Security in The Internet of Things Application Layer Requirements Threats and Solutions
Security in The Internet of Things Application Layer Requirements Threats and Solutions
Security in The Internet of Things Application Layer Requirements Threats and Solutions
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mahmoud Abbasi on 19 March 2023.
1 ABSTRACT Communication systems and networks are evolving as an integral part of not only of our
2 everyday life but also as a part of the industry, fundamental infrastructures, companies, etc. Current directions
3 and concepts, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), promise the enhanced quality of life, greater business
4 opportunities, cost-effective manufacturing, and efficient operation management through ubiquitous con-
5 nectivity and deployment of smart physical objects. IoT networks can collect, preprocess, and transmit vast
6 amounts of data. A considerable portion of this data is security- and privacy-critical data, which makes IoT
7 networks a tempting option for attackers. Given that these networks deal with the actual aspects of our lives
8 and fundamental infrastructures (e.g. smart grids), security in such networks is crucial. The large scale of
9 these networks and their unique characteristics and complexity bring further vulnerabilities. In this study,
10 we focus on the IoT application layer, security requirements, threats, and countermeasures in this layer, and
11 some of the open issues and future research lines.
13 I. INTRODUCTION and its application areas will be around 3.9 to 11.1 trillion 28
14 Generally, the Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the grow- USD worldwide by 2025 [3]. 29
15 ing network of smart-physical devices that can sense and Accordingly, many industries and companies are extending 30
16 act on their surroundings, pre-process data, communicate, IoT-powered products, services, and solutions to break into 31
17 and share data to achieve their ultimate goals [1]. In other and dominate the market [4]. In addition, the main aim of 32
18 words, IoT systems play an active part in different aspects IoT is to transform the way we live and work by developing 33
19 of human life, including daily activities, industry, self-driven smart devices and services that carry out our daily tasks. 34
20 cars, retail, healthcare, smart grids, business, farming, etc. Smart cities, smart agriculture, smart transportation, smart 35
21 The successful implementation of IoT-enabled systems in healthcare, smart environment, etc., are some of the ideas 36
22 diverse areas has led to significant growth in the number of introduced in connection with IoT [5]. 37
23 connected things. It is forecasted to reach several billion in the Despite these promising developments and efforts, there 38
24 upcoming year [2]. Cisco predicts that over 500 billion things are still several issues hindering the full and practical deploy- 39
25 (e.g., sensors, actuators, and cars) will be connected to the ment of IoT in the real world. One of the key challenges that 40
26 Internet by the end of 2025. A study by the McKinsey Global IoT deals with and must be overcome is security [6]. Due to 41
27 Institute reveals an estimated annual economic impact of IoT, the fact that these systems are increasingly used in diverse 42
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and of such systems. Many investigations have provided proof 44
approving it for publication was Xiangxue Li. of security and privacy vulnerabilities such as authentication, 45
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 10, 2022 97197
M. Abbasi et al.: Security in the IoT Application Layer: Requirements, Threats, and Solutions
54 requirements for the IoT application layer and then to under- IoT can be described as a computing and communication con- 93
55 stand and categorize security threats in the IoT application cept focusing on the interconnection between things and/or 94
56 layer. Furthermore, the paper analyzes existing security coun- between things and people. Kevin Ashton firstly presented 95
57 termeasures at the application layer of IoT. the IoT paradigm in 1998. In an IoT network, it is possible 96
58 In the field of IoT security, several survey articles have to have various heterogeneous devices and communication 97
59 been published, e.g., [6], [7], [8], [11], [12], [13], [14]. Nev- protocols to gather and interchange data with other nodes in 98
60 ertheless, the lack of clear focus and direction in some of the network [15]. 99
61 these papers is evident, especially those related to the IoT The definition of the most adopted IoT architectures and 100
62 application layer. In other words, few studies have been car- the description of the IoT layers and their functions is 101
63 ried out to individually examine IoT layers’ security aspects. essential to understanding IoT networks. Research commu- 102
64 In an attempt to fill this critical gap and in response to con- nities and industries have introduced multiple IoT architec- 103
65 cerns about the security of the IoT application layer, our main tures. Broadly speaking, IoT architectures can fall into three 104
67 the application layer by presenting the major security require- 1) Three-layer architecture: It is the most common archi- 106
68 ments, threats, and existing solutions. Also, open issues and tecture introduced for IoT networks [17]. As the name 107
69 future research lines are provided. The primary contributions indicates, there are three layers in this architecture, 108
70 of our paper are as follows: including the application layer, the network layer, and 109
71 • We examined the surveys that reviewed the security of the perception layer. 110
72 the IoT application layer and then highlighted its advan- 2) Four-layer architecture: This IoT architecture model is 111
73 tages and limitations. roughly similar to the three-layer architecture, except 112
74 • We identified and represented the main security require- that it has an extra layer, the data processing layer. 113
75 ments of the IoT application layer. Moreover, these secu- 3) Five-layer architecture: Compared to the three-layer 114
76 rity requirements are categorized based on IoT use cases architecture, this one includes two additional layers, the 115
77 and protocols. business layer and the data processing layer. 116
78 • We introduced the key security threats and the counter- In this study, the three-layer architecture is used as a ref- 117
79 measure for those threats in the IoT application layer for erence for the definition of the IoT layers and their tasks, 118
80 both IoT use cases and protocols (see Fig. 1). as this architecture is the most common architecture for IoT 119
81 • Finally, we discussed open challenges and future (see Fig. 2). Furthermore, our central focus is on the IoT 120
82 research lines of the IoT application layer’s security. application layer to narrow the search and investigate the 121
83 The rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section II pro- topic as carefully as possible. 122
86 Section IV investigates the key security requirements in the This layer is designed as the top layer in the IoT architec- 124
87 IoT application layer. The provided classification, security ture [18]. The application layer accepts the network-level data 125
88 threats, and potential solutions for the IoT application layer from the middle layer and uses this data to deliver desired 126
89 are discussed in Section V. Section VI illustrates the chal- services and/or operations. For example, the application layer 127
90 lenges and future research directions. Finally, our paper is can provide the data analysis service to find valuable details 128
91 concluded in Section VII. for forecasting the condition of physical devices. 129
130 B. NETWORK LAYER layer and providing a taxonomy of security requirements, 184
131 It is designed as the middle layer in the three-layer IoT archi- security threats, and potential solutions. To achieve the aims 185
132 tecture. It is also named the transmission layer [19]. One of its of our study, the security of the IoT application layer is inves- 186
133 major functions is to route the pre-processed data supplied by tigated from two different points of view, including IoT use 187
134 the perception layer. In other words, this layer sends the data cases and IoT application layer protocols. These are discussed 188
135 to the IoT devices, services, etc., through the communication in more detail in Sections IV and V. 189
136 network. The network layer consists of various components, In the next section, we review the surveys and papers 190
137 such as different devices (e.g., gateway, hub, and cloud) and related to the security of the IoT application layer and high- 191
138 different communication protocols (e.g., WiFi and cellular light their contributions and limitations. 192
141 The sensor layer is another name for this IoT layer [21]. The A number of papers reviewed the security aspects of IoT, 195
142 perception layer is implemented as the bottom layer in the e.g., [8], [23], [30], [31]. There are also some papers in the 196
143 three-layer IoT architecture. It is capable of interacting with literature that focus on the security aspects of a specific IoT 197
144 physical objects and entities in an IoT network via smart layer, e.g., physical layer [32], [33], perception layer [34], 198
145 devices such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags [35], and network layer [36], [37], or some papers investi- 199
146 and various sensors. gate IoT security from a technological point of view, e.g., 200
147 As mentioned, IoT security is crucial. This is mainly due blockchain [38], [39], machine learning [40], [41], and net- 201
148 to the fact that there is a growing number of IoT devices work virtualization [42], [43]. Nevertheless, a limited body 202
149 integrated into security- and safety-critical services and appli- of literature focuses on IoT security from the point of view 203
150 cations, such as smart cities, industrial automation, e-health, of the application layer. This section provides an overview of 204
151 and smart mobility [7]. Moreover, IoT devices are capable of the existing work that discusses IoT application layer security 205
152 collecting, pre-processing, and transmitting security-critical and compares them with our study. 206
153 and sensitive private data; hence, they are vulnerable targets Maybe the most relevant paper to our study is [44]. In this 207
154 for various intruders [22], [23]. Accordingly, to offer the paper, the authors surveyed the security of the IoT application 208
155 greater and safe functionality of IoT systems, it is vital to layer. The paper mainly discussed the challenges of conven- 209
156 strengthen the security of the underlying components, espe- tional security measures, such as authentication, key manage- 210
157 cially their protocols, devices, and data, against adversary ment, and cryptography. However, this work differs from our 211
158 agents [24]. Compared with the traditional communication survey because it did not provide any specific classification 212
159 systems, IoT systems are more prone to security attacks due for investigating security challenges and relevant solutions in 213
160 to [12], [25]: the IoT application layer. Furthermore, this survey did not 214
discuss the security of the IoT use cases, and their discussion 215
161 • Most IoT networks adopt wireless protocols for com- on IoT application protocols is limited to the commonly used 216
162 munications (e.g., WiFi and Sigfox), where malicious protocols, such as AMQP, MQTT, and XMPP. 217
163 actors could obtain confidential data by eavesdropping In [45] Nebbione et al. conducted an in-depth survey on 218
164 on the wireless channel [26]. the IoT application layer protocols. More specifically, they 219
165 • Most IoT devices are resource-constrained in terms of investigated the most widespread IoI application layer proto- 220
166 power, storage, computation, and memory. Hence, they cols and their security threats. Nevertheless, the paper did not 221
167 cannot support complex security mechanisms [27]. cover the security of IoT use cases, e.g., smart cities and smart 222
168 • The ever-increasing complexity and heterogeneity of grids, as an important aspect of the IoT application layer. 223
169 IoT systems also complicate the security issues faced by Similar studies have been performed in [46], [47], [48], 224
170 such systems [28]. and [49]. The authors provided a brief overview of IoT appli- 225
171 • Most IoT systems use centralized data management cation protocols and their security vulnerabilities in these 226
172 approaches (e.g. cloud and local servers). These cen- papers without considering potential solutions. The papers 227
173 tralized approaches make the overall system vulnerable did not cover any security aspects regarding the IoT use cases. 228
174 because of single point of failure and probability of secu- In addition, the studies only investigated a limited number of 229
175 rity attacks [29]. IoT application protocols. 230
176 Motivated by the importance of IoT security, especially the The authors in [50] reviewed conventional and recent 231
177 IoT application layer, as well as the lack of a comprehen- advances in the application layer protocols of IoT systems 232
178 sive survey on the IoT application layer’s security, we try to and the importance of the application layer protocols in IoT 233
179 fill the gap by providing an extensive survey on this topic. use cases, such as Industrial IoT, healthcare, and smart cities. 234
180 The research gap will be discussed further in the following Moreover, they discussed machine learning as a solution 235
181 sections. for the dynamicity and intelligence of the IoT application 236
182 As mentioned, this paper considers the three-layer IoT layer protocols. However, their review did not cover security 237
183 architecture. The paper’s primary focus is on the application requirements, threats, and potential solutions. 238
260 protocol. Moreover, the authors discussed solutions to these of IoT use cases and the security of IoT application pro- 295
261 security challenges, such as adopting compressing mecha- tocols [56], [57], [58], [59], [60], [61], [62], [63], [64] 296
262 nisms and key management processes. (see Fig. 3). 297
263 The authors in [55] introduced IoT and its different To find related papers on the topic, different keywords 298
264 layers. Then, they discussed security in IoT based on a have been used, including ‘‘security and IoT,’’ ‘‘security and 299
265 three-layered architecture, including perception, middleware, IoT application layer,’’ ‘‘security and IoT application layer 300
266 and application layer. Moreover, they investigated the IoT’s protocols’’, ‘‘privacy and security and IoT application layer,’’ 301
267 protocol stack (e.g., 6LoWPAN and IEEE 802.15.4) and ‘‘privacy and security and IoT application layer protocols,’’ 302
268 security requirements for these protocols. Despite these pos- etc. We searched well-known digital libraries and academic 303
269 itive points, the authors did not cover the IoT application publishers, including IEEE, Elsevier, ScienceDirect, ACM, 304
270 layer’s security, including use cases and application proto- Springer, MDPI, etc., to download the literature for our work. 305
271 cols, in enough detail as they focused on all three layers. Moreover, for each IoT use case and IoT application layer 306
272 In Table 1, a summary of the reviewed papers is provided protocol discussed in this paper, we went through the same 307
273 based on their contributions and focus, i.e., IoT use cases or process to find the related literature. 308
276 of the IoT application layer’s security do not fully cover fun- When a communication system deals with private/sensitive 310
277 damental aspects of this layer, i.e., IoT uses cases and IoT information, confidentiality is a critical security requirement 311
278 application layer protocols. Compared to the existing survey that needs to be satisfied [65]. Confidentiality refers to pro- 312
279 papers, the main aim of our paper is to give a comprehensive tecting information from unauthorized access or those who 313
280 view of the security of the IoT application layer. To this end, are not allowed to view it [14]. Confidentiality may also refer 314
281 the following section answers the following question: to preserving the IoT devices and equipment from unautho- 315
282 What are the fundamental security requirements of the IoT rized access. 316
283 application layer regarding IoT use cases and IoT application Confidentiality protection is challenging when considering 317
284 layer protocols? the IoT use cases due to the different involved devices and 318
285 IV. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS OF THE IoT APPLICATION System (ITS) has various devices such as smartphones, vehi- 320
286 LAYER cles, roadside stations, cameras, and sensors. In some IoT use 321
287 Before introducing the security threats of the IoT applica- cases (e.g., IIoT and smart grids), the lack of confidentiality 322
288 tion layer, it is important to discuss the security require- countermeasures can lead to the loss of customer and ven- 323
289 ments that this layer must fulfill for the correct operation of dors’ data and intellectual property such as trade secrets [67]. 324
290 the IoT systems. Failure to comply with a security require- Confidentiality, especially confidentiality of transmis- 325
291 ment may bring security challenges to the system. The key sions/communications, is also an essential security require- 326
292 security requirements in the IoT application layer are listed ment in IoT application layer protocols [68]. To this 327
293 below. These requirements have been identified through end, many IoT application layer protocols try to preserve 328
TABLE 1. An overview of existing literature surveys on IoT application layer security. ( : The paper investigated the determining factor; : The paper
partially covered that factor; : The papers did not consider that factor.)
329 confidentiality through built-in mechanisms, such as Trans- safeguard the system against the unapproved spread, destruc- 342
330 port Layer Security (TLS) and Data TLS (DTLS) proto- tion, or changing of messages. 343
331 cols [69]. The lack of appropriate confidentiality measures In IoT use cases, it is essential to ensure the integrity of 344
332 by IoT application layer protocols can cause the disclosure of communication and computation between different system 345
333 sensitive information by attackers. entities, such as various sensors, actuators, controllers, human 346
334 As described in the next section, several security attacks agents, etc. This is mainly due to the fact that these entities 347
335 can threaten the confidentiality of an IoT application layer by can collect massive amounts of important data. For exam- 348
336 disclosing information. ple, in a smart agriculture scenario, many IoT sensors and 349
337 B. INTEGRITY temperature, and water data [71]. The altering of this data 351
338 Data/message integrity means that a message was not can lead to severe damage to other involved operations, e.g., 352
339 changed over its life cycle (i.e., between sending and receiv- changes in the pH of agricultural water and the applied nutri- 353
340 ing). In other words, it refers to data’s consistency, accuracy, ent solution for plants. In another instance, the lack of data 354
341 and validity over workflow [70]. In IoT systems, integrity can integrity in the industrial automation scenario can lead to 355
356 damaging consequences, such as hiding and altering crucial and confirming indisputable evidence about the declared 409
357 details related to the safety parameters of industrial machin- event [80]. Non-repudiation is an essential security require- 410
358 ery or standards, degradation of product quality, and indus- ment for ITSs, especially in VANETs and V2V communi- 411
359 trial machinery breakdown [72]. cations. This is mainly because non-repudiation can protect 412
360 In IoT application layer protocols, messages, and com- communications from false denial activities [81]. The loss of 413
361 munication integrity are paramount. Hence, built-in plug- event data can lead to security risks against non-repudiation. 414
364 C. AVAILABILITY is: ‘‘privacy is a term related to persons, and their data, 417
365 Availability is vital in IoT systems and guarantees that ser- especially personal or sensitive data, which emphasizes the 418
366 vice and network continue to operate even in the presence of need to protect data should not be exploited, accessed with- 419
367 faults or malicious activities [74]. For availability, not only out the permission of the owner, or used in a way that the 420
368 security is required but also a fault management process (i.e., owner doesn’t expect’’. Privacy in IoT systems is paramount 421
369 fault detection, isolation, and then correction of the abnormal because, in such systems, many devices are connected to the 422
370 condition of the network). Internet to send data to other devices and/or communication 423
371 For IoT systems, especially safety- and mission-critical systems. This data can be personal raw or sensitive data that 424
372 IoT systems, such as smart grids and ITS, it is vital to should not be exposed to a third party. For example, one can 425
373 guarantee the availability of the systems since these systems refer to the mobility data in VANETs and V2V communi- 426
374 deal with the safety of the users and the real-time functional cations. Given the IoT application layer, the attackers in this 427
375 requirements. For example, to guarantee the safety of pas- layer can destroy privacy through a known vulnerability, such 428
376 sengers, ITS’s involved devices need to be able to operate as cross-site scripting attacks and buffer overflow [83]. 429
377 and communicate with each other [75]. The forecasting of In the next section, we will introduce security threats that 430
378 potential bottlenecks and providing bandwidth need to be can compromise the above-mentioned security requirements. 431
379 considered. In the context of IoT application layer protocols, Moreover, different potential countermeasures to prevent and 432
380 the availability of nodes and the environment are important mitigate security threats are reviewed. 433
383 This is one of the principal requirements for any communi- The security of the IoT application layer, i.e., IoT applica- 436
384 cation system and ensures that the right users (e.g., patients tions and application layer protocols, is an integral part of 437
385 and physicians in a smart healthcare system) or devices (e.g., the system design. IoT application layer protocols are the 438
386 nodes and aggregators) can get access to the resources or foundation for communications among various IoT use cases, 439
387 take certain actions, and the services provided by an IoT net- devices, and running services. In other words, IoT application 440
388 work [76]. For example, granting access to electronic health layer protocols serve as an interface between the IoT use 441
389 records and patient records. In the vast majority of IoT appli- cases and end-users [84]. Hence, considering the vital role 442
390 cations, e.g., in vehicular networks and ITSs, the authenti- of the application layer in all of the IoT use cases, security 443
391 cation of all users and messages is critical as it can prevent at this layer is crucial. The intruders in the IoT application 444
392 serious security threats such as Sybil attacks [77]. layer are probably going to disturb security through differ- 445
393 Considering IoT application layer protocols, authentica- ent attacks, such as injection attacks, unauthorized access, 446
394 tion/authorization is a key security requirement as there are cross-site scripting attacks, etc., [85]. 447
397 services, and some deploy custom solutions for authentica- Following extensive review and analysis, we have identified 449
398 tion [78]. We will discuss these solutions in the next section six crucial IoT applications: smart grids, smart healthcare, 450
399 in more detail. ITS, smart agriculture, IIoT, and smart cities. In the following 451
401 In communication systems and networks, non-repudiation 1) SMART GRIDS 453
402 refers to the assurance that any entity participating in commu- The main security goals in smart grids are confidentiality, 454
403 nication can not deny having been involved in all or part of a integrity, and availability [86]. Concerning these security 455
404 communication event. Satisfying non-repudiation guards IoT requirements, one can refer to the following security threats. 456
407 putes about an event’s happening or not happening. This can Several types of attacks target confidentiality in smart grids, 458
408 be done through gathering, maintaining, making available, including password-pilfering attacks, traffic analysis attacks, 459
460 eavesdropping attacks, unauthorized access, false data injec- communication mistakes can destroy data integrity in such 513
461 tion attacks, and password theft attacks. The main objec- systems during data transmission. 514
462 tive of these attacks is to gain the desired information [87]. In the smart health systems, the authenticity of the users 515
463 Another group of attacks tries to destroy the integrity of smart (e.g., patient and physicians) and devices (e.g., nodes and 516
464 grids, such as data tampering attacks, wormhole attacks, data aggregators) should be ensured in order to prevent from 517
465 injection attacks, spoofing attacks, data manipulation attacks, masquerading attacks against electronic health records and 518
466 man-in-the-middle attacks, and masquerading attacks [56]. patient health records [97]. Moreover, authorization ensures 519
467 The main goal of these attacks is to change the original that the right users (e.g., patients and physicians) or devices 520
468 data payload. The availability of smart grids can also be can access electronic health records and patient health 521
470 jamming, wormhole, DoS attacks (e.g., teardrop, LDoS, pup- Besides the challenges related to security, wearable devices 523
471 pet, and smurf), buffer overflow, masquerading, man-in-the- in smart health systems can be used for measuring data about 524
472 middle attacks, and spoofing attacks [88]. blood pressure, temperature, heart rate, blood sugar, etc., [98]. 525
473 In addition, using monitoring technologies such as This data is usually stored in a cloud server as Personal 526
474 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) may cause privacy Health Record (PHR) for further processing and analysis by 527
475 violation risks for users (privacy issues) [57]. For example, physicians. As this data is vital and personal, privacy concern 528
476 extracting habitual information patterns by adversaries or is the most critical security issue in healthcare-related IoT 529
478 number of deployed devices and the heterogeneity of devices Some literature also refers to data freshness as a security 531
479 can raise key scalability issues for security providing. requirement in smart healthcare [99]. Repeat/replay attacks 532
481 To deal with the security threats that target the confidentiality b: SOLUTIONS 534
482 of smart grids, several methods have been proposed [89]. Using cipher algorithms for data encryption is a remedy to 535
483 For example, one can use data encryption against password the security challenges arising from confidentiality. Consid- 536
484 theft attacks [90]. Deploying authentication mechanisms can ering the security challenges related to data integrity, ensur- 537
485 prevent eavesdropping attacks, unauthorized access, and false ing data integrity through cryptography algorithms such as 538
486 data injection attacks. Moreover, using encryption proto- AES128/256 and SHA is a solution [58]. 539
487 cols can prevent traffic analysis attacks. To cope with data Different authentication mechanisms should be utilized to 540
488 integrity attacks, some solutions have been introduced. Cryp- deal with authentication security challenges, such as digital 541
489 tography techniques, algorithms, and authenticity are among signatures and key-based and certificate-based authentica- 542
490 the most used methods to prevent attacks on data integrity tion. Additionally, to ensure authorization in a smart health- 543
491 attacks [91]. Moreover, methods such as power fingerprinting care system, the access control mechanisms should be used 544
492 techniques, strategies based on trusted network connect, and to define the right access for each user in the system. More- 545
493 volt-var control algorithms have also been developed [92]. over, to address the privacy-related issues in smart healthcare 546
494 Using security gateways to encrypt the traffic can be a applications, developing secure access control approaches for 547
495 remedy for man-in-the-middle attacks. In addition, end-to- wearables and PHR should be considered [100]. Further- 548
496 end encryption and authentication mechanisms are crucial to more, as PHRs are stored in cloud servers, using crypto- 549
497 reducing the consequences of the data injection attack, spoof- graphic primitives to improve the authentication protocols of 550
498 ing attacks, and data manipulation attack. The following mea- PHRs is possible [101]. When one accesses the information 551
499 sures have been taken to cope with the availability attacks. in healthcare systems, the authentication mechanisms should 552
500 For mitigation of DoS attacks, traffic filtering technologies, be human-machine authentication, while for updating the 553
501 anomaly detection methods, and air gapping are promising collected data in the server, machine-machine authentication 554
502 solutions [93]. Given jamming attacks, anti-jamming tech- works. 555
503 niques can be adopted, such as [94]. One of the ways to mitigate repeat/replay attacks is to 556
504 2) SMART HEALTHCARE the devices (e.g., sensors). The verification can be done 558
505 Regarding the applications of IoT in healthcare, there are seri- by looking at different factors, such as up-to-date data, 559
506 ous security concerns [95]. More specifically, when it comes non-duplication data, and the order of data. 560
510 Data confidentiality in smart healthcare systems can be repudiation [65], [102]. Indeed, the different security threats 564
511 endangered through unauthorized users and eavesdropping in ITSs can be classified from the point of view of the security 565
512 attacks [96]. Furthermore, adversary users and accidental requirements. 566
568 Confidentiality protection in ITSs is challenging because and signature-based authentication are among the most used 623
569 there are different types of devices in an ITS, such as smart- techniques [110]. 624
579 infrastructures. There are various potential security risks meters collect different types of data, e.g., humidity, tem- 631
580 against data integrity in ITSs, including spoofing attacks, tim- perature, and water quality monitoring [61]. The collected 632
581 ing attacks [104], Sybil attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, data is sensitive as the analysis of this data can disclose 633
582 attacks against machine learning with adversarial examples, valuable information (e.g., the applied nutrient solution for 634
583 data poisoning, and policy manipulation attacks. plants and the locations of sensors) to a third party. Hence, 635
584 To guarantee the safety of passengers, ITS’s involved it is essential to preserve this private information from unau- 636
585 devices must be able to operate and communicate with thorized access and security threats such as insider data leak- 637
586 each other. Different attacks can restrict the availability of age and cloud data leakage. As for authentication-related 638
587 devices in ITS, such as DoS, spoofing attack, timing attack, security challenges, a malicious user (or program) tries to 639
588 jamming attack, man-in-the-middle attack, policy manipula- forge an identity in order to enter the system as an autho- 640
589 tion attacks, and data poisoning [59]. Regarding authentica- rized node [111]. To this end, the malicious actor may carry 641
590 tion/identification, it is vital for an ITS to correctly identify out different attacks, such as impersonation, spoofing, replay 642
591 and authenticate the users who want to participate in the attack, and masquerade attack. 643
592 communication and data transmission [105]. This is because When it comes to data confidentiality, the main goal of 644
593 many security threats are posed through different types of an attacker is to stand in an ideal place to eavesdrop on 645
594 attacks, including spoofing, timing attack, Sybil attacks, and the communication between IoT devices or IoT devices 646
595 man-in-the-middle attack. with an access point. There are different types of eaves- 647
596 Non-repudiation is an essential security requirement for dropping attacks in smart agriculture, including brute-force 648
597 ITSs, especially in VANETs and V2V communications. This attacks, tracing attacks, known-key distinguishing attacks, 649
598 is mainly due to the fact that non-repudiation can pro- and false data injection attacks [112]. As the name implies, 650
599 tect communications from false denial activities [106]. The the main goal of the attacks against availability is for services 651
600 loss of event data can lead to security risks against non- to become unavailable in a smart agriculture system. DoS 652
601 repudiation. Last but not least, mobility is another secu- and jamming attacks are the main types of threats in this 653
602 rity challenge in ITS applications [107]. The mobility of category [113]. 654
603 the entities in ITSs poses challenges to deploying security Smart agriculture systems are also subjected to data 655
604 solutions. integrity attacks [114]. This attack lets unauthorized entities 656
606 To alleviate confidentiality-related security challenges, a cou- attacks, forgery attacks, biometric attacks, and Trojan attacks. 659
609 steganographic algorithm [108]. Each of them has its pros and Different solutions have been proposed to deal with privacy- 661
610 cons. When considering data integrity, Message Authentica- related challenges, including privacy-preserving techniques 662
611 tion Code (MAC) is one of the main approaches to ensure during the data aggregation process in a smart agricul- 663
612 data integrity in ITSs [109]. However, using this technique ture system [115], location privacy solutions [116], content- 664
613 can cause additional computational overhead. oriented protection [117], data anonymization techniques, 665
614 To cope with the availability-related security challenges, and privacy-preserving trust evaluation methods. To reduce 666
615 signature-based authentication techniques have been pro- the threats related to data integrity, some solutions have been 667
616 posed [60]. The most important problem with this method is proposed, such as label-based access control technique [118], 668
617 that it needs additional infrastructure. In addition, challenge- content integrity verification [119], and message authentica- 669
618 response protocols and message authentication codes are tion codes [120]. 670
619 provided for security challenges related to authentication To provide authentication, different solutions have been 671
620 and identification. These methods can pose overhead in proposed. For example, RFID authentication methods alle- 672
621 terms of time and computation. And finally, to tackle viate the situation when one uses RFID tags in smart 673
674 agriculture [121], delegated authentication, label-based computing and big data components, third parties, and ven- 727
675 access control, and blockchain-based access control [122]. dors should be considered [130]. 728
676 Access control algorithms based on cipher text is one of When considering the integrity of IIoT systems, one of the 729
677 the solutions to preserve confidentiality in smart agricul- proposed solutions is to use Manufacturing Security Enforce- 730
678 ture [123]. Moreover, blockchain-based access control mech- ment Device (MSED) for encryption [64]. In addition, using 731
679 anisms can be adopted in smart agriculture systems. control and report filters after sensors, defining secure data 732
680 5) INDUSTRIAL IoT (IIoT) rization through digital certificates/Public Key Infrastructure 734
681 According to [62], the main security requirements in IIoT are (PKI), and data monitoring to identify possible unauthorized 735
683 availability. The key measure to increase the availability of IIoT 737
684 a: THREATS To this end, various approaches have been proposed, such 739
685 In IIoT, authentication is an important security requirement to as Software Defined Networks (SDN)-based and distributed 740
686 preserve the legality of data access and, consequently, to guar- approaches and the real-time availability monitoring of IoT 741
687 antee data confidentiality. False data injection and spoofing devices [131]. 742
690 adversarial code and commands into the system [124] for Due to the wide range of deployed sensory devices (e.g., cam- 744
691 different purposes, such as controlling industrial machinery eras, temperature sensors, noise level sensors, flood detec- 745
692 and performing unsafe operations. tors, etc.), heterogeneity, and Big Data content gathered, 746
693 In the context of IIoT systems, confidentiality refers to it is challenging to provide security for all the use cases in 747
694 ensuring data/traffic flow access only by authorized entities. smart cities [132]. Indeed, different security threats may make 748
695 The lack of confidentiality measures in an industrial sys- against different architecture levels (e.g., physical, network, 749
696 tem can lead to losing customers’ and vendors’ data and database, and application layers) and smart city applications 750
697 intellectual property such as trade secrets. Malware is one (e.g., smart living, smart environment, and smart energy). 751
698 of the security attacks that can threaten the confidentiality
699 of an IIoT system through the disclosure of information.
a: THREATS 752
700 Furthermore, in IIoT, there is a possibility that a malicious
As we mentioned, various security threats may occur in the 753
701 entity (e.g., man-in-the-middle, malware, and worms) manip-
smart city applications, including: 754
702 ulates data without detection and consequently destroys the
703 integrity of data [125]. The lack of data integrity in an indus- 1) DoS attacks: As the name implies, the main aim of 755
704 trial environment can lead to damaging consequences, such DoS attacks is to make the system resources or ser- 756
705 as hiding and altering crucial details related to the safety vices unavailable to the potential users in smart city 757
706 parameters of industrial pieces of machinery or standards, applications. DoS attacks can target the network layer 758
707 degradation of product quality, and industrial machinery or application layer [133]. Both classes of DoS attacks 759
708 breakdown. may have damaging effects on smart city applications 760
709 Security threats may also focus on the availability of indus- that offer monitoring services in a centralized manner. 761
710 trial systems to make them unable to do their typical tasks 2) Malware: this type of threat refers to the attack by 762
711 through overloading [63]. Different types of physical and a software program that can perform unauthorized 763
712 cyber-attacks can threaten the availability of an IIoT system, actions (e.g., illegal access, stealing or changing infor- 764
713 such as DoS attacks, DDoS attacks, Mirai botnet, BrickerBot, mation) on the infected system [134]. In smart cities, 765
714 and Reaper. the CCTV system is a prime example, in which mal- 766
ware can access the system and view privacy and 767
716 To deal with security challenges in IIoT systems that threaten home or bank. 769
717 authentication, different authentication techniques have been 3) Eavesdropping attack: eavesdropping is an example of 770
718 adopted, including trust-based authentication, proximity- a passive attack in which an attacker tries to listen 771
719 based authentication [126], and edge-assisted device authen- to unsecured communications between two or several 772
720 tication [127]. Moreover, using authentication and verifica- parties to access data. Given the smart cities, eaves- 773
721 tion methods, such as user key sets, digital signatures, and cer- dropping is a serious threat as it can compromise the 774
722 tificates, can mitigate security risks related to unauthorized integrity and confidentiality of the system [135]. 775
723 access to the system [128]. 4) Masquerade attack: refers to the situation where a 776
724 Applying cryptographic techniques is one of the common malicious actor can get unauthorized access to the 777
725 countermeasures for confidentiality- and integrity-related system and steal information through a fake identity 778
726 attacks in IIoT systems [129]. Moreover, the security of cloud (e.g., device or entity) [136]. For example, in smart 779
780 transportation, this type of attack can cause the disclos- custom security services, such as encryption mechanisms 834
781 ing of restricted information and, consequently, destroy (e.g., data confidentiality is supported through TLS and 835
782 the integrity of the system or change the information in DTLS cryptographic protocols, Simple Authentication and 836
783 the system. Security Layer (SASL) framework has been used as a basis 837
784 5) Disinformation attack: In this type of attack, the for authentication and authorization mechanisms) [146], 838
785 attacker intentionally disseminates false data (e.g., sen- while built-in security services are not offered in service dis- 839
786 sor reading data) intending to affect the result or mis- covery protocols. 840
787 lead the behavior of the system’s users. In smart cities, Despite these security mechanisms, security shortcomings 841
788 disinformation attacks can lead to consequences rang- in the design of the application layer protocols need to be 842
789 ing from delays to unnecessary congestion [137]. investigated. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that security 843
790 6) Message modification attack: In this attack, an intruder services are not mandatory and must be explicitly enabled 844
791 tries to change the message header (e.g., changing the by protocol developers. Furthermore, we explore each appli- 845
792 message destination) or data (e.g., putting malicious cation protocol’s security challenges and related solutions. 846
793 content) in order to cause unexpected behaviors in sys- In the following, we discuss the security aspects of the most 847
794 tem performance [138]. Message modification attacks essential IoT application layer protocols identified during the 848
795 may also lead to delays and congestion in the system study of the associated papers. 849
798 7) Traffic analysis attack: In a traffic analysis attack, MQTT is a lightweight message passing protocol developed 851
799 a malicious may monitor and analyze the network to let many devices send data in a network [147]. MQTT 852
800 traffic in order to find the existing patterns (e.g., uses a publish/subscribe mechanism and a server (also called 853
801 when a specific user sleeps/wakes up), metadata (e.g., the broker). This makes it feasible to reliably publish mes- 854
802 when/how packets were transmitted) and useful infor- sages over networks with low bandwidth. MQTT is a de 855
803 mation [139]. Traffic analysis is a passive type of attack facto standard protocol for IoT messaging. In the first years 856
804 which can threaten information confidentiality in smart of its release, MQTT was used as a proprietary protocol 857
805 cities. by the oil and gas industries to facilitate communication in 858
806 8) Privacy-related issues: Smart city applications can raise SCADA systems. Nowadays, MQTT has become a popu- 859
807 several privacy concerns, including information on lar open source protocol for connecting millions of IoT and 860
808 lifestyle and routine extracted from CCTV systems and industrial IoT devices used in different applications, such 861
809 identity and location of the passengers derived from as remote monitoring, health parameters monitoring, and 862
811 b: SOLUTIONS nisms and encryption techniques based on TLS. However, 865
812 Given the security threats facing smart city applications, these security services cannot adequately protect the security 866
813 multiple solutions and technologies have been proposed, of the devices that use the MQTT protocol and the MQTT 867
814 including Blockchain [140], cryptography techniques [141], broker [148]. Accordingly, the following security vulnerabil- 868
815 biometrics, machine learning-based techniques [142], and ities can be defined in the MQTT-enabled clients. 869
818 ple of approaches can be used, such as access control tech- 1) Authentication vulnerabilities: If the MQTT broker 871
819 niques [143], encryption algorithms [144], and anonymiza- does not conduct a proper examination of the identity 872
820 tion [145]. Nevertheless, most of these countermeasures of the publisher/subscriber and does not block multiple 873
821 are adopted to overcome outsider intruders. However, some authentication attempts, the attackers can take advan- 874
822 potential insider intruders (e.g., in a monitoring system, tage of these vulnerabilities to access MQTT-devices 875
823 an employee who accesses the captured videos) also need to or run DoS attacks against the broker [149]. 876
825 B. FOCUSING ON THE PROTOCOLS OF THE IoT permissions for clients (i.e., devices). Due to this vul- 879
826 APPLICATION LAYER nerability, a malicious agent can take control of the data 880
827 Broadly speaking, there are two major classes of IoT appli- and functions of MQTT-enabled devices. 881
828 cation layer protocols: 1) message passing protocols and 3) Message delivery failures: The messages have been 882
829 2) service discovery protocols [48]. More specifically, sent by a publisher and not delivered due to the lack 883
830 by messaging, we mean data sharing and data exchange of subscribers. This failure can significantly affect the 884
831 among devices, while service discovery refers to the process proper performance of the broker. 885
832 such as device detection and services being offered on the 4) Message integrity: The integrity of messages sent by a 886
833 network. Messaging protocols usually provide standard and publisher cannot be properly checked by the broker and 887
888 subscribers [150]. Attackers can utilize this security Consequently, the CoAP node can be crashed under 940
889 exposure to launch many attacks. attack due to running an arbitrary remote code. 941
891 To alleviate security challenges related to the MQTT proto- To tackle the aforementioned security challenges in CoAP 943
892 col, some approaches have been proposed, including [151]: protocol, the following remedies can be taken: 944
893 1) Client (i.e., devices) authentication. 1) Adopting the DTLS security modes to secure 945
894 2) Authorization client’s access to the server resources. CoAP-enabled nodes. 946
895 3) Privacy-preserving mechanisms for MQTT control 2) Providing effective access control mechanisms. 947
897 4) Integrity checking mechanisms for MQTT control 4) A remedy for block attacks in the IoT systems is to 949
898 packets and application messages. use confirmable messages. Moreover, when a response 950
903 (or client) can command another client by transmitting a XMPP is an open XML communication protocol that pro- 955
904 CoAP packet [54]. One of the biggest advantages of CoAP vides a broad range of services such as multi-party chat, 956
905 is the ability to allow resource-constrained devices to join an instant messaging, presence technology, voice and video 957
906 IoT network, even via networks with constrained resources calls, and collaboration [153]. The main advantages of XMPP 958
907 such as low bandwidth and low network availability. CoAP are that it is open, secure, standard, proven, decentralized, 959
908 has been mainly adopted in Machine-to-Machine (M2M) extensible, flexible, and diverse. XMPP has been effectively 960
909 use cases, such as smart homes, smart energy, and building utilized for communication in IoT embedded networking, 961
910 automation. pub/sub messaging systems, etc. XMPP is especially an ideal 962
911 a: THREATS Different real-world projects use XMPP for IoT, including 964
912 CoAP gives the possibility to use DTLS as a separate layer, Google Cloud Print, Firebase Cloud Messaging, and Logitech 965
913 providing some security capabilities. DTLS for CoAP pro- Harmony Hub. 966
914 vides four different security modes that developers can select
915 on the basis of different factors, such as security require- a: THREATS 967
916 ments, energy consumption, and performance. Despite using Regarding security, the XMPP protocol supports authenti- 968
917 a security protocol (i.e., DTLS) on another layer, the lack of cation mechanisms through SASL and data confidential- 969
918 proper security mechanisms can lead to security risks for the ity/integrity through TLS by default [154]. Despite providing 970
919 CoAP-enabled devices, such as man-in-the-middle attacks. these security services, the protocol can face different security 971
920 Accordingly, the following security vulnerabilities could be risks (e.g., unauthorized access to a server by attackers or 972
921 defined in the CoAP environments: stanza modification/deletion/replaying by attackers) due to 973
922 1) IP spoofing: An attacker can send a spoofed response the deficiency of end-to-end encryption. 974
925 of CoAP nodes have been forgotten. Some extensions of this protocol have been proposed to deal 976
926 2) Vulnerabilities related to caching and proxying: If the with the security vulnerabilities in the XMPP protocol. For 977
927 access control approaches for caching and proxying are example, in [155], special measures have been adopted to 978
928 not precisely developed, their content can be compro- prevent DoS attacks, while [156] has focused on the SASL 979
932 server to block the delivery of the messages (requests mDNS as a service discovery protocol is an extension of 982
933 and responses). When a block attack occurs against an the DNS protocol [157]. More specifically, mDNS protocol 983
934 actuator, it can lead to a situation where the client loses is a multicast design of DNS. mDNS can be employed for 984
935 the server’s status information and consequently does locating the devices/services in a local network by name 985
936 not work properly. and without using any DNS server. In other words, mDNS 986
937 4) Parsing attacks: The root of this type of attack is is capable of handling domains. One can refer to factory 987
938 that the incoming messages have not been prop- floor networks or industrial networking as an example of 988
939 erly processed/handled by client and server parsers. using mDNS. The service discovery of mDNS is a very 989
990 interesting characteristic for IoT devices because it enables is reflection/amplification DDoS attack, which can over- 1041
991 them to establish self-organizing networks on top of the fun- whelm the target device [162]. Moreover, passive attacks 1042
992 damental network infrastructure. can affect SSDP-enabled devices, in which an attacker 1043
993 The interested reader is directed to [45] for more informa- can exploit the multicast messages for eavesdropping pur- 1044
994 tion on the mDNS protocol. poses, e.g., discovering sensitive information and, conse- 1045
996 Compared to the messaging protocols, no built-in security may also face poisoning attacks and device misconfiguration 1048
997 feature is offered by the mDNS protocol. Hence, the proto- attacks. 1049
1000 1) DoS attacks As SSDP services are activated by default on the majority 1051
1001 2) Poisoning attacks of devices, to mitigate DDoS attacks at the level of the indi- 1052
1002 3) Remote attacks vidual device, these services should be inactivated each time 1053
1003 Moreover, given the lack of encryption approaches and the not needed. Moreover, due to the potentially malicious usage 1054
1004 multicast type of communications in mDNS, security threats of M-SEARCH messages, these request messages should be 1055
1005 may appear, and often stay hidden and unrecognized in monitored appropriately and possibly blocked. Furthermore, 1056
1006 mDNS-enabled environments [158]. deploying encryption techniques on top of SSDP protocol 1057
transmission [45]. 1059
1017 Regarding privacy issues, some techniques have been pro- We have reviewed and analyzed several papers related to IoT 1068
1018 posed by researchers. For example, encryption of all data security, especially application layer security [6], [8], [23], 1069
1019 in multicast communications or imposing limitations on [56], [70], [84], [94], etc. However, in all of these papers, 1070
1020 using multicast [159]. In addition, to deal with the short- there is no thorough framework that guarantees security in 1071
1021 age of built-in authentication techniques, some authentication IoT for a wide range of use cases. To fill this gap, there 1072
1022 mechanisms have been proposed by researchers [160]. is a growing need to establish a comprehensive, lightweight 1073
1025 in small networks, e.g., home networking, to discover net- IoT devices, as smart-physical objects, are capable of com- 1076
1026 work services and advertise services [161]. SSDP is designed municating, collecting, pre-processing, and sharing this data 1077
1027 based on HTTPU. To exchange messages, this protocol uti- to achieve their defined objectives, such as environmen- 1078
1028 lizes UDP as the transport layer protocol. In an IoT net- tal monitoring, smart home, and smart grids. To this end, 1079
1029 work, SSDP allows devices to find each other on the network, an IoT device may use several interfaces. These include 1080
1030 set up communication, and coordinate operations across the interfaces for communication (wireless or wired), web inter- 1081
1031 network. For example, when an IoT node aims to discover faces, storage interfaces, Internet connectivity interfaces, 1082
1032 local devices on the network, it can send an SSDP discovery storage/memory interfaces, and input/output interfaces for 1083
1033 message and wait for reply messages from any node that sensors. The users may use these interfaces to do different 1084
1034 gets it. control, management, and configuration tasks, such as query 1085
the IoT devices, monitor their status and control them from 1086
1036 Similar to mDNS, SSDP protocol also does not offer any Multiple IoT security threats arise from insecure inter- 1088
1037 built-in security service. As a consequence, this protocol faces. These security vulnerabilities include the lack of device 1089
1038 becomes vulnerable to various security attacks. These attacks authentication/identification and weak encryption. For exam- 1090
1039 seriously compromised the multicast and service discov- ple, in a home automation use case, an internal or external 1091
1040 ery of SSDP protocol. One of the most referred attacks intruder may exploit the web interface to launch attacks. 1092
TABLE 2. (Continued.) Summary of the key security requirements, threats, and potential solutions in the IoT application use cases.
VOLUME 10, 2022
M. Abbasi et al.: Security in the IoT Application Layer: Requirements, Threats, and Solutions
M. Abbasi et al.: Security in the IoT Application Layer: Requirements, Threats, and Solutions
1093 Hence, guaranteeing the proper precautions and safety steps E. NETWORK VIRTUALIZATION FOR IoT 1146
1094 to secure the interfaces is crucial. As mentioned, IoT use cases range from smart grids to 1147
1095 C. SCALABILITY-RELATED SECURITY CHALLENGES the infrastructures of IoT become increasingly complicated 1149
and call for highly dynamic and effective management and 1150
1096 As mentioned in Section V-A1, the IoT systems are usu-
1097 ally large in the number and heterogeneity of the deployed configuration techniques. SDN and Network Function Vir- 1151
1098 devices. The large scale of these systems can raise key tualization (NFV) in working together under the umbrella 1152
1099 scalability-related security challenges [163]. The first chal- of Network Softwarization have been considerably investi- 1153
1100 lenge is low processing capability and storage capac- gated for IoT recently [166]. Following this trend, IoT man- 1154
1101 ity in large-scale IoT networks. More specifically, many agement solutions based on softwarization techniques have 1155
1102 IoT devices, e.g., smart sensors for fine-grain sensing, been one of the focuses in recent years. More specifically, 1156
1103 have a very limited process and storage capability. This considering the large scale of IoT networks, it is nearly 1157
1104 becomes them almost incapable of implementing and exe- impossible to configure remote devices manually. SDN is 1158
1105 cuting resource-demanding security techniques, such as capable of enabling effective configuration and manage- 1159
1106 anti-malware and security protocols. The second challenge ment solutions across IoT networks. These solutions can 1160
1107 is the physical protection of IoT devices. Most current IoT be adapted for IoT application deployment, network slicing, 1161
1108 security approaches are focused on defense against distant device configuration and discovery, and management of edge/ 1162
1109 adversaries and are assumed that the devices are not phys- cloud. 1163
1110 ically available to the adversaries. However, this is mostly Besides SDN, management solutions based on NFV also 1164
1111 not true for large-scale IoT networks, consisting of many have been adopted for IoT networks. These solutions may be 1165
1112 scattered devices in and outside buildings, industrial environ- related to different aspects of IoT, including security, reduc- 1166
1113 ments, cities, etc. In most cases, it is possible for attackers to ing costs in IoT, load balancing, on-demand management, 1167
1114 easily get physical access to IoT devices and do destructive etc. Moreover, virtualization-based solutions can be explicitly 1168
1115 actions, such as retrieving data and reflashing the devices. adopted for IoT security purposes. For example, as we men- 1169
1116 The last but not least challenge is the long-running sessions tioned in Section V-A1, large-scale IoT networks can present 1170
1117 of IoT devices. Usually, IoT devices have long-running ses- challenges to the security of the networks. The single-point 1171
1118 sions which may length for days, weeks, and months. Mean- programmability feature of SDN technology can bring many 1172
1121 Hence, this can become problematic for IoT communication devices’ functions can enforce security procedures on physi- 1175
1122 with long-running sessions. For example, attackers can learn cal devices. 1176
1125 designs security solutions for IoT should consider the security Considering the number of IoT attacks is increasing at an 1178
1126 issues arising from IoT networks’ scalability characteristics. exponential rate, it is necessary to provide solutions that com- 1179
TABLE 3. Summary of the main security threats and potential solutions in the IoT application layer protocols.
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1660 Things J., early access, Feb. 16, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3151828. Comput., Commun. Informat. (ICACCI), Sep. 2018, pp. 2244–2250. 1737
1738 [152] J. Mišić and V. B. Mišić, ‘‘Proxy cache maintenance using multicas- MARTA PLAZA-HERNÁNDEZ received the 1791
1739 ting in CoAP IoT domains,’’ IEEE Internet Things J., vol. 5, no. 3, Graduate degree in physics from the University of 1792
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1741 [153] P. Saint-Andre, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP): management from Brunel University London, and 1794
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1743 [154] M. B. Yassein, M. Q. Shatnawi, and D. Al-Zoubi, ‘‘Application layer
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1745 MIS (ICEMIS), Sep. 2016, pp. 1–4. has worked as a Research Fellow at the Institute of 1797
1746 [155] P. Saint-Andre. XEP-0205: Best Practices to Discourage Denial Science and Technology Studies (ECYT, USAL) 1798
1747 of Service Attacks. Accessed: Jun. 23, 2022. [Online]. Available: and the Institute of Environment, Health, and Soci- 1799
1748 eties (Brunel University London). She currently 1800
1749 [156] P. S.-A. Millard. XEP-0178: Best Practices for Use of SASL Exter- combines her Ph.D. studies in intelligent applications to industrial and envi- 1801
1750 nal With Certificates. Accessed: Jun. 23, 2022. [Online]. Available: ronmental problems with her research and teaching work with the BISITE 1802
1751 Group. She manages European projects, such as SMARTSEA, TECTONIC, 1803
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1754 V2X networks,’’ in Proc. 17th Int. Conf. Emerg. eLearn. Technol. Appl. international conferences (PAAMS and co-events, SSCTIC, Globecom, and 1805
1755 (ICETA), Nov. 2019, pp. 156–159. ICCBR). She is also responsible for generating and delivering content in 1806
1756 [159] A. R. Kang, J. Spaulding, and A. Mohaisen, ‘‘Domain name sys- different international master’s and courses. 1807
1757 tem security and privacy: Old problems and new challenges,’’ 2016,
1758 arXiv:1606.07080.
1759 [160] D. J. Wu, A. Taly, A. Shankar, and D. Boneh, ‘‘Privacy, discovery, and JAVIER PRIETO (Senior Member, IEEE) received 1808
1760 authentication for the Internet of Things,’’ in Proc. Eur. Symp. Res. Com- the degree in telecommunication engineering, the 1809
1761 put. Secur. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016, pp. 301–319. degree in marketing research and techniques, and 1810
1762 [161] G. Singh and B. Singh, ‘‘Simple service discovery protocol based dis- the Ph.D. degree in information and communi- 1811
1763 tributed reflective denial of service attack,’’ Int. J. Recent Trends Eng. cation technologies from the University of Val- 1812
1764 Res., vol. 3, no. 12, pp. 143–150, 2017.
1765 [162] M. Asim, ‘‘A survey on application layer protocols for Internet of Things
ladolid, in 2008, 2010, and 2012, respectively. 1813
1766 (IoT),’’ Int. J. Adv. Res. Comput. Sci., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 996–1000, 2017. Since 2007, he has been working in different 1814
1767 [163] S. N. Swamy and S. R. Kota, ‘‘An empirical study on system level aspects public and private research centers, such as 1815
1768 of Internet of Things (IoT),’’ IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 188082–188134, the Foundation Center for the Development of 1816
1777 and Y. Wang, ‘‘A survey of network virtualization techniques for Internet the Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL), the Editor- 1824
1778 of Things using SDN and NFV,’’ ACM Comput. Surv., vol. 53, no. 2, in-Chief of the Internet of Things Section of the Smart Cities journal, and 1825
1779 pp. 1–40, Mar. 2021. a Senior Editor of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. He has received the 1826
Extraordinary Performance Award for Doctorate Studies from the University 1827
of Valladolid. 1828
1780 MAHMOUD ABBASI (Member, IEEE) received manca, and the Ph.D. degree in artificial intelli- 1831
1781 the B.Eng. degree from the Department of Com- gence from the University of the West of Scotland. 1832
1782 puter Engineering, Islamic Azad University of He is currently a Professor at the University of 1833
1783 Birjand, and the M.Sc. degree from the Depart- Salamanca. He was the Vice-Rector for Research, 1834
1784 ment of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad Uni- from 2013 to 2017, and the Director of the Science 1835
1785 versity of Mashad. He is currently pursuing the Park with the University of Salamanca. He was 1836
1786 Ph.D. degree in the IoTalentum with the BISITE elected twice as the Dean of the Faculty of Sci- 1837
1787 Research Group, University of Salamanca. His ences. He directs the Recognized Research Group 1838
1788 current research interests include the general area Bioinformatics, Intelligent Systems and Educational Technology (BISITE), 1839