Calcutta University CC11 History

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C.U, ROLL NO. + 182036-!F 0119 PAGE No.t 1 A, (a) One of Dhe Entigh benad Deapals 2 Cathosime TL (tee Cpread) 7 aaa 4 | Ruoaia: | (by One of the French piiloae phere before | Dhe Faonch vuvolulien 1 Montesquieu: “ © Brench avdisto cabs frolcled again | Necker wetta wor dhe French qineee | | wrunislow + | lads A Guondin Leader war Jacques | Pierre Brracob- | the rceommendations Jocguco (e) Napotean decloroad rina eine | §Faonch bmfroxor” fi Ole | | b ae Treally of Tilat s000 concluded | av 1807. 14) In 18195 Nofoloan woe defeated be ad ae post 5 Artur Wellealey eae cbi| lh The Vienna Congnees wows Arelol | | | an 19A-18I5: | | C.U. ROLL NO. ? 182036-IF 0114 Preeino fe cy fm Engvole comanke feet 12 William Wordsworth: \p The Feloxroscy Revolilion un Faance | Kok Place Rootes Ww @ko von Rismacck woas Pusectos{al vue venifiyong aia . wh Kultwk , wows Une conflict | Chat took -place 197q Lo 1878 | bebrieon Uo eanmont Pout | | dod Ollo von Bismark and The | Roman Catholic Chuxch dad hoy | Pojpe- Pima IX: lw) The Treaty iy Nexsaillr ended She Funk Wedd War | lin Nazism em ed ww Gearsas under | he Suadesalup of Adolf Hitles Lo) One chorion of the Poli | | Appearererct is Neville chamberoer | he (Whe tedeelgen ax tenes C.U, ROLL NO. 2 182036-1F 0114 RQ: (') Reign of Teva (1143-1794) Was a eiaod in Tho Franch RevoliLron manked oy a ReEArLea 4 MODMDerLD and public execution Nhat tool, place in an atmorh hore omantead ky oewolition fowour 5 onthe -nobility aerctimonts and wild accmsations the Tocodbin ocker Jad Nocera enn q Rebeapiore and Fhe Cormumittee if Prblic Safety . Dusting tthe Teseo%t , Khe Committee PAGE No.2 3 | | of Rueic Safety (4 slick MMeaimilien | | de Rebeafieswe wao the aront dictatorial eae or Une French aoven anrrenrk © Ia apring e\ m4, | ik eliminalicd da ib enemten to Tac Left (the bho Webertictsy and to Khe | prominent a orrben) ex.0% newraod vata | | | 4 C.U, ROLL NO. ? 162036-1-0119 PAGE NN _ Jo. Georges Danke) . ste uncestlain iy porarction 5 the comnulkee obstawed whe Law 2 22 Rravoial j,yean IW (une 105 1144), wolbich puaperced a auapectS ougnd to pudotic Gual land to anaistance and (et | Uae Serg a chotce ond + ocg ut ol Or deotth * Boa She eg S00, 600 awapeets (1,000 were officially excentid and enbahs Leas died in peer on i wetlrout eral - Tre Reign al Teron bad thox0e basic | qaads «to sin, Hae SO aival | oveign enernits » 40 ouppre oe | oj ate Repl at howe ond 8 | eatablish wohact Rob epee’ and Be | oucgipenter oslo Tro we Reptolic of pene Qsrrted 's | | | \obae™” Tewra , at leoat | F C.U, ROLL NO. * 182036-1F 0119 PAGE NO. 5 e The Quadoufole seca envisaged. | | Puataia s Purasia , Russia and Buta | would meet Hpexredicattes reqasding Common conunn . The Concert europe gare ep roaton Ke Anta intention from 181@- 182a ; 2 The Congress of Rix-La> Chapelle (1812) | | Faonee To Gatat Power statin > Haring | Paid the war indernnity trapoced by | the Second Trealy J farce France, woo invited Lo join a Wve Power fork usseth Ore othan Groat Powers | anh Wo eee 4 occupation stationed} jn Faaneg war astthdraunr ' Yet, The | } Quodsurfohe A\UWance 2000 ee | oenewed | Ko ane quod against ony | Juke lownch 4 the Curebean perce | \ Fsance - In other wabecks , Aix-la- Chapee Won O baw pn of monanchica | | Lene ew oducrn ond an amerkion of C.U ROLL NO. + 182036-1F- 0114 PAGE No.t 6 The Congaure of ico fp paw (1223) war | Catod rshan sewolks lowoke oub oa | Spain» forkagal , Naples and Soxdinia | = dissakistied An rey frckione and | Seeret ‘aocietes na as the Casbonnal The Conanaes Laibach (Sarwar Iga) | | AW Britain's sefonad Lo cooperate wee Austria and, Russia UU ending | | roots XO ondac anewort + The near of Nenana ( Ocholex 1238) | wor dneid to disutag Two 4oees t | the Gaeek revolt against The Otlomans | in Maser 183 and ain ,whuwe | Ferdinand Wil appented To fous XVI | 4 Psance to oend troop Bo dino aids |} Great fouse%r pee | Brlain wiilhdacr bom Verona on | Pur 122 and Wo Conowes arp lem vinta lu, collaboed ven farneh | | troops anne Seo Spats — ieee. | } C.U. ROLL NO. 3 182036-1- 0019 PAGE No.7 [ This atlempe at international —| coafjeration failed due to compacting, Great fourer unlavats . The NBAWAL ve | dntewention a well ar CLO OLE | | conaiderakiones divided Britain por | dhe othe + Le. B Seaman Aarquea Ghat Bruton ecw Uw Quadonilele alliance 0 Ux Laas o a do rele fora mambain the balance A aed not the atatur quo of \SI5 5 } Awotsiag Pamoi& and Rweote nedet Kho “ed AULonee aoe) pshyyery OW 1 | } | } | ened] i imtowentien un vaarpport | thrcatened. menarchits oeiteraled | a) Urorn an ae Conwve rien Uancheng sate (\3 a). These ture conlwadickory wadels of inhoront ( dd Grrobean alates aplom tod bo | | soho collapse of lo Cana Ton a7 | C.U, ROLL NO. + 182036-1F 0014 PAGE No.2 3 @® Tr 1830, the disvorient Laur0ed Chaskoo axes comnseuake ve: polictes and hin nomination Tho UWWira | puree de tines an mruneke cot culmindlad dv an afovaing | the sheets o fosrc , NOUN ao The | Daly Revolation , whwelv Losought oout an end to The Rourron Rew olahuon - On May 245 1935, Chants Woo { | cromed in Reims wn an ofelert and abpectocular LLALINUE OL | Was arminescortt eee ves port 4 the cononations 2 tae Seieh Regume | chante, W France attenry ho | sirke as bien absolde, monarch and | neamsert the power of the Catholic | Chusch in France: Mek of cacnil | dn chirchen Joetame i halole er | deoddh sone A yeedon 3 ¢ Khe tees ® C.U, ROLL NO. + 12036-10119 PAGE NO.2 4 was nevorety rxeabricted: | Bebwoeon gat and 1330, Faanee jared an econdmic doumturn 5 Arduabral | and agriutbunod 5 Thad woo pera bly | weoter than the one chat aparked | the Revolchwn of 1169. A nerigas 4 is | Progresaive UNORBENL n haneals in“ tre ake Y8a0s prohod \ op she paces on VasuOus akabhe | foads and pach cxops: do Aroponae the ual pegaarlosy thse ralonk France Lbobbied he Kee relax con | a4 proteckive Laveutps on grain Ko | aiwa and enae thevr economic Lowes | erknatton- Howewer , Charles 8 5 | boweng ho presaine [rom wealthier | | | landoumerss , kept tne tact ths in ploce : | Chartes war yore d bo {le and Louis-| p Plulippe a’ Ooans y Oa member a C.U. ROLL NO. + 182036-IF 011 PAGE NO. 210 | The Orleans branch of he Jao | | | and acon Phalippe Eqols ,aeerded | | the theone. He saroed the Snucolor veo the {ing | Dance Jn plese | tre amrite Bowdoon b Una | been woed mince 18155 an Unfortait | - | distinc fier beenuag Lhe docu re | Wao Che aupobol the Aweolulon | The Ov Resalukienr morked Tne | abaft Com one conakitwlhorat | monare 5 dhe Bourbon Restoratan | | to another , the Suly eee { | | C.UL ROLL NO. ? 182036-1F-0114 peaetieneh ly Te nine @} fancism jn ataly bean | during hl Wase oe ete | Nusaeline and othex radicals jones | O poriticol goup (called a pod | nuffening the en ages Gore | and Ausbua- t : Reyolutionasuy Ackeon andor deld om | January a4, (NS Sed fay Nuarcolini - | On 19a0, amilitent obulee aclove | do Pe coe! eworkess preached 4! | dk in & Kussolind and The | Look aelwarkage of The nivalien| ad with irnduabial bueimesiesé | 0; iseleing woddcers and peroant | in the name of fore parserwona oder and caternal perce sv Staly. | Fascish iden Lified thew porn | Opponents Be mragorcy of | bs ew the Left who had Fanciks ACULAL laa ob bevel intesmention in World wax IL: C.U, ROLL NO. * 182036-1F 0119 | ank anticlericalism 5 adopt na | The Fancish, and Te Dtalian peltical dant Snold Common apround ' bot ho) Nonusm in conlombt , discounted Claas conreiouwancas . ond believed m | | the se elites » Faactsm began PAGE NO... 12 to accommodate Atalan conserwather | a making mayer albesationn to tr poktial agendo~ eee?) aw paewtouws peputse refidel Canteen | potcies an aubpot 44 {ve enkerpuse | and oceepliny The Roman Cathrole | Chusch and the mronooe ht own Unakitnlconn bn Staly. \ Though Fanctsm acloptid a sem bes mal caitionn doniered to peat te pb OLKLOOLIYRA 5 Tho Fancils acugkt to -rnaintar Fancisrn’s aes olalionary chasuckben, w0ith Angelo Olwrere | gba Olivelle oaryleg, Fascism would | Ulee bo be consenvative 5toot ct | C.U. ROLL NO. * 182036-1F- 0119 PAGE No. . 13 arava [he] tay Jocengy NNO. wolucyenaay ” | | Raia to Fasetsm’s acco modaties | ol sh pot iecal erat) Foner wa | a amalls urban, no* thon Staltan | movement “Unat mad wsout a theusw nd | lmembeva. Alex Paneica’s atcemadaton \ 3 | tre potttrat night » the Forcucte movemenk’s nrombervahil mood | feo approrienately Q,50,000 a | I4ah. C.U, ROLL NO. * 182036-IF 0119 Pree No.2!“ ay The nook, Sho nobility hor been tevred toy Geos ges befetoune | as the “Arisloeratic Rewortuon. a | Tn 88 5 Mexandne cde (plone Look whe Chore ao cunw ater | - Faench finance | fe vrron quite eee | the Jock that if the County | unsere So ousorl . Joa lowphoy 2 4E | | waa to ovtrhoul Ane enlore tat Ww. Hin plan alec cated {eo ~ compute err od eLVig Acca tL | donernmont He proleoed hor tee eloc kon Local arracntcbica ur | | aU vilhage> ¥ 100 inhabitarts | jos wore and LO eatatolish parcchial [arcemlolier tomprré ano lon dAloldens whore année income} | {pore tno Sand amounted te | He rnoalacd thot 4 artemitad un the | | 1 GOO Lis - | data jphowo ANEAL C.U, ROLL NO. 3 182036-1F 0114 pree No.2 15 | comma WOR a | the fedeneakt te me ote | would \ot viclont ofpoaitoorr ’ At khe end of W18G 5 Calonne’ Praraded te emperor lous KO commence the Mssembly of Notables” | The Notalolas vehement coppers the) |Pretooels meleching provincial: i Jarsemlolica, thy rcatrectrosS of thee | [powers ond Dre allacl on he XNI Chargers manorial rua bs | ne dsg ko tej > Drug dedoved | |hemnelwa dearer gf conti backers | Up the wet fane 4 Pre State - lout | key inlirded be doctnte thor foun Lexnme Calormec war replowed cal lomenic. | | de Briere (Archsishofs of To Laws | Brienne was of Liberal > ppwnatic. leteceme and at the rame time } CuROLN:TeMBeITO —_pnas no-t enjoyed Tho corfidence The | Wotables ancl tthe enced Ona. He modified hee lamb Aukiy and | rmcicle Uae tem portant Cone gor2osv | a) fever an upper Aimit 4 go | wailkions to Bre ealinaled “ycetd 4 i |e Jand tay: Me placed din peobeaal| | an Khe fesembly J the Notalelis> | 1 jond dus proherate mere not nceepted | |Bartenne turned Lo the Ponti reat | is aegicter Sian deercer. On 6 Paquet | | re wayot aativority arn evolued lum call o Lit che. eee ~~ | | disrerso0y Joh Parkiomenl’s objection | Brix nrne Woo compelled Lo aye bob Lite pavoaune coith Ard Lo coun, | Janice protiats \rore dif ferent eeclions| | arishouae 4) WH dacag erect | | of Dry frwshornalic awe kh. * i (the Point owing on tae, | | | | CU, ROLL NO. : 182036-1--0114 pee No.+ |7 tat round vickouy an Je Loa lee Aporwak BIKE MONO ny emphoaired | Anat [Ke acute fomanctal. Coe ahould Je acklled 41 Hae cotati - Genet and claimed that the fatalie weld only voli {y ny now Ausy Da OckoWer IIT, Pair Patiament | Hak ayrocd ko oy yurther dos XO hy, mercy afte nev daar oa the ao" ecament hat the EntoleS General ahowd rect an 14a. Porliamonk arid | An May gg , Ate ja declaration agauna dire wsroke | | opto 4 anartrane) ee | inading, a neveral athok on he ethers de cotchet | The Assembly \e the le 4 get | lon Leck “by an edict ane Nira | netstat DS cil deban on C.U, ROLL NO. + 182036-1-0114 Png No.2 [3 The embitbned alinggle behweer | | ronaucly and Tro ovslorory \ Which. coated the Yeas 797 ard \IBB wor precipitate dey the Akimptr a The French Finance | | BMenisieie » Blonne and Brienne 5 | [Ae role Paance!s maunbing prandal | | af hrbbies > - | As thre Rewolk 9 die Arislocracy » | | bean bnkinne and violent wots | | sawate ok wv the mayer bier of | France, [rere May (12Q erwards | The Avis lonalic. Revolt gore The | japposently in and trang uit | French acaety a revere jo! tank | [the reonarnhical abaotiger | Fond antroritiy mad to face a | | coon onatlo nae The 6 \naqale 4 | LB eonig nok | en wala oe Sion ex LS | a | C.U. ROLL NO. 3 12036-10114 Page No.2 14 | mmronore lacok hore \ancenenueal | lin Fanee 5 tl alew age ov | | staggeung blow to ; ao veg | | frorte 4 tthe jeodal pwctwe “4 | Ahe acaeky | C.U. ROLL NO. + 182036-1F 0119 PAGE NO. 1-22 dy In 1880, Whe Bailish Level of | | indualialtizakon was kuwie That | 4 France 5 ond wan three Linen The | | Banch Level ar 1860) ML other | Countries astth Ohe exceblon of the | United “Slakis , trad javier ewer, jot 7 | Net ath ether counbues knduaboialized| ak the aame dime - Belgion 4 | atanec , arith Aanoe anon and wal | Hage ado pled. Baitich beoh srovogy | | qricy Industrial dewehofprorct mn | Faanee was alow coe rodual » | | aod revolulionan ay 4 lala, | 4e Cl eee alone to booing | Great Britain, and tare US abvady | | d | | | nod | do Calta , the Atoron he | sewolubior » thappencd + wr Pro “ees nth and | | Briton, on mineteenth cent | because of bnek or Brithal Pees eal ok | C.U, ROLL NO. * 182036-IF 0114 PAGE No.2! — eel culture orm The svee of nrcrence Rather| ak wan Britain's ruceeas xv the | iaternalionah ecomomy that act-in Gam economu de wMepmonta and Prracnted, Brains cenwentoan suite | tae and gh romunern dine, | Possclock ties > | Brdain had Led sinduabial develop | Jomenct sand bad ‘an early dood | | ones Continental europe, eldicl wie | alow 1 acopt changes +9 recknclagy | Tank proven by Brilah eucees » | | The Frurch Rewoltror and other | juchlsanees em Be continent had | disoupled Ixide , reaked Sunaway | } iafavon 5 and Jed bo anxielry among | adh Uaoset - The nyenso from 1284 to lam wore a home “\ coteatraphe {o~ | | sche Purch coonemy Only after | peace woo nrlord wv (BIB did | Force howe an oppor buniky tio follow cum NOMEN pee Now Khe Buel parlour: On the meankime] ise Brilvely mare [2 bured goods Ayod dominalad the world market | Szirmy power had grow expe nate , | and sequal rare amour 4 | axon and coal + Alter 1830, xaiboad, | dhoad Joecorne & ~reciraily -Rucinunmer em Une combine found at dipper | \ tm nsarr0e the Lasae asms ynoney | Oe ee nabtncadt, 3 d | expensive nore huneny hon downer | ont A ereae ene aut eur | pond did nok encourage aonnovakien | ) AW Lice pactors combined Ko | aleve economic deve Loprrent iy } Continental euro o anenrn mlal avppert ae alo a | qubatonkal jock ; Aye he | Napoleon ams 5 One Franch | market wor flooded astth deaf, | Bulishh eran bare d gow adn the C.U, ROLL NO. 3 182036-1F 0119 7 PAGE No.2 25 French masteet ane : Faenel government imperet dnight | tanaps 4 imported geod to poe the French econonry y and wero | bore the mages Coot 4 Jousiid ing | reads and canals co wen prove fw Lranapostalion The Belgian gronetl | conakkucted a atahe - onmed nee ayplem woluely an Caw doonre te | indusbializalion “uv Tar vounbay +} The Prussian government guacleed | Dre owesks 4 Chose who bankrotled sailroad conatuclion + Bonks wee mor imvolwed an jndwabial deve lopment om The | conkinel: Brille banks dod | been neortive soarten ene ps in | | wold aL parkoero mee Hable | | se debts J Are Jain) mcaneng | that ohould the rank pail» eae & |_pastnes albod ke hose all duis C.U. ROLL NO. 3 182036-1F 0114 PAGE No.: 24 Personal aocel® - This ecowane) qiosatt | qisd Poitsh Santer do tend | only to orich clients and big, | | mexehanta a) aworded induwal jot | Jywwentrortl oe “hoo mealey . The j : ; } fein change camd 40 Prelgion ia 18BO | 7 when We ees alhawed To | | toankte to” Lown Lor porotions and | | to enjoy Aomiled Liability They | J rma chose Unein enlire inverhmenk, Jourk Dhow posenad Orotle were { proliled . As a rosult , Dre foank. | were alle Ko allract numerounr | | shareholders and were alole Le lend} mene \e~ in duatial dewelaprmeat | | the (8710S cxtthnougs Brilain nao | ( | abl Exroe’s Anductuet teodere , ake Evel ean naltonr wee pest ores orb | 7 | C.U, ROLL NO. + 182036-IF 0119 PAGE No. 2S fy Bppeasemenct aa a Unbemnotional | Content 4s a diplomate yee \ | MB political, maleial ev | | territorial @oncerarons Ce ar | | AAgeasine posse Lv order te asic | conf bce» Stas ror IAB35 7 | “9h Buitrin and Faante ured Lhe policy] | A appeasement wo a ules 4 counbies auch ao Tapan tale And most imbetantly , Germany. | Pace Minister Chambetain, anc | Snir [predeccrso% » Stonkey Bolder | dad little Ko atop Yevnan agg ninaion aftr \aas . The Slaughter 9) Tne Cant Wald War was aU ei ree U& mind ancl | | i | | We | tuore werent a Lot 4 Aoadlers | | | | Gn Parlain ov frank whe | | woene willy qo sake cased another | | | : son w9ith Geamane | en no taking w i) 4 |

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