Base Plate and Bolt Calculation

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Title: Design of Base Plate


Grade of concrete = 25 N/mm
Yield Strength of the Base Plate = 250 N/mm
Partial Factor of Safety = 1.25
Size of the Column
B = 100 mm
D = 100 mm
T = 4 mm


Maximum Axial Force, P = 13.212 kN

Maximum Moment, My = 1.837 kN-m
Maximum Moment, Mz 0.149 kN-m
Base Plate Projection beyond Column Face

Projection Beyond Column in X-Direction, a = 75 mm

Projection Beyond Column in Z-Direction, b = 75 mm


Eccentricity of the load, ex = 139.040 mm

Eccentricity of the load, ez = 11.278 mm

Size of the Plate = B X H mm

= 250 X 250

fc = P/BH(1+(6e/H)) Should be < 0.25*Fck

0.974016 < 6.25 N/mm2


Minimum thickness of the base plate required =

= 7.833
(clause 11.3.3 of IS 800:2007)
Where, fbs = Permissible bending stress in column base equal to 0.75 fy

Provide Base Plate of Thickness = 8 mm

Hence Provide the Base Plate of Size 250 X 250 X 12 mm


Forces considered for Design: Bending Moment = 0.541

Lever Arm, x = plt width-2xeb = 250-2*45 = 160 mm
Axial Tension, Fxt = M/x kN
= 4.704347826
Shear Force, Fy = 10.202 kN
Bolt Properties:
Col Size = 100 X 100
Plate Size = 250 X 250
Grade of Bolt, g = 5.6
Ultimate tensile Strength of the Bolt, fub = 410 N/mm2
Yield Strength of the Bolt, fyb = 250 N/mm2
Bolt Diameter, d = 20 mm
Hole Diameter, d1 = 22 mm
Number of Bolts, N = 4
Number of shear planes with threads
intercepting the shear plane, nn = 1
Number of shear planes without threads
intercepting the shear plane, ns = 0
Nominal plain shank area of theBolt, Asb = πxdxd/4
314.1592654 mm
Net shear area of bolts at threads,corresponding to
root dia at the thread, Anb = 251.3274123 mm
Pitch distance, pb = 145 mm
Edge distance, eb = 35 mm

Partial factor of safety for materials (Table-5,Clause 5.4.1,Page 30)

Resistance governed by yielding, ϒm0 = 1.1
Resistance governed by ultimate stress, ϒm1 = 1.25
Bolt friction type, ϒmf = 1.25
Bolt bearing type, ϒmb = 1.25
Resistance for connections, ϒmw = 1.5
Check for Bolt

1.Shear Capacity of Bolt (Clause, page 86)

The Actual Stress in bolt in Shear,

= 0.032474 kN/mm2

The Actual Stress per bolt in Shear, = Fsb/N

0.016237 kN/mm2
Nominal Shear Capacity of Bolt, Vnsb =

= 59.493 kN

Permissible stress in bolt in shear,

= 0.1136 kN/mm2

Here, fsb < fasb i.e, 0.01624 < 0.11362

2.Bearing Capacity of the Bolt (Clause, page 86)
Ultimate tensile stress of the bolt, fub = 410 N/mm
Ultimate tensile stress of the material, fup = 490 N/mm

kb =

= 0.583333333
Plate thickness, tp = 12 mm
Nominal Bearing capacityof bolt, Vnpb =
= 171.5 kN

Actual stress of bolt in bearing on any plate =

= 0.040592468 kN/mm2

The permissible bearing stress of the bolt/plate =

= 0.409426091 kN/mm2
Here, fpd < fapb i.e., 0.04059 < 0.40943
3.Tension Check for Bolt (Clause, page 86,87)

Tension capacity of bolt, Tnb =

= 89.2497913 kN

Actual tensile stress of the bolt =

= 0.042 kN/mm2
Actual tensile stress per bolt = Ftb/N
0.021 kN/mm2

The permissible tensile stress of the bolt =

= 0.170 kN/mm2

Here, ftb < fatb i.e., 0.021 < 0.170

4.Combined Shear and Tension (Clause, page 87)

fsb = Actual Stress in bolt in Shear = 0.016 kN/mm2

fasb = Permissible stress in bolt in shear = 0.114 kN/mm2
ftb = Actual tensile stress of the bolt = 0.021 kN/mm2
fatb = The permissible tensile stress of the bolt = 0.170 kN/mm2

0.036 < 1

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