SAF Moulton2016
SAF Moulton2016
SAF Moulton2016
Drawing upon the theories of social skill and strategic action fields (SAFs), this article presents a
SAF Framework for Implementation Research. In the framework, policy implementation systems are
conceptualized as multilevel SAFs that form around a public service intervention. Within this
context, socially skilled actors leverage diverse sources of authority—including but not limited to
political authority—to enable change or stability to a public service intervention. While the
framework has underpinnings in field theory, it is able to encompass multiple theoretical perspectives,
including complexity theories, organizational theories, economic theories, and theories of human
behavior. Importantly, the SAF Framework allows for the integration of results relevant to both
management and policy—change in implementation systems, and change in the behavior or
conditions of an external target group.
KEY WORDS: public policy, public management, policy implementation
Policymakers and scholars have wrestled with the challenges of policy imple-
mentation for more than half a century. These challenges stem from the ambitious
aspirations often embedded in public policy, the diffuse governance of intergovern-
mental relations and service networks, and the tough problems that land in the pub-
lic arena for resolution. Taking place at the intersection of public management and
public policy, implementation often involves changing systems operations and alter-
ing conditions of target groups, both of which are difficult endeavors. As prior schol-
ars have recognized, policy implementation operates through a complex system of
social and political interactions (deLeon & deLeon, 2002; Goggin, Bowman, Lester, &
O’Toole, 1990; May & Jochim, 2013; O’Toole, 1986).1
In this article, we present a theoretical framework that incorporates this complex-
ity, while narrowing in on specific actions that take place at key sites within the imple-
mentation system (Weimer, 2008). We conceptualize these systems as multilevel
strategic action fields (SAFs) that form around a public service intervention. Rather
than starting with a formal policy (Gormley, 1986; Ingram & Schneider, 1990; Matland,
1995; Mazmanian & Sabatier, 1989; Pressman & Wildavsky, 1984), a policy problem
(Elmore, 1980; Hjern & Porter, 1981), or institutional setting (Berman, 1981; Lipsky,
1980; Milward & Provan, 1998; Selznick, 1949), our approach begins with a public
0190-292X V
C 2016 Policy Studies Organization
Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc., 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ.
2 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
service intervention—investigating how ideas about creating change in the target pop-
ulation are institutionalized into a set of processes and methods of coordination purpo-
sively intended to bring about that change. Interventions can be introduced through
formal public policy or through the programmatic initiatives of entities such as evalua-
tion firms, nonprofit organizations, local governments, or private funders. Conse-
quently, we define implementation as deliberate, institutionally sanctioned change to a
public service intervention that is legitimated in part by political authority.
In constructing our framework, we draw upon the sociological theories of social
skill and SAFs (Fligstein, 1997, 2001; Fligstein & McAdam, 2011, 2012). These theories
are concerned with how social structures shape societal outcomes, and the role of
human agency in moderating these structures (Bourdieu, 1977; DiMaggio & Powell,
1991; Giddens, 1984; Scott, 1985). In our framework, implementation actors—be they
policymakers, public managers, service providers, funders, or direct service staff—
work within bounded social settings. They employ social skill to interpret and adjust
a public service intervention in ways that build common understanding and recon-
cile competing sources of authority to enable collective action. Different social
dynamics across SAFs lead to variations in how interventions are brought into prac-
tice, which, in turn, can contribute to variations in the outcomes in the system and
for the target population.
We find this foundation useful because of the significance of both social structures
and human agency in determining implementation processes and outcomes. While
other policy scholars have emphasized the role of social structures in policy systems
(e.g., McGinnis, 2011; V. Ostrom, 1980), our approach differs in its ontological starting
point. Unlike rational choice approaches, SAF theory does not presume that social struc-
tures are known or fixed (e.g., the “rules of the game”), leveraged by agents in pursuit
of their individual interests. Rather, rules and resources are produced, reproduced, and
altered by socially skilled actors in relation to collective interests. SAF theory also differs
from institutional theories that downplay the role of agency, focusing on pressures to
conform to norms (e.g., DiMaggio & Powell, 1991). Instead, SAF theory stresses a fun-
damental human need for sociability as the root of social interactions.
In the sections that follow, we describe and illustrate a SAF Framework for Imple-
mentation Research. First, we provide analytical grounding for the framework in the
sociological literature on social systems and SAFs. Next, we present three components
of the framework that extend the SAF approach to inform implementation: the public
service intervention (focus), multilevel SAFs (scale), and legitimization of authority
(driver of change). For each component, we define key elements and offer assumptions
central to informing the relationships between elements. While the framework and
assumptions are articulated generally, we then illustrate the application of the frame-
work to a particular case, the implementation of matched savings programs. Finally,
we conclude by describing areas of inquiry that can be informed by this approach.
and endogenous factors and agents’ response to them (Bourdieu, 1977; Fligstein,
1997, 2001; Fligstein & McAdam, 2012; Giddens, 1984; Latour, 2005; Martin, 2003). In
an ambitious effort to advance understandings of social systems and the role of
human agency in determining stability or change, Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam
(2011, 2012) articulate a theory of “SAFs.” SAFs are mid-level social orders where
collective action takes place around “shared understandings about the purposes of
the field, relationships to others in the field, and the rules governing legitimate action
in the field” (p. 9). The boundaries of SAFs are emergent, developed by participants
as they do shared work, determine their roles and relationships, and craft under-
standing of their goals and rules of acceptability.2
In our framework, the social system surrounding a given public service interven-
tion both constrains and enables what is possible to change in the course of imple-
mentation. For any given public service intervention, there are multiple and often
overlapping SAFs. In each, actors try to understand the intervention, work with
others to develop processes, and make decisions about which rules of conduct are
the most significant. Sometimes the activities undertaken on behalf of the interven-
tion are consistent across fields, shaped by rules or resources that transcend any one
field. For example, formal documents that communicate program requirements oper-
ate as rules that may be shared between SAFs, or mandated staff training might be
required resources introduced across multiple settings. However, the significance of
any rule or resource is not predetermined; actors make decisions about the relative
importance of different external and internal stimuli when deciding what actions
they will undertake. This is in part why implementation systems, when viewed
holistically, are complex and so difficult to control in terms of either process or out-
comes (Martin, 2003).
SAF theory also introduces a distinct assumption about human agency. Humans
seek sociability, engage in meaning making, and construct their own identities
through affiliation with others in groups (Fligstein, 1997, 2001; Fligstein & McAdam,
2012). This contrasts with the ontological position of rational choice that underlies
many approaches to policy studies, in which people are predominately motivated by
self-interest and a desire to both maximize individual gain and minimize the costs of
pursuing those interests (Downs, 1957; Neal, 1988). Instead, drawing from symbolic
interactionism (Goffman, 1959; Mead, 1934), individuals’ agency is directed toward
constructing meaning in relation to others (Fligstein, 2001, 2008; Fligstein & Mc-
Adam, 2012). While agents have individual interests, these interests are defined and
negotiated in relation to others within the system.
Because implementation is fundamentally about change, the theory’s conception
of stability and change is also particularly relevant. An essential factor in this regard
is social skill (Fligstein, 1997, 2001, 2008), defined as “the ability [of an actor] to induce
cooperation by appealing to and helping to create shared meanings and collective
identities” (Fligstein & McAdam, 2012, p. 46). As a central construct in the theory,
social skill highlights what actors do to contribute to the “emergence, maintenance,
and transformation of social orders” (Fligstein & McAdam, 2012, p. 50). While the
social dynamics of coercion, competition, and cooperation all can come into play,
socially skilled actors shape these dynamics using skills and tactics they believe are
4 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
appropriate both to the context and their desired outcome. Fligstein’s articulation of
the theory notes several such tactics (Fligstein, 1997, 2001; Fligstein & McAdam,
2012): using formal authority, setting action agendas for others, seizing unexpected
opportunities, framing action options in relation to others’ interests, brokering agree-
ments as a neutral party, trying multiple solutions, networking with those who are
isolated, and telling stories that appeal to others’ identities. Using such tactics,
socially skilled actors can engage others without necessarily relying upon coercion.
Socially skilled actors use knowledge about field dynamics to influence others
to either reproduce the current order or make change. Some work to preserve the
status quo to guarantee stability; in fact, actors benefitting from existing dynamics
within a particular context are rarely motivated to challenge the status quo (Flig-
stein & McAdam, 2012, p. 96). Most field members are committed to prevailing
conditions. But, if an actor understands or frames change in relation to what
already “makes sense” within the setting, social skill can enable the adoption of
incremental changes.
External events can trigger more large-scale changes. A new actor to the field, a
substantial change in a proximate field, or a large-scale event may affect an entire
system. For example, the consequence of hiring a new visionary leader, passage of a
new piece of legislation, or an economic crisis often has implications for many fields.
But, SAF theory stresses that implications of these exogenous forces are not predict-
able. Actors with social skill influence how any of these events will be received and
integrated into a context. They play an important role in interpreting, framing, and
brokering the change.
SAF theory offers some potent analytical insights for the study of policy imple-
mentation. It allows for analysis of SAFs at various levels in a system. It directs schol-
ars to look at what actors actually do to support or impede change (Feldman &
Orlikowski, 2011). It also illuminates that actors’ possible activities are enabled and
constrained by the social dynamics within the field, as well as exogenous factors. These
insights can be applied to the complex dynamics surrounding policy implementation.
SAF theory as articulated by Fligstein and McAdam (2012) does not focus on policy
implementation but rather calls attention to the drivers of change in complex social sys-
tems.3 For that reason, while it provides a foundation for a new framework, there are
important enhancements necessary if we are to take these insights and apply them to
the implementation of public service interventions. Our framework also has a narrower
focus than other frameworks of the policy process or institutional analysis. We agree
with Weimer (2008) that a tighter focus around specific actions (in this case, actions
around an intervention) produces research more relevant for policy and practice.
In the section that follows, we define and describe three components that are cen-
tral to our framework: the public service intervention with variation in processes, coor-
dination, and results; multiple levels of strategic action that frame the scale of analysis,
including the actors, resources, and roles at a particular scale; and the activation of
diverse sources of authority through social skill that provides the engine for change or
Moulton/Sandfort: The Strategic Action Field Framework 5
Program Intervention
Processes of change Degree of complexity as indicated
by routinization, number of steps,
or predictability; targeted change
(e.g., people changing vs. people
Methods of coordination Degree of reliance on technical
expertise; variation in the
sequencing of tasks (e.g., sequen-
tial, pooled, interdependent); tools
in use with varying coerciveness,
directness, automaticity, and
Change in system operations Alterations in processes used by
agency (e.g., efficiency, accessibil-
ity), as well as degree of integra-
tion of intervention into every-
day practices (normalization)
Change in target group Alterations in target group experien-
behavior or conditions ces, as well as degree of change
in their behavior or conditions
Scale of Analysis
Policy field (assembly) Types of structures in use, historical
relationships, newness of the field
Organization Degree of intervention alignment
(operationalization) with other program processes and
Frontlines (enactment) Degree of worker discretion; degree
of engagement with the target
Drivers of
Change and Stability
Sources of authority Degree of (perceived) influence
from political authority, economic
authority, norms, beliefs, and
Social skills Degree of use of tactics such as
interpreting, framing, brokering,
and bridging
Exogenous shocks Degree of stability or instability;
changes in funding, legislation, or
field actors
6 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
The unit of analysis in our framework is one or more SAF that surrounds a
particular intervention. A central tenet of SAF theory is that the boundaries of a
field are not fixed, but rather “shift depending on the definition of the situation
and the issues at stake” (Fligstein & McAdam, 2012, p. 10). For analyzing
implementation dynamics, we suggest that the public service intervention
defines the issue at stake and provides an understanding (often contested) of
the roles carried out by different field actors in response to the issue. This is an
important distinction, as the unit of analysis in our approach is not a singular
policy domain around a policy problem area (Burstein, 1991; May & Jochim,
2013), but rather the fields activated in response to a particular public service
It is important to define what we mean by public service intervention. By
intervention, we mean a complex bundle of processes and methods of coordina-
tion intended to transform inputs into outputs (May, 2013; Perrow, 1986). By pub-
lic service intervention, we mean interventions that are intended to benefit the
public that are authorized at least in part by political authority (a term that we
will describe in more detail below). We use the term public service in the demo-
cratic sense to be “in service to the public” (e.g., Denhardt & Denhardt, 2000;
Moynihan & Pandey, 2007; Perry, 2000), not limited to “service”-based
In organizational settings, scholars sometimes refer to this complex bundle
as “organizational technology” (e.g., Daft, 2010; Miles, Snow, Meyer, & Coleman,
1978; Orlikowski, 1992; Scott, 2008). Of relevance to our framework, organiza-
tional theorists have proposed a structuration model of technology (DeSanctis &
Poole, 1994; Orlikowski, 1992, 2000; Sandfort, 2003), following the structuration
theory of Giddens (1984). The structuration model of technology acknowledges
the dual nature of technology, as both an independent force that impacts organi-
zational structures and processes, and as a dependent outcome that is shaped
and adapted by human agents engaged in the process of carrying out work. Sim-
ilarly, in our approach, while the public service intervention has independent
attributes that influence implementation dynamics, we also recognize that it is
the product of the SAFs within which it is embedded.
Building from the construct of organizational technology, we delineate two ele-
ments of public service interventions that shape and are shaped by SAFs: (i) the
processes of change that link inputs and outputs to produce anticipated outcomes;
and (ii) the materials, technical skills, and structures that are needed to coordinate
the work performed. Other policy implementation scholars have called attention to
these two elements, but they typically categorize them as attributes of a policy or
domain that exist a priori rather than attributes of an intervention that evolve with
and from strategic action within a field.
First, for any intervention, there are varying logics about how to create change in
the target population. To the extent that there are fewer required steps to transform
inputs into outputs (e.g., fewer links in the causal chain), scholars have asserted that
Moulton/Sandfort: The Strategic Action Field Framework 7
policies are more likely to be implemented “successfully,” or in line with the design-
er’s intent (Matland, 1995; Mazmanian & Sabatier, 1989; Pressman & Wildavsky,
1984). Some public policy domains, such as utilities, transportation infrastructure,
and national security, deploy routine logics and technology where raw materials can
be seen, measured, and analyzed and outcomes similarly measured. Other policy
domains such as social services or economic development are often less routine and
vary depending on the attributes of the individuals or communities targeted by the
policies, particularly when people are the primary raw materials and the goal is to
change behaviors rather than process individuals through a system (Hasenfeld, 1983;
Sandfort, 2010).
However, even in more “routine” policy areas, complexity in the causal logic
can be introduced through implementation actors. For example, some municipal
utility programs not only collect payments (a simple causal logic) but also seek
to increase the conservation behaviors of consumers (Cromwell et al., 2011).
According to our framework, the relative complexity of municipal collection
practices in one locality compared with another is the result of differences in the
SAF, due in part to varying knowledge and interpretations offered within the
field by implementation actors. Organizational research documents that even in
“simple” interventions, social forces, human interpretation, and actions add
complexity in how the intervention is actually instituted (Orlikowski, 1992; Staf-
ford & Wilson, 2015; Wajcman, 2006). Each public service intervention—simple
or complex—is shaped by a collective understanding about a causal logic within
the SAF in which it is embedded. This is a subtle, yet important distinction from
prior policy implementation frameworks. The complexity of the means-end
chain is not necessarily endemic to the policy domain or problem trying to be
addressed, but rather is reflective of the understandings in the SAFs around a
particular intervention.
The second element of public service interventions includes the raw materials,
technical skills, and structures that coordinate work to transform inputs into outputs
(methods of coordination). Prior implementation scholars have referred to the vary-
ing ability of the policy to “structure” implementation (Matland, 1995; Mazmanian &
Sabatier, 1989). More recently, variation in coordination has been conceptualized as
stemming from different “tools of governance,” defined as “an identifiable method
through which collective action is structured to address a policy problem” (Salamon,
2002, p. 19). Different policy tools—such as grants, contracts, regulations, vouchers,
and tax expenditures—have distinct characteristics, including varying degrees of
coerciveness, directness, automaticity, and visibility (Salamon, 2002). Taken prescrip-
tively, policy tools should be designed and selected a priori to fit the policy problem
to be addressed and maximize outcomes such as effectiveness, efficiency, and equity.
However, in reality, there are trade-offs between outcomes, and particular tools are
often selected for political or institutional reasons rather than economic or substan-
tive rationales.
In our framework, the methods of coordination in use for an intervention evolve
from the dynamics within the SAF—which may or may not be the rationally best
8 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
methods to fit the problem. Even within the same policy domain, state and local
actors make adjustments to the “tool” to fit their circumstances (Sandfort, Selden, &
Sowa, 2008; Whitford, 2013). Organizational scholars have long recognized that while
certain structures are better suited for particular tasks or environments (e.g., contin-
gency theory), what is observed in practice is often the structures that are perceived
of as legitimate by actors within the field (DiMaggio & Powell, 1991; Fligstein, 1985;
Scott, 2008).
Attempts to make changes to public service interventions often entail
changes to the intervention’s processes and/or methods of coordination.
Changes that are successful are those that are institutionally sanctioned by the
SAFs within which the intervention is embedded. Over time, processes and coor-
dinating structures become institutionalized, no longer seen as “new” but part of
the way work is accomplished. This is the primary focus of implementation sci-
ence research; exploring the factors that lead to the successful integration of new
evidence-based interventions into standard operating procedures (Damschroder
et al., 2009; Durlak & DuPre, 2008; May 2013; May et al., 2009). While this is one
important outcome of implementation, there are other results that are important
for the implementation of public service interventions. For example, in carrying
out public services, other public values such as efficiency and transparency in
using public investments or the quality and equity in the distribution of resour-
ces to groups targeted by the policy are also important (Lynn, Heinrich, & Hill,
2000; Robichau & Lynn, 2009).
Ultimately, the success of a public service intervention depends upon the extent
to which the intervention achieves the desired change in an external target group. A
well-integrated, institutionalized change that leads to poor outcomes for the target
group is akin to neatly arranged deck chairs on a sinking ship. However, only focus-
ing on target population outcomes often reduces the significance of what it takes to
alter an intervention—viewing system elements as levers that can be raised or low-
ered to produce better outcomes. Implementation scholars have critiqued policy ana-
lysts and program evaluators for ignoring or oversimplifying the processes of
change often necessary to improve target group results (Nilsen, Ståhl, Roback, &
Cairney, 2013; O’Toole, 1986; Robichau & Lynn, 2009). Our application of the SAF
framework provides an approach to incorporate these multidimensional results in
implementation research.
Assumption #1: The starting point for implementation research is a public service
intervention around which collective action occurs, which may result in change to
the system and an external (target) group.
Multilevel Systems
Part of the analytical complexity of implementation comes from the reality that
SAFs rarely exist in isolation but are nested within and related to others. Depart-
ments within large organizations can each operate as distinct fields, sharing some
Moulton/Sandfort: The Strategic Action Field Framework 9
accountability rules need to be reconciled and integrated into the SAF dynamics
within implementing organizations. Sometimes, state or regional public agencies
provide authoritative guidance; however, private foundations, nongovernmental
organizations, and even direct providers can take such actions to reconcile field-
level parameters and operational realities.
At the overlap with the frontlines of the system, organizations operationalize
how the intervention will be carried out on a day-to-day basis. They develop proce-
dures for engaging program participants, ensuring standards of care or quality, and
documenting activities involved in carrying out the intervention. The current prac-
tices and expertise within the service organization directly shape how a public serv-
ice intervention is operationalized. If the organization’s current practices align with
the intervention’s logic of change, requisite technical skills and structures, implemen-
tation is easier. A corollary of this is that organizational actors often make changes to
the intervention to increase alignment with their existing assumptions and systems.
Making changes to the intervention that do not align with current practices often
requires new knowledge, resources, and willingness to be generated from within the
organization or the larger policy field.
The final level in our framework is the frontlines, where the implementation system
interacts directly with the target group, be they students, energy consumers, or citi-
zens. Sometimes, the frontlines involve face-to-face interactions between staff members
and the target group. Other times, the system and target group interact through virtual
means, such as online registration or call centers. The frontlines are where the public
service intervention is enacted for and with target group members, who are often,
themselves, “key problem solvers” in determining successful outcomes for the policy
change (Cohen & Moffit, 2009). It is the microlevel of the implementation system.
As SAFs, the frontlines are shaped by the larger organizational context within
which they operate. In fact, frontlines are sometimes subsumed into the operational
level of governance. However, for public service interventions, we think it is impor-
tant to recognize the distinct field dynamics that emerge between frontline workers
and target population participants. Frontline workers share ideas, assess options,
and commiserate about the inadequacies of directives to respond to particular situa-
tions (Maynard-Moody & Musheno, 2003; Sandfort, 1999). While theories about
street-level bureaucracy suggest generalizable constraints within frontline public sys-
tems (Lipsky, 1980; Maynard-Moody & Portillo, 2010), conceptualizing these imple-
mentation sites as SAFs suggests that such constraints can be mediated by the
structures and social skills demonstrated by actors within that field or proximate
fields. With regard to intervention processes, frontline workers often hold construc-
tions of the target population and beliefs about the efficacy of a particular interven-
tion that influence the degree to which they engage with the intervention or simply
follow procedures formulaically (Soss, 2005). While this distinction is more important
for interventions focusing on changing individual behavior, research documents dif-
ferences in outcomes by frontline workers even in more routine interventions.
Taken together, the three levels of action are not dissimilar to other policy and
governance frameworks. However, our framework places emphasis on the field
dynamics at each level that affect the public service intervention.
Moulton/Sandfort: The Strategic Action Field Framework 11
Assumption #3: Within each setting, there are various potential sources of author-
ity that can provide field actors with a rationale for the practices they enact.
Assumption #4: Field actors utilize social skill to re-frame what is perceived to be
legitimate practice for public service interventions, leveraging existing authority
sources in new ways, facilitating the creation of additional sources of authority, or
capitalizing on exogenous shocks to create new authority for action.
14 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
public service interventions across policy domains and settings. To better illustrate
how this application can occur, we briefly consider an illustrative case.
Thus far, we have presented the SAF framework independent of context to allow
it to be generalizable to a variety of public service interventions. However, to demon-
strate how the framework can be applied to formulate research questions, it is useful
to illustrate its application in a specific case; in this instance, the Individual Develop-
ment Account (IDA) matched savings program. We provide brief background about
the case, and then apply the three components of the framework to the case, high-
lighting how the elements and assumptions of the framework are realized in the
case, and how these elements can help structure research questions.
Case Background
As income-support programs fell out of favor in the United States during the
1990s, scholars began to realize that poverty was not merely caused by lack of earn-
ings but also by limited assets (McKernan & Sherraden, 2008; Shapiro & Wolff, 2001;
Sherraden, 1991, 2000). Because most policies encouraging asset development oper-
ate through the tax system, there was growing bipartisan concern that the regressive
nature of asset-based policies would have negative consequences for lower income
populations (Sherraden, 2000).6 Like most social problems, many interventions have
been enacted at the national, state, and local levels to boost household assets, ranging
from changes to means-tested criteria for public benefit programs, to goal directed
savings incentives, to financial education programs. The IDA program is one
IDAs are a public service intervention designed to offer program participants a
financial match (often more than 1:1) for savings deposited with a financial institu-
tion. After a minimum amount of time, the asset can be used to defray costs associ-
ated with higher education, home purchase, or the start-up of a small business.
While federal and state legislation provides some direct support for IDAs,7 national
surveys of program operators suggest that nearly half of the programs also receive
funding from private sources (Corporation for Enterprise Development [CFED],
2014). Policy researchers at the CFED, a national nonprofit organization supporting
the program, estimate that over 1,100 sites have operated IDAs, opening over
100,000 accounts for income-eligible participants (CFED, 2014).
Applying the SAF framework to the IDA case, we begin by unpacking the public
service intervention and the potential for variation. Certain aspects are relatively clear:
matched savings accounts (the intervention) are made available to qualified low and
moderate income households (the target population) with the purpose of facilitating
16 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
The second component of the framework calls attention to the multilevel SAFs
that surround an intervention. Like many policy areas, the selection of IDA processes
(such as the match rate) are often not based on empirical evaluations of which
savings-match rate yields the most desirable outcome. Rather, implementers make
this decision based on what they consider legitimate or feasible within the context at
the policy field, organization, and frontlines of the system.
In the IDA case, the constellation of actors in the policy field and the methods
employed to facilitate coordination vary substantially by state. For example, about
one-third of the states have a centralized network structure with a public agency dis-
bursing funds to local nonprofit organizations (CFED, 2014).8 In some states,
nonprofit-led working groups hold regular meetings and disseminate best practices
to facilitate coordination. In other states, no formal state-wide coordination or
Moulton/Sandfort: The Strategic Action Field Framework 17
funding structures exist, and individual programs seek funding directly from field
organizations, foundations, or individual donors. These distinctions in field actors,
resource distributions, and their collective decision processes reflect differences in
what is understood to be a legitimate resolution of options when assembling the
intervention in a particular place.
Even when states have a central agency authorizing or coordinating the program,
there is considerable variation at the organizational level that can affect IDA interven-
tions. The core mission and focus of the central organizations often varies, with some
housed in state housing and community development agencies, others in state human
service agencies, and still others in nonstate community development corporations or
community action agencies (CFED, 2014). Similarly, there is considerable variation in
the service providers offering IDA programs. For example, in Oregon, the 10 agencies
operating IDA programs include refugee and minority group organizations, commu-
nity development agencies, and a housing developer. Differences in missions and rou-
tine technologies employed by the organizations (e.g., providing public benefits or
educating citizens) lead to variations in adaptations of the IDA intervention to fit the
ongoing work of the organization; for example, housing organizations might be more
likely to emphasize the homeownership goals of the IDA program than other goals.
The enactment of the program at the frontline level can substantially influence how
the program is experienced by the target population and subsequently what results.
For example, frontline workers may adopt their own internal processes for approving
or denying savings withdrawal requests from participants; some may require in-per-
son consultations, while others may approve requests taken over the phone or by
email. These variations may be due to coping strategies to deal with heavy workloads,
lessons learned from professional trainings, or long-held beliefs about the target group.
This component of the framework calls attention to the scale of analysis.
Researchers may be particularly interested in actions taking place around the inter-
vention at a particular level. For example, researchers may compare states as distinct
policy fields, identifying how differing historical relationships, resources, and social
skills of actors influence the resulting IDA intervention. At another scale of analysis,
researchers might compare the primary mission of service organizations (e.g., hous-
ing, employment assistance, poverty alleviation) and explore how this influences the
integration of the program processes into day-to-day operations. At yet another
scale, a researcher might focus on frontline conditions and explore how workers at
this level use particular resources to inform their own work with clients. Research
can also explicitly investigate the nested levels of systems through multilevel model-
ing. Regardless of the scale of analysis, researchers should acknowledge how the
constraints and decisions of the proximate fields shape the implementation options
at other levels, with an awareness of the complete implementation system.
The final component of the framework explicates field elements that contribute
to the stability of and change of the intervention—namely, the activation of diverse
18 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
sources of authority through social skill. In the IDA case, all four sources of authority
are activated at different times and scales of analysis. In terms of political authority,
some states passed laws that, among other things, specified the match rate and reve-
nue sources. And, government agencies often oversaw the development of rules to
guide IDA implementation. When political support for grant funding was low,
socially skilled actors often leveraged more politically palatable economic incentives
through individual and corporate tax credits to supplement revenue for IDA pro-
grams (Portland State, 2013).
Aside from more formal sources of authority, the initial spread of the IDA pro-
gram reflects the influence that shared norms can have within an implementation sys-
tem. The Center for Social Development (CSD) at Washington University, where
IDA’s were first conceptualized, is a leading source of technical assistance and evalu-
ation in the county. Socially skilled actors within CSD framed strategies and
equipped state-level actors with tools to bring their programs to scale, leading to
some degree of standardization of programs across fields. Conversely, differing
beliefs about the causes of participant poverty and their ability to save contributes to
variation in the intervention across sites. Where lack of savings is perceived to be
due to poor budgeting or financial knowledge, an emphasis on financial education is
emphasized. When the lack of savings is seen as caused by lack of income, a greater
emphasis may be placed on job training and income support programs.
Researchers can analyze drivers of change and stability as independent variables
that may contribute to variations in the intervention. In practice, socially skilled
actors at various levels mobilize authority sources to either introduce or block
change. To what extent are regulations or normative pressures (e.g., from CSD) acti-
vated to introduce new practices or prevent change to existing interventions? These
drivers can also be analyzed as dependent variables that are shaped by field dynam-
ics. Researchers particularly interested in the social process of SAFs might explore
how and under what conditions particular social skills are applied. This likely
requires a more in-depth, qualitative approach.
Through the illustrative case, we show how the SAF framework could be
applied to inform investigations around a particular intervention. It suggests ways
the framework can give rise to new directions for social science research and new
possibilities to inform practice (O’Toole, 2004). While the context often drives the
specific research questions of interest, the SAF framework is well equipped to frame
general areas of inquiry.
First, the SAF framework provides a new way to make sense of the variation
observed in a particular intervention across sites of implementation. Why do we see
an intervention being adopted in different ways across settings (e.g., states, counties,
local organizations) in order to create the “same” desired change in the behaviors or
conditions of the target group? The framework offered here would direct researchers
to document the existing social structures (rules and resources in use) in the imple-
mentation system, and the strategies used by socially skilled actors to introduce
Moulton/Sandfort: The Strategic Action Field Framework 19
change or reinforce the status quo, including the mobilization of particular sources
of authority or exogenous shocks to the system.9
Second, a concern of great practical significance is the overall capability of imple-
mentation systems to deliver desired change. For example, a new “evidence-based
practice” regarding an intervention has been identified, but it is unclear the extent to
which implementation sites are ready and able to adopt the new practice. How do
historical and current conditions within the SAF influence the time it takes to inte-
grate new or modified interventions into standard operating procedures? What char-
acteristics of a SAF influence the likelihood that actors will consult research-based
evidence regarding the intervention? Our framework directs researchers to consider
current processes of creating change and methods of coordination in use at various
levels of the implementation system, and the extent to which the new practices devi-
ate from the existing practices. Further, latent sources of authority that may be mobi-
lized to legitimate (or thwart) new practices may be identified.
Third, this theoretical framework emphasizes the importance of individual
agency to affect implementation results. The exertion of social skill as a means for
reconciling inherent ambiguities of policy implementation is rather unique to the
SAF framework. For this reason, there are many unanswered questions about the
use of social skill that can be addressed by further inquiry. What factors in the SAF
affect the types of skills exerted by actors to frame problems, shape understandings,
and direct others’ actions in implementing public service interventions? Does this
skill set depend upon the level in the system, familiarity with the sources of author-
ity that are conventionally recognized, or the significance of exogenous shocks?
When actors move across fields, how do they analyze new settings and adjust their
skills and knowledge of relevant authority sources? Does intervention complexity
shape which authority sources are relevant?
The nature of these questions implies that research informed by this frame-
work will likely employ mixed methods (Small, 2011). Investigators should
design their studies in relation to their questions, context, and data availability.
Data can come in different formats—survey responses, field notes, administra-
tive data, audio files, or transcriptions. The means of collecting this data also
vary, from email to mail surveys, single to group observation, single source or
merged administrative records, focus groups, or interviews. Triangulation of
data types and collection methods improves validity and enables more confi-
dence in drawing conclusions from the analysis. And, the analysis procedures—
the means of making sense of the information—are similarly varied. Hierarchical
linear modeling, agent-based modeling, or inductive coding with analytical
memoing all might be appropriate analytical procedures.
Because of the pragmatic concerns of implementation research, it is also quite
possible that fruitful investigations can be developed collaboratively with practi-
tioners, as is often the case in organizational science (e.g., Luscher & Lewis, 2008;
Van de Ven, 2007). Given the significance paid to localized knowledge of a SAF in
this framework, studies that combine the desire to deepen knowledge about imple-
mentation with the applied aim to explain variation in practice—including the
20 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
integration of public service interventions into systems and changes in target group
conditions—will be particularly fruitful.
and consumer finance policies. Her recent publications appear in journals such as
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Pub-
lic Administration Research and Theory, and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
Jodi R. Sandfort is a professor at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, Univer-
sity of Minnesota. Her research interests include policy and program implementa-
tion and program evaluation, with a specialization in government–nonprofit
relations and social welfare policy. Her recent publications appear in journals such
as Critical Policy Studies, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, and the
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
We would like to thank Scott Allard, Peter Hupe, Jennifer Mosley, Edella Schlager, Chris Weible, Andy
Whitford, Craig Smith, and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of
this article. This paper elaborates ideas at the foundation of our book Effective Implementation in Practice:
Integrating Public Policy and Management (Jossey-Bass, 2015). Order of authorship is alphabetical, as all of
the ideas, and limitations, come from our dynamic collaboration.
1. There is also a stream of complexity theory in public policy that documents policy processes taking
place within complex systems (Anderies & Janssen, 2013; Colander & Kupers, 2014).
2. There are a relatively large number of peer review articles published since 2010 that utilize this theory
(see e.g., Abrutyn, 2012; Ozen & Ozen, 2011). However, virtually all focus applications to societal-
level systems rather than the operational-level application taken here, which focuses on dynamics
within and between SAFs in pursuit of an institutionally sanctioned change.
3. For example, in their book, Fligstein and McAdam (2012) apply SAF theory to help explain how
changes to the mortgage finance system in the United States contributed to the economic crisis of
2008. Their focus is on creation and disruption of SAFs at an abstract level, looking at how the
mortgage-lending crisis destabilized proximate fields. While certainly relevant to public policy, this
account does not provide insight into the more detailed activities involved in policy implementation.
In our application, we would narrow in on a specific intervention, such as mortgages originated to
lower income households, and seek to understand how specific dimensions of the intervention, such
as the terms of the mortgage and underwriting processes, are shaped by the dynamics within the field
and subsequently impact outcomes.
4. This construct resembles the idea of political scientists who focused on local “policy subsystems”
(Milward & Wamsley, 1984) or “localized implementation structures” (Hjern & Porter, 1981). Yet,
because of our training in organizational science and institutional theory, we prefer the terminology
of “policy field” with its distinct theoretical foundation.
5. Others note that in studying complex systems, it is often preferable to articulate general mechanisms
that can be more precisely specified in particular contexts (Colander & Kupers, 2014). This theory ben-
efits from constructs that are loosely framed, so that more specific definition can be undertaken in spe-
cific applications, as we will illustrate below with our IDA example.
6. Policy that operates through the tax system is more regressive than social insurance or other means-
tested policies because low-income people do not have sufficient income to benefit as dramatically
from reductions in tax liability or tax credits unless they are made refundable.
7. The Assets for Independence Act of 1998 provides direct federal funding to support IDAs, and other
programs including the Community Service Block Grant, Office of Refugee Resettlement financing,
and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, created other federal funding alternatives during the
8. At one time, 43 state governments had enacted legislation or administered such programs, although
only 15 states had state-led programs operating in 2013 (CFED, 2014).
22 Policy Studies Journal, 00:00
9. An example of such a study is Taylor, Rees, and Damm’s (2014) account of implementation of a U.K.
work policy at the macro level.
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