SAMRU Club Constitution Template 2023 - 24

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Club Constitution Template

This constitution template is designed to support the success of your club. Although your club is free
to create its own constitution provided it meets the requirements set out in the Clubs Handbook, this
template offers a flexible solution based on best practices of successful clubs and seeks to avoid
some of the unintentional pitfalls that can sometimes occur.

Information in italics is context/instructions and can be deleted once the template is complete.
Yellow highlighted sections are where you fill in the relevant information for your club.

Article 1: Name

The club’s official name will be “<full name of club>” and may be referred to as “<alternate
name>”. No other name will be used in the advertisement or representation of the club.

Try to make the name of your club as accurate as possible.

Clubs cannot have the words “Association”, “Union”, “Society” or “Council” in their names. These names often have
legal meanings and using them runs the risk of misrepresenting the nature of the club to other students or the
public. Please contact the Clubs & Events Coordinator if you are unsure if your name meets this requirement or if
you’d like assistance in coming up with a suitable name for your club.

Article 2: The Club’s Purpose

(1) Purpose: The <full name of club> exists to provide <a forum for exciting group discussion
about the latest household appliances>;

Optionally, you can add more detail about the club’s strategy and vision:

(2) Strategy: The <full name of club> will <sample of activities your clubs with conduct>; and,
(3) Vision: <what impact you hope the club will have on its members, the campus and the

It’s perfectly ok if the club’s strategy and vision are modest. Some clubs might want to simply create a forum for
fans of mystery novels to meet and discuss their favourite books, with the goal of making friends and discovering
new authors. On the other hand, some clubs' goals might be expansive, such as organizing large-scale fundraising
initiatives to raise money for cancer research with the vision of helping bring about new treatments. Either way, try
to be as clear as possible about what the club is trying to achieve.

Article 3: Requirements for Membership

(1) The club’s membership is open to all credit students at the Mount Royal University (MRU). The
club’s membership cannot be exclude any student or group of MRU credit students;
(2) Individuals other than credit-students may join as associate members. Associate members may
not hold Signing Authority positions and may not vote on club business.

(3) The club may establish a membership fee by majority vote of the club Signing Authority. The fee
for membership may not exceed $<maximum membership fee>.

(4) The club will maintain an active record of all current members.

Membership fees are optional. Your club doesn’t need to charge a membership fee, and many clubs don’t. Usually
club members need to receive a tangible benefit in order to justify paying a membership fee.

Article 4: Club Signing Authorities

There shall be Signing Authorities of the club.

(1) Collectively, the Signing Authorities will ensure that the club’s activities do not
violate the SAMRU and Mount Royal’s policies and procedures, and municipal, provincial
and federal regulations.

(2) There will not be less than <number> of Signing Authorities members at any one time that fulfill
following functions:
The <President> will:
1. Oversee the other members in the Signing Authority Role in fulfilling their
2. Chair all Signing Authority Committee meetings;
3. Hold shared responsibility for managing the club’s relationship with SAMRU;
4. Hold one (1) vote in the Signing Authority Committee;
5. Hold signing authority for the club;
6. Prepare and submit any annual reporting required by SAMRU; and,
7. If absent, assign a Signing Authority Club Member Signing Authority with all the
responsibilities of the

The <VP Events> will:

1. Organize club programs, activities and events in accordance with its
2. constitution’s mandate;
3. Be responsible for submitting activity approvals to SAMRU;
4. Hold shared responsibility for managing the club’s relationship with SAMRU;
5. Hold signing authority for the club; and,
6. Hold one (1) vote in the Signing Authority Committee

The <VP Finance> will:

1. Oversee all financial dealings of the club;
2. Keep complete records of all financial dealings of the club;
3. Have USC Finance Office signing authority for the club;
4. Hold shared responsibility for managing the club’s relationship with SAMRU;
5. Hold signing authority for the club; and,
6. Hold one (1) vote in the Signing Authority Committee

Your club can have as few as three Signing Authorities, up to as many as four. The titles and duties suggested here
work for most clubs, but may need to be modified slightly in order t. For larger clubs, you may want to consider
additional positions such as the following.

The <VP Communications> will:

1. Record votes and minutes of all meetings;
2. Send out a weekly newsletter to the membership;
3. Lead the process for preparing club advertising materials such as posters;
4. Hold shared responsibility for managing the club’s relationship with SAMRU; and,
5. Hold one (1) vote in the Signing Authority Committee.

The <VP Membership> will:

1. Maintain the club’s membership records
2. Lead the process for recruitment of new members
3. Hold shared responsibility for managing the club’s relationship with SAMRU; and,
4. Hold one (1) vote in the Signing Authority Committee.

(3) The term of office for Signing Authority is July 1 to June 30 of the following year.

(4) No Signing Authority shall receive payment for performing their duties on the Signing
Authority Committee.

(5) Each year, prior to the end of March, the club will hold elections for Signing Authorities for
the following academic year through the following process:
1. The club will accept self-nominations for each of its Signing Authority positions;
members of the club may nominate themselves for Signing Authority positions
by informing the current Signing Authority of their candidacy prior to the last day
of February.
2. On March 1st of each year, the club Signing Authorities will inform the
membership of the candidates for each position, the date(s) and time for voting.
3. Signing Authorities will be elected by regular members of the club via secret
ballot, with the candidate receiving the most votes elected to the position.
4. Unchallenged positions will be acclaimed without a vote.
5. In the event of a tie vote, a selection will be made between the tied candidates
by random draw.

Your club may want to set different dates for your elections depending on when your club is most active. The dates
suggested in the template are for clubs that follow the typical academic calendar.
(6) Signing Authorities may resign their positions upon two weeks’ notice to the other members
of the Signing Authority Committee.

(7) Signing Authorities may be removed from office upon receipt of a petition signed by 50% plus
one of the current club members.

(8) VacantSigning Authority positions will be filled by by-election. By-elections will follow the
same format as regular elections. The term for positions filled through by-elections will be from
the end of the by-election until July 31.

Article 5: Finances

(1) The club will maintain an internal bank account with SAMRU.

(2) The club will maintain a positive account balance. The club will only commit to expenses
that can be paid with its current account balance.

(3) The club will ensure that clear records are maintained for all financial transactions, including
collection of membership fees, cash handling, fundraising and payments.

(4) The VP Finance will provide regular reports to the Signing Authority Committee on the
current financial status of the club.

If you club hold an external account, it may need to have additional rules around how the external account is
managed. SAMRU provided funding cannot be held in an external account.

(5) Property held by the club will be stored in Wyckham House, and available to club members
upon request to any member of the Signing Authority Committee. Property of the club may only
be disposed of upon written agreement from the current club signing authorities.

Many clubs do not hold any property. If you do, you should determine what its for, how it gets used, and who has
the authority to dispose of it. SAMRU’s has lockers that can be assigned to clubs but storage for larger items may
be limited; check with the Clubs & Events Coordinator to see if your items can be stored in Wyckham House.


Article 6: Amendments to this Constitution

(1) Amendments to this constitution can be made by holding a general meeting per the below
1. The club’s membership will be given a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice of a
general meeting.
2. The notice of the general meeting must clearly outline the meeting agenda,
including the specific wording of any proposed constitutional amendments.
3. Quorum for the meeting is at least 25% of the current membership of the club
4. Constitutional amendments will be passed by simple majority of the members
present, provided quorum is met.

You may not need to change the club’s constitution that often. If you decide to change the number of signing
authorities, introduce a new membership fee or update the name of your club you’ll need to hold a general

Article 7: Dissolution of the Club

(1) The club may be dissolved by holding a general meeting as per the following requirements:
5. The club’s membership will be given a minimum of four (4) weeks’ notice of a
general meeting.
6. The notice of the general meeting must clearly outline the meeting agenda,
including the specific wording of any proposed constitutional amendments.
7. Quorum for the meeting is at least 75% of the current membership of the club
8. The club may be dissolved by a motion of dissolution passed by 75% of the
members present, provided quorum is met.

(2) Upon dissolution, any property owned by the club will be donated to the Students’
Association of Mount Royal University.

Signature of three Club Signing Authority Officers:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

Name: Signature:

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