Mark Scheme Verse Literature B

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GCSE (9–1)

Classical Greek

J292/05: Verse Literature B

General Certificate of Secondary Education

Mark Scheme for June 2019

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the
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examiners’ meeting before marking commenced.

All examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in
candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and the
report on the examination.

© OCR 2019

Annotation Meaning

Blank page

Benefit of doubt


Harmful addition

Omission mark
J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Question Answer Mark Guidance

1 (a) Any two of the following: AO2
She is putting Admetus’ life before her own (1) 2
(She has decided that) Admetus should live (1)
She wishes to honour her husband (1)

1 (b) She is upset/annoyed/bitter/not entirely happy about AO3 Accept valid alternatives
sacrificing her life (1) 1
To show what she is giving up for Admetus (1)

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019
Question Answer Mark Guidance
2 Accept any two points and award up to two marks AO3
each. Assess against point-by-point marking grid 4

2 Expresses a valid point based on a relevant

aspect(s) of content or aspect of literary
style, with accurate, relevant and suitably
explained reference to the Greek.
1 Expresses a valid point, but is not fully
supported by an appropriate selection of
content or aspect of literary style or
reference to the Greek.
0 Point is not valid, or none are drawn.

Answers may include:

 Alcestis’ (premature) death was not inevitable, as
it would have made more sense for Admetus’
parents to volunteer (μόνος … τέκνα)
 promotion of μόνος emphasises the obligation on
his parents / the logic of them volunteering
 polysyndeton (κἀγώ … ὠρφάνευες) shows
how much better things could have been
 repetition of words suggesting isolation (μόνος,
μονωθεὶς, ὠρφάνευες) creates pathos.

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019
Guidance on applying the marking grids for the 5-mark set text translation

The mark scheme awards marks for the proportion of sense communicated. If a candidate has communicated the ‘gist’ of a sentence (e.g.
they know who has done what to whom) they will score 5, 4 or 3 marks. If they have not understood the basic sense of the sentence, they will
score a maximum of 2. A completely correct translation with no omissions or errors will always score 5. The key judgment for a candidate who
has demonstrated understanding of the overall meaning of the sentence is whether they should score 5, 4 or 3. This will depend on the gravity
of their errors/omissions and may depend on the number of words in the sentence to be translated or the difficulty of the Greek and is usually
decided at standardisation after a judgment has been formed about the performance of candidates. The final decisions on what constitute
‘inconsequential’ and ‘more serious errors’ will be made and communicated to assessors via the standardisation process (after full
consideration of candidates’ responses) and these decisions will be captured in the final mark scheme for examiners and centres. A word
containing more than one error should be treated as a maximum of one serious error. Repeated and consequential vocabulary errors should
not be penalised.

5 Perfectly accurate with no errors or omissions, or one inconsequential error.

4 Essentially correct but two inconsequential errors or one more serious error.
3 Overall meaning clear, but more serious errors or omissions.
2 Part correct but with overall sense lacking/unclear.
1 No continuous sense; isolated knowledge of vocabulary only.
0 = No response or no response worthy of credit.

Question Answer Mark Guidance

3 Assess against criteria in the 5-mark translation AO2 The following examples are intended to exemplify what
grid (see above). 5 might constitute an inconsequential and more serious
Suggested translation:
Inconsequential error
Allow these (children) to be in charge of my house and τεκνοις - ‘child’ (singular for plural)
do not marry again a stepmother to these children,
one who, being a worse wife than me because of her More serious error
envy, will lay her hand on/strike your and my children.
Omission of ‘these’ (τοῖσδε)
So don’t do these things, I beg of you.

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Question Answer Mark Guidance

4 (a) οὐκ ἐτήσιον (1) AO2 Accept valid alternative translations.
not [just] for a year (1) 2
ἔστ᾽ ἂν αἰὼν οὑμὸς ἀντέχῃ (1)
[as long as] my life lasts (1)

4 (b) Accept any two points and award up to two marks AO3 Accept valid alternatives.
each. Assess against point-by-point marking grid 4
2 expresses a valid point based on a relevant
aspect(s) of content or aspect of literary
style, with accurate, relevant and suitably
explained reference to the Greek.
1 expresses a valid point, but is not fully
supported by an appropriate selection of
content or aspect of literary style or
reference to the Greek.
0 Point is not valid, or none are drawn.

Answers may include:

 strong vocabulary (στυγῶν, ἐχθαίρων),
especially when unexpectedly describing his
 στυγῶν, ἐχθαίρων also promoted to the start
of their clauses
 μὲν … δ’ highlights the hatred of both parents
 enjambement of πατέρα
 contrast of their love for him being in word only,
not in deed (λόγῳ γὰρ ἦσαν οὐκ ἔργῳ
 reducing the concept of mother to the phrase ἡ

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

4 (c) Any two of: AO2

She has given up the things dearest (to her) (1) 2
and saved him (1)
by dying in his place (1)

Question Answer Mark Guidance

5 (a) Any five of: AO2
An image of Alcestis’ body will be fashioned (1) 5
by a skilled [hand of a] craftsman (1)
and laid out on the bed (1)
He will kneel at / fall upon it (1)
and embrace it (1)
calling her name (1)
and he will think he has his wife (in his arms) (1)

5 (b) (i) Alcestis is meant to feel pity/sympathy for Admetus or AO3 Accept any valid alternatives
Admetus is letting her know he is suffering too (1) 1

5 (b) (ii) Either he describes it as a ‘cold’ (1) comfort/enjoyment AO3 Accept any valid alternatives
(1) 2
Or he says it will ‘lighten’ the ‘weight’ (1) of his heart (1)

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Question Answer Mark Guidance

6 (a) Any two of: AO2
He will not take a new wife (1) 2
over the children (1)
nor will he dishonour her (1)

6 (b) He calls the children a [dear] gift (1) AO2

6 (c) He will have to take on the role of mother [to the AO2 ἀντ᾽ ἐμοῦ not required
children] (1) 1

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Guidance on applying the marking grids for the 8-mark extended response

This question focuses on candidates’ ability to select relevant examples of content and literary style and to structure an answer around these
examples to express relevant points. Therefore candidates will be assessed on the quality of the points made and the range and quality of the
examples they have selected from the passage. Examiners must use a best fit approach to the marking grid. Where there are both strengths
and weaknesses in a particular response, examiners must carefully consider which level is the best fit for the performance overall.

8-mark grid for the extended response question AO3 = 8 marks = Analyse, evaluate and respond to literature
Level Marks Description
4 7–8
very good engagement with the question expresses a range of relevant points, with good development, drawn on a range of well selected
aspects of content and features of literary style, with a good range of appropriate quotation with well thought out discussion

The response is logically structured, with a well-developed, coherent line of reasoning.

3 5–6
good engagement with the question expresses a range of sound points, with some development, drawn on a range of relevant aspects of
content and features of literary style, with a range of appropriate quotation, with sound discussion

The response is well structured with a clear line of reasoning.

2 3–4
some engagement with the question expresses some points drawn on a limited range of aspects of content and/or features of literary
style, with some appropriate quotation and some discussion
The response presents a line of reasoning which is mostly relevant but may lack structure.
1 1–2
little engagement with the question expresses points which are of little relevance and are supported with little evidence from the set text
The information is communicated in an unstructured way.

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Question Answer Mark Guidance

7 Assess against criteria in the 8-mark grid (see AO3 Set edition does not give the speaker for line 391,
above). 8 although it must be Admetus (τάλας is masculine).
Allow for misunderstanding.
Answers may include:
 Stichomythia enhances their immediate
responses to each other in the dialogue
 In particular, they interrupt each other’s thoughts
in line 7 onwards, suggesting a climax of
 Admetus’ desperate appeal to Fate ὦ δαῖμον
 συζυγου potentially emotional choice of word
suggesting a powerful bond
 Admetus’ apparent change of mind as he asks
Alcestis not to leave the children (μὴ λίπῃς
παῖδας σέθεν)
 reference to the children by both Alcestis and
Admetus (παῖδας, τέκνα)
 repetition of ‘farewell’ by Alcestis to the children
and then to her husband (χαίρετ᾽, χαῖρ᾽)
 repetition of βλέψον by Admetus, desperately
wanting her to look at her children and decide to
 strong vocabulary in final line (ἀπωλόμην

J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Guidance on applying the marking grids for the 10-mark extended response

Two Assessment Objectives are being assessed in this question – AO2 (Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of literature) and AO3 (Analyse,
evaluate and respond to literature). The two Assessment Objectives are equally weighted. Examiners must use a best fit approach to the marking grid.
Where there are both strengths and weaknesses in a particular response, particularly imbalanced responses in terms of the assessment objectives,
examiners must carefully consider which level is the best fit for the performance overall. It is impossible to get a mark of 8 made up of AO2 = 6 and AO3 =
Responses are credited for AO2 for the detail and accuracy of the knowledge of the set text they deploy and for their understanding of the set text.
Responses are credited for AO3 for how well the response addresses the question, for candidates selecting relevant examples from the set texts they
have studied and drawing and expressing conclusions based on the selected examples in relation to the question posed. Candidates will be assessed on
the quality of the conclusions and points they argue and the range and quality of the examples they have selected.
For example, in relation to the question ‘To what extent is Odysseus presented as a heroic character in the text you have studied?’, details of the terrible
fear Odysseus elicited in the suitors would be evidence of AO2, whilst concluding that for a Greek audience such a reaction would be evidence of
Odysseus’ heroism, as it depicts him as strong and a formidable opponent, would be evidence of AO3.

10-mark grid for the extended response question AO2 = 5 marks = Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of literature AO3 = 5 marks = Analyse,
evaluate and respond to literature Level Marks Characteristics of performance
5 9–10
detailed knowledge and excellent understanding of the set text (AO2) well-argued response to the question which is supported by a range of well-
selected examples from the set text (AO3)
The response is logically structured, with a well-developed, sustained and coherent line of reasoning.
4 7–8
good knowledge and sound understanding of the set text (AO2) a good response to the question which is supported by some well-selected examples
from the set text (AO3)
The response is logically structured, with a well-developed and clear line of reasoning.
3 5–6
some knowledge and understanding of the set text (AO2) a reasonable response to the question which is supported by some examples from the set
text (AO3)
The response presents a line of reasoning which is mostly relevant and has some structure.
2 3–4
limited knowledge and understanding of the set text (AO2) a limited response to the question which is occasional supported by reference to the set text
The response presents a line of reasoning but may lack structure.
1 1–2
very limited knowledge and understanding of the set text (AO2) a very limited response to the question with very limited reference to the set text (AO3)
The information is communicated in an unstructured way.
0 = No response or no response worthy of credit.
J292/05 Mark Scheme June 2019

Answer Mark Guidance

8 “Admetus and his family are all victims and are deserving of equal 10 made An AO2 heavy response may focus on details from
sympathy.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? up of the set texts but not draw many valid conclusions.
This is likely to limit the level at which this work can
Assess against criteria in the 10-mark essay grid (see above). AO2 = 5 be rewarded.
Arguments may include (AO3): AO3 = 5

Candidates may well agree with the statement that the whole family are
victims of Fate’s plans. They may suggest that Apollo’s intervention,
while well intentioned, has created a very awkward situation. It has
caused a rift between Admetus and his parents and led to Alcestis’ noble
decision to accept an early death herself, even though she need not have
done so.

Perhaps the most important word in the question is ‘equal’. Candidates

are likely to sympathise most with Alcestis, but may also feel that it was
an unfair position for Admetus and his parents to find themselves in.
Alternatively all three of them might be seen as cowardly. Candidates
can of course express any view on this they wish, if supported with

Possible supporting evidence from the prescribed text (AO2):

The refusal of Admetus’ parents to die in his place is a sad background

to the extract studied. Clearly neither Admetus nor Alcestis is very
impressed with this, and it leaves them too with a very hard decision to

The situation does not only affect them, but also their children, who will
grow up without their mother.

Alcestis’ dignity and calmness may be considered to be adding to the

sympathy we feel towards her.

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