Asia, Flags Symbols
Asia, Flags Symbols
Asia, Flags Symbols
Capital: Kabul
Region: Central Asia with Iran to the west and
Capital: New Delhi
Pakistan to the east
Symbols: Black - Sovereign Region: Southern Asia, Northern part of Sri Lanka
Red - Progress Symbols: Orange - courage, sacrifice, valor and the
Green - Islam spirit of renunciation
The white coat of arms in the center is a mosque with White - truth, peace and purity of thought
its mihrab facing toward Mecca. The mosque is Green - culture, fertility and faith
surrounded by two sheaves of wheat. Above the coat Blue spinning wheel with 24 spokes- “Ashoka
of arms, the sacred line is written, “There is no God Chakra“eternal wheel of progress and
but Allah and Mohammad is His prophet, and Allah is righteousness.
great.” P Attributes - cold mountains to arid deserts, vast
P Attributes:Tall, forbidding mountains and dry plains, hot and humid plateau and wide sea shores
deserts cover most of its landscape. The jagged and tropical islands, the physical features of India
mountain peaks are treacherous, and are snow cover every terrain.
covered for most of the year. Population: 1,431,234,208
Population: 42,239,854 Language: Hindi, English
Language: Dari, Pushtu, Uzbek, Turkmen Gov’t: Republic
Gov’t: Islamic Republic 5. IRAN
Capital: Bishkek
Region: Central Asia,bounded by Kazakhstan on
the northwest & north,by China on the east &
south, and by Tajikistan & Uzbekistan on the south
& west.
Symbols: Red - bravery & valor of the people Capital: Islamabad
Yellow sun - peace and health Region: Southern Asia
40 rays of sun - 40 Kyrgyz tribes Symbols:Thin White strips - Non-muslim, religious
2 sets of 3 lines crossing the sun are a stylized minorities in Pakistan
representation of a “tunduk”, the crown of a Large Green - Islamnic Region
traditional Kyrgyz roof. Crescent & Star - progress, light & knowledge
P Attributes - dominated by massive, rugged P Attributes: wide variety of landscapes varying
mountain ranges, including the Alai, Kirghiz, and from plains to deserts, forests, and plateaus
Tien Shan, and their associated valleys and basins. ranging from the coastal areas of the Indian
Large areas of those mountain regions are covered Ocean in the south to the mountains of
by glaciers. Karakoram, Hindukush, Himalayas ranges in the
Population : 6,755,756 north
Language:Kirghiz, Uzbek, Russian Population: 241,492,197
Gov’t: Republic Language: Punjabi, Sindhi
8. MALDIVES Gov’t: Republic
Capital: Dushanbe
Region: Central Asia
Capital: Yerevan
Symbols: Red - its independence & the land, White
Region:West Asia,South Caucasus region,
- purity & cotton’s industry, Green - its agriculture,
between the two continents of Europe and Asia.
Crown & Stars - Tajik sovereignty, the union of
Symbols: Red-the sacrifice and blood of the
workers & the unity of Tajikistan’s social classes
Armenian soldiers shed in past& present wars,
P Attributes: a land of low and high mountains with
Orange-fertile lands of the country, Blue-hope &
multiple rivers and lakes, and even some desert
aspiration for the progress of Armenia.
P Attributes: Rests on a high mountainous plateau
Population: 10,180,284
cut by fast-flowing rivers. The over-grazed hills
Language:Tajik, Uzbek, Russian
boast little true forest, but many of the steeper
Gov’t: Republic
slopes are dressed with small shrubs and second
13. TURKMENISTAN growth.
Population: 2,777,970
Language: Azeri, Armenian, Russian
Gov’t: Republic
Capital: Ashgabat 16. AZERBAIJAN
Region: southwest of the Central Asia
Symbols: Green,Crescent, Stars - Islam
5 stars - represents its 5 regions Capital: Baku
Vertical Red stripe w/ 5 popular carpet designs - Region: West Asia,East of Armenia, North of Iran
the famous carpet industry of the nation Symbols: Blue-Turks, Red-Progress,
P Attributes: dominated by the flat Garagum (or Green & White crescent- Islam,8 points of Star - 8
Kara Kum) Desert (north to south), a sandy, branches of the Turkic people
scrubby, arid expanse of land, with very little P Attributes: diverse collection of landscapes, from
agricultural potential. wetlands to high mountains, deserts to fertile
Population: 6,516,100 valleys. The center of the country is taken up by a
Language: Turkmen, Russian broad valley, centered around the Kura River.
Gov’t: Republic POpulation: 10,412,651
14. UZBEKISTAN Language: Azeri, Armenian, Russian
Gov’t: Republic
Capital: Tashkent
Capital: Manama
Region: West Asia,between Qatar and the Region: West Asia, North of Saudi, South of
northeastern coast of Saudi Arabia Turkey, West of Iran, East of Syria
Symbols: Red - Kharijite sect of Islam, White- Symbols: Red-Bloody struggle & Courage to
truces Bahrain had made with neighbouring overcome it, White-bright future of Iraq &
countries in the 19th century, generosity of Iraqis, Black-oppression against
Serrated 5 Triangles - 5 pillars of Islam Islam & the triumph of Islam, Green of the Takbir
P Attributes - small island in Persian gulf known for (which reads “Allahu Akbar”, “God is greater than
its flat & arid desert landscape. It has a coastline can be described”).
that stretches along the Gulf & its terrain is P Attributes: five main regions: the desert (west of
characterized by sandy beaches, salt flats & low- the Euphrates), Upper Mesopotamia (between the
lying plains. upper Tigris and Euphrates rivers), the northern
Population: 1,485,509 highlands of Iraq, Lower Mesopotamia, and
Language: Arabic, English the alluvial plain extending from around Tikrit to
Gov’t: Monarchy the Persian Gulf.
18. CYPRUS Population: 45,504,560
Language: Arabic, Kurdish, Asyrian
Gov’t: Republic
Capital: Nicosia
Region: West Asia,the crossroads of Europe, the
Middle-East, Asia and Africa
Symbols: Copper-Orange island - abundance of Capital: Jerusalem
copper ore in the country, 2 Olive Branches - Region: West Asia, North of Egypt, South of
peace and harmony which the country has been Lebanon, West of Jordan
trying to negotiate between the Greek and the Symbols: Blue & White stripes- purity, guided by
Turkish communities. the principles of the Torah, Star of David - Jewish
P Attributes: hilly fields, fertile plains, covered with identity & a new beginning for Israel.
vineyards and coniferous forests in the mountains P Attributes: a lengthy coastal plain, highlands in
POpulation: 1,260,138 the north and central regions, and the Negev
Language: Greek, Turkish, English desert in the south.
Gov’t: Republic Population: 9, 174,520
19. GEORGIA Language: Hebrew, Arabic, English
Gov’t: Republic
Capital: T’blisi
Region: West Asia, North of Armenia & Facing Capital: Amman
West to the Black Sea Region: West Asia, South of Syria, East of Israel,
Symbols: Red St. George’s Cross - Georgian Southwest of Saudi Arabia
kingdom in the 5th century, 4 small cross-general Symbols: Historical Dynasties of the Region: Black-
Christian symbols that embody Jesus Christ the Arab Abbasid dynasty, White-Umayyad Dynasty,
Savior and the four evangelists. Green-Fatimid dynasty, Red-Hashemite
P Attributes: mountains such as the Ridge-and- Emirate(precursor to the current Hashemite
valley Appalachians in the northwest, the Blue Kingdom of Jordan), Each of the points of the star
Ridge Mountains in the northeast, symbolizes one of the pillars of Islam, the seven
the Piedmont plateau in the central portion of the
verses of the first surah of the Qur’an, called the
state and Coastal Plain in the south.
Population: 3,728,282 Fatihah.
Language: Georgian, Russian, Armenian P Attributes: generally a flat desert plateau, east
Gov’t: Republic and west, as the western edges of the Syrian and
Ard As Sawwan deserts stretch across the land. In
20. IRAQ
the west, the Great Rift Valley (high hills and
mountains) separates the East and West Banks of
the Jordan River.
Population: 11,337,052
Language: Arabic
Capital: Baghdad Gov’t: Monarchy
23. KUWAIT P Attributes: valleys and desert account for 82
percent of the land mass; mountain ranges, 15
percent; and the coastal plain, 3 percent.
Population: 4,644,384
Language: Arabic, Baluchi, Farsi
Capital: Kuwait City Gov’t: Monarchy
Region: West Asia, North of Saudi, South of Iraq, 26. QATAR
West of Iran
Symbols: Historical Dynasties of the Region: Black-
Arab Abbasid dynasty(or possibly the prophet
Mohammed), White-Umayyad Dynasty, Green-
Fatimid dynasty, Red-Hashemites, Green-fertile Capital: Doha
lands & meadows of the region; White- Region: Middle East, West Asia.
purity&deeds; Red-blood& the heroism of the Symbols: Purple-the loss of lives in the diverse
soldiers who have fought for Kuwait; Black-the battles&conflicts fought by Qatar(last half of 19th
defeat of enemies. century); White-Harmony; Nine-point saw-toothed
P Attributes: largely a desert, except for Al-Jahrāʾ stripe - means that the country is the 9th member
oasis, at the western end of Kuwait Bay, and a few of the “resolved Emirates” of the Persian Gulf.
fertile patches in the southeastern and coastal P Attributes: Most of Qatar's area is flat, low-lying
areas. desert, which rises from the east to a central
Population: 4,310,108 limestone plateau.
Language: Arabic Population: 2,716,391
Gov’t: Monarchy Language: Arabic
Gov’t: Monarchy
Capital: Beirut
Region: West Asia, West of Syria, North of Israel, Capital: Riyadh
facing west of Mediterranean sea. Region: West Asia, North of Yemen, South of Iraq,
Symbols: Red-the blood spilt in the freedom facing West of Red Sea
struggle; White- peace. The Cedar Tree- Symbols: Green-official color of Islam; The Arabic
steadiness and immortality. writing on the flag is the Islamic declaration of faith
P Attributes: narrow coastal plain and two parallel and it reads,”There is no God but Allah and
mountain ranges separated by the fertile Bekaa Muhammad is his Prophet”; Under it there is a
Valley. sword symbolizing the victories and justice of Abdul
Population: 5,353,93 Aziz Ibn Saud.
Language: Arabic, French, Armenian P Attributes: diverse with forests, grasslands,
Gov’t: Republic mountain ranges and deserts.
25. OMAN Population: 36,947,025
Language; Arabic
Gov’t: Monarchy
Region: West Asia, East of Yemen, South of
Saudi, Facing south of the Arabian sea
Symbols: Red- reigning Al Bu Said dynasty, battles
fought for independence; White-imam ( Islamic Capital: Damascus
religious leaders of the country), peace and Region: West Asia, South of Turkey, West of Iraq,
prosperity; Green- fertility of Oman as well as Al East of Lebanon
Jabal al Akhdar (the Green Mountains) in the north- Symbols: Red-blood of the martyrs.
east of the country. National emblem is shown on Black- Abbasids;White- Umayyad; Green- The
the top left, a khanjar dagger in its sheath Rashidun or the Fatimid; 2 stars- previous union
superimposed on two crossed swords in between Egypt and Syria.
scabbards. P Attributes: consists of mountain ranges in the
west and a steep area inland.
Population: 23,445,993
Language; Arabic, Kurdis
Gov’t: Republic Gov’t: Republic
Capital: Bangkok
Capital: Ankara Region: in the heart of Southeast Asia. South of
Region: on the Anatolian Peninsula in West Asia, Laos, North of Malaysia, East of Myanmar
North of Cyprus, East of Greece Symbols: Blue-national color of Thailand,
Symbols:the star in the flag of Turkey symbolizes representing the Thai monarchy; White is for purity
the Morning Star. Both the white crescent and the and is the color of Buddhism, the main religion of
star are symbols of Islam.Red- blood of those who Thailand. Red- represents the nation.
fought for independence. P Attributes:varied landscape of forested
P Attributes: high central plateau (Anatolia); narrow mountains, dry plateaus, fertile river plains, and
coastal plain; several mountain ranges. sandy beaches. Mountain ranges extend along the
POpulation: 85,903,600 border with Myanmar and down to Malaysia.
Language; Turkish, Kurdish Another range splits the country in half from north
Gov’t: Republic to south.
30. UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Population: 71,801,279
Capital: Dili
Region: Southeast Asia, East of Indonesia sharing
the island of Timor in Indonesia. Capital: Singapore
Symbols: Yellow-the traces of colonialism in the Region: Southeast Asia, located southern part of
History of East Timor; Black - the dissimulation that malaysia
needs to be conquered; Red background- struggle Symbols:Red-brotherhood & equality; White is for
for national freedom of Timor Leste; 5 pointed purity & virtue. Crescent - the young nation starting
White star- peace. to reach its peak. Stars are for the ideals of the
P Attributes: East Timors terrain is very new Singapore nation: democracy, peace,
mountainous and consists of many lakes, rivers progress, justice and equality.
and forests. P Attributes: main island is diamond-shaped and
Population: 1,363,449 flat, consisting of low-lying land with a central
Language: Portuguese, Tetum plateau. The Central Region, often referred to as
Gov’t: Republic Central Singapore, covers the central and southern
37. INDONESIA parts of Singapore Island.
Population: 6,022,296
Language: Chinese, Malay, Tamil
Gov’t: Republic
Capital: Jakarta
Region: Souteast Asia
Symbols: Red-courage; White- purity. Also Red-
physical life, while White -spiritual life. These two
colors combined make up humans. The flag of Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Indonesia has been named “Sang Saka Merah- Region: Southeast Asia, sharing borders with
Putih”, meaning the “Sacred Red and White”. Thailand & Indonesia.
Symbols: Blue-unity of the Malaysian people and Gov’t: Republic
was originally adopted from the British Union Jack, 43. RUSSIA
representing Malaysia’s link to Britain; Yellow -
royal color of the Malay rulers & also the unity of
the federal government & a group of thirteen
states, represented by the fourteen red bands. The
crescent & star imagery represent Islam.
P Attributes: Coastal plains and interior, jungle-
covered mountains.
Population: 34,308,525 Capital: Moscow
Language: Malay, English Region: Northern Asia, North of Mongolia
Gov’t: Constitutional Monarchy Symbols: Unofficial meaning of the colors are white
41. MYANMAR means peace, purity, perfection, the blue is the
color of faith and fidelity, constancy; the color red
symbolizes energy, strength, blood shed for the
P Attributes: The country's terrain is diverse, with
extensive stands of forest, numerous mountain
ranges, and vast plains.
Capital: Naypyidaw Population: 144,444,359
Region: Southeast Asia, south of china, west of Language: Chinese, Portugese, Macanese,
laos, east of india Cantonese
Symbols: Yellow -solidarity among all ethnic Gov’t: Federal, Semi- Presidential, Constitutional,
groups; Green- peace, tranquility & the nation’s Republic
environment; Red - courage & decisiveness. The 44. CHINA
White Stars- the consolidated union.
P Attributes: a land of hills and valleys. It is also a
land of mountains with ranges in the north, east
and west parts of the country.
Population: 54,577,997
Language: Burmese
Capital: Beijing
Gov’t: Military Regime
Region: East Asia, South of Mongolia
42. PHILIPPINES Symbols: Red background- the revolution &
Communist party; 5 Yellow stars- unity of Chinese
people under the leadership of the Communist
P Attributes: It is diverse with snow-capped
mountains, deep river valleys, broad basins, high
plateaus, rolling plains, terraced hills, sandy dunes
Capital: Manila
with many other geographic features and other
Region: Southeast Asia
landforms present in myriad variations. In general,
Symbols: Blue-willingness to sacrifice oneself for
the land is high in the west and descends to the
freedom, peace, truth & justice; Red- courage &
east coast.
patriotism; White- liberty, equality & fraternity. 3
Population: 1,425,572,821
five-pointed stars-3 major groups of islands where
Language: Chinese, Mandarin, Minbei
the revolution started: Luzon, Visayas, and
Gov’t: Communist
Mindanao. Yellow sun- unity, freedom, democracy
and sovereignty. Each of its rays stand for one of 45. JAPAN
the original provinces of the Philippines, at the time
of the Revolution against Spain in 1896: Manila,
Cavite, Bulacan, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, Tarlac,
Laguna and Batangas.
P Attributes: the irregular configuration of the
archipelago, the coastline of some 22,550 miles
Capital: Tokyo
(36,290 km), the great extent of mountainous
Region: East Asia, East of North&South Korea
country, the narrow and interrupted coastal plains,
Symbols: Japan is called “Land of the Rising Sun”.
the generally northward trend of the river systems,
So, the sun goddess ‘Amaterasu’, founder of Japan
and the spectacular lakes.
& ancestor of its emperors, is represented by the
Population: 117,337,368
red disc in the center. It symbolizes the bright
Language: Filipino, English
future for Japan, while White- honesty, integrity and Population: 3,447,157
purity of the Japanese people. Language: Khalkha Mongol, Turik
P Attributes: is predominantly mountainous - about Gov’t: REpublic
three-fourths of the national land is mountains - 48. NORTH KOREA
and long mountain ranges form the backbone of
the archipelago.
Population: 123,594,513
Language: Japanese
Gov’t: Monarchy
Capital: Pyongyang
Region: East Asia, West of Japan, East of China
Symbols: Red stripe & star are symbols of the
country's commitment to communism, while blue is
said to stand for a commitment to peace. The white
stripes stand for purity, strength, and dignity.
Capital: Victoria P Attributes: a land of mountains and hills
Region: East Asia separated by deep, narrow valleys.
Symbols: Bauhinia flower, is a traditional Population: 26,160,821
emblem .The five petals& red stars reflect the use Language: Korean
of that number in traditional Chinese symbolism Gov’t: Socialist
and represent the five major regions of China. Red
evokes both communism and the traditional
Chinese colour for happiness.
P Attributes: Hong Kong's terrain is hilly and
mountainous with steep slopes. There are lowlands
in the northern part of Hong Kong.
Population: 7,492,609
Language: Chinese, English Capital: Seoul
Gov’t: Republic Region: East Asia, West of Japan, North of
47. MONGOLIA Taiwan, East of China
Symbols: White-peace & purity; 4 Trigrams -
principle of movement & harmony; The emblem is
called the Taegeuk and symbolizes the source of
all objects in the universe, standing for an
uninterrupted progress in eternity. The blue section
Capital: Ulaanbataar stands for the negative cosmic forces of the yin and
Region: East Asia, North of China, South of the red one represents the opposite positive forces
Russia of the yang.
Symbols: Red- Mongolia’s strength & harsh P Attributes: largely mountainous, with small
environment; Blue-blue sky. The soyombo symbol valleys and narrow coastal plains.
is a character in the Mongolian script & is also POpulation: 51,784,059
found on the coat of arms of Mongolia. It is Language: Korean, English
composed by many symbols. At the top there is a Gov’t: Republic
flame, representing growth and wealth. Each 50. TAIWAN
tongue of the flame stands for time (past, present
and future). Under the flame there is a sun over a
crescent moon, representing Mongolia’s eternal
existence. The two triangles pointing down next to
rectangular bands represent spears defeating
enemies. In the middle of the soyombo is the yin-
Capital; Taipei
yang symbol (Taijitu), showing balance and the
Region: East Asia, North of Philippines
complement of men and women. On either side of
Symbols: Democracy and equality are represented
this column of symbols is a long upright rectangle
by the color white. Red is symbolic of the people's
which serves as fortress walls which stabilizes and
fraternity and livelihood. Blue is a representation of
strengthens everything inside.
liberty and nationalism.
P Attributes: one of Asia's largest freshwater lakes
P Attributes: The interior of the island is
(Lake Khövsgöl), many salt lakes, marshes, sand
mountainous and slopes sharply downward on the
dunes, rolling grasslands, alpine forests, and
east side to the Pacific and more gently in the west
permanent mountain glaciers.
to the Taiwan Strait.
Population: 23,928,587
Language: Taiwanese, Gov’t: Republic