Master Test in Mapeh 8
Master Test in Mapeh 8
Master Test in Mapeh 8
Instructions: (For items 1-5) Classify the following instruments according to the manner it’s being played. Write P for
percussion and W for wind instruments.
Instructions: Match the title of the songs and its country of origin. Write the letter only.
11. The following phrases below are the things that you need to consider in choosing the right material in making an
improvised instrument EXCEPT?
A. easy to make
B. similarity of the sound
C. availability of material
D expensive material for better quality
15. Which of the following statements best describes the similarity of Cambodian music to that of Java Indonesia?
A. They are neighboring countries
B. They have choruses with large orchestra
C. They influenced one another in terms of music
D. They have instruments that produce the same sound.
Instructions: Choose the letter of the best answer.
3. Batik textile is famous in the countries below 10. A process to create patterns by tying and dying the
except. portions of the yarn before weaving begins.
A. Brunei A. dying
B. Indonesia B. ikat technique
C. Malaysia C. Sericulture
D. Thailand D. uneven twill
4. Below are countries of Southeast Asia except: 11. What fabric is found in Vietnam?
A. China A. batik
B. Laos B. ikat
C. Myanmar C. golden thread silk
D. Thailand D. Sihn
5. What is the name of the famous stone carving in 12. Below are motifs of Vietnamese paintings except:
Cambodia? A. landscapes
A. Angkor wat B. pagodas
B. Famosa C. scenes of daily life
C. Stone art D. temple
D. Wat Pho
13. It is a type of carving that decorates the doors,
6. What country can we find Golden threads silks that walls, and windows of Malay houses.
can be used as patterns containing centuries-old A. bas form
symbols and characters? B. metal carvings
A. Cambodia C. relief carving
B. Malaysia D. wood carving
C. Singapore
D. Vietnam 14. Below are motifs of Batik except:
A. birds
7. These are made from rice paper with a bamboo B. flowers
frame, which contain a fuel cell or small candle. C. leaves
A. sky Lantern D. crabs
B. songkok
C. wau kite 15. What handicraft of Cambodia is used for their
D. wayang kulit daily livelihood?
A. baskets
8. It is a cap widely worn mostly among Muslim males B. cap guitar
in formal gatherings. C. fabric
A. sky lantern D. guitar
Instructions: Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer.
Column A Column B
_______ 1. Sex A. outward expression of gender identity
_______ 2. Gender B. equal enjoyment of human rights
_______ 3. Gender role C. influences how people perceive themselves.
_______ 4. Gender equality D. biological attributes
5. Which action speaks for gender? 10. It is a way to say “No” to something that you don't
A. Ronnie uses her cellphone every day. want to do.
B. Kimberly enjoys watching the dogs. A. refusal skill
C. Rene carries a tub of water. B. setting goals
D. Yaniel visits her dad. C. practicing wellness
D. making good decisions
6. What sentence DOES NOT refer to Gender Role?
A. The children help the chores at home. 11. These are refusal skills EXCEPT
B. Inday Vivian plays her cellphone every day. A. change the subject
C. Manang Janet cooks food for her children. B. walk away or avoid the situation
D. Manoy Jeffrey drives tricycad to feed his family. C. maintain the friendship, join the activities with
7. It is a communicable disease caused by risky sexual D. be true to yourself and to your belief. Give reasons
behavior spread from person to person. for saying NO
C. risky sexual relationship 12. It is a communicable disease caused by risky
B. COVID19 sexual behavior spread from person
D. Sexually transmitted Infection to person.
8. It is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted C. risky sexual relationship
diseases. B. COVID19
A. prayer D. Sexually transmitted Infection
B. safe sex
C. sexual abstinence 13. It is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted
D. social distancing in public places diseases.
A. prayer
9. Which statement shows the importance of human B. safe sex
sexuality? C. sexual abstinence
A. Students will learn that each of them has sexual D. social distancing in public places
B. Young people will understand that they develop in 14. These are the common symptoms of sexually
all aspects transmitted diseases EXCEPT
C. Teenagers will be more aware of boyfriend and A. discharge from the genitals
girlfriend relationships. B. faster heartbeat
D. Human sexuality can help build good relationships C. flu-like symptom
with oneself and to other people. D. painful urination