Mabulitec Integrated SIX Carmela P. Magalong Science September 18, 2023 - 8:50-9:40 1
Mabulitec Integrated SIX Carmela P. Magalong Science September 18, 2023 - 8:50-9:40 1
Mabulitec Integrated SIX Carmela P. Magalong Science September 18, 2023 - 8:50-9:40 1
Teaching Dates & Time September 18, 2023 | 8:50-9:40 Quarter 1st
A. Content Standard Different techniques to separate mixtures
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 56-69
2. Learner’s pp.22-23
Materials Pages
B. Establishing a
purpose for the
The teacher will divide the class into Group 1 – Name each material/component
three groups. shown in the mixture and tell whether the
material can be separated through picking or
Giving of Instructions: not.
1. Each group will choose a leader and
a reporter. Activity 2 – Given set of pictures, the group
C. Presenting 2. Each group will be given an activity will identify the name of the
examples/ card. materials/components of the mixtures and
instances 3. The activity card serves as your separate them from each other
of the new lesson guide on the activity that you are going
to perform. Activity 3 – Giving sets of mixtures out of the
4. All the members in the group must given sample materials (Attachment C)
work as a team.
5. After the activity write the results of
your activity in the manila paper to be
reported by the leader.
D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing Solar System
new skills #1 - The solar system orbits the
center of the Milky Way Galaxy.
- It is composed of the Sun and
the eight planets. These are
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
Very good!
The Solar Planet
- The word planet comes from the
where our
eight planets Inner Planets?
- The first four planets: Mercury,
located. It Venus. Earth and Mars are
called terrestrial or inner
Planets. They are solid and are
is The teacher asks the pupils the
mostly made up of rocks and
metal. They do not have rings.
following questions:
The teacher asks the pupils the
following questions: - These are the planets closer to
1. For Group A, what are the materials the sun. Among the four
found in the mixtures? (Ans. Beans terrestrial planets Earth has one
and rice grains, different fruits) Will it moon, Mars has two moons,
be easy for us to separate them? Mercury and Venus has none.
(Ans. Yes)
Can we separate them through
picking? (Ans. Yes)
- They have common features
2. For Group B, what are the such as mountains and
materials/components of the mixture? volcanoes.
(Ans. pebbles chalk mongo seed
candies marbles stones beans
How did you separate them? (Ans. Outer Planets
Through picking) - The last four planets: Jupiter,
3. For Group C, what are the mixtures Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
you came up with using the given are Jovian planets or Outer
materials? (Ans. corn and planets. They are called gas
marshmallows, soybeans and stones, giants. These gas giants are so-
rice and mongo seeds)
called because they are much
Can we separate them using picking
or manual separation? (Ans. Yes)
larger than other planets and
are mostly made up of gas.
E. Discussing new The teacher will discuss the concept. A. Post Activity
concepts and practicing In everyday life, we use several
new skills #2 mixtures and one need to separate 1. Mercury- the nearest planet.
useful components from the - Distance: 58M KM
mixture. Thus, the separation of - Size (in dm) : 4880 KM
substances is performed by various - Planet type: Terrestrial
methods like hand-picking. - Number of Moons: 0
Mixtures are combinations of two or
2. Venus - the hottest planet.
more substances not chemically
bonded where each substance
- Morning /evening star
retains its chemical entity and - Earth’s twin planet
properties. One of the techniques of
separating mixtures is through
picking. For instances, a mixture of
grains and corn can be separated
through picking by using our bare - Distance: 108M KM
hands. When the components of a - Size (in dm) : 12 104 KM
mixture are slightly larger in size, it - Planet type: Terrestrial
is easier for us to pick and separate - Number of Moons: 0
6. Nearer
7. Bigger
8. Farther
Let the pupils give a particular Learners will pick balloons to pop and Identify
situation in their houses especially in the names whether Inner or Outer planets
G. Finding practical the kitchen where separation of
applications of mixtures through handpicking is being
concepts done.
and skills in daily
living (Ans. When you want to separate rice
grains from stones or pebbles before
H. Making 1. What method of separating
mixtures is being used when
materials in a mixture are slightly
larger in size? (Ans. Picking)
2. When do we use picking as a
method of separating mixtures?
(Ans. When we separate the
components of a mixture that are
slightly larger in size)
3. What are the examples of mixtures
generalizations that can be
and abstractions separated through picking?
about (Ans. Sliced fruits, vegetables and
the lesson fruit mix)
4. Why is separating of mixture
through picking
important? (Ans. It is important
because it allows us to separate
components of heterogeneous mixture
and will help us identify each
component from the other.)
See (Attachment E)
1. C 6. D
I. Evaluating Learning
2. B 7. C
3. B 8. A
4. B 9. A
5. D 10. A