Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
We are trying to not move heavy items back to home. It makes no difference if
they are sold locally or in a remote place? In this case, a trade application on
mobile phone which just focuses on a single university is necessary.
➢ Freshers can buy required goods, which not only reduces the cost but they can transport easily.
➢ It improves efficiency and reduce the work.
➢ Reduces the waste with in the campus (matrices, books, stationary)
➢ This app helps students to get information about the products
➢ available in the campus.
➢ User-Friendly.
➢ Mobile-Friendly Website.
➢ High-Resolution Photos & Video.
➢ User-Generated Reviews.
➢ Special Offers.
➢ Wish Lists.
➢ Find-in-Store.
➢ Related Items.
➢ Students come from all over the country and even from abroad so initially, language is a barrier to
with the local shopkeepers here and with this app they feel comfortable to trade.
➢Clearly defining your goals. Clearly defining your goals and requirements will
make or break your web app.
➢Choosing the right tech stack.
➢User Experience.
➢UI & simplistic design.
➢Performance and speed.
➢Web security threats.
1. Clearly defining your goals.
Clearly defining your goals and requirements will make or break your web app. Many of the other
challenges that we’ll talk about later, such as application performance and speed, can be almost
entirely addressed by making thoughtful choices during the planning stage. It all starts with your
vision for your app. That affects everything that follows. The key requirements for an enterprise-level
collaborative app are different than the requirements for a fitness app or a game. There are a few key
considerations in any development process:
Throughout this section we’re going to talk about tech stacks. They’re a combination of
programming languages, frameworks, servers, software and other tools used by developers. In
essence, they’re the set of technologies a web development and design agency uses to build a
web or mobile app development.
You should always choose a tech stack that aligns with the problems you are trying to solve. For
example, you probably won’t need a complex tech stack for a simple web application, or a tech
stack that helps you optimize for scalability when your user base will be a consistent size.
You should consider whether your tech stack is widely used in the industry. With industry-
standard tech stacks, you will have a large pool of skilled developers to draw from for your
initial build and future requirements.
Make sure to choose a tech stack that has thorough documentation. It’s almost inevitable that
you’ll run into a troubleshooting problem at some point during development. Great
documentation and support can save you time, money and hassle.
3. User Experience
➢User experience encapsulates the reactions, perceptions, and feelings your users experience
while engaged in your application. It’s the feeling of ease and simplicity that you get from great
design. It’s also the frustration that you feel when interacting with poor design.
➢That’s why it’s important to think about the overall impression you want to leave on your
users before you start making detailed decisions about how to build it.
➢If you deliver effectively to the deeper needs of all your users – providing pleasure,
engagement, and an overall emotional appeal – your application can become a central part of
your users’ day-to-day lives and deliver to your business goals.
4. UI & simplistic design
➢User Interface (UI) design includes all the visual elements your users interact with on your
web application. It is everything that your users see on their screens and everything they click
on to guide them through the experience.
➢Great UI design certainly makes your application visually appealing, but it goes beyond just
simple aesthetics. The goal is to make the actual user experience simple and accessible – and
usable. This means using only a targeted, purposeful selection of copy and content, making
clear the options your users have throughout the experience and ensuring information is readily
available at each step.
5. Performance and speed
No user likes slow load times. And they can have real consequences for your business. If your
application is slow, users won’t wait. They’ll leave. This is the reality of web application
development issues today. You may only get a single chance to hook a user on your product.So, if
you know that you’re building an application with a lot of content (e.g. videos), you should
outline that upfront so your developers can build a more robust application to ensure
performance. Likewise, be clear about any intentions you have to scale your application rapidly.
6. Scalability
The challenge of scalability relates to how you want your application to develop over time. If you
want your application built right today, you’ll need to know as much as possible about what you
need it to do in the future.
Your application might include fairly lean content at launch but, a year or two in, you could be
planning a detailed, expansive content-rich experience. This is where extensibility comes in.
Extensibility is when an application is initially designed to incorporate new capabilities and
functionality in the future. This can be integrated right from the start of the development process.
If you can articulate a long-term vision for your app, it can be built to grow and evolve over time.
Our Design powered by world class creative talent. We are a multi-disciplinary
group of product, brand, industrial, visual, motion, education, voice, and
experience designers. We are researchers, technologists, writers and editors,
artists, animators, architects, filmmakers, photographers, producers, program
managers, and much, much more. All Amazon teams and businesses are guided by
four key tenets: customer obsession rather than competitor focus, passion for
invention, commitment to operational excellence, and long-term thinking. We are
driven by the excitement of building technologies, inventing products, and
providing services that transform the way our customers live their lives and run
their businesses. Our diverse array of career opportunities span these
multidisciplinary verticals: Advertising
➢Digital Entertainment
➢Alexa Design
➢Retail Engagement
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