Reference Materials Standards Catalog 209-296
Reference Materials Standards Catalog 209-296
Reference Materials Standards Catalog 209-296
Standards Catalog
Table of Contents
Categorized Listing Released February 4, 2022
Reference Materials and Standards
Introduction 3
Metallic and Oxide Chips and Powders 4
Nonferrous Pins 5
Steel Pins, Rings, and Pellets 6
Synthetic Carbon and Sulfur Standards 7
Moisture Standards and TGA/TGM Check Samples 7
Benzoic Acid Standards 7
Pure Chemical Standards 8
Ore and Soil Standards 8
Natural Matrix Standards 9
Coal, Coke, and Fly Ash Reference Materials 9
QAR Certified Coal Reference Materials 10
Oil and Fuel Calibration Material 10
Ash Fusion Metal Wire Standards 10
Ordering Information 11
Reference Materials and Standards
This catalog contains Reference Materials that are In Stock or have Limited Stock on hand. Limited Stock means that at the time of
release, there are less than 10 units available to order.
Be advised, availability is based on the date the catalog is released. Please contact your local LECO sales office to confirm availability
and precise inventory levels as product status can quickly change.
New/Featured Items
Items listed below are new or may have recently been returned to stock.
Part No. Description Lot No. Sulfur % Carbon % Oxygen % Hydrogen Nitrogen % Ash %
502-848 Residual Fuel Oil Sulfur ~0.25% (100 mL) 1002 0.263
Glossary of Terms
Values in brackets {xx} are not certified and are included for information only.
Reference Materials and Standards
Nonferrous Pins
Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C %O H %N ISO Ref
502-937 752 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.00116 Guide 34
502-937 753 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.00115 Guide 34
502-937 754 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.00115 Guide 34
502-945 806 Copper Pin (1g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0324 17034
503-516 801 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0265 17034
502-411 699 Nickel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) NACM 0.00024 17025
502-891 749 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.011 0.121 103 ppm 0.01 17034
502-947 740 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.022 0.144 14 ppm 0.013 Guide 34
503-504 796 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.004 0.07 {24} ppm 0.0024 17034
503-507 797 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.005 0.162 79 ppm 0.013 17034
502-969 606 Titanium Pin (0.25 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.012 Guide 34
503-511 800 Titanium Pin (0.12g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.049 0.365 35 ppm 0.005 17034
502-890 747 Zirconium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.0145 0.141 9.1 ppm 0.002 Guide 34
Reference Materials and Standards
Reference Materials and Standards
Reference Materials and Standards
Reference Materials and Standards
Reference Materials and Standards
Reference Materials and Standards
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