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(GRMCE- 10-17)

Time allowed : Maximum Marks 50

Answer ALL Questions
No of questions_:-
Time allotted –1 hour 20 MINUTES
1. Why do businesses need Integrated Reporting?

In the wake of the global financial crisis, the need to

promote financial stability and sustainable development
by better linking investment decisions, corporate
behaviour and reporting has become increasingly
important. its Both regulators and companies now realise
the need for a fundamental change in reporting where
the focus is not on the financial capital, but on
demonstrating the value created by an entity while

operating within its economic, social and environmental


2.Write Down pillars of Governance.

This refers to clarity of roles and responsibilities in an
organisation. Defining who does what and how each role
adds value is critical to a well-run organisation.
Accountability involves tools, such as position
descriptions and key performance indicators, aligned
with strategic objectives, as well as an understanding of
the skills required in an organisation to support its

This refers to openness and clarity in internal and
external reporting Stakeholders have increasing
expectations of organisations' reporting being more
transparent than in the past.

This is at the heart of good governance practice and
drives how decisions are made, the values the
organisation adheres to and its culture. When an
organisation effectively builds integrity internally, this will

drive the quality of relationships it has with all


This refers to how an organisation is 'steered' or guided
to achieve long-term sustainability. Stewardship is a key
responsibility of the board and involves maximising the
employment of human, financial, natural, intellectual,
social and relationship, as well as manufactured capital to
add value and support the future prosperity of the
organisation. The practice of integrated reporting has
been widely accepted since the release of an
international framework by the International Integrated
Reporting Council (IIRC), a global coalition of
regulators, investors, accounting professionals,
companies and non-governmental organisations. The
international framework was released in 2013 and stands
as a more holistic form of reporting the value that
businesses create

2. What sort of changes will be needed in

business management principles and practices
to build companies that are truly fit for the

Gary Hamel, World's most influential business

thinker (The Wall Street) and world's leading
expert on business strategy (Fortune),
answered this question which is basically
conclusions of one International Conference in
California organized by The Management Lab
- a Silicon Valley based research organization,
with the support of McKinsey & Company,
where 35 top management scholars and
practitioners of the world met for two days to
debate the future of management. These are
the points:
"Modern" management much of which dates
back to the late nineteenth century has
reached the limits of improvement. Unless
management innovators tackle those issues,
companies will be unable to cope with
tomorrow's volatile world.
Management pioneers must find ways to infuse
mundane business activities with deeper, soul-
stirring ideals, such as honor, truth, love,
justice, and beauty. These timeless virtues
have long inspired human beings to
extraordinary accomplishment and can no
longer be relegated to the fringes of
management. Most companies strive to

maximize shareholder wealth - a goal that is

inadequate. As an emotional catalyst, wealth
maximization lacks the power to fully mobilize
human energies Tomorrow's management
systems must give as much credence to such
timeless human ideals as beauty, justice, and
community as they do to the traditional goals
of efficiency, advantage, and profit.
Tomorrow's managers will require new skills,
among them reflective learning, system-based
thinking, creative problem solving, and values:
driven thinking, Business Schools and
companies must redesign training programs to
help executives develop such skills and
reorient management systems to encourage
their application. Gary Hamel (Director, The
Management Lab, a Silicon Valley based
research organization) Ref: Harvard.

3.write down important concept TBL and

their Principle.

Ans:-- The need to apply the concept of TBI, is

caused due to

(a) Increased consumer sensitivity to

corporate social behaviour.
(b) Growing demands for transparency from
(c) Increased environmental regulation
(d) Legal costs of compliances and defaults
(e) Concerns over global warming
(1) Increased social awareness
(R) Awareness about and willingness for
respecting human rights
(b) Media's attention to social issues
(1) Growing corporate participation in social
While profitability is a pure economic bottom
line, social and environmental bottom lines are
semi or non-economic in nature so far as
revenue generation is concerned but it has
certainly a positive impact on long term value
that an enterprise commands.
But discharge of social responsibilities by
corporates is a subjective matter as it cannot
be measured with reasonable accuracy.

The current generation people are well aware

of what goes on around them. People today
know a lot about environment, how it affects
them, how things we do affects the
environment in turn. For the aware and
conscientious consumers today, it is important
that they buy products that do not harm the
environment. They only like to deal with
companies that believe and do things for the
greater good of planet earth.

Therefore, TBL leads to three important


1. Company cannot sustain only by making

profit and ignoring society or
2. Company cannot run only for the benefit of
people and forget the commercial function of
making profit,
3. Company cannot run only to protect the
environment and forget people and profit

4. Define the following terms:


(a) Bribery
(b) Facilitation payment
(c) Foreign public official

5. You are Company Secretary of XYZ Limited.

You are required by the Chairman of your
company to prepare
a note for the Board of directors highlighting
the benefits of integrated reporting.

6. What is Risk-adjusted return on capital

(RAROC) and how is it calculated ?
(b) Discuss in brief the composition of Lokpal
and its powers. ( 5 Marks )

7. You have been appointed as Company

Secretary of a newly incorporated public
limited company, which is engaged in
providing logistic services across India. The
company has come out with a public issue and
its shares are listed at BSE and NSE. How

would you implement a Corporate Compliance

Management culture in the company ?

8. "Internal check refers to allocation of duties

in a scientific way so that no one is responsible
for all phases of the transactions" Explain the
essential features of Internal check in the light
of above statement.

9. You are the Company Secretary of Super

Chef Ltd. Shirley, the newly appointed CEO of
Super Chef Ltd. is not clear about the concept
of internal control and her role and
responsibilities with regard to intermal
controls of the company. She approaches you
to understand the same. Prepare a short note
to brief Shirley on Internal control and her role
and responsibilities in this regard.

10. The IIRC seeks to build upon, enhance and

support the work that has been done to date,
and is ongoing, to achieve a reporting
framework. Elucidate.

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