CI4305 Lines
CI4305 Lines
CI4305 Lines
Corrosion of Concrete
Members of ACI Committee 201 Task Group 5 explain the science of biogenic
acidification in sewer system structures
by Samuel J. Lines, David A. Rothstein, Brent Rollins, and Charles (Chuck) Alt
espite being one of the most durable construction
materials, concrete can exhibit deterioration resulting
from contact with chemicals, minerals, or
environmental conditions. Common mechanisms of
deterioration include damage from freezing and thawing, salt
attack, and carbonation. A lesser-known cause of deterioration
is microbially induced corrosion of concrete (MICC).
The root cause of MICC has been well documented; after
World War II, C.D. Parker discovered that a sulfur-oxidizing
bacterium, Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, was involved in
converting hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas into sulfuric acid
(H2SO4).1 Parker originally called these bacteria Thiobacillus
concretivorus because they eat concrete. The acid attacks the
concrete, causing the surface to erode or “corrode,” as it is
termed in the sewer infrastructure literature (not to be Fig. 1: A schematic representation of pH versus time for the three-
confused with reinforcing steel corrosion). Since the initial stage process of MICC
identification of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, others have
confirmed that it is the primary bacteria that causes MICC of
concrete pipes in sewer systems.2 These bacteria live at a very silicate hydrate (CSH) constituents of concrete that provide
low pH, perhaps 2 to 4, whereas concrete has a pH of about this high alkalinity.
13 after manufacture. The high initial pH of new concrete Phase three is the acid corrosion phase. Acidithiobacillus
provides a period of immunity to most bacterial growth. As thiooxidans, an acidophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (ASOB),
the surface pH of the concrete is lowered by carbonation and produces a strong H2SO4, rapidly deteriorating the concrete.
sewer gases, however, it becomes more hospitable to hosting Under extreme conditions, with high H2S gas concentrations
bacterial colonies. above the sewer liquid level, the erosion rate can reach up to
Based on work by Islander et al.3 and confirmed by House,4 1/2 in./year (12 mm/year). Depending on concrete quality and
the corrosion process has three distinct phases (Fig. 1). Phase sewer conditions, it can take anywhere from 2 to 15 years for
one is carbonation of the concrete. Over time, the natural the final phase to cause significant damage.
process of carbonation will gradually lower the pH of the
concrete to below 9. Phase two is the biological attachment Sewer System Issues
phase, when neutrophilic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (NSOB) From the 1940s through the 1970s, the United States
such as Thiomonas intermedia, Halothiobacillus neapolitanus, experienced rapid development of suburbs, resulting in the
and Thiobacillus thioparus will begin to colonize. Sand and creation of massive networks of underground infrastructure to
Bock,5 as well as Cho and Mori,6 state that these species are handle sewer waste. Many of these networks consisted of
required for Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans to colonize. Acids combined sewer systems, designed to collect rainwater runoff,
react with the calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) and calcium domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater in the same pipe.
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ACI member Samuel J. Lines is the Brent Rollins is the Vice President of
Engineering Manager for Concrete Business Development and Research
Sealants, Inc., Tipp City, OH, USA. and Development for Spray-Lock
He has 30 years of experience in the Concrete Protection® LLC, a producer of
precast concrete industry, and he has colloidal silica based in Chattanooga, TN,
studied microbially induced corrosion USA. Before joining the company in May
of concrete for over 20 years. He is a 2017, he spent 7 years as a university
member of ACI Committees 121, Quality researcher and consultant and 20 years
Assurance Systems for Concrete; 201, in the ready mixed concrete industry.
Durability of Concrete; and 241, Nanotechnology of Concrete. Rollins has consulted and published globally, principally on the
Lines is Chair of ASTM Committee C27, Precast Concrete topics of concrete durability and infrastructure resilience, and he
Products, and is active in ASTM Committees C09, Concrete and serves on several committees with ACI and ASTM International.
Concrete Aggregates, and C13, Concrete Pipe. In 2020, he was
elected to serve a 3-year term on the Board of Directors for the ACI member Charles (Chuck) Alt is
National Precast Concrete Association. Lines received his BS the Technical Service Director with
in management and his MBA from Indiana Wesleyan University, Imerys, Chesapeake, VA, USA, at the
Marion, IN, USA. company’s calcium aluminate site. He
is a member of ACI Committees 223,
David A. Rothstein, FACI, is the Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete,
Principal Petrographer of DRP, A Twining and 242, Alternative Cements. He is
Company, Boulder, CO, USA. He has Chair of ASTM Subcommittee C01.13,
25 years of experience as a concrete Special Cements, and is active on ASTM
petrographer. Rothstein serves on Committees C01, Cement; C09, Concrete
several technical committees, including and Concrete Aggregates; and C13, Concrete Pipe. He is also a
ACI Committees 201, Durability of member of the International Concrete Repair Institute, American
Concrete; 221, Aggregates; 236, Ceramic Society, and Association of Materials Protection and
Material Science of Concrete; and Performance (formerly NACE). Alt received his BS in ceramic
524, Plastering. He received his BS in engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA,
geology from the University of Wisconsin; his MS in geology and his MBA from the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg,
from Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ, USA; and his VA, USA.
PhD in geology from the University of California–Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA, USA. He was a postdoctoral researcher in the
Department of Civil Engineering at Northwestern University,
Evanston, IL, USA. Rothstein is a licensed geologist in California
and Illinois.
Se ha sugerido que la Ley de Aguas Limpias de 19779 El dióxido de carbono (CO2), el ácido tiosulfúrico y
y la Ley de Calidad del Agua de 198710 afectaron la otros ácidos suaves reducen abióticamente el pH
severidad de la degradación en las alcantarillas al del concreto a cerca de 9. Este proceso puede durar
reducir el flujo de las aguas residuales que fluyen meses o incluso años, dependiendo de la calidad del
en los drenajes11. La nueva normativa provocó el concreto. Una vez que el pH del concreto está por
desvío de las aguas pluviales de los sistemas de debajo de 9, comienza la colonización por parte de
alcantarillado, lo que redujo en gran medida tanto el los microorganismos alcalófilos. Entre ellos, una cepa
volumen de líquido como los metales tóxicos para los de Thiobacillus comienza a colonizar a esa que es
microbios en las alcantarillas sanitarias. La reducción aeróbica (requiere oxígeno). Estas bacterias convierten
del caudal y de los metales tóxicos creó así un entorno el H2S en H2SO4. El débil H2SO4 producido por esta
propicio para el aumento de las cantidades de gas cepa reduce el pH del concreto hasta que se extingue
H2S. Lamentablemente, los modelos de predicción y otra cepa lo coloniza. Cada cepa de Thiobacillus
existentes no consideraban adecuadamente estos aeróbica produce un H2SO4 más fuerte que la anterior.
cambios. Aunque todo el concreto puede ser susceptible de sufrir
En el siguiente paso de este proceso, el concreto se desintegra aún más. Después de que el H2SO4 consuma
el Ca(OH)2, reacciona químicamente con los aluminatos presentes en la pasta de cemento. Esta reacción forma
etringita, un compuesto de sulfoaluminato expansivo. A medida que se forma la etringita, se produce una expansión
interna, que a su vez provoca la aparición de grietas y desprendimientos. Esta cadena de acontecimientos permite una
mayor penetración, el acceso al Ca(OH)2 y una bola de nieve de reacciones químicas y daños en el concreto (Fig. 3).