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SSR M200-2S M250-2S: Manual Closed Out

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SSR M200–2S

Manual Closed Out M250–2S

Machine no longer in production







M200–2S SERIAL No: 2550100 –>

C.C.N : 89271019 M250–2S SERIAL No: 2560030 –>

Page Description ’T’ No Page Description ’T’ No Page Description ’T’ No

1 Enclosure 88148812 8 Airend / Motor Assembly 88152764 16 Electrical System T5436

3 Air Intake System 88149919 9 Airend / Motor Assembly 88152772
18 Decals and Documentation
4 Air Intake System 88152780–1 10 Cooling System –
(Air Cooled) 88152806 21 Recommended Parts
5 Air Intake System 88148788–2
13 Cooling System –
25 Glossary of Non – Illustrated Items
6 Air Intake System 88152798 (Water Cooled) 88152814
7 Airend / Motor Assembly 88152764 15 Electrical System T5538 27 CCN Index


–>#### Up to Serial No. AC Aircooled machine FI Finland

####–> From Serial No.
ERS Energy recovery system FR France
#### Contact Ingersoll–Rand
T.E.F.C. Totally enclosed fan GB Great Britain (English)
for serial number
cooled motor (IP54)
* Not illustrated IT Italy
O.D.P. Open drip proof (motor)
† Option NL Holland
BR Brazil
NR Not required NO Norway
CN China
AR As required PT Portugal
DE Germany
SM Sitemaster/Sitepack SE Sweden
DK Denmark
HA High ambient machine US United States
ES Spain
WC Watercooled machine

General Description How to order parts

This manual, which contains an The illustrated parts breakdown In order that all avoidable errors
illustrated parts breakdown, has identifies the various assemblies, be eliminated when ordering parts,
been prepared as an aid in sub–assemblies and detailed parts please specify the following:
identifying and ordering parts for the which make up this machine.
machine. All of the parts, listed in the 1. The model number of the unit as
A series of illustrations show shown on the Compressor Data
parts breakdown, are manufactured
each part clearly and in it’s correct Plate.
with the same precision as the
location relative to the other parts in
original equipment. 2. The serial number of the unit as
the illustration. Each part in an
Ingersoll–Rand Company illustration is referenced with a shown on the Compressor Data
service facilities and parts are number. The number, description Plate.
available worldwide. There are and quantity needed per assembly 3. The part number of this manual.
Ingersoll–Rand Company Branch are listed in numerical order on the
Offices and authorised distributors following pages. 4. The part number, description and
located in the principle cities of the quantity needed exactly as listed.
United States. In Canada, our How to use this parts manual
5. The motor data code shown on
customers are serviced by the 1. Locate the desired illustration. the motor data plate.
Canadian Ingersoll–Rand
Company, Limited. There are also
Ingersoll–Rand Company 2. Locate the part on the illustration
subsidiaries and authorised by visual identification and note the
distributors located in the principle reference number.
cities throughout the world.
3. Find the reference number on the
tabulated page, along with the Part
Number and Description.

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision C

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88147442 1 Louvre 10 88147566 1 Grille

*1A 35300771 8 Screw, self tapping *10A 35300771 8 Screw, self tapping
2 88146923 1 Support 11 88145966 1 Panel
*2A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping *11A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping
3 88146055 1 Panel 12 88145917 1 Panel
*3A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping *12A 92035203 2 Screw
4 88147517 1 Panel *12B 35256452 2 Clip, retaining
*4A 92035203 8 Screw 13 88149612 1 Plate, cover
*4B 35256452 8 Clip, retaining *13A 35300771 4 Screw, self tapping
5 88146808 1 Panel 14 89209530 18 Pin, locating
*5A 92035203 2 Screw 15 88146824 5 Support
*5B 35256452 2 Clip, retaining *15A 92368687 10 Screw, self tapping
6 88147475 2 Panel 16 88145958 1 Support
*6A 92035203 16 Screw 17 39133954 12 Latch
*6B 35256452 16 Clip, retaining 18 88150412 4 Cover
7 88146097 6 Panel *18A 92368687 8 Screw, self tapping
8 88146865 1 Support 19 88145909 1 Starter assembly
*8A 92368687 8 Screw, self tapping *19A 92473586 4 Screw, self tapping
9 88147541 1 Panel 20 88146832 1 Support
*9A 92035203 8 Screw *20A 92368687 2 Screw, self tapping
*9B 35256452 8 Clip, retaining

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision C

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

21 88146857 1 Support *25A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping

*21A 92368687 8 Screw, self tapping 26 88146915 3 Support
22 88146766 1 Support *26A 92368687 12 Screw, self tapping
*22A 92368687 5 Screw, self tapping 27 88145453 1 Support
23 88146030 1 Panel 28 88145289 1 Support
*23A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping 29 88146881 1 Support
24 88147426 1 Panel 30 88146873 1 Support
31 88152699 2 Support
88147400 1 Panel
TEFC *31A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping
32 88145909 1 Cabinet, starter
*24A 92035203 2 Screw
*33 54511902 1 Screen, safety
*24B 35256452 2 Clip, retaining
25 88146949 2 Plate, cover

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision C

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88147996 2 Fibreglass Insulation. *8A 92368687 8 Screw, self tapping

9 88147970 4 Support
88147996 1 Fibreglass Insulation.
T.E.F.V. *9A 92368687 11 Screw, self tapping
10 88147988 2 Fibreglass Insulation.
2 88147947 1 Panel
11 88148424 1 Fibreglass Insulation.
*2A 92368687 3 Screw, self tapping
12 88147921 5 Support
3 88147954 6 Plate, retaining
*3A 92368687 12 Screw, self tapping
88147921 3 Support
4 88147962 1 Support T.E.F.V.
*4A 92368687 2 Screw, self tapping *12A 92368687 10 Screw, self tapping
5 88147897 1 Support 13 88147913 1 Support
*5A 92368687 2 Screw, self tapping *13A 92368687 2 Screw, self tapping
6 88145354 1 Support 14 88145362 1 Support
*6A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping *14A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping
7 88147939 1 Plate 15 88150479 2 Plate, retaining
*7A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping *15A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping
8 88147905 2 Support

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision A

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 39314653 1 Plate 12 88139134 1 Gasket

2 39493796 1 Gasket 13 39903265 1 Element, air filter
3 39486956 1 Gasket 13 39195151 2 Washer, sealing
4 39495965 4 Spacer 14 92061498 2 Washer
5 39483169 4 Gasket 15 93187011 2 Nut
6 95081618 4 Washer 16 42412155 1 Valve assembly
7 96715594 4 Bolt *17 92818053 1 Connector
8 88150511 1 Bracket *18 92785260 1 Plug
*8A 39128467 2 Screw *19 95735346 1 Plug
9 88152640 1 Plate *20 89245195 1 Adaptor
10 88152657 1 Plate *21 89295513 1 Gasket
11 89295497 2 Screw

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision A

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

†1 39314653 1 Plate †11 88152624 2 Screw

†2 39493796 1 Gasket †12 88152681 1 Plate
†3 39486956 1 Gasket †13 88139134 1 Gasket
†4 39495965 4 Spacer †14 39903265 1 Element, air filter
†5 39483169 4 Gasket †15 39195151 4 Washer, sealing
†6 95081618 4 Washer †16 92061498 4 Washer
†7 96715594 4 Bolt †17 93187011 4 Nut
†8 88150511 1 Bracket †18 42412155 1 Valve assembly
*†8A 39128467 2 Screw *†19 89245195 1 Adaptor
†9 88152673 1 Housing *†20 89295513 1 Gasket
†10 88152657 1 Plate

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision A

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 42412148 1 Valve assembly 8 39494851 1 Lever

2 39495189 1 Coupling *8A 39128434 1 Screw
*2A 95229555 2 Key *8B 39128541 1 Nut
3 39306006 1 Gasket 9 39494836 1 Gasket
4 39566013 1 Motor 10 39823943 1 Cover
*4A 39128426 4 Screw *10A 39198809 4 Screw
5 39494869 1 Gasket 11 39300777 1 Stop
6 39494877 1 Cover *11A 39404132 1 ‘O’ Ring
*6A 39198809 4 Screw 12 39495395 1 Gland, cable
7 39564364 1 Circuit board 13 39160999 2 Fitting
*7A 95073946 3 Screw 14 95928214 1 Plug

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision C

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88150339 1 Pipe 11 22033235 1 Plug

*1A 95104758 8 Bolt 12 92490358 AR Tube (Nylon)
*1B 94588266 8 Bolt 13 92067933 1 Elbow
*1C 92391366 8 Nut 14 92306505 1 Nipple
2 92761287 2 Gasket 15 92715747 1 Tee
3 92980317 1 Valve, check 16 92253905 1 Elbow
4 92718675 1 Elbow 17 92539014 2 Valve, safety
L, M, H
5 88149638 1 Support
Motor 18 88088794 2 Valve, safety
O.D.P. U, XU
*5A 88149646 1 Support 19 88149653 1 Sub–base
T.E.F.V. 20 88149661 1 Support

*5B 95251179 4 Screw 21 39481452 4 Mount, airend

6 93500635 2 Bolt *21A 88150131 8 Screw

*6A 92421627 2 Nut 22 92710706 1 Filter,oil

*6B 92954254 4 Bolt 23 88152822 1 Bracket

*6C 92954262 4 Nut *23A 92176114 5 Screw

7 39140512 1 Elbow 24 39302336 1 Mount

8 39419668 1 Switch, temperature *24A 88150131 2 Screw

9 39476916 1 Sight–glass 25 88146899 1 Tank, separator

10 92067933 1 Connector *25A 92398627 8 Screw

M200–2S / M250–2S

42 43 44

Revision C

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

26 88146907 2 Support 34 92056720 1 Clip, hose

*26A 92280940 4 Bolt 35 39890660 1 Element, separator
*26B 92359363 8 Washer 36 39225511 1 Valve, safety
*26C 90103839 4 Nut 37 88100284 1 Adaptor
27 88150321 1 Gasket 38 92895317 2 Connector
28 92417161 1 Elbow 39 93470235 1 Valve, solenoid
29 92528165 1 Tube assembly 40 88155304 1 Tube assembly
30 92419563 1 Connector 41 93185478 1 Elbow
31 92043116 1 Valve, drain 42 39875539 2 0–225 Transducer, pressure
32 39137526 1 Connector 43 39877618 1 0–15 Transducer, pressure
33 92031657 1 Hose 44 93875570 3 Transducer, pressure

M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision B

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88145099 1 Motor 39842208 1 Gear–set

M200 O.D.P. MH200
92959311 1 Motor 39838883 1 Gear–set
M200 T.E.F.V. 380V MXU200
92959329 1 Motor 93187623 1 Gear–set
M200 T.E.F.V. 415V ML250
88144514 1 Motor 39838958 1 Gear–set
M250 O.D.P. MM250
92959337 1 Motor 39829023 1 Gear–set
M250 T.E.F.V. 380V MH250
92959345 1 Motor 39842208 1 Gear–set
M250 T.E.F.V. 415V MXU250
*1A 92981828 8 Bolt 11 22112841 1 Spacer
*1B 92954262 8 Nut 12 39489976 1 Spacer
2 39454558 1 Gasket 13 92539311 1 Plate, retaining
3 93170132 1 Gearcase *13A 39100565 1 Screw
*3A 50949726 22 Bolt 14 39405287 1 Spacer
4 35332915 1 Pin, locating 15 93153641 1 Housing
5 39186002 1 ‘O’ Ring
*15A 95233169 6 Screw
6 39489836 1 Plate, retaining
16 39311519 1 Seal
*6A 96700638 4 Screw, caphead
17 95023388 1 ‘O’ Ring
7 39489844 1 Plate, retaining
18 35295336 1 Pin, locating
*7A 96700638 4 Screw, caphead
19 88089743 1 Breather
8 39497862 1 Ring, locking
20 39194915 2 Pin, locating
9 39497870 1 Ring, locking
*21 95988002 2 ‘O’ Ring
10 93182624 1 Gear–set
ML200 *22 95987996 2 ‘O’ Ring
39829031 1 Gear–set
M200–2S / M250–2S
COOLING SYSTEM (Air Cooled) 10

Revision B

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 39801725 1 Cooler *7C 95022257 1 ‘O’ Ring

L, M, H
8 39313127 1 Tee
39872304 1 Cooler (MM/ML)
U, XU M200 2440066–>

89307300 1 Cooler 8A 89292619 1 Tee

M200 2550140–> (MH/MU/MXU)
M250 2560075–> M200 2440066–>

*1A 35300771 10 Screw, self tapping 9 88141460 2 Support

2 88141437 1 Support *9A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping
*2A 92368687 2 Screw, self tapping 10 88145271 2 Cover
3 88141478 1 Support *10A 92368687 8 Screw, self tapping
*3A 92368687 4 Screw, self tapping 11 88145347 2 Guard
4 95371241 2 Connector *11A 35300771 18 Screw, self tapping
5 88145412 2 Tube 12 88150438 1 Hose
6 39481460 2 Elbow 13 88145420 1 Tube
7 39478193 1 Valve, thermostatic 14 88150347 1 Tube
200kW M200 –>2550111
M250 –>2560031
39481429 1 Valve, thermostatic
250kW 14 89244057 1 Tube
M200 2550112–>
*7A 39437652 1 Element, thermostatic valve M250 2560032–>
*14A 95022349 1 ‘O’ Ring
39437645 1 Element, thermostatic valve
250kW *14B 92875061 4 Bolt

*7B 39412127 1 ‘O’ Ring *14C 92359363 4 Washer

M200–2S / M250–2S
11 COOLING SYSTEM (Air Cooled)

Revision B

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

15 39801733 1 Aftercooler *17C 92359371 4 Washer

L, M, H 18 91112201 1 Separator, water
M200 –>2550111
M250 –>2560031 18A 88141395 1 Gasket
19 88145388 1 Tube
39805007 1 Aftercooler M200 –>2550111
U, XU M250 –>2560031
M200 –>2550111
M250 –>2560031 19 89243869 1 Tube
M200 2550112–>
15 89243794 1 Aftercooler M250 2560032–>
M200 2550112–>
M250 2560032–> 20 88150313 1 Support
*20A 88150131 2 Screw, self tapping
*15A 35300771 8 Screw, self tapping
21 88141338 1 Support
*15B 92875061 16 Bolt
*21A 92398627 4 Screw
M200 –>2550111
M250 –>2560031 22 88150438 1 Hose
*15B 93500510 8 Bolt 23 39119219 1 Elbow
M200 2550112–> 24 88141486 1 Support
M250 2560032–>
*24A 92368687 16 Screw, self tapping
*15C 90103839 16 Nut 25 88141320 1 Motor, fan
M200 –>2550111
M250 –>2560031 *25A 93187227 4 Screw
*25B 92061506 4 Washer
*15C 92359371 8 Nut
M200 2550112–> *25C 92398643 4 Nut
M250 2560032–> 26 88145305 1 Plate
16 88145396 1 Support *26A 92368687 16 Screw, self tapping
*16A 88150131 8 Screw, self tapping 27 88145321 1 Fan
17 88145370 1 Flange 28 88141429 1 Support
*17A 92875061 4 Bolt *28A 92368687 16 Screw, self tapping
*17B 90103839 4 Nut 29 92715051 2 Adaptor

M200–2S / M250–2S
COOLING SYSTEM (Air Cooled) 12

Revision B

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

30 92490358 AR Tube 37 39477369 1 Valve, minimum pressure

31 88145842 1 Plate *37A 88146170 4 Stud
*31A 92368687 16 Screw, self tapping *37B 92359371 4 Lockwasher
32 39560628 1 Sensor, temperature *37C 90103839 4 Nut
*32A 39404157 1 ‘O’ Ring 38 95022372 1 ‘O’ Ring
33 88141411 1 Support 39 88156419 1 Pipe
*33A 92368687 10 Screw, self tapping O.D.P.
88156427 1 Pipe
34 39452362 2 Gasket
M200 –>2550111
M250 –>2560031 †40 88156351 1 Pipe
*34A 95022349 2 ‘O’ Ring O.D.P.
M200 2550112–> *41 93501930 1 Gland, cable
M250 2560032–>
*42 95938213 1 Plug
35 92794270 1 Elbow
† 88156369 1 Pipe
36 92354372 1 Bush, reducing T.E.F.V.

M200–2S / M250–2S
13 COOLING SYSTEM (Water Cooled)

Revision B

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88148606 1 Support 11 88149596 1 Tube

*1A 88150131 4 Screw, self tapping 12 93474179 1 Elbow
2 88149505 1 Support 13 88152731 1 Hose
*2A 92368687 15 Screw, self tapping 14 –
3 39803861 1 Aftercooler 15 95022349 1 ‘O’ Ring
*3A 92398627 4 Screw 16 88152715 1 Pipe
*3B 92398643 4 Nut *16A 92760842 1 Gasket
4 88149497 2 Guard *16B 95325239 4 Bolt
*4A 35300771 8 Screw, self tapping *16C 92359371 4 Lockwasher
*4B 92304591 8 Washer *16D 95325239 8 Bolt
5 39803853 1 Cooler 17 88152715 1 Pipe
*5A 92398627 4 Screw *17A 92760842 1 Gasket
*5B 92398643 4 Nut *17B 95325239 8 Bolt
6 88149604 1 Tube 18 88152707 1 Pipe
7 95943023 1 Tee *18A 88141395 3 Gasket
8 39481460 2 Elbow *18B 92875061 4 Bolt
9 39478193 1 Valve, thermostatic *18C 90103839 4 Nut
*18D 95384152 4 Lockwasher
39481429 1 Valve, thermostatic
(250kW) 19 88145370 1 Flange
*19A 92875061 4 Bolt
*9A 39437645 1 Element, thermostatic valve
(200kW) *19B 90103839 4 Nut
39437652 1 Element, thermostatic valve *19C 95384152 4 Lockwasher
20 88145396 1 Bracket
*9C 95022034 1 ‘O’ Ring
*20A 88150131 8 Screw, self tapping
*9D 95022257 1 ‘O’ Ring
21 88145297 1 Separator, water
10 88145446 1 Connector
M200–2S / M250–2S
COOLING SYSTEM (Water Cooled) 14

Revision B

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

22 88145370 1 Flange *41A 93187227 4 Screw, self tapping

23 92715051 2 Adaptor *41B 92398643 4 Nut
24 92490358 AR Tube (Nylon) 42 93479871 1 Fan
25 92794270 1 Elbow 43 88148614 2 Support
26 39560628 1 Sensor, temperature *43A 88150131 8 Screw, self tapping
*26A 39404157 1 ‘O’ Ring 44 88146840 1 Plate
27 95919114 1 Elbow *44A 92368687 12 Screw, self tapping
28 88152749 1 Tube 45 88145289 1 Support
29 – *45A 88150131 3 Screw, self tapping
30 – 46 92354372 1 Bush, reducing
31 92895317 2 Connector 47 39477369 1 Valve, minimum pressure
32 88150099 1 Decal *47A 37951761 1 Kit, minimum pressure valve
33 88149489 1 Plate, adaptor
*47B 88146170 4 Stud
*33A 35300771 4 Screw, self tapping
*47C 92359371 4 Lockwasher
34 88150081 1 Decal
*47D 90103839 4 Nut
35 88149547 1 Tube
48 95022372 1 ‘O’ Ring
36 95279352 2 Connector
49 88156419 1 Pipe
37 88149554 1 Tube O.D.P.
38 92524875 1 Elbow
88156427 1 Pipe
39 88149471 2 Support T.E.F.V.

*39A 92368687 8 Screw, self tapping †50 88156351 1 Pipe

40 88148622 1 Support
*51 93523918 1 Gland, cable
*40A 88150131 2 Screw, self tapping
† 88156369 1 Pipe
41 88149620 1 Motor, fan T.E.F.V.
M200–2S / M250–2S

Revision 00

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 89207518 8 Screw 7 88153754 1 Connector

8 Way
2 – 8 Washer
8 88153770 1 Connector
*3 39874375 1 Gasket
12 Way
4 39253265 1 Controller, INTELLISYS
9 92903285 1 Connector
M200 –>2550156
6 Way
M250 –>2560097
4 39875158 1 Controller, INTELLISYS 10 92903301 2 Connector
M200 –>2550157 16 Way
M250 –>2560098 11 88153747 1 Connector
5 88153739 1 Connector 3 Way
2 Way 12 88153762 1 Connector
6 93472538 1 Switch, emergency stop 10 Way

M200–2S / M250–2S

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 39874425 1 Power supply unit 12 93491371 7 Terminal

2 93185254 9 Gland, cable 13 93469625 6 Terminal
3 93493948 1 Transformer
T1 14 93524379 2 Gland, cable
4 92811561 1 Filter 15 88147715 1 Cable
5 93188282 4 Suppressor, contactor 16 88147723 1 Cable
6 93198091 1 Contactor
KM3 M200 17 88150164 1 Conduit assembly
93198109 1 Contactor
KM3 M250 18 92978535 1 Relay, overload
7 92978857 1 Block, auxilliary contact
92978543 1 Relay, overload
8 92970672 3 Block, auxilliary contact M250
9 88142880 1 Interlock
19 88142898 1 Kit, connection
10 88149752 1 Relay, thermistor
20 92980002 1 Block, auxilliary contact
11 93469633 8 Terminal, earth

M200–2S / M250–2S

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

21 88153788 3 Support 88153812 1 Cable

22 88142682 2 Contactor
KM1 & KM2 M200 27 93511525 1 Gland, cable
88147640 2 Contactor 28 88153804 1 Block, auxilliary contact
KM1 & KM2 M250
29 88153796 1 Circuit breaker
23 88146980 1 Circuit breaker

24 88146667 1 Circuit breaker 88153820 1 Circuit breaker

MCB2 Motor
25 88146683 1 Circuit breaker
30 93198851 1 Contactor

26 88147707 1 Cable 93198117 1 Contactor

*31 88164470 1 Controller, INTELLISYS

M200–2S / M250–2S
Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

*1–2 89270995 1 Manual, Operation and * 92861509 1 Holder, manual

Maintenance, with parts
catalogue * 92890037 5 Fastener

*1 89271001 1 Manual, Operation and * 88160130 1 KIT – DECALS

Maintenance Symbols

*2 89271019 1 Manual, Parts catalogue

M200–2S / M250–2S
19 OPTION – Hi–Dust Filter (AC)

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88150370 1 Adaptor plate assembly *11 39189055 1 Element, air filter

2 93498129 4 Fastener 12 88150388 2 Bracket
3 92834969 4 Washer 13 88150396 2 Bracket
4 92280973 4 Screw 14 88148481 2 Support
5 92061506 4 Washer 15 88148457 2 Support
6 92304682 4 Lockwasher 16 92176114 4 Screw
7 88156484 2 Clamp 17 92398643 4 Nut
8 88156179 2m Hose 18 92179043 16 Screw
9 39808670 1 Filter, air 19 92398106 16 Nut
*10 39189048 1 Element, air filter (main)

M200–2S / M250–2S
OPTION – High–Dust Filter (WC) 20

Item ccn Qty. Description Item ccn Qty. Description

1 88150370 1 Adaptor plate assembly *10 39189048 1 Element, air filter (main)
2 93498129 4 Fastener *11 39189055 1 Element, air filter
3 92834969 4 Washer 12 88148465 4 Bracket
4 92280973 4 Screw 13 88148481 2 Support
5 92061506 4 Washer 14 88148457 2 Support
6 92304682 4 Lockwasher 15 92176114 4 Screw
7 88156484 2 Clamp 16 92398643 4 Nut
8 88156179 2m Hose 17 92179043 16 Screw
9 39808670 1 Filter, air 18 92398106 16 Nut

M200–2S / M250–2S
Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn

4 92692292 1 39890660 1 88088794

GB ULTRA COOLANT 25 Litre GB Element, separator U, XU
FR ULTRA COOLANT FR Elément séparateur GB Valve, safety
PT ULTRA COOLANT PT Elemento, separador FR Soupape de sécurité
IT ULTRA COOLANT IT Elemento separatore PT Válvula de segurança
ES ULTRA COOLANT ES Elemento separador IT Valvola di sicurezza
NL ULTRA COOLANT NL Afscheider element ES Válvula de seguridad
DE ULTRA COOLANT DE Abscheiderselement NL Veiligheidsklep
DK ULTRA COOLANT DK Filter element, separator DE Sicherheitsventil
SE ULTRA COOLANT SE Separatorfilterinsats DK Sikkerhedsventil
NO ULTRA COOLANT NO Element SE Säkerhetsventil
FI ULTRA COOLANT FI Panos, erotin NO Sikkerhetsventil
FI Venttiili, varo–
1 39433743 1 39477369
GB ULTRA COOLANT 208 Litre GB Valve, minimum pressure
FR ULTRA COOLANT FR Vanne pression minimum 1 42412155
PT ULTRA COOLANT PT Válvula de pressão minima GB Valve
IT ULTRA COOLANT IT Valvola di minima pressione FR Vanne
ES ULTRA COOLANT ES Válvula de presión mínima PT Válvula
NL ULTRA COOLANT NL Minimumdrukklep IT Valvola
DE ULTRA COOLANT DE Druckhalteventil ES Válvula
DK ULTRA COOLANT DK Trykventil minimum NL Klep
SE ULTRA COOLANT SE Minitryckventil DE Ventil
NO ULTRA COOLANT NO Minstetrykk ventil DK Ventil
FI ULTRA COOLANT FI Venttiili, minimipaine– SE Ventil
NO Ventil
2 92844729 1 37951761 FI Venttiili
GB Cartridge, 400g GB Kit, minimum pressure valve
motor bearing grease FR Kit – vanne pression minimum 1 39478193
FR Cartouche, PT Kit – valvula de pressão minima GB Valve, thermostatic M200
PT Cartucho, massa da IT Kit – valvola di minima FR Soupape thermostatique
IT Cartuccia, pressione PT Válvula termostática
ES Cartucho de grasa de ES Kit – válvula de preción minima IT Valvula termostatica
NL Patroon, motorlagervet NL Kit – minimumdrukklep ES Válvula termostática
DE Patrone, Motorlagerfett DE Reparatursatz, Mindest– NL Thermostatische regelklep
DK Patron, motorlejefedt druckhalteventil DE Thermosatventil
SE Patron, motorlagerfett DK Kit – trykventil minimum DK Termostatventil
NO Patron, motorlagerfett SE Rep.sats minitrycksventil SE Termostatventil
FI Moottorin laakerirasvapanos NO Sett – minstetrykk ventil NO Termostatventil
FI Sarja, minimipaineventtiili FI Venttiili, termostaatti–
1 92948322
GB Gun, grease 1 92980317 1 39481429
FR pistolet graisseur GB Valve, check GB Valve, thermostatic M250
PT Pistola de massa FR Soupape d’arrêt FR Soupape thermostatique
IT Ingrassatore a pressione PT Válvula de retenção PT Válvula termostática
ES Pistola de engrase IT Valvola di controllo IT Valvula termostatica
NL Vetspuit ES Válvula antirretorno ES Válvula termostática
DE Schmierpresser NL Terugslagklep NL Thermostatische regelklep
DK Fedtsprøjte DE Rückschlagventil DE Thermosatventil
SE Fettspruta DK Kontra ventil DK Termostatventil
NO Fettpistol SE Backventil SE Termostatventil
FI Voitelupuristin NO Tilbakeslagsventil NO Termostatventil
FI Venttiili, takaisku– FI Venttiili, termostaatti–
4 39903265
GB Element, air filter 1 39437645
FR Elément, filtre à air 2 92539014 GB Element, thermostatic valve
PT Elemento de filtro de ar L, M, H M200
IT Elemento filtro aria GB Valve, safety FR Element thermostatique
ES Elemento filtro de aire FR Soupape de sécurité PT Elemento termostático
NL Luchtfilter element PT Válvula de segurança IT Elemento, valvola termostatico
DE Luftfilterelement IT Valvola di sicurezza ES Termoelemento
DK Luftfilterelement ES Válvula de seguridad NL Thermostaat
SE Luftfilterinsats NL Veiligheidsklep DE Thermostateinsatz
NO Luftfilter DE Sicherheitsventil DK Termo element
FI Panos, ilmansuodatin DK Sikkerhedsventil SE Filterinsats, termostatventil
SE Säkerhetsventil NO Element, termostat
12 92888262 NO Sikkerhetsventil FI Panos, termostaattiventtiili
GB Element, coolant filter FI Venttiili, varo–
FR Element filtre coolant
PT Elemento do filtro do líquido
IT Elemento filtro liquido
ES Elemento filtro de refrigerante
NL Koeluloeistof filter element
DE Kühlmittelfilterelement
DK Oliefilter element
SE Kylvätskefilterinsats
NO Element, kjølevæskefilter
FI Panos,

M200–2S / M250–2S
Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn

1 39437652 2 39419668 1 93198091

GB Element, thermostatic valve GB High air temperature switch KM3 M200
M250 FR Contact, température de GB Contactor
FR Element thermostatique l’air élevée FR Contacteur
PT Elemento termostático PT Interruptor, temperatura do PT Contactor
IT Elemento, valvola termostatico ar alta IT Contattore
ES Termoelemento IT Interruttore, Temperatura ES Contactor
NL Thermostaat aria alta NL Schakelaar
DE Thermostateinsatz ES Interruptor, alta temperatura DE Schütz
DK Termo element de aire. DK Kontaktor
SE Filterinsats, termostatventil NL Schakelaar, luchttemperatuur SE Kontaktor
NO Element, termostat DE Schalter, Hohe Lufttemperatur NO Kontaktor
FI Panos, termostaattiventtiili DK Afbryder, høj lufttemperatur FI Kontaktori
SE Omkopplare, hög
1 93470235 lufttemperatur 1 92996719
GB Valve, coolant stop NO Bryter, høy lufttemperatur. KM3 M200
FR L’électrovanne d’arrêt d’huile FI Kytkin, ilman lämpötilaliian GB Kit, contacts
PT Válvula de solenóide de korkea FR Kit – Contacts
IT Valvola solenoide per liquido PT Kit – Contactos
ES Valvula solenoi de 1 88142682 IT Kit Di contatti
NL Koelvloeistof KM1 & KM2 M200 ES Kit – Contactos
DE Kühlmittelstopventil GB Contactor NL Kit – contacten
DK Kontraventil for kølemiddel FR Contacteur DE Reparatursatz Kontakte
SE Kylvätskestoppventil–solenoid PT Contactor DK Monteringssæt – Kontakter
NO Kjølemiddelstopp IT Contattore SE Kontaktblecksats
FI Sulkumagneetti– ES Contactor NO Reparasjonssett – kontakter
NL Schakelaar FI Sarja, kosketin–
1 88164355 DE Schütz
GB Kit–Coolant stop solenoid DK Kontaktor 1 93198109
FR Kit – L’électrovanne SE Kontaktor KM3 M250
PT Kit – Reparação da válvula NO Kontaktor GB Contactor
IT Kit – Ricondizionamento FI Kontaktori FR Contacteur
ES Kit – Valvula solenoi de PT Contactor
NL Kit – Koelvloeistof 1 88164439 IT Contattore
DE Rep.–Satz,Kühlmittelstopventil M200 ES Contactor
DK Reparationssæt – Eftersyn Af GB Kit, contacts NL Schakelaar
SE Renoveringssats – FR Kit – Contacts DE Schütz
NO Reparasjonssett, Overhaling PT Kit – Contactos DK Kontaktor
FI Sarja–Jäähdytysnesteen IT Kit Di contatti SE Kontaktor
ES Kit – Contactos NO Kontaktor
1 93198554 NL Kit – contacten FI Kontaktori
GB Valve, blowdown DE Reparatursatz Kontakte
FR Electrovanne de mise à vide DK Monteringssæt – Kontakter 1 92996701
PT Válvula de descarga SE Kontaktblecksats KM3 M250
IT Valvola di scarico NO Reparasjonssett – kontakter GB Kit, contacts
ES Válvula de purga FI Sarja, kosketin– FR Kit – Contacts
NL Afblaasklep PT Kit – Contactos
DE Abblaseventil 1 88147640 IT Kit Di contatti
DK Blow down ventil KM1 & KM2 M250 ES Kit – Contactos
SE Avblåsningsventil GB Contactor NL Kit – contacten
NO Avblåsningsventil FR Contacteur DE Reparatursatz Kontakte
FI Venttiili, paineenalennus– PT Contactor DK Monteringssæt – Kontakter
IT Contattore SE Kontaktblecksats
1 92917004 ES Contactor NO Reparasjonssett – kontakter
GB Kit – blowdown solenoid valve NL Schakelaar FI Sarja, kosketin–
FR Kit – electrovanne de mise a DE Schütz
PT Kit – reparação da válvula de DK Kontaktor
IT Kit – ricondizionamento SE Kontaktor
ES Kit – valvula solenoide de NO Kontaktor
NL Kit – afblaas FI Kontaktori
DE Rep.–satz, abblaseventil
DK Reparationssæt eftersyn af 1 92996719
SE Renoveringssats – M250
NO Reparasjonssett, overhaling av GB Kit, contacts
FI Sarja–paineenalennuksen FR Kit – Contacts
PT Kit – Contactos
1 39560628 IT Kit Di contatti
GB Sensor, temperature ES Kit – Contactos
FR Sécurité température NL Kit – contacten
PT Sensor DE Reparatursatz Kontakte
IT Sensore di temperatura DK Monteringssæt – Kontakter
ES Sensor, temperature SE Kontaktblecksats
NL Sensor, temperatuur NO Reparasjonssett – kontakter
DE Temperaturfühler FI Sarja, kosketin–
DK Føler temp.
SE Temperaturgivare
NO Føler
FI Tunnistin, lämpötilan

M200–2S / M250–2S
Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn

1 93198851 1 93188282 1 92031657

KM4 AC GB Suppressor, contactor GB Hose
GB Contactor FR Suppresseur, contacteur Element, separator
FR Contacteur PT Supressor, contactor FR Flexible
PT Contactor IT Soppressore, contattore PT Mangueira
IT Contattore ES Supresor, contactor IT Tubo, flessibile
ES Contactor NL Ontstoring, contactor ES Manguera
NL Schakelaar DE Entstörer, Schütz NL Slang
DE Schütz DK Dæmper, kontaktor DE Schlauch
DK Kontaktor SE Kontaktordämpare DK Slange
SE Kontaktor NO Demper, kontak SE Slang
NO Kontaktor FI Häiriönvaimennin, kosketin NO Slange
FI Kontaktori FI Letku
1 88150107
1 92996610 GB Hose WC 1 92978535
KM4 AC FR Flexible GB Relay, overload M200
GB Kit, contacts PT Mangueira FR Relai, surcharge
FR Kit – Contacts IT Tubo, flessibile PT Relé de sobrecarga
PT Kit – Contactos ES Manguera IT Relé di sovraccarico
IT Kit Di contatti NL Slang ES Relé de sobrecarga
ES Kit – Contactos DE Schlauch NL Relais, overbelasting
NL Kit – contacten DK Slange DE Überlastrelais
DE Reparatursatz Kontakte SE Slang DK Overbelastningsrelæ
DK Monteringssæt – Kontakter NO Slange SE Överlastrelä
SE Kontaktblecksats FI Letku NO Overbelastningsrelé
NO Reparasjonssett – kontakter FI Rele, ylikuormitus–
FI Sarja, kosketin– 1 88150115
GB Hose WC 1 92978543
1 93198117 FR Flexible GB Relay, overload M250
KM4 WC PT Mangueira FR Relai, surcharge
GB Contactor IT Tubo, flessibile PT Relé de sobrecarga
FR Contacteur ES Manguera IT Relé di sovraccarico
PT Contactor NL Slang ES Relé de sobrecarga
IT Contattore DE Schlauch NL Relais, overbelasting
ES Contactor DK Slange DE Überlastrelais
NL Schakelaar SE Slang DK Overbelastningsrelæ
DE Schütz NO Slange SE Överlastrelä
DK Kontaktor FI Letku NO Overbelastningsrelé
SE Kontaktor FI Rele, ylikuormitus–
NO Kontaktor 1 39572219
FI Kontaktori GB Hose AC 1 88146980
FR Flexible GB Circuit breaker MCB3
1 92996586 PT Mangueira FR Sectionneur
KM4 WC IT Tubo, flessibile PT Corta–circuitos
GB Kit, contacts ES Manguera IT Interruttore circuito
FR Kit – Contacts NL Slang ES Interruptor
PT Kit – Contactos DE Schlauch NL Schakelaar
IT Kit Di contatti DK Slange DE Electrische Sickerung
ES Kit – Contactos SE Slang DK Afbryderkontakt
NL Kit – contacten NO Slange SE Strömbrytare
DE Reparatursatz Kontakte FI Letku NO Kretsbryter
DK Monteringssæt – Kontakter FI Virrankatkaisin
SE Kontaktblecksats 1 88148861
NO Reparasjonssett – kontakter GB Hose AC
FI Sarja, kosketin– FR Flexible
PT Mangueira
1 93493948 IT Tubo, flessibile
GB Transformer ES Manguera
FR Transformateur NL Slang
PT Transformador DE Schlauch
IT Transformatore DK Slange
ES Transformador SE Slang
NL Transformator NO Slange
DE Transformator FI Letku
DK Transformer
SE Transformator
NO Transformator
FI Muunnin

M200–2S / M250–2S
Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn Item Qty. Description / ccn

1 88146667 1 88153820 1 88165360

GB Circuit breaker MCB2 GB Circuit breaker FM WC GB KIT – FIRST YEAR SERVICE
FR Sectionneur Motor (4000 hrs)
PT Corta–circuitos FR Sectionneur FR KIT – ENTRETIEN
IT Interruttore circuito PT Corta–circuitos (PREMIÈRE ANNÉE –4.000
ES Interruptor IT Interruttore circuito HEURES)
NL Schakelaar ES Interruptor PT KIT – SERVIÇO PRIMEIRO
DE Electrische Sickerung NL Schakelaar ANO
DK Afbryderkontakt DE Electrische Sickerung IT KIT – MANUTENZIONE
SE Strömbrytare DK Afbryderkontakt PRIMO ANNO (4000 ORE)
NO Kretsbryter SE Strömbrytare ES KIT PARA EL PRIMER ANO
FI Virrankatkaisin NO Kretsbryter DE TRABAJO (4.000 hrs)
FI Virrankatkaisin NL KIT – VOOR EERSTE JAAR
1 88146683 SERVICE
GB Circuit breaker MCB1 1 88164470 DE WARTUNGSATZ 1.
FR Sectionneur GB Controller, INTELLISYS BETRIEBSJAHR (4000 H)
PT Corta–circuitos FR Microprocesseur INTELLISYS DK KIT – 1 ÅRS SERVICE
IT Interruttore circuito PT Controlador INTELLISYS SE 1–ÅRS (4000 tim)
NL Schakelaar ES Controlador INTELLISYS SERVICESATS (4000 timer)
DE Electrische Sickerung NL INTELLISYS Controller FI SARJA – 1. VUOSIHUOLTO
DK Afbryderkontakt DE INTELLISYS – Kontrolleinheit (4 000 h)
SE Strömbrytare DK INTELLISYS kontrol
NO Kretsbryter SE INTELISYS–enhet
FI Virrankatkaisin NO INTELLISYS kontroller 1 88165378
1 88153796 SERVICE (8000 hrs)
GB Circuit breaker FM AC FR KIT – ENTRETIEN
Motor (DEUXIÈME ANNÉE –8.000
FR Sectionneur HEURES)
IT Interruttore circuito ANO
NL Schakelaar SECONDO ANNO (8000 ORE)
DE Electrische Sickerung ES KIT PARA EL SEGUNDO
DK Afbryderkontakt ANO DE TRABAJO (8.000
SE Strömbrytare hrs)
FI Virrankatkaisin SERVICE
SE 2–ÅRS (8000 tim)
SERVICESATS (8000 timer)
(8 000 h)

M200–2S / M250–2S
Language Translation Language Translation Language Translation

GB * Not illustrated GB Controller, INTELLISYS GB Manual, Operation and Main-

FR * Non illustré FR Microprocesseur INTELLISYS tenance, with parts catalogue
PT * Não ilustrado PT Controlador INTELLISYS FR Manuel d’utilisation et de
IT * Non illustrato IT Controllo INTELLISYS pièces détachèes
ES * No dibujado ES Controlador INTELLISYS d’entretien, avec catalogue
NL * Niet geïllustreerd NL INTELLISYS Controller PT Manual de operação e manu-
DE * Nicht abgebildet DE INTELLISYS – Kontrolleinheit tenção, com lista de peças
DK * Ikke illustreret DK INTELLISYS kontrol IT Libro d’uso e manutenzione,
SE * Ej visat SE INTELISYS–enhet con lista ricambi
NO * Ikke illustrert NO INTELLISYS kontroller ES Manual de manejo y
FI * Ei kuvaa FI Ohjain, INTELLISYS mantenimiento, con lista de
NL Bedienings– en
GB Option GB Element, thermostatic valve onderhoudshandboek,
FR Option FR Element thermostatique onderdelenkatalogus
PT Opções PT Elemento termostático DE Betriebs– und
IT Opzionale IT Elemento, valvola Wartungshandbuch mit
ES Opcion termostatico Ersatzteilliste
NL Extra ES Termoelemento DK Drifts–og
DE Sonder ausstattung NL Thermostaat vedligeholdelsesmanual, med
DK Tilbehør DE Thermostateinsatz reservedelsliste
SE Tillval DK Termo element SE Drifts– och
NO Ekstrautstyr SE Filterinsats, termostatventil underhållsinstruktion med
FI Lisävaruste NO Element, termostat reservdelslista
FI Panos, termostaattiventtiili NO Instruksjonsbok, med
GB Adaptor delekatalog
FR Adapteur GB Fastener FI Ohjekirja, käyttö ja huolto
PT Adaptador FR Attache sekä varaosaluettelo
IT Adattatore PT Fecho
ES Adaptador IT Fermacofano GB Manual, Operation and Main-
NL Adapter ES Sujección tenance
DE Anschlußnippel NL Bevestigingsmiddel FR Manuel d’utilisation et d’entre-
DK Adapter DE Befestigungsstück tien
SE Anslutning DK Gasfjeder PT Manual de operação e manu-
NO Overgang SE Fäste tenção
FI Liitin NO Feste IT Libro d’uso e manutenzione
FI Kiinnike ES Manual de manejo y manteni-
GB Bolt miento
FR Boulon GB Gasket NL Bedienings– en onderhouds-
PT Parafuso FR Joint handboek
IT Bullone PT Junta DE Betriebsanleitung und
ES Tornillo IT Guarnizione Ersatzteilliste
NL Bout ES Junta DK Drifts–og vedligeholdelsesma-
DE Bolzen NL Pakking nual
DK Bolt DE Dichtung SE Drifts– och underhållsinstruk-
SE Bult DK Pakning tion
NO Bolt SE Packning NO Instruksjonsbok
FI Pultti NO Pakning FI Ohjekirja, käyttö ja huolto
FI Tiiviste
GB Clip, retaining GB Manual, Parts catalogue
FR Clip GB Gland, cable FR Catalogue de pièces déta-
PT Abraçadeira FR Presse – étoupe chèes
IT Fascetta di ritegno PT Bucim do cabo PT Lista de peças
ES Retenedor IT Morsetto IT Lista ricambi
NL Zekeringsbeugel ES Pasamuros ES Lista de repuestos
DE Befestigungsclip NL Trekontlasting kabel NL Onderdelenkatalogus
DK Låseblik DE Kabelstutzen DE Teile– Liste
SE Låsring DK Kabel lås DK Reservedelsliste
NO Låseklips SE Kabeltätning SE Reservdelslista
FI Kiristin, kiinnitys– NO PG nippel NO Delekatalog
FI Läpivientilaippa, kaapelin FI Ohjekirja, varaosaluettelo

GB Connector
FR Connecteur
PT Ligador
IT Connettore
ES Conector
NL Koppelstuk
DE Doppelnippel
DK Forbindelsesnippel
SE Anslutning
NO Ansats
FI liitin

M200–2S / M250–2S
Language Translation Language Translation Language Translation

GB Holder, manual GB ‘O’ Ring GB Screw, self tapping

FR Etui manuel FR Joint torique FR Vis autotaraudeuse
PT Suporte, manual PT ‘O’ ring PT Parafuso auto–roscante
IT Staffa manuale IT Tenuta IT Vite autofilettante
ES Soporte del manual ES Junta tórica ES Tornillo, autorroscante
NL Handboekhouder NL ‘O’Ring NL Schroef, zelftapper
DE Handbuchtasche DE O–Ring DE Blechschraube
DK Holder for manual DK O–Ring DK Galopskrue
SE Fack för instruktionsbok SE O–Ring SE Skruv, självgängande
NO Holder for instruksjonsbok NO O–Ring NO Treskrue
FI Pidin, käsivarainen FI 0–rengas FI Itsekierteittävä ruuvi


FR KIT – DECALQUE FR Bouchon FR Vis de tour
DECALS SE Plugg SE Sprint
NO SETT – MERKER FI Pistoke FI Vaarna
GB Key GB Screen, safety GB Support
FR Clavette FR Ecran de protection FR Support
PT Chaveta PT Blindagem de segurança PT Suporte
IT Chiavetta IT Schermo di sicurezza. IT Supporto
ES Chavetero ES Pantalla de seguridad. ES Soporte
NL Spie NL Veiligheidsscherm NL Steun
DE Keil DE Sicherheitswand DE Stütze
DK Kile DK Sikkerhedsskærm DK Beslag
SE Kil SE Säkerhetsskärm SE Fäste
NO Kile NO Sikkerhetesskjerm. NO Brakett
FI Avain FI Suojalasi FI Tuki
GB Kit, minimum pressure valve GB Washer
FR Kit – vanne pression minimum GB Screw, caphead FR Rondelle
PT Kit – valvula de pressão FR Vis, à tête PT Anilha
minima PT Parafuso cabeça redonda IT Rondella
IT Kit – valvola di minima IT Vite, cappuccio ES Arandela
ES Kit – válvula de preción ES Tornillo de sombrerete NL Ring
minima NL Kopschroef DE Unterlegscheibe
NL Kit – minimumdrukklep DE Kopfschraube DK Skive
DE Reparatursatz, Mindest– DK Unbrakoskrue SE Bricka
DK Kit – trykventil minimum SE Insexskruv NO Skive
SE Rep.sats minitrycksventil NO Hodeskrue FI Aluslevy
NO Sett – minstetrykk ventil FI Ruuvi, kanta–
FI Sarja, minimipaineventtiili
GB Lockwasher GB Screw
FR Rondelle d’arrêt FR Vis
PT Anilha de aperto PT Parafuso
IT Rosetta di sicurezza IT Vite
ES Arandela de presión ES Tornillo
NL Borgring NL Schroef
DE Sicherungsscheibe DE Schraube
DK Låseskive DK Skrue
SE Låsbricka SE Skruv
NO Låseskive NO Skrue
FI Lukkoaluslevy FI Ruuvi

GB Nut
FR Ecrou
PT Porca
IT Dado
ES Tuerca
NL Moer
DE Mutter
DK Møtrik
SE Mutter
NO Mutter
FI Mutteri

M200–2S / M250–2S

22033235, 7 39489976, 9 88141486, 11 88147517, 1 88150370, 19, 20 89295497, 4

22112841, 9 39493796, 4, 5 88142682, 17, 22 88147541, 1 88150388, 19 89295513, 4, 5
35256452, 1, 2 39494836, 6 88142880, 16 88147566, 1 88150396, 19 89307300, 10
35295336, 9 39494851, 6 88142898, 16 88147640, 17, 22 88150412, 1 90103839, 8, 11, 12,
13, 14
35300771, 1, 10, 11, 39494869, 6 88144514, 9 88147707, 17 88150438, 10, 11
13, 14 91112201, 11
39494877, 6 88145099, 9 88147715, 16 88150479, 3
35332915, 9 92031657, 8, 23
39495189, 6 88145271, 10 88147723, 16 88150511, 4, 5
37951761, 14, 21 92035203, 1, 2
39495395, 6 88145289, 2, 14 88147897, 3 88152624, 5
39100565, 9 92043116, 8
39495965, 4, 5 88145297, 13 88147905, 3 88152640, 4
39119219, 11 92056720, 8
39497862, 9 88145305, 11 88147913, 3 88152657, 4, 5
39128426, 6 92061498, 4, 5
39497870, 9 88145321, 11 88147921, 3 88152673, 5
39128434, 6 92061506, 11, 19, 20
39560628, 12, 14, 22 88145347, 10 88147939, 3 88152681, 5
39128467, 4, 5 92067933, 7
39564364, 6 88145354, 3 88147947, 3 88152699, 2
39128541, 6 92176114, 7, 19, 20
39566013, 6 88145362, 3 88147954, 3 88152707, 13
39133954, 1 92179043, 19, 20
39572219, 23 88145370, 11, 13, 14 88147962, 3 88152715, 13
39137526, 8 92253905, 7
39801725, 10 88145388, 11 88147970, 3 88152731, 13
39140512, 7 92280940, 8
39801733, 11 88145396, 11, 13 88147988, 3 88152749, 14
39160999, 6 92280973, 19, 20
39803853, 13 88145412, 10 88147996, 3 88152822, 7
39186002, 9 92304591, 13
39803861, 13 88145420, 10 88148424, 3 88153739, 15
39189048, 19, 20 92304682, 19, 20
39805007, 11 88145446, 13 88148457, 19, 20 88153747, 15
39189055, 19, 20 92306505, 7
39808670, 19, 20 88145453, 2 88148465, 20 88153754, 15
39194915, 9 92354372, 12, 14
39823943, 6 88145842, 12 88148481, 19, 20 88153762, 15
39195151, 4, 5 92359363, 8, 10
39829023, 9 88145909, 1, 2 88148606, 13 88153770, 15
39198809, 6 92359371, 11, 12, 14
88148614, 14
39829031, 9 88145917, 1 88153788, 17 92368687, 1, 2, 3, 10,
39225511, 8
88148622, 14 11, 12, 13, 14
39838883, 9 88145958, 1 88153796, 17, 24
39253265, 15
88148861, 23 92391366, 7
39838958, 9 88145966, 1 88153804, 17
39300777, 6
88149471, 14 92398106, 19, 20
39842208, 9 88146030, 2 88153812, 17
39302336, 7
88149489, 14 92398627, 7, 11, 13
39306006, 6 39872304, 10 88146055, 1 88153820, 17, 24
88149497, 13 92398643, 11, 13, 14,
39311519, 9 39874375, 15 88146097, 1 88155304, 8
19, 20
88149505, 13
39313127, 10 39874425, 16 88146170, 12, 14 88156179, 19, 20
92417161, 8
88149547, 14
39314653, 4, 5 39875158, 15 88146667, 17, 24 88156351, 12, 14
92419563, 8
88149554, 14
39404132, 6 39875539, 8 88146683, 17, 24 88156369, 12, 14
92421627, 7
88149596, 13
39404157, 12, 14 39877618, 8 88146766, 2 88156419, 12, 14
92473586, 1
88149604, 13
39405287, 9 39890660, 8, 21 88146808, 1 88156427, 12, 14
92490358, 7, 12, 14
88149612, 1
39412127, 10 39903265, 4, 5, 21 88146824, 1 88156484, 19, 20 92524875, 14
88149620, 14
39419668, 7, 22 42412148, 6 88146832, 1 88160130, 18 92528165, 8
88149638, 7
39433743, 21 42412155, 4, 5, 21 88146840, 14 88164355, 22 92539014, 7, 21
88149646, 7
39437645, 10, 13, 21 50949726, 9 88146857, 2 88164439, 22 92539311, 9
88149653, 7
39437652, 10, 13, 22 54511902, 2 88146865, 1 88164470, 17, 24 92692292, 21
88149661, 7
39452362, 12 88088794, 7, 21 88146873, 2 88165360, 24 92710706, 7
88149752, 16
39454558, 9 88089743, 9 88146881, 2 88165378, 24 92715051, 11, 14
88150081, 14
39476916, 7 88100284, 8 88146899, 7 89207518, 15 92715747, 7
88150099, 14
39477369, 12, 14, 21 88139134, 4, 5 88146907, 8 89209530, 1 92718675, 7
88150107, 23
39478193, 10, 13, 21 88141320, 11 88146915, 2 89243794, 11 92760842, 13
88150115, 23
39481429, 10, 13, 21 88141338, 11 88146923, 1 89243869, 11 92761287, 7
88150131, 7, 11, 13,
39481452, 7 88141395, 11, 13 88146949, 2 14 89244057, 10 92785260, 4
39481460, 10, 13 88141411, 12 88146980, 17, 23 88150164, 16 89245195, 4, 5 92794270, 12, 14
39483169, 4, 5 88141429, 11 88147400, 2 88150313, 11 89270995, 18 92811561, 16
39486956, 4, 5 88141437, 10 88147426, 2 88150321, 8 89271001, 18 92818053, 4
39489836, 9 88141460, 10 88147442, 1 88150339, 7 89271019, 18 92834969, 19, 20
39489844, 9 88141478, 10 88147475, 1 88150347, 10 89292619, 10 92844729, 21
M200–2S / M250–2S

92861509, 18 92959345, 9 93182624, 9 93470235, 8, 22 94588266, 7 95329371, 13

92875061, 10, 11, 13 92970672, 16 93185254, 16 93472538, 15 95022034, 13 95371241, 10
92888262, 21 92978535, 16, 23 93185478, 8 93474179, 13 95022257, 10, 13
95384152, 13
92890037, 18 92978543, 16, 23 93187011, 4, 5 93479871, 14 95022349, 10, 12, 13
95735346, 4
92895317, 8, 14 92978857, 16 93187227, 11, 14 93491371, 16 95022372, 12, 14
92903285, 15 92980002, 16 93187623, 9 93493948, 16, 23 95023388, 9 95919114, 14

92903301, 15 92980317, 7, 21 93188282, 16, 23 93498129, 19, 20 95073946, 6 95928214, 6

92917004, 22 92981828, 9 93198091, 16, 22 93500510, 11 95081618, 4, 5 95938213, 12
92948322, 21 92996586, 23 93198109, 16, 22 93500635, 7 95104758, 7
95943023, 13
92954254, 7 92996610, 23 93198117, 17, 23 93501930, 12 95229555, 6
95987996, 9
92954262, 7, 9 92996701, 22 93198554, 22 93511525, 17 95233169, 9
95988002, 9
92959311, 9 92996719, 22 93198851, 17, 23 93523918, 14 95251179, 7
92959329, 9 93153641, 9 93469625, 16 93524379, 16 95279352, 14 96700638, 9

92959337, 9 93170132, 9 93469633, 16 93875570, 8 95325239, 13 96715594, 4, 5

M200–2S / M250–2S
Printed in the United Kingdom

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