Shruti Agarwal
School of Business, Galgotias University
Jully 2022
Certificate of Approval
The following Summer Internship Project Report titled " Human Resource Trainee " is hereby
approved as a certified study in management carried out and presented in a manner satisfactory to
warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite for the award of Master of Business Administration for
which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned do not surely
endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn therein but approve
the Summer Internship Project Report only for the purpose it is submitted to the Summer Internship
Project Report Examination Committee for evaluation of Summer Internship Project Report
Name Signature
Certificate from Summer Internship Project Guide
This is to certify that Ms. Shruti Agarwal, a student of the Master of Business Administration has
worked under my guidance and supervision. This Summer Internship Project Report has the requisite
standard and to the best of my knowledge no part of it has been taken from any other summer
Internship project, monograph, report or book.
Dzire groups
Internship Certificate
I, "Shruti Agarwal”, hereby declare that the work presented herein is authentic
work done originally by me and has not been published or submitted anywhere
else. Any literature, data or work done by others and cited within the report has
been given due acknowledgement and listed within the reference section.
Shruti Agarwal
Executive Summary
This is an attempt to know how the classroom theories can be applied to the practical situation. As
a student of MBA, it is a part of study for everyone to undergo summer internship at some
organization. So, for this purpose, I got an opportunity to do my summer internship at DZIRE
GROUPS. In this is comprehensive report, I have discussed about every major aspect of the
company which I have observed and perceived during my internship tenure. The first part
comprises the detail about the company from the time of its incorporation to the current position.
Along with its processes, policies, and procedures. During my internship program. I have mainly
worked in Personnel Department which consists of major functions of Human Resources. All the
departments have been discussed in detail. The main purpose of the internship is to learn by
working in practical environment and to apply the acquired during the studies in a real-world
scenario to tackle the problems using the knowledge and skill learned during the academic process.
This report covers many important aspects which are related with operations and management. In
the end the learning and observations which I have undergone during my internship project. This
report also contains my perceptions, motivation level and the working environment of the
During my internship I gained practical knowledge on how the human resource division of an
organization operates and coordinates its activities to ensure smooth functioning of the
organization at all levels by ensuring right numbers of people are available at the right time to do
the right job. Not only that I have also gained insight into the working culture of the organization
and observed how DZIRE GROUPS handles its employees with value and empowerment to ensure
they are motivated to give their best to the organization.
HRM refers to the management of all decisions within an organization that are related to people. It
concentrates on making the most of the human resources that are at the disposal of the organization
and enhances the performance of employees to achieve the organization’s objectives. HRM ensures
the seamless and effective application of policies and processes in the business. HRM is there to
keep the balance between employee needs and satisfaction and an organization’s profitability and
capability to reach its objectives.
The report starts with an organization profile of DZIRE GROUPS giving its background, mission,
vision, its products and services, the hierarchy and organogram of the organization. The next
section is the comprises the project, Human Resource Management in Air India. The project
encompasses introduction to the topic, recruitment, selection, training, and development. Each
chapter contains detailed discussion of the HR functions followed by Organization Practice at
DZIRE GROUPS which basically conveys how things are done in the HR Department.
This Report would not have been possible without the guidance and the help of several
individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in
the preparation and completion of this study.
I would like to express my gratitude to Galgotias University for including internship program as a
three-credit course which has provided an opportunity to gain practical working experience in the
My sincere gratitude to Ms. Afreen Khan, Human Resource Director, for giving me a chance to do
my internship in the HR Department of this organization, DZIRE GROUPS. I am thankful to M,s.
Afreen Khan Human Resource Head for devoting time from their busy schedule and explaining
how work is being done in HRD and assigning me with various tasks during these 2 months of
internship period.
Lastly, I would like to thank Ms. Rashi Mittal of School of Business, Galgotias University for
their valuable Instructions and Guidance during the Internship program.
Shruti Agarwal
Table of content
S. No Particulars Page No.
Industry Guide Certificate 4
Mentor Certificate 5
Acknowledgement 10
Table of contents 11
I Introduction 13
II Company profile 14 - 15
III Objective 16 – 17
IV Methodology 18 – 25
V Recommendations 26
VI Analysis 27
VII Conclusion 28
IX Bibliography 29
X Plagiarism Report 30
XI Attendance Sheet 31
XII Annexure 32 - 50
List of Figures
S. No Particulars Page No.
I Company Logo 14
II Application Page 18 - 19
Galgotias University is the conscientious learning centre where students at different levels prepare
to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. It offers premier graduate program of
Masters of Business Administration (MBA) which requires the students to complete a three credit
hours of internship program. After the completion of internship, the students are required to
prepare a project report on a topic relevant to the work they were assigned during the internship.
An intern has to prepare project report at the end of the internship period, but the main objective of
the internship is to get the hands-on experience of the real-world organization. It also helps to
develop the skills required to handle the day-to-day operation in an organization. This will allow
the students to be prepared for the upcoming corporate challenges by experiencing real time
working environment.
Upon subsequent research to find the best suitable organization to match both my major and area of
interest, I selected the PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT of DZIRE GROUPS supremely known for
its well-defined quality flight services. This internship program was approved by School of
business , affiliated to Galgotias University (GU).
The Faculty of Management, GU has its ultimate objectives of preparing student for professional
pursuits of business, industry, and government. The core objective of the internship is to fulfil the
requirement of the MBA program as prescribed by the GU. Apart from this, the internship was
completed with the objective of getting practical knowledge in the HR department of DZIRE
More specifically, the objectives of the internship were as under:
• To gain practical experience of the jobs carried out in the HR Department of DZIRE
• To compare the theoretical knowledge of HR with the practical experiences carried out.
• Clarify personal interests, skills, and competencies, and their implementation towards
development of career goals.
• To gain ideas from the experienced people working for HR department.
• To work in a team.
Company Profile
DZIRE GROUP was established in 2017 by a group of professionals from varied
industries having vast Technical & Managerial experience with a vision to provides
3600 HR solutions in recruitment, training, pay rolling, manpower sourcing, career
management/ counselling.
Dzire Group is one of the most open and transparent related to its working field, we share
information good and bad – so we can continuously learn, collaborate and make the right
decisions. We are also innovative. ask how? As we actively pursue new and different
ways to further the Dzire Group’s mission. We forge our own path by challenging the
status quo. We believe that unity defines the quality of work with respect and complete
compassion we are following the path of being quality with integrity. We are inclusive, fair,
and humble while remaining confident; we do the right things, period.
We are a progressive staffing service dedicated to customer needs through a family-oriented, respectful,
and accountable approach in making
We are committed to provide the best skill training with total involvement of all the members of the
organization to attain continual improvement in achieving satisfaction of trainees, Industries and the Society.
The objective of the study
My objective of doing this Internship is to gain 360 degree exposure to the business world
and how does it works.
Some of the major reasons of doing this internship are as follows;
• Application of education and career exploration. Internships are a great way to apply
the knowledge from the classroom to real-world experience and the same thing is
provided to me by Dzire Groups. Learning is one thing, but taking those skills into the
work area and applying them is a good way to explore different career paths and
specializations that is suitable for individual interests.
• Having an internship gives you experience in the career field. Not only does this give
individuals an edge over other competitors when applying for jobs, it also prepares
them for what and how much to expect in their field and increases confidence in their
• Having an internship benefits you in the working environment, and it also builds your
professional network. There is a 1 out of 16 chance at getting some work by
interfacing with individuals, so networking is basic. Internships provide a great
environment to meet experts in the career field you want to pursue, as well as other
interns who have same type of interests.
• Internships can provide students with the soft skills needed in the job and in
leadership positions. Skills, such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and
teamwork can all be learned through an internship and can be utilized that experience.
• Learn how a professional workplace operates. Depending on your major, you will
examine how organizations thrive and perform in textbooks, hear from guest speakers
who mention about organizational structures, or dive into case studies about
workplace culture, but nothing compares to living the particular experience.
Internships help students learn all about workplace culture, employee relations, and
leadership structure, which should help them onboard in their first professional job
with more ease than if they haven’t had professional experience.
• Build your resume. Most organizations and jobs that you simply apply to following
graduation want employees to process some kind of professional experience, even for
entry-level jobs. In the event that you simply are a finalist for an edge and haven’t had
an internship experience but the opposite finalist has, you will lose out on
employment opportunity, so confirm you minimum have one internship on your
resume before leaving college to offer you a leg up on the competition.
• Gain professional feedback. Not only will you be helping out the organization you
intern with, but they’ll assist you out too. While professors and teachers will prepare
you for the theoretical side of your field and hands-on projects, internships provide
opportunities for receiving feedback from someone who works in your desired field
on a daily basis.
• Learn from others. It might seem common sense – you’re interning to find out skills,
in any case – but don’t forget to purposefully observe others in their job role to learn
the ins and outs of different positions. Consider asking your supervisor if you can
shadow them for a day, along with other people in your department. Ask to take a sit
in on department wide meetings also. Act sort of a sponge and soak up all the
knowledge you can during your internship – it will benefit you in the long run.
• Figure out what you like and don’t like. While everyone probably wants to steer far
away from an internship feeling excited and passionate about the experience, there’s a
silver-lining to be found if you didn’t enjoy the job: you’ll know what you don’t like.
According to an article from, “figuring out what sort of job you don’t
want while you’re interning can help prevent you from accepting an ill-fitting job
once you graduate.”
Area of Operation :
During the six weeks of internship period in the organization as an intern, I decided to work under
HR Department where I could learn some important aspects of HR functions and understand the
corporate culture of an aviation Industry and also bring in some fresh ideas to the department. My
specialization in MBA, for obvious reasons I took up the internship in DZIRE GROUPS in
personnel department . I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to do the internship program
in such a well-staffed organization.
What We Believe
We believe in professional hospitality service for profit. Our Human Resources philosophy is to
provide employee recruitment and retention programs which produce optimum employee
satisfaction and performance. We are enablers that support people in reaching their full potential
by giving managers and employees the tools to develop and succeed in their roles.
What We Do
1. HR representatives initiate partnerships with all managers and supervisors of the organisation in
order to serve all parties in the best interest of the organisation.
2. HR representatives have a coaching role to all employees, without creating "The doctor is in"
syndrome. Thus, our role is always to go to the source of the issue, while limiting our role as
3. The Corporate HR and Legal staff are resources to consult when confronted with issues, or when
outside feedback may be seen as beneficial.
4. HR Representatives should develop business strategies that are in alignment with the airline’s
objectives, by focusing on all aspects of the human asset.
RESEARCH is a ‘’careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any
branch of knowledge’’.
The data has been collected from both the sources primary and secondary sources.
Primary Data:
Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to employees.
The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into account the parameters of my study.
Secondary Data:
Data was collected from web sites, going through the records of the organisation, etc. It is the data
which has been collected by individual or someone else for the purpose of other than those of our
research study. Or in other words we can say that secondary data is the data used previously for the
analysis and the results are undertaken for the next process.
This kind of research has the primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It
studies the main area where the problem lies and tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of
A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees was not possible so a sample was
chosen that consisted of 25 employees. The research was taken by necessary steps to avoid any
biased while collecting the data.
The data collected from both the sources is analyzed and interpreted in the systematic manner
with the help of statistical tool like percentages.
A research design is the arrangement of the condition for collection and analysis of data
in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the information
needed to structure or to solve problems. It is the overall operation pattern or framework of the
project that stipulates what information is to be collected from which source and be what
Based on my Six-week term as an intern, I realized that I was successful to gather a lot of
significant learning experiences which would be helpful in my future career. The HR department
of DZIRE GROUPS offered me ample space and opportunities, not only to learn but also to exhibit
my skills as a HR team member. My contributions were well recognized by the organization. I
successfully completed all the assigned duties and handed them over to the senior supervisor at the
end of the internship.
Format No: GU/M-30/ Form-1
F-3 Student Internship Undertaking
In my own interest, I am willing to complete internship at Dzire Groups from 08/05 / 2023
to 08 /07 / 2023. I hereby give an undertaking as under.
• I will strictly abide by all rules and regulations of the industry/Institute and Galgotias
University, Uttar Pradesh.
• I shall be responsible for my conduct and own safety at the industry/Institute and
Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh shall not be responsible for this in any manner.
• I shall take care of my personal belongings. I shall not make any claim and no type of
any claim shall be made in my respect and on my behalf by anyone in respect of any
loss or injury to me (including fatal injury or death) or to the property of mine which
may suffer or occur during the above mentioned Programme.
• I will not act in any manner that defames the industry/Institute and Galgotias
University, Uttar Pradesh, in any manner whatsoever.
• I will not claim the expenses over & above for stay & mess to the Industry/Institute or
to the University.
• I will regardless of age, may not use or be in possession or under the influence of
alcohol or unauthorized drugs on either the industry premises or place of stay
(Hostel/ rental accommodation) Violation of this regulation may result in suspension
or expulsion from the university. I will maintain confidentiality of work-related
projects and personnel.
• I will familiarize myself with, and adhere to, relevant organizational arrangements,
procedures, and functions.
• I will understand what constitutes a permissible work absence and who to notify if
absent, be prompt with being on time to work and with assignments; give it my best
• I will report changes in work schedule, supervision, or problems at the site to the
internship coordinator and industry supervisor.
• If I feel victimized by a work-related incident, I will contact the internship coordinator
• I will dress appropriately for the work setting.
• I will follow through on commitments.
• I will not conduct personal business during work hours (i.e. e-mails, cell phones, and
• I will keep a positive attitude, open mind; avoid jumping to conclusions; try to make
informed judgments.
• I will communicate – keep people informed in a useful and succinct way, listen and
ask questions.
• I will be fair, considerate, honest, trustworthy, and cooperative when dealing with
• I will assert ideas in an appropriate and tactful manner, seek feedback from
supervisors, accept suggestions for corrective changes in behavior and attempt to
improve performance.
• I will accept constructive criticism and continuously strive to improve performance,
seek to enhance professional effectiveness by improving skills and acquiring new
• I am fully aware that no faculty coordinator is accompanying me and no coordinator
is appointed on behalf of the university at the place of internship.
Date: Signature: Gaurav Kumar Sonkar
Place: Noida Name of Student:
Gaurav Kumar Sonkar
Department: SOB Phone Number: 7238010580
Semester;III Section-Roll No: 21GSOB2010094
I have allowed my ward Gaurav Kumar Sonkar for the above-mentioned
Internship and instructed him/her to take due precaution for safety and discipline as listed
above. I also undertake that the Industry/Institute or the university shall in no way be
responsible for any loss or injury to my ward during the Programme.
Date: Signature
Place: GHAZIPUR Name of Parent: JUGGI LAL
• Knowledge and Understanding: Startup Working Knowledge • Skills:
Communication Skill, Management Skill, Analytical Skill.
• Learning Activities: Worked in different area of the company to gain
• On the job: Got the glimpses of different area of a business that helped me in
getting the overview of organization. It helped me to understand the working of
• Teaching/Mentoring Activities: I used my technical skill for analysis purpose. Now
I can share those skills with my peers.
• Off the job: List reading, writing, contact with faculty supervisor, peer group
discussion and observations.
• Evaluation: Oral Presentation.
Supervision: I required very few instruction, all the instruction were given in initial
days about the work.
Evaluation: My work performance will be evaluated by Vignesh Jayaraman sir after the
completion of the internship.
Details of Industry: Simmi Foundation work basically for incubation centre in different sector
as education as well as in health sector
On a scale of 1to 5 5
provide utility of
this training on
your profession.
1 (no use),
Gaurav Kr Sonkar
Signature of student Name & Signature of Faculty Mentor
Index – Logbook
Weekly Report -1
Weekly Report
Weekly Report
24 July 2021 – Lead Generation through Calling and Mailing and Report
Weekly Report
Weekly Report
Weekly Report
Weekly Report
communication skills
Provided a chance to
use leadership skills
(influence others,
develop ideas with ✓
others, stimulate
decision-making and
Expanded my
sensitivity to the ethical ✓
implications of the work
Made it possible for me ✓
to be more confident in
new situations
Given me a chance to ✓
improve my
interpersonal skills
Helped me learn to ✓
handle responsibility
and use my time wisely
Allowed me to acquire
information and/ or use
equipment not available ✓
at my Institute
In the Institute internship program, faculty members are expected to be mentors for students. Do
you feel that your faculty coordinator served such a function? Why or why not?
Yes, she helped me throughout the internship.
Weekly Report
How well were you able to accomplish the initial goals, tasks and new skills that were set down
in your learning contract? In what ways were you able to take a new direction or expand beyond
your contract? Why were some goals not accomplished adequately?
I did all the works assigned to me, I learned new skills to complete my work. My
communication skill developed there.
In what areas did you most develop and improve?
Communication and Interpersonal Skill
What has been the most significant accomplishment or satisfying moment of your internship?
Give suggestions as to how your internship experience could have been improved.
If it would have been Work from office, it must have given me some good experience.
Signature: Date
During this period, she has shown good interest in the assignment/works given to them and
worked hard.
Weekly Report
Students have worked during internship period on following project/industrial problem under
the guidance of Ms. Afreen Khan (HR Director).
During their tenure of internship, they were hard working and focused on activities assigned
to them. Project work submitted by them has the potential to save cost up to Rs. NA
lakh/year. Also, they were entitled for stipend of Rs. NIL /- per month along with canteen,
transportation & accommodation facilities.
Students have worked during internship period on following project/industrial problem under
the guidance of Ms. Afreen Khan (HR Director).
Weekly Report
Industry has spent Rs. NIL*** amount on their ideas/industries problem, which they have
successfully implemented.
Afreen Khan
Dzire Groups
Afreen Khan
Weekly Report
Dzire Groups