Outcome of Surgical Site Infection Following Inguinal Hernia Closure
Outcome of Surgical Site Infection Following Inguinal Hernia Closure
Outcome of Surgical Site Infection Following Inguinal Hernia Closure
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Corresponding author:
Name: Dr. Muhammad Ali
Designation: Consultant Surgeon
TABLE 3: P-value and their details all included in the data analysis. The analysis of the p-values
Categories Surgical site infection p- that follows sheds light on potential relationships and their
Present Absent value implications for SSIs. In a research by Singh S et al., 51.85%
Age 20-30 5(12.5%) 35(87.5%) 0.259 of patients fell into the 45–64 age range, 31.48% of cases fell
group 30-40 10(20%) 40(80%) into the 15–44 age range, and 16.67% of cases fell into the
40-50 22(19.3%) 92(80.7%) 65–plus age range11 . Males made up 60.5% (69 patients) of
gender Male 17(24.6%) 52(75.4%) 0.074 the 114 patients in total that were analyzed, while females
female 5(11.1%) 40(88.9%) made up 39.5% (45 patients). 51.85% of cases in the 45–64
bmi 20-33 4(12.9%) 27(87.1%) 0.261 age range, 31.48% of cases in the 15–44 age range, and
23-25 6(15.8%) 32(84.2%) 16.67% of cases older than 65 years were included in a study
by Singh S et al12. With 35.1% of respondents in the 20–30
25-28 12(26.7%) 33(73.3%)
age range, 43.9% in the 30–40 age range, and 21.1% in the
residence urban 22(29.7%) 52(70.3%) 0.001
40–50 age range, the age spread was remarkable. With this
rural 0(0%) 40(100%)
distribution, representation across several age cohorts is
education uneducated 4(23.5%) 13(76.5%) 0.671 guaranteed, allowing for a thorough examination. According
Ssc 10(21.7%) 36(78.3) to a study by Hariprasad and Srinivas, occurrences of severe
Hssc or 8(15.7%) 43(84.3%) inguinal hernias predominately affect patients between the
above ages of 51 and 60 (22.5%)13. The information examined the
duration 1-3 months 5(8.5%) 54(91.5%) 0.002 connection between home type and BMI as well. The BMI
3-6 months 17(30.9%) 38(69.1%) category with the highest frequency was 25-28 (39.5%),
Hospital 1-3 days 11(20%) 44(80%) 0.855 followed by 23-25 (33.3%) and 20-23 (27.2%). Urban housing
stay 3-6 days 11(18.6%) 48(81.4%) made up 64.9% of all housing, while rural housing made up
Diabetes mellitus 5(21.7%) 18(28.3%) 0.74 35.1%. Increasing public knowledge will likely result in early
detection and a decrease in disease morbidity14. The
17(18.7%) 74(81.3%)
distribution of observed BMI and residences indicates a varied
hypertension 6(35.3%) 11(64.7%) 0.07
patient group. Twenty.2% of patients had diabetes mellitus,
16(16.5%) 81(83.5%) while 14.9% had hypertension. All varieties of open inguinal
hernia procedures have benefits and drawbacks. Tissue tension
IV. DISCUSSION is attributed to existing non-prosthetic healing (Should ice),
which has a recurrence rate that varies from 0.7 to 17%
Inguinal hernia closure procedure-related surgical site depending on experience15. These results highlight the
infections (SSIs) are investigated in the current study in significance of taking pre-existing medical problems that can
connection to a variety of demographic parameters. Age, affect SSIs into account. study reported 85 patients out of 100
gender, BMI, place of residence, education, length of surgery, who had inguinal hernia surgery under local anesthesia were
length of hospital stay, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension are