Safety Surveyor Wise Questions

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COCHIN MMD - Safety Que

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Updated : J
(Jan 23- J
ty Questions - Surveyor Wise

pared By : Jithin Jimmy

Updated : June 2023

(Jan 23- June 23)
Draw & Explain Hypermist ? Why two detectors? What maintenance? Manual Operation? Where it is fitted?
High expansion foam diagram? Foam ratio? Foam monitor diagram
SSP Contents?
CSO? Explain, duties? DPA explain? Duties? SSA? SSO ? Explain?
Free surface effect? Methods to counter this? Draw Free surface effect ?
Intact and dmage stability criteria? Margin Line? Angle of down flooding?
ISM Audit - Preparation as 2E?
Solas Chapter 12 - Explain all regulations? Especially 4 and 5?
MLC Titles - Explain? DMLC part 1 and part 2 explain? Conditions of employment? Who will prepare DMLC Part 2
IG line diagram? Explain? Function of mast riser? Deck seal function? Values of PV Valve lifting and vacuum setting? PV Breake
D2 standard of BWM? D4 definition? Details? Explain g8 and g9?
Inclining experiment? Why we do? How? Calculation in inclining experiment? How we get KM from GM?
Contents of SMS ?
Masters Review? Master over riding authority
CO2 System - Maintenance in 2,5,10 years? Co 2 rooms checks weekly?
Pump room safeties?
Fore End construction? (Bulbous bow construcation) ? Material of BB?
EEDI ? Explain ? Formula ? EEOI ? Explain? Formula? Differences between both?
DCP fixed fire fighting draw and explain?
Hong kong convnetion?
co2 calculation?
ISPS Explain?
ISM explain?
Static and dynamic testing of lifeboat winch and how is it carried out
Rudder carrier bearing? Draw and explain?
Solas chapter names?Which chapter of Solas ISM comes under?
IOPP survey as 2nd engg
Noxious liquid discharge criteria
Draw Statical stability curve? Increase beam ship - draw the curve now? Remaining values same
CSM Survey? What all not included in CSM
Draw DCP Fire extinguisher?
Solas boiler regulations?
Regulation? Convention? Amendment
ORB code C ? 11? 12.1? 12.2? 12.3? 12.4?
Intact stability diagram? Draw simply a curve - he is asking to mark as per the value of breath given by him, draw stability? How
Collision bulkhead? Draw, Explain?
IG Alarms? Low pressure value ? Low Low trip value? Flow of IG value?
Condition of Assignment?
Explain fixed fire fighting system onboard your ship? Expansion ratio of low and high expansion foam?]
Drill frequency as per SOLAS ? Explain
Rudder carrier bearing? Explain?
SART? EPIRB? Battery requirements for both - how many hours it should last? How ypou test EPIRB? Primary and secondary m
Identification number?
Propeller pitch ratio? How to identify left hand propeller or right hand in DD after its removed?
Sequnce sruvey what to check other than LSA and FFA
Passenger ship certifications - he sailed on passenger
Admirality coefficient>
cross curves of stability?
CO2 calculation
Life boat hoisting - safeties what will you consider> what are safeties in this procedure
Bilge pumping out criteria
Static and dynamic testing of lifeboat winch? When and where its conducted? How do we do it?
Pyrotechnic difference between bridge and lifeboat?
Portable CO2 extinguisher diagram? Working? How do we identify it in a dark room?
Hull coating types?
Load line survey as 2e? What will u inspect?
what all information u get from a type approval STP certicate?
Enhanced Survey Programme?
Emergency Fire pump priming arrangements? Draw vacuum pump?
Mooring wich brake testing?
ISM Suvey preparation as 2E? Apart from machinery and documentation
Negative GM curve with all markings? Draw and explain Static stability curve with negtative GM?
Seemp part 2 - needs 9 points
Co2 - 2 year maintenance?
Draw Rudder showing Stern frame support? Stern frame drawing?
California BWMS requirements? Types of Ballast water exchange methods? Explain Sequential? How you know 95 percent vul
CSR ? Explain
Draw rudder - Semi balanced type
Cyber security ? Explain OT and IT?
Iopp suvey preparation other than documents?
How you get GM in inclining experiment? Purpose of inclining experiment?
SAFCON Survey preparation as 2E
Primary and secondary means for sending distress signal from ship to shore
VGP? Explain
STCW - Engine room resource management
Boiler SOLAS Regulations? Which chapter
Storm valve draw and explain?
IMDG Code and all classes in the code? What are the number and name in IMDG Code
Explain PSN and UN Number, Explain un number with example
Requirements of inclining experiment
Draw stability curve with negative metacentric height? Draw stability diagram
AFS convention survey and certification explain
IGG Alarms
Hong kong convention
Rest hours criteria
IG System engine room safety
Entry after co2 flooding?
Distress signal to shore in terms of both primary and secondary means of activation
Antifouling paints - Sigma coating
SCBA checks and how to don it
What is stabilizer? Explain all the types? Explain passive and active types
Antifouling survey> How you make sure ship is following the same? Why TBT isnt used? What harm does TBT cause
Marpol 11 and 12 entry
Stabilty booklet contents
CO2 bottle dimensions
Bursting Disc
MSDS Contents - 12 points
Cyber security on ship , duties of 2e as per that
How to identify fire extinguishers in dark room, pressure testing interval for the bottle
ship log book contents for entering in tank
Relief valve diagram of gas tanker and its parameters
? Electrical safety provided for operating the valve, no of non return valves
ORB part 1? What is C-11, and all codes in C11 explain
Garbage management part 2 contents
Draw fore end structure with stringer plates, panting stringer, wash bulkhead and with allparts
Code ? Convention and regulation - difference between three? What is amendment
MEPC 79 - explain in detail - objectives
Code C entry - ORB ? 12.1 12.2 12.3 in detail?
Torsion box? Why?
Latest amnedments in IMSBC
Rudder diagram with bearings - not rudder carrier bearing
MLC Title 4 and title 5? DMLC 1 & 2? Seemp part 2 - 9 points
Static and dynamic sability?
PV Valve diagram?
Hazradous area 9 ?
CLC and fund convention
Tailshaft survey?
Garbage record book? Part 1 and part 2? How u enter?
What is E-orb? What is its significance?
Abandon ship drill regulation? Drill requirements and frequency?
GT& NT with examples
Factors to consider while bwms installation
Sewage check by psc onboard?
Steering gear regulations?
IHM and green passport?
AFS and MEPC 78 what it says?
In MEPC 78 what it says about BWMS?
Latest amendments in Bulk carrier?
TPA and immersion suit? Explain differences and requirements?
Difference btw free-fall life boat and Davit launch life boat?
What is VCF and WCF in bunker calculation it's formula?
Fuel oil service tank Solas requirement
SRCW chapter 3 - Standards regarding engine dept
SSAS testing procedure and information it shows? Where all the signal goes? How many are there onboard? Certificates dealin
Nox measurement and how surveyor checks you are following correctly?
Draw and explain bitter end? Draw the diagram of bitter end to anchor along with parts
What all life boat accidents caused during drills? Bowsing tackle and tricing pendant
Primary bilge tank diagram
SEEMP 3 complete details and date of enforcement
draw free surface effect of ship with centre tank partially empty
What is carbon credit
Annex 4 what all certificates
ORB-E,F,G,H,I quotes
Auxillary boiler control box fire? What all actions you need to take
H2S TLV ? What happens if PPM is above 500?
ESP details
USCG requirements
Shell expansion plan? No 0 plate in shell explansion plan? Strakes in shell?
Windlass safeties
Bunker tank vent diagram
Procedure for obtaining interim certificate? Requirements fro doing so?
Duties which are not under RSO?
UNCLOS - Flag state responsibility under this? Coastal state responsibility under this? Cross questions from unclos
STCW Chapter 5 & 6 Explain?
STCW Latest Amendments
Fire pump capacity? How you find it? Fire hose specs? Nozzle size and dia? How fire is prevented from spreading? Internationa
Steering Gear Room entrance from ER , what are the requirements for that
Noise Code? Hoe you comply with same as a 2E? Levels in different areas? Noise survey report? How you comply ? How you k
we measure at sea or port? How you understand noise level of compartment? What is requirement?
New Amendments in Bulk Carrier?
What all activities a ship carry out under EEZ
Certificates coming under SOLAS?
Title 5 of MLC? Detailed explanation? MLC Chapter 3? Rest hour? How will u avoid fatique?
Marpol Annex 6 certificates? Marpol Annex 6 chapter 4?
Antifouling paint types? He needs 4 types - including hybrid? Effect of TBT? Self polishing copolymer paint, explain? Which pai
Ballast water management? G7,G8,G9
Objectives of SOLAS chapter II-2 ?
Isolation valve in fire line? Why?
How will you enter engine room after CO2 flooding? - enter with scba and fire hose - through emergency escape
Procedure for tank cleaning inspection & operation prior to DD
Inclining experiment? Conditions for the same? What all to measure
Emergency escape? EEBD capacity and duration? SCBA Capacity and duration?
Co2 Calculation? Bottle stamped , expansion ratio of co2? Why lief valve pressure set at 175 bar eventhough bottle pressure is
room exhaust speciality?
ISM interim cerificates? Validity? What survey to carry out? How you get interim certificate? Valid ISM Certificate? What all s
Light ship? What all not included? Is FW for sprinkler included in light ship? IS Cooling water of ME included in Light ship
Fire protection in ship - How will you isolate spreading of fire from one cabin to another? How will you implement requiremen
Bulk carrier - latest amendment
Communication with DPA ? How will u do? Duties od DPA? RSO duties? CSO Duties?
As part of ISM any external survey happens in between?
code? Regulation? Code parts regulation examples?
Hypermist draw , explain? Manual operation
Co2 Maintenance - 2,5,& 10 year maintenance
Intact and damage stability criteria?
Margin line?
SMS Contents? ISM Contents?
Class A Bulkhead? A60? 60 in a60 - whats that?
Fire control plan - contents in it? Other equipment to ensure fire safety other than fire fighting system and fire detecting syste
Stability booklet contents?
Firemans outfit? EEBD and SCBA
Latest amendment in IG ? Why o2 percent is reduced from 8 to 5 percent?
ISPS Certificates? Levels of security ? wHo decides the level of security? How you obtain ISPS certificate? ISPS Contents?? Flag
Crude oil washing?
Gas freeing of oil tanker?
Container safety?
Lifeboat and davits all inspections? Factor of safety for winch brake? Davit? Rope , hook etc?
Deck foam monitor capacity? Deck foam calculation?
co2 bottle liquid level? Markings on bottle? Internal inspection of bottle? Purpose of siphon tube? Time delay unit in co2 syste
Scavenge fire in one unit - ur actions as 2e? Fuel pump cut off methods
DCP Calculation for deck fire fighting in tanker? Co2 calculation?
IG safeties? Deck seal function? IG Blower capacity? IG System explain? Deck seal digram? Wet and dry type of deckseal
Rules and regulations? Whats convention?
Tacit Accpetance?
a ship is registered under a state - it doesn’t ratify a convention , can it go to states which has ratified the convention? If yes th
Why we need to maintain a class?
Difference between class and statutory survey? Give examples?
Latest amendment in container safeties? Container latest amendments
Fire lance - Requirements? Why came? Upto what height u can use it?
Pump room safeties?
Emergency switch board requirements? Location as per SOLAS
How ISSC issued? Procedure?
GMDSS equipment onboard? What type of VHF? EPIRB Use?
MLC Rights of seafarer? Conditions of employment?
What is flag state?
ISM Cetrtificate is valid what all inspection will be conducted? Explain ISM? Certificates of ISM? Who issue ISM Certificate? Un
Why ship needs to be classed? Functions of classification society?
What is RO? Requirements? RO Code?
How to gas free a cargo oil tank? Procedures for carrying out hot work in cargo oil tank
Minimum requirement of seafarer to work in ship
Latest amendment in buk carrier related to safety
P&A manual?
Butterworthing a tank , what do you mean by that?
Static stability conditions - he doesn’t want to hear static stability criteria
Name and explain STCW chapter for safety training?
As per MLC explain about medical certificate and its validity?
Safety precautions during electrical maintenance in pump room?
Name and explain parts of alkaline battery?
STCW codes explain? Cross
Identification number of company?? ISM Certificates
co2 relief valve pressure setting in co2? How much pressure? How much pressure usually attained?
GMDSS Solas regulation - lots of cross on tis
MLC Chapter 5 contrents
Ship shore drill parties involved
ISPS ? Difference between assessment and plan? SSP and who all are involved in ISPS
Lifeboat static and dynamic Load testing
High expansion foam system - capacity of system
IAPP comes under which regulation
Current status of regulation D2
MLC - medical certificate requirements
LOW Expansion Foam Monitor design criteria
Ship side door specification in passenger ship and cargo ship
Medical certificater amendments
2010 STCW major amendments
SMC How you obtain? List of surveys reqd for obtaining SMC
Cargo protection on ur ship?
In tanker after finishing cargo you want to do hot work ? Precautions and preparations
As 2E checks on foam solution?
Measures to avid uptake fire? Actions that can be taken for the same
Significance of load line?
DOC and SMC?
Requiremtns of Sounding pipe on deck? Height related
Pressure testing of tanks
Cz curve? What we get from curve about stability?
Saturation pressure
Fire alarm activation points? Where it is fitted
O2 and Acetylene bottles the precuations to take while you handle this bottles.
Dresser coupling ? Use?
Precautions to take in bulk carrier before sailing
Function name? What all are covered in this topic ?
Cross section of the ship type you have sailed - prepare as per that , sure shot question - mark all bilge keel, ballast tank, type
strake? Tumble home?
Bilge keel - why its used? Why then not given in full length? - Formula? Regulation of bilge keel, how much width??Bilge keel w
gyration,, not accepting bilge keel will increase period of roll
ISM Audit?
Masters review - internal
Emergency generator regulation
Material of bilge keel? Tanks?
Camber - usese
Bilge radius
Ballast pipe passage on tankers - Expecting it is not going through cargo tanks coz it lead to contamination
Sheer strake
ISM Code ? Masters review? Interval
annex 6 how complied onboard? Documents maintained
Radius of gyration
Constructional difference between oil tnaker and product tanker
Explosion proof closure? Where is it? What are problems - he wants to hear about it having a special key which isnt compatibl
co2 bottle maintenance? When we do weighing? - expects ans not done altogther, pressure testing of line and at what interva
Emergency generator requiremetns? How much load it should take
Annex 6 pollutants? How we know we comply sulphur regulations? - Fuel analysis report is what he wans to hear
Angle of Loll - he wants to hear GM is zero at angle of loll - How to correct it? What all are the effects of angle of loll?
Flame guard and flame proof on your ship? Where used
Margin line? Why its needed? What is its importance
Cargo of product tanker comes under which annex? Where u can find it? In which document
Container cross section? Tumblesome, camber, rise of floor. Location of ballast tank, torsion bar,? Function of torsion bar? Con
Factors affecting ur stability of ships? Angle of loll,condition of angle of loll? Never say metacentric height as negative, he need
Annex 6 how complied? How nox regulated? All tiers? Nox tech file? Sox regulation, How sox controlled onboard? How scrubb
ODS? Record book for ODS? Recovery bottle?
Advantages of co2? SOLAS Regulation of CO2? Why need two types of fixed fire fighting system?Advantage of co2?
types of fire detectors onboard? Flame detectors location? Where all heat detector is fitted? Why reqd in ECR? He needs ans
What is type 1? Type 2? Type 3? Chemicals? Construction and tank limitation in type 2 tanker?
What all pollution comes under annex 6? How you prepare of iapp survey as 2nd engineer? What all certificates? ODS? Madat
Preparation before drydock as 2e?
Emergency fire pump regulations? Wants to hear about regulations on priming arrangement?
Advantages of less freeboard on tankers?
Centre line girder construction? In ur cross section
Sewage regulation? What will psc check on sewage?
BWMS System explain? What chemicals used and its reaction
Type of ship? Type of cargo? Type of inerting system?
IG System alarms and trips, How back flow is prevented in IG scrubber?
What is port state, name 5 Mou? Name 6 SOLAS Certificates? Solas chapters?
What is ESP? Why ESP
Material used for ship construction? Why?
New annex 6 amendmments
EEXI? CII ? EEDI? Anything about shipboard sulphur measurement in annex 6 latest amendmments?
Stabiity booklet? What is hydrostatic curve?
What is in GZ curve? How righting moment is formed and value
Bottom survey
Dry dock departure checks? Drydock checklist?
PV valve, breaker and deck seal
Db tank pressure test and how it's done? DB tank role in ship stability
Material of Hull - pleating wise
SOLAS chapter 14 - chapter 9 certificate under CH9 and procedure for application of this certificate
How to extinguish mastricer fire
SOLAS Chapter 12? Complete damage? Dewatering system? WIDAS
STCW 2023 amendments
Loadline survey preparation as 2E
Bilge keel purpiose?
Hydrostatic curves
Drydock prepartion as 2E
Emergency bilge suction try out
Solas chapter 9? Explain ? Certificates?
All SOLAS chapters? Chapter 4 certificatee
Marpol annex 6 latest amendments
Dynamic stability? Static stability? Static stabiliity curve?
How rudder weigth carried?
Types of rudder on ship? How rudder turns the ship
Rudder alignment?
Explain garbode strake
Enhanced survey programme?
Sketch and explain skew and rake of propeller? Purpose
DWT and GRT and NT?
ECA fuel requirements? Change over criteria
Actions to flooding engine room and arrangements
Difference of engine room and deck sounding pipes? Closing arrangements
P & A manual?
annex 1 and annex 2 discharge criteria
angle of loll
IGG system explain? PV Breaker and PV Valve? Setting? IG Safeties
Safeties In ballast tank? Fixed gas detection system working
Steering gear checks before departure? Steering gear safeties?
Bitter end? Explain
ODME Working
Ballast tank safeties - looking about fixed gas detection system and he will ask to explain mostly
Action to take if detection of HC happen in ballast tank
Any connection to IG line to ballast tank
Relation bw load line and stability?
Fixed fire fighting on your ships? Explain?
Seemp part 1 and SEEMP part 2
Location of fixed gas sampling point in LPG
Angle of vanishing stability
Stability criteria for LPG
UMS class requirements
International shore coupling
Aft and fwd perpendicular and from where the perpendicular is drawn
Docking plan
Pump room fixed gas detection system explain? What all gases will you check and their value?
Pump room safety
What is EXD and exi? Where EXI is used in pump room?
What all will you check for entry in fuel tank cleaning? Their values
How pump room lighting is connected? And why?
How will frequently you perform emergency onload test?
Annex 6 what all cause pollution as per this
What is VECS?
How you comply with NOX regulation? How ships comply with SOX emmision
what all check before starting OWS ?
Automatic vent valve before deck seal?IG alarms ? O2 content of IG in tank
what all checks befor you start sailing
FOBAS calculation? What all inputs? How change pover when main engine is at half speed
Steering gear regulations as per SOLAS
CO2 activation points? If not working from fire station what you do
How to know whether CO2 is going or not? Manuak activation if everything fails? Safety before entering CO2 room
Bilge water discharge criteria inside and outside special areas
Annex 1 discharge criteria
Safematic steering gear explain- just sequence
Green passport
Types of deck seals?
Inclination experiment with both drawing? Derive equation? Cross
ISM ? Whos responsible for ISM
Emergency switchboard regulations and safeties
MSB interlock and safeties?
Types of fire fighting system
Fixed DCP system explain? Regulation for applicator on deck?
What are types of Deck seal? Draw and explain different types
What is pressure in oil tanker cargo tank?
Convert Cargo tank pressure into MM of water column? PV breaker explain
What is difference between safety valve and release valve
Current SOX and NOX limit
NOX control, SOX control . Explain exhaust gas scrubbers. Different types
Draw and explain Co2 systems
Cheks during CO2 system survey. How Co2 line blow through carried out
Explain hypermist system onboard. How hypermist extinguishes fire? What effect Hypermist do on smoke, Location of Hyperm
Hypermist alarms, Line blow through of hypermist system
Check list for PSC inspection
Latest amendments in Sewage system
Refer charging procedures
ISM code? Certificates
IBC code?
PV breaker and valve with diagram, operating pressures? Cargo tank pressure
Docking survey
Free fall life boat launching
Dry dock preparation as 2E ?What all checks you do in DD as 2e?
ISM Certificates? Type of survey in ISM? Wants to hear interim , initial, intermediate, renewal, additional
What is anniversary date? Annual survey?
Conditions of class>
Class and statutory surveys?
Form B and Form E?
WIDAS ? How to check WIDAS ? What actions when u receive WIDAS Alarm?
Dry dock Surveys?
IBC code?
Fitness certficate?
BCH Code
Why does a ship needs to be classed? Means why it has to registered with class
Point out what are the additional safeties on bulk carriers
Which all annexes covered for yor vessel
Certificates of annex 4
SOLAS chapter explanation complete
Where you can find what all cargoes you can carry? Which certificate ? Based on which code? Part of solas?
Foam test certificate?
Winch brake test details and checklist?
Form E Details ? Form F details?
Type b60 loadline?
co2 bottle weighing?
Dry dock pre flooding checks as 2e
ODME ? Inputs to ODME, from where all inputs received
Cargo dischrge criteria on tankers?
Fire fighting appliances maintenance? Where it is written?
Content of muster list
Contents of training book onboard
Life boat test ( Static and dynamic)
types of oil tankers? How are they classified as per size?
What is deficiency? What is non confirmity?During audit, your no.2 generator is not working, isit deficiency or non confirmity a
What is writing lever? Why called so? Why does bouyancy shift when ships heel?
water tight and weather tight bulkhead

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