Snps Design Flow Syllabus 10-12-2017
Snps Design Flow Syllabus 10-12-2017
Snps Design Flow Syllabus 10-12-2017
The course program of “Synopsys Design Flow Tutorial” is assigned for undergraduate education on IC
Design specialization and is taught in the 6th semester (3 year’s 2st semester).
The main objectives of the course are to study the Synopsys design flow, logic synthesis (Design
Compiler) and physical synthesis (IC Compiler). The course also focuses on generation of test patterns
(TetraMAX), and verification approaches:
- Static timing analysis (PrimeTime)
- Formal verification (Formality)
- Logic (VCS) and SPICE-level (HSpice) simulation
- Physical verification (IC Validator) and layout parasitics extraction (StarRC).
Class Hours:
The course duration is 60 hours, lectures volume is 40 hours and laboratory works are 20 hours.
The course program is compiled taking into account that the following courses had been studied
Electrical Engineering
Digital Integrated Circuits.
Understanding of the course is the basis for the further specialized subjects destined by the educational
plan of IC Design specialization.
Reference Materials:
To study the course the necessary list of references is given below.
1. V.Taraate. Digital Logic Design Using Verilog: Coding and RTL Synthesis. Springer; 2016
2. A. Reis, R. Drechsler. Advanced Logic Synthesis. Springer. 2017
3. Ch. Roth, L. Kinney. Fundamentals of Logic Design. CL Engineering; 2013
4. H. Bhatnagar. Advanced ASIC Chip Synthesis: Using Synopsys® Design Compiler (TM) and
PrimeTime®, 2001
This course will be graded according to Professor’s discretion.