D3/2D10 Sanity points for seeing a crawling one.
of an Atlantis at its helght,
before it fell to the worshlp of THULHU, THRALLS OF, Lesser Servitor Race. He was quick then to be
dark gods. The Book of Thoth
palnts a bleaker picture, detali-
C on his feet and away from the thing that now lay twitching out its life upon
the sawdust floor- the thing that had been his brother-which now, where the
Ing a once-great clvillzation fall-
en to barbarism due to natural top of[his] head had been, wore a cap of writhing white worms offinger thick-
cataclysms. 1be /Jamek Papyri ness, like some monstrous sea-anemone sucking vampirishly at the still-living
mentions the last days of brain!-Brian Lumley, "The Fairground Horror".
Atlantis some 11,500 years ago, The thralls of Cthulhu are bloated gray cor-
offerlng a reflection of Plato's
own writlng.
pulent humanoid masses. The flesh exudes
Stili we know llWe about tiny jelly-like droplets smelling of methane;
Atlantean civilization. 1bey wor- the puffy flesh easily tears away when
shlped dark gods, among them the creature is attacked, although this
Cthulhu, Ghatanothoa, and does not harm the thrall. They are
Gloon. We can only guess at
hairless, with wide, round, un-
thelr connections to deep ones,
yuggs, and other undersea mon- yellow eyes. Small vesti-
strosltles. gia! tentacles surround the mouth
Today the dark secrets of filled with sharp teeth. Thralls lack
Atlantis live on . Far beneath the earshells, and thus hear poorly in air,
suńace of the ocean, long-aban- though very well in water. These crea-
doned rulns may be found, and
tures may speak, and their voices have a
in those cities are ancient rellcs.
As for the people, many dribbling quality disgusting to human listeners.
humans walking the Earth today Each finger and toe concludes in a sharp claw,
uace thelr llneage to Atlantean although the creatures' awkwardness precludes foot attacks. Thralls retain previ-
stock. Tomes speak of certaln ous sexual characteristics, but the distorted organs are sterile
Atlantean-descended cults that Thralls typically crouch. They can move quickly for short distances: their
plan to ralse thelr old home
above the waves agaln.
short, puffy legs allow them to run for no more than a few yards. The amphibi-
ous creatures are at home in water and swim with great speed and power.
Creatures of the Mythos: Cthulhu, Thralls of - Deep One Hybrids 19
I ;(/_r_,;: .
IJI closely into the huge palm .... [he had a] pecu-
· liarly shambling gait and his feet were inordi-
nately immense.-H.P. Lovecraft, 'The Shadow
Over Innsmouth".
thrall turns into a cloud of gray, I ~o
I'1 Deep one hybrids are produced through the
foul-smelling gas. In 1D8+ 1 -~ 'l. mating of a deep one with a human. Although
rounds the gas reforms into the i / "--.._ I most offspring of such unions are bom as
thrall with its characteristics fully
restored. lf reduced to zero hit
points by a spell or other magical
attack, a thrall dies permanently. After sev-
l normal humans, changes begin taking
place usually in the victim's early
teens. By middle age, most hybrids
show some form of gross deformity. Many retire to
eral decades a thrall loses its ability to regenerate except the privacy of their closely-shuttered homes. In a few years
when completely submerged in salt water. When a thrall they make the finał transformation to deep one, and find
reaches this advanced age it retreats to the sea where it con- their destiny in the sea.
tinues its service to Cthulhu with the deep ones, Cthulhu's The physical changes are accompanied by an awaken-
star-spaw n, and other entities of the brine. Once sea-bound, ing of new senses, and the hybrids are visited in their
a thrall can never again leave the oceans. dreams by other deep ones. They are shown visions of vast
THRALLS OF CTHULHU, Servants of Cthulhu aquatic cities aswarm with strange creatures and they are
char. rolls averages taught about life under the sea. In the finał stages the
STR former + 4 14-15 dreams and mutations intensify until the hybrid is either
former + 4 14-15 driven mad or undergoes the finał physical change into a
deep one. Deep ones may try to Iure the hybrid to their lairs
SIZ former + 4 17
where they can supervise the finał stages of metarnorpho-
INT former 13
sis. About 10% of hybrids do not complete their metarnor-
POW former 10-11
phosis and spend a norma! human lifespan as half-human,
DEX former -4 6-7 and half-deep one.
Move 6/10 swimming HP 15-16 Occasionally hybrid monstrosities are bom, creatures
Av. Damage Bonus: +1D4. with tentacled faces or arms, sometimes with long, sinu-
Weapon: Claw 30%, damage ID6 + 2 + db. ous fin-tailed bodies or even flaccid, undeveloped bat
Armor: none, but thralls regenerate hit points lost to physical wings. Such offspring are believed to have been touched
damage at a rate of ID6 points per round. Thralls reduced to by the dreams of great Cthulhu and are sacred to the deep
zero hit points through physical attack reform completely healed ones. Often suffering from impaired mental development,
in 1D8+ 1 rounds. Thralls are most vulnerable to magica! attack. these mutant offspring are kept hidden from sight in rot-
Spells: any known as human. ting buildings or caves. These monstrous hybrids are
Skills: thralls retain most skills they had as humans, although known as the beloved of Cthulhu. The STR, CON, SIZ
skills cannot ever improve once they make the finał transforma- and/or POW for the beloved of Cthulhu can be much
tion from human to thrall. Certain skiUs, such as Bargain, Climb, higher than those listed below, although the INT is typi-
Credit Rating, Fast Talk, First Aid, Persuade, and Ride cannot
cally much lower. There is no EDU characteristic for
ever be used again. Also: Listen Under Water 65%, Swim 65%
(unless the thrall had a higher Swim as a human, in which case it these creatures and the APP is either much lower or is not
retains the skill at that percentile). applicable at all.
Sanity Loss: 1/108 Sanity points to see a thrall of Cthulhu.
Full deep ones are described in the Call of Cthulhu
rules, page 138.
20 The Creature Companion
fosterling. For example, an entity with no INT would pro- As a fractal leaves the Gate it suffers 1D3 points of
duce a fosterling with very low (less than 3D6) or no INT. damage when it breaks contact with the monitor screen.
Fractals jerk swiftly away from screens and do not
FOSTERLINGS OF THE OLD ONES, Bastard Children of Alien
approach a monitor while it remains on. Monitors and tele-
vision screens repel the creatures.
char. rolls averages
Switching off or rebooting the Gate-producing comput-
STR 3D6+3D10 27
er closes the Gate and kills any fractals still roaming on the
CON 3D6+3D10 27
screen. Those already floating freely are unaffected by this.
SIZ 2D6+6+3D10 29-30 Fractal creatures serve the fractal avatar of Yog-Sothoth
INT 2D6+6+1010 18-19 in their technologically-alien dimension. There are any
POW 3D6+1010 16 number of different sub-species of fractals. Here are but a
DEX 3D6+1010 16 sampling:
Move8 HP28-29
Av. Damage Bonus: +3D6. BUILDER FRACTALS
Weapon: Crush 75%, damage 106 + db Looking rather like a
Armor: none, but the fosterlings of the Old Ones talce minimal spiky lump, builder
damage from non-enchanted weapons. fractals construct ele-
SpeUs: all fosterlings with INT know at least ID6 spells. gant fractal structures
Sanity Loss: I/ID 10 Sanity points to see a fosterling of the Old according to an
Ones. unknown plan. In the
materiał piane they
RACTAL CREATURES, Lesser Servitor Race. The
F dead leaves rush in strange, fantastic twists, I And
chimney-smoke whirls round with alien grace, I Heeding
move to where they
can feed from electrical
currents, building tiny
geometries of outer space, I While Fomalhaut peers in structures from dust particles.
through southward mists.-H.P. Lovecraft, "Fungi from
BUILDER FRACTALS, Creatures from the
Fractal Dimension
These creatures dwell in a bizarre fractal realm acces-
char. rolls averages
sible only through a Gate created by a special computer
INT ID6+2 5-6
program. For this reason most of their appearances corre-
spond to the present-day. Certain Outer Gods, Elder Gods, POW ID6 3-4
Great Old Ones, or even Great Ones may also travel to and DEX 2D6 7
from the fractal dimension and transport or teleport Move 4
humans there. Weapon: none.
The fractals manifest themselves as pure energy. A faint, Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 Sanity to see a builder fractal.
sparkling light show, they drift translucently through the air
in search of precious energy. For some this is easy; they are COMBER FRACTALS
able to sip gently-like herbivores-from the electrical Comber fractals are thin, filmy patches filled with tiny fil-
currents coursing through civilization. Some, like carni- aments. Other fractals completely ignore them, even mov-
vores, feed upon the energy of others. ing through the comber. Once they have passed through,
The fractals' only meaningful statistics are POW and the comber is covered with tiny motes and specks, which
magie points. Once a fractal's magie points equal its slowly vanish.
POW, it needs to feed no more. However, on this piane the
fractals' energies naturally dissipate over a period of 24
hours, so fairly soon they are hungry again. Magie points
drained from living things are immediately added to the
fractal's own. When its total equals its POW, it ceases to
attack. Upon emerging from a computer, a given fractal's
magie points are equal to its POW less 1D6+3 (but never
less than one).
COMBER FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal Dimension
Although physical weapons cannot harm fractals, they
can be successfully attacked with various forms of energy. char. rolls averages
Low powered lasers, microwaves, or ultrasound might INT ID6 3-4
work. The best attack is a powerful jolt of electricity. An POW ID6 3-4
electrical stun gun delivers 2D6 points of damage to a frac- DEX 2D4 5
tal, subtracted from the fractal's current magie point total. Move7
Reduced to zero hit points, a fractal dies, winking silently Weapon: none.
out of existence. Sanity Loss: 0/1D4 Sanity points to see a comber fractal.
24 The Creature Companion
From the Journals of A feeder fractal appears as a conglomeration of spiky spheres and balls. It may
Sir Hansen Poplan be that a single feeder is made up of lots of individual feeders. Feeders drift,
ingesting tiny motes of energy floating in space.
11IE LORDS OF l'IRE- FEEDER FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal Dimension
Cthugha, fthagghua, and the char. rolls averages
flre vamplres have on occasion INT ID3 2
been called the Lords of f'ire.
They are a group of entities POW ID4 2-3 FEEDER
scarcely known upon thls DEX ID4 2-3 FRACTAL
Earth, but they are włthout a Move5
doubt as malevolent, and per-
Weapon: none.
haps as important, as better
known Oreat Old Ones, such Sanity Loss: 0/ID4 Sanity points to see a feeder fractal.
as Cthulhu and his kin.
We may be thankful that FLOATER FRACTALS
the Lords of f'lre dwell on a Floater fractals look like short, sturdy clubs, their handles covered in a forest of
bumt and ashen world beneath fins and blades. Barely moving, floaters appear nearly motionless in space.
the star Fomalhaut. fomalhaut
Is one of the brlghtest stars in FLOATER FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal Dimension
the sky and Is located a mere char. rolls averages
23 light years from Earth. It
can be found in the constella- INT ID2 1-2
tlon of Plscls Austrlnus. The POW ID4 2-3
word fomalhaut means ·the DEX I
flsh's mouth· in Arabic. Move I
However, certaln anclent
tomes, prlme among them the Weapon: none.
Sanity Loss: 0/ID4 Sanity points to see FLOATER FRACTAL
Sapientia Magorum wrltten by
the Perslan Ostanes, relate that a floater fractal.
Cthugha and his kin might have
dwelled on Earth long ago. That HIDER FRACTALS
book claims that the Lords of
Hider fractals are tiny blobs bursting with tentacles. They are almost never seen
ftre carne to Earth when lt was
stili coollng and stayed until the in the open, preferring to hide within other fractals.
battle with the Elder Oods,
whereupon the Oreat Old Ones
HIDER FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal Dimension
\\~ _
were lmprlsoned. It states that
char. rolls averag es HIDER ~~
was when the Lords of ftre were INT ID4 2-3 FRACTALS , '.')
placed ln the mouth of the flsh. POW ID4 2-3
A few sources from the early DEX 2D6 7
Christian era dalm that Cthugha
was lmprlsoned by an Elder Move3
Ood named Atar, who Is a Weapon: none.
ZOroasbic god of flre. Sanity Loss: 0/ID4 Sanity points to see a
In human times the Lords hider fractal.
of f'lre have been worshlped
under many names, among INSPECTOR FRACTALS
them Mllcom, Moloch, and
Melkarth. f'ire has long been a Inspector fractals, thin spiky tubes with a blob at one end, are insatiably curious
tool, a weapon, and a mystery, and will examine everything they discover in this new, materiał world. Inspectors
and so cultists are drawn to feed by stealing magie points from living animals, and can survive indefinitely
Cthugha,fthagghua,andthe in the materia! world.
flre vamplres.
In addltlon, there are a INSPECTOR FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal
number of artifacts upon the Dimension
Earth related to the Lords of char. rolls averages
ftre. Tomes tell of the ever- INSPECTOR
INT 206+6 13 FRACTAL
burnlng stone, that first rock
which Cthugha touched when lt POW 3D6 10-11
carne to Earth, stili allght; and DEX 2D6 7
the PIJJars of Melkarth, which Move7
can be used as a gate to sum-
Weapon: Tentacle 50%, damage ID3 MP drain.
mon the anclent Lords from
faraway fomalhaut. Sanity Loss: 0/lD4 Sanity points to see an inspec-
tor fractal.
Creatures of the Mythos: Fthagghua 25
MARAUDER FRACTALS Predators can also fire tiny bolts of energy which do 1D3
Marauder fractals, stringy masses of fine tendrils, are among points of damage and cost the fractal 1 magie point each.
the most dangerous of the fractal entities. The marauder PREDATOR FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal Dimension
always attacks the nearest living char. rolls averages
creature. Investigators may
INT 3D6+3 13-14
resist the attack by winning a
POW 206+6 13
POW vs POW struggle. If
DEX 4D6 14
successful, the maraud-
er is forced away. The Move 10
attacked investigator Weapons: Stab 60%, damage 106 magie point drain.
suffers a 1D3/1D10 Energy Bolts 50%, damage 103.
Sanity point loss, and Sanity Loss: 1/1D6 Sanity points to see a predator fractal.
the marauder moves to a
new target. If the investiga-
tor fails, he falls uncon-
F THAGGHUA, Unique Entity (Fire Vampire
Greater Servitor). Then they saw it-the comet streak-
ing up from the east, brilliant and bluish-red and strange,
scious and loses ID6/ID20 Sanity with a corona haloing it and its taił fanning away behind in
MARAUDER FRACTAL points as the marauder tries to take
a vast curve. ... The sinister thing poised far above its vic-
full control of bim, but it must succeed with INT xl to do so. tim, contracted-and like light hurtled downward to jling
If the marauder cannot immediately take control, its host coils of living fire around [a victim].-Donald Wandrei,
awakens and is tormented by alien visions of fractal mad- "The Fire Vampires".
ness. It takes the marauder 1D8 days to achieve control. Fthagghua is the lord and leader of the fire vampires,
Meanwhile it steals its host's magie points. This is not and dwells with them and their god Cthugha on or near
enough to satisfy it so it leaves at intervals to feed on others. the star Fomalhaut. There is some speculation that this
When the marauder takes control, it enters its victim's intelligent, fiery gas is an offspring of the Great Old One
body where it has access to its host's skills and memories. Cthugha.
Marauders free on the materiał world often attempt to open Fire vampires are described in the Call of Cthulhu rules,
a Gate to their weird dimension to summon their fractal god pages 139-140.
(see the fractal avatar of Yog-Sothoth, page 105) or return
to their home piane. To do this they must first visualize and
write the proper computer program.
Marauders can attack with 1D3 writhing fractal tenta-
cles each round or may fire tiny bolts of energy. The bolts
of energy inflict 1D3 points of damage and cost the fractal
1 magie point to fire.
MARAUDER FRACTALS, Creatures from the Fractal Dimension.
char. rolls averages
INT 4D6 14
POW 4D6 14
DEX 3D6 10-11
Weapons: Writhing Tentacles 80%, damage 103 magie point
Energy Bolts 60%, damage 103.
Sanity Loss: 1/106 Sanity points to see a marauder fractal.
Unsuccessfully treated or untreated victims
PREDATOR FRACTALS go into deep shock and can do nothing.
Predator fractals are bundles of Untreated, severely bumed victirns die within a few hours.
spiky shafts. Predators are able to Fthagghua travels between worlds at a speed of one
steal magie points from living light-year per day, and is always encountered in the com-
creatures, instinctively pany of 1D4 xlO fire vampires. Fthagghua may communi-
picking on the weakest. cate with humans by spelling out fiery words in the air.
They attack by stabbing
FrHAGGHUA, Lord of the Vampires, Lord of Ktynga
their victirn and overcom-
STR N/A CON 35 SIZ 87 INT 18 POW 21
ing its magie points on the
DEX 60 Move 100 flying HP 61
Resistance Table. If success-
ful, the predator steals 1D6 Damage Bonus: N/A.
magie points. Weapon: Fire coil 40%, damage 8D6 bum.
26 The Creature Companion
Armor: none, however no materiał weapons can hann Fthagghua. Water thrown on
From the Journals of Fthagghua infljcts two points of damage per galion. Handheld fire extinguishers do 106
hit points of damage, and a bucket of sand 1D3 hit points of damage. Extreme electrical
Sir Hansen Poplan voltage also inflicts damage upon Fthagghua at a rate of 106 points of damage per one
hundred thousand volts.
SEVERrl VALLEY-Uke attracts Spells: Call Cthugha, Summon / Bind Fire Vampire, and others as desired by the keeper.
like. The cluster of towns In Sanity Loss: 1/108 Sanity points to see Fthagghua.
New England which has attract-
ed lntense Mythos scrutlny Is OATSWOOD GNOMES, Lesser Servitor Race. The eyes were grey
falrly well known among us
scholars who study the Mythos,
G globes set deep in pirs; the noses were hooked like those ofchildhood witch-
es she'd leafed over; the mouths grinned, revealing pointed teeth.- Ramsey
b ut less well known Is a collec•
tion of cltles In west England, a
Campbell, "Made in Goatswood".
benlghted place known as the These ugly little creatures are actually statues carved from stone and enchant-
Sevem Valley. ed to life by an unknown source in Goatswood, England. Dormant during the
The Valley is home to at daylight hours, these entities can spńng to life at night to carry out vile and devi-
least four major entltles: ous acts. The awakening of these stone monsters may be linked to the cycles of
Byatls, Elhort, Olaaki, and the
the moon and seasons, and they may be able to function only at specific times
Green Ood. Why this corner of
the world is such a nexus of
such as full or new moons, etc. Goatswood gnomes are strongly connected with
actlvlty Is unknown, although Shub-Niggurath and other pńmal forces of nature and woods.
the fact that at least twlce entl•
GOATSWOOD GNOMES, Enchanted Creatures
tles have been drawn to lt from
space, first Olaaki then the char. rolls averages GOATSWOOD GNOME
Shan, is strangely suggestlve. STR 2D6 7
Followlng are comments on CON 5D6 17-18
the Sevem Valley towns.
SIZ ID3+2 4
Berkeley stlll seems to be
locked In the Middle Ages. INT 3D6 10-11
Vlllagers waro agalnst the POW 2D6+6 13
Berkeley Toad, though my read-
DEX 3D6 10-11
lngs have hlnted that that may
be the same entlty as Byatls, Move9 HP 10-11
sald to be lmprłsoned In Castle Av. Damage Bonus: N/A.
Morłey, near Sevemford. Weapons: Claws 30%, damage 102
Brłchester is the Jewel of Bite 40%, damage 103
the Sevem Valley, a modem
Armor: 9 points of tough hide.
town In Oloucestershlre. lt is
the home to Brłchester Skills: Hide 75%, Sneak 50%.
Unlveralty. However, tałes tell Spells: if the gnome's INT or less is rolled on
of secret passages beneath the D100 it knows 103 spells. Spells typical to these creatures are those dealing with Shub-
town and awful dreams sent Niggurath, the Outer God's spawn, and other powers and entities of nature and the ele-
from the ghost lake mlles to ments.
the north. Some even whlsper
Sanity Loss: 0/1D3 Sanity points to see a Goatswood gnome.
that wltches worshlp at a tltan·
ic stone slab west of the town. REEN ABYSS, SPAWN OF THE, Greater Independent Race. /t seemed
camslde is notable because
sources dalm lt to be the home G to undulate, varying by the second, rising gelatinously to a height of per-
haps ten feet, and then, subsiding, swelling, spreading slimy tentacles forward.
of Mtort, a subterranean god
which dwells In a labyrłnth The whole of the rubbery outer skin was coated with a foul ichor, a tarry sticki-
extendlng all the way to ness that seemed secreted from monstrous, leathery pores. I think it was this
Brłchester. Some storłes even bluish slime that set loose the rancid stench that grew more overpowering with
say that the brood of Mtort can each moment, with each slithering inch of its progress. . .. At the approximate
take on the form of humans
and have lnflltrated the town.
center of this putrid, blue-black mass, a raw, slobbering hole, which seemed to
Cotton (once Cloth Town) be a rudimentary mouth sucked in and out with obscene rhythm. ft was from this
once seemed to be a rare bas- opening in the reticulated, reptilian hide that the cloying, mucous-choked chant
tion of sanlty amldst the Sevem of Yoth Kala emanated. Actually, there was no face, but nearly a foot above the
Valley. However events In 1931 wound-like mouth, there was a single, serpentine tentacle that writhed from side
proved thls wrong. Sources are
to side, sensing, rather than seeing, looking like some flesh made periscope shot
scarce, but ft is known that
much of the rłverslde dlstrłct up from hell.-C. Hall Thompson, ''The Spawn of the Green Abyss".
was destroyed. The wrłtlngs of The spawn of the Green Abyss inhabit the seas and oceans of the Earth.
one Uonel Phlpps whisper of Although sirnilar to shoggoths, the spawn are highly evolved and intelligent.
·Dwellers In the Depths.• They dwell in aquatic societies and are ruled by a queen called Zoth Syra (see
ConUnued on page 46. Zoth Syra, page 57). The spawn appear as a bluish slime with vańous and shift-
ing features. They create limbs and sensory organs as needed, usually with
Creatures of the Mythos: Goatswood Gnomes - Hastur, Spawn of 27
AITACKS: The spawn of Hastur attack with fluid tentacles which they use to
From the Journals of crush victims to death, or to grasp and draw them into their rubbery sack-like
bodies where they are swallowed whole.
Sir Hansen Poplan
SPAWN OF HASTUR, Star-Bom Progeny of the Unspeakable One
lll'PERBOBEA. LAND Of'-lt Is char. rolls averages
the Boo.k of eibon whlch best STR 6D6+20 41
records the bistory of Hyper- CON 3D6+10 20-21
borea, an andent land whose
m emory Is all but lost to us, a
SIZ 6D6+10 31
dream of the past wblch Is INT 2D6+6 13
scoffed at by modern men who POW 5D6 17-18
name thernselves sclentlsts. DEX 3D6 10-11
The modern Greenland
comprlses part of the land
mass o nce known as
Hyperborea. lt stili contalns
many artlfacts of relics of the
tlme-lost l and, as was proven
by the Mathleson Mlskatonl c
Unlverslty expedltlon to
Greenland, though the results Armor: 10 points of thick and rubbery hide.
of that foray have, not unex- Spells: all spawn of Hastur know at least 2D6
pectedly, been suppressed. spells. Typical spells include all dealing with SPAWN OF HASTUR
The bistory of Hyperborea Hastur and its various forms and servants.
seems to have begun about
Sanity Loss: 106/1020 Sanity points to see a spawn of Hastur.
five mlUlon years ago, when a
race of serpent people
sojourned there from lost Yoth.
The Book of Eibon also records
HELL-PLANTS, Lesser Servitor Race. Behind me the trees and the things
they may have been hiding seemed to radiate infinite menace. This I knew
without turning to view them, for as I grew more used to the scene I became less
the emergence of the voormls
some three mllllon years ago, and less dependent upon the jive senses that once had been my sole reliance. I
and then the emergence o f the knew the green scaty forest hated me.-H.P. Lovecraft and
Hyperboreans some one mlllion Elizabeth Neville Berkeley, "The Green Meadow".
years ago. The seemlngly cyclic
Hell-plants are writhing, slime-covered masses of creepers and
nature of these rlses and falls Is
somewhat dlsturblng, and we
branches covered with bulging eyeballs and fanged, lipless
can only wonder lf our own mouths. Once sprouted, hell-plants grow ever larger with
race Is to follow the same path. pretematural speed, their mouths and tendrils reaching
Hyperborea ltself seems to hungrily for any living beings nearby.
have fallen some 750,000 The seeds of hell-plants are generally carried in
thousand years ago, a vlctlm .of
the encroachlng lee Age,
living host bodies, planted there by powerful sorcer-
through records of thls event ers or Mythos beings. These alien seeds sprout at
are scant, the prlmary source the time or situation predetermined by the
belng the Nlne Qolden Scro/1s seed's planter. A heli-plant seed may sprout
of Lemuria. when its host body is killed, or at a certain
Though most of Hyperborea phase of the moon or tides, or when a spe-
may have faded lnto bistory,
ciał incantation is uttered, etc. Each seed is
we cannot deny that lt has an
effect on our present. planted under different and special circum-
As I have already noted, stances. The being inserting the seed into the
there are stili artlfacts and \ host body determines when, where, or how the
relics In Greenland; perhaps In J seed will sprout. Hell-plant seeds m.ight be
the nearby stralts and seas
implanted within their host bodies physical-
m ore may be found.
More lmportantly, certaln ly, or through some mysterious, arcane, or
records from Lemurlan and alien ritual or spe!!. The living host is usually
Valuslan tlmes hlnt that a few
unaware that he or she is carrying the hell-
Hyperborean dtles stili exlsted spawned seed.
then, sblelded from the ele- When a heli-plant seed germinates it tears through its host's body, erupting in
ments and the deprlvatlons of
a slimy and writhing mass. The seed's host is killed instantly as the alien plant
time. I fear that these remnants
stlll survlve today, waltlng. rips through his or her body. The heli-plant roots to the spot where its host's body
See also llypertiorea. fell and cannot move from that spot.
Peoples of (page 50). The entity planting the seed may embed the plant with the knowledge of cer-
tain spells, which it may then use. Otherwise, hell-plants cannot leam or use spells.
Creatures of the Mythos: Hell-Plants - L'gy'hx, Inhabitants of 29
X-rays can detect heli-plant seeds in a host, and surgery The great Hyperborean civilization fell to ruin when
may successfully remove them or may cause them to Hyperborea was engulfed by the freezing ice age and their
sprout, as the keeper chooses. fabulous cities were destroyed or buried undemeath the
encroaching glaciers. Today, the Hyperboreans are an all
HELL-PLANTS, Nightmare-Born Creepers
but extinct race. There may be only very tiny groups of
char. rolls averages
Hyperboreans left, hidden in the cold, glacial areas of the
STR 4D6+6 20 world. Those surviving descendants of this once-great civ-
CON 3D6 x5 50-55 ilization live today as prirnitives, utilizing stone weapons
SIZ N/A grows and tools.
INT 3D4 7-8 Statistics are those of nonnal humans, except that
POW 5D6 17-18 Hyperboreans have smaller SIZ and higher INT than mod-
DEX 2D6+6 13 em man.
Move O HP 30 + 2D6 growth per round HYPERBOREANS, Builders of a Once-great Civilization
Av. Damage Bonus: N/A. characteristics rolls averages
Weapon: Tendril 80%, damage ID6 + drains I STR each subse- STR 3D6 10- 11
quent round
CON 3D6 10- 11
Armor: none, but impaling weapons do minimum damage to
SIZ 2D4+4 9
this vegetable growth. The heli-plant is not flarnmable and can-
not be set alight, but fire does norma! damage to it. INT 206+8 15
Spells: hell-plants know spells only if they are specifically given POW 306 10- 11
them by whomever planted the seed. DEX 306 10-11
Sanity Loss: 1/IDI0 Sanity points to see a heli-plant. APP 306 10-11
Move8 HP IO
IJYPERBOREANS, Lesser Independent Race. The
Av. Damage Bonus: none.
.IIman was a stranger; possibly a travelling merchant
Weapons: Stone Knife 25%, damage ID4 + db
from outland realms, the usurer thought-or else an out-
Spear 25%, damage ID8 + db
lander of more dubious occupation. His narrow, slanting,
Armor: none.
beryl-green eyes, his bluish, unkempt beard, and the uncouth
cut ofhis sad raiment, were sufficient proofofhis alienage.- Spells: Hyperborean wizards or their shaman descendants know
ID10 spells.
Clark Ashton Smith, 'The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan".
Sanity Loss: there is no Sanity loss for seeing a Hyperborean.
strange gleaming metal unknown to Barth, including many not listed below. They
From the Journals of may have unknown, technologically advanced weapons and devices as well.
Sir Hansen Poplan INHABITANTS OF L'GY'HX, Metal Cuboid Aliens
char. rolls averages
UKAMJS-We thlnk we have an STR 6D6 21
understanding of the solar sys- CON 3D6+6 16-17
tem we live in. New dlscover- SIZ 2D6+10 17
les, however, contlnue to prove
that we are but babes. in 19.30 INT 2D6+10 17
sclentlsts clalmed proof of an POW 3D6 10-11
outermost planet named Pluto. DEX 206+3 IO
Others stili search for an inner-
Move8 HP 16-17
most planet named Vulcan.
r:insteln's theory of relatlvlty Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6.
has begun to win supporters Weapons: Knife* 25%, damage ID8 + db
over Newton's older gravltatlon- Whip** 30%, damage 1D4 + 2D10 electrical shock
al theory. *The knife can cut through metal as easily as through soft flesh.
So we can only wonder, if
**The whip emits an electrical charge upon contact which inflicts an additional 2DJO
we were Ignorant of these
thlng.s, how much more do we damage. lf an impale is rolled when using the whip, it wraps around the victim, who
not know about our own solar suffers an automatic 2DJ0 electrical damage each round thereafter. A successful Dodge
system? And that bring.s us to roll allows a victim to avoid the whip.
the planet of Uranus. Armor: 19 points of metal skin.
Uranus Is the seventh planet Spells: if the L'gy'hxian's INT or less is rolled on D100 it knows that many spells.
In our solar system, as we cur-
rently understand lt. lt was dis-
Sanity Loss: 0/ID8 Sanity points to see an inhabitant of L' gy'hx.
covered in I 781 and at the ARTENSE KIN, Lesser Independent Race. They were dwarfed,
time was named Oeorgium
Sidus (Oeorgian Planet). lt Is M deformed hairy devils or apes-monstrous and diabolic caricatures of the
monkey tribe.-H.P. Lovecraft, ''The Lurking Fear".
about nlneteen tlmes as far
from the Sun as Is the Earth. lts These dwarfish cannibalistic creatures are the degenerate descendants of the
suńace seems to be wlthout Martense family. In the late seventeenth century the wealthy New Amsterdam
marking.s although some recent merchant Gerrit Martense built the Martense mansion high atop Tempest
observatlons suggest lts bright-
Mountain in the Catskills. Through generations of inbreeding and seclusion from
ness may change wlth time.
Scant months ago, sclentlsts the outside world, the Martense family devolved into a horde of ghastly
dalmed lts abnosphere was creatures, more monstrously anima! than human.
methane. f'our satellltes are These creatures dwell in labyrinth cavems and dark caves beneath their
known, Ariel, Umbriel, Titanla, ancestral mansion and in dank lairs throughout their mountainous territory. Lone
and Oberon, named after The bikers and those who stray too close to the Martense mansion or one of their lairs
Bard's characters.
So speak the sclentlsts. The are snatched away to the black depths of the cavems and devoured by the mon-
Hassa dl Requiem per Shuggay, strous horde.
an opera detalllng the fllght of The Martense kin attack by swarming victims, biting and clawing them.
the Shan from thelr doomed These creatures consume their prey live and even eat their own kind. Swarms of
home, tells a dlfferent story. hundreds of these creatures are not uncommon, and they are almost never
The Shan carne to Uranus,
encountered singularly or in groups smaller than a
called by the natlves L'gy'hx, as
part of a long exodus. Here dozen. They shun the light, although it does not
they found a clvlllzatlon of actually hann them.
•cubold, many-legged metal
MARTENSE KIN, Degenerate Ape-Things
belng.s• who llved arnldst cltles
of metal through which polso- char. rolls averages
nous orange gases wafted. The STR 2D6 7
opera detalls "'llquld metals CON 3D6 10-11
elsewhere unknown·, •an ecol-
ogy made up of metal and SIZ ID4+4 6-7
stone•, and "'anclent knowl- INT 2D6 7
edges preserved In qulcksllver.• POW 3D6 10-11
Some of the Shan eventual- 10-11
ly Ieft, but many stayed behind
wlth the native L'gy'hx; so now Move8 HP8-9
we must look at Uranus and Av. Damage Bonus: none.
understand that allen eyes are Weapons: Claw 25%, damage 1D3.
looklng back at us. Bite 25%, damage 1D2. MARTENSE KIN
Armor: none.
Creatures of the Mythos: Martense Kin - Martians 31
Spells: none. speeds up to 60 mph. Though heavy artillery fire can dis-
Sanity Loss: 0/1D3 Sanity points to see the Martense kin. l/1D6 able them, few field pieces can get off more than a shot or
Sanity points to see a large swarm of these creatures. two before being destroyed, thanks to the alien beat
rays-aimed with a parabolic mirror-and deadly
M ARTIANS, Lesser Independent
Race. A big, grey, rounded bulk, the
size, perhaps, of a bear ... rising slowly
black smoke projectors. Belching green vapor at the
joints of their tripod legs and from other parts of
the alien machinery, the battle tripods are nearly
and painfully out of the cylinder. As it
bulged up and caught the light, it glis-
The tripod war-machines also have mechani-
tened like wet leather. [The crea-
cal tentacles, simulating the Martians' own,
ture had] two large dark-
with which they can grasp objects when not car-
coloured eyes [and its head]
rying heat ray projectors or black-smoke canis-
was rounded and had,
ter guns. The Martians often mount cages onto
one might say, a face.
the bodies of their tripod machines in which to
There was a mouth
collect human victims they find among the
under the eyes, the lip-
ruins they created. These victims are
less brim of which
taken back to a Martian base as food.
quivered and panted and dropped saliva. MART/AN
The whole creature heaved and pulsated convulsively. [lt] BLACK SMOKE: the Martian black smoke is discharged
further displayed [several] lank tentacular appendages, (a] in canisters carried by the mechanical tentacles of the bat-
V-shaped mouth, (and a] fungoid, oily brown skin.- H.G. tle machines. One canister can be loosed each round.
Wells, The War of the Worlds. Smoke billows out from the canister, quickly encompassing
Martians have a large eardrum on the back of the head, an area many yards wide and moving with the wind. This
but only can hear certain sounds and tones. Their near- smoke is thick, viscous, and clinging, rising no more than
vestigial sense of hearing does not allow for complex 50 feet into the air. Anyone on the ground and in the
communications, and it is thought that they communicate smoke's path is attacked by it-a potency 25 poison against
telepathically. target CON. If the smoke overcomes the CON, the victim
Martians are one of the two intelligent, dominant races dies at once. Otherwise, he takes 1D6 points of damage and
indigenous to Mars. The other race, the Aihais, are gener- must resist against the smoke with his CON again the next
ally a peaceful race content with culture and round. Holding one's breath reduces the
trade. The two races coexist in an uneasy _ -r1 effective potency of the smoke to 15,
tmce and have very little to do with '?=- though it is still quite deadly.
each other. / The Martians often follow along
The Martians are vampiric in after their poison smoke, using a
nature, extracting blood from their wind device to blow it along toward a
victims via long glass pipettes and target area, or away from a place
taking it directly into their own where it is no longer needed. The
systems for nourishment. They ~ smoke solidifies into a black, sooty
are not feeble beings, despite ; covering when exposed to rain; this
their discomfort in the Earth's / residue is harmless.
heavier gravity-they are able to
( HEAT RAYS: the Martian heat rays
move unaided, despite their
increased weight, and humans can ignite buildings a mile away. The
grasped by Martian ten- l,._ beam shows only a pale light when
tacles are rarely able to fired in darkness, and is invisible in
struggle free. Though the daylight, marked only by the flames
WAR MACHINES that spring up where it strikes.
Martians employ mechanical aids
when once established on a new planet, probably they MARTIANS, Invaders from the Red Planet
adapted devices used routinely on their home world, not char. rolls averages
machines specially built for invasion. STR 3D6+6 16-17
BAITLE MACHINES: the Martians are relatively vulner- CON 206 7
able to injury, but the same is not true of their machines. SIZ 4D6+12 26
Their tripod battle machines are so heavily constructed that INT 3D6+6 16-17
little short of a direct hit by artillery can harm them. Their POW 3D6 10-11
construction machines are similarly well-made, though DEX 3D6+6 16-17
Martians riding in these sit exposed at the top. Move 1 HP 16-17
The tripod fighting vehicles are devastating war Av. Damage Bonus: +2D6.
machine. They stand some 100 feet tall and can move at Weapon: Grappie 50%, darnage special
32 The Creature Companion
them, making whatever they have to say difficult to under- amphibious features. These creatures tirelessly tend to their
stand. The human rnind remains etemally alive, if mad, alien sire, and crawl about the inert fonn of Chaugnar
within the tree-man. Seeing the Tree-Men of M'bwa costs Faugn day and night. Twice a year the Great Old One sends
0/ID3 Sanity points. its dwarfish sub-human servants down from their moun-
tainous !air into the world of man to acquire youths and
M'BWA, Zombie Servant of the God of the Red Flux
maidens. These young men and women are food for the
STR 27 CON 33 SIZ 11 INT N/A POW l3
vampiric Great Old One.
DEX 18 Move IO HP22
The rniri nigri are generally encountered in groups of
Damage Bonus: + I D6. ten or more. As the servants of Chaugnar Faugn, they are
Weapons: Grappie 45%, restrain protected by the Great Old One as well as its brothers and
Claw 45%, damage ID6 + db certain tribes of the Tcho-Tcho.
Armor: none, but impaling weapons do no damage to M'bwa,
and all others do only half damage. If reduced to zero hit points, MIRI NIGRI, Dark Dwarves
M'bwa is revived by the God of the Red Flux unless there aren' t char. rolls averages
enough pieces left. STR 206 7
Spells: none. CON 3D6 10-11
Skills: Dodge 75%, Sneak 90%. SIZ 1D4+4 6-7
Sanity Loss: 1/ID8 Sanity points to see M'bwa. INT 2D6 7
the climate shifts, and as radiation threatens to scorch the planet, Shiny calculates
From the Journals of that harvest time must be near.
Time has taught him most of what he needs to know. He is not highly intelli-
Sir Hansen Poplan gent, nor is he creative, nor has he an accurate memory (as his deteriorating lan-
guage skills suggest). He needs thousands of years to team one spell. He is more
VAMPIRISM-Some may smirk patient than most shoggoths, but that is not saying much- there are always peo-
here at my discussion of vam-
ple who deserve quick eating. Like many powerful entities, Shiny glories in his
pires, remembering perhaps
some Dracula film or Bram impulses-they keep his enthusiasm fresh.
stoker's orlglnal novel. The As long as he can remain calm and in control of
terrifylng gentleman seems his thoughts, Mr. Shiny can remain in human
already stereotypical. form. If he is angered or somehow distracted,
These recent popular enter- however, he loses control of his body and quick-
tairunents are built upon an old
tradltion. The storles of so-called
ly melts down into his true shoggoth form.
wampir, described by my Also, whenever his human form is reduced
Britannica as •blood-sucklng
ghosts•, have been most preva-
lent In Eastern Europe, especial-
to zero hit points, he auto-
matically must revert to
his shoggoth form.
ly In the early eighteenth centu- In human form
ry. However, sirnilar folk tałes
have existed throughout human Shiny attacks either
history. The Qreek.s had the by delivering a
Empusae-women who drank crushing bear hug
the blood of travelers. The or by smashing
Jewish people had the Ullm- with a massively-
descendants of Ulith who drank powerful fist. If Mr. MR. SHINY
the blood of men In the night.
These vamplre tałes
Shiny is unmasked for what he really is, he does all he can to quickly take care of
seemed to be based upon real any witnesses and make a fast escape. Normally, Mr. Shiny will do all he can to
facts~ namely the denlzens of protect his true identity. When his monstrous hunger forces him to take a victim
the Mythos. Chaugnar Faugn Is he oozes off to some abandoned building or down into a dark cellar where he can
said to live by sucklng life from feed in peace.
his Chosen Ones. His minlons
do as wen. The Martlans are
See also shoggoth lords, page 40.
said to be vampirlc. The MR. SHINY, Shoggoth Lord
Adrumball live off of blood. Fire
shoggoth form humanfonn
vamplres suck away life.
Most dlsturblng, though, are STR 24 18
the tałes I have dlscovered con- CON 26 14
cemlng an alien race named the SIZ 18 18
Nloth-Korghai. Certaln ancient
Mythos tomes name them as a INT 13 13
star.farlng race of some benevo- POW 18 18
lence-they are noted as having DEX 17 17
saved the origlnal lnhabltants of
Pluto and having helped to
upllft the lnhabltants of Mars. EDU N/A 20
Benevolent life In this universe SAN N/A o
Is a rare thlng. HP 22 16
There was a certaln group
Move IO 8
of these Nloth-Korghai who had
lnhablted Earth for a time and Damage Bonus: +2D6 (+ ID6).
then left, but out In space they Weapons: Crush 100%, damage 2D6
became lost. Millennia passed. Rhino Fist 95%, damage 2D3 + 2D6 (2D3 + ID6 in human form)
Flnaliy they landed on a planet, Grappie 90%, damage victim is pulled into Mr. Shiny's body and suffers ID6 hit points
but were unable to transform of damage per round until completely digested (this attack can be made only in
themselves to energy as they shoggoth form).
once could. To live they had to
Armor: none, but fire and electrical attacks do only half damage; physical weapons
steal energy from others, and
such as firearms do only 1 point of damage per hit, impaling or not; Mr. Shiny regener-
thus they becarne vampires.
Vampirlsm, lt seems, Is thus ates 2 hit points per round.
a cholce, one that any of us Spells: Dominate, and any others as the keeper desires, keeping in mind Shiny's intelli-
could make, one that any mem- gence and slow learning rate.
ber of any species could make, Skills: Archaeology 10%, Bargain 15%, Biology 65%, Chemistry 25%, Choose Tasty
one that many do. Victim 90%, Climb 75%, Credit Rating (as human) 65%, Cthulhu Mythos 12%,
Electrical Repair 10%, Electronics 10%, Hide 90%, History 35%, Law 10%, Library
Creatures of the Mythos: Nioth-Korghai - Ny'ghan Grii 35
Use 35%, Listen 75%, Persuade 30%, Physics 20%, Psychology AITACKS: the space vampires feed on the lifeforce of
15%, Sneak 70%, Track 75%, and others as the keeper desires. intelligent creatures by grasping them tightly and kissing
Languages: Arabic 20%, Demotic Egyptian 10%, English 60%, them, drawing off 1D6 points of POW each round while the
Nath 65%, Spanish 30%, Sumerian 5%. victim simultaneously loses 1D3 CON and 1D3 APP. As
Sanity Loss: none in human form. ID6/ID20 Sanity points to the Jifeforce is drained away, the victim ages dramatically
see Mr. Shiny in his true shoggoth form. Keepers may add an until nothing is left but a dried and withered husk. The
additional 1/103 Sanity point loss for investigators who see Mr.
space vampires may drain as little as a single point of POW
Shiny change from human into shoggoth.
from a victim at a time, leaving them tired but otherwise
unharmed. Any POW, CON, or APP drained by a nioth-
korghai is gone forever.
NIOTH-KORGHAI, Space Vampires
char. rolls averages
STR 3D6+18 28-29
CON 3D6+18 28-29
SIZ 8D6 28
INT 106+12 15-16
POW 3D6+6 16-17
DEX 2D6+6 13
Move 6/10 swimming HP 28-29
Av. Damage Bonus: +3D6.
Weapons: Tentacle 40%, damage lD6 + db or hold.
Lifeforce Drain automatic when held, damage 106 POW, ID3
CON, and 1D3 APP drained per round.
Armor: none, but the nioth-korghai cannot be wounded any-
where but in the solar plexus region. A hit to this area with an
impaling weapon causes instant death. To strike the solar plexus
an investigator must roll I 0% or less of his or her attack skill.
Spells: none, normally.
Sanity Loss: 1/108 Sanity points to see the true form of the
Their chilling blast attack affects an area five feet in diameter, bathing
From t.he Journals of everything with numbing icy air. Each attack costs two magie points and does
1D6 points of damage. The chilling effect has a range of fifteen yards and can
Sir Hansen Poplan be Dodged.
Devolution is used against a single target and costs the ny' ghan gńi 2D6
r1Y001HA a rrs CVLTS- magie points. The creature must overcome the target's magie points on the resis-
Reference to the god known as
tance table. If successful, the target begins rapidly and painfully devolving
Nyogtha can be found In the
Necronomlcon. It Is descrtbed through a seńes of increasingly bestial fonns. Witnessing this costs 1/1D6 SAN.
as a black, amorphous, gelat:J. Once begun, the process is irrevocable and within 2D6 rounds the victim has
nous mass. lt llves I.n frtghtful been transfonned to some pńmitive lifefonn devoid of human qualities.
cavems somewhere deep
beneath the Earth, but can be NY'GHAN GRil, Extra-Dimensional lnvaders
summoned up to the suńace char. rolls averages
through the many flssures and STR 3D6+10 20-21
ravlnes that plerce the Earth.
CON 3D6+6 16-17
I belleve that Nyogtha Is
one of the Drowners, of whom SIZ 5D6 17-18
I have wrttten before. lts rela- INT 3D6 10-11
tlonshlp to Bugg-Shash and POW 2D6+6 13
Ylbb-Tstll seems very elear.
Llke them, lts true nature Is a DEX 2D6 7 HP
b lack and amorphous belng. Move 2 crawling/8 flying 17-18
Llke them , lts sole business Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6.
seems death. Llke them, lt is Weapons: Tentacles 35%, damage db
warded by certaln signs: the
Chilling Blast 65%, damage ID6 to all in a five-
ankh, the Vach-Viraj lncanta- NY'GHANGRII
foot diameter
tlon, and the Tlkkoun ellxir.
The maln worshipers of Armor: the ny'ghan grii's tough, fleshy hide provides 4 points of annor. Cold does not
Nyogtha seem to be witches, affect it.
though the preclse rea-;on for Spells: on a roll of its INT x5 or less on D100, a ny'ghan grii knows ID6 spells.
thls Is unknown. Some sources Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see a ny'ghan grii.
point to Nyogtha lmpartlng
spells to lts worshipers that may
be used to contact the vartous
YOGTHA, SPAWN OF, Lesser Servitor Race. Men knew him as the
deltles and races of the Mythos.
Unfortunately, because of
Nyogtha's voraclous nature, lt
N Dweller in Darkness, that brother of the Old Ones called Nyogtha, the
Thing that should not be.- Henry Kuttner, ''The Salem Horror".
requlres sacriflces from those The spawn of Nyogtha result from blasphemous unions between humans,
who worshlp lt-usually human ghouls, and the Great Old One Nyogtha. The children that such a union creates
sacrlflces. If lts witches are swiftly degenerate into shapeless abominations after three to six decades. The
unmlndful of thls reality, they
may flnd themselves becomlng
spawn begin life in human form and easily pass for human unless given a detailed
lts vlctlms. medical exarnination. Instead of blood, however, viscous black ichor pulses
A rare book called the through their bodies. These creatures are strong, tough, and charismatic. They both
Scrlptures of Klek tells the serve the will of Nyogtha and seduce others into the god's dark cult.
story of a group of ghouls wor- At the onset of puberty, Nyogtha's hybńd children succumb to the will of
shlplng Nyogtha. Thls must be
their alien sire. At first the Great Old One fills their dreams with fantastic visions
somewhat suspect, slnce it is
sald these ghouls live In the
of subterranean tunnels and cavems, chanting, and black-robed figures, as well
legendary Dreamlands, but stili as glimpses of Great Cthulhu, Tsathoggua, and the other titan horrors who infest
the story Is lnterestlng. this planet. As the months pass, dream sendings increase in intensity until the
The leader of these ghouls dreams begin to cost the dreamer 1D3 points of Sanity each night. Once insane
Is named Naggoob, whom I these pawns become willing extensions of the Great Old One's consciousness,
have seen referred to elsewhere
allowing Nyogtha to perceive the world with their senses.
as the •Father of Ohouls.• He Is
sald to be high prtest of Degeneration begins 3D10+30 years after birth. Once begun, the metamorpho-
Nyogtha for his followers. sis occurs quickly in the span of a few months. Hideous black splotches appear on
Accordlng to Klek, Naggoob the human form's flesh, then quickly spread. At the same time the spawn becomes
often bavels to our wortd to par- ravenously hungry; as it feeds, the monster grows alanningly in weight and size.
tlclpate In witch ceremonles, In Duńng this new growth the human fonn's skeleton warps and distorts into a paro-
which he begets hybrtd ghoul
dy of itself. Bone and muscle tissue take on ghastly elasticity, while flesh continues
to bloat and blacken like a rotting corpse. Its metamorphosis complete, the mon-
ł!J Oni-wrsity
strous form becomes a shapeless horror whose loathsome flesh squinns and wńthes
Ttfishatonic as if composed of a sea of foul black wonns. Though torso and limbs have a bloat-
ed corpulence, the monstrous form maintains skeletal hands and face, with hideous-
Creatures of the Mythos: Nyogtha, Spawn of - Rat People 37
ly distorted features, razor-sharp talons, Weapons: as per norma! human in human form.
lupine fangs, and bulging eyes with Claw (monstrous form) 65%, damage 1D6 + db
hellish crimson orbs. At a dis- Bite (monstrous form) 65%, damage 1D8 + db
tance, a Spawn of Nyogtha Grappie (monstrous form) 50%, damage special
might pass for human by Armor: all spawn of Nyogtha, whether in human or monstrous
wearing a heavy coat or form, are immune to bullets and weapons that impale,
and take minimum possible damage from all other
robe, and a hat or
attacks. They are also immune to fire, acid,
hood, though nearby radioactivity, and electricity.
observers will
Spells: all spawn are given the Contact
notice that thick, Nyogtha spell at puberty, and leam other
disgusting slime is spells easily. Once fully grown into their
oozing where the finał monstrous forms the spawn know 2D6
thing has stepped. spells related to Nyogtha and the other Great
The spawn of Nyogtha are photosen- Old Ones.
sitive; the mere touch of sunlight on SPAWN OF NYOGTHA Sanity Loss: none for a spawn stili in human
their exposed flesh causes excruciating form. 0/1D3 Sanity points for seeing a human spawn ooze
pain. They are easily blinded by bńght light but have excel- black ichor instead of blood. 1/lD 10 Sanity points to see a
lent night vision. These creatures cannot see in the total spawn that has mutated into its finał monstrous form.
absence of light, such as in a cave. AT PEOPLE, Lesser Independent Race. For on
Once assuming their finał monstrous form, most spawn
make the long, dangerous joumey to Nyogtha's subter-
every side of the chamber the walls were alive with
nauseous sound-the verminous slithering of ravenous,
ranean fastness, there to dwell in the joy of everlasting gigantic rats.-H.P. Lovecraft, ''The Rats in the Walls".
dark.ness. Nyogtha may, at times, send its spawn back into The rat people are small, hairy humanoids. They have
the world of the surface-dwelling humans. matted gray fur, rotted teeth, and high-pitched twitteńng
The Great Old One Nyogtha is descńbed in the Call of voices. They are large man-rat hybńds.
Cthulhu rules, pages 170-171. The rat folk were once human, but because of foul prac-
AITACKS: Nyogtha's spawn can employ two claw attacks tices and inbreeding they have degenerated to near-animal
and a bite in the same combat round, or can attempt to grap- state. They dwell in dank burrows and warrens beneath old
pie an opponent and enfold him or her in its loathsome buildings and in sewers.
embrace. If the grappie attack succeeds, the victim needs a AITACKS: the rat people can attack with two claws and a
successful roll of STR vs.STR on the Resistance Table or be single bite each round. If a bite attack is successful, the
pulled into contact with the horror's cold, gelatinous flesh: creature hangs on to its victim and continues biting, strik-
if that happens, scores of worm-like tendńls sprout from the ing automatically with its bite each round thereafter until it
spawn's body, coiling around the victim's limbs and forcing or its victim dies. While it is banging on, the rat creature
their way in through body ońfices, costing the victim 0/1D6 and its victim each have a +20% chance to hit each other,
Sanity points. Once a grappie attack succeeds, the unfortu- but others attempting to strike the rat person must make a
nate victim-stuffed full of wńggling tendńls-must DEX x5 roll each time they strike or they hit their fńend
receive a successful CON roll each round or begin suffocat- instead. Damage inflicted by a rat person's bite cannot be
ing, taking ID8 hit points of damage each round until freed healed naturally: the hit point loss is permanent.
from the spawn's deadly embrace or until dead.
While grappling with and suffocating a victim, the
spawn can also slash with its claws, but cannot utilize its
bite attack. A spawn can grappie more than one target, but RAT PERSON
then must divide and allot STR between each victim. While
grappling a target a spawn's movement rate drops to one.
SPAWN OF NYOGTHA, Blaspbemous Children of the Dark
char. rolls (human form) averages (human form)
STR 4D6+12 (206+12) 26 (19)
CON 3D6+6 (3D6+6) 16-17 (16- 17)
SIZ 4D6+6 (2D6+6) 20 (13)
INT 206+6 (206+6) 13 (13)
POW 3D6+6 (3D6+6) 16-17 (16-17)
DEX 3D6 (3D6) 10-11 (10-11)
APP O (2D6+9) O (16)
Move 6 (8) HP 18-19 (14-15)
Av. Damage Bonus: +2D6 (+1D4).
38 The Creature Companion
as a cat. Centuries of skulking in dim cavems had lent the Spells: Degenerate serpent folk with POW 14 or better have the
race terrible and inhuman attributes. But the most repellent minor magica! ability known as The Curse of the Little People.
feature was its skin: scaty, yellow and mottled, like the hide This spell is unique to the aboriginal creatures living in the
ofa serpent. A loincloth made of a real snake '.I' skin girt its wilderness areas of the British Isles. Each use requires the caster
one round to cast and the expenditure of I D3 magie points. The
loins, and its taloned hands gripped a short stone spear
range varies according to the "trick" being performed: those
and a sinister-looking mallet of polished flint.-Robert E. physically affecting the target such as tripping, pushing, pinch-
Howard, "People of the Dark". ing, or momentarily deluding, can be cast on anyone within the
These degenerate creatures are the result of interbreed- caster's sight. Tricks such as causing food to spoił (even milk
ing between full serpent people and humans in prehistorie within the cow), wine to sour, plants to wither, grain to go bad,
Britain. Millennia of unholy rninglings have etc. require the caster to touch the targeted substance or the con-
reduced most of Britain's once-proud ser- tainer in which it is stored. lf used to physically affect a target
pent folk to these dwarfed hybrids: some the caster must overcome the target's magie points with its own.
If it succeeds, the trick works, otherwise there is no effect.
nearly like small bestia! serpent people,
Victims who are pushed or tripped must roll their DEX x5 or
others almost human but with ophidian
less to avoid injury. Failure equals one point of damage from
characteristics. They speak in a harsh the minor fali; fumbles are slightly more serious, incurring
sibilant language and use crude weapons of ID3 damage.
stone, wood, and bone. Skills: Climb 80%, Hide 85%, Sneak 80%.
These creatures have given rise to many Languages: Akio 35%, English 15%, Serpent Tongue
Celtic and pre-Celtic myths and leg- 50%, Welsh 35%.
ends regarding the "Little Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see the degenerate
People" : the sprites and serpent folk.
faeries, and the dark
'GLHUO, DENIZENS OF, Les.ser Independent
aboriginal inhabitants of
England and Europe. This bestia]
race tends toward the more malevo-
S Race. ft was not human. ft was too thin and tall,
with huge pupilless eyes, and a skin covered with tiny rip-
lent aboriginal myths, due to their pling blue scales. The fingers were boneless.-Ramsey
limited intelligence. Sometimes an Campbell, 'The Plain of Sound".
atavistic serpent person is present among In the Gulf of S'glhuo, in a strange and distant uni-
the hybrids, in which case the degenerate verse, all of the worlds and their inhabitants are com-
forms follow and worship the untainted DEGENERATE posed of sound. These strange entities may appear as
example of their race's former glory. vaguely-reptilian creatures to humans, although in real-
Norma] serpent people are described in the Call of ity they are nothing more than intelligent, living sound.
Cthulhu rules, page 151. The denizens of S'glhuo have the ability to mentally
project messages over incredible distances. These mes-
ATTACKS: in combat, each round a degenerate serpent sages are picked up as dreams by humans. These sound-
person can bite once, claw twice, or use a weapon. creatures are unable to travel outside their universe, how-
DEGENERATE SERPENT FOLK, Hybrid Descendants of a Once- ever, without the aid of a "translator": a special device
Proud Race. which must be activated on the world they wish to visit.
char. rolls averages
The ninth volume of The Revelations of Glaaki contains the plans for building
From t.he Journals of the alien translator device. Those receiving the S'glhouian dream messages are
guided to the strange blueprints, and are instructed to build the device.
Sir Hansen Poplan The strange beings of S'glhuo worship the Outer God Tru'nembra- an enti-
ty, like themselves, composed of living sound. Tru'nembra may dwell or have
SHOOQ0111S-lf the Winters- originated in the Gulf of S' glhuo.
Hall and Whitney translations
of the Eltdown Shards are to ATTACKS: these entities attack with bursts of sound waves, ignoring most
be belleved, the race known as armor. Such attacks can not be Dodged. The denizens of S'glhuo's hit points
the shoggoths were created an
unbellevably long time ago-
equal their POW.
perhaps a full billion years. DENIZENS OF S'GLHUO, Creatures of Living Sound
They were constructed as
char. rolls ( reptilian form) averages (reptilian form)
simple tools that the elder
thlng.s used to automate thelr STR N/A N/A
more tedious tasks. They may CON N/A N/A
not have been even truły intel• SIZ N/A (3D6+6) N/A (16-17)
llgent, simply cunning and ~ble
INT 3D6+10 20-21
to learn.
This original specles of POW 3D10+10 26-27
shoggoths seems to stili exist, DEX 2D10+10 21
as is noted ln the discredlted Move 40 HP26-27
records of the Pabodle
Antarctic Expedition of 19:SO Av. Damage Bonus: N/A.
and also In certaln secret files Weapon: Sound Blast 25%, damage 106
that I have obtalned related to Annor: none, however as living sound these creatures are immune to all physical dam-
the 1928 federal rald on the age. Certain spells which affect INT or POW hann them normally, as well as particular-
town of lnnsmouth. ly discordant sounds, which are especially harmful to the denizens.
However, much to the hor•
Spells: normally none.
ror of the elder thlng.s, lt seems
that a separate subspecies of Sanity Loss: O/ID2 Sanity points to hear the denizens of S' glhuo, and 0/104 Sanity
shoggoths evolved over the points to see their blue scaled form.
HOGGOTH LORDS, Greater Independent Race. You cannot imagine the
Some sources call these
evolved shoggoths shoggoth
/ords. They seem weaker than
S Shoggoth Lord's mastery of shapes! His race has bred smaller since modem
man last met with it. Oh, but the Shoggoth Lords are limber nowi Supremest
thelr bestia! brethren, but they polymorphs-though what they are beneath all else, is Horror itself.-Michael
have evolved a wily Intelligence
on par wlth humans. lt was
Shea, "Fat Face".
most llkely these creatures The shoggoth lords are smaller, more
whlch led the uprlsing agalnst intelligent descendants of their larger mon-
the elder thing.s 250 milllon strous cousins. Through some quirk of evo-
years ago, and ft was most lution, or perhaps through the unwitting
llkely these creatures whlch intervention of some other species or
founded the blasphemous pact
between the shoggoths and the
being, a handful of shoggoths have
spawn of Cthulhu whlch lasts evolved into intelligent creatures
to this day. able at will to mimie humans in
lf certaln (questionable) appearance and speech.
modern sources can be trust- These beings, without excep-
ed, shoggoth lords work lnde-
tion, appear in human form as
pendently of each other, but
are wllling to brlng together
grossly obese, hairless figures. They
groups of humans to accom- are cunning and charming, and some-
pllsh thelr ends-cultlsts or what awkward in their interactions
stooges alike. Their goals run with humans. Although a shoggoth ~
the gamut from personal power lord may freely transmute between V " ~ ~
to the return of the Old Ones.
The existence of these uncar•
its human and monstrous forms it ft;::..
4' ~,, ,/41
ing and lmmortal plotters is a takes great concentration and control .0J !,r,;,,._,~
great danger to humanlty. to remain in human form for any ~
length of time. If somehow caught
off guard, angered, or distracted, a
shoggoth lord quickly melts down
Mishatonic ~ Oni-«r&ity into its terrible true gelatinous self.
These creatures guard their secrets and
Creatures of the Mythos: Shoggoth Lords - Shoggoths, Proto- 41
identities well, living and feeding alone in private and quick- damage per hit, impaling or not; and shoggoth lords regenerate 2
ly dispatching nosy investigators who would unmask them hit points per round.
and expose their true horror. Spells: most shoggoth lords know 1D3 spells.
Shoggoth lords find it amusing (and nourishing) to pen- Skills: various, as the keeper desires.
etrate the human world; only in human beings do they find Sanity Loss: none in human form. lD6/lD20 Sanity points to
that delightful horror of comprehension that makes a thing see a shoggoth lord in his true form. Keepers may add an addi-
really worth eating. Shoggoth lords care only about satisfy- tional l/lD3 Sanity point loss for investigators who witness a
ing themselves. Though more sophisticated than most shoggoth lord change from human into shoggoth.
predators, they are given to the same grandiose claims of HOGGOTHS, PROTO-, Lesser Servitor Race. He
territory and to murderous squabbles among themselves.
They are not social, they do not die natural deaths, nor do
S has on rare occasions whispered disjointed and irre-
sponsible things about "The black pit", "the carven rim",
they breed. "the proto-Shoggoths", [etc.].-H.P. Lovecraft, "At the
Because of the great control required to sustain their Mountains of Madness".
human guises, certain statistics for shoggoth lords in Proto-shoggoth tissue is the color and texture of
human form are lower than when in their natural forms. human flesh, though it is mobile and can change at
See Mr. Shiny, page 33, for a will. A mass of proto-shoggoth tissue looks like a
developed example of a shog- large piece of human flesh, light
goth lord. brown or tan colored, with nipples,
AITACKS: these foul creatures navels, what seem to be ridges
feed by sucking living prey into
their bubbling gelatinous bodies.
When it takes prey, a shoggoth lord
first grapples and holds its victim. On the
l)_where muscle or bone is stick-
up, and even eyes or other
orifices. There may be
appear to be large open
next round the monster begins to ;J
-__,,,<ii wounds that do not bleed, acting as
suck its victim into its body mass, ~ . ~ - , openings to the interior, where
where it is digested. Each round the ~ ~~ intestines and other organs may be
victim suffers an automatic loss of 1D6 hit ~ visible. The whole continually quiv-
points of damage as the caustic acids and digestive fluids ers, breathes rhythmically, and
begin to dissolve his flesh. An investigator being so heaves. At will, it can thrust out a limb which may resemble
attacked may try to break free of the shoggoth lord's hold a human limb, though it might bend in the wrong spot or
by matching STR against STR on the Resistance Table have thickly corded muscles where they should not be.
each round, until free or dead. Shoggoth lords, unlike their At whim or need, proto-shoggoths may change their
larger cousins, may feed upon only one victim at a time. body form, greatly lengthening a limb or growing new
While feeding, consequently, a shoggoth lord may not use ones. They may open lipless mouths or sprout sense organs
its crush attack, although it can still lash out with its pow- anywhere on their bodies. A proto-shoggoth's total body
erful pseudopod fists. mass and volume cannot be changed, however, so if a long,
thick appendage is stretched out from some point on the
SHOGGOTH LORDS, Corpulent Monstrosities body, then some other part of the proto-shoggoth must
char. rolls (human form) averages (human form) shrink accordingly.
STR 4D6+10 (2D6+8) 24 (15) Proto-shoggoths are not true shoggoths, but creatures
CON 6D6+10 (206+6) 31 (13) created through alien science or ancient arcane secrets.
SIZ 1D4+15 (lD4+15) 17-18 (17-18) Through the creation process of dissolving and combining
INT 2D6+6 (2D6+6) 13 (13) tissues, a proto-shoggoth may be of any SIZ. Proto-shog-
POW 3D6+3 (3D6+3) 13-14 (13-14) goths grow only through the combining and absorption of
DEX 3D6 (3D6) 10-11 (10-11) other proto-shoggoth matter. These creatures, unlike true
N/A (lD6+3) N/A(6-7)
shoggoths, are often very intelligent and cunning. Small
proto-shoggoths may move undetected among humans
EDU 3D6+3 (3D6+3) 13-14 (13-14)
while in human form.
Move 10 (8) HP24-24 (15-16)
Damage Bonus: +2D6 (+ID6). AITACKS: proto-shoggoths may attack with limbs or they
Weapons: Crush 100%, damage is db may simply engulf and crush a victim. In combat a proto-
Rhino Fist (Pseudopod) 95%, damage 2D3 + db shoggoth may sprout as many limbs as it desires, but may
Grappie 90%, victim is pulled into the shoggoth Iord's body and only attack with one per every ten points, or fraction there-
suffers 1D6 hit points of damage per round until he or she is of, of SIZ it has. Thus, a proto-shoggoth with a SIZ of 32
completely digested (this attack can be made only in shog- may sprout a dozen limbs, but can only attack with four in
goth form).
any given combat round. Proto-shoggoths can engulf only
Armor: none, but fire and electrical attacks do only half dam-
a single victim at a time, and this attack inflicts damage
age; physical weapons such as firearms do only 1 point of
equal to twice the monster's damage bonus.
42 The Creature Companion
Spells: all of the blessed of Shub-Niggurath know Call Shub- was pouring in a con-
Niggurath plus 106 other spells. tinuous stream, and
Sanity Loss: 0/104 Sanity points to see most blessed of Shub- above, the Master ofthe
Niggurath-l/106 for really horrible mutations. Light moved with a slow
HUGORAN, CHILDREN OF, Lesser Servitor Race. swaying of its entire
S I well recall the hide which hung over the bar at the
Traders' Club in Singapore, and which, according to tradi-
bulk.-Frank Belknap
Long, "The Space
tion, represented the infant of this fabuLous creature: its Eaters".
wings were black, Like the skin of a Hottentot.-T.E.D. The space eaters are
Klein, "Black Man with a Horn". a monstrous interstellar
race. They appear as
The Black Man with a Horn
can produce smaller versions shimmering columns of
twisting shafts of light.
CHILD OF SHUGORAN Though their bodies are
incorporeal, they are
able to create temporary
limbs in order to per-
form physical tasks such
as attacking.
The arrival of one or more space eaters in a given area
causes a slight drop in temperature, followed by a per-
vasion of fog and rnist. The air becomes cold and wet
and clammy, and the space eaters hunt prey in the affect-
ed area.
These creatures occasionally reach Earth, by "eating
their way through space"-apparently some form of nat-
ura! Gate-like ability. The process is heralded by a
of itself: servant creatures or guardians sometimes given to droning sound given off as the space eater attempts to
favored followers. The members of this created servitor break down the walls of space and time to bring others of
race are identical to their sire in all respects, although its kind.
smaller and less powerful. AITACKS: when it has found prey, a space eater forms a
See Shugoran, an avatar of Nyarlathotep, page 87. thin, pale-white artificial armlike limb with a small hand
CIDLDREN OF SHUGORAN, Amphibious Horrors attached, with which it then attacks its prey's head. On a suc-
char. rolls averages cessful attack it bores a bloodless, painless hole into the skull
STR 3D6+8 18-19
and begins draining out the victim's brain. The victim has a
terrifying sensation of buming cold withinin his skull. If the
CON 3D6+12 22-23
creature reduces the victim's INT, POW, or Sanity to zero, it
SIZ 2D6+8 15
has drawn out the entire brain, killing her or him. The brain
INT 2D6+6 13 may then be condensed into an immaterial state and stored in
POW 3D6 10-11 the limb until the space eater can reform it later for more thor-
DEX 3D6+8 18-19 ough ingestion.
Move 8/10 swirnming HP 18-19 A victim who escapes before his brain is completely
Av. Damage Bonus: +106 drained may become violently delirious. If he survives he
Weapons: Claw 25%, darnage 106 + db recovers one point of POW per week of hospital care, but
Proboscis 30%, damage is automatic death on following round lost INT is lost forever.
Armor: 3 points of slime and hide. A space eaters' artificial limb has only STR and DEX
Skills: Sneak 50%. characteristics.
Spells: none. SPACE EATERS, Masters of the Light
Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see one of the children of char. rolls a verages
STR (2D6) (7)
PACE EATERS, Lesser Independent Race. From the CON 4D6 14
S ceiling to the floor it towered, and it threw off bLinding
Light. .. . In the center ofthe room, between the ceiling and
the floor, the pages whirled about, and the light bumed POW 4D6+6 20
through the sheets, and descending in spiraling shafts DEX (3D6) (10-11)
entered the brain ofmy poor friend. lnto his head, the light Move 5 floating/flying HP24
44 The Creature Companion
SPECTRAL HUNTERS, Monstrous Guardians CHILDREN OF THE SPHINX, Denizens of the Desert
char. rolls averages char. rolls averages
STR 3D6 x2 21 STR 4D6 14
CON 2D6+1 8 CON 2D6+6 13
SIZ 3D6+8 18-19 SIZ 2D6+8 15
INT 2D6+6 13 INT 3D6 10-11
POW 5D6 17-18 POW 3D6 10-11
DEX 3D6 10-11 DEX 2D6 7
Move 8 HP 13-14 Move 7 HP 14
Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6. Av. Damage Bonus: + 1D4.
Weapons: Pincer 50%, damage ID6 + db Weapons: Fist (all) 50%, damage ID3 + db
Bite 30%, damage 3D6 Kick (all) 25%, damage ID6 + db
Annor: I point of hide. Beak-stab (fakon-head) 30%, damage I D4
Beak-stab (ibis-head) 25%, damage ID3
Spells: a spectra! hunter knows 1D6 spells if its INT x2 or less
Bite (ass-head) 35%, damage ID8
is rolled on D100.
Bite (cheetah-head, lion-head) 40%, damage IDI0
Sanity Loss: l/lD6 + 2 Sanity points to see a spectra! hunter. Bite (crocodile-head) 35%, damage 1D10 + db
PHINX, CHILDREN OF, Lesser Servitor Race./ Bite (hippopotamus-head) 35%, damage 1D10
S would not look at the marching things. That I desper-
ately resolved as I heard their creaking joints and nitrous
Bite Uackal-head, hyena-head) 40%, damage ID6
Bite (snake-head) 35%, damage ID3 + POT 10 poison
Gore (bull-head) 35%, damage 2D6 + db
wheezing above the dead music and the dead tramping. ft Gore (ram-head) 35%, damage 106 + db
was merciful that they did not speak . . . but God! their Annor: 2 point skin.
crazy torches began to cast shadows on the surface ofthose Spells: none.
stupendous columns. Hippopotami should not have human
Sanity Loss: O/ ID8 Sanity points to see the children of the
hands and carry torches .. . men should not have the heads Sphinx.
of crocodiles.-H.P. Lovecraft and Harry Houdini,
"lmprisoned with the Pharaohs".
T OMB-HERD, Lesser Servitor Race. Horrible white,
gelatinous shapes flopped across the landscape toward
the forefront of the scene ... and as in a dream saw those
frightful shapes move upon the statues nearby, and watched
the outlines of those statues biur and then begin to move.
1 ·/•1 :I ~ Then swiftly, one of those dreadful beings rolled and
11 . 1
, 'II
•·1•,.• .. 1··· flopped toward me. I felt something cold as ice touch my
;l ·:: ·il!· .· , ankle.-Ramsey Campbell, "The Church in High Street".
" .. , : : I I
.: :- , ·I,
.. .;.,1 The tomb-herd have connections to Earth through cer-
\/' '·
1 tain tombs and crypts where they feed upon the extra-
dimensional excrescences of the crypts' inhabitants, which
are accessible to them on their home world. Special half-
humanoid, half-crustacean statues are placed within certain
tombs by the followers of Yog-Sothoth, to be used as host
bodies by the tomb-herd on this piane.
Tomb-herd gates to this dimension are triggered by a
living presence near the gateway in their tomb; the tomb-
herd imrnediately enter the specially-prepared statues in the
crypt to attack intruders and feast.
These Sphinx-spawned monstrosities come in great
variety: men with the heads of bulls, ibises, falcons, cats,
POSSESSION: if a statue is unavailable to a member of
the herd it can attempt to possess a human in the tomb by
crocodiles, hippopotamuses, jackals, etc. The children of
touching him and winning a POW vs POW struggle on the
the Sphinx may come in any human-animal composite as
Resistance Table. If overcome by the alien, the target needs
long as the grouping has some basis in Egyptian religion
a roll of POW or less on Dl 00 or he passes out. Whether or
and mythology.
not the victim passes out, the herd-member imrnediately
Children of the Sphinx are found in Egypt and sur-
uses the unfortunate "host" to feed in the tomb. A conscious
rounding arid regions, elsewhere only by special reason.
host of one of these foul feasting creatures must make a
AITACKS: all children of the Sphinx can attack in some SAN roll and loses 1D3/2D4 from participating in such a
form or another. Many will have special attacks, based ghoulish repast. The feeding complete, the herd-member
upon their anima! half. leaves its temporary host, returning to its home piane and
leaving its victim otherwise unharmed.
46 The Creature Companion
r,łi&katonic ~ Onivcrsity
Armor: in natura! tomb-herd form, the herd is immune to all damage inflicted by non-
enchanted physical weapons. Magie, fire, and acid do normal damage to the insubstan-
tial herd-form. In statue form they take normal damage; however they then also have 3
Creatures of the Mythos: Travelers 47
points of annor.
Spells: nonnally none. LARVA
Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 Sanity points to see the natura! fonn of the
tomb-herd, 0/1D3 Sanity point loss for the uninhabited statues
used by the herd, and 1/1D6 Sanity point loss to see a statue
in use.
Far better to slip on as we do, whole living
beings and wear at once all of their limbs and
organs, memories and powers-wear all as tightly
congruent to our wills as a glove it to the hand thatfills
it.-Michael Shea, "The Autopsy."
Travelers in larval form migrate from world to world
through the depths of space in small, translucent vessels no
larger than basketballs. To avoid detection the travelers
steer their ships to planetary surfaces within the cover of ing the creature a chance to find a new host. These special
meteor showers. The alien parasites can destroy their ships filament attacks are not possible until a traveler has
if they suspect detection: the explosion caused by the auto- reached maturity.
destruct system of a traveler's ship is powerful enough to TRAVELER LARVAE, Parasitic Aliens
level a city błock. Anyone within five yards suffers I 0D6 char. rolls averages
damage; anyone with six to ten yards suffers 8D6 damage; STR l l
those eleven to fifteen yards away suffer 6D6 damage, etc.
CON 2D6 7
A traveler stays hidden until it can invade the body of a
suitable host. In doing this, it savors each moment of pain
and horror it inflicts, patiently stalking a host, then taunting INT 5D6 17-18
and torturing the trapped consciousness. POW 206 7
There are four stages in the life of this alien parasite. DEX 1D6 3-4
Only the larval form is capable of any movement beyond Move6 HP4
sluggish oozing. A larvae is equipped with crude Av. Damage Bonus: N/A.
appendages and grasping hooks used to secure itself once it Weapon: none at this stage.
has found a host. A traveler enters the host body through the Annor: none but larval travelers regenerate 1D6 hit points per
mouth, usually of sleeping or otherwise immobile victims. round until dead.
Once inside, the larvae develops through three instars, Spells: none.
growing in power. During these transformations the travel- Sanity Loss: 0/1D3 Sanity points to see a larval traveler.
er changes from wormish larvae to a compact brain-like
entity pulsing at the nexus of a network of whiplike fila- TRAVELER FULL ADULT, Parasitic Aliens
ments. These filaments interface with the host's normal char. rolls averages
nerve paths. After three days of development, the invading STR l l
traveler has full control of its host. CON 706 24-25
SIZ 1D2 l-2
ATTACKS: when attacking, a mature traveler whips a INT 8D6 28
nerve tendril from the mouth or other orifice of its host's
POW 5D6 17-18
body. The touch of this tendril exudes a powerful neuro-
DEX 5D6+1 18-19
anaesthetic. If the alien's neuro-anaesthetic of POT 7D6
Move l HP 13
overcomes the target, he is paralyzed for DI00-CON min-
utes. A second filament is extended into a paralyzed vic- Av. Damage Bonus: N/A.
Weapon: Filament Whip 80%, damage paralysis for D 100-CON
tim's heart so that the parasite can feed on the blood. A
minutes if overcome by 7D6 POT neuro-anaesthetic dis-
traveler feeds its host body on the flesh of its bloodless charge
victim, often storing corpses and returning to them over a
Armor: none, but adult travelers regenerate 1D 10 hit points per
period of weeks to feed the host on the decayed meat. round until dead.
Travelers can animate corpses by inserting filaments into
Spells: none.
the brain to awaken dead memories. The parasites can also
Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 Sanity points to see an adult traveler.
manipulate their host's body even if the host is killed, giv-
48 The Creature Companion
pages 172-173. been driven off somehow. Victims who survive Ubb's
attack regenerate STR at a rate of one point per week of
ATTACKS: in combat, children of Tsathoggua use their
bedrest. Ubb may also crush victims beneath its bulk by
mass of tentacles to crush opponents, bite with their rearing up its front end and crashing down on them. Ubb's
broad, fanged mouth, or trampie a victim beneath their crush attack covers an area eight yards in diameter. This
massive hooves. A child of Tsathoggua may attack with entity can destroy piers and swamp small boats this way.
2D6 tentacles and a single bite or with a single trampie
each round. UBB, The Father of Worms
STR 51 CON 33 SIZ 49 INT 19 POW25
CHil,DREN OF TSATHOGGUA, Relentless Guardians
DEX IO Move 2/8 swimming HP 41
char. rolls averages
Damage Bonus: +5D6.
STR 4D6+6 20
Weapons: Bite 75%, damage 2D6 + 2D10 STR drain
CON 3D6+6 16-17 Crush 65%, damage 5D6
SIZ 4D6+18 32 Armor: 8 points of thick, rubbery hide.
INT 2D6+6 13
Spells: Contact Yuggs, Contact Zoth-Ommog, and any other as
POW 3D6+6 16-17 desired by the keeper.
DEX 3D6 10-11 Sanity Loss: 1/108 Sanity points to see Ubb.
Move 7/10 flying HP24-25
Av. Damage Bonus: +2D6.
Weapons: 2D6 Tentacles 45%, damage db
U Race. And certainly they saw the thing that carne cry-
ing out at us from the sinking ruins behind, the distorted
Trampie 35%, damage 2D IO + db
Bite 25%, damage ID6 caricature ofa human being, with its eyes sunk to invisibil-
Armor: because of the mucous-like makeup of their bodies,
ity in thick masses of scaly flesh, the thing that flailed its
children of Tsathoggua suffer minimum possible damage from arms bonelessly at us like the appendages ofan octopus.-
physical, non-enchanted weapons. Fire, chemicals, electricity, August Derleth, "The Return of Hastur".
and spells and enchanted weapons harm them normally. Unspeakable possessors are creatures created by Hastur
Spells: all children of Tsathoggua know the Contact Tsathoggua, when it collects on a binding oath (known as the
Call Ossadagowah, and Contact Formless Spawn spells. These Unspeakable Promise) made to it by a human. Eventually
entities may know ID6 other spells as well if their INT or less is Hastur possesses all who make the Unspeakable Promise.
rolled on D 100. When it happens, the mind of the Great Old One takes over
Sanity Los.s: 102/IDl0 Sanity points to see a child of and transforms the victim's body. The body must stili be
Tsathoggua. alive (if the victim is dead, the transformation begins any-
way, but stops after a few hours). If the caster of the
BB, Unique Entity (Yugg Greater Servitor). The
U Father of Wonns ... even undying and putrescent
Ubb, leader and progenitor of the dreaded Yuggya-the
Unspeakable Promise is deceased, Hastur possesses his or
her nearest blood relative instead, after a delay of 1D6
Burrowers Beneath-the loathly and prehuman servitors of days. The victim's skin takes on a gray-green, scaly texture,
[Ythogtha], who squirm and slither in the slimes about His the body becomes a bloated parody of a humanoid shape,
feet.-Lin Carter, "Out of the Ages". and the limbs become boneless and fluid.
Ubb, likes its fellow yuggs, is a large aquatic, chthon- Once possessed, the resulting thing is usually content to
wreak whatever havoc is deemed most vital, often merely
ian-like entity, pale gray and slug-like with a large sucker-
mouth full of hom-like teeth and ringed with tentacles. killing and devouring.
As with most Hastur-related spells, the hideous product
Ubb dwells in the cold fastness of the Pacific Ocean
with the rest of its race. The yuggs are said to is affected by the position of Aldebaran and collapses
guard their god, the Great Old One Zoth- comatose at Aldebaran's setting or at sunrise,
Ommog, whose tomb, legend tells, lies ~...,.;,n_.',-___,_.,.... :o-; whichever comes first, losing 1D20 from
at the bottom of a abyssal trench • .. ,.... STR and SIZ. If either statistic is ever
brought to zero or less, the unspeakable
near the island of Ponape. _, '> ~
0 possessor dies and dissolves. If it sur-
AITACKS: the Father of ? ~ ~ vives, the creature wakes again the next
" .;, . Ai
Worms a~cks by biting time the sun is down and Aldebaran rises.
and holding on, suck- • , ,1...... ,
ing body fluids from , . · .e.i ATTACKS: in combat the Hastur-thing may
• • • ~ '? attempt to grasp its victim with its tentacular arms. On a
1ts v1ctlm at the rate of •--
successful hit, the target dies instantly and painfully, foam-
2D10 points of STR
ing at the mouth and ears. The creature may opt instead to
per round. Ubb contin-
thrust its tentacle-like, jaw-tipped fingers inside the vic-
ues to hold on and
tim 's body and suck out the body fluids, draining 1D10 hit
drain fluids until its vic-
points every round until the victim dies. All hit points
tim is dead or Ubb has
FATHERUBB drained are divided between the monster's STR and SIZ in
50 The Creature Companion
whatever ratio the creature desires. The more victims the Hastur-thing takes, the
From tbe Journals of larger it grows. If it does not take enough victims each night, eventually the I D20
loss at sunrise causes the creature's dissolution.
Sir Hansen Poplan
HYPEIUIOREA. ~ OF- char. rolls averages
Hyperborea was an ancient STR former x2 21*
land at its helght of power from CON former x3 31-32
5 milllon to 750,000 years ago.
SIZ former xl.5 19-20*
lt is wrltten of in the Book of
Elbon. It is especlally notable INT 15 15
for the peoples that lived upon POW 35 35
lt, races now unknown except DEX former 10-11
In the tomes of the Mythos:
Serpent people were the Move8 HP 25-26*
earllest known inhabitants of *These are the unspeakable possessor's origi•
Hyperborea. They fled to that nal statistics, which increase each time it feeds on vic-
land from Yoth, hoplng to redls- tims, and decreases with the setting ofAldebaran or the
cover their worship of Ylg, rise ofthe sun.
which bad been talnted by fol- Av. Damage Bonus: +2D6*.
lowers of Tsathoggua. lt seems
they were only partially success-
Weapon: Touch 85%, damage is death or drains 1D10 hit
ful, for even the most modem points per round
sources hint at thls tense reli- Annor: 6 points of scales and rubbery flesh.
gious dlchotomy underlying Spells: any known before the transformation from human into an
many ophidlan clvllizatfons. The unspeakable possessor.
serpent people appeared In
Sanity Loss: l/ID6 Sanity points to see an unspeakable possessor.
Hyperborea 5 mlllfon years ago.
Onoph-Keh are thought to OORMIS, Lesser Independent Race. They stood only half-erect, and their
have arrlved somewhere around
thls time as wen. Llttle is known
V shaggy heads were about his thighs and hips, snarling and snapping like
dogs; and they clawed him with hook-shaped nails.-Clark Ashton Smith, "The
of these bestia! legends, other
than the fact that they lnhabited Seven Geases".
the lands above whlle the ser- The voonnis are a race of primitive dog-like humanoids that dwell in deep,
pent people dwelled below. dark cavems. Normally noctumal, these creatures are savage, cunning hunters
Though often thought of as ani- who fiercely defend their mates and offspring. These brutes know no fear and the
mais, the oldest books say the
females are even more savage than the males. The voonnis worship the Great
gnoph-keh are actually qulte
intelllgent. They bad clvlllzatfon Old One Tsathoggua.
and religion prior to 5 mllllon Although the voonnis are mostly extinct today a few isolated tribes may stili
years ago, all recorded In the exist in the northem hemisphere. These creatures are thought to be the ancestors
long-lost Scroll of Modoc. of the sasquatch.
Voormis rose 5 mllllon
years ago. They had before VOORMIS, Savage Humanoids
been slaves of the serpent peo- char. rolls averages
ple-genetfc experlments that I STR 2D6+8 15
must note bear sirnllaritfes to
the canine race known as the
CON 3D6 10-11
ghouls. After throwlng off the SIZ 2D6+3 IO
shackles of ophidlan servitl- INT 1D4+6 8-9
tude, the voormis carne to the 10-11
surface and there destroyed the
civlllzation of the gnoph-keh. DEX 3D6 10-11
Hyperboreans were the last Move8 HP 10-11
of the great races of that land. Av. Damage Bonus: +1D4.
An advanced offshoot of the Weapons: Claws 30%,
Homo genus, the Hyperboreans
appeared I mlllfon years ago,
Bite 30%, ID4
defeated the voormis, and
drove them underground. They Annor: none.
were in tum defeated by the lee Spells: if a voormi's INT xl
Age, though scattered conctaves or less is rolled on D100, it
stlił seem to exlst, some prlml- knows ID3 spells: Contact
tfve, others advanced. Tsathoggua and Contact
See also Hyperborea, Formless Spawn of
Land of (page 28). Tsathoggua are spells commonly known by voormis.
Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see a voormi.
Creatures of the Mythos: Voonnis - Wendigo 51
Sir Hansen Poplan Annor: 6 points of thick hide. Piercing a wendigo's heart with something hot instantly
kills it. To strike a wendigo's heart the investigator must roll 10% of his or her attack
VISIOl'IS fBOM YADDmt-lt Spells: a wendigo knows I D3 spells if its INT x5 or less is rolled on D 100. Spells are
was whlle researching the leg- usually those conceming lthaqua or other elemental forces native to the northem part of
ends of Xoth that I first carne
the world.
across the tałes of the lost
planet of Yaddlth. Skills: Hide 75%, Sneak 55%, Track 75%.
My best source on Yaddith Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see a wendigo; 0/ID2 Sanity points for heańng the
was a small set of poems eerie howl of these creatures.
called Vlslons from Yaddlth
ORM TRAT WALKS, THE, Unique Entity. Where broods alone in
(whlch also mentloned Xoth,
ever so perlpherally, hence my
lnterest), but I have also been
W hideous state I A spirit dead and desolate; I A spirit ancient and unholy, I
Heavy withfearsome melancholy.-H.P. Lovecraft, "The Nightmare Lake".
able to consult the Journal of The Worm that Walks is a loathsome being that looks like a human corpse
one Hareton Paine as wen as a
decayed into tones of green, black, and blue, with dripping pieces of putrefying
few fragments from the leg-
endary Tablets of Nhlng. flesh hanging from it. Prodigious claws or talons dangle from this apparition's
Yaddlth lles between flve fingers and from the undead monster's eye sockets stare lidless, bare eyeballs.
multkolored suns, but lt Is The Worm that Walks has the ability to cloak its body with the appearance of
closest to one that we of Earth a normal human for briefperiods of time. Reading its intended victim's mind, the
know as Deneb. Deneb Is one
thing may take on the shape of someone trusted by him. The Worm masquerades
of the brlghtest stars In our sky
desplte belng some 1,400 light as a norma! human to get close to its victims and can not fully manifest itself
years away. lt Is In the constel- until it has siphoned off a portion of their magie points.
latlon of Cygnus, and lts name
Is Arabic for ·ta1I.•
The tale of Yaddlth as I
recounted In Vlslons from \) •, I
Once the Worm has formed the psychic wrong. Their legends explain xo tl'rni-
link with a victim and has drained off a go eyelessness and barrenness as
portion of their magie points it does not curses from God for their vicious
flee or try to escape confrontation. It pillaging and assaults. Others
instead fights and slays as many as it can. claim the race are devils; stili oth-
Only after killing its victim does it vanish ers say that they are a lost tribe of
back to its alien dimension. 1I man. Connections between the
xo tl'rni-go and the subterranean
OTHER ATTACKS: the Worm that peoples of K'n-yan, Yoth, and
Walks attacks twice each round with its
N'kai have been inferred.
great claws, rending a victim to bits. In its
false forms it can cause any bullets or other ATTACK: xo tl'mi-go attack with their
weapons to pass through its immaterial manifesta- claws. If successful, the xo tl'rni-go may
tions, leaving the creature unharmed; it can not be then attempt to bite the victim with their
harmed by materiał weapons except when in its true A XO TL'MI-GO hooked teeth. They normally attack and pillage
form. In that form firearms are stili useless, doing no in groups of two to ten, or more. They may also employ
damage, although all other types of weapons inflict nor- clubs or edged weapons.
ma! damage to the thing. If the Worm that Walks is slain,
XO TL'MI-GO, the Children of the Kingdom
its essence escapes back to its plane, where it reforms.
char. rolls averages
The physical body left behind looks like nothing more
STR 2D6+8 15
than a horribly decayed human corpse with long, cracked
fingemails. CON 3D6+6 16-17
SIZ 2D6+6 13
THE WORM TRAT WALKS, Putrefied Horror INT 3D6 10-11
STR 16 CON 15 SIZ 11 INT 12 POW 11 POW 2D6+3 10
DEX 15 Move 8 HP 13 DEX 3D6 10-11
Damage Bonus: N/A. HP 14-15
Weapon: Claws 50%, damage lD6.
Av. Damage Bonus: + 1D4.
Armor: none, but the Worm that Walks can only be hanned
Weapons: Claws 30%, damage lD6 + db
when in its true form and then only by non-frreann weapons.
Bite 25% when holding with claws, damage lD6
Spells: none. Armor: I point of rubbery skin.
Sanity Loss: 0/lD 10 Sanity points to see the true form of the
Spells: none, normally.
Worm that Walks.
Skills: Hide 70%, Jump 55%, Listen 75%, Sneak 80%.
O TL'MI-GO, Lesser Independent Race. / saw,
X dimly in the streetlight, the empty craters where its
Sanity Loss: 0/lD6 Sanity points for seeing the xo tl'm.i-go.
eyes had been- empty but for two red dots, like tiny
beads-and the gaping red ring of its mouth, like the suck- Y ADDITH, DENIZENS OF, Lesser Independent
Race. Throngs of clawed, snouted beings . . . rugose,
partly squamous, and curiously articulated in a fashion
er of some undersea creature. The face was alien and
cold, without human expression, yet I swear that those mainly insect-like yet not without a caricaturish resem-
eyes regarded me with utter malevolence-and that they blance to the human outline.-H.P. Lovecraft and E.
recognized me. . .. I struggled to rise, and felt ... the Hoffman Price, "Through the Gates of the Silver Key".
touch of naked limbs, smooth, rubbery jlesh, hands that The inhabitants of the planet Yaddith were a race ofbril-
scuttled over me like sta,fish.-T.E.D. Klein, "Children liant scientists and powerful wizards. Among the inven-
of the Kingdom". tions of the Yaddithians were devices known as light-wave
The xo tl'mi-go are gangly humanoids with pale, slick envelopes: machines capa-
skin, webbed hands, and tapeworm-Jike heads. They ble of carrying passen-
dwell beneath the ground in tunnels, burrows, and cav- gers through all of time
ems, only venturing out during times of darkness. They and space. Although
are an aggressive, pitiless race driven to attack and Yaddith has since
impregnate human women, even though they possess no been laid waste by
reproductive organs. Male xo tl'mi-go produce semen the monstrous dholes,
through a strange masturbatory activity and then manual-
ly insert the reproductive fluid into a human female. An
aroma of sour milk and a peculiar snoring sound are
indicati ve of their rape attacks. Female xo tł ' mi-go appear
to be sexually barren.
The Chibcha Indians of South America believe the xo YADDITHIAN
tl'mi-go to be "children of God", but children God made
54 The Creature Companion
Upon discovering its nature they locked it safely away. When three bites per round: one for the mouths on each of their
the Great Race abandoned that time period, the Yekubian hands, plus the one on their face. When encountered in
cube was lost, probably left behind in the ruins of one of their groups, these near-mindless creatures swarm over victims,
cities. Other cubes may have fallen to Earth, as well. attacking them in packs.
Yekubian rninds have difficulty controlling humans for
ClllLDREN OFY'GOLONAC, Tattered Eyeless Figures of the
very long. Within a matter of days or hours after the men- Dark
tal swap, the invading worm-creature begins to Jose control char. rolls averages
as the human body unaccountably regresses to a bestia! STR 206 7
state. The uncontrolled human body ultimately destroys
CON 3D6 10-11
itself, killing the invading mind as well unless it manages
SIZ 2D4 5
to escape to another body or back to its alien world.
INT 104 2-3
INHABITANTS OF YEKUB, Mental Invaders POW 206 7
char. rolls averages DEX 3D6 10-11
STR 6D6+ 12 33 Move IO HP7-8
CON 4D6+10 24 Av. Damage Bonus: +O.
SIZ 5D6+26 43-44 Weapon: Bite 30%, damage 1D2+db
INT 4D6+6 20 Armor: none.
POW 3D6+6 16-17 Spells: none.
DEX 3D6+6 16-17 Skills: Listen 80%, Scent 80%.
Move9 HP 33-34 Sanity Loss: 0/104 Sanity points to see one of the children of
Av. Damage Bonus: +4D6. Y'golonac.
Weapons: Tentacle 40%, damage is l/2 damage bonus
OG-SOTHOTH, SONS OF, Greater Servitor Race.
Crush 35%, damage is damage bonus
Armor: 6 points of thick skin and blubber. Y Bigger'n a bam . .. all made of squirmin ' ropes . ..
hull thing sort o ' shaped Like a hen egg bigger'n anything,
Spells: they rarely utilize magie but a given member has a
chance equal to its INT or less on D100 to know 1D3 spells. with dozens o ' legs like hogsheads that half shut up when
they step .. . nothin' solid abaout it-all like jelly, an' made
Sanity Loss: 0/1D8 Sanity points to see one of the inhabitants
ofYekub. o' sep'rit wrigglin' ropes pushed clost together . .. great
bulgin' eyes all along the sides, big as stovepipes, an ' all a-
'GOLONAC, CHILDREN OF, Lesser Servitor
Y Race. And beyond the wall rises Y'golonac to be
served by the tattered eyeless figures of the dark.
tossin' an' openin' an' shuttin' . .. all grey, with kinder blue
or purple rings .. . an' Gawd in heaven- that halfface on
top!- H. P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich Horror".
CHILD OF Long has he slept beyond the wall, and those The spawn of Yog-Sothoth are formed when the Outer
Y'GOLONAC which crawl over the bricks scuttle God mates with a human, creating a hybńd creature.
across his body never knowing it to be Because of the hybrid qualities of these creatures, no two
Y'golonac. - Ramsey are exactly alike. Some appear horrible and monstrous,
Campbell, "Cold Print". while others may look mostly human, with perhaps but a
The children of few monstrous traits. All monstrous sons of Yog-Sothoth
Y' golonac appear as remain invisible except when feeding.
small, deformed, and eye- The half-breed spawn of the All-in-One grow rapidly
less humanoids. Cloaked in tat- and require great quantities of fresh, raw flesh to feed upon.
tered rags, the children of Y' golonac These creatures also have an insatiable
grope blindly about in the dark, hunger for knowledge of the Cthulhu
mindlessly awaiting the day Mythos and greedily obtain and study all
when their sire will be free to Mythos tomes they can, eagerly learn-
walk the Earth once more. ing spells and researching ways in
Due to their blindness, the children of which their sire may be brought
Y' golonac have heightened hearing and into the world of men.
sense of smell. The most famous sons of Yog-
The Great Old One Y'golonac is Sothoth are the unfortunate Wilbur
described in the Call of Cthulhu rules, Whateley and his monstrous broth-
pages 174-175. er, who are described in Call of
Cthulhu, pages 189-190.
ATTACKS: like the Great Old One, the
Also see Yog-Sothoth, in Call
disfigured children of Y'golonac have
of Cthulhu, page 176.
mouths in the palms of their hands.
These crippled figures may attack with A MONSTROUS SON
56 The Creature Companion
YUGGS, The Slug-Servants of Zoth-Ommog Spells, enchanted weapons, fire, electricity, and chemicals harm
char. rolls averages Zoth Syra nonnally. Zoth Syra can also regenerate 1D6 hit points
STR 7D6 24-25 per round. If killed, one of the other spawn of the Green Abyss
takes Zoth Syra's place, title, and name, growing until it reaches
CON 3D6+6 16-17
the Queen's impressive bulk and power.
SIZ 8D6 28
SpeUs: any, as desired by the keeper.
INT 3D6 10-11
Sanity Loss: ID8/ID20+ ID4 Sanity points to see Zoth Syra.
POW 4D6 14
Move 2/6 swimming
HP 22-23 Z Y'TL Q' AE, Greater Independent Race. Then came
a splashing in that darkness, and a huge purple moist
blossom rosefrom it, its petals opening and closing hungri-
Av. Damage Bonus: +2D6.
Weapon: Bite 40%, damage is db + 2D4 STR Drain ly. But the greatest abnormality ofthe thing which splashed
out of the pit was its green tentacles, tipped with many fin-
Armor: 3 points of rubbery hide.
gered hands of unholy beauty, which it held yeamingly
Spells: on a roll of INT or less on D100, a yugg knows ID3
toward the point where the sacrifices threw themselves
spells, usually dealing with Zoth-Ommog and other aquatic hor-
rors. off.-Ramsey Campbell, "The lnsects from Shaggai".
This race of intelligent plant-things dorninates the plan-
Sanity Loss: 0/ID6 Sanity points to see a yugg.
et Xiclotl, demanding of the other inhabitants the peńodic
sacńfice of a number of their race. The Zy'tl Q' ae dwell in
Z OTH SYRA, Unique Entity. And reigning beside the
indescribably evil beauty, 7-<)th Syra, he became con-
scious of a ceaseless murmuring of restless voices that
darkness, thriving on the sustenance they deńve from the
living sacrifices and other prey they capture in their grasp-
echoes sibilantly in the song of his Queen.-C. Hall ing tendrils and snapping blossoms.
Thompson, "The Spawn of the Green Abyss". These camivorous horrors reproduce by discharging
Zoth Syra is the ruler of the aquatic societies of the hard, warty seeds about the size of a human skull. The force
spawn of the Green Abyss (see Green A byss, Spawn ofthe, of this seed discharge is strong enough to propel some of
page 26). Lilce its subjects, Zoth Syra is a mass of bluish the mateńal through the atmosphere of the planet and into
slime with various and shifting space. Eventually some seeds fali to ground on other
features, limbs, and sen- worlds and there gerrninate, spreading the species from
sory organs. world to world.
AITACKS: Zoth Syra's AITACKS: the plant-creatures have an unusual hypnotic
song captivates and ability to Iure prey into their clutches by sending out clouds
hypnotizes hearers. of pollen-like spores.The inhaler of this alien pollen must,
The loser of a on the Resistance Table, match its POW against that of the
POW vs. POW plant-being producing the spores. If overcome by the
struggle against pollen, the target is drawn to the lair of the waiting, vora-
Zoth Syra be- cious plant-things. Those who overcome the spores tem-
comes her utter porarily lose 1D3 points of CON and suffer from head-
slave, obeying aches, dizziness, and fever; lower skill points connected to
ZOTH SYRA her every com- sight, DEX, or STR by an amount equal to the plant-crea-
mand. Only with a successful POW ture's POW.
x 1 roll on D 100, or with a successful Psychoanalysis roll by an The penalty lasts only as long as the effects of the
unaffected companion, can anyone under the hypnotic powers spores, and no skills are reduced below 1%. These symp-
of Zoth Syra become free. toms subside, and the CON returns in 1D10 hours, or in
The Queen of the Green Abyss may attack physically by about one hour if treated by someone with medical skills.
lashing out with 2D4 pseudopods per round, or by crushing
a victim beneath "her" enormous gelatinous bulk. Zoth
Syra's pseudopods can reach up to 80 yards, and can attack
as many different targets as there are pseudopods. Zoth
Syra is always encountered with at least one of its subject
spawn of the Green Abyss.
ZOTH SYRA, Queen of the Green Abyss
STR 75 CON 52 SIZ 90 INT 2 1 POW35
DEX 1 Move 8 rolling HP71
Damage Bonus: +9D6.
Weapons: Pseudopods 65%, damage 4D6 or grappie
Crush 79%, damage 9D6
Annor: none, but Zoth Syra is immune to norma! weapons.
58 The Creature Companion
A Zy'tl Q' ae can attack either with its snapping purple blossoms or with its
From the Journals of grasping tendrils. A victim caught in the moist flower suffers IDIO + 3 points
of acid damage each round as corrosive digestive enzymes begin to dissolve
Sir Hansen Poplan the prey. The creatures' tendrils may either crush a victim, or grasp and hold
him or her until the following round when the victim is automatically scooped
CREA.11JRES OP 11IE JIIYl1IOS, up by one of the ghastly blossoms. A victim caught by the Zy'tl Q'ae may
A SIJIIIIIIA.llY-When all Is wrtt-
ten, how does one summartze
break free by overcoming the plant-creature's STR with his or her own on the
the creatures of the Mythos? I Resistance Table.
think the most lmportant fact ZY'TL Q' AE, Botanical Nightmares
Is thls: they are a thousand dlf-
ferent specles wlth a thousand char. rolls averages
dlfferent motlvatlons. No STR 4D6 + 10 24
sweeplng generallzatlon can CON 3D6+6 16-17
cover them all. But, perhaps by
SIZ 6D10 + 20 53
explorlng thelr dlfferlng orlglns,
we can come to better under- INT 5D6 17-18
stand them. POW 4D6 14
My dlscusslons of the orl- DEX 4D6 14
glns of specles are occaslonally
MoveO HP 34-35
speculatlve, but they best
reflect what I have leamed. Av Damage Bonus: + 4D6.
Some are natlves of l!arth. Weapons: Blossom 60%, damage engulf and IDIO + 3 acid damage each round
Deep Ones, ghouls, serpent Tendril 75%, damage ID6 + db crush, or grasp and hold
people, voormls, and voors Armor: none, however these creatures regenerate lDlO + IO hit points each round.
seem to fit thls classlftcatlon.
11tey have always llved upon Spells: none, usually.
our planet, but elther the Sanity Loss: JD4/IDIO Sanity points to see one of the Z'ytl Q'ae.
human races has out-competed
them, or they do not compete
wlth us for resources. Some
wlsh only to survlve, others to
retake thelr planet.
Some are from other plan-
ets. The Alhals, the elder
~ . the Martlans, and the
ml-go have thelr own clvll~
tlons out among the _ stars; they
bavel to Earth seeking certaln
resources. Others, such as the
shan, are lntergalactlc refugees. "'l1ie otliersliapes .iegan to appear, filllng
Some are from other
dlmenslons. The adrumball me 'Uli.tli ttamefess liorror tlie motnent I awokf,.
and the tomb-herd are among
these creatures. Thelr goals are 'But tfuring tlie tfreams tlieg tfu{ not liorrifg me
usually mysterlous and slnister.
Some are created by magle. at aff-- 1 was one 'Uli.tli tliemi wearing tlieir
A minor but real class. The
Ooatswood gnomes are one urtliuman trappings, treatfing tlieir aqueous
example. These belngs' goals
are based upon thelr creators'.
wags, anapragi,ng monstrousf:g at tlieir evil
Some are the spawn of
gods. Not only do the Old Ones
sea-bottom temp fes."
breed wlth humans, but some-
tlmes they spawn monstrosltles
on thelr own. f'rom the chlldren
of the Oreen Ood to the fonn-
less spawn of Tsathoggua, thls
class Is a broad one. 1bese
belngs tend to serve the whlms
of thelr progenltors.
1bls Is only a gloss, but stlll
lt Is a beglnnlng. By under-
standlng the orlglns of these
belngs who share our world,
we better understand them.
Deities, By Type
Elder Gods OuterGods
Kthanid Ancient Ones
Onyx Ghroth
Vorvadoss Larvae of the Other Gods
Star Mother
Great Old Ones Tru'nembra
Arwassa Yidhra
Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg
Bugg-Shash Avatars
Byatis Aforgomon (Yog-Sothoth)
Cthylla Ahtu (Nyarlathotep)
Cynothoglys The Beast (Nyarlathotep)
Dho-spawn Bloated Woman (Nyarlathotep)
Gloon B'Moth (Cthulhu)
Gol-goroth Chorazin (Cthulhu)
GreenGod Dark Demon (Nyarlathotep)
Hydra Faceless God (Nyarlathotep)
Iod Feaster from Afar (Hastur)
Juk-Shabb Fractal Yog-Sothoth (Yog-Sothoth)
Lloigor Haunter of the Dark
M'nagalah (Nyarlathotep)
Nug and Yeb Keeper of the Moon-Lens
Ossadagowah (Shub-Niggurath)
Othuum King in Yellow (Hastur)
Q'yth-az Lrogg (Nyarlathotep)
Red Flux, God of the Madam Yi (Yidhra)
Rlim Shaikorth Messenger of the Old Ones
Saaitii (Nyarlathotep)
Sebek Shugoran (Nyarlathotep)
Summanus Skinless One (Nyarlathotep)
Vibur Tawil at'Umr (Yog-Sothoth)
Vulthoom Tick Tock Man (Nyarlathotep)
Yegg-ha Wailing Writher (Nyarlathotep)
Ythogtha Xada-Hgla (Azathoth)
PJlcient Ones to Zu-Che-Quon
NCIENT ONES, Outer Gods. The shapes on the These beings are neither good nor evil, and they would
A quasi-hexagonal pedestals became more clearly
defined. As they sat more erect, their outlines became more
welcome and assist a worthy traveler just as they would
destroy an imprudent trespasser.
Like those of men, though Carter knew that they could not ANCIENT ONES, The Ultimate Gate
be men. Upon their cloaked heads there now seemed to rest
char. rolls averages
tall, uncertainly colored miters . .. while grasped in certain
folds of their swathings were long scepters whose carven
CON IDlOO+lOO 150-151
heads bodiedforth a grotesque and archaic mystery.- H.P.
Lovecraft and E. Hoffman Price, "Through the Gates of the SIZ 3D6+9 19-20
Silver Key". INT 2D10 + 17 28
They are the Ultimate Gate. The Ancient Ones eternal- POW 5D10 + 20 47-48
ly dream atop their hexagonal pedestals, stirring only when DEX 2010 + lO 21
disturbed in some way, or when visited by a worthy trav- Move 25 HP85
eller who has found his or Av. Damage Bonus: N/A.
her way through AN ANCIENT ONE
Weapons: Touch 100%, damage transport or instant destruction
the First Gate. .~.. Armor: none, but only magie and enchanted weapons can harm
These time- ''- an Ancien! One.
less entities Spells: the Ancient Ones know all spells.
:well in ~ . Sanity Loss: none while cloake<l. ID20/ID100 Sanity points if
their true form is revealed.
have been spoken and the Rites howled through at their
Seasons. The wind gibbers with Their voices, and the earth
mutters with Their consciousness. -H.P. Lovecraft, "The
Dunwich Horror".
Arwassa appears as a giant, inhuman shape sprouting
four giant tentacles in place of limbs. The Great Old One is
vast and mighty tempie beyond space and time, somewhere headless. The neck opens into a giant toothless maw eight
between the planes. feet across which continually yawns as though screaming.
Also see Yog-Sothoth's avatar, Tawil at'Umr, page 106. Arwassa hovers above the ground.
CULT: the Ancient Ones are not worshiped, although sor- CULT: Arwassa is worshiped occasionally by small bands of
cerers and adventurers interested in journeying to other humans, but is mostly unknown. The Great Old
times and places seek them out. One communicates telepathi-
cally with its followers.
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: the Ancient Ones know Arwassa demands fre-
all things, and cornmunicate through telepathy. The Ancient quent live sacrifices
Ones may tum people's dreams to reality, or send dreamers to sate its
to other times and places. gluttonous
When they must move, the Ancient Ones glide over the appetite, and
ground, their heavy cloaks waving and billowing ominous- requires
ly. Totally concealed by these cloaks, utter madness and a human sacri-
destruction befall any who would see an Ancient One fice at least once
unveiled. ARWASSA
every month.
62 The Creature Companion
11IE MICIEl"IT Ol'fflS a YOG• A1TACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: Arwassa may attack with each of its four
S011IODI-They are spoken of tentacles every round.
only In the rarest tomes, yet
they would seem to have ARWASSA, The Silent Shouter of the Hill
power beyond bellef. I speak STR 50 CON 50 SIZ 100 INT 26 POW35
here of the Anclent Ones, DEX 19 Move 12 tlying HP75
those belng.s who stand astrlde
Damage Bonus: + 8D6.
the Ultimate Gate. Hereln I
would hope to examlne them Weapons: Tentacles 100%, damage 4D6 + 8D6 or hold for swallow
and so understand them better. Swallow auto when held, damage is completely dissolved
There Is a place that Is an Armor: none.
extenslon of our Earth beyond
space and time. Perhaps lt Is Spells: any the keeper desires.
reftectlon of our own wodd In Sanity Loss: ID 10/1D100 Sanity points to see Arwassa, plus the automatic loss of one
thls other space, perhaps a point of Sanity every five minutes to everyone within a mile or so of the Great Old
whole other dlmenslon. I am One's inaudible bowling.
not entirely sure. The Book of
Thoth, my prlmary source, Is
short on detalls.
Thls place beyond Is
A ZATHOTH, Outer God. Here the vast Lord of All in darkness muttered I
Things he had dreamed but could not understand, I While near him shape-
less bat-thingsflopped andflutteredl In idiot vortices that ray-streamsfanned.-
achievable through the first
H.P. Lovecraft, "Fungi from Yuggoth".
Gate. The Silver Key of
Hyperborea Is named as one
Azathoth is the bubbling insanity which dwells at the center of the universe.
artifact that may open the first It is the ruler of the Outer Gods and is as old as the universe. Few are foolish
Gate. There are doubtless oth- enough to worship Azathoth, though the Shan and mi-go do offer obeisance to its
ers; perhaps certaln spells and only known avatar, Xada-Hgla. The Outer God Azathoth is described in full in
entlties have thls power too. on page 63, the next page of this book.
lt Is here that the Anclent
Ones rest, drearnlng In thelr VADA-HGIA, Avatar ofAI,athoth. lt consisted ofa bivalvular shell supported
psuedo-hexagonal thrones. The A on many pairs offlexible legs. From the half-open shell rose several jointed
Most Anclent One, 'Umr at-
Tawll, the Prolonged Ufe, Is
cylinders, tipped with polypous appendages; and in the darkness inside the shell I
here as well. He Is the Guide though I saw a horrible bestial, mouthless face, with deep-sunk eyes and covered
and the Guardian of the Gate. with glistening black hair.-Ramsey Campbell, "The lnsects from Shaggai".
Il Is he who shows thls realm
to visltors. CULT: this form of mighty Azathoth is ~.
The Anclent Ones seem to worshiped only by the shans and the . / ~ ~,,...~ --
serve but one purpose, and mi-go • · 1.,,
/2 '
that Is to open the route to the
Ultlmate Gate. An adventurer OTHER CHARACTERIS-
must understand thelr koans, TICS: unlike its writhing
that · muslon Is the only
nuclear form, this avatar of
reality", that ·substance Is
lrnposte~. Azathoth does not bring with
Beyond the Ultimate Gate Is it any Other Gods or servitors
the Last Vold, which Is outslde when it is summoned.
everythlng, and that Is where
And so we see a hlnt at the Xada-Hgla attacks by putting forth green-glowing appendages
true nature of the unlverse, from its body, crushing victims, or drawing them into its shell where they are dis-
that everythlng-everythlng liv- solved in the sticky, burning flesh of the Outer God.
ing and dead, everythlng that is
reality-Is wlthin. And outslde, XADA-HGLA, the Cradle of Chaos
In the Last Vold, there Is only STR 120 CON 130 SIZ 120 INT O POW 100
DEX IO Move 15 HP 125
But sometlmes he leaks In.
The Anclent Ones are his manl- Damage Bonus:+ 14D6.
festation. As the outslde slowly Weapon: Appendage 100%, damage 14D6 or Death on second round
leaks In, we see our unlverse Armor: 50 points of hard shell; however, the sticky flesh within has no armor.
plunglng lnto the Last Vold,
endlng everythlng. Spells: none.
Deities of the Mythos
Sanity Loss: lDIO/lDlOO Sanity points to see Xada-Hgla. continued on p . 67
The Greatest Gods of the Mythos
There are Jour gods who are more renowned than all per round minus one percentile per lesser other god
the other entities of the Mythos: Azathoth, Great that arrived with it.
Cthulhu, Nyar/athotep, and Shub-Niggurath. Following An area equal to its pseudopod radius is blasted by
page 64 are Jour full-co/or paintings, depicting these Azathoth and totally ruined, with cracked boulders,
entities in bright and horrific splendor. Their descrip- pools of alkaline water, and dead splintered trees, but
tions have been reprinted here, from the Call of damage to investigators is done by specific pseudopod.
Cthulhu rule book, for ease of reference.
ZAmO'rH. Outer Goci. That last amorphous
A blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes
and bubbles at the centre of all infinity-the bound/ess
daemon sultanAzathoth, whose name no lips dare speak
aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable,
unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the mujJ1ed,
maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monoto-
nous whine of accursed jlutes.-H.P. Lovecraft, "'The
Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath."
Azathoth is the ruler of the Outer Gods, and has
existed since the beginning of the universe. lt dwells
beyond nonnal space-time at the center of the universe,
where its amorphous body writhes unceasingly to the
monotonous piping of a flute. Lesser gods dance mind-
lessly round Azathoth to the same music. Azathoth is
described as both blind and idiotic, a "monstrous
nuclear chaos". The urges of Azathoth are immediate- Sir Hansen Pop/an says: a few sources hint that
ly fulfilled by Nyarlathotep. Azathoth may once have been the great and wise ruler
of the rebe/ gods, that he was reduced to a mindless
CULT: Azathoth is little-worshiped, for the god offers state as a punishment. True or false, modem sources
not even gratitude in return. Usually humans call upon definitely record Azathoth as a mindless entity. He is
Azathoth by accident, and thereby unwittingly bring named the Nuclear Chaos, for he sits at the center of
disaster and horror. Only the criminally insane would the universe-he is the nucleus of the universe. His
knowingly worship such a being. Nonetheless, such destructive power is great; woe to he who would
worshipers may have special insights into the nature of un/eash it upon the Earth.
the universe, its origin, powers, and meaning, insights
perhaps understandable only by other madmen. AZATBOTH, Seethlng Nudear Chaos
STR N/A CON 300 SIZ vańes INT O POW 100
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: Azathoth always DEX N/A Move O HP 300
manifests with a servitor flautist to play its music, and
Weapons: Pseudopod* 100% or less, damage D100 hit
1D10-1 Lesser Other Gods. Summoners risk Azathoth points + corroding the surface
striking out in irritation, the percentile chance equal to *As the last actwn in a combat round. ro/l 1D6 to leam the
100% minus ten percentiles for each Other God who number ofpseudopods with which Awthoth lashes out that
arrived, and minus another five percentiles for each roUIUl and the chances that anyone is hit:
magie point which the sorcerer expends to placate the 1 =100% 3 =33% 5 =20%
god. The magie points sacrificed must be renewed each 2 =50% 4 =25% 6 =16%
round. If Azathoth angers, it grows: on the first round Investigators cannot Dodge these massive blows. Allot
that it attacks, it also burgeons out from its summoned attacks at multiple targets if desired.
confines, and its pseudopods have a reach of 50 yards. Armor: none, but at O hit points Azathoth is dispelled and
On the second combat round it has a reach of 100 yards, not slain, and can return at full strength in 1D6 hours. It takes
the third round giving it 200 yards, and so on, doubling 3D6 damage from an Elder Sign, but destroys the Sign.
each round indefinitely. Spells: commands all the lesser Other Gods and much of
There is also a chance that Azathoth voluntarily the universe; fortunately it has O INT.
departs if lt becomes angered, equal to ten percentiles Saoity Lcl§: 1010/10100 Sanity points to seeAzathoth.
THULBU, Great Old One. A monster ofvague- Entire tribes are recorded as worshiping Cthulhu.
C ly anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like
head whose face was a mass offeelers, a scaly, rub-
Remote lnuits are mentioned. So are degenerate
Louisiana swamp-folk. He seems to be most worshiped
bery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore among sea-folk, or beings that live near the sea. He is
feet, and long, narrow wings behind. thing .. . was served by the beings known as the deep ones as well as
of a somewhat bloated corpulence . ... lt lumbered by the octopoid things known as the star-spawn of
slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed its Cthulhu. Cthulhu's cult is prehistorie and of many vari-
gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway ants, and Cthulhu himself has many names, most of
.... A mountain walked or stumbled. -H.P. Lovecraft, which can be traced back to their original form. Thus
''The Call of Cthulhu." two of his names are Tulu and Thu Thu.
monstrously ogled! This was Bugg-Shash the Drowner, The Black One, The
From the Journals of Filler of Space. .. . The eyes were . .. beyond words, but worse still were those
mouths. Sucking and whistling with thickly viscous lips, the mouths glistened
Sir Hansen Poplan and slobbered andfrom out of those gluttonous orifices poured the lunatic chit-
terings of alien song- the Song of Bugg-Shash.-Brian Lumley, "The Kiss of
111B DR011fflERS-Certaln Bugg-Shash".
books of the Mythos refer to a
Bugg-Shash appears as an eerie bit of darkness filled with eyes and mouths.
group of belngs known as the
• orowners·. Bugg,Shash and It comes from some far-away dimension. Bugg-Shash appears to have some con-
Ylbb-TstH are both sald to nection to the Outer God Yibb-Tstll, and both are referred to as "parasites
-belong to thls classlflcation. attached to the Old Ones" in the Cthaat Aquadingen.
Accordlng to Mad Berkley's
Book, they orlginally come CULT: Bugg-Shash has no known organized cult. It may be sought out by lone
from ·the blackest Plts of the sorcerers and madmen for purposes of grim vengeance and murder.
most remote Spheres.•
The physlcal connectlon OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: once called to Earth the Great Old One con-
between the two belngs seems centrates its efforts wholly upon trying to catch its victims. Reluctant to obey the
dublous at first. Bugg,Shash Is commands of its summoner, Bugg-Shash immediately attacks any who call it
descrlbed as a black, choklng
forth, unless restrained by a specially-enchanted pentagram drawn on the floor
patch of darlmess. whlle Ylbb-
TstJI Is a seernlngly humanoid and then provided with a sacrificial victim. If either of these is lacking, the sum-
belng. That. though, I thlnk moner suffers attack.
lgnores Ylbb-Tstll's true nature. The Great Old One is dispelled by light; its chosen victims are relatively safe
Ylbb-TstH's blood Is known as during the daylight. Any time an intended victim enters an area of darkness, how-
The Black, and ft brings black ever, Bugg-Shash instantly appears. Once summoned, Bugg-Shash does not
and choklng death. lf Ylbb-
return to its alien !air until it has found and killed at least one victim, either the
TstJl's humanoid form Is but a
shell. and The Black Is lts true person intended, or possibly the summoner.
form, then we can better Bugg-Shash has the ability to animate corpses by immersing them in its slimy
understand the conned:lon excretions. Such zombies are completely under the control of Bugg-Shash until
between these two belngs. the deity is permanently dispelled, or until it tires of them and allows them to die.
The Drowners share other
An undead slave of Bugg-Shash appears as an animated corpse covered in vis-
characters In common as well.
Much of thls further lnforma- cous slime.
tion comes from the Cthaat
ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: the Great Old One attacks by enveloping
They have both been long its victims then bestowing its "kiss". The more victims it takes, the less its fren-
known on thls world, slnce the zy and the less effective its attack. For every victim after the first, Bugg-Shash's
earllest human clvlllzations. chance to successfully envelope is reduced by ten points. An enveloped victim
They are treacherous and may escape only by overcoming the Great Old One's STR with his own. lfmore
untrustworthy. than one victim is enveloped at a time Bugg-Shash must divide its STR among
Thelr prlme business Is
death, usually on a personaJ
them. Once it has a victim successfully enveloped Bugg-Shash bestows its kiss,
scale, and they should only be smothering the unfortunate with slime. Victims suffer as per the drowning rules.
called up from thelr dark Bugg-Shash may be dispelled only by reducing its hit points to zero, or with
dlmenslons lf death Is the a special spell found only in the Cthaat Aquadingen and the Necronomicon.
deslred resulŁ While light drives it off, it does not truły dispel Bugg-Shash.
They can be controlled by
certaln spelb. Ylbb-Tstll Is ham- BUGG-SHASH, He Who Comes in the Dark, The Black One
pered by the Barrler of Naach• STR 50 CON 45 SIZ 65 INT 15 POW 25
Tlth whlle Bugg,Shash Is vulner-
OEX 10 Move 6 HP 55
able to the Pentagram of Power.
lt seems llkely that there Damage Bonus: + 606.
are other Drowners, other Weapons: Envelope 90%, darnage 606 or hold
avatars of death and destruc- Kiss automatic when enveloped, darnage as per drowning
tion bom of the same dark bell
as Bugg,Shash and Ylbb-TstH. lt
Armor: none, but only magie, enchanted weapons, fire, or electricity hann Bugg-Shash.
Is probable that they are each Cold, acid, explosives, and non-enchanted weapons arc useless.
unlque, each embodylng dark Spells: Any as the keeper desires.
death In lts own way. We must Sanity Loss: ID6/ID20 Sanity points to sec Bugg-Shash and 1/106 Sanity points to sec
be sure not to call these pow- its undead slaves.
ers lnto our homes.
YATIS, Great Old One. /t had but one eye like the Cyclops, and had claws
B like unto a crab. He said also that it had a nose like the elephants . . . and
Mi&hatonic ~ Oniwrsity great serpent-like growths which hung jrom its face like a beard, in the fashion
of some sea monster. ... They heard a sound ofwings, like the flapping ofa great
Deities of the Mythos: Byatis - Cthulhu 69
CULT: the Chorazin is not an entity actually to be wor- Sanity Loss: ID4/ID10 Sanity points to see Cthulhu's
shiped. It is that portion of great Cthulhu which affects the Chorazin.
dreams of those people who are artistic or psychically sen-
THYLLA, Great Old One. Like most Octopods, its
sitive. Anyone who dreams of Cthulhu has made contact
with the Chorazin.
C eyes were telescopic, and could raise and retractfrom
the side of its head more than two feet in any direction.
ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: once manifested in Unlike most Octopods, it had three sets of eye stalks, far
the waking world, the Chorazin begins to prey on the minds more than necessary given the telescopic range ofeach eye.
of everyone within a ten mile radius. Those failing a Sanity The examination revealed retractable claw hooks on the
roll suffer from some emotional, psychological, or psychic underside of each tentacle, five inches in length, curved,
attack. Hapless victims may suffer from severe migraine and tapered to a deadly point. There were also tiny growths
headaches which last for 1D20 hours; they may fly into at the base of its two back legs where the tentacles joined
senseless fits of rage, striking the body. They looked like wing buds.-Tina L. Jens, "In
out at anyone or anything near- His Daughter's Darkling Womb".
by; they may suffer from horrible According to Mythos Iore, Cthylla
nightmares for which they lose 1D6 , CTHYLLA is one of the four significant off-
Sanity points; or victims may suffer spńng of Cthulhu, her "siblings"
by the ink-fluid which blinds for 6D I Ominutes and inflicts 2D IO points of bum
From the Journals of damage.
Sir Hansen Poplan CTHYLLA, Daughter of Cthulhu
STR 38 CON 210 SIZ 44 INT40 POW37
11IE mm OP 11IE WORLD-- DEX 21 Move 9/50 swimming HP 127
The Necronomicon states, Damage Bonus: +4D6.
"That Is not dead which can Weapons: Tentacle 80%, damage 3D6 or hold for other attacks
etemal lle, / And wlth sbange
Crush automatic when held, damage 1D6 + db
aeons even death may die.• lt
Bite automatic when held, damage 2D 10
Is the best known of the
prophecles regardlng the end Armor: 16 points of hide; additionally, Cthylla regenerates 1D6 hit points per round.
Times, that time when earth Spells: Any dealing with Cthulhu, Ghatanothoa, Zoth-Ommog, Ythogtha, Ubb, Dagon
shall be destroyed, but by no and Hydra, deep ones, the Star Spawn of Cthulhu, Yuggs, and other aquatic Mythos hor-
means the only one. lt states rors, as well as any others at the keeper's discretion.
slmply: There shall come a
Sanity Loss: lD6/lD20 Sanity points to see Cthylla.
time when the Great Old Ones
and Outer Qods, slumberlng YNOTHOGLYS, Great Old One. A dark, monolithic object whose
and imprlsoned, shall awaken.
The end Times shall be her-
C twisting shapelessness has placed it beyond simple analogies in my imag-
ination. Yet the re was something in its contours-a certain dynamism, like that
alded by a number of slgns. The
Revelations of Olaakl descrlbes of great, crablike roots springing forth from the ground. .. . Toward the sum-
the most important, the comlng mit of the mutilated sculpture, a crooked arm-like appendage extended out-
of Qhroth. "When these hiber- ward in a frozen grasp, as if it had held this position for unknown eons and at
nal tlmes are over, and the time any time might resume, and conclude, its movement.-Thomas Ligotti, "The
for reawakenlng Is near, the unl·
Prodigy of Dreams".
verse ltself shall send forth the
Harblnger and Maker, Ghroth. Cynothoglys is an ancient and obscure entity associated with death.
Who shall urge the stars and
wortds to rlghtness. Who shall
CULT: no known cults to Cynothoglys exist, doubtless because any such fol-
ralse the sleeping masters from lowers are quickJy led to their deaths.
thelr burrows and drowned
tombs; who shall ralse the ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: any contact with this Great Old One or one
tombs themselves. Who shall of its statues produces a dreamy, hypnotic state in all who cannot resist the enti-
be attentlve to those wortds ty's POW with their own on the Resistance Table. A person under the hypnotic
where worshipers presume power of the Mortician God experiences visions or daydreams about his or her
themselves stewards. Who shall own demise. The subjected individual is eventually visited by the Great Old One.
brtng those wortds under sway,
He or she calmly awaits the end and walks willingly into the waiting clutches of
untll all acknowledge thelr pre-
sumption, and bow down.• the entity. A thick fog heralds the arrival of the Mortician God, forming some-
Nameless Cults tells of times days before Cynothoglys appears. Animals in an area about to be visited
another slgn. •(An Arab) whis- by the Great Old One exhibit unusual behavior, such as camivores killing prey
pered to me of a prophecy and arranging it in neat patterns instead of eating it.
which told of the Mother of A person under Cynothoglys' influence suffers no ill effects to Sanity from the
Pus, a grandchlld of the
Qoddess who would be begot-
being's presence. If a victim is successfully Psychoanalyzed,
ten by Her, who Is mother and the Great Old One's mental hold is broken and he or
father both (Shub-Nlggurath), she suffers the IDIO/IDlOO Sanity loss,
upon a mortal woman . ... lt Is whether Cynothoglys is present or not.
wrltten, so the Arab sald, that Cynothoglys absolutely no
the comlng of the Mother of
sound and its fog obscures it
Pus shall herald the wakenlng
of the Old Ones from thelr from view at -50% to Spot
slumber In the darknesses Hidden rolls.
beneath the earth. •
1bere are a score dlffere.nt
prophecles, each detalllng
another lnevltable comlng or
wakenlng, whlch when com-
blned shall lead to the end
Times. lf we contlnue to wallow
In lgnorance, we are doomed.
Contlnued on page 74.
fłłi&hatonic ~ Oniwr&ity
Deities of the Mythos: Cynothoglys - Ghroth 73
a week of these bizarre images, one scene :w·~ Hungary and the Yucatan. The toad-thing's worship
begins to reoccur-a dark basalt tempie of ~ - · ·,~ · • ~-- usually involves orgiastic dancing, copulation, fla-
enonnous size from whose door and m u l -1 , . " gellation, and human sacrifice.
titudinous windows emanates a faint .
glow. Above the temple's entrance is a
ten-foot-tall bas-relief version of the .,.. , .; , , , _....,: each round Gol-goroth can either
make 1D4 tentacle attacks, one tram-
statue_of the handsome naked you~. ,, ,,., . .· ►-~""~~ ·· \, pie/kick/stomp with a hoof, or one
A Saruty roll and the loss of 0/1 point , (N·,. "·· '• ,>:Q •
of Sanity is required each night for ... bite. A victim grasped by a tentacle is
automatically bitten the next round
the dreams. Once an investigator has
unless his or her player rolls STR or
lost 10% of his or her Sanity to the GOL-GOROTH
less on D100 to escape Gol-goroth's grasp.
dreams, he or she becomes obsessed with finding
the submerged city and returning the statue to the dark tem- GOL-GOROTH, The God of the Black Stone
pie. Simply destroying a statue of Gloon may not be STR 50 CON 65 SIZ 45 INT 17 POW 30
enough to stop the dreams. DEX 15 Move 6/9 stalking HP55
ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: the Great Old One's Damage Bonus: + 6D6.
touch penetrates through armor or clothing to cause Weapons: 104 Tentacles 45%, damage 3D6 each
Hoof 50%, damage 3D6
exceeding pain and agony in the recipient as his flesh
Bite 30%, damage ID6
explodes into a festering mass of boils and scabs. This
Armor: due to Gol-goroth's non-terrene nature all physical
attack does 1D3 damage to the victim per round for 1D6
attacks do only minimum damage; Gol-goroth can not be
rounds after the touch has ended. The agony also causes the impaled. The Great Old One is immune to cold damage but is
target to Jose ten percentiles off all skills until the wounds otherwise affected by magie.
have been cured. Spells: Create Gate, plus those dealing with subterranean-
Once reduced to zero hit points, Gloon transfonns to its dwelling races and entities; others as the keeper desires.
true wattled and slug-like fonn, then dissolves and vanish- Sanity Loss: 104/2D8 Sanity points to see Gol-goroth.
es back to its own piane.
REEN GOD, Great Old One. [lt] towered from the
GLOON, The Co1TUptor of Flesh
STR 40 CON 60 SIZ 30 INT 14 POW50
G moist earth, an idol not unlike a greenish Easter
Island statue overgrown almost to featurelessness, its apex
DEX 17 Move 6 HP45 lost in the darkness overhead. .. . It unfurled part of itself
Damage Bonus: + 3D6. towards me, a glimmering green appendage which might
Weapons: Touch 60%, damage 103 per round for 106 round have been a gigantic wing emerging from a cocoon, and as
plus 10% off all skills it reachedfor me it whispered seductively with no mouth.-
Armor: none. Ramsey Campbell, "The Horror
Spells: any as the keeper desires. Under Warrendown". _...,,i-"'~}~'ff-
Sanity Loss: none, nonnally, however seeing Gloon's true fonn The Green God is an -<iś, ././_:. 5J°~
.. ~. :. - ,::.,:j •
costs 1/1010 Sanity points. obscure, Iittle-known Great
OL-GOROTH, Great Old One. A huge monstrous Old One. This sentient plant-
G toadlike thing squatted on the top of the monolith!
.. . In those grisly eyes were mirrored all the unholy things
like entity dwells in sub-
terranean cavems where
and vile secrets that sleep in the cities under the sea, and it is always tended to
by 5D10 of its mutant
that skulk from the light of day in the blackness ofprimor-
dial cavems. And so that ghastly thing that the unhallowed
ritual and sadism and blood had evoked from the silence of CULTS: the botani-
the hills, leered and blinked down on its bestia/ worship- cal Great Old One
pers... .-Robert E. Howard, "The Black Stone". acquires new fol-
This Great Old One resembles a large, slobbering, tit- lowers by feeding bits
tering toad with a slimy, scaly hide and a fanged mouth. of itself to Iesser crea-
Gol-goroth's hindquarters terminate in hooves. In place of tures-willing or not.
arms, several ropy tentacles dangle from its neck and lt has no organized
shoulders. Gol-goroth usually squats or crawls, but can cult outside of the
move upright for brief intervals. lt is believed to reside in town of Warrendown.
subterranean temples or alien castles with extensions deep
into the earth. ATTACKS & SPEC/AL
EFFECTS: in combat, the Green God grasps victims in its
CULT: the Great Old One was worshiped by many bestial Ieafy tendrils and may either crush them or hold them so
prehuman cults in various parts of the world, notably they may be forced to swallow bits of the alien plant. Once
76 The Creature Companion
a victim has swallowed even the tiniest bit of the Green God, he or she begins
From the Journals of the painful transfonnation into one of the mutant, rabbit-like Children of the
Green God. The transformation is apparent within 1D10 hours. If the victim is
Sir Hansen Poplan treated with three successful Medicine rolls with the first 1D10 hours he or she
is saved, otherwise the change begins and cannot be reversed. The transforma-
HAS11lB Ir 11IE STABS-Some tion is complete in ID3 days.
50 light years away lles the star
of Aldebaran, derived from the GREEN GOD, Botanical Great Old One
Arabic al Dabaran, meaning STR 30 CON 130 SIZ 70 INT 28 POW 35
•the follower. • lt would be a
relatlvely unnotable star lf lt
were not reputed to be the Damage Bonus: + 5D6.
home of the Outer Qod Hastur. Weapons: Tendril 80%, damage 5D6 or ID4 and held, as the Great Old One desires
Woe to the lnterstellar traveler Armor: none, however the Green God cannot be harmed by normal weapons.
foollsh enough to approach
Enchanted weapons, spells, fire, and chemicals harm the Great Old One normally. Also,
that star.
it regenerates 4D6 hit points per round.
Hastur also seems to have a
pecullar afflnity to two other Spells: any, as desired by the keeper.
spacial locations: the Hyades Sanity Loss: ID4/ID IO Sanity points to see the Green God.
and the Pleiades. l"rom Earth
these three locales all seern- I JASTUR, Great Old One. The Thing that had been ... hurled into the
dosely bunched together ln the .II.Black Lake was even Hastur-Hastur the Unspeakable, Him Who is Not to
sky about the constellation of Be Named-Great Prince of the Old Ones, prince and rebe[ against the Elder
Taurus. However in truth some Gods . .. And very great and powerful was Hastur the Unspeakable, greater than
550 light years separate
Aldebaran from the much fur•
any mere mortal man.-Lin Carter, "Carcosa Story about Hali".
ther Pleiades, whlle the Hyades The Unspeakable One dwells near Aldebaran with his spawn and a huge siege
rest ln between. Why thls partic- of byakhee. However, he has been known to appear on Earth in the fonn of at
ular cortjunctlon is obvlous oniy least two avatars, the Feaster from Afar and the King in Yellow. The Great Old
from Earth Is unknown. Perhaps One Hastur is descńbed in full in the Call of Cthulhu rules, pages 167-168.
Hastur controls a huge sphere
of space encompasslng all three EASTER FROM AFAR, Avatar of Hastur. He fett it coming. The air grew
locaies, or perhaps there is a
more slnlster answer relating to
F frigid, as if it blew out of the black interstices of interstellar space. ... It
glided down out of that icy sky like the fina[ concentrated essence of all nonhu-
Earth's place ln the universe.
The Hyades contalns sever- man horror. lt was black, infinitely old, shriveled and humped like some kind of
a) hundred stars, approxlmately enormous air-borne monkey. A kind of iridescence played about it and its fixed
150 light years from Earth. The blazing eyes were of no color known on earth. . .. As it grew close to the knoll,
name Is Oreek and means •the it extended appendages which resembled tentacles tipped with knifelike talons.-
ralny ones•. The Hyades Is
Joseph Payne Brennan, 'The Feaster from Afar".
notable ln our dlscusslon
because lt shlelds the long-lost
planet of Carcosa, home to the
King ln Yellow, one of Hastur's
many avatars.
The Pleiades also contalns
severa! hundred stars, approxi-
mately 400 light years from
Earth. lt Is notable for the fact
that around the star of Celreno
there orblts a planet contalning
the greatest llbrary in the unl-
verse. A great tentaded mon-
ster known as the Sleeper in
the Lake guards the llbrary, and . ·'
-~ r \
lt is believed to be elther anoth-
er of Hastur's avatars or one of
· .,,D}
. •)
zon and it is dark. Anyone with one or more points of THE KING IN YELLOW, Throne Form
Cthulhu Mythos in the area experiences vivid nightmares of STR 25 CON 106 SIZ 14 INT 50 POW35
being chased over an alien landscape by an unseen pursuer. DEX 27 Move 15, or at will HP60
The terror in these dreams is so intense that 0/1 D2 Sanity Damage Bonus: + 1D6.
points are lost each time the investigator has the nightmare. Weapons: Dance* POW against POW roll on resistance table,
The Feaster's approach is signaled by an icy wind that damage 1D4 per round of attack
blows out of the night sky. This form of Hastur appears to Face Tentacle 100%, damage ID6 + I of the victim's POW per
be independent of attendant byakhee. round
Grappie 90%, ID6 + ID6 plus special Gaze**
ATTACKS & SPECIALEFFECTS: the Feaster attacks by
* Viewer must succeed in a POW resistance table roll with the
puncturing holes in its victim's skull with its knifelike
King or be mesmerized. In the next round, the tatteredfi/aments
talons and draining out his or her brain. The bodies are left of the King s body take on life as the King whirls out a
otherwise unharmed. Each round the Feaster can attack razor-edged yellow maelstrom against the mesmerized target,
with 2D 10 talons to a single target. Each talon inflicts one condemned to stand motionless; the target loses I D4 hit points
hit point of damage and drains one point of INT. When a per roundfrom the attack. Once each round, the target can
victim's INT is reduced to zero the Feaster tums its atten- attempt to break free via another POW roll on the Resistance
tion to another victim or departs. If a victim has any hit Table.
points left after his INT has reached zero he does not imme- ** Gaze. The King induces paroxysms offear by touching and
diately die. If the mindless individual is attached to life- staring at the target, casting him or her 1D6 Sanity points per
support devices within an hour or so of his attack he may round. Each round costs the King 3 magie points. To avoid the
live. Such mindless individuals live out their lives as total Gaze in a particular round, roll DJOO equal to or less than vic-
tims POW x2. In determining insanity, add together all such
vegetables, incapable of thought, movement, or sound.
attacks, then roll once. Ordinary Grappie damage can be inflict-
THE FEASTER FROM AFAR, Devourer ofBrains ed during this time.
STR 49 CON 105 SIZ 33 INT IO POW 25 Armor: none.
DEX 33 Move 10/30 flying HP 69 Spells: all Call, Contact, and Summon/Bind spells, as well as
Damage Bonus: + 4D6. any others the keeper desires.
Weapons: Talons 90%, damage 1 point + 1 INT drain per talon Sanity Loss: in throne form with Mask in place, no cost; any
other mode costs ID3/1D10 Sanity points.
Armor: 20 points of thick, wrinkled hide.
Spells: any as the keeper desires. YDRA, Great Old One. ft seemed merely a sea of
Sanity Loss: ID8/ID20 Sanity points to see the Feaster from
H gray slime, protoplasmic andfeatureless. But the dark
blobs became recognizable as heads. . . . There were human
heads bobbing and noddingfrom the gray sea, uncountable
T7ING IN YELLOW, Avatar of Hastur. He stands in
thousands of them, but by far the greater number of the
:,,_f t state upon the balcony. He has no face, and is twice as
~ heads were not human . . . . The heads lived. Their eyes
,..,tall as a man. He wears pointed shoes under his tattered,
stared with awful agony; their lips writhed in soundless
~ fantastically colored robes, and a streamer of silk appears
-< to /all from the pointed tip of his hood. . . . At times he laments; tears coursed down the sunken cheeks of many.
l!l Even the horribly inhuman heads- bird-like, reptilian,
0 appears to be winged; at others, haloed.-James
monstrous things of living stone and metal and vegetable
~ Blish, "More Light".
matter-showed traces of the unceasing torment that
The King in Yellow might also be
gnawed at them.-Henry Kuttner, "Hydra".
human-seeming, clad in tattered yellow or
This Hydra should not be confused with the enormous
parti-colored rags and wearing the Pallid
matriarch of the deep ones by the same name. lt is a vam-
Mask. The rags are extensions of the enti-
piric entity living by absorbing the heads and brains of
ty's flesh, while the Mask covers horrible
intelligent species. Hydra dwells within an alien dimension
pseudopods which can attach to a target
outside conventional time and space.
and drain POW. Above all, it possesses a
loathsome plasticity of shape, able to
stretch and change at will.
CULT: worshipers often are solitary
madmen, artists, and poets, driven mad by
reading the haunting play The King In
Yellow, and inspired by its cruel beauty
to create art that renders human experi-
ence meaningless. A special symbol, the
Yellow Sign, is often stamped on surreptitious editions of
the evil book. The sign is a subliminal focus for madness
and evil, helping to warp the dreams of those who see it.
78 The Creature Companion
The only known way to reach Hydra is through astral projection. Although a
From the Journals of special ritual for journeying to Hydra's dimension is described in the pamphlet "On
the Sending Out of the Soul", anyone experiencing an out-of-body experience may
Sir Hansen Poplan inadvertently stumble upon Hydra's weird plane. Entering into Hydra's dimension,
the astral traveler first feels a numbing cold and sees nothing but thick, gray fog
AS11lAL PLAI,E-I approach whirling everywhere. The alienness of this place is oppressive and the traveler is
the tople of the Astral Piane
filled with a numbing dread. Soon the fog lifts and the astral traveler sees that he
somewhat hesltantly, for lt
seems to be better su.ited to a is floating above a surging sea of gray slime. The traveler is drawn down toward
dlscusslon of Theosophy than the leaden sea and as he nears he sees the countless heads of the thing.
the Mythos. However the elgh-
teenth century booklet On the CULT: this very strange entity is not worshiped by any race of beings.
Sendlng Out of the Soul seems
to prove the real exlstence of
ATTACKS & SPECIALEFFECTS: Hydra cannot attack those who come to its
that place. For that reason I plane; however, it matches its POW against its visitor's on the Resistance Table.
have opted to dlscuss the If Hydra overcomes the POW of its guest then a part of the Great Old One can
Astral Piane here. follow the traveler out of the alien dimension-usually unknown to the unfortu-
On the Sendlng Out of the nate visitor. Once the psychic traveler leaves Hydra's domain and returns to his
Soul explalns how to separate
own piane, anyone he visits astrally is attacked by Hydra.
the Astral body from the
Physlcal body. The eighth page A victim first sees the ghostly fonn of the astral traveler and then the surging
of the elght page booklet con- gray mass of Hydra. Hydra engulfs the victim, drawing him or her down into its
talns the preclse ritual requlred. roiling mass where it decapitates the victirn. The Great Old One retums to its
By uslng lt, the ca.ster projects plane with its victim's still-living head as a part of its own mass. The victim's
hlmself onto the Astral piane. dead, headless body is left behind, gray slime coating the body and everything in
Thls leads to the questlon
the vicinity. As Hydra sweeps away from its dead victim and back to its !air, the
of what the Astral piane Is. I
have no true answer, only a astral traveler wakes, retuming to his physical body. The only protection from
variety of posslbllltles. Hydra's attack is the Elder Sign.
The Theosophlsts belleve Once someone has visited Hydra's dimension he can return there simply by
that the Astral Piane conslsts of willing his astral body there. Each visit to the Great Old One's domain costs
that substance more refined additional Sanity points and allows the entity access to the traveler's home piane.
than the matter of our own
world. They say each of us has HYDRA, The Thousand-Faced Moon
an Astral body whlch Is freed
STR N/A CON 59 SIZ 783 INT 100 POW 50
upon death.
Carl Jung talks of a •com- DEX N/A Move O HP421
munal consclousness• and this Damage Bonus: N/A.
offers another posslblllty for Weapons: Engulf 90%, damage is decapitation
the Astral Piane: a place creat-
Armor: none, but as a living mass of slime physical weapons do no hann to Hydra.
ed by the dreams of the world.
Magie, enchanted weapons, fire, electricity, and chemicals inflict norma! damage to
The most lntrigulng Idea
comes from the Celtic dru.ids.
They call the Astral Piane a Spells: although capable of using any spells, Hydra generally does not do so.
•Joint rea1m• and say that lt con- Sanity Loss: ID8/5D IO Sani ty points to see Hydra.
ned:s to all the dlfferent levels
of reallty. Through lt one can 0D, Great Old One. Gradually it swam into view from a blaze of blinding
catch glimpses of the entlre mul-
tlverse, and so galn knowledge,
1 light. . .. ft was not a homogeneous entity, this unholy specter, but it partook
hideously of incongruous elements. Strange minerał and crystalfonnations sent
though somewhat randomly.
their fierce glow through squamous, semi-transparent flesh, and the whole was
Thls leads us to the ques-
tlon of how the Astral Piane bathed in a viscid, crawling light that pulsed monstrously about the horror. A thin
relates to the Mythos. slime dripped from the membranous flesh ... and as this slime floated down,
I have seen scant refer- hideous, plantlike appendages writhed blindly in the air, making hungry Little
ences to a certaln hldeous sucking noises. A great faceted eye watched emotionlessly.-Henry Kuttner,
Qreat Old One that llves there,
"The Hunt".
Hydra. lt may be home to oth-
A weird conglomeration of animal, minerał, and plant. When Iod appears a
ers as well. The dru.ids' •joint
rea1m• Is a mirror of our under• great black shadow or veil first fonns in the air followed by a blinding light from
standing of Yog-Sothoth. lt which emerges the Great Old One.
seems that the Astral Piane Iod is mentioned in The lshakshar, The Book of Jod, and Prinn's De Vermiis
might also be a mechanlsm by Mysteriis.
whlch gates work, a means by
whlch Nyariathotep roams the CULT: Iod was worshiped by early humans but is mostly unknown today.
unlverse. So, travelers beware.
7bere be monsters. ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: Iod paralyzes its victims and then drops
writhing tendrils on them, draining away their souls at a rate of 2D 1OPOW per
Deities of the Mythos: Iod - Kthanid 79
UK-SHABB, Great Old One. The ultimate tier was a CULT: Kthanid is not worshiped by humans, although he
J purple cone, from the apex of which a blue smoky mist
drifted upward to a sphere that poised in mid-air--a sphere
may occasionally call certain selected, worthy humans to
his pałace. The Elder God freely assists those individuals
that shone like translucent ivory. -H.P. Lovecraft, A. he deems worthy in their struggles against the machina-
Merritt, Robert E. Howard, C.L. Moore, and Frank Belknap tions of Cthulhu and the Great Old Ones. Generally,
Long, "The Challenge From Beyond". Kthanid's assistance is in the form of some bit of knowl-
Juk-Shabb is a bizarre and obscure Great Old One who edge, an artifact, or spell. This Elder God will, however,
appears as a sentient sphere of metal or energy. directly confront and battle with Great Old Ones in certain
rare instances.
80 The Creature Companion
r.łiskatonic ~ Oniversity
**** with Dodge roll success, target escapes with 3D6 hit points lost. Ahtu needs 4
rounds to mount another Crush attack.
Sanity Loss: IDJ0/IDlOO Sanity points to seeAhtu.
Deities of the Mythos: Nyarlathotep 83
CULT: the Messenger is never worshiped. ATTACKS & SPECIALEFFECTS: it attacks by attaching
its black proboscis over a victim's mouth and nose, then
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: just before the Messenger sucking out his or her lungs, causing instant death. A victim
of the Old Ones appears, the sky darkens and appears to of this attack is left with horrible purple bruises on the face,
become leaden. All becomes very stili and quiet. An enor-
and the lungs protruding from his or her mouth as though
mous black shadow falls across everything and a gigantic the body had been turned inside out. A successful Dodge
writhing mass appears, clawing its way across the sky. As
roll allows the target to avoid this attack.
it is watched the thing pulses green and then a pale corpse-
white. The entity then breaks up and small twisting masses SHUGORAN, The Black Man with a Horn, Deatb's Herald
fly from it to all sectors of the sky. Within an hour nothing STR 45 CON 128 SIZ 22 INT 45 POW 40
remains of the original mass but a single chunk. DEX 30 Move 14/20 swimming HP75
Damage Bonus: + 3D6.
Weapons: Claw 75%, damage 106 + 3D6
attacks by dropping long, knotted tendrils and strings onto
victims. It moves over a target then suddenly whips a clus- Proboscis* 90%, damage is automatic death on following round
*allow target a Dodge.
ter of strands around the victim, pulling up him or her into
its body where the person is eaten. Each round that a vic- Armor: IO points of slime and hide. Shugoran can regenerate I
hit point for every magie point it expends to heal.
tim is held in the strands he or she loses 1D3 hit points,
Skills: Sneak 85%.
loses 1D4 APP, and loses 1D6 points of SAN, as his or her
flesh and face are eaten away by caustic enzymes and a Spells: any the keeper desires.
horrible death approaches. Sanity Loss: 1D6/1D20 Sanity
The APP loss comes from the terrible acid bums points to see Shugoran.
sloughing away the victim's skin and face. If the victim KINLESS ONE, Avatar
loses more than one-third of his or her total APP from the
acid, then he or she is rendered completely blind. Any APP
S of Nyarlaihotep. To
Nyarlathotep, Mighty
lost is permanently gone. Messenger; must all
MESSENGER OF THE OLD ONES, the Heralder of Cataclysm things be told. And He
STR 25 CON 20 SIZ 50 INT 04 POW 16 shall put on the sem-
DEX 14 Move 35 HP35 blance of men, the waxen
mask and the robe that
Damage Bonus: N/A.
hides, and come down
Weapons: Tendńls 80%, damage 103 hit points, lD4 APP, and
from the world of the
106 SAN each round
Seven Suns to mock. -
Armor: none, but the Messenger of the Old Ones is immune to
all non-enchanted weapons.
H.P. Lovecraft, "The
Whisperer in Darkness".
Spells: none.
This avatar of Nyarlathotep appears as
Sanity Loss: 1/tDI0 Sanity points for seeing the Messenger.
a muscular eight-foot-tall human without skin,
HUGORAN, Avatar of Nyarlaihotep. A kind of bogey- and sometimes with a third eye in the center of its forehead.
S man .. . its wings were b/,ack . .. peering through the win-
dow at her; what she described as a large Negro man wear-
Power crackles around the being, and the skin of any
human within 100 yards begins to itch.
ing a gas mask or scuba outfit .... near the window they've
CULT: the Skinless One has a small organized cult known
discovered footprints that
as the Brothers of the Skin. The Skinless One usual-
may have been made by a SHUGORAN
Iy manifests only in order to attend ceremonies
heavy man in swim
and accept sacrifices.
fins.-T.E.D. Klein,
"Black Man with a ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: this being
Horn". \~ possesses a unique and gruesome attack known
Shugoran is a ~ as the Skinning Gaze which it may utilize for a
demon or bogey-man known ~ single magie point per victim. If the Skinless
in parts of Asia and Africa. ~ One overcomes its victim's magie points with
lt is a creature all black, its own on the Resistance Table, all of the vic-
with rough catfish-like hide, ~~ tim 's skin falls away like loose clothing. The
tiny wing-like fins, webbed J hapless soul suffers the loss of 4D6 hit points in
feet, and a long proboscis. ~~ the process. The victim's movement thereafter is
CULT: certain tribes of Tcho- ~
intensely painful and effectively reduced to 1.
Such victims also suffer the loss of one hit point
Tchos worship Shugoran as ~ per round until dead. Witnessing this attack
Death's Herald-a messenger or ~ costs 1/1D10 Sanity points.
harbinger of doom. \~
88 The Creature Companion
With the electrical attack, the investigator's player must mentioned in some very obscure Hindu myths, although it has
match the hit point damage against his or her CON on the no cult arnong humans. In Hindu mythology, the Wailing
Resistance Table. lf overcome, the investigator suffers car- Writher is known as Narhari, and is represented as a many-
diac arrest, and must be successfully treated with a limbed, many-headed black man.
Medicine roll within a few rounds or die.
AITACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: the creature attacks
TICK TOCK MAN (machine form) by engulfing a target with its writhing body. The victim is
STR N/A CON 50 SIZ varies INT 78 POW95 quickly and savagely tom apart by the wriggling tentacles
DEX N/A Move N/A HP95 before being swallowed by the screarning mouths. The
Damage Bonus: N/A. avatar may also bite at a victim without engulfing him, in
Weapons: Energy Attack, 90%, damage as per energy form which case 2D3 mouths are within biting range at any time.
(electricity, steam, etc.)
Armor: 12 points of metal and/or plastic, wires, glass, etc., plus STR 50 CON 65 SIZ 45 INT 18 POW 55
the Tick Tock Man may regenerate itself by expending 1 point of
POW per point of damage healed. DEX 25 Move 18 HP 60
Spells: Any as desired by the keeper, plus the Tick Tock Man Damage Bonus: N/A.
may control any machine. Weapons: Bite 75%, damage 3D6 per mouth
Sanity Loss: none until the machine's true identity is discov- Engulf 100%, damage is death on following round
ered, and then 1/108 Sanity points. Armor: none; however, norma! weapons cannot harm the
Wailing Writher. Fire, magie, and similar forces do norma! harm
TICK TOCK MAN (humanoid form) to this manifestation of the Outer God.
STR 24 CON 36 SIZ 17 INT 78 POW95 Spells: all.
DEX 18 Move9 HP27 Sanity Loss: ID8/4D10 Sanity points to see the Wailing
Damage Bonus: + 2D6. Writher, plus 1/106 Sanity points for hearing the maddening
Weapons: Fist 90%, damage 103 + 2D6. wail of the Outer God.
Armor: 3 points of metal and wires, plus the Tick Tock Man RRYX, Elder God. The entire sky began to glow with
may regenerate itself by expending 1 point of POW per point of
damage healed.
O a weird purple light, and in the ray that descendedfrom
above I saw . .. great writhing
Spells: Any as desired by the keeper, plus the Tick
pillars of light, moving like
Tock Man may control any machine.
tremendous flames, colored
Sanity Loss: 0/102 Sanity points to see the man-
purple and white, dazz,ling in
machine form of the Tick Tock Man.
their intensity.-August Derleth
and Mark Schorer, 'The Lair of
the Star-Spawn".
Orryx is one of a number of
Elder Gods that manifest as
giant pillars of dazzling pur-
ple and white flarne. When
surnmoned or encountered,
Orryx descends silently from
the sky in a shaft of brilliant light.
touch is pure energy and cannot be Dodged. This attack also ignores all annor,
From the Journals of natura! or man-made. Unlike most of its fellow Elder Gods, Orryx will confront
and attack other deities and powerful beings.
Sir Hansen Poplan
ORRYX, The Sciotillating Flame
TSA.TIIOOGllA-11te hlstory of STR N/A CON 33 SIZ 37 INT48 POW55
Tsathoggua and his spawn is an DEX 36 Move 10/30 flying HP35
lnteresting one, and lt under- Damage Bonus: N/A.
Unes the fact that we are Just
one of many races in the uni-
Weapons: Scintillating Touch 95%, damage 5D10
verse. Even the Qreat Old Ones Armor: none; materiał weapons cannot hann Orryx, but energy and spells can.
are not necessartly unlque entl- Spells: although Orryx does not usually employ spells, it may have any the keeper
tles, but rather seem to be desires.
members of specles that are
Sanity Loss: 0/ID3 Sanity points to see Orryx.
much more evolved than we; so
Tsathoggua proves. SSADAGOWAH, Great Old One. /t was a grotesque monstrosity, a gross,
If the Parchment of Pnom Is
to be belleved, Tsathoggua O corpulent, toadlike thing with an obscene, swollen paunch and huge
splayed, clawed feet, but without the forelimbs its toadlike shape might be
eventually traces his Uneage to
the prima! Outer Qod, expected to have. From a point along the back . .. sprouted crook-ribbed wings,
Azathoth. Azathoth begat like those of some monstrous bat. ... Face it had none, but from the forepart of
Cxaxukluth by ftsslon. 11ten its sloped, bulging and misshapen head, slithering and snakelike tendrils sprout-
Cxaxukluth begat Qhlzguth by ed.-Lin Carter, "Strange Manuscript Pound in the Vermont Woods".
ltself. 11ten Qhizguth begat
This entity, also known as Zvilpoggua, is referred to as the "son of
Tsathoggua by Zstulsherngni.
Tsathoggua dwelled for a Tsathoggua" or "the first son of Tsathoggua" in Mythos tomes. It may be one of
time on ringed Saturn, or the horrible spawn of Tsathoggua grown to monstrous age and proportions.
Cykranosh as lt was called in Ossadagowah is known as a devil-entity to certain tribes of American lndians,
Hyperborean tlmes. I have writ- particularly in the New England area.
ten in the past of how Uttle we
know our solar system, uslng AITACKS & SPECIALEFFECTS: Ossadagowah attacks by grasping victims in
Uranus as an example. lt its writhing, snake-like tendrils and flying off with them. The Great Old One feeds
seems that we do not know all
on its victims while soaring through the air, dropping their lifeless corpses to the
the secrets of Saturn elther.
The Book of Blbon tells of mer- earth once it has finished with them. The Feaster from the Stars inflicts 2D6 hit
curial lakes, greenlsh-black points of darnage and drains lDlO points of STR (blood) from its victims each
skles, and black vegetatlon. round. Once a victim has been grasped and the entity to the sky there is little
11tls Is in sharp contrast to the hope of salvation. Those victims who manage to break out of the Great Old One's
Saturn described by sclentlsts, grip plummet to the earth, suffering 1D6 points of darnage per ten
who do not even admlt to a
feet of their fali upon impact with the
solid surface. It is notable that
Tsathoggua's relatlves may stili ground. Ossadagowah may carry off OSSADAGOWAH
dwell on Saturn, among them 41 SIZ (the average of its STR and
his uncle, Hzloulquolgmnzhah. SIZ) worth of victims at a time.
After leavlng Saturn lf reduced to zero hit points,
Tsathoggua traveled to N'kal,
the Great Old One becomes a
then Hyperborea, then
retumed to N'kal alter the lee shapeless cloud and dissi-
Ages began. pates. Ossadagowah may be
Tsathoggua seems to have called to Earth only at certain
many descendants and follow- times when the star Algol is
ers. 11te best known Is proba- above the horizon. lf reduced to
bly Ossadagowah, whom
zero hit points, the Great Old
Tsathoggua begat by Shathak.
And that Is not the limit of One cannot regenerate and return
Tsathoggua's progeny, for there until the next rising of Algol.
are also his l"ormless Spawn,
OSSADAGOWAH, The Feaster from the Stars
dwelllng in dark N'kal, and his
so-called •Chlldren•, elephan- STR 35 CON 53 SIZ 47 INT 20 POW33
tlne monstrosltles. Whether DEX 21 Move 10/17 flying HP50
these are true offspring or slm- Damage Bonus: + 4D6.
ply servltors Is unknown, but
the most lmportant fact Is thls:
Weapons: Tendrils 85%, damage Grappie
Tsathoggua represents an Bite auto when held, darnage 2D6 + IDl0 STR drain
entlre specles lnlmical to Armor: Ossadagowah suffers only minimum possible damage from all physical, non-
humanlty. enchanted weapons. Fire, chemicals, electricity, and spells and enchanted weapons harm
the Great Old One normally.
Deities of the Mythos: Ossadagowah - Othuum 91
Spells: Ossadagowah rnay utilize any spell, at the keeper's dis- LARVAE OF THE OTHER GODS, Spawn of Impossible Alien
cretion. Obvious spells include Contact Tsathoggua, Contact Forces
Fonnless Spawn, and Contact Children ofTsathoggua. char. rolls average
Sanity Loss: 102/1010 Sanity points to see Ossadagowah. STR 10100/2 25-26
CON 10100 50-51
O Never before had he known what shapeless black
things lurk and caper and flounder all through the aether,
leering and grinning at such voyagers as may pass, and POW 2D20 21
sometimes feeling about with slimy paws when some moving DEX 108 4-5
object excites their curiosity. These are the nameless larvae Move lDI0-1 (rnay be flying, swirnming, burrowing, walking,
slitheńng, floating, etc.)
of the Other Gods, and like them are blind and without
mind, and possessed of singular hungers and thirsts.- H.P. HP 50-51
Lovecraft, 'The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath". Av. Damage Bonus: + 4D6.
Weapons: vańous individual attacks DEX xl0%, damage is db
7WO Annor: none, but all are irnrnune to cold, gravity, and other
effects of deep space. Individuals may have further invulnerabil-
ities: unharmed by flame, physical attacks, impaling attacks, etc.
Spells: usually none, although some may know as many as
1010 spells.
Sanity Loss: depending on the alienness of the specific form,
anywhere from 0/1010 to 108/5D10 Sanity points to see a
larvae of the Other Gods.
if its minions have been defeated and their mission an important one. Otherwise,
From the Journals of Othuum dwells somewhere in the cold ocean depths, perhaps with Cthulhu and
his children at R'lyeh, or perhaps in a deep one city.
Sir Hansen Poplan
ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: in combat, Othuum may attack all within
AfRICA.-Even on our own plan- 80 yards with its expandable tentacles. When struck by a tentacle, a victim is
et there are still mysteries: the either crushed or held and drawn into the Great Old One's body where 2D10 of
bottoms of the oceans, frozen its many mouths bite.
Antarctica, the highest mountain
peaks, the plateaus of the SERVANTS OF OTHUUM: Othuum's minions are a race of smaller versions of
Orient And then there Is Africa. the Great Old One. The Servants of Othuum are about ten feet tall, but otherwise
Egypt provldes the merest hlnt,
look like their master. The Servants of Othuum have the ability, like the Great
and as I have wrttten In the past,
ft Is a stronghold of Mythos Race of Yith, to exchange minds with humans, although they may only do so
activlty. What, then, may we flnd when mysterious islands rise out of the ocean and Othuum's power is strongest.
In the heart of darkness? When in a human body, a Servant of Othuum retains its INT and POW, but oth-
Toere Is no doubt that erwise has the statistics of its human host-body. A Servant of Othuum also pos-
Africa Is fllled wlth minor sesses its own eyes, even in a human body, so such individuals keep their eyes
Mythos lnflltratlons. I am
hidden behind dark glasses or other similar blinds, and shun bright light. In
remlnded In partlcular of the
unfortunate case of one Arthur human guise, the Servants work to further the plans of their alien Masters.
Jermyn, detalllng how certaln In their own bodies, Servants of Othuum may attack everyone within a five
white apes of Africa may be yard radius with their tentacles-when held, 2D4 mouths may bite a victim.
too human.
In Hyborian tlmes the sor- OTHUUM, Oceanie horror
cerous klngdom of Stygła ruled STR 78 CON 83 SIZ 87 INT21 POW35
near what Is now the Sahara, DEX 19 Move 20 squinn/25 swim HP85
whlle the last serpent people
Damage Bonus: + 9D6.
klngdom of Yanyoga exlsted
where Southem Rhodesla now Weapons: Tentacle 95%, damage 9D6 or hold for bite
lles. The artlfacts and remnants Bite automacie when held, damage 2D10 per mouth per round
whlch may stili exlst In these Armor: 15 points of slimy hide.
lands l tremble to thlnk of.
Toey are nothlng, though, Spells: All that deal with Cthulhu, deep ones, and other aquatic horrors, as well as any
compared to the two major as desired by the keeper.
Mythos lnfestatlons whlch l Sanity Loss: 106/1D20 Sanity points to see Othuum.
have tracked to Africa.
Q'hame Hes In the western OTHUUM, SERVANTS OF, Greater Servitor Race
Sudan; lt Is notable for belng char. rolls average
the home to the wlcked chtho- STR 8D6 28
nlans, ruled over by the Qreat CON 6D6+6 27
Old One Shudde-M'ell. Toey are
lmprisoned there by the power SIZ 3D6 + 18 28-29
of the Blder Slgn. The O'hame INT 4D6 14
fl'agments document thls part POW 5D6 17-18
of the Mythos.
DEX 2D6 + 12 19
Much less wldely known Is a
certaln ~ valley that lles, up Move 10 squirrning/14 swimming
the Congo, past the Mountalns HP27-28
of the Moon, on the way to Av. Damage Bonus:+ 3D6.
Uganda. lt Is perhaps two mlles
wlde, very clra.llar, and covered Weapons: Tentacle 75%, damage 3D6 or hold for bite
by a gray son. Rows of trees Bite automatic when held, damage 2D4 per round
stand guan1 around a cenbal Armor: 7 points of slimy hide.
structure, reddish In color, that Spells: each Servant of Othuum knows a number of appropriate spells equal to half its
constantly changes. 1bJs Is the INT, rounded up.
Valley of the Red flux. lt has
Sanity Loss: 102/108 Sanity points to see a Servant of Othuum.
exlsted slnce at least the time of
Atlantis and Is guarcled by the 'YTH-AZ, Great Old One. The alien mineralfonnation towered above the
zombie M'bwa.
The god of the Red flux
Q assembled group, a cluster of colossal crystals, glinting with an unnatural
inner light. Shifting and growing-expanding and shrinking. Enonnous faceted
seerns purely reactlve, but I
have sw;pldons about lts moti- crystals sprouted like blossoms from the towering mass. An insane display of
vatlons: that lt Is slowly building color and light sparkled andflashed through the looming, translucent entity. .. .
an army, that when the 5tars are From out of the fonnation swept long tendrils of sha.rp crystal, spreaciing frost-
Right, they shall r1se as one. like across the ground. . . . Wherever a tendril touched a living thing, it caused
the minerals to cha.nge-to take over. Every living thing touched was frozen into
Deities of the Mythos: Q'yth-az - Red Flux, God of the 93
hard, glassy rock, preserved forever in minerał forma- CULT: this nameless being has no cult and no followers. It
tions.---Scott David Aniolowski, "An Early Frost". creates immortal zombie-servants and tree-men to do its
The alien dwells upon the distant, lightless world of mysterious bidding.
THE GOD'S CRAFT: this obscure Great Old One carne to
CULT: Q'yth-az has no organized cult on Earth although it Earth in an extra-dimensional craft of changing, whirling red
may be worshiped on distant worlds. In the modern era a metal in the days before the Romans. The craft
few proponents of the New Age movement does not appear capable of departing the
may unwittingly serve the Great Old Earth, presumably trapping the name-
One. Such individuals, frequently less being on this planet. The weird
in contact with crystals and alien and its ship rest in the center of a
stones, may be duped into service blasted and dead valley in central Africa,
by Q'yth-az through its psychic beyond the Mountains of the Moon. The
dreams and visions. soi! in the valley is dead and gray,
and nothing grows there except a
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: circle of strange trees in the midst of
this sentient crystalloid being which waits the red metal craft.
has the ability to send its Anyone approaching the weird
thoughts and influence through alien ship is immediately attacked
any minerał formations anywhere. by the Great Old One's zombie ser-
Psychically sensitive humans can pick Q'YTH-AZ vant M'bwa. The
up on Q'yth-az's projected thoughts if they come strange tree-men offer no resistance to
into contact with crystal formations. Often the Great Old strangers. The Great Old One only ł
One's influence manifests in these sensitive people as appears if its zombie servant is some- ,
dreams. The alien crystalloid can possess especially sensi- how destroyed, and then it either
tive humans who have had prolonged exposure to crystals repairs and revives M'bwa, or creates
and use them as conduits to the Earth. Q'yth-az transforms a new zombie from
and totally absorbs its human hosts when it manifests. a hapless investiga-
The Great Old One cannot move; however, it can extend tor. Once a victim has
and retract frostlike tendrils. Any living cells touched by become a servant of
these crystalline tentacles are transformed into solid miner- the Great Old One they
a! formations. Q'yth-az can also use its great size and are forever lost (see M'bwa,
weight to crush victims by putting out great clusters of page 32). The name-
sharp, heavy crystals and minerals. less being only be-
Q'yth-az can manifest and remain on Earth only when comes involved in
the sky is elear and Mthura's position is visible above the combat if it absolute-
horizon. Any obstruction-heavy clouds, for example- ly must: its corruptive
prevent the Great Old One from manifesting or dispel it touch causes instant
back to lightless Mthura. death if the victim's
Q'YTH-AZ, The Crystalloid lntellect POW is overcome
STR 200 CON 95 SIZ I IS INT 15 POW25 by 7D6 on the
DEX6 Move O HP 105 Resistance Table.
Damage Bonus: + 19D6. Otherwise, the vic-
Weapons: Tendril 90%, damage is transfonnation into crystal. tim suffers the per-
Crush 80%, damage 19D6. manent loss of CON THE RED FLUX
Annor: IS points of hard crystal. Additionally, Q'yth-az regen- equal to 1/1O of the original 7D6 roll. Altematively, the being
erates 1D IO hit points per round. may force a strange liquid down a victim's throat, turning him
Spells: Q' yth-az utilizes spells which affect the mind (Mental into one of the tree-men. Once it has revived or created a new
Suggestion, Mesmerize, etc.), however, it may have any other zombie, the Great Old One retums to its alien craft.
spells desired by the keeper.
GOD OF THE RED FLUX, Nameles.s Great Old One
Sanity Loss: ID8/5D10 Sanity points to see Q'yth-az.
STR 38 CON 43 SIZ 87 INT 20 POW 50
ED FLUX, GOD OF THE, Great Old One. There
R carne a strange, high whine from behind. ... The Red
Flux had come to rest, and out of it issued the titanic lich
DEX 16 Move 12 Bonus: + 7D6.
Armor: none; however, impaling weapons do I point of damage, and all other weapons
From the Journals of do half darnage.
Spells: any, as desired by the keeper.
Sir Hansen Poplan Sanity Loss: 1D2/1020 Sanity points to see the narneless God of the Red Flux.
IIYPEBBOREA.. QODS OP- I l LIM SHAIKORTH, Great Old One. Something he had ofthe semblance of
1:'Nen today we recognlze the Ra fat white wonn; but his hulk was beyorui that of the sea-elephant. His half-
nmnes of some of the gods of coiled taił was thick as the middle folds of his body; arui his front reared upward
Hyperborea. from the dais in the form
Tsathoggua dwelled In the
of a white rouru:1 disk,
black gu1f of N'kai long before
the time of Hyperborea, and lt arui upon it were imprint-
seerns that he now does once ed vague lineaments.
more, surrounded by his form- Amid the visage a mouth
less spawn. curved uncleanly from
Atlach-Nacha, the spider
side to side of the disk,
goddess, stlll splns her webs in
a mad attempt to span the gulf
opening arui shutting
between dreams and reality. incessantly on a pale arui
Abhoth stili bubbles away tongueless arui toothless
somewhere far beneath the maw. Two eye-sockets
Earth, glvlng blrth to lltters of lay close together above
chlldren whlch plague the Earth.
the shallow nostrils, but
The truły brave could by to
dlscover the secrets of old the sockets were eyeless,
Hyperborea by seeking out arui in them appeared
these anclent belngs or thelr from moment to moment
minlons. globules ofa blood-colored matter having the fonn ofeyeballs; arui ever the glob-
There are other gods, u/es broke arui dripped down before the dais. Andfrom the ice-floor there ascended
though, who are almost
two masses like stalagmites, purple arui dark as jrozen gore, which had been made
unheard of now that
Hyperborea's time Is past. The by this ceaseless dripping of the globules.-Clark Ashton Smith, 'The Coming of
chief of these are certaln gods the White Worm".
of the cold, the harblngers of
the lee Ages. CULT: Rlim Shaikorth is rarely worshiped today but long ago was sought out
Aphoom Zhah, the cold gray and propitiated by Hyperborean wizards and certain mystica! sects. The White
Dame, was the greatest of Worm often devours worshipers.
these, a descendent of Cthugha
lf my fragmentary translatlons of OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: it dwells in a frozen citadel on an unmelting ice-
the Pnal<otlc Manuscdpts are berg called Yikilth, which carne down to Earth from the stars. Frozen Yikilth floats
correct. lt Is sald that Il Is on the lonely northern seas around Greenland, occasionally entering the waters of
Aphoom Zhah who began the
costal towns where Rlirn Shaikorth seeks out worshipers. The presence of Yikilth
lee Age that eventually
destroyed Hyperborea. causes temperatures to fali and frost to form on these towns. An extended stay
Rllrn Shalkorth, wrltten of in causes plants and animals to freeze solid, and possibly humans as well. Those
the Book of I::lbon, was one of frozen by the White Worm never thaw out, remaining forever statues of ice.
Aphoom Zhah's greatest servi-
tors. lt was the White Worm ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: the White Worm attacks by swallowing its
who brought Aphoom Zhah's prey, usually while the victims are asleep. Those swallowed by the Great Old One
cold to the cltles of Hyperborea, can not be saved; they become one with the deity. Rlim Shaikorth also has the
destroylng them.
ability to freeze victims by matching its POW against the victim's. If overcome,
What has become of these
deltles of ooid Is unknown, but the victim loses one CON point every round thereafter as he or she grows colder
some modem cultists belleve and colder. When the victim's CON has fallen to zero he or she is frozen solid,
that they are sleeping under the forever dead. Those who resist Rlim Shaikorth's POW lose 1D3 CON.
suńace of the North Pole in a The blood of the Great Old One causes 1D10 points of damage per round,
great palace of lee, waltlng to making injuring the god dangerous in itself.
be awakened.
There were other gods In RLIM SHAIKORTH, The White Worm
Hyperborea too, more human STR 25 CON 65 SIZ 25 INT 18 POW20
gods, such as Yhoundeh the
DEX 12 Move 10 HP45
elk, but they are all but gone.
Perhaps they live on today in Damage Bonus: + 2D6.
the legendary Dremnlands Weapons: Swallow 75%, damage death
mnong the so-called Oods of
Armor: Rlim Shaikorth has 10 points of annor in blubbery flesh. Any piercing or slash-
ing wounds cause a flood of deadly blood to pour forth, causing 1D 1O points of buming
darnage each round. Water rinses away the caustic blood.
Deities of the Mythos: Rlim Shaikorth - Sebek 95
Spells: all Call and Contact spells, plus any other spells that the SpeUs: Cloud Memory, Create Gate, EnthralJ Victim, Implant
keeper desires. Fear, Mesmerize, Mindblast, and any other spells that the keeper
Sanity Loss: 1D4/2D8 Sanity points to see Rlim Shaikorth. feels appropriate.
Sanity Loss: 1D8/l D20 Sanity points to see Saaitii.
AAITII, Great Old One. / saw it pale arui huge
S through the swaying, whirling funnel of cloud-a mon-
strous pallid snout rising out of that unknowable abyss. . . .
SEBEK, Great Old One. The long white robe concealed
a body whose contours were elusively problematical.
It rose higher like a huge pale mourul. Through the thinning Taloned hands hung from swirling sleeves, arui the jeweled
ofthe cloud curtain I saw one small eye ... a pig s eye with fingers clasped a rod of gold, set with the seal of the Eye of
a sort ofhell-light of vile urulerstaruling shining at the back Horus. The top of the robe terminated in a cape-collar of
of it.- William Hope Hodgson, 'The Hog". SAAITII black; it stood, a stiffl.y hooded backgroundfor a head
Saaitii manifests as a swine- of horror. The head was awful. A
like horror with a bloated, -:- -_~;~__·,~;_~-'--- ~:_-:-,-· ~- ?-~~ · .;·=-.d ·· •·::..::-~. ~..::·:· slanted, saurian skull, all green
cadaverous body covered in _ _,...--: ·-·· ·"' arui scaly on top; hairless, slimy,
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: the Great Old One has the ability to command
From the Journals of all crocodiles, anywhere in the world. Sebek also has the power of resurrection.
The Great Old One may fully restore a human to life and vitality by expending
Sir Hansen Poplan lDIO magie points. Bodies dead not more than 100 years are restored to life
instantly. Corpses over 100 years old take one minute per 100 years to awaken.
BG'YPT. GODS OP-I have wrlt- For example, remains 2000 years old would arise fully revitalized in 20 minutes.
ten of f.gypt before, how lts
Those brought back from the dead suffer the immediate loss of 1D20 Sanity
hlstory Is blackened by the
talnt of the mythos, and how points. Sebek does not require corpses be complete to resurrect-those parts
many poweńul Mythos artifacts missing regenerate. The reverse of the Resurrection spell has no effect on indi-
passed through lts lands. Here viduals resurrected by Sebek. Resurrected individuals look and act completely
I would dlscuss the gods of norrnal without any of the tell-tale signs of the Resurrection spell.
f.gypt, evll monstrosltles, many
of whom were first worshlped SEBEK, The Crocodile Goci
In Stygła, some of whom seem STR 75 CON 65 SIZ 19 INT 27 POW27
to have disappeared from the DEX 25 Move 12/17 swimming HP42
face of the f:arth In recent
tlmes. Damage Bonus: + 5D6.
Many of the greatest Mythos Weapons: Claw 85%, damage 104 + db
gods were worshlped In l'.gypt, Bite 75%, damage lD 10 + db
though sometlmes by unfamll- Armor: 9 points of thick hide. Sebek may also heal itself or its priests by expending
lar names. one magie point per point healed.
Nyarlathotep appeared as
many of his avatars: the Beast, Spells: any, as desired by the keeper.
the Black Pharaoh, the Sanity Loss: 0/108 Sanity points to see Sebek.
l"aceless God. lncantatlons to
HUB-NIGGURATH, Outer God. "Astarte-Ashtaroth-Magna Mater . ..
these masM may stili be found
In old 1'.gyptlan tombs.
Yog-Sothoth was worshlped
S la! Shub Niggurath! Gorgo, Morrno, thousand-faced moon, lookfavorably on
our sacrifices ... Ram with a Thousand Ewes, fill us with thy seed that more may
In ~ too, as his avatar of come to worship at thy shrine .. . Gof'nn hupadgh Shub-Niggurath . . . "-
Aton, the Solar Disk. HJs cultlsts
Ramsey Campbell, "The Moon-Lens".
were strong, and through thelr
work he was eventually freed
Not only is Shub-Niggurath frequently worshiped, but she is one of the most
from his prlson at Mount Slnai. named Outer Gods- the source of a hundred different spells and more. Shub-
Hastur may have been wor- Niggurath is a perverse goddess of blasphemous fertility. Her one known avatar
shlped as Set. relates to her great cult in Goatswood. For her full description, see page 66.
The tałes concemlng Bast
are strange, for some name her "f7EEPER OF THE MOON-LENS, Avatar of Shub-Niggurath. That pillar of
Bubastls, a god of ghouls, a ft white flesh supported on many-jointed bony legs tipped with great circular
chewerofcorpses. lsuspect pads . ... ft had no anns, merely three spines which dug into the ground. But the
they refer to an entlrely dlffer-
ent goddess, but who can say
head was the worst-formed of thick coils of white jelly, covered with watery
for sure-the Elder Gods are eyes, and at the center was a huge toothed beak. ... Those great yellow eyes
not our frlends. The worshlp of peered in different directions, and all the coils were twisting and jerking, some-
Bubastls seems stili to be times transparent so that he could see into the head. ... The three spines moved
actlve In l'.gypt. with a grotesque rowing motion to heave the body forward. The beak opened,
And then there are count•
andfrom it a voice issued-sibilant and high-pitched.-Ramsey Campbell, "The
less lesser known deltles.
Sebek Is IIWe known today, Moon-Lens".
but he was a bue Mythos delty The Keeper of the Moon-Lens is an avatar of the Dark Mother, Shub-
who promlsed his followers Niggurath. This creature dwells in an expansive under-
reblrth upon f:arth after death. ground complex beneath the Goatswood area.
Kephrl was Ukely an Elder
God. He was the etemally CULT: the Keeper of the Moon-Lens is wor-
rebom phoenix, an enemy of shiped by the people of Goatswood, England, in
the Old Ones. He Is rumored to
connection with their Shub-Niggurath adora-
have given light and knowledge
to the earllest human klng-
tion. This colossus may be worshiped else-
doms. He has not been seen where as well.
for a thousand years.
Shat.urt-ab, the Worm of OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: the
Destlny, was worshlped In Keeper comes to the surface oniy at
f.gyptian deserts. It seems certain times when the moon shines
related to the chthonlans. through an alien device known as
The buth Is thls: Many dead the Moon-Lens-a large convex lens
f.gyptian gods stili live.
surrounded by an arrangement of
Deities of the Mythos: Shub-Niggurath - Star Mother 97
pivoting mirrors, high above the ground on a fifty-foot- will. Certain tałes of ghost ships may be attributed to this
high metal pylon. When the moon shines through the entity and its sunken !air.
Moon-Lens and onto a particular hillside, a great stone slab
slides away and the Keeper can then answer the summon-
THE SHIP: the Star Mother's ship is the rotting hull of an
eighteenth century two-masted sailing vessel. Huge holes
ing of its worshipers.
gape in the ship's hull, and rotting boards jut randornly
When this avatar accepts a sacrifice it swallows the offer-
from the sides. Bits of rope and ghostly shreds of rotted sail
ing, holding it in its transparent, gelatinous head. The colos-
trails from the ship's broken foremast. The deck is warped
sus retreats back into its dark subterranean !air where the vic-
and weakened in places by gaping holes. Ragged slimy
tim is "bom" out of the avatar, having suffered strange phys-
membranes of lurninous yellow-green plant-lilce materia!
ical changes. lndividuals drafted into the service of Shub-
and heavier, vine-like growths sprout from the ship. Seeing
Niggurath are seidom seen again on the surface. The physi-
the hell-ship costs 1/106 Sanity points.
cally altered beings who emerge from the avatar are the
The hold of the ship is a nightmare realm of decay and
Blessed of Shub-Niggurath (see page 42 of this book).
siekły yellow-green alien growths. Piles of mud and yel-
AITACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: the Keeper of the low-green sludge are everywhere, and the stench of decom-
Moon-Lens can attack with its beak or crush a victim posing flesh chokes the hold. From the Star Mother spread
beneath its great and cumbersome bulk. countless small vines, as well as the thin strands and larger
tentacles. These growths reach into the rotting wood of the
KEEPER OF THE MOON-LENS, Fertile Motber of the Hill
hull like roots. Human corpses-victims of the Star
STR 55 CON 135 SIZ 95 INT 21 POW 70
Mother-lie crumpled on the floor of the hold, penetrated
DEX 16 Move 12 HP 115
by her feeding roots. Such victims appear shrunken, cov-
Damage Bonus: + 8D6. ered in lurninous yellow-green silt, and cemented to the
Weapons: Beak 90%, damage 1010 or swallow floor of the hold. The Sanity loss for viewing the hold is
Crush 75%, damage ID6 + 6D6 I D3/2D6 points.
Armor: none, but the keeper takes no more than a single point To raise its sunken !air from the bottom of the ocean
of damage from any successful attacks with any weapons-two floor, the Star Mother need only expend ten magie points.
points on an impale. Fire, electricity, or magie can do nonnal The rotting ship surfaces in about ten rninutes. Small boats
damage to the creature. This avatar of the Black Goat regener-
directly above the ghost-ship when it surfaces are
ates 1D10 hit points each round.
destroyed-larger ships may be scuttled. Anyone on board
SpeUs: all spells dealing with the Outer Gods, as well as any
such luckless vessels suffers 1D10 points of damage and is
connected with the forces of nature and the elements, and others
as the keeper desires. throw overboard. Anyone seeing the ghostly yellow-green
ship rising from beneath the waves loses 1/1D4 Sanity
Sanity Loss: lDlO/lDlOO Sanity points to see the Keeper of the
Moon-Lens. points in addition to the norma! 1/1D6 Sanity loss for get-
ting a good look at the hell-ship. The Star Mother needs
TAR MOTHER, Larvae of an Other God. [The]
S Ultimate gods, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless
Other Gods whose soul and messenger is the crawling
expend just one magie point to submerge its ship, which
slips beneath the waves in 3D4 rounds.
chaos Nyarlathotep.-H.P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of TENTACLES: the Star Mother has seven thin tentacle
Unknown Kadath. strands and three larger, thick tentacles. The thin strands
The Star Mother is one of the larvae of the Other Gods and each have a STR of 4 and 7 hit points. The large tentacles
resembles a chunk of yellow-green stone about the size of an each have a STR of 8 and 10 hit points. Impaling weapons
infant. Its shape suggests a plump, huge-breasted, faceless do only half norma! damage to either type of tentacle. In
female figure, reminiscent of the Willendorf Goddess. From it
extend dozens of pencil-thin root-like strands.
addition to any constriction damage done by a tentacle, the victim must first make
From the Journals of a successful POW vs POW struggle against the Star Mother or be jolted by an
alien vision from the her memory. This causes 1D6 points of adclitional damage
Sir Hansen Poplan and a loss of 0/1D4 Sanity points. Once all her tentacles are destroyed, the Star
Mother must defend herself with animated corpses and magica! spells. Her tenta-
SlJNMAfflJS ar OUR GODS- cles regenerate within 2D IO + 4 hours.
What do we worshlp? Is there
This psychic shock can also be delivered to anyone touching or striking the
any true dlvlne inspiration in
the universe? In our wortd, Star Mother, whether using bare hands or a hand-to-hand weapon.
whlch we few open-mlnded aca-
ARTIFICIAL FOG: the Star Mother can generale an artificial fog, requiring five
demlcs know to be populated
by Elder Qods, Qreat Old Ones, magie points and five minutes to initiate. Once started, the fog spreads from the
and Outer Qods, the answer Is Star Mother's ship in every direction at a rate of 25 feet per round, to a maximum
a maze of conbadlctlons. of 750 feet. The fog dissipates normally, at a rate of 25 feet per round. Fog can
Tomes of the Mythos reveal be created multiple times with cumulative effects. The fog is thickest and visi-
that Qreat Old Ones and Outer bility the poorest at the center, around the ghost-ship.
Qods have many tl.mes hldden
behlnd the masks of humanlty's POWER THROUGH SUFFERING: she grows stronger through human suffer-
own delties. Yig Is related to
ing. Half of all SAN and hit point losses suffered with 100 feet of the Star
Quetzalcoatl and Kulkulcan.
Hastur may have been Set. Mother's ship are converted to magie points and added to her current total.
even the Elder Gods seem Magie points never exceed the Star Mother's current POW. If during any one
not to be above thls practlce, as round she should gain ten magie points she instead converts them to a single
Is amply proven by the myths of point of permanent POW which is then added to her total.
~ and Nodens, Integrated
into the myths of the f,gyptians STAR MOTHER, Goddess of the Gbost-Ship
and Celts, respectlvely. STR 8 CON 30 SIZ 2 INT 15 POW 35+
So that leaves us the ques- HP 16
DEX 5 Move0
Uon: Are any of our gods real,
or are they all reflectlons of Damage Bonus: N/A.
these dark forces that rule the Weapons: Toin Tentacle Strands 20%, damage 102 per round plus Psychic Shock
physlcal unlverse? Large Tentacles 50%, damage 106 per round plus Psychic Shock
My meandertngs today were Armor: 8 points of chitinous shell. Note that because the Star Mother cannot move by
brought on by a minor god itself, all physical attacks against her receive a bonus of+25 percentiles added to the
named Summanus. Uke so chance to hit. The Star Mother can restore lost hit points at the rate of one hit point per
many others, I bad thought blm
magie point expended.
a myth, but now I have learned
he Is frtghteningly real. Spells: Create Zombie, Grasp of Cthulhu, Mental Suggestion, Power Drain, Wave of
Summanus Is remembered Oblivion, plus others as the keeper desires.
as a minor Roman god, a sort Skills: Detect Human Lifeforce 55%.
of nocturnal Jupiter. He con- Sanity Loss: l/106 Sanity points for seeing the Star Mother's ghost-ship; 0/1D4 + 1
trolled the night sky and the Sanity points to see the Star Mother.
Summanus bad a tempie UMMANUS, Great Old One. His ears were thick and blunt and his eye-
near the Circus Maximus. lt was
bullt durtng the 5rd century 5 .C.
S brows were bushy over the most penetrating eyes. ... He did not have a
mouth .... His face was blank beneath the eyes and nose. His waist-coat slid to
as part of a war. Now, knowing
the truth of Summanus, I shud- one side near the bottom and a long, white, tapering tentacle with a blood-red
der at what secrets may be tip slid into view.-Bńan Lurnley, "What Dark God?"
burted in that long-dead tempie. Summanus is a minor Great Old One who appears as a very tall, thin man with
The tempie was dedlcated chalky-gray skin and no mouth. A
on June 20, and that has
single tentacle sprouts from
become Summanus' holy day.
His worshlpers eat sacrtfldal Summanus' abdomen, used for
cakes made into the shape of a feecling. Good infonnation
wheel on that day-though of about Sumrnanus can be found
whal: they are composed I would in an exceeclingly rare tome
not to speculate. called The Tuscan Rituals.
The awful truth Is thls:
Summanus Is real and a Qreat ATTACKS & SPEC/AL
Old One. I have found mention
EFFECTS: when the Great
of blm in 71le TUsam Rltua/s,
and so I have dlscovered that
Old One feeds or takes a
another of the gods of r:arth Is sacńfice, its tentacle slices
one of Them. I fear we may into its victim's flesh, drain-
have no gods of our own. ing him or her of all blood.
Sumrnanus may also put a
Deities of the Mythos: Summanus - Vibur 99
victim into a strange trance by overcoming the person's visits, often becoming obsessed with the Angel of Music
POW with his own on the Resistance Table. An overcome and the songs which it sings to him. Ultimately the musi-
victim is fully conscious and aware of his or her surround- cian is taken away to the court of Azathoth where he can
ings yet unable to move at all. The Great Old One may put eternally play for the Demonie Sułtan and its courtiers.
as many people under his trance as he desires, as long as Sometime Tru'nembra physically takes a victim to the
they are visible and within fifty feet. Victims are freed from court of chaos but often on1y the victim's soul is carried off,
Summanus' trance on1y when the Great Old One releases leaving the lifeless body behind, stili perforrning the
them, or if he is driven off. beloved music even in death (witnessing this calls for a
Sanity roll and the loss of 1/108 Sanity points).
SUMMANUS, The Walker in Darkness, Monarch of the Night
STR 24 CON 63 SIZ 17 INT 20 POW 25 ATTACKS & SPECIALEFFECTS: the Outer God attacks
DEX 16 Move 9 HP 40 with a sort of sonie wave powerful enough to cause physi-
Damage Bonus: + 2D6. cal damage at a rate of 1D10 hit points per round to every-
Weapons: Tentacle 100%, damage 1D3 first round-1D4 STR thing within a 100 yard radius. Typical effects of this attack
drain each round thereafter are cracked windows, rupture of minor blood vessels, etc.
Claw 100%, damage 1D6 + db Prolonged exposure is fatal. Tru'nembra can also emit a
Armor: Summanus suffers only minimum possible damage sonie blast which inflicts D100 hit points of damage to a
from all weapons, plus he is capable of regenerating one hit single target. The effects of such an attack could be as dev-
point per magie point expended. astating as twisted steel, or shattered bones. Tru'nembra's
SpeUs: Summanus knows most Summon, Bind, and Contact attacks cannot be Dodged.
spells, as well asany others the keeper desires. Tru'nembra moves at the speed of sound. Because it has
Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity points to see Summanus. no physical body the Outer God is impervious to all corpo-
real attacks. Certain spells which affect INT or POW may
T RU'NEMBRA, Outer God. And then I thought I
heard a shriller, steadier note that was not from the
viol; a calm, deliberate, purposeful, mocking note from far
harm the entity and devices which affect sound waves may
harm or stave off the Outer God. A musician could tem-
porarily ward off Tru'nembra with his music if he or she
away in the West .... Unimagined space alive with motion
could play or sing the right chords.
and music, and having no semblance of anything on
earth.-H. P. Lovecraft, ''The Music of Erich Zann". TRU'NEMBRA, The Angel of Music
DEX N/A Move speed of sound HP60
Damage Bonus: N/A.
Weapon: Music automatic, damage 1D10 each round in a 100
yard radius.
Sonie blast 75%, damage DI 00.
Armor: none, however as living sound Tru'nembra can be
harmed only by spells which affect INT or POW, or by mecha-
nisms which affect sound waves.
Spells: none.
Sanity Loss: 1/2D 10 Sanity points to hear or experience
clumped in batches up to three inches in diameter. These pure blue stones are
From the Jou.rnals of highly radioactive and prolonged contact with bare skin produces third-degree
bums. Vibur is an entity from another piane of existence, although it has been on
Sir Hansen Poplan Earth for a half-dozen millennia, gatheńng strength for the next stage of its
unimaginable joumey.
humans, life Is a contlnuous CULT: Vibur is worshiped by a handful of humans in remote parts of the world,
stream. lt Is punctuated by a although it is not at all elear that the Great Old One needs them, wants their ser-
nlghtly lnterval of sleep, true, vice, or is even aware of them.
but given that thls requlrement
Is unlversal among humans, OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: a blue alien fungiform grows in Vibur's "fur''.
that our frlends and nelghbors
This fungus is dangerous to humans but not uniformly virulent. Each time an inves-
must sleep too, life seems a
continuum. lt Is only when we
tigator is exposed to the fungi he or she needs a successful CON x5 roll on D100.
read of the stmnge pattems of Those with failures begin to expeńence the effects of the fungus in 1D10 days.
hlbematlon practlced by certaln Only one CON roll is required per day, regardless of the number of times an inves-
entltles of the Mythos that we tigator has been exposed to the alien fungus. If the concentration of exposure is
reallze how truły allen they are. greater the keeper may wish to reduce the CON roll to x4, x3, x2, or even xl for
Vulthoom, who Is wrttten of
intense, multiple, or prolonged exposure. The fungus may also be spread through
In only the rarest Mythos tomes,
Is the prlme example of thls dlf- the release of spores caused by the coughing and breathing of an infected victim.
ferent paradlgrn of life. lt is sald The fungus enters the body through the lungs, and from the lungs goes into the
that he altematlvely sleeps and blood supply, concentrating in the brain and
wakes for one thousand year especially in the optic nerves and
lntervals. How does one's mlnd cerebral cortex. V/BUR
work lf clvlllzatlons rlse and fali
Symptoms of fungal infes-
whenever one sleeps?
Vulthoom Is of course not tation begin with the dimming
the only Oreat Old One who of the physical senses, shortly
hlbemates. As Is wrttten In the accompanied by occasional
Neaonomlcon, '"lbat Is not seańng attacks of pain in ran-
dead whlch can etemal Ue.•
dom body locations. These
cthulhu sleeps In R'lyeh, but
even a.sleep his dreams change
attacks of pain last about one
the world. Many others of the minute, then they become more
anclent gods of the unlverse extended as the infestation advances.
also sleep, waitlng. The physical senses fade, and the vic-
lt Is not Just the gods who tim expeńences terńble visions, confusing
sleep and walt though, but also
odors, and colors beyond human experi-
many of thelr mlnlons. All of
Vulthoom's servltors follow his ence as Vibur's senses begin to intrude upon the victim. Profound depression,
lead, sleeping when he does. clinical insanity, and vivid nightmares are common symptoms at this stage of
The serpent people are the infection.
another race adaptable to long As the infestation gains control, the victim begins to lose access to the vol-
perlods of hlbematlon. untary muscles and to physical sensation. A swelling and hardening of the eye-
Accordlng to anclent books
balls shortly precedes the actual loss of the eyes, eaten away and replaced by
there are those who went to
sleep rnllllons of years ago, bluish fluid which drips periodically from the ghastly sockets. Finally the victim
when the serpent people ruled is totally controlled by Vibur, made a zombie. The victim's consciousness and
the world, and stlił have not memory still exist, but are irrevocably trapped and helpless.
awakened. Approximately one-third of all infested humans die within two weeks, blind-
I can not speak for the
ed, forebrain nibbled at, and autonomie functions totally disrupted. The fate of
other races. Mlght anclent
ghouls hlbemate or mlght deep
the majority of the victims is worse. Embedded after days, weeks, or months, the
ones sleep from a time when blue fungus progressively stńps the outer senses of the victim, finally locking the
cthulhu stlił strode the Earth, consciousness within ceaseless throbbing pain even while control of the body
rullng from R'lyeh? What mlght passes telepathically to the Great Old One, dozens or hundreds of rniles distant.
dwell sleeping beneath your At this point Vibur has complete control of what has become an organ or exten-
own town?
sion of its body, and the victim is effectively dead. Victims so controlled contin-
I have also read storles of
certaln artlfacts whlch may
ue to eat and digest normally, and can operate for 1D6 + 1 months more before
either awaken the long sleeping finał and merciful death.
or force those awake lnto long There may or may not be a cure for the effects of Vibur's blue fungus, as the
hlbematlon. Wlth such toots, keeper desires. If a cure exists it is suggested that its ingredients be difficult to
we could become the allens. find, and include among them the strange glowing blue stones which Vibur
emits. The ingestion of the Great Old One's radioactive crystalline feces inflicts
Deities of the Mythos: Vorvadoss - Vulthoom 101
2D 1O+ 2 hit points of damage with a permanent loss of two Elder God speaks cryptically, hinting but never g1vmg
hit points a week thereafter. Although this alien substance direct answers or solutions. At times Vorvadoss may grant
may cure Vibur's fungus infection, it also may cause hair spells to those who ask. Usually he requires some sort of
loss, cancer, interna) bleeding, and other unpleasant side- payment: the sacrifice of POW, the destruction of some
effects associated with exposure to radioactivity. monstrous entity, etc.
Vorvadoss may transport beings to other planes, worlds,
AITACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: Vibur may attack
or times at will. If the target is unwilling the attempt may
with a teleportation crush. To do so it merely need think of
be resisted with a POW vs. POW Resistance Table roll.
its target and it materializes on top of them. Such victims
are crushed beneath the Great Old One's massive bulk, suf-
fering 5D6 points of damage per round until dead.
Though its mental acuity is dazzling, Vibur's metabo-
lism and perception are unrelated to this universe; at times
it seems synchronized with our universe, while at other
times centuries pass in our time while it sends out a tenta-
cle to brush down some annoying knot of fur.
Perhaps because it is not fully within this universe, no
physical or magica) attack which humans can make much
affects Vibur. An extraordinarily potent physical attack-a
nuclear blast, for example, or depositing Vibur on the sur-
face of the sun--conceivably could cause the entity to shift
itself to another location, rippling slightly as it moves an
inch, a mile, or a light year to avoid the event. Otherwise,
when reduced to zero hit points the Great Old One's eyes
close and it becomes totally motionless and silent, as if
<lead or sleeping. After 2D10 rounds Vibur awakens, total-
ly regenerated.
VORVADOSS, The Kindler of the Flame
VIBUR, The Thing from Beyond STR 45 CON 42 SIZ 28 INT 50 POW75
STR 42 CON 104 SIZ 58 INT50 POW28 DEX 20 Move 10 HP35
DEX 14 Move instantaneous HP81 Damage Bonus: + 4D6.
Damage Bonus: + 5D6. Weapons: Fist 100%, damage ID6 + 4D6
Weapons: Crush 100%, damage 5D6 Armor: Vorvadoss may armor himself by spending one magie
Annor: 10 point furry filament. Reduced to zero hit points point for every point of armor he desires. He regenerates damage
Vibur falls into a recuperative sleep for 2D IO rounds, after at a rate of 1D3 hit points per magie point expended.
which it awakens fully regenerated. Spells: any desired by the keeper.
Spells: any the keeper desires. Sanity Loss: 0/104 Sanity points to see Vorvadoss.
Sanity Loss: 1/106 Sanity points to see Vibur.
~ Oniffl'Sity
AITACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: in combat, Yegg-ha may lash out twice
1tfishatonic each round with each claw (four attacks per round). lt is a fierce creature, leav-
ing a trail of destruction in its wake.
Deities of the Mythos: Yegg-Ha - Yidhra 103
YEGG-HA, Minor Great Old One fertility and abundance in exchange for regular sacrifices
STR 26 CON 98 SIZ 20 INT 18 POW25 she demands.
DEX 30 Move 12 HP59 Followers ofYidhra- sometimes całling themselves the
Damage Bonus: + 2D6. Children of Yidhra-experience slow genetic mutation due
Weapons: Claw 80%, damage 1D6 + db to their close association with the Outer God. One commu-
Annor: 8 points of skin, plus with each kill it makes Yegg-ha nity of followers is known to have taken on a distinct
regenerates 1D10 hit points. ophidian taint, but each band of worshipers seems to expe-
Spells: any as desired by the keeper, however, Yegg-ha does not rience a different sort of mutation, perhaps depending upon
often employ spells. with which avatar they are in contact.
Sanity Loss: 1/lDlO Sanity points to see Yegg-ha.
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: the Outer God is essen-
IDHRA, Outer God. Yidhra devoured the octopus tially a protean macro-organism which survives and con-
Y and leamed to put forth a tentacle; she devoured the
bear and leamed to clothe herself in fur against the creep-
tinually evolves by absorbing genetic materiał from all
creatures. Yidhra sometimes absorbs victims in an obscene
ing ice of the north; indeed can Yidhra take any shape fusion, rearranges their genetic makeup, then gives birth to
known to living things. Yet no shape can she take which is them as newly-formed creatures, monstrous in appearance
truły fair, for she partakes of all foul creatures, as well as and totally insane.
fair. To her followers she appears in many fair and comely Yidhra is the embodiment of the survivalist aspect of
forms, but this is because they see not her true form, but evolution. Regular sacrifices are required to supply it with
only such visions as she wills them to see. ... /ndeed it is fresh genetic materiał vital to its never-ending evolution.
by sending her thoughts that Yidhra remains one in soul, An avatar starved of sacrifices shrivels and deteriorates,
for in body she is many, hidden in the jungles of the south, eventually dissolves into a pool of inert genetic materiał.
the icy wastes ofthe north, and the deserts beyond the west- Followers of a starved avatar suffer identical fates.
ern sea. Thus it is that though her temples are many, she The Outer God's INT and POW are constant but all
waits by all, combining bodily with her diverse followers, other characteristics vary from form to form.
yet her consciousness is a vast unity.-Walter C. DeBill, YIDHRA, The Shrouder, The Dream-Witch
Jr., "Where Yidhra Walks". char. Y'hath Xothra Yolanda
STR 25 71 20
CON 77 107 40
SIZ 21 79 12
INT 25 25 25
POW 60 60 60
DEX 30 14 18
APP 18
HP 49 93 26
Move 8/25 flying 7/8 burrowing 9
DB +2D6 + 8D6 + 1D4
Annor 5 points 10 points none
Weapons: Fusion 95%, damage is genetic mutation.
Annor: varies; however, if an avatar is slain Yidhra sends
another to take its place.
Spells: all summon and bind spells and all spells which effect
the mind; others as the keeper desires.
Sanity Loss: I/ID10 Sanity points to view most of the many
Yidhra possesses many forms, all telepathically linked to bodies of Yidhra, save her human form which costs no SAN.
create a world-spanning whole. While the Outer God has Those who see the unthinkable true form of the Outer God lose
many avatars including vulturine Y'hath; Xothra, who sleeps ID20/ID100 Sanity points.
in the earth and wakes to devour; and a beautiful woman by
the name ofYolanda, her true form is unknown.
Yidhra is mentioned in a few rare Mythos tomes includ- M WAM Yl, Avatar of Y'ulhra. Yidhra, the Dream-
Witch, clouding the minds ofher followers; I Dream-
Witch, hiding her shape in illusion, I Dream-Witch, cloak-
ing Uralte Schrecken, Black Sutra, Chronicles of Thrang,
ing her shape in strange beauty. I Yidhra, the Shrouder,
and Cthonic Revelations.
wreathing the faithless in shadow; I Shrouder, devouring
CULT: Yidhra was worshiped by the prehuman voormis the errant and hostile ones, Shrouder, who hides men for-
and early humans, and in modem times is worshiped in ever.-Wałter C. DeBill, Jr., "Where Yidhra Walks".
Laos, New Mexico, Chad, and West Texas. Yidhra's fol- Madam Yi is one of the many avatars of the Outer God
lowers are supposed immortal, and their lands blessed with Yidhra. This being appears as a human female dressed in
104 The Creature Companion
billowing white, red, and black robes. Madam Yi's beautifully delicate face is
From the Journals of like the painted face of a porcelain doll. Its blood-red lips and closed almond-
shaped black eyes are forever frozen on a smooth and bone-white face. Its long
Sir Hansen Poplan black hair is braided into a single ponytail. The avatar's hands both end in very
long, razorlike black finger nails.
PAST Ll\'ES-Who Is to say
that we have not llved before,
that thls lncarnatlon upon the
Earth Is the first? Maybe what
most people accept Is true,
that we were first bom onto
thls Earth scant decades ago,
but rnaybe In actuallty we are
the newest lncarnatlons of a
long chaln of awakenlng.
In the years slnce I first dls-
covered the tomes of the
Mythos, many of my precon-
ceptlons of the unlverse have
changed, and many of my rock-
solid ldeals about how life
works have transformed. Now I
have begun to wonder about
who we really are, thanks to
the story of a IIWe-known entlty
narned Aforgomon, one of the
avatars of Yog-Sothoth.
lt was In a hard-to-read col-
lectlon of papers tltled The CULT: this avatar of the Outer God is known almost exclusively in China where
liestan Records that I learned
of Aforgomon. The papers told
its sects are led and dominated by women. Like all other avatars of Yidhra,
of a land narned Hestan, anoth- Madam Yi requires a constant supply of fresh genetic materiał to absorb.
er planet lt seems, whlch Followers must also frequently provide it with young men with whom to mate.
tumed beneath four suns During the act of mating Madam Yi shreds her young consorts with her razor
somewhere far In the past. claws. The product of such unions result in the birth of one or more deformed or
The people of that world
monstrous offspring. Madam Yi occasionally allows followers to raise these bas-
worshlped Aforgomon, narnlng
hlm the •god of the mlnutes
tard young, but usually it just reabsorbs the children.
and cyctes· and the · 1ord of The features of Madam Yi's followers also assume an almost porcelain, doll-
time... There was one prlest like quality and their fingers likewise become elongated and claw-like. The god-
who rebelie<! agalnst the god, a dess cornmunicates with her followers telepathically.
man narned Calaspa. He was
doomed to meet the god for MADAM YI, Mother of Woe
his temerlty, a fata! encounter. STR 27 CON 69 SIZ 17 INT25 POW60
That was not all though, for, HP43
DEX 36 Move 10/15 flying
as wrltten In The liestan
Records, Calaspa was doomed Damage Bonus: + 2D6.
to never flnd happlness through Weapons: Razor Claws 90%, damage 106 + 2D6
all his future lncarnatlons, and Armor: none, but Madam Yi cannot be harmed by norma! weapons.
he was also promlsed that
Spel1s: any desired by the keeper.
when enough time had passed
he would agaln meet Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 Sanity points to see Madam Yi.
Aforgomon, In some far future,
OG-SOTHOTH, Outer God. The monstrous Yog-Sothoth, the "All-in-One
and then he would be erased
totally from time.
And so, I fear the tałes are
Y and One-in-All, " whose deceptive disguise is as a congeries of iridescent
globes concealing the primal horror beneath.-August Derleth, "The Lurker at
true. Any one of us could be the Threshold".
rebom a thousand tlmes lnto Coterminous with all points in time and space, Yog-Sothoth is a god of gates,
thls world. Any one of us could
travel, and movement. At one time it was imprisoned upon the Earth beneath
be Calaspa, doomed. Any one
of us could have commltted ancient Mount Sinai, but it escaped thousands of years ago. Yog-Sothoth is with-
crlmes In past llves, could have out a doubt one of the more powerful and widely-worshiped Outer Gods. lt has
worshlped the Old Ones or three known avatars. There are doubtless more.
fought them. We must fear not
FORGOMON, Avatar of Yog-Sothoth. And haply to confront the dark divin-
only thls life, but all those to
the bounds of lnflnlty. A ity of Aforgomon. At length, from the abyss into which his position forced
him to peer, a light would dawn, and a bolt of strange jlame would leap upward,
Deities of the Mytbos: Yog-Sotbotb 105
striking the many-coiled chain about him and heating it AFORGOMON, The Time-Goci
instantly to the whiteness of candescent iron.-Clark STR N/A CON 250 SIZ varies INT 35 POW 100
Ashton Smith, "The Chain of Aforgomon". DEX 20 Move infinite HP250
Aforgomon is never seen by anyone, except those who Damage Bonus: N/A.
have offended the god and brought its wrath upon them- Weapons: Fire Bolt 100%, damage instant death
selves. lt prefers to inhabit the body of a follower and com- Annor: Aforgomon is immune to all physical attacks.
municate from there. Spells: any desired.
CULT: Aforgomon is worshiped in other dimensions, on Sanity Loss: IDIO/IDIOO Sanity points to see Aforgomon.
other worlds, and in the Dreamlands. It may also have a few
followers in the waking world where its influence and pow-
ers also extend. As Lord of Time, Aforgomon's favor is
F RACTAL YOG-SOTHOTH, Avatar of Yog-Sothoth. ft
was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being
and self-not merely a thing of one space-time continuum,
sought by those seeking to change what has gone before-or but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence '.s
to see what is yet to come. Dealing with the Outer God, how- whole unbounded sweep-the last, utter sweep which has
ever, is very dangerous, and those who trespass in its domain no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics
suffer ageless tortures and agony. alike.-H.P. Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price, ''Through
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: typically, those who have the Gates of the Silver Key".
angered Aforgomon find themselves in the Dreamlands, YOG-SOTHOTH
chained naked into a huge stone chair suspended over a
gaping abyss. Bound beneath heavy chains, the condernned
may sit for eons awaiting the wrath of Aforgomon. When
the time-god finally appears to the transgressor, the chains
heat to incandescence, charring the body and killing the
mortal who was foolish enough to anger an Outer God. The
corpses of such victims of the Chain of Aforgomon are
found in the waking world, their bodies scarred with con-
centric rings of charred flesh but their clothing strangely
undamaged. Very soon these victims of Aforgomon literal-
ly cease to exist-all knowledge, memory, and record of
them fades from existence.
THOGTHA, Great Old One. A bipedal monstrosity Claw 90%, damage 106 + db
Y whose hind legs resembled those ofa batrachian, with
forelimbs uplifted almost as if in menace, sucker-tipped,
Annor: 8 points of thick hide; regenerates 4 hit points per
webbed hands extended toward the viewer. The head was a Spells: all Call and Contact speIJs, plus any that the keeper finds
seething mass of pseudopods or tentacles, amidst which a appropńate.
single glaring eye could be discerned.-Lin Carter, Sanity Loss: ID8/ID20 Sanity points to see Ythogtha.
"Perchance to Dream".
U-CHE-QUON, Great Old One. For He is the ulti-
Ythogtha lies imprisoned within the sunken realm of
Yhe, which is contiguous with R'lyeh itself. He is one of
Z mate doom and the undying emptiness and silence of
Old Night. ... He hath naught to do with life and sunlight,
the sons of Cthulhu, descended from faraway Xoth.
but loveth the blackness and the eternal silence of the
CULT: the Great Old One is mostly unknown to humans; abyss. s
yet He can be called to earth su,face before His
however some deep ones may afford it worship. time ... by ancient spells and certain deep-toned sounds
which reach His dwelling-place far below. . . . For He
ATTACKS & SPEC/AL EFFECTS: Ythogtha possesses a bringeth darkness within the light; all life, all sound, all
special mental attack. If the Great Old Ones overcomes the movement passeth away at His coming.-Henry Kuttner,
POW of its victims with its own, "The Bells of Horror".
the entity appears to them as a This entity manifests itself
grossly enormous monstrosi- as a vast all-encompassing
ty, perhaps ten times larger YTHOGTHA
darkness whose arrival is
than it really is. Anyone heralded by a drop in tem-
seeing this giant, illusion- perature and steadily wors-
ary Ythogtha may attempt ening earth tremors. Zu-che-
a POW xl roll to dismiss quon is sometimes referred
the colossus' image from his to as Zushakon or Zulchequon
or her mind. A failed POW roll and discussed in depth in The
indicates that the victim believes the Great Book of!od. Charles Fort's hypothetical
Old One's enormity. Those who are overcome entity Melanicus bears many similarities to
by Ythogtha's mental trick sufler double SAN this god.
loss for seeing the entity: 2D8/2D20. Those
who dispel the illusion suffer the standard OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: in areas
1D8/ID20 SAN loss for Ythogtha. where Zu-che-quon prepares to mani-
Ythogtha may utilize this mental fest, humans and animals suffer a
attack only in person, and not painful discornfort of the eyes,
through its statues. some even blinding themselves
attempting to relieve the torment.
OTHER CHARACTERISTICS: When the Great Old One finally appears, all human and
over the centuries a very few statuettes of this malign enti- animal life are blinded until the dark god is somehow dis-
ty, hewn from an unearthly gray-green stone, have been pelled. In the presence of Zu-che-quon blinded humans
discovered. These images were brought down from the Jose 0/1 Sanity points per
stars when the Earth was young and somehow retain or round. If these losses
transmit the malevolent thought-waves of Ythogtha. amount to more than 20%
Anyone sleeping in close proximity to one of these images of their current Sanity
is subject to Ythogtha's "dream-pull", which appears to they are driven indefinite-
work on a subconscious level. Each night the victim ly insane and tear their
dreams of sunken Yhe, and each night these dreams own eyes out.
become more intensely disturbing. Each night the victim The Great Old One is
loses 1D4 SAN from the horrible and vivid nightmares. normally summoned by
When the victim has lost 20% of his SAN to Ythogtha's certain deep-toned sounds
dreams the dreamer comes face to face with the terrible such as specially-pre-
form of the Great Old One. This experience is so vividly pared bells or musical
horrific that the dreamer loses the same I D8/1 D20 points notes which are capable
of SAN that he would Jose for seeing Ythogtha in person. of reaching its subter-
YTHOGTHA, The Abomination in the Abys.s ranean lair. It can only
STR 40 CON 105 SIZ 55 INT 25 POW25 remain present as long as
DEX 13 Move 11/20 swimming HP80 these summoning sounds
Damage Bonus: + 5D6.
continue but once manifested Zu-che-quon may return to
this Jocation, unbidden, during subsequent eclipses.
Weapons: Tentacle 90%, damage 3D6
108 The Creature Companion
These entities can be found in the 5.5 edi- Fractal Creatures ............................ CrC 23 Nygotha, Spawn of.......................... CrC 36
tion of the Call of Cthulhu rules (CoC), in Fthagghua ....................................... CrC 25 Old Ones, Fosterlings of the ........... CrC 22
The Complete Dreamlands (COi), or in this Ghadamon, Minions of ................... COi 94 Outer Gods, Servitors of the ........ CoC 151
book, The Creature Companion (CrC) Ghasts .......................................... Coe 142 Phosphorescent Monsters............. COi 107
Ghosts .......................................... Coe 180 Pigs, Bush .................................... Coe 179
Ghouls .......................................... Coe 142 Pitch Spiders ................................. COi 108
Glaaki, Servants of....................... CoC 142 Pythons ........................................ Coe 182
Gnoph-Keh ................................... Coe 143 Quumyagga ................................... COi 108
Abhoth , Children of ......................... CrC 13 Gnorń .............................................. COi 94 Rat Packs ..................................... Coe 182
Adumbrali ........................................ CrC 13 Rat People ...................................... CrC 37
Goatswood Gnomes ............ ........... CrC 26
Aihais .............................................. CrC 14 Rat-Things .................................... Coe 150
Goblins ............................................ CDI 95
Azathoth, Messenger of .................. COi 84 Razortongues ................................ COi 109
Gorillas ......................................... CoC 181
Basilisks .......................................... COi 85 Rhinos .......................................... CoC 183
Great Race of Yith ........................ CoC 143
Bats, Large ................................... Coe 178 Great Race (New) ........................ CoC 144 Running Thing ............................... COi 109
Bears, Black ................................. CoC 178 Great Trees ..................................... COi 95 Sand-dwellers .............................. CoC 151
Beast in the Pit ................................ COi 86 Scabfish ......................................... CDI 11 O
Green Abyss, Spawn of the ............ CrC 26
Bee Swarms ................................. CoC 184 Green God, Children of the ............. CrC 27 Seekers ........................................... CrC 38
Black Sphinx ................................... CrC 15 Growleywogs ................................... COi 96 Serpent People ............................ Coe 151
Blupes ............................................. COi 86 Degenerata ................................. CrC 38
Guardian Pillar................................. COi 96
Bobcats ........................................ Coe 178 S'glhuo, Denizens of ....................... CrC 39
Gugs............................................. Coe 145
Boltworms ........................................ COi 93 Haemophores .................................. COi 97 Shades...................... ..................... COi 11 O
Buffaloes, Cape............................ Coe 179 Shaggai, lnsects from .................. Coe 152
Hastur, Spawn of............................. CrC 27
Bunyips .... .................................... Coe 178 Hell-Plants....................................... CrC 28 Shantaks ...................................... CoC 153
Buopoths ......................................... COi 87 Shoggoth Lords............................... CrC 40
Horses ..................................... ..... Coe 181
Butterfly-Dragons ............... ............. COi 87 Shoggoths .................................... Coe 153
Hounds of Tindalos ...................... Coe 145
Byakhee ... .................................... Coe 133 Hunting Horrors ............................ CoC 146 Shoggoths, Proto-........................... CrC 41
Camivorous Fish ............................. COi 88 Shub-Niggurath, Blessed of ............ CrC 42
Hydra ........................................... CoC 137
Cats ................................................. COi 88 Shub-Niggurath, Ork. Yng. of ...... Coe 137
Hyperboreans ................................. CrC 29
Cats from Saturn ................... .......... COi 89 lb, Beings of .................................... COi 98 Shugoran, Children of..................... CrC 43
Cats from Uran us ............................ COi 89 lb, G host-beings of ..................... ..... COi 98 Skeletons, Human ........................ Coe 183
Chaugnar Faugn, G. Brothers ........ CrC 16 Slime Molds ................................... COi 111
Karakal, Minions of.......................... COi 99
Chaugnar Faugn, L. Brothers ......... CrC 17 Sloblubikiks .................................... COi 111
Keeper of Dreams ......................... CDI 100
Chthonian ..................................... Coe 134 Sluggocs ........................................ COi 112
Kyresh ........................................... COi 100
Cloudbeasts .................................... COi 90 Snouters, Primitive ........................ COi 112
Lamp-Efts ...................................... COi 101
Colours Out of Space................... Coe 136 Space Eaters .................................. CrC 43
Leng, Men of ................................. COi 104
Condors ........................................ Coe 179 Spectra! Hunters .......................... ... CrC 44
Leng Spiders ................................ CoC 147
Crawling Ones ................................ CrC 17 Sphinx, Children of the ................... CrC 45
L'gy'hx, lnhabitants of ..................... CrC 29
Crocodiles .................................... Coe 179 Spider Hounds ............................... COi 113
Llamas ........................................... COi 102
Crystallizers of Dreams, Guardians Lions............................................. Coe 181 Squids, Giant.. .............................. Coe 183
.................................................... COi 91 Star Vampires ............................... Coe 154
Lions, Mountain ............................ CoC 182
Cthulhu, Star-Spawn of... ............. CoC 153 Lloigor .......................................... Coe 148 Tcho-Tchos ................................... Coe 154
Cthulhu, Thralls of........................... CrC 18 Ter-men.......................................... COi 113
Luz, Lords of ................................. COi 102
Dagon ........................................... Coe 137 Thing Hanging in the Void ............. COi 114
Magah Birds .................................. COi 103
Deep Ones ................................... CoC 138 Manticores ..................................... COi 103 Tick-Men ........................................ COi 115
Hybńds ........................................ CrC 19 Tigers .... ....................................... Coe 183
Martense Kin ........... ........................ CrC 30
Desh ................................................ CrC 20 Tomb-Herd ................................... ... CrC 45
Martians .......................................... CrC 31
D'haz, Halflings of ........................... COi 97 M'bwa.............................................. CrC 32 Travelers ......................................... CrC 47
Dhole Ant-Lions ............................... COi 92 Tsathoggua, Children of .................. CrC 48
Merlolk........................................... COi 105
Dh oles .......................................... Coe 138 Tsathoggua, Formless Spawn ...... CoC 141
Mi-go ............................................ CoC 149
Dimensional Shamblers ............... Coe 139 Ubb .............................................. ... CrC 49
Million Favoured Ones .................... CrC 33
Dogs, Indian Wild ......................... Coe 181
Miń Nigri. ......................................... CrC 33 Unspeakable Possessors ............ ... CrC 49
Dogs, Ordi nary ............................. Coe 180 Urhags ........................................... COi 116
Moon-Beasts . ............................... Coe 149
Dromedaries .................................... COi 92 Mr. Shiny ......................................... CrC 33 Uri Worms ...................................... COi 116
Dwellers in the Depths .................... CrC 21 Mummies...................................... CoC 182 Vampires ...................................... CoC 184
Elder Things ................................. Coe 139 Naggoob ........................................ COi 105 Vooniths ......................................... COi 117
Elephants, African ........................ Coe 180 Night, Horde of the ........................ COi 106 Voormis ........................................... CrC 50
Elephants, Dreamlands ................... COi 93 Voors ............................................ ... CrC 51
Nightgaunts .................................. Coe 150
Fire Vampires ............................... Coe 139
Nightńders ..................................... COi 107 Wamps ........................................... COi 117
Fireworms ........................................ COi 93 Wasp Swarms .............................. Coe 184
Nioth-Korghai .................................. CrC 35
Flying Polyps ................................ Coe 140 Watchers in the Wastes ................. COi 118
Nyarlathotep's Half-brother ........... COi 107
Formless Spawn .......................... CoC 141 Wendigo .......................................... CrC 51
Ny'ghan Grii .................................... CrC 35
110 The Creature Companion
Wenelians ....... ............................... COi 118 King in Yellow......... ..................... CrC 77 Vibur ................................................ CrC 99
Werewolves .................................. CoC 184 Haunter of the Dark ........................ CrC 85 Vorvadoss ..................................... CrC 101
Winged Snakes ............................. COi 119 Hydra .............................................. CrC 77 Vulthoom ....................................... CrC 101
Witch Trees.................................... COi 119 Hypnos ......................................... CoC 168 Wailing Wńther ................................ CrC 89
Wolves ................ ... ....................... Coe 185 additional info ............................ CDI 127 Xada-Hgla ....................................... CrC 62
Worm thai Walks ............................. CrC 52 Jod ................................................... CrC 78 Yeb .................................................. CrC 81
Wraiths ......................................... CoC 185 llhaqua ......................................... CoC 168 Yegg-ha ......................................... CrC 102
Xicloll, Beings from ...................... Coe 155 Juk-Shabb .. ..................................... CrC 79 Y'golonac ..................................... CoC 174
Xiurhn ............................................ COi 120 Karakal .......................................... CDI 127 Yibb-Tslll. ...................................... CoC 175
Xo Tl'mi-go ...................................... CrC 53 Keeper of the Moon-Lens ............... CrC 96 Yidhra ............................................ CrC 103
Yaddith, Denizens of ....... ................ CrC 53 King in Yellow .................................. CrC 77 Madam Yi .................................. CrC 103
Yaks ............................................... COi 120 Kthanid ...................•........................ CrC 79 Yig ................................................ CoC 175
Yath-Lhi ......................................... COi 121 Lesser Other Gods ....................... CoC 168 Yog-Sothoth.................................. Coe 176
Yath-Lhi's Guardsmen ................... COi 121 Lilith .•............................................. CDI 128 Aforgomon ................................ CrC 104
Yekub, lnhabitants of ...................... CrC 54 Lloigor ............................................. CrC 80 Fractal Yog-Sothoth .................. CrC 105
'Ygirothians ............ ..•..................... COi 122 Lobon ............................................ CDI 129 Tawil At'umr............................... CrC 106
Y'golonac, Children ot... •................. CrC 55 Lrogg ............................................... CrC 86 Yop ........ .................................•....•. CDI 136
Yog-Sothoth, Sons of ...................... CrC 55 Madam Yi.. .................................... CrC 103 Ythogtha ........................................ CrC 107
Yuggs .............................................. CrC 56 Messenger of the Old Ones............ CrC 86 Zhar .............................................. CoC 176
Zebras ........................................... COi 122 M'nagalah ....................................... CrC 81 Zo-Kalar.............. ........................... CDI 136
Zombies ....................................... Coe 186 Mnomquah .... ................................ CDI 129 Zoth-Ommog ................................ Coe 177
Zoogs ................................. ........... COi 123 Nath-Horthath ................................ CDI 131 Zu-Che-Quon ................................ CrC 107
Zoth Syra ........................................ CrC 57 Night ..................•..•..•..............•...... CDI 131
Zy'II Q'ae ......................................... CrC 57 Nodens ......................................... CoC 169
N'tse-Kaambl. ................................ CDI 130
Nug ......... ........................................ CrC 81
DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Africa ............................................... CrC 92
Nyartathotep.............................. CrC 65, 82
Ancieni Ones .................................. CrC 62
Ahtu ............................................. CrC 82
Abhoth .......................................... CoC 160 Astral Piane..................................... CrC 78
The Beast.................................... CrC 83
Aforgomon ................... ................. CrC 104 Atlantis ............................................ CrC 18
Bloated Woman .......................... CrC 83
Ahtu ................................................. CrC 82 Blasphemous Births ........................ CrC 22
Crawling Misi............................. CDI 126
Ancie ni Ones .................................. CrC 61 Brothers of the Skin ........................ CrC 86
Dark Demon ................................ CrC 84
Ariel ............................................... COi 124 Chaugnar Faugn ............................. CrC 32
Faceless God .............................. CrC 85
Arwassa .......................................... CrC 61 Cycles of Life ................................ CrC 100
Haunter of the Dark .................... CrC 85
Atlach-Nacha ................................ Coe 161 Dimensions, Other .......................... CrC 20
Thing in the Yellow Mask .......... CDI 135
Azathoth .................................... CrC 62, 63 Dreamlands...................................., CrC 70
Lrogg ........................................... CrC 86
Xada-Hgla ··································· CrC 62 Drowners ......................................... CrC 68
Messenger of the Old Ones ........ CrC 86
Baoht Z'uqqa-Mogg ........................ CrC 67 Egypt
Shugoran .................................... CrC 87
Basi .... .......................................... CoC 162 Gods of ....................................... CrC 96
Skinless One ............................... CrC 87
The Beast........................................ CrC 83 History of..................................... CrC 44
Tick Tock Man ............................. CrC 88
Bloated Woman .............................. CrC 83 Wonders of.................................. CrC 84
Wailing Writher ............................ CrC 89
B'moth .......... ................................... CrC 69 El der Gods ...................................... CrC 88
Nyogtha ........................................ Coe 170
Bokrug .......................................... CoC 162 Elysia .............................................. CrC 80
Oorn .............................................. COi 133
Bugg-Shash .................................... CrC 67 End of the World ............................. CrC 72
Orryx ............................................... CrC 89
Byatis .............................................. CrC 68 Goatswood ...................................... CrC 42
Ossadagowah ................................. CrC 90
Chaugnar Faugn .......................... Coe 163 Hastur & the Stars .............. ............ CrC 76
Other Gods, Larvae of the .............. CrC 91
Chorazin.......................................... CrC 70 Hyperborea
Othuum ........................................... CrC 91
Crawling Misi... .............................. COi 126 Gods of ....................................... CrC 94
Oukranos ....................................... CDI 132
Cthugha........................................ CoC 163 Land of ........................................ CrC 28
Quachil Uttaus...... ........................ Coe 171
Cthulhu ... ................................... CrC 64, 69 Peoples of ................................... CrC 50
Q'yth-az ............. .............................. CrC 92
B'moth ......................................... CrC 69 Lords of Fire .................................... CrC 24
Red Flux, God of the ...................... CrC 93
Chorazin ...................................... CrC 70 Mars ................................................ CrC 14
Rhan-Tegoth ................................. Coe 171
Cthylla ............................................. CrC 71 Nyarlathotep.................................... CrC 82
Alim Shaikorth ............................. .... CrC 94
Cyaegha ....................................... CoC 165 Nyogtha & its Cults ........•...............• CrC 36
Robigus ......................................... CDI 133
Cynothoglys .................................... CrC 72 Pacts ...........................•..................• CrC 48
Saaitii ............................. ................. CrC 95
Daoloth ......... ................................ Coe 165 Past Lives ..................................... CrC 104
Sebek .............................................. CrC 95
Dark Demon .................................... CrC 84 Sevem Valley .................................. CrC 26
Shub-Niggurath ......................... CrC 66, 96
Oho-Spawn ..................................... CrC 73 Shining Trapezohedron ................... CrC 84
Keeper of the Moon-Lens ........... CrC 96
Eihort ............................................ CoC 165 Shoggoths ....................................... CrC 40
Shudde M'ell ................................ CoC 172
Faceless God .................................. CrC 85 Summanus & Our Gods .................. CrC 98
Shugoran ........................................ CrC 87
Feaster from Afar ............................ CrC 76 Summańes
Skinless One ..........................•........ CrC 87
Fractal Yog-Sothoth ...................... CrC 105 Creatures of the Mythos ............. CrC 58
Star Mather ..................................... CrC 97
Ghadamon ..................................... COi 126 Deities of the Mythos ................ CrC 108
Sthood ........................................... CDI 134
Ghatanothoa ............. ................... CoC 166 Transference of Minds .................... CrC 54
Summanus ...................................... CrC 98
Ghroth ............................................. CrC 73 Tsathoggua ...................... ............... CrC 90
Tamash .......................................... CDI 135
Glaaki ........................................... CoC 166 Uranus .......................................... .. CrC 30
Tawil At'umr................................... CrC 106
Gloon .................. ... ......................... CrC 74 Vampińsm ....................................... CrC 34
Thing in the Yellow Mask .............. CDI 135
Gol-Goroth .........•............................ CrC 75 Worms of the Earth ......................... CrC 38
lick Tock Man ................................. CrC 88
Green God ............. ......................... CrC 75 Xothic Lege nds ... .......................... CrC 106
Tru'nembra ..... ................................. CrC 99
Hagarg Ryonis ............................... CDI 127 Yaddith, Visions from ...................... CrC 52
Tsathoggua................................... Coe 172
Hastur..................................... ...... Coe 167 Yegg-Ha & the Romans ................ CrC 102
Tulzscha ......................... .............. Coe 173
Feaster from Afar ........................ CrC 76 Yuggs .............................................. CrC 56
Ubbo-Sathla ································· Coe 173
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