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Higher Nationals

BTEC HN Student Submission and Declaration Form

Issue Date: June 2021 Owner: HN QD
DCL1 Public (Unclassified) Version 1.0
Higher Nationals


I. Project lifecycle.......................................................................................................................2

II. What is project management plan ?.....................................................................................3

III. Research methods and strategies.......................................................................................9

1. Research strategies................................................................................................................9

2. Research methods.................................................................................................................9

IV. Data collection...................................................................................................................10

1. Types of data.......................................................................................................................10

2. Sampling.............................................................................................................................11



BTEC HN Student Submission and Declaration Form

Issue Date: June 2021 Owner: HN QD
DCL1 Public (Unclassified) Version 1.0

Global warming and natural disasters are having a significant impact on businesses and
economies. As a result, businesses are increasingly investing in corporate social responsibility
(CSR) to address environmental and social issues. CSR activities can help businesses to grow
and develop a sustainable economy. Vingroup and Vinamilk are two examples of companies that
have successfully implemented CSR initiatives. Vingroup has received awards for its
environmental and social activities, and has created green products and conserved wildlife.
Vinamilk has used CSR activities to bring its products closer to consumers and move closer to its
goal of becoming one of the top 50 dairy companies in the world. Overall, CSR is becoming
increasingly important for businesses as they seek to address environmental and social
challenges and build a sustainable future. As an assistant to Samsung Group's strategy team, I
was tasked with conducting a small-scale research project, learning about CSR issues and
recommending activities to improve CSR activities. of the company. My report revolves around
the main issue: “Learning about other businesses' CSR projects and giving solutions and
suggestions to the company”.

I. Project lifecycle
- The project life cycle (PLC) is the series of stages that a project goes through from start
to finish. This is a framework that helps project managers plan, execute and monitor
projects effectively. Plc is often divided into 4 stages:

o Project initiation: in this step, the project team must identify the project they want
to do. The project manager will align the project goals, scope and resources of the
project and the necessary roles on the team while also clarifying the desires and
goals the stakeholders are working towards. This is a very important stage
because if the project factors are not identified, there is a risk of not achieving the
final goal.
o Planning: this is the stage to identify the steps to achieve the project's goals.
During this stage, the tasks that need to be performed are stated as clearly as
possible. Plans that need attention include:
 Determining the steps to complete the goal as well as determining the time
frame of the steps
 Preparing a list of human resources that meet all the necessary skills for all
tasks specifically during project implementation.

 Identify potential problems with high threat levels along with appropriate
solutions to solve those problems, thereby reducing the probability of risk
occurrence to the lowest level.
 Establish an appropriate communications plan describing the information
needed and the delivery methods used to inform stakeholders.
o Project implementation, monitoring and control: this is the stage for the project
team to monitor and control everything happening according to the steps set out in
the plan. Project managers need to closely monitor and compare progress reports
with project plans to understand the performance of activities and make changes
when necessary. –
o Project closing: this is the phase that ties everything together, the focus is on
delivering the final product to the customer, handing over project documents to
the business, evaluating the team's performance in each phase different
 Application:
o Ideation: in this phase the project manager will contact and sign with stakeholders
who have approval and understanding of the goals in implementing corporate
social responsibility (CRM) activities to achieve sustainable goals.
o Planning: the project manager will make a list of tasks that need to be done to
complete the project.
o Implementation, monitoring and control: the project manager deploys surveys,
collects data from selected business companies.
o Closing: this is the stage of transfer and presentation to superiors .

II. What is project management plan ?

- The project management plan is the document that describes how the project will be
executed, monitored and controlled. It may be a summary or a detailed document and
may include baselines, management plans, and other planning documents. This document
is used to define the approach the project team takes to deliver the project's expected
project management scope. It details everything from timeframes to budgets, resources to

deliverables and more outlined in a complete project plan, giving you the stages of what's
needed. Fix that you can use to manage and analyze your projects.

Aim Objectives
Learning about other - Research and select companies that have successfully
businesses' CSR projects implemented CSR activities
and giving solutions and - Analyze collected data and information
suggestions to the - Learn about how CSR activities affect your
company. sustainability goals businesses
- Conduct surveys and interviews with employees and
relevant departments.
- Besides, a project management plan is also necessary, it includes also parts such as:
o Project scope management: the project scope is stated in a document about what
will be included project and what will be excluded. The main scoping work is
done in the first two phases of the project.
Application: Work breakdown structure

Find out and propose activities to

implement social responsibility
activities for businesses

Initation Planning Execution Closure

Summarize the report

Define aim and Make a detailed plan Write a literature
and make
objective for each activity review

Select research
Plan your budget
Define scope strategies and Close project

Identify stakeholders
Create csr project
and responsibilities Design sampling plan
of each team member

Identify potential
Design a survey

Collect data

Analyze and study

the collected data

o Project time management: includes the necessary processes to ensure project
completion on time. Activities identified during scope management are compiled
in a chronologically ordered list of activities.
Application: can use a Gantt chart or make a table

No Milestones Description Date

1 Initiation Complete the determination of project goals 7/11/2023
and scope.
2 Planning Complete the systematization of tasks to be 20/11/2023
3 Execution Complete planned tasks. 20/12/2023
4 Closure Close the project and hand over the product to 26/12/2023

o Project cost management: is a tool for planning the financial expenditure and
budget of the project team, helping to monitor and control the budget to ensure
that the project is fully met.

No Scope of work Description of cost Estimated cost

1 Labor Pay for recruitment, training, 30,000,000 VND
and salaries of participating and
project staff.
2 Materials Pay for printing reports and 5,000,000 VND
survey questionnaires.
3 Subcontractors Costs paid to subcontractors to 5,000,000 VND
perform specialized work
including: data analysis and
report design.
4 Equipment Costs of purchasing or renting 10,000,000 VND
necessary equipment for the
project: cameras, printers,
5 Travel Travel costs of staff 2,000,000 VND
participating in the project.
6 Redundancy costs 20,000,000 VND
o Project quality management: ensuring that delivered products fully meet
requirements, ensuring quality and work performance.

No Scope of work Quality Planning

1 Budget Control and keep the project budget
according to the proposed plan.
2 Human Resource Recruit and train qualified staff for the
3 Equipment Choose techniques and technologies

suitable for the project to complete the
project in the best way.
o Project human resource management: the project team needs to allocate the
necessary resources for each activity to achieve the best results.

No Scope of work Resources used Description of

1 Project management Project manager Responsible for
plan coordinating and
managing the entire
2 Project analysis and Research specialist Data collection and
research department analysis information
3 Information technology IT understanding and
department Information handling technical
o Communication management: talks about what information the project team will
communicate as well as who will receive it and when it will be delivered.

No Descriptions Who When Why How

1 Analyze the Everyday Ensure that Microsoft
Project team
status both member, research team and
during and after manager advances Zoom
2 Gather data Project team Every week Provide the Google
member, exact ratios meet,
manager used in the Microsoft
study. Teams
and Zoom

3 Exposition Manager Offer advice Offline
and business meeting
o Project risk management: risk is an unpredictable situation. Project risks during
operation are often unavoidable so risk management planning is a method to
reduce or promptly resolve these issues, from risk management planning to risk
will provide appropriate solutions.

No Type of risk Description of risk Impact How to control

1 Equipment that Medium Prepare some devices with
malfunctioned or similar functions as
damaged during the backups
research process
2 Employees lack High Notify the Human
experience, education, Resources division of any
personal calendar, or changes to the staff as
health issues during soon as you can.
the project period Personnel must also
undergo screening before
taking on the task in a
serious manner.
3 Project expenditures Medium Capture and report
are not on time or financial information in
insufficient. time to control risks as
quickly as possible.

III. Research methods and strategies
1. Research strategies
- Survey research means gathering information about a group of people by asking them
questions and analyzing the results. This is a good choice for understanding the
characteristics, interests, opinions or beliefs of a group of people.
- A case study strategy is a set of methods and techniques used to conduct in-depth
research on a case or a small number of cases. Case studies can be used to explore a wide
range of topics, including organizations, individuals, events, and phenomena.
- An interview research strategy is a set of methods and techniques used to conduct
interviews with individuals or groups of individuals to collect data on a specific topic.
Interviews can be used to explore a wide range of topics, including people's experiences,
opinions, and beliefs.

2. Research methods
Factor Quantitative methods Qualitative methods Mixed methods
Numerical Non-numerical Both numerical and
Data type
This technique is a Qualitative Is a method that
method of using research involves involves collecting
numbers and statistics to collecting and and analyzing both
understand frequencies, evaluating non- numerical and
Meaning averages, and numerical data in order narrative data to gain
correlations or cause- to understand concepts a more
effect relationships. or subjective opinions. comprehensive
understanding of a
research problem.
Testing hypotheses, To explore people's To gain a more
drawing general experiences, comprehensive
conclusions perspectives, and understanding of a
beliefs research topic
Methods Surveys , experiments, Interviews, focus Any combination of

correlational groups, observations, quantitative and
document analysis qualitative methods
Studies general findings, Collect detailed and Increases the
can be used to test profound information reliability and
hypotheses about phenomena and efficiency of
problems; Understand research, suitable for
the meaning and research on complex
context of phenomena phenomena and
and problems; Suitable problems.
Analysis for research on
complex phenomena
and problems.
May be difficult to Research results are Research techniques
obtain accurate data, can difficult to generalize are complex,
Cons fails to grasp the and take a lot of time consuming a lot of
complexity of human and effort. time and effort.

IV. Data collection

- Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information from a variety of
sources. It is an essential part of any research study, as it provides the foundation for
analysis and interpretation (Bhandari, 2023).

1. Types of data
Primary data Secondary data
Collection Collected directly from the source Collected from existing sources
Purpose Answer specific research questions, Gain a general understanding of a
generate new knowledge develop topic, develop research hypotheses,
new products and services. validate primary data findings.
Data Real time data Past data
Source Surveys, observations, experiments, Government publications, websites,

questionnaire, personal interview,… book, journal articles,…
Cost Can be expensive to collect Usually free or low cost to obtain
2. Sampling
- In psychology, sampling procedures relate to ways for selecting a subset of individuals (a
sample) from a larger population in order to research and make conclusions about the
overall population. Random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and
convenience sampling are all common approaches. Proper sampling ensures that study
findings are representative, generalizable, and valid (Mcleod, 2023).

o Probability sampling: Uses random selection to give each member of the

population an equal chance of being chosen. This allows researchers to make
strong generalizations about the whole population based on their sample.

o Non-probability sampling: Does not use random selection. Instead, researchers

choose participants based on convenience or other criteria. This makes it more
difficult to generalize findings to the whole population.

- Sample size is the number of individuals or data points selected from a larger population
in a study or experiment, crucial for research reliability and generalizability.

In short, I firmly believe that every factor and requirement from scope to work plays an
indispensable role in effective project management planning. My team and I believe that our
report clearly presents information about the project life cycle, the elements and methods needed
to organize a successful project as well as its application in real cases. Our practice is to research
information and how CSR works.


4 phases of the Project Management Lifecycle explained (2023) Coursera. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October

About Midori Nediger Midori spreads visual communication tricks and tips as an Information
Designer at Venngage. She’s particularly interested in helping people communicate
complex information. Connect with her on LinkedIn and on Twitter @MNediger. and
Nediger, A.M. (2023) How to write a project management plan [+ examples], Venngage.
Available at: (Accessed: 25 October

Barron, M., Barron, A. and Watt, A. (2014) 3. The Project Life Cycle (phases), Project
Management 2nd Edition. Available at:
project-management/ (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Bhandari, P. (2023) Data collection: Definition, methods & examples, Scribbr. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

George, T. (2023) Types of interviews in research: Guide & Examples, Scribbr. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Hassan, M. (2023) Mixed methods research - types & analysis, Research Method. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

McCombes, S. (2023a) Sampling methods: Types, techniques & examples, Scribbr. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

McCombes, S. (2023b) Survey research: Definition, Examples & Methods, Scribbr. Available at: (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

McCombes, S. (2023) What is a case study?: Definition, Examples & Methods, Scribbr.
Available at: (Accessed: 26 October

Mcleod, S. (2023) Sampling methods in reseach: Types, techniques, & examples, Simply
Psychology. Available at: (Accessed: 26
October 2023).

Research methods: Definitions, types, examples (no date) Scribbr. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

S, S. (2020) Difference between primary and secondary data (with comparison chart), Key
Differences. Available at:
secondary-data.html (Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Simplilearn (2023) What is a project management plan and how to create one?, Available at:
management-plan-article (Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Timeular (2023) Project Life Cycle: What is it and how it works, Timeular. Available at:
(Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Types of research methodology: Uses, Types & Benefits (2023) EDUCBA. Available at: (Accessed: 25 October 2023).


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