Department of Error 2017 Lancet

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questions were gathered from women MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, University of
Panel: Top ten research priorities for endometriosis in the UK with endometriosis, health-care Edinburgh, Queen’s Medical Research Institute,
and Ireland Edinburgh EH16 4TJ, UK (AWH, IMA, LH); and MRC
practitioners, and researchers using Centre for Inflammation Research, University of
1 Can a cure be developed for endometriosis? surveys complemented by clinical Edinburgh, Queen’s Medical Research Institute,
2 What causes endometriosis? guidelines and systematic reviews. Edinburgh, UK (PTKS)

3 What are the most effective ways of educating health-care Priority setting was carried out using 1 Giudice LC. Endometriosis. N Engl J Med 2010;
362: 2389–98.
professionals throughout the health-care system resulting in data from online surveys, online voting, 2 Hickey M, Ballard K, Farquhar C. Endometriosis.
reduced time to diagnosis and improved treatment and care of and a facilitated workshop of equal BMJ 2014; 348: 1–9.
women with endometriosis? numbers of women with endometriosis 3 Simoens S, Dunselman G, Dirksen C, et al. The
burden of endometriosis: costs and quality of
4 Is it possible to develop a non-invasive screening tool to aid and health-care practitioners. life of women with endometriosis and treated in
the diagnosis of endometriosis? In the first online survey, 4767 referral centres. Hum Reprod 2012; 27: 1292–99.
5 What are the most effective ways of maximising and/or research questions (termed “un­
maintaining fertility in women with confirmed or suspected certainties”) were submitted by
endometriosis? 1225 respondents from the UK
6 How can the diagnosis of endometriosis be improved? and Ireland. Of these respondents,
7 What is the most effective way of managing the emotional 861 (70·3%) had a current or pre­
and/or psychological and/or fatigue impact of living with vious confirmed diagnosis of
endometriosis (including medical, non-medical,
endometriosis; 247 (20·2%) were Department of Error
and self-management methods)?
health-care practitioners, of whom Ahern AL, Wheeler GM, Aveyard P, et al. Extended
8 What are the outcomes and/or success rates for surgical or
39 also had a diagnosis of endometriosis; and standard duration weight-loss programme
medical treatments that aim to cure or treat endometriosis, referrals for adults in primary care (WRAP):
117 respondents (9·5%) did not belong
rather than manage it? a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2017;
9 What is the most effective way of stopping endometriosis
to either category, with the majority 389: 2214–25—In table 5 of this Article,
progressing and/or spreading to other organs (eg, after being friends or family of women with the percentage of participants in the brief

surgery)? endometriosis. A further 111 research intervention group who reported attending
nine or more meetings should have been 7%.
10 What are the most effective non-surgical ways of managing uncertainties were identified from This change has been made to the online
endometriosis-related pain and/or symptoms (medical/non- literature searches. After removing version as of May 17, 2017, and the printed
medical)? questions already addressed by syste­ Article is correct.
matic reviews, or ongoing re­search,
Chatterjee S, Khunti K, Davies MJ. Type 2
and merging similar questions, diabetes. Lancet 2017; 389: 2239–51—In this
associated with high recurrence rates) 72 were listed in a second survey Seminar, a correction of “type 2 diabetes” to
and ovarian suppressive drugs (which allowing participants to vote (rank) “type 1 diabetes” has been made to the
Published Online second sentence of the last paragraph in the
May 17, 2017 have important side-effects). for the questions. 1418 participants Challenges in optimisation and maintenance Endometriosis research is con­ from the UK and Ireland voted. From of glycaemic control section: “Diagnosis and
S0140-6736(17)31257-6 siderably underfunded relative to the 30 uncertainties that received the differentiation from type 1 diabetes is based
on identifying markers of insulin resistance,
other diseases with high health-care most votes, ten research priorities such as acanthosis nigricans, and results of
burdens. The Endometriosis Priority were agreed during the workshop that biochemical tests, including high C-peptide
Published Online Setting Partnership (PSP) was formed involved 26 participants and was held concentrations and absence of
autoantibodies.” This correction has been
February 21, 2017 with the objective of identifying the in London, UK, in April, 2017 (panel). made to the online version as of
key questions about endometriosis These ten priorities are intended Feb 21, 2017, and the printed Seminar is
that were most important to both to provide a platform for research­ers, correct.
women with endometriosis and health- funding bodies, and the pharma­ceutical
Kamarulzaman A, Reid SE, Schwitters A, et al.
care practitioners involved in their industry to ensure that future research HIV and related infections in prisoners 3:
care. Using methods established by funding and research activities focus on Prevention of transmission of HIV, hepatitis B
virus, hepatitis C virus, and tuberculosis in
For the James Lind Alliance see the James Lind Alliance, a shortlist of questions that are important to women prisoners. Lancet 2016; 388: 1115–26—In this
those considered priorities for research with endometriosis and to health-care Series paper, the copyright has been correctly
in the UK and Ireland was agreed by practitioners. attributed to WHO and the copyright line
See Online for appendix both women with endometriosis and has been added to the text. This correction
We declare no competing interests.
has been made to the online version as of
healthcare practitioners. A PSP was
*Andrew W Horne, June 1, 2017.
established that included women with Philippa T K Saunders,
endometriosis, their supporters, key Ibtisam M Abokhrais, Lyndsey Hogg,
Rochon PA, Gurwitz JH. The prescribing cascade
revisited. Lancet 2017; 389: 1778–80—In this
health-care practitioners, endometriosis on behalf of the Endometriosis Priority Comment, the appendix was not supplied and
Published Online
s earchers, and representatives Setting Partnership Steering Group has been added to the online version as of
May 16, 2017 from organisations involved with (appendix) May 16, 2017.
S0140-6736(17)31315-6 women with endometriosis. Research [email protected]

2192 Vol 389 June 3, 2017

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