Reference Materials Standards Catalog 209-296

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Reference Materials and

Standards Catalog

Table of Contents
Categorized Listing Released February 4, 2022
Reference Materials and Standards
Introduction 3
Metallic and Oxide Chips and Powders 4
Nonferrous Pins 5
Steel Pins, Rings, and Pellets 6
Synthetic Carbon and Sulfur Standards 7
Moisture Standards and TGA/TGM Check Samples 7
Benzoic Acid Standards 7
Pure Chemical Standards 8
Ore and Soil Standards 8
Natural Matrix Standards 9
Coal, Coke, and Fly Ash Reference Materials 9
QAR Certified Coal Reference Materials 10
Oil and Fuel Calibration Material 10
Ash Fusion Metal Wire Standards 10
Ordering Information 11
Reference Materials and Standards

This catalog contains Reference Materials that are In Stock or have Limited Stock on hand. Limited Stock means that at the time of
release, there are less than 10 units available to order.

Be advised, availability is based on the date the catalog is released. Please contact your local LECO sales office to confirm availability
and precise inventory levels as product status can quickly change.

New/Featured Items
Items listed below are new or may have recently been returned to stock.

Part No. Description Lot No. Sulfur % Carbon % Oxygen % Hydrogen Nitrogen % Ash %

502-672 LECO ~2% S Coal (50 g) 17101 2.53 8.01

502-848 Residual Fuel Oil Sulfur ~0.25% (100 mL) 1002 0.263

502-892 Benzoic Acid Tablets (1 g x 70 per bottle) 1002

502-945 Copper Pin (1g x 100 per bottle) 806 0.0324

Glossary of Terms
Values in brackets {xx} are not certified and are included for information only.

LCRM - LECO Certified Reference Material

LRM - LECO Reference Material
LSUS - LECO Set-Up Standard
NACM - Non-Accredited Calibration Materials
NMI - National Metrology Institute
PCD - Pure Compound
PUR - Unspecified Certified Material
Reference Materials and Standards

Metallic and Oxide Chips and Powders

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C %O H %N ISO Ref
502-899 1035 Cast Iron Powder (100 g) LCRM 0.037 3.27 17034
502-919 1004 Cast Iron Powder (150 g) LCRM 0.111 3.94 Guide 34
502-919 1005 Cast Iron Powder (150 g) LCRM 0.115 3.78 17034
502-919 1006 Cast Iron Powder (150 g) LCRM 0.114 3.78 17034
502-920 1003 Cast Iron Powder (150 g) LCRM 0.019 4.82 Guide 34
502-920 1004 Cast Iron Powder (150 g) LCRM 0.018 4.77 17034
502-399 JK47A DRI Powder (35 g) NMI 0.37 0.69 0.0062
502-927 1004 Iron III Oxide Powder (10 g) LCRM 30.4 Guide 34
502-927 1005 Iron III Oxide Powder (10 g) LCRM 30.1 17034
502-702 1000 Iron Powder (100 g) LCRM 0.01 0.342 1.1 {6} ppm 0.0079 Guide 34
502-970 1001 Iron Powder (100 g) LCRM 0.0038 0.006 17034
502-698 1008 Iron Powder (150 g) LCRM 0.013 2.16 Guide 34
502-139 1009 Silicon Dioxide Powder (10 g) NACM 53.2 Guide 34
501-718 079-2 Steel Chip (100 g) PUR 0.192 0.596 0.0074
502-999 1000 Steel Chip (100 g) LCRM 0.0012 0.0021 0.0005 17034
502-974 268-1 Steel Chip ECRM 268-1 (100 g) PUR 0.0154 1.134 2.03
502-961 379-1 Steel Chip ECRM 379-1 (100 g) NMI 0.0006 0.0121 0.055
502-706-HAZ 1000 Titanium Powder (25 g) LCRM 279 ppm Guide 34
502-707-HAZ 1000 Titanium Powder (25 g) LCRM 276 ppm Guide 34
502-708-HAZ 1000 Titanium Powder (25 g) LCRM 259 ppm Guide 34
502-141 1031 Tungsten Oxide Powder (10 g) LRM 20.7 Guide 34
501-801 489-1 White Cast Iron (100 g) NMI 0.155 2.86 0.0056
502-908 1001 Zirconium Dioxide Powder (10 g) LCRM 25.9 17034

Reference Materials and Standards

Nonferrous Pins
Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C %O H %N ISO Ref
502-937 752 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.00116 Guide 34
502-937 753 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.00115 Guide 34
502-937 754 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.00115 Guide 34
502-945 806 Copper Pin (1g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0324 17034
503-516 801 Copper Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0265 17034
502-411 699 Nickel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) NACM 0.00024 17025
502-891 749 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.011 0.121 103 ppm 0.01 17034
502-947 740 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.022 0.144 14 ppm 0.013 Guide 34
503-504 796 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.004 0.07 {24} ppm 0.0024 17034
503-507 797 Titanium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.005 0.162 79 ppm 0.013 17034
502-969 606 Titanium Pin (0.25 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.012 Guide 34
503-511 800 Titanium Pin (0.12g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.049 0.365 35 ppm 0.005 17034
502-890 747 Zirconium Pin (0.12 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.0145 0.141 9.1 ppm 0.002 Guide 34

Reference Materials and Standards

Steel Pins, Rings, and Pellets

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C %O H %N ISO Ref
502-060 737 Steel Pin (5 g x 25 per bottle) LCRM 6.17 ppm Guide 34
502-198 673 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LRM 0.0038 Guide 34
502-257 659 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LRM 0.0032 0.066 Guide 34
502-257 717 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LRM 0.0035 0.0785 Guide 34
502-712 1043 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0006 0.0006 0.0009 {1.0} ppm 0.0006 17034
502-863 1002 Steel Pellet (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0067 0.0383 {0.0013} {0.5} ppm 0.0042 17034
502-893 772 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0044 0.796 0.0013 {1.0} ppm 0.0048 17034
502-894 619 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0127 0.681 17034
502-894 620 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0128 0.683 17034
502-903 0720-1 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0065 3.6 ppm 0.0565 Guide 34
502-904 566 Steel Pin (0.5 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0179 0.056 0.0039 {1.5} ppm 0.0923 Guide 34
502-913 720 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0049 0.066 0.0066 3.5 ppm 0.0557 Guide 34
502-916 773 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0247 0.473 {0.0017} {2.3} ppm 0.0068 Guide 34
502-918 1427-5-R Steel Ring (1 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.0269 0.012 Guide 34
502-928 634 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0193 0.0194 0.0036 2.3 ppm 0.0738 Guide 34
502-928 635 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0192 0.0192 0.0034 2.2 ppm 0.0737 Guide 34
502-929 1421 Steel Ring (1 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.0004 0.067 Guide 34
502-936 763 Steel Pin (0.5 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 1 Guide 34
502-963 738 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.009 0.0257 0.0071 6.9 ppm 0.0485 Guide 34
502-978 793 Steel Pin (0.5 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0026 0.0323 {0.0086} {7.8} ppm 0.349 17034
502-986 775 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.292 0.398 17034
502-989 780 Steel Ring (1 g x 200 per bottle) LCRM 0.0049 0.774 17034
502-990 792 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0249 0.172 0.0048 {1.6} ppm 0.0083 17034
502-990 0792-11 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.025 0.172 0.0053 {2.4} ppm 0.0083 17034
502-991 732 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0031 0.072 0.0737 17034
502-997 731 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0296 0.0058 0.0578 17034
503-501 794 Steel Pin (1g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.023 0.061 0.0058 0.0111 17034
503-505 799 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0045 0.0172 17034
503-508 798 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0024 0.0183 0.005 0.0265 17034
503-514 742 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0021 0.051 0.0024 0.0599 17034
503-520 766 Steel Pin (1 g x 100 per bottle) LCRM 0.0164 17034

Reference Materials and Standards

Synthetic Carbon and Sulfur Standards

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C ISO Ref
502-696 1004 Synthetic Carbon ~1% (50 g) LCRM 0.97 17034
502-905 1002 Synthetic Carbon ~5% (50 g) LCRM 5 17034
502-934 1001 Synthetic Carbon ~0.5% (50 g) LCRM 0.54 17034
502-950 1001 Synthetic Carbon ~0.1% (50 g) LCRM 0.12 17034
502-950 1002 Synthetic Carbon ~0.1% (50 g) LCRM 0.12 17034
502-914 1003 Synthetic Carbon & Sulfur ~1% (50 g) LCRM 0.97 0.99 17034
502-964 1000 Synthetic Carbon & Sulfur ~0.1% (50 g) LCRM 0.1 0.11 17034

Moisture Standards and TGA/TGM Check Samples

Part No Lot No Description Class ISO Ref % Weight Loss % Weight Loss % Weight Loss % Weight Loss
at 150oC at 200oC at 450oC at 850oC
502-926 1003 Calcium Oxalate (50 g) LCRM 17034 — 12.2 — —
502-926 1003 Calcium Oxalate (50 g) LCRM 17034 — — 19.4 —
502-926 1003 Calcium Oxalate (50 g) LCRM 17034 — — — 29.7
502-968 1000 Sodium Tartrate Dihydrate (50 g) LCRM 17034 15.6 — — —

Benzoic Acid Standards

Part No Lot No Description Class %C %O H Btu/lb ISO Ref
621-606-245 1032 Benzoic Acid Tablets (0.6 g x 50 per bottle) NACM 11371
502-892 1001 Benzoic Acid Tablets (1 g x 70 per bottle) LCRM 11371 Guide 34
502-892 1002 Benzoic Acid Tablets (1 g x 70 per bottle) LCRM 11371 17034
502-184 1004 Benzoic Acid Powder (10 g) PCD 68.85 26.2 4.95%

Reference Materials and Standards

Pure Chemical Standards

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C H %N ISO Ref
502-695 1001 Acetanilide (10 g) LCRM 71.03 6.75% 10.33 17034
502-602 6600718 Ammonium Std Solution (5 x 10 mL) PUR 0.1001
502-897 1003 BBOT (25 g) LCRM 7.46 72.56 6.14% 6.5 17034
502-690 1000 Caffeine (25 g) PCD 49.48 5.19% 28.85
502-205 1020 Caffeine (5 g) PCD 49.48 5.19% 28.85
502-902 1002 Calcium Carbonate (50 g) LCRM 12.01 17034
502-691 1001 Cystine (25 g) LCRM 26.71 29.98 5.02% 11.64 17034
502-896-250 1004 EDTA (250 g) LCRM 41.09 5.52% 9.59 17034
502-896 1003 EDTA (50 g) LCRM 41.08 5.52% 9.58 17034
502-911 1002 Glycine (50 g) LCRM 32 6.67% 18.69 17034
502-688 1003 Nicotinic Acid (25 g) LCRM 58.57 4.12% 11.4 17034
502-642 1018 Phenylalanine (50 g) LCRM 65.46 6.77% 8.47 17034
502-642 1019 Phenylalanine (50 g) LCRM 65.47 6.74% 8.46 17034
501-441 1034 Sucrose (50 g) PCD 42.1 6.48%
502-657 1001 Sulfamethazine (25 g) LCRM 11.6 51.65 5.10% 20.11 17034
502-634 1000 UHP Graphite Powder (50 g) NACM 100
502-699 1001 Zinc Sulfide (50 g) LCRM 32.7 Guide 34

Ore and Soil Standards

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C %N ISO Ref
502-635 1000 High Sulfur Ore Concentrate (25 g) NACM 45 0.55
502-909 1002 Ore (25 g) LCRM 0.67 0.18 17034
502-933 1000 Ore (25 g) LCRM 0.74 2.16 Guide 34
503-502 1000 Ore (25 g) LCRM 4.2 3.45 17034
503-503 1000 Ore (25 g) LCRM 0.86 0.11 17034
503-506 1000 Ore (25 g) LCRM 0.42 2.07 17034
503-509 1000 Ore (25 g) LCRM 0.07 6.83 17034
502-694 1003 Soil (65 g) LCRM 0.201 13.61 1.14 17034
502-697 1002 Soil (65 g) LCRM 0.039 3.06 0.262 17034
502-962 1000 Soil (65 g) LCRM 0.019 0.717 0.101 Guide 34
502-982 1000 Soil (65 g) LCRM 0.321 22.7 1.95 17034

Reference Materials and Standards

Natural Matrix Standards

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C H %N ISO Ref
502-983 1000 Alfalfa (50 g) LCRM 0.38 44.1 3.09 17034
502-906 1001 Barley Flour (50 g) LCRM 1.98 17034
502-713 1001 Corn Flour (50 g) LCRM 1.21 17034
502-932 1001 Corn Gluten (50 g) LCRM 0.97 51.87 7.06% 11.01 17034
502-931 1000 Orchard Leaves (20 g) LCRM 0.442 49.54 6.24% 2.31 Guide 34
502-907 1001 Rice Flour (50 g) LCRM 0.11 44.53 1.35 17034
502-907 1002 Rice Flour (50 g) LCRM 1.35 17034
502-692 1002 Wheat Flour (50 g) LCRM 0.194 45.24 6.51% 2.88 17034

Coal, Coke, and Fly Ash Reference Materials

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C H %N % Ash % Fixed C % Vol ppm Hg Btu/lb ISO Ref
502-987 1000 Fly Ash (20 g) LCRM 1.3 1.25 17034
502-843 1000 Fly Ash (20 g) NACM 0.29 42.4 0.827
502-675 15195 LECO ~0.25% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 0.21 5.02 Guide 34
502-675 20219 LECO ~0.25% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 0.223 4.89 17034
502-670 19171 LECO ~0.5% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 0.53 8.27 17034
502-671 20275 LECO ~1% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 1.14 10.02 17034
502-672 17101 LECO ~2% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 2.53 8.01 Guide 34
502-672 19344 LECO ~2% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 1.93 7.17 17034
502-673 20041 LECO ~3% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 3.25 8.05 17034
502-674 18191 LECO ~4% S Coal (50 g) LCRM 4.89 8.8 Guide 34
502-680 20300 LECO PROX PLUS LOW COAL (50 g) LCRM 0.418 82.1 4.26% 1.14 8.31 {72.6} 19.1 {14219} 17034
502-681 20152 LECO PROX PLUS MED. COAL (50 g) LCRM 1.31 76.9 4.96% 1.43 9.19 {57.3} 33.5 {13759} 17034
502-682 20099 LECO PROX PLUS HIGH COAL (50 g) LCRM 3.65 71.1 4.93% 1.55 9.22 {50.2} 40.6 {12886} 17034
502-683 20323 LECO PROX PLUS METALLURGICAL LCRM 0.758 88 {0.10} % 0.94 9.91 {89.0} 1.1 {12350} 17034
COKE (50 g)
502-684 21036 LECO PROX PLUS PETROLEUM COKE LCRM 4.79 88.5 3.88% 1.42 0.27 {85.4} 14.4 {15364} 17034
(50 g)
502-649 2781 NIST 2781 MERCURY IN DRY NMI 4.78 3.68
SLUDGE (40 g)

Reference Materials and Standards

QAR Certified Coal Reference Materials

Part No Lot No Description %S %C H %N % Ash % Vol % H2O ppm Hg Btu/lb ISO Ref
502-831 16335 QAR CRM Coal 1 (50 g) 1.45 {73.40} {4.68} % 1.7 6.77 {34.31} 0.118 {12769} Guide 34
502-832 11154 QAR CRM Coal 2 (50 g) 0.288 {77.05} 4.12% 1.12 12.29 {23.00} 0.039 {13239}
502-833 14255 QAR CRM Coal 3 (50 g) 0.383 {82.03} {4.19} % 1.16 8.96 {18.20} 0.06 {14175} Guide 34
502-834 19353 QAR CRM Coal 4 (50 g) 0.299 {67.05} {4.13} % 0.97 12.5 {34.97} 0.034 {11349} Guide 34
502-835 10060 QAR CRM Coal 5 (50 g) 0.469 {70.05} 4.85% 1.75 11.08 {38.20} 0.015 {12254}
502-836 20167 QAR CRM Coal 6 (50 g) 3.97 {68.09} {4.75} % 1.26 12.37 {39.78} {3.57} 0.09 {12214} 17034
502-837 20344 QAR CRM Coal 7 (50 g) 3.23 {70.38} {4.81} % 1.38 8.87 {38.77} 0.0579 {12570} 17034
502-838 12185 QAR CRM Coal 8 (50 g) 0.963 {80.26} 5.17% 1.6 6.5 {33.78} 0.067 {14337}
502-839 11060 QAR CRM Coal 9 (50 g) 2.03 {76.19} 5.10% 1.46 7.72 {37.57} 0.132 {13586}
502-845 13158 QAR CRM Coal 10 (50 g) 0.665 {87.33} 1.76% 0.878 8.02 {3.83} 0.169 {13573}
502-846 13156 QAR CRM Coal 11 (50 g) 0.703 {81.94} 2.39% 1.05 12.19 {5.81} 0.112 {13197}

Oil and Fuel Calibration Material

Part No Lot No Description Class %S %C H %N Btu/lb ISO Ref
502-901 1002 Paraffin Oil (118 mL) LCRM 86.4 14.00% 19830 17034
502-848 1002 Residual Fuel Oil Sulfur ~0.25% (100 mL) LSUS 0.263 17034
502-849 1002 Residual Fuel Oil Sulfur ~1% (100 mL) LRM 0.99 17034
502-850 1003 Residual Fuel Oil Sulfur ~3.0% (100 mL) LSUS 3.1 83.86 13.11% 0.07 19220
502-851 1001A White Mineral Oil Sulfur ~ 0.01% (100 mL) LRM 0.01 17025
502-852 1001A White Mineral Oil Sulfur ~0.1% (100 mL) LRM 0.093 17034
502-854 1001A White Mineral Oil Sulfur ~5% (100mL) LRM 5.03
502-922 1001 White Mineral Oil Sulfur ~1% (100 mL) LSUS 1.008

Ash Fusion Metal Wire Standards

Part No Lot No Description Class Melt Point ISO Ref
502-496 1029 Gold Wire (2 pcs) LRM 1062 C 17034

Reference Materials and Standards

Ordering Information/General Terms

Ordering, Customer Assistance, and all Other Inquiries

Order Online NOTE: Available to USA customers only. [email protected]
for purchase orders or
• Visit to register for an account
pricing information

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for general inquiries

Phone Fax Mail

800-292-6141 or LECO Corporation
269-982-8987 3000 Lakeview Avenue
St. Joseph, MI 49085

VISA, Mastercard, and American Express Accepted.


Terms and Conditions

• Terms: Net 30 days with approved credit.
• Prices shown are US dollars, F.O.B. St. Joseph, Michigan. Freight charges are prepaid and added to the invoice.
• Sales taxes will be added where applicable.
• Returns must be approved in advance; re-stocking fee may be applied.Return Material Authorization (RMA) is required for all returns. Contact LECO
for RMA information.
• Disclaimer: LECO products are intended for use by professional laboratory personnel who are familiar with the handling of these materials. Our
products are not for use in household, drug, medical, or cosmetic applications. The buyer and/or user assumes full responsibility for the safe
handling, storage, application, and proper disposal of all products ordered from this catalog.
• Complete terms and conditions are included with quotations and invoices.
• Prices, part numbers, and availability are subject to change without notice.
LECO Corporation
3000 Lakeview Avenue | St. Joseph, MI 49085 | 800-292-6141 | Phone: 269-985-5496
[email protected] | | ISO-9001:2015 Q-994 | LECO is a registered trademark of LECO Corporation.
Form No. 209-296 2/22-REV9 © 2022 LECO Corporation

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