Fa Eng 2017
Fa Eng 2017
Fa Eng 2017
Winter term 2017/2018
Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
• Probability
Here is an example from the theory of partial differential equations. Let
X denote the space C 2 (U ) of twice differentiable functions from a bounded
and open set U ⊂ Rn to R with bounded second derivatives, which converge
to 0 on ∂U . Let Y be the corresponding space of continuous maps P and
bounded maps from U to R and let A be the Laplaceoperator ∆ = j ∂x 2.
The question of the solvability of the PDG ∆u = f is thus translated into
the question of the invertibility of a certain operator. In this example it
happens that A is injective, but not surjective. One obtains a much better
theory if one replaces the classical spaces C 2 and C 0 by Sobolev spaces (see
The course will cover four big themes.
2 Linear operators
Key theorems are the Hahn-Banach theorem (a continuous linear functional
on a subspace can be extended to the whole space), Baire’s theorem and the
closed graph theorem. Baire’s theorem has a number of strong consequences,
e.g. the principle of uniform boundedness: A family of linear and continuous
maps Tj from a Banach space X to a Banach space Y which is pointwise
bounded is already uniformly bounded, i.e.,
3 Hilbert spaces
A Hilbert space H is a vector spaces with a scalar product which is closed
under the norm induced by the scalar product. A key property is that for
every closed subspace U and every x ∈ H there exists a unique best approx-
imation of y ∈ U of x. Moreover y is given by the orthogonal projection of
x onto U .
This simple geometric fact has strong consequence, e.g. the Riesz rep-
resentation theorem (every linear and continuous functional T : H → R is
of the form T (x) = hz, xi for some z ∈ H) and the Lax-Milgram theorem.
This leads to a new approach for the solution of the equation Ax = y. One
considers the bilinear form a(x, z) := hAx, zi and look for solutions of the
equation a(x, z) = (y, z) ∀z. In this way the PDE −∆u = f in U , u = 0 on
∂U can be reformulated as
∇u∇ϕ = f ϕ ∀ϕ
(to see this, multiply the equation by ϕ and integrate by parts). The left
hand side of the equation defines a scalar product on the space W01,2 of
Sobolev functions with zero boundary values and for fixed f ∈ L2 (U ), the
right hand side defines a continuous linear map from W01,2 to R. Thus, the
Riesz representation theorem yields the existence and uniqueness of a solu-
tion u ∈ W01,2 . The Lax-Milgram theorem yields existence and uniqueness
for general bilinear forms which are continuous and coercive (i.e. a(x, x) ≥
c||x||2 , c > 0). In this way, one immediately obtains existence
P and unique-
ness of solutions of general partial differential equations − i,j ∂i (aij (x)∂j u(x)) =
fPas long as the coefficients are bounded (and measurable) and elliptic (i.e.,
aij ξi ξj ≥ c|x|2 ∀ξ ∈ Rn , with c > 0).
This Hilbert space approach does not only lead to a very flexible and
powerful notion of solutions but also creates a rigorous link to the natural
minimization principles in physics. At the same time the Hilbert space
approach leads to a very natural understanding and analysis of numerical
approximation schemes, which often corresponds to an approximation in a
well chosen finite dimensional subspace.
4 Eigenvalues and spectral theory
An important theorem of linear algebra states that a symmetric matrix has
an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. We will prove a generalization of this
result to compact and symmetric operators on a Hilbert space. For natural
choices of the operator (usually the inverse of a differential operator) the
corresponding orthonormal systems of eigenfunctions yield a unification and
generalization of a number of classical orthonormal systems (Fourier series,
Legendre polynomials, spherical harmonics, . . . ).
For noncompact bounded or unbounded symmetric (or self adjoint) op-
erators A one needs a generalization of the concept of an eigenvalue. One
says that λ ∈ C belongs to the spectrum of A if the operator λ − A does not
have a continuous inverse. The concept of spectrum is a central notion in
many areas of mathematics ranging from mathematical physics to number
theory (Selberg trace formula).
The course will be mostly based on the following two books:
H.W. Alt, Linear functional analysis, Springer, 2016
H. Brezis, Functional analysis, Sobolev spaces and partial differential equa-
tions, Springer
Further relevant literature will be announced in the course as needed.
Analysis III (i.e. measure and integration, in particular the Lebesgue inte-